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§ SENATI BASIC 10 Welcome, Students ! [Respectful behavior towards classmates and the teacher is expected at all times, 2.Drinking and eating a snack is allowed, stay healthy. 3.Participate actively in class discussions and activities. Y.Avoid interrupting others when they are speaking, 5.Use proper grammar, speling, and punctuation when speaking and writing 6 Avoid the use of slang or inappropriate language, 7.Complete assignments on time and to the best of your ability. B.Ask questions if you don't understand something 4.Do not plagiarize or cheat in any way. lO.Respect others’ opinions and ideas, even if you don't agree with them UNIT 5 Challenges [ows cnaenges Unt pene: LESSON A: Vocbuly Pages 0) [ows natenges LESSON A Grammars GOAL CHECKIPop 6D) [ows hatenge=USSON & Ponaniaton Communication GOAL GHOK (Page 6) [ows chatenges LESSON C Language Exgeson, Grammar Page 64) [ows chatngesL5SON C convertion GONL CHECK Pape) [ors hatenge SON E communication, wing GOAL GWCK(Page 682) [ow 5: hatenae: vse nana (aps 7070) UNT GAMES [ccning seeing ose and Enough 0 Taaout be eer eating ier hen yo sh Nt Engh To «dace ese enough oso Annee Dx jy Daly Wife Consents nde SESSION 3 23/05/2023 Vocabulary ees = Fara Meamee MENTAL CHALLENGE PHYSICAL CALLENGE Although aunque, pesar de, Challenge reto, desafio To seem parecer Goal ta, objetivo eee e Significant significative Progress desarrollo, progreso Te convinced, convencer To achieve lograr, obtener To deal with lidiar con, ocuparse de Result resultado Grammar: The Past Continuous FORM Positive Negative SS XY V They 1 She He working. | | 1 You We They (as not) (vere not) Question ‘Short answers working. | Was working? T she he weren't Grammar: Simple Past = 4 PAST SIMPLE TENSE ‘They were friends. ‘She worked yesterday. “They weren't friends. ‘She didn’t work yesterday. © Gees Oi se wrk sed? SIMPLE PAST TENSE (Pasado Simple) [played Yojwau i play? avant? a You played al Jove you piay “aoe ay note He played tree oss nenieye “29° We aid not fine pay oe {she played e1a jos Di se poy?“ itplayea SSE ova way 88, id iy? tien corms We played omnes | Did we play? ross pty fou playoa Sas ova you pay? iia [They played ype Joie toy play? “tee 101 Irregular Past Tense Verb: eftesnca | [ReRiitberii[: 2 alfferget i = oe es Biew rouge ous cought ‘hose oo oa ew oe ft te toute found soret fea ‘rere = 2 ove * row fin toe ie ‘st ots seep i SERYREQURLGUED 7 Pee ctsc{agizel aleseseggdeng2 gigas ew Pang state shoot sing sep te ‘pees ‘end = sore ‘eal sing Ul diliitieisndg fo Simple Past vs. Past Continuous eimple Pas, gest Continuoys, ‘We use the simple past to talk about: The past continuous is used to express: | went to the cinema yesterday. | was watching TV when the phone ‘© | always visited my grandparents in rang, my summer holidays when | was © Last night at 7pm, | was having little, dinner. ‘© | lived nesr Liverpool for a couple off ‘While she was doing her homework years. her brother was playing football y When or While REMEMBER! ‘when’ + short action (past simple tense) ‘while’ + long action (past continuous tense) I was watching TV when Jim knocked the door. Twas watching TV when Jim knocked the door. Jim knocked the door Twas watching TV Jim knocked the door Twas watching TV I was watching TV Jim knocked the door XS / Past continuous vs Past Simple! EMC, Pe 14 « Second Language % 28ESL%29/Past_simple and past continuous/Past Simple _and Continuous - When - While _vk7865vm https://www. Y” Pronunciation: Words that end in -ed N Pronunciation of ED L N R G v Ss Zz B M ‘Words that end in a vowel sound use the pronunciation for ED. e.g. played ~ freed ~ tried ~ followed -- continued The pronunciation of words ending in ED depends on the final consonant sound. There are three ways to pronounce ED at the end of a word in English: fid) Itt Al Pronunciation: Words that end in -ed ~ 4 = 7 v=hZ2vQXEW3fwé&ab cl SESSION 4 25/05/2023 Too and Enough TOO vs. ENOUGH TOO +ADJECTIVE/ADVERB —ADJECTIVE/ADVERB + ENOUGH EXCESSIVE (more than SUFFICIENT necessary) You are not working hard enough. If This jacket is too expensive. I'm not you don't study more, you won't ing to buy it. No way! pass your tests. 's ta9 cold to go swimming. Let's 80 He js not tall enough to be in the to the cinema instead, ee The test was too difficult. don’t aa think il pass. ‘wil peer be rich anouch tant use You are too young to go toa disco. You must be 18 toget in. Come on! You are not smallenough Come on! You are too.oldtoridethe 2. get through that hole. You wil Merry-Go-Round. never reach the other side. Too and Enough DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TOO AND ENOUGH T00 & ENOUGH "Too" means more than what is needed. "Enough" means sufficient. Too + Adj / Adv... ‘Adj/Adv + Enough... + Ta toohotto wear that coat + Hoja old enough towateh this program. + Twas diving to fast + Weire not walking qui enough. Too Much + Uncountable Nouns... Enough + Noun... + There is too much salt in this food. + We have enough money, + Thave not got enough money to buy this computer. Too Many + Countable Nouns... + There are too many students inthis, classroom. ov" What's the Difference? WWIW.ENGLISHLESSONVIASKYPE.COM, Gp | am comes after adjectives comes before and adverbs, but adjectives and before nouns. We use adverbs. We use it it when we have when we have more sufficient, and it has a than sufficient, and it positive meaning. has a negative This suitcase is big enough meaning. for everything I'm taking. | Scientists have worked out that modern music is too loud. Tt What is a phrasal verb? In English, a phrasal verb is a combination (mixture) of two or three words to make a phrase with a single meaning. Phrasal verbs combine averb and an adverb or a preposition. verb + preposition = phrasal verb + +s look [up | “Let’s look up the meaning in the dictionary.” look up - phrasal verb - to look for information in a dictionary or reference book, or by using a computer cS ENGLISH PHRASAL VERBS a ed To quitaclss, schoo, ete. - Gf Fallapart Totweakinw pleces igure something out ‘To studylunderstand Ss amething in Towite information Get away + Get hack Toren + Get on something something + Getup To stant out of be += Give up Tostop tig + Go ahead To pocad/starnita somthing ‘+ Go out with someone To dste someone © Grow up ‘Tobecome an adut ‘© Hang in ‘To stay strong and postive Phrasal Verbs Set out Give up Watch out Grow up Keep on Run out of Put up with Break down partir, salir de viaje rendirse, darse por vencido estar atento a, observar, tener cuidado crecer, hacerse mayor persisitr, insistir en acabarse algo, agotarse algo tolerar, aguantar, soportar ‘averiarse, romperse, malograrse > XS / B1 PHRASAL VERBS 1-10 ‘he pry oo th a9 be ied arisen Reman) ©) EW mn) mare: — anne Pe hee ete SLED) ars wy ne moat op eh 04) a) ee ae @ rin ng Mod pn yb Czy tancing oor compte The pole are crn ou! avery temething extove investigation ) a=: 0) Ted to encourage) Came on, wel be late aes Enough, Not Enough, Too + Adjective TOO, TOO MUCH/MANY, ENOUGH This cake foo weet: You are oo sti. ‘Tey don't nave diet have Tm not 1 dont You di PETIA, tearm enough mone. EEE We ove enough chairs PID Ts rlee big enough. EES u're clever enough to sae i REID, 1 thnk cep ercugh CEI He ests enough for his age enous GraMNAR, enough = sufficient or as much as required =the correct number or amount not enough =lessthan necessary slessthan sufficient =notthe correct amount ENOUGH + adjective + enough + verb + enough + enough + noun not + adjective + enough not + verb + enough not + enough + noun 1 Are you (ld enough to vote? 1 The exercise was easy enough for them to complete. 1 You have done ‘enough for today. 4 Make sure you drink enough tostay hydrated, / Imade enough copies for them. 7 Hehas enough money to buy 4 The ropeisnt strong enough, 4 Max can't go to school because heis not old enough, 7 He doesnt study enough, We hadn't trained enough and we lost the game. 1 We don't have enough time, There aren't enough plates for everyone. seas, TOO + ADJECTIVE EZ too) + adjective + infinitive 4 The fridge is {too heavy to lift. ¢ The coffee is too hot to drink. ~ ¢ Heis too young to drive a car. -— too) + adjective + for + person 4 That shirt is (too) small for him. 4 Itis too) early forme. 4 This is (too) complicated for us. too) + adjective + for + person + infinitive 4 The coffee is |too) hot for me to drink. ¢ Itwas too wet forus togo camping. } ¢ The room is (too) noisy for her to study. ‘Writing Skilk Using Specific Information wnefaLinformation: introduction, topic sentence, etc. Focusing direction of paper: teling Getting more specific: showing ‘Supporting details: data ‘Writing Skilk Using Specific Information Support your writing with Proof It’s not enough to simply state your main idea or claim when you are writing, ‘You must supportall statements and claims you make with proof. Good writers often use different kinds of proof to make their point. The different types of proof you can use include: anecdotes descriptions facts dates or times locations statistics specificexamples people's reactions step-by-step actions THANK YOU! a

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