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Aprendizagens Essenciais

Compreensão oral:
Áreas temáticas: Compreensão escrita: Interação escrita:
– Atividades – Compreender, com facilidade, – Ler textos, de alguma – Interagir, com linguagem coloquial, sobre
escolares e de discursos produzidos de forma complexidade, escritos em assuntos de carácter geral.
lazer; situações clara; seguir conversas do dia a dia; linguagem clara e corrente;
quotidianas; acompanhar uma apresentação compreender textos factuais
hábitos e estilos de breve sobre temas estudados; sobre assuntos de interesse Produção escrita:
vida; meios de compreender o essencial de pessoal ou cultural. – Produzir textos de 90 a 100 palavras,
comunicação. programas em modo utilizando vocabulário comum, mas
áudio/audiovisual sobre temas diversificado; escrever sobre os temas da
atuais ou de interesse cultural; atualidade estudados.
seguir orientações detalhadas,
mensagens e informações diversas.

Evaluation test
Conteúdos Estrutura / Soluções Cotações Critérios de classificação
1. Ordenar as ideias de acordo com o diálogo.
Listening 20% 5 x 2 = 10 2 pontos por cada resposta correta
a. 3 d. 4
Textos áudio relacionados b. 1 e. 2
com os temas da unidade c. 5
2. Associar informação. 5 x 2 = 10 2 pontos por cada resposta correta
• Technology a. 6 d. 5
• Exchange b. 3 e. 2
programmes c. 1

Reading 30% 1. Completar as frases de acordo com o texto. Utilizar 4 x 2,5 = 10 2,5 pontos por cada resposta
uma palavra. correta
Texto relacionado com o
a. beat c. education
tema da unidade 3:
b. internet d. curious
• Technology 2. Responder a perguntas de interpretação sobre o 4 x 2,5 = 10 2,5 pontos por cada resposta
texto. correta
a. They can travel the world as location-independent
b. The biggest difference is in motivation. Whereas digital
nomads focus on travel and freedom, worldschoolers
employ a number of techniques, tutors, online platforms to
provide their kids with a unique experience.
c. They might need to take a test that proves their education
d. Instead of learning from books, worldschoolers learn from
the world and from one another.
3. Escrever a que se referem as palavras a negrito no 4 x 2,5 = 10 2,5 pontos por cada resposta
texto. correta
a. digital nomads and worldschoolers
NOTA – Em cada resposta desta
b. digital nomads and worldschoolers
secção: -0,5 por erros de ortografia.
c. digital nomad families
d. worldschoolers

Vocabulary 10% 1. Completar as frases com as palavras em falta. 5x1=5 1 ponto por cada resposta correta
a. influencer d. laptop
Vocabulário da unidade 3:
b. smartwatch e. wi-fi access
• Technology c. blogger
• Cultural awareness 2. Completar as definições com a palavra correta. 5x1=5 1 ponto por cada resposta correta
a. adaptability d. shock
NOTA – Em cada resposta desta
b. tolerance e. traditions
secção: -0,5 por erros de ortografia.
c. diversity

Grammar 20% 3. Completar as frases com a forma correta de say ou 5x1=5 1 ponto por cada resposta correta
Gramática da unidade 3:
a. said / says c. say e. told
• Direct & reported b. telling d. has … told
speech 4. Passar as frases do discurso direto para o discurso 5 x 2 = 10 2 pontos por cada resposta correta
• The infinitive indireto.
a. Lauren said (that) she wanted to buy those new
earphones. b. The reporter said (that) they were really
enjoying that life-changing experience. c. Melanie asked
me if / whether I had finished recording the video for
YouTube. d. Sophie told me (that) they had renewed their
passports the previous day / the day before. e. She told
Ralph that she was working on that website design.
5. Completar os espaços com to-infinitive ou infinitive 5x1=5 1 ponto por cada resposta correta
without to.
NOTA – Em cada resposta desta
a. to offer c. to participate e. give
secção: -0,5 por erros de ortografia.
b. afford d. become
Writing 20% 1. Responder a perguntas pessoais sobre o tema da 5 x 2 = 10 2 pontos por cada resposta correta
Produção escrita
Respostas pessoais:
relacionada com o tema da
a. My favourite technology gadget is…
unidade 3:
b. I use it…
• Cultural diversity c. I can…
d. Yes, because… / No, because…
e. Yes, because… / No, because…
2. Escrever um texto descritivo sobre uma experiência 5 x 2 = 10 2 pontos por cada frase correta
Sugestão de resposta:
Every year my city has a multicultural music festival with NOTA – Em cada resposta desta
music from around the world. Would you like to find out just secção: -0,5 por erros de ortografia.
how amazing it is?
Well, the first thing you will notice if you attend this festival is
that there are musicians and bands from lots of different
countries. You’ll also listen to different genres of music from
around the world and, if you are lucky, you can meet people
from different nationalities and make new friends.
In short, I just love going to this festival every year. It makes
us understand how amazing different cultures are and it’s
definitely the best part of my summer holidays.

Listening scripts
Exercise 1
Brian: Hey Dan, what’s up? What are you doing with your smartphone?
Dan: Hi! I’m watching this great YouTuber’s videos, they’re hilarious!
Brian: Let me see! Ahahah so funny! I was going to check my favourite social media platform, Instagram, but there’s no wi-fi here at the café right
now. Do you know what happened?
Dan: I’m not sure, but the lady said they are trying to fix it. But don’t worry, I have my own tablet with internet connection, we can use it.
Brian: Great! I wanted to show you this famous influencer I’ve been following on Instagram lately. He shares very interesting tips about the video
games we love and he also posts useful tutorials. Do you want to see them?
Dan: Let’s do it! We can use my earphones… That’s really nice, we can learn a lot from these videos. There is also a blogger who posts similar tips
and new information about video games, I’ll show you.
Brian: Your earphones are nice, but you have to try my new earbuds. They offer six hours of listening time and I can use them anywhere I want.
Dan: Wow, that’s amazing. You have so many gadgets, I wish I could afford some of those.
Brian: Don’t worry. You can use mine whenever you need them. Right now, I’m waiting for my laptop to be repaired. The computer technician said it
should be ready next Monday.
Dan: Oh, sorry to hear that. Hope they can solve the problem. We have that science project to finish, I can lend you my laptop if you need it.
Brian: Thanks, but I think I am able to do it using my tablet. Let’s watch some TikToks!
Dan: Good idea! I always have fun watching those videos.

Exercise 2
a. My name is Vicky and I’m taking part in an eTwinning programme. It’s a great opportunity for all the teachers and students at my school. We can
communicate and develop projects with schools from other European countries, which helps us improve our intercultural skills. I really feel part of a
big European learning community!
b. I’m Ryan and I’m participating in an Erasmus+ programme at my school. This is a European programme that gives us the opportunity to travel to
other countries and experience school life there for a few days. I’ve just returned from France and it really was a life-changing experience.
c. Hi! I’m Rachel and I’m planning a trip to Italy. This will be my first experience in a holiday programme. My parents think it will help me improve my
social skills. I’ll need lots of important documents, such as my European Health Insurance Card in case I get sick. I’m nervous, but I believe it will be
an exciting experience for me.
d. My name is Vanessa and I’m 16 years old. I’m staying with a host family in Scotland right now. They are all very friendly and they are trying to give
me the best cultural experience possible. Yesterday, they helped me buy some souvenirs for my friends and family and we visited the city centre. I
will miss them a lot!
e. I’m Tiago and I’m from Portugal. At my school, we have a very interesting project. Our English teacher found us some e-friends with whom we
have been communicating online. They are all from England, which helps us develop our communication skills in English. We’ve created a WhatsApp
group with them, but maybe one day we can all meet in person.
Name: _______________ Surname: _______________ Class: 9th __________ Evaluation
Date: ______________________________________________, 20___________ ______%
Signatures: ___________________________ / __________________________  Muito Bom  Bom  Suficiente
(Teacher) (Parent / E.E.)  Insuficiente  Muito insuficiente


1 Order the following ideas according to the dialogue. /10

a. They start using Dan’s tablet.

b. Dan is watching some videos of a famous YouTuber.
c. Brian can’t use his laptop because it is being repaired.
d. Dan is impressed with Brian’s earbuds.
e. There is no wi-fi at the café.

2 Listen and match the teenagers to the ideas they mention. /10

a. Vicky 1. holiday programme

b. Ryan 2. e-friends
c. Rachel 3. Erasmus+ programme
d. Vanessa 4. itinerary
e. Tiago 5. host family

6. eTwinning programme
7. gap year
Name: _______________ Surname: _______________ Class: 9th __________ Evaluation
Date: ______________________________________________, 20___________ ______%
Signatures: ___________________________ / __________________________  Muito Bom  Bom  Suficiente
(Teacher) (Parent / E.E.)  Insuficiente  Muito insuficiente

Read the text.

Digital Nomad Families and Worldschoolers

Travelling the world as one happy family is an experience that’s hard to beat 1. You can explore
the world, discover new and fascinating cultures, meet people you otherwise wouldn’t, and savour
that sweet taste of boundless2 freedom.
Difference between digital nomads and worldschoolers
At first glance, these two approaches to travelling the world as location-independent workers
are pretty similar. Both utilise the internet to do their work, both have their close family with them,
and both of them can move either month to month or year to year depending on their preferences.
But there is a crucial difference in motivation between these two approaches. Digital nomad
families tend to use well-established educational institutions for their kids, like online schools and
tutors. Their focus is on travel and freedom, networking, and new experiences.
Worldschoolers, however, see the experience of location-independent work as first and
foremost an opportunity for their kids to learn and grow. They don’t see moving from country to
country as an obstacle to their kids’ education but as a key asset. They employ a number of
techniques, tutors, online platforms, and international worldschooling projects to provide their kids
with a unique educational experience that aims to broaden3 their horizons.
How to become a digital nomad or a worldschooler
The most important thing you need to do is to guarantee a good education even as you travel
the world. There are tons of accredited online institutions around the world which accept location-
independent students and which mimic traditional school environments. Just be aware that you
might need to take a test that proves your education level once you need to enrol in a university or
even in some high schools.
If digital nomad families are all about providing a familiar environment for children that travel
the world, worldschoolers are anything but that. The process of experiencing the world and its
many different offerings can be a lot. This is why many worldschoolers wait a few years before
setting out on their journey, to make sure their children are curious enough and appreciate the
experience. It’s a bit like homeschooling, but instead of learning from books, you learn from the
world and from one another.
Adapted from:
1 Complete the sentences according to the text. Use ONE word. /10

a. Going around the world is something unique and difficult to .

b. Both digital nomad families and worldschoolers use the to study.
c. Regardless of the system, what’s important is to guarantee access to good .
d. Some parents only start travelling when they are sure their kids are enough.

2 Answer the questions. /10

a. What can digital nomad families and worldschoolers do that other people can’t?

b. What’s the difference between these two approaches?

c. What might digital nomads / worldschoolers need to do to study at a university or a high school?

d. Why are worldschoolers different from homeschoolers?

3 Write what the words in bold in the text refer to. /10

a. these (para. 3): c. Their (para. 3):

b. their (para. 3): d. They (para. 4):

Use of English
1 Complete the sentences with the correct word / expression. /5

influencer blogger laptop wi-fi access smartwatch

a. Jamie is sponsored by lots of brands because he is a(n) .
b. This isn’t a regular , it’s an Apple Watch.
c. If you really love writing, you should consider becoming a(n) .
d. I brought my so I can work anywhere.
e. Can you ask for the password? I really need .

2 Complete the definitions with the correct word. /5

diversity adaptability tolerance traditions shock

a. Cultural is the ability to adapt to a different culture or environment.

b. Cultural is the respect for the variety of the world’s cultures.
c. Cultural is about bringing people together from a diverse set of
backgrounds and cultures.
d. Culture refers to the impact of moving from a familiar culture to one
that is unfamiliar.
e. Cultural are what identifies a person’s heritage. They are customs
which are ingrained in a person.
3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of say or tell. /5
a. Mary John used to be late all the time.
b. “What’s Maggie saying?” “She’s Lauren that they are already late.”
c. Did you good morning to all the teachers?
d. He always the truth before!
e. I her I didn’t need a new laptop, but she bought me one anyway.

4 Change the sentences from direct speech to reported speech. /10

a. “I want to buy these new earphones,” Lauren said.

b. “They are really enjoying this life-changing experience,” the reporter said.

c. “Have you finished recording the video for YouTube?” Melanie asked me.

d. “We renewed our passports yesterday,” Sophie told me.

e. “I’m working on this website design,” she told Ralph.

5 Complete the gaps with the to-infinitive or infinitive without to. /5

a. He hopes (offer) him a good job in the future.
b. They can’t (afford) to buy a new tablet.
c. Miriam decided (participate) in an Erasmus+ programme.
d. His parents let him (become) a TikToker.
e. She had better not (give) her password to strangers.

1 Answer the questions about you. /10

a. What’s your favourite technology gadget?

b. How often do you use it?
c. What can you do with it?
d. Do you usually use social media platforms? Why / Why not?

e. Would you like to become an influencer? Why / Why not?

1 Write a descriptive essay about a multicultural experience that you had

(90-100 words). Use the information in the box to help you. /10

Descriptive essay
• Set the scene of the multicultural experience
• Ask a rhetorical question
• Zoom in on the event saying what you saw, felt, heard, etc.
• Say how that experience made you feel
• Explain the moral of the story

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