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Elizaveta Shabak Case study Apple

1. What was Steve Jobs main aspiration when creating the Apple project?

Steve Jobs' main aspiration was to build a company that would innovate and
create products that would change the world. He wanted to make technology
accessible and intuitive for everyday people.

2. What is the Value of Proposition that Jobs had in mind since the foundation of
the Apple brand?

Create innovative and intuitive products not without a good design, but with an
elegant integration of hardware and software, reachable for everyone.

3. Which ones are the most important things for Steve Jobs when creating,
designing, and launching a product to the market? Which obsession does he

It was very important for Jobs the user's experience combined with good
marketing and making the product simple, which could help his company be top
of heart. He valorated the quality so much, and I would say that his obsession
was the attention to details and the nonstop innovation.

4. Do you think that Apple brand has inherited the DNA, vision, mission and
values of its founder? Explain your answer.
Apple’s DNA for Jobs was a company with a spirit of advancement and
innovation. His vision of the firm was a place where you can change the world.
His mission was to connect talent that contributes to the fulfillment of the
company's vision and values.
The company has retained most of these things to this day: they also maintain
design, simplicity and quality in all products, being a leading company that sets
an example for other companies. The only change that can be observed is that
Jobs created a product and presented it as accessible to every person. There is a
moment in the film where stakeholders want to raise the price of the product,
but Jobs is against it. Today, many Apple products are considered luxury and the
price is not affordable for everyone.

5. There is a moment in the film when Jobs is with the working group at the
company, and he says: “Do you know why people by an Apple? Why they buy
and Apple and not competitor? It bold, it is social status. I tell you more it is
social currency! We have raised the bar! “
What does it mean? Does it remain on consumer’s mind after more than 40
years market history?

In that scene from the film, Steve Jobs is emphasizing the significance of the
Apple brand beyond just the functionality of its products. He suggests that
people buy Apple products not only for their technical features but also because
of the status and prestige associated with owning an Apple device. Jobs refers to
Apple products as "bold" and suggests that they serve as a form of social
currency, indicating a person's taste, style, and status.
This idea of Apple products as status symbols and social currency has been a
recurring theme throughout the company's history. Even after more than 40
years in the market, Apple's brand image and the perception of its products as
status symbols continue to resonate with consumers.

6. The film starts with Steve Jobs presenting the iPod and he said: “What I’m
going to present is a tool for the heart, and when you can touch some’s heart,
that is limitless”
What does it mean in terms of branding management?

In branding management, creating emotional connections with consumers

involves tapping into their values, desires and aspirations. It's about going
beyond the functional benefits of a product and instead focusing on how it makes
people feel and how it fits into their lives. This is what all companies strive for,
which is referred to as “Top of the Heart.” Brand management is aimed at
making the company the top of the heart and thus winning over the buyer.

7. Do you think communication management was important for Steve Jobs?

Communication management was absolutely crucial for Steve Jobs. He
understood the power of effective communication in conveying his vision,
building excitement around Apple products, and shaping the company's public
image. Jobs was a masterful communicator who was known for his charisma,
passion, and ability to captivate audiences.

8. After watching the film how you interpretate the tagline of the brand “Think
different”? What Apple tries to say, how Apple wants audience to feel about it?

Apple wants its audience to feel inspired and empowered by the idea of thinking
differently. It suggests that Apple and the products are not just tools, but
catalysts for imagination and innovation. This tagline invites consumers to align
themselves with Apple's vision of innovation and progress.

9. What has interested you, discover or impacted from this film? Why?

It was interesting to watch the development of one of the greatest companies.

It's amazing how talented Jobs really was. An unexpected discovery was that his
company, his brainchild, was once taken away from him, although this seemed
and seems impossible, because he is its creator.

10. And finally, what branding is for you?

For me, branding is the development of a brand to the level of an individual, with
his own preferences, values ​and face.

Thank you, Chelo!

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