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Unified Approach to Thrust Restraint Design

Article in Journal of Transportation Engineering · January 2007

DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-947X(2007)133:1(57)

13 18,508

2 authors:

Jey Jeyapalan Sri Rajah


CDM Smith

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Unified Approach to Thrust Restraint Design
Jey K. Jeyapalan, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE1; and Sri K. Rajah, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE2

Abstract: The design of thrust blocks for water pipelines and sewer force mains vary from one pipe material or standard to another just
like the design of pipe wall thickness. This creates tremendous confusion among consulting engineers and owners of projects. The
designers and the owners have to look up Design Manual M9 for concrete pipe, Design Manual M11 for welded steel pipe, Design Manual
M41 for ductile iron pipe, Design Manual M23 for PVC pipe, and Design Manual M45 for fiberglass pipe. In many countries, water
pipeline materials are required to meet a common standard, where design equations are kept the same whereas material properties vary
from one pipe material to another. The purpose of this paper is to start from the fundamental principles of fluid mechanics and
geotechnical engineering and build the engineering know-how needed to apply the same design methodology for all pipe materials and
applications. A step-by-step design methodology is presented.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0733-947X共2007兲133:1共57兲
CE Database subject headings: Soil-structure interaction; Pipelines; Pipe design; Thrust.

Introduction of earth pressure coefficients. In this paper a unified approach

independent of pipe wall material or type of pipeline use is pre-
Due to the layout requirements in both above ground and under- sented for the design of thrust restraint systems in an underground
ground pipelines, unbalanced hydrostatic forces known as thrust pipeline system.
forces are present at the locations where the pipeline changes
either in size or in direction. Examples of such locations include
horizontal and vertical bends, tees, wyes, reducers, offsets, bulk- Review of Current Design Methodology
heads, pipe bifurcations, and valves. Unless the pipeline is prop-
erly restrained to resist the unbalanced forces, either separation Thrust Block Design
can occur at the pipeline joints or pipe wall stresses could ap- The design of a thrust block can be based on gravity or bearing
proach yield strengths. While providing thrust-resisting supports depending on the source of the unbalanced forces. Bearing-type
in an above ground pipeline can resist thrust forces, resisting thrust blocks supporting a horizontal bend and a concave verti-
thrust forces in an underground pipeline is usually accomplished cal bend are shown in Figs. 1共a and b兲, respectively. A gravity-
with thrust blocks, restrained joint systems, or a combination of type thrust block supporting a convex vertical bend is shown in
both. Fig. 1共c兲. The distinction between the bearing and gravity thrust
Although, various pipe design standards in the American blocks is made based primarily on the mechanism with which the
Water Works Association 共1979, 1989, 1996a,b兲 present design unbalanced forces are resisted. The bearing type thrust blocks are
equations for the design of thrust restraint systems utilizing thrust designed to safely transmit the unbalanced thrust forces to the
blocks and restrained joints in underground pipelines, the equa- undisturbed soil in bearing using some form of earth pressures.
tions are often derived with different assumptions and hence are The required bearing area of the thrust block is given by
not the same. Considering the theory behind the thrust block de-
sign is based on simple statics and does not depend on the type of T
Ab = 共1兲
pipe wall material, the differences in formulations are often con- Sba
fusing and are mostly misunderstood 关for example, see Romer where Sba 共=Sb / S f 兲 = design soil bearing strength in the direc-
共1998兲兴. Ironically, the same paper by Romer 共1998兲, in attempt- tion of the unbalanced thrust force 共either kN/ m2 or psi兲;
ing to point out how to avoid common thrust restraint mistakes,
made even more fundamental errors, e.g., the definition and use

Vice President, Camp Dresser & McKee Inc., 100 Great Meadow
Rd., Suite 104, Wethersfield, CT 06109. E-mail:
Senior Soil-Structure Interaction Engineer, URS Corporation,
Century Square, 1501 Fourth Ave., Suite 1400, Seattle, WA 98101-1616.
E-mail: sriគ
Note. Discussion open until June 1, 2007. Separate discussions must
be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by one
month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing Editor.
The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and possible
publication on January 6, 2003; approved on July 27, 2006. This paper is
part of the Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 133, No. 1,
January 1, 2007. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-947X/2007/1-57–61/$25.00. Fig. 1. Typical thrust block arrangements


Fig. 2. Thrust forces in most common thrust restraint situations

Sb = allowable soil bearing strength 共either kN/ m2 or psi兲; out overstressing the pipeline wall and without subjecting the
S f = safety factor 共usually taken as 1.5兲; T = unbalanced thrust pipeline to joint separations. In order to accomplish the transfer
force resultant 共either kN or lb兲; and Ab = required bearing area of the unbalanced forces to the surrounding soil, friction in
of the thrust block 共either m2 or in.2兲. A series of different types of AWWA 共1979, 1989, 1996a,b兲 and passive resistance in AWWA
unbalanced force situations and the corresponding unbalanced 共1996a兲 have been relied upon. A comparison of how the design
force resultants are shown in Fig. 2. of restrained joints is handled in various AWWA design manuals
The gravity type thrust blocks are primarily designed to have is summarized in Table 1 along with the proposed Unified
sufficient weight to counter the vertical component of the unbal- method. The length of the pipe section with restrained joints
anced forces, while not exceeding the allowable design bearing on each leg is calculated using the sum of the components of the
stresses in the vertical and horizontal directions. The volume of unbalanced forces in the direction of the corresponding leg in
the thrust block, Vg, is given by some AWWA design manuals 共1979, 1989兲. In some other
AWWA design manuals 共1996a,b兲, the length of the pipe section
S f Ty
Vg = 共2兲 with restrained joints is determined based on the unbalanced force
␳c resultant to be transmitted to the soil. Although, it was the inten-
where Ty = vertical component of the unbalanced force resultant tion of the paper by Romer 共1998兲 to use proper restraint to mini-
共either kN or lb兲; and ␳c = density of concrete to be used in thrust mize either size or length of the restraint required, the paper fell
block 共either kN/ m2 or lb/ in.2兲. short of providing a safe solution in most situations arising in the
For the purpose of this paper, we will evaluate the theory
Restrained Joint System Design corresponding to a horizontal bend and base our discussion on
As an alternative to providing thrust restraint mechanism using the merits and demerits of those equations. The design equation
thrust blocks, restrained joint systems may be used. In general, for the length of the pipe section with restrained joints from vari-
the restrained joint system is a mechanical 共welded or harnessed兲 ous design manuals for a horizontal bend can be summarized as
joint providing longitudinal restraint. The objective of the thrust follows:
restraint design using a restrained joint system is to determine the S f Tr
length of the pipe that must be restrained on each side of the point L= 共3兲
n共Fs + Rs/2兲
of action of the thrust force.
The primary objective of the restrained joint system design where L = length of the restrained pipe on each side of the bend
is to transmit the unbalanced forces to the surrounding soil with- 共either m or in.兲; Tr = design unbalanced thrust force on one side

Table 1. Design Methods for the Thrust Restraint Joints in AWWA Manuals
Design method M9 M11 M41 M23 M45 Romer Unified
Friction Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Friction mobilized above the pipe Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes
Passive resistance No No Yes Yes No No Yes
Based on transfer of forces in the direction of the pipe legs Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes
Based on transfer of forces in the direction of the unbalanced force resultant No No Yes No Yes No Yes


that there is a chance that the soil above the pipe might move with
the pipe and thereby the friction above the pipe may not fully
develop if the cover is shallow. It is important to note that if the
soil cover is shallow, in such a case the value of the earth load
will be small and the error due to the wrong assumption is also, as
a consequence, rather small. However, to be conservative, it is
recommended that the friction above the pipe be neglected for
pipes with shallow cover. Design Manual M41 includes the pipe-
soil adhesion in calculating the frictional resistance, whereas
other design manuals do not consider it. Design Manual M41
Fig. 3. Schematic showing pipe-soil interaction forces at a horizontal considers the passive resistance in calculating the resistance
bend forces, while other design manuals do not consider this.
The design method proposed by Romer 共1998兲, in general,
provides conservative design for most common situations. How-
of the bend 共either kN or lb兲; n = direction cosine for the angle ever, for uncommon situations such as bends with an angle
between the resultant unbalanced force and the direction in which greater than 90°, and Wyes with differing diameters in each leg,
the maximum friction is mobilized; Fs = maximum unit frictional his method may result in unsafe designs. Also, Romer’s 共1998兲
force that could be mobilized in the direction of the unbalanced work fails for the special hypothetical case of the straight pipe,
thrust force resultant 共either kN or lb兲; and Rs = maximum unit i.e., a bend with a zero bend angle. If applied to such straight pipe
bearing resistance 共either kN/ m2 or psi兲, as shown in Fig. 3. The segments, Romer’s proposed design methodology would result in
values for the various terms used in Eq. 共3兲 in various design restrained joints for the entire pipe and this is simply a fundamen-
manuals are summarized in Table 2. tal error and would lead a designer to raise serious doubts about
A factor of safety value of 1.5 is recommended in AWWA the rest of the guidance by Romer 共1998兲.
Design Manual M41, whereas other design manuals do not rec-
ommend any specific values. However, Design Manual M11
points out that since the passive resistance was not included in the Unified Design Philosophy
formula, this will give an additional safety factor. Considering the
uncertainty and variations in the field design parameters, it is
prudent to use a factor of safety in the design of the thrust re- After careful evaluation of the existing design methodologies in
straint system. As to the design methodology, it is important various AWWA design manuals for the design of thrust restraint
to ensure that each leg does resist the unbalanced force compo- systems, a unified method for the design of thrust restraint system
nent along the length of the pipe leg, while satisfying overall using joint restraints is proposed herein. Design of a restrained
equilibrium of the joint. Therefore, it is important that the length joint system for a horizontal bend is used to evaluate and present
of the pipe with restrained joints in each leg satisfies the follow- the proposed design philosophy. The design equations for the
ing conditions: length of the pipe section for a horizontal bend with restrained
1. The resultant of the components of the thrust forces in the joints can be derived from force balance equations. As noted ear-
direction of the leg should be safely transferred to the soil lier, the AWWA design manuals differ as to how the thrust force is
along the pipe-soil interface to avoid joint separations; and resisted and the directions in which the resisting forces act. Vari-
2. The resultant of the unbalanced thrust forces should be safely ous forces acting on a typical bend in a buried pipeline and the
transmitted to the soil through friction and bearing. direction in which those forces act are shown in Fig. 3. Particu-
In evaluating the unit frictional force, the Design Manual M11 larly, the frictional forces are mobilized in the opposite direction
does not consider the friction mobilized above the pipe. Other of the resultant thrust force, adhesive forces are mobilized in the
design manuals, M9, M41, and M45 assume that the friction is longitudinal direction of the pipe over its perimeter, and passive
fully mobilized above and below the pipe. Romer 共1988兲 notes resistance forces are mobilized in the transverse direction of the

Table 2. Comparison of Design Equations for the Design of Thrust Restraint Joints in Different Design Manuals
Design method M9 M11 M41 M23 M45 Romer
Factor of safety 共S f 兲 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0
Design unbalanced PA共1 − cos共␪兲兲 PA共1 − cos共␪兲兲 2PA Sin共␪ / 2兲 2PAS Sin共␪ / 2兲 PA Sin共␪ / 2兲 PA
force 共Tr兲
Unit frictional 共2We + W p + Ww兲 . ␮ 共We + W p + Ww兲 . ␮ ␲Df cC ␲Df cC 共2We + W p + Ww兲 . ␮ 共We + W p + Ww兲 . ␮
force 共Fs兲 2 2
+ 共2We + W p + Ww兲 . ␮ + 共2We + W p + Ww兲 . ␮
Unit bearing 0 0 K n P pD K n P pD 0 0
resistance 共Rs兲
Kn 1.0 1.0 0.2 to 1.0 0.4 to 1.0 1.0 1.0
Note: We = unit earth load on pipe 共kN/m or lb/ft兲; Wp = unit weight of pipe 共kN/m or lb/ft兲; Wwunit weight of water 共kN/m or lb/ft兲; ␲Df cC / 2 = unit
adhesive resistance between soil and pipe 共kN/m or lb/ft兲; f c = ratio of pipe-soil adhesion to soil cohesion; C = soil cohesion 共kN/ m2 or lb/ ft2兲;
D = diameter of the pipe 共m or ft兲; ␮ = frictional coefficient; Kn = empirical reduction factor for coefficient of passive resistance; P p = design value of passive
soil pressure 共kN/ m2 or lb/ ft2兲; ␪ = bend deflection angle 共deg兲; P = design internal pressure 共kN/ m3 or psi兲; and A = cross-sectional area of the pipe 共m2
or in.2兲.


pipe. The force balance equation in the direction of the pipe leg is both. Pipeline designers should recognize that the movement in
written as follows: pipe against the soil needed to mobilize fully the benefit of pas-
sive soil resistance is ten times that of the movement needed to
S f 关PA共1 − cos共␪兲兲兴 produce an active soil pressure condition. A conservative ap-
L1 = 共4a兲 proach is to use Rankine’s at-rest earth pressure estimates, assum-
␲Df cC ing that the pipe will not move much into the surrounding soil
␮关2␣We + W p + Ww兴sin共␪/2兲 +
2 during its design life.
and the force balance equation in the direction of the resultant
unbalanced thrust force is written as follows:

S f PA sin共␪/2兲 The paper provides a summary of thrust restraint design equations
L2 =
␲Df cC 1 and critically examines those equations for consistency and tech-
␮关2␣We + W p + Ww兴 + sin共␪/2兲 + Kn P pD cos共␪/2兲 nical adequacy. A unified approach is outlined for thrust restraint
2 2
design for a horizontal bend. The proposed design approach for a
共4b兲 thrust restraint system using restrained joints can be summarized
where 0.5艋 ␣ 艋 1.0= parameter describing the degree of mobili- in a series of steps as follows:
zation of friction above the pipe; ␣ = 0.5 denotes no friction is 1. Conduct geotechnical investigation along the pipeline align-
mobilized above the pipe and ␣ = 1.0 denotes that friction is ment, review bore hole logs, plans, profiles, and establish soil
fully mobilized above the pipe. The value of ␮ that defines the parameters.
friction coefficient between the outer surface of the pipe and 2. For each thrust restraint location based on the soil parameters
the surrounding soil has been known to vary in the range of from investigation, establish design soil parameters ␮, f c, C,
0.25艋 ␮ 艋 0.40 based on the type of soil, degree of compaction, Kn, and P p.
moisture content, and the type of coating on the pipe. The remain- 3. Based on cover, size of pipe, soil conditions, estimate the
ing notations used in these equations are consistent with the no- value of ␣.
tations defined in Table 2. A factor of safety of 1.5 or higher is 4. Calculate the unit loads from soil, pipe, and fluid.
recommended for the design of thrust restraint systems. Care 5. Determine the value of factor of safety.
should be exercised in the selection of soil parameters used in the 6. Calculate the value of L1 by writing force balance equations
design, especially when the designer wants to take advantage of in the direction of the leg.
the adhesive and passive resistances from the soil. The design 7. Repeat Step 6 for each leg, if size of pipe or component of
length of the pipe with restrained joints on each side of the bend, the force in the direction of the leg is different.
L, is given by the higher value obtained from Eqs. 共4a兲 and 共4b兲, 8. Calculate the value of L2 by writing force balance equations
i.e. in the direction of the unbalanced thrust force resultant.
9. By comparing results obtained in Steps 6–8, determine the
L = max兵L1,L2其 共4c兲 value of L for each leg.

Determination of Soil Parameters Calculate the minimum pipe length that needs to be restrained for
the following conditions:
The soil parameters needed to complete design calculations PVC pipe; D = 0.2 m 共8 in.兲; D0 = 0.228 m 共9 in.兲; P = 10 bars
should start with soil borings and standard in situ geotechnical 共150 psi兲; bend angle, ␪ = 45°; soil cover, Hc = 2.13 m 共7 ft兲;
testing followed by laboratory testing. Pipe-soil adhesion resis- USCS is GC-SC; unit weight of soil, ␥ = 15.7 kN/ cm2
tance estimates would rely on the vast body of published litera- 共100 pcf兲; angle of internal friction, ␾ = 25°; ␮ = 0.3; Fc = 0.2;
ture on pile-soil interaction. Engineering properties such as unit C = 10.8 kN/ m2 共225 psf兲; Kn = 0.60; ␣ = 0.75; We = ␥. Hc
weight, cohesion intercept, friction angle, and friction coefficient Do= 7.66 kN/ m 共525 lb/ ft兲; W p = small; Ww = 0.41 kN/ m
under appropriate loading and drainage conditions would come 共28 lb/ ft兲; and P p = ␥HcN␾ + CQ = 100⫻ 7 ⫻ tan2共45− ␾ / 2兲
from either in situ tests, or laboratory tests, or a combination of + 225 tan共45− ␾ / 2兲 = 20.4 kN/ sm 共427 lb/ sf兲

1.5关150 ⫻ 64.33 ⫻ 共1 − 0.707兲兴

L1 = = 8.8 m 共29 ft兲
关0.3共2 ⫻ 0.75 ⫻ 525 + 0 + 28兲sin共22.5兲 + 22 ⫻ 0.75 ⫻ 0.2/225/共7 ⫻ 12 ⫻ 2兲兴

1.5关150 ⫻ 64.33 sin共22.5兲兴

L2 = = 4.9 m 共16 ft兲
关0.3共1.5 ⫻ 525 + 0 + 28兲 + 53 sin共22.5兲 + 0.5 ⫻ 0.6 ⫻ 427 ⫻ 0.75 cos共22.5兲兴


Use 8.8 m 共29 ft兲 for each leg of the pipe to carry the unbalanced thrust block and thrust restraint mistakes practicing engineers
forces from the 45° bend. make in their pipeline projects.

American Water Works Association 共AWWA兲. 共1979兲. Manual M9, con-
The principles of fluid mechanics, statics, and geotechnical engi- crete pressure pipe, Denver.
neering should govern the design of thrust blocks and thrust re- American Water Works Association 共AWWA兲. 共1989兲. Manual M11, steel
straint systems. The use of equations, which are dependent on the pipe—A guide for design and installation, Denver.
American Water Works Association 共AWWA兲. 共1996a兲. Manual M41,
type of pipe material, should be avoided. The effect on the sur-
ductile-iron pipe and fittings, Denver.
rounding soil is not dependent upon whether the pipe is made of American Water Works Association 共AWWA兲. 共1996b兲. Manual M45,
steel, concrete, fiberglass, or ductile iron other than the fact that fiberglass pipe design, Denver.
soil-pipe interaction principles are always at work in controlling Romer, A. E. 共1998兲. “Avoiding common thrust restraint mistakes.”
the design. A unified design methodology to all pipe materials is Proc., ASCE Conf. on Pipelines in the Constructed Environment, J. P.
given in this paper. This approach will help avoid most common Castronovo and J. A. Clark, eds., San Diego, 97–102.


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