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r Academy of Management Journal

2022, Vol. 65, No. 3, 720–748.


Duke University

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

“Mega-threats”—negative, identity-relevant societal events that receive significant

media attention—are frequent occurrences in society, yet the influence of these events on
employees remains unclear. We draw on the theory of racialized organizations to
explain the process whereby exposure to mega-threats leads to heightened avoidant
work behaviors for racial minority employees. We theorize and find—across two studies
centered upon various mega-threats, including a mass shooting targeting Asian Ameri-
cans and police killings of Black civilians—that event observers who share identities
with mega-threat victims become vicarious victims, which triggers an experience of
“embodied threat,” an appraisal of the increased likelihood of personally encountering
identity-based harm. The experience of embodied threat coupled with the racialized
nature of organizational structures, which limits the agency of racial minorities, then
compels employees to engage in threat suppression. Furthermore, we find that threat
suppression consumes psychological resources, leading to heightened avoidant work
behaviors, or higher work withdrawal and lower social engagement, but, when the psy-
chological safety of identity-based discussions is high, it attenuates this effect. Alto-
gether, our paper advances research on mega-threats and race in organizations, and
yields practical insights that can assist managers in reducing the detrimental effects of
mega-threats on employees.

Societal events have the potential to shake the 1.7 million tweets and ignited the #MeToo social
foundations of communities and organizations. The movement. In 2020, millions of people watched a
2012 shooting of Black teenager Trayvon Martin by a video of a Black man named George Floyd being bru-
White neighborhood watch volunteer captured the tally murdered by police, sparking global protests
attention of millions of Americans and sparked the against police brutality and racism and instigating
creation of the Black Lives Matter social movement. structural police reform (Hassan & O’Grady, 2020).
The highly publicized expos e detailing numerous While these examples highlight the far-reaching influ-
sexual assault allegations against Hollywood pro- ence that large-scale events have had on societal struc-
ducer Harvey Weinstein in October 2017 inspired tures (Zald, Morrill, & Rao, 2005), the impact of these
events on organizations has received limited attention
We would like to thank associate editor Cindy Muir and from management scholars (cf. Leigh & Melwani,
three anonymous reviewers whose constructive and gener- 2019; McCluney, Bryant, King, & Ali, 2017).
ative feedback greatly improved our paper. This paper is Recognizing the importance of these large-scale
partially based on the first author’s dissertation and she societal events for organizations, Leigh and Melwani
would like to thank her dissertation committee—Michael (2019) introduced the construct of “mega-threats,”
Christian, Matthew Pearsall, David Hofmann, and Ash- defined as negative, identity-relevant occurrences
leigh Shelby Rosette—for their guidance and helpful feed- that receive significant media attention. With the
back. We would also like to thank Casher Belinda for his
mega-threat of police brutality against Black Ameri-
insightful advice, especially with data analyses. We dedi-
cate this paper to Sigal Barsade whose impactful research
cans in the foreground, the authors proposed that
and mentorship has been invaluable to this paper and to these mega-threats elicit visceral emotional and cog-
our careers. We hope to continue her legacy in our own nitive reactions from Black Americans, who share a
research and mentorship of our current and future gradu- racial identity with event victims. This prediction
ate students. was borne out in a multi-wave survey of more than
Copyright of the Academy of Management, all rights reserved. Contents may not be copied, emailed, posted to a listserv, or otherwise transmitted without the copyright holder's express
written permission. Users may print, download, or email articles for individual use only.
2022 Leigh and Melwani 721

100,000 Americans (U.S. Census Bureau, 2020) that that embodied threat, similar to other identity-based
provided a disheartening picture of the impact of experiences of threat (Inzlicht & Kang, 2010; Lazarus
mega-threats on Black Americans. In the week after & Folkman, 1984; Schmader et al., 2008), is a nega-
the murder of George Floyd, the number of Black tive, highly arousing experience that remains at the
Americans with chronic levels of anxiety and fore even as individuals enter their workspaces.
depression jumped from 36% to 41%: an increase of Then, because organizations are racialized struc-
1.4 million people. In contrast, White respondents tures that diminish the agency and constrain the
did not have similar adverse mental health effects. emotional expressions of racial minorities (Hitlin &
Additional work shows that Black Americans, but Elder, 2007; Ray, 2019; Wingfield, 2010), those ex-
not White Americans, report a higher number of poor periencing embodied threat are compelled to sup-
mental health days during weeks when two or more press this threat at work. This effortful threat
incidents of anti-Black violence occur and when suppression process then consumes psychological
national interest in these events is high (Curtis et al., resources and prompts avoidance behaviors that
2021). These findings demonstrate that mega-threats manifest as increased work withdrawal (Hanisch &
reduce identity group members’ psychological well- Hulin, 1990) and decreased social engagement
being. In this paper, we delve deeper by asking how (Soane, Truss, Alfes, Shantz, Rees, & Gatenby, 2012),
and why exposure to mega-threats influence individ- which allow employees to conserve their remaining
ual work behaviors. resources (Hobfoll, 1989).
We addressed this open research question by theo- We also aim to answer the question of how organi-
rizing and empirically testing a multistage process zations can buffer threatened employees from the
model demonstrating that mega-threats traverse negative consequences of mega-threats. Drawing
organizational boundaries to have deleterious down- from work on psychological safety (Edmondson,
stream effects on individual-level work behaviors. 1999; Liang, Farh, & Farh, 2012) and identity safety
Deviating from traditional organizational scholar- €
(Bell, Ozbilgin, Beauregard, & S€ urgevil, 2011;
ship, which often relies on the assumption that McCluney et al., 2017), we propose that the presence
organizations are race-neutral, bureaucratic struc- or absence of discussions about race and other stig-
tures (Nkomo, 1992), we use the theory of racialized matized identities within organizations leads indi-
organizations (Ray, 2019) to guide our research. This viduals to develop implicit beliefs about the safety of
theory views race as a foundational aspect of organi- discussing experiences related to their identities
zations that permeates all aspects of organizational (Bell et al., 2011; McCluney et al., 2017; Purdie-
life (Ray, 2019). With this theory at the center, the Vaughns & Walton, 2011). When the psychological
overarching proposition of our paper is that the safety of identity-based discussions is low, or indi-
racialized nature of organizations (Ray, 2019) com- viduals believe that it is especially unsafe to engage
pels racial minority employees to suppress their in identity-based discussions, it encourages silence
reactions to mega-threats, leading to adverse avoi- (Sherf, Parke, & Isaakyan, 2021) or compels individ-
dant work behaviors in both task and interpersonal uals to suppress their experience of embodied threat.
domains. However, when the psychological safety of identity-
We explicate the process through which mega- based discussions is high, it reduces the need for
threats lead to avoidant work behaviors by integrat- individuals to engage in threat suppression, effec-
ing Ray’s (2019) theory of racialized organizations tively interrupting the deleterious process through
with those of identity (Hogg & Terry, 2000; which mega-threats lead to increased avoidant work
Schmader, Johns, & Forbes, 2008) and embodied behaviors.
cognition (Barsalou, 1999; Freeman, 2017). We pro- Overall, our research makes four important contri-
pose that, because mega-threats are identity related butions to management theory. First, we center on
(or event observers perceive that victims of mega- the role of race in organizations. Nkomo (1992, 2021)
threats were harmed because of their identity; Leigh asserted that, although race represents a major basis
& Melwani, 2019), observers who share this harmed of power in society and organizations, the influence
identity become vicarious victims of the event. A of race is rarely considered when developing man-
process of embodied cognition (Barsalou, 1999; agement theories. Instead, most existing theories
Freeman, 2017) then leads these vicarious victims to treat organizations as if they are race neutral. With
experience “embodied threat,” a heightened aware- Ray’s (2019) theory of racialized organizations in the
ness of the increased likelihood of personally ex- foreground, we explicate how White organizational
periencing harm because of one’s identity. We posit norms and racialized feeling rules affect how racial
722 Academy of Management Journal June

Theoretical Model of the Influence of Mega-Threats on Avoidant Work Behaviors

Shared identity
with mega-threat
victim(s) Work

Threat Suppression

Embodied Cognitive
Mega-Threat Threat


Psychological Safety
of Identity Discussions

Notes: Figure 1 is a pictorial representation of our theory. In our empirical investigation of mega-threats, we examine employees’ psychologi-
cal responses to mega-threats after they occur. Thus, our hypotheses and analyses examine shared identity with mega-threat victim(s) (or race)
as the independent variable.

minority employees respond to mega-threats at mega-threats on racial minority employees at work

work. Second, by explicating the process through (see Figure 1), and we empirically test this theory
which mega-threats lead to increased avoidant work across two studies. We conclude by offering theoreti-
behaviors, we add to research outside of the manage- cal and practical insights from our research and an
ment field that has demonstrated the detrimental agenda for future research into the effects of mega-
effects of mega-threats on individual’s psychological threats on organizations.
well-being (Bor, Venkataramani, Williams, & Tsai,
2018; Curtis et al., 2021; Paterson, Brown, & Walters,
2019) and we address calls for management scholar- CONCEPTUALIZING MEGA-THREATS
ship on contemporary issues, such as the impact of
societal occurrences on diversity (Nkomo, Bell, Rob- Event system theory describes organizations as
erts, Joshi, & Thatcher, 2019). Third, by developing open systems (Scott & Davis, 2015) in which individ-
the construct of embodied threat, we contribute to ual employees are affected by extraordinary events
existing research on identity-based threats (Holmes, that occur both within and outside the confines
Whitman, Campbell, & Johnson, 2016; Petriglieri, of organizations (Katz & Kahn, 1978; Morgeson,
2011). This construct adds to current conceptions of Mitchell, & Liu, 2015). This theory explains that
identity threat, which primarily focus on stereotyp- “events”—defined as discrete, observable, non-
ing or identity devaluation, by more explicitly con- routine episodes that have a discernable beginning
sidering threat that arises due to fear of personally and end (Morgeson et al., 2015)—have multilevel
encountering identity-based physical harm, includ- effects within organizations and traverse the work–
ing death. Last, our paper extends research on diver- life interface. Building on this work, recent research
sity and psychological safety (Bell et al., 2011; suggests that highly publicized societal-level events
Purdie-Vaughns & Walton, 2011). Our work suggests also have far-reaching effects at multiple levels, from
that, when individuals feel safe to discuss issues the organizational (Tilcsik & Marquis, 2013) to the
related to identity in the workplace, it can reduce the individual level (Leigh & Melwani, 2019). Indeed,
need to engage in threat suppression. Thus, we offer theorizing on the direct impact of societal events,
insight into the relationship between the psychologi- Morgeson and colleagues (2015) : 525) stated that
cal safety of identity-based discussions and the “one has only to look at such things as serious natu-
effects of mega-threats on employees. ral disasters, extreme market fluctuations, or terror-
In sum, this paper provides a comprehensive the- ist attacks to understand how virtually every aspect
ory that explicates the negative consequences of of organizational life can be affected.”
2022 Leigh and Melwani 723

Drawing from this work, Leigh and Melwani employee representation—provide employees with
(2019) introduced a theory of mega-threats, defined the resources to cope with the trauma of mega-
by three criteria. First, mega-threats are overwhelm- threats and empower them to engage in positive
ingly adverse events that involve attacks, threats, or work behaviors on behalf of their group.
violence directed toward an individual(s). These cat- However, most organizations remain racialized,
aclysmic events often involve a violation of dignity, White-dominant environments that limit the agency
an action of brutality, and a visible loss of life for and efficacy of racial minority groups (Nkomo et al.,
their victims (Levin & MacDermitt, 2013). Second, 2019; Ray, 2019). It then follows that most organiza-
mega-threats are identity related in that observers tions are not designed to foster and reward func-
make the attribution that the event was motivated by tional work behaviors that could arise because of
bias, hostility, or prejudice against a specific identity mega-threats. Instead, mega-threats are more likely
group that has been historically devalued in society to result in deleterious work outcomes for employees
(e.g., racial minorities in the United States [Crocker, who are affected by these events. Furthermore, while
Voelkl, Testa, & Major, 1991]). Given that mega- the definition of mega-threats suggests that these
threats are identity-related events, they become events may impact employees who belong to varied
highly germane to any individual who shares iden- racial minority groups (e.g., Asian and Latinx
tity with event victims (Leigh & Melwani, 2019). employees), prior theorizing on mega-threats has
While these two criteria characterize most per- largely centered upon Black employees (Leigh &
sonal direct experiences of identity devaluation Melwani, 2019; McCluney et al., 2017). Thus, we aim
(Major, Quinton, & McCoy, 2002), mega-threats have to advance organizational scholarship by comprehen-
a necessary third criterion: the scale of public atten- sively explaining the process through which mega-
tion. Mega-threats are unique because they are threats result in negative organizational outcomes—
highly publicized through both traditional news out- namely, avoidant work behaviors—for racial minority
lets and social media (Curtis et al., 2021; Leigh & employees. Given that our theory proposes that these
Melwani, 2019), extending their effects beyond the adverse effects stem from racialized organizational
local regions where they occur. Exposure to mega- norms that constrain the expression of identity-
threats includes hearing about the event through based cognitions and emotions, we also propose a
traditional media sources (Curtis et al., 2021), dis- boundary condition: the psychological safety of
cussing the event with personal contacts (Lowe & identity-based workplace discussions that attenuates
Galea, 2017; Neria & Sullivan, 2011), and learning these effects. Below, we explicate our theory that
about the mega-threat through social media, which explains how and why mega-threats lead racial
people routinely turn to after societal events (Ander- minority employees to engage in increased avoidant
son & Hitlin, 2016). In turn, this widespread media work behaviors.
attention serves to vicariously expose multitudes of
individuals to the same event.
Despite their wide reach, little research has BUILDING A MODEL OF THE IMPACT OF
explored the effects of vicarious exposure to mega- MEGA-THREATS ON EMPLOYEES
threats for employees at work. The small body of
work centered upon this topic theorizes that their To understand the impact of mega-threats on indi-
effects are far reaching. McCluney and colleagues viduals at work, we propose a multistage theoretical
(2017) posited that police killings of unarmed Black model. First, we argue that the consequences of
civilians can lead to racial trauma and reduced mega-threats differ based on identity group member-
organizational functioning for Black employees. In ship, such that, in the wake of a mega-threat, individ-
contrast, Leigh and Melwani (2019) proposed that, uals who belong to the harmed identity group are
while harmful, mega-threats have the potential to more likely to experience embodied threat. Next, we
galvanize or motivate Black employees to engage in posit that this embodied threat remains active when
interpersonally risky but functional work behav- individuals enter the workplace and that the racial-
iors, such as pro-group voice to help their identity ized nature of organizational environments compels
group. Even amid these divergent propositions, the suppression of this threat. Finally, because threat
McCluney and colleagues (2017) and Leigh and suppression is an effortful process that consumes
Melwani (2019) highlighted that organizational fac- psychological resources, it leads to increased work
tors—such as high levels of leader compassion, a withdrawal and decreased social engagement. We
high climate for inclusion, and increased diverse describe this process in detail below.
724 Academy of Management Journal June

Mega-Threats and Embodied Threat expressions are judged as being nearer than those
with more neutral expressions (Cole, Balcetis, &
Social identity theory proposes that people derive
Dunning, 2013), and threatening out-groups are per-
their sense of self partly by identifying with social
ceived as subjectively closer than non-threatening
groups (e.g., race, religion, or sexual orientation; Taj-
out-groups (Xiao & Van Bavel, 2012). Thus, when
fel & Turner, 1985) and that these social identities
faced with harm that has befallen another in-group
are typically valued and significant (Tajfel, 1974).
member, individuals may embody this harm and the
Furthermore, self-categorization theory, an exten-
potential for physical danger as being closer,
sion of social identity theory (Hogg & Terry, 2000),
enhancing the perception that harm could person-
explains that categorizing oneself as part of an
ally befall the vicarious victim.
in-group leads individuals to personalize the experi- Second, because members of stigmatized identity
ences of other members of their group. This leads groups often personally experience identity threat
individuals to feel more connected to other in-group (Holmes et al., 2016; Major & Brien, 2005), they may
members (Hogg, Terry, & White, 1995) and leads to start to embody or relive these threat experiences in
increased empathy for in-group members’ misfor- the wake of a group-relevant mega-threat. For in-
tunes (Tarrant, Dazeley, & Cottom, 2009). In turn, we stance, Freeman (2017) argued that the experience of
argue that, for vicarious victims (i.e., event observers stereotype identity threat (Steele, Spencer, & Aron-
who share identity group membership with mega- son, 2002) can be embodied, leading individuals to
threat victims), the harm that befell the mega-threat see themselves through the lens of harmful stereo-
victim becomes representative of harm that could types. In describing this embodiment, Freeman
befall any member of the identity group. In other (2017: 647) asserted that “it can limit one’s capacity
words, above the concern that may arise for event to navigate the world free of anxiety and without
victims from any individual who learns about a being forced to constantly take stock of one’s bodily
mega-threat (Aust & Zillmann, 1996), these occur- existence as not just other, but as subordinate and
rences emit a distinct warning to members of the vic- inferior.” Building upon Freeman’s (2017) work, we
tim’s identity group that they too could be harmed propose that reactions to mega-threats are embodied
because of their identity. We propose that this for individuals from racial minority groups because
heightened salience of identity-based harm leads to these events lead them to see themselves through the
a particular form of identity-based threat: “embodied lens of others who hold harmful prejudices against
threat,” or an assessment that an individual is at an their group. This, in turn, heightens their perception
increased likelihood of experiencing harm because of imminent identity-based harm.
of their identity. Harm, in this case, can be emo- While research has not directly explored embod-
tional, verbal, physical, or even fatal. Put simply, ied threat, there is evidence that shared identity
observing a mega-threat wherein an in-group mem- group membership with victims of mega-threats
ber is on the receiving end of identity-based violence causes individuals to alter their behavior in ways
leads to the perception “I could be next,” the under- suggesting they are more attuned to the possibility of
lying sentiment that defines embodied threat. personally encountering identity-based harm. For
To understand how and why these embodied example, scholars have found that hate crimes
threat appraisals arise, we draw from research on directed toward LGBTQ1 victims lead LGBTQ1
embodied cognition that suggests that even thinking identity members to change the way they dress and
about an object produces embodied states as if the express themselves (Bell & Perry, 2015), ostensibly
object were actually present (Niedenthal, Barsalou, because these changes reduce the likelihood that the
Winkielman, Krauth-Gruber, & Ric, 2005). This individual will encounter the same harm because of
work highlights two reasons why vicarious victims their own identity expression. Similarly, Dassouri
experience heightened levels of embodied threat in and Silva (1998) found that their Mexican American
the wake of mega-threats. First, because mega- patient experienced PTSD symptoms after witness-
threats are identity based, vicarious victims are ing televised border patrol beatings of possibly
likely to become more vigilant to similar cues of undocumented Mexican immigrants, even though
potential harm in their own environment. In turn, this patient had not personally experienced this
they may view harm as becoming physically closer. harm. Moreover, the 2012 murder of Black teenager
People tend to represent threatening objects as Trayvon Martin, who was wearing a hoodie when he
physically closer to them than non-threatening was killed, led other Black Americans to publicly
objects. For example, individuals with threatening express their anxiety that they or their families could
2022 Leigh and Melwani 725

become the target of similar racially motivated vio- Roberts, Cha, & Kim, 2014). Organizations also dimin-
lence. For example, singer/songwriter Sean “Puff ish the agency of racial minorities by decoupling for-
Daddy” Combs said, “I didn’t know wearing a mal organizational rules from actual organizational
hoodie made me such a target” (Fowler, 2012), and practices and norms. While many organizations for-
then U.S. President Barack Obama said, “If I had a mally espouse commitments to diversity and equity
son, he’d look like Trayvon Martin. When I think (Ely & Thomas, 1996, 2001), actual organizational
about this boy, I think about my own kids” (Tau, practices and norms remain racially unequal. For
2012). Taking this together, we hypothesize: instance, although organizational rhetoric often cele-
brates diversity by welcoming employees from vari-
Hypothesis 1. When a mega-threat occurs, individu-
ous identity groups (Bell & Hartmann, 2007),
als who are members of the harmed identity group
will experience higher levels of embodied threat than
organizational norms also often discourage discus-
those who are not members of this group. sion or even mere acknowledgment of negative
aspects of identity group membership, such as racism
and other forms of oppression (Apfelbaum, Norton, &
Embodied Threat Spillover and Threat- Sommers, 2012; Bell et al., 2011; Nkomo, 1992). We
Suppression Processes propose that organizational practices that ignore and
obscure identity group-based experiences and differ-
Research on other forms of identity-based threats
ences (Chrobot-Mason & Thomas, 2002) compel
highlights that these threat experiences trigger nega-
racial minority employees to suppress their experi-
tive cognitions and highly arousing negative emo- ence of embodied threat at work.
tions (see Schmader et al., 2008, for a review). As The second reason why threat suppression may
embodied threat involves heightened attention to the occur is due to racialized emotional norms, also
likelihood of experiencing identity-based harm, it referred to as “racialized feeling rules” (Wingfield,
may lead to increased rumination (Bryant-Davis & 2010), that regulate racial minority employees’ emo-
Ocampo, 2005) and heightened negative threat-based tional expressions (Mirchandani, 2003; Wingfield,
emotions (Bor et al., 2018; Reinka & Leach, 2018). 2010). Emotional expressions in organizations are
These threat-related cognitions and emotions endure, typically constrained by display rules such that
even when individuals are no longer exposed to the expressions of neutrality or positivity are generally
original threat (Inzlicht & Kang, 2010). Accordingly, preferred and rewarded (Grandey, 2000; Hochschild,
we suggest that this experience of embodied threat 1979). These display rules often ignore the fact that
does not dissipate when individuals enter their work- emotions may be differentially experienced and
spaces. Instead, it persists and spills over into the expressed based on identity group membership
work context, requiring individuals to actively man- (Ray, 2019), and they tend to reinforce racial hierar-
age their embodied threat experience at work. chies by preventing racial minorities from having the
We further pose that the racialized nature of organ- autonomy to express the same range of emotions as
izations induces individuals to suppress the cogni- their White male colleagues (Acker, 1990; Mirchan-
tions and emotions associated with embodied threat dani, 2003). For instance, Rabelo, Robotham, and
at work. Theories of race in organizations suggest McCluney (2021) found that racialized feeling rules
that threat suppression likely occurs for two reasons. are frequently imposed on Black women professio-
First, while organizations are typically depicted as nals through a process of “tone policing,” where
bureaucratic structures that are devoid of race Black women are perceived as threatening or angry,
(Nkomo, 1992), most U.S.-based organizational envi- even when they are acting in a neutral manner. Given
ronments are characterized by White Eurocentric that the emotional expressions of members of racial
practices and norms. Ray’s (2019) theory of racial- minority employees are more deeply scrutinized
ized organizations also suggests that organizations (Ray, 2019; Wingfield, 2010), which makes display-
diminish the agency of individuals who belong to ing negative threat-based emotions especially risky
racial minority groups by compelling them to con- (Mirchandani, 2003), we propose that racial minority
form to the norms of dominant White culture (Fea- employees are especially likely to suppress their
gin, 1987; Nkomo, 1992; Ray, 2019). Weakened experiences of embodied threat at work.
agency causes these individuals to strategically man- As embodied threat encompasses both cognitive
age aspects of their identity and utilize proscribed and affective processes, we argue that, when racial
behaviors to counteract devaluation and effectively minority employees experience embodied threat,
navigate their workplace interactions (Roberts, 2005; they will likely engage in threat suppression, which
726 Academy of Management Journal June

involves both cognitive and emotional suppression resources. Conservation of resources theory suggests
(Grandey, 2000; Schmader et al., 2008), or hiding or that individuals strive to protect their psychological
masking authentic emotions and avoiding discus- resources, and, when these resources are depleted,
sing authentic thoughts about mega-threats. Overall, individuals enact protective behaviors to avoid addi-
we hypothesize: tional resource utilization (Hobfoll, 1989; Urdan
et al., 2014). Integrating insights from these theories
Hypothesis 2. When a mega-threat occurs, individu-
als who share identity group membership with vic-
suggests that, when racial minority employees
tims of the event will engage in increased threat engage in threat suppression, it consumes psycho-
suppression in the workplace, which is mediated by logical resources and prompts increased avoidant
embodied threat. work behaviors.
Given that fully investing oneself in work tasks
and interacting with work colleagues are both
The Effects of Threat Suppression on Avoidant resource-consuming actions (Grandey, 2000; Vohs,
Work Behaviors Baumeister, & Ciarocco, 2005), we propose that the
racialized nature of organizations prompts height-
In the final stage of our model, we posit that threat
ened avoidance of work tasks and work colleagues
suppression has adverse effects on work behaviors.
for two reasons. First, prior research suggests that
Integrating insights from Ray’s (2019) theory of
cognitive and emotional suppression leads to
racialized organizations with those from conserva-
increased work withdrawal because distancing one-
tion of resources theory (Hobfoll, 1989; Hobfoll & self from work tasks allows individuals to replenish
Freedy, 1993), we posit that threat suppression leads their psychological resources (Grandey, 2000; Scott
to increased avoidant work behaviors. Avoidant & Barnes, 2011). Given that racial minority employ-
work behaviors share two characteristics: they repre- ees are limited in their agency (Ray, 2019), which
sent movement away from, rather than toward, activ- also limits their ability to select a coping method
ities, and they involve purposeful inaction (Urdan, that could replenish their depleted resources (e.g.,
Ryan, Anderman, & Gheen, 2014). Given that taking a day off work in the wake of a mega-threat;
operating successfully at work typically requires McCluney et al., 2017), withdrawing from work
individuals to work both independently and interde- tasks may allow these employees to avoid further
pendently with others (Soane et al., 2012), we exam- resource depletion, while still remaining within
ine the process through which mega-threats lead to their organizations.
heightened task and interpersonal avoidance. We Furthermore, because managing social interactions
posit that mega-threats ultimately lead to increased with work colleagues also requires individuals to
“work withdrawal” (discretionary input reduction regulate their behaviors or invest psychological
behaviors where employees attempt to distance resources, suppressing experiences of embodied
themselves from work tasks while remaining mem- threat also leads employees to disengage from their
bers of their organizations; Hanisch & Hulin, 1990) work colleagues. Organizational scholarship sug-
and decreased “social engagement” (purposeful gests that, when workplace interactions are more
reduction in individuals’ interpersonal connection habitual, they require less effort and fewer resources.
with their work colleagues; Soane et al., 2012). However, when individuals must present themselves
To understand the links between Ray’s (2019) the- to work colleagues under challenging or unusual cir-
ory of racialized organizations and conservation of cumstances, these interactions can become more
resources theory, we begin with Ray’s assessment of demanding and consume additional psychological
how organizations perpetuate and reinforce racial resources (Vohs et al., 2005). While the racialized
inequity. Ray (2019) explained that organizations nature of organizations often leads racial minorities
enact practices that coerce racial minority employees to hide their true emotions and cognitions (Ray,
into occupations at the bottom of organizational hier- 2019; Roberts, 2005), the highly arousing nature of
archies and pressure these employees into behaviors embodied threat suggests that suppressing this threat
that conform to White norms and emotional expecta- requires additional effort above and beyond what is
tions. As modifying one’s behavior and masking cog- typically expended in work interactions. Thus, in an
nitions and emotions requires energy and effort effort to protect against further resource depletion,
(Grandey, 2000; Roberts, 2005; Scott & Barnes, which will likely occur in coworker interactions
2011), contending with these organizational forces (Roberts, 2005), employees will instead decrease
requires a heightened investment of psychological their social engagement with their work colleagues.
2022 Leigh and Melwani 727

Consequently, we argue that the resource-consuming safety focused on team members’ perceptions of their
nature of threat suppression prompts individuals to pro- teams as safe places for members to make mistakes
tect against future resource loss by withdrawing from and ask for help. Similarly, Liang and colleagues’
work tasks and decreasing their engagement with work (2012) investigation of psychological safety centered
colleagues. Based on these arguments, we hypothesize upon the perception that individuals felt safe to
the following: express authentic cognitions and emotions related to
their work role.
Hypotheses 3a. When a mega-threat occurs, being a
member of the harmed identity group has a positive
However, theories of diversity, voice, and silence
indirect effect on work withdrawal, which is mediated (Bell et al., 2011; Gonzalez, Tillman, & Holmes,
first by embodied threat and second by threat 2020; McCluney et al., 2017; Purdie-Vaughns & Wal-
suppression. ton, 2011) highlight the possibility that patterns of
psychological safety may differ depending on the
Hypotheses 3b. When a mega-threat occurs, being a type of interpersonal risk. For instance, when organi-
member of the harmed identity group has a negative zations ignore the experiences of employees from
indirect effect on social engagement, which is medi- different social groups, it can lead to reduced iden-
ated first by embodied threat and second by threat tity safety for Black employees (McCluney et al.,
suppression. 2017; Purdie-Vaughns & Eibach, 2008). Similarly,
the combination of high levels of heterosexism and a
The Moderating Role of the Safety of Identity lack of legal protections for LGBTQ1 individuals
Discussions in the Workplace creates a climate of peril, where LGBTQ1 employees
lack the psychological safety necessary to reveal
With the theory of racialized organizations as the aspects of their identity (Bell et al., 2011; Ragins,
foundation of our model, it becomes clear that the Singh, & Cornwell, 2007). Such research suggests
organizational context may provide an important that psychological safety is not a monolithic con-
boundary condition for the association between struct. Employees may have different levels of psy-
embodied threat and its suppression at work. Impor- chological safety for expressing different types of
tantly, our theory rests on the notion that individuals opinions, like those associated with experiences
engage in suppression because organizational racial- related to being a member of a racial minority group
ization constrains the expression of embodied versus those related to work tasks. Building on this,
threat. We posit that threat suppression is especially we assert that the absence of open discussions about
likely when individuals deem that sharing their race and other stigmatized identities within organi-
reactions to mega-threats in the workplace is unwise zations leads employees to infer that it is risky to
or interpersonally risky (Morrison & Milliken, 2000), engage in discussions about their identity. This, in
or when there is a lack of psychological safety of turn, reduces the psychological safety of these
identity-based discussions. Thus, we introduce psy- discussions.
chological safety of identity-based discussions as a Accordingly, we propose that the psychological
contextual moderator. safety of identity-based discussions has an important
“Psychological safety” is the extent to which an effect on the relationship between experiencing
individual believes that they will not be punished embodied threat and suppressing this threat. We
for taking interpersonal risks within their team or posit that, when conversations about social identi-
organization (Detert & Burris, 2007; Edmondson, ties are deemed unsafe—that is, when employees
1999). Research has found that, when psychological believe that identity-based discussions will lead to
safety is high, fears and concerns related to speaking reduced interpersonal support or other negative
up and taking risks are minimized. Thus, high levels organizational consequences (Detert & Burris,
of psychological safety are associated with increased 2007)—employees experiencing embodied threat
voice (Detert & Burris, 2007; Liang et al., 2012) and will more likely feel compelled to remain silent
enhanced team learning and efficacy (Edmondson, (Sherf et al., 2021) or suppress their experience of
1999). While definitions of psychological safety tend embodied threat at work. However, when individu-
to refer to any type of interpersonal risk-taking in als deem that it is safe to have conversations about
organizations, empirical investigations of this con- social identities in organizations, it leads employees
struct typically center upon interpersonal risk-taking to have the freedom, autonomy, and opportunity to
related to work tasks or procedures. For example, express their experience of embodied threat (Holmes
Edmondson’s (1999) investigation of psychological et al., 2016), reducing the likelihood of threat
728 Academy of Management Journal June

suppression. Therefore, we argue that the psycholog- developed and validated scales for embodied threat
ical safety of identity-based discussions acts as a and threat suppression in a series of measurement
moderator for embodied threat’s effect on threat development studies (see Appendix A).2 Table 1
suppression. provides a summary of the new items.
Hypothesis 4. When a mega-threat occurs, if the psy-
chological safety of identity-based discussions is STUDY 1: ATLANTA SPA SHOOTINGS
high, then the effect of embodied threat on threat sup- MEGA-THREAT STUDY
pression will be smaller, reducing the positive indirect
Study 1, a pre-registered,3 cross-sectional online
effect of being a member of the harmed identity group
on work withdrawal. field study with 332 Asian and White employees,
centered upon a mega-threat that occurred in March
Hypothesis 4. When a mega-threat occurs, if the psy- 2021 when a gunman killed eight people, including
chological safety of identity-based discussions is six Asian women, in a string of shootings at Atlanta-
high, then the effect of embodied threat on threat sup- area spas (Knowles, Thebault, Peiser, Armus, &
pression is smaller, reducing the negative indirect Elfrink, 2021). This event met the three defining fea-
effect of being a member of the harmed identity group tures of a mega-threat: (1) the event was overwhelm-
on social engagement. ingly negative, as eight people tragically lost their
lives and others were wounded; (2) it was identity
OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH related as the majority of the shooting victims were
of Asian descent, and observers perceived that these
We conducted two studies to test our model. In victims were targeted because of their race (Knowles
Study 1, we conducted a cross-sectional online field et al., 2021); and (3) the event received significant
study that centered upon the 2021 Atlanta-area spa media attention.
shootings1 (the mega-threat), in which individuals of
Asian descent were tragically targeted and killed. Method: Participants and Procedure
Our first study establishes support for the differen-
tial effects of mega-threats on avoidant work behav- We recruited a total of 332 participants through
iors for employees who share versus do not share the Cloud Research and Prolific (online websites de-
harmed identity with mega-threat victims. In Study signed for survey research). To qualify, participants
2, we established baseline levels of employee threat had to live in the United States and be employed at
suppression, work withdrawal, and social engage- least part-time. Additionally, we used quota-sampling
ment (Phase 1); examined how Black versus White
employees responded to the police killings of Study materials for our studies, data, and R scripts can
Botham Jean and Atatiana Jefferson, both Black civil- be found in our paper repository at:
ians (Phase 2); and again examined how Black versus ?view_only=57eff47dd0e34ba08bbed54a77b4aaf4
White employees responded to the murder of The preregistration document can be found in our
another Black civilian, George Floyd (Phase 3). Our paper repository, and here:
second, study extends our findings from Study 1 by php?x=re6by2. Note that, as we refined our theory during
the revision process, the names (or labels) of our constructs
examining the moderating role of the psychological
were revised. The correspondence between the constructs
safety of identity-based discussions. We also in the preregistration and the current paper is as follows:
embodied threat (identity threat), threat suppression (iden-
To corroborate that all the mega-threats in our paper tity labor), task withdrawal (work withdrawal), and inter-
received significant media attention, we examined normal- personal withdrawal (social engagement; note that
ized Google Trends data. To assess search popularity in interpersonal withdrawal was originally reverse-coded).
Google Trends, each data point is divided by the total Additionally, given that this was Study 1 in our paper,
searches of the geography and time range it represents, to we did not seek to examine our fourth hypothesis, nor did
compare relative popularity. The resulting numbers are we collect data related to our moderator variable (the psy-
then scaled on a range of 0 to 100 where 100 is a measure chological safety of identity-based discussions). We did,
of the fact that the particular search string received the however, collect data related to general task-related psy-
highest share of all Google searches in that particular chological safety in this study, using a previously vali-
week. All the mega-threats in our paper, including those dated measure (Liang et al., 2012). Our analysis confirmed
utilized in the EFA and CFA analyses, received a score of that task-related psychological safety does not moderate
100. The murder of George Floyd received the highest rela- the effect of embodied threat on threat suppression. This
tive search volume. analysis can be found in our paper supplement on page 11.
2022 Leigh and Melwani 729

Summary of Content Validation, Exploratory Factor Analyses (EFAs), and Confirmatory Factor Analyses (CFAs) for
New Study Measures
Content validation Final EFA Final CFA
Scale/Item mean rating loading loadings

Embodied threat items

I worry about the safety of people in my racial group in this country.b 6.43 0.48
I’ve been concerned that I could become the target of discrimination. 6.07 0.92 0.83
I worry that someone may treat me differently because of my race. 6.37 0.90 0.75
I worry about my personal safety because of my race. 6.51 0.82 0.89
I worry about the safety of my family and others around me.a 3.93
I’ve been concerned about the safety of my community. 6.10 0.65 0.63
Threat suppression items
Resist expressing my true emotions with my work colleagues 6.42 0.77 0.76
Hide my true feelings from others 5.38 0.98 0.81
Mask my negative emotions 5.80 0.82 0.82
Avoid displaying my true emotions 5.54 0.77 0.87
Hide how I feel from my coworkers 6.37 0.84 0.84
Put on a “show” or “performance” when interacting with coworkersb 5.79 0.53
Pretend I have emotions I don’t havea 4.65
Resist expressing my true thoughts with my work colleagues 6.54 0.91 0.93
Hide my thoughts from my coworkers 6.32 0.97 0.96
Mask my negative thoughts 5.36 0.90 0.94
Avoid discussing my true thoughts 5.32 0.97 0.95
Hide my thoughts from my coworkers 6.31 0.95 0.96
Steer clear of discussing an event with my coworkers 5.00 0.79 0.85
Pretend I don’t have strong opinionsa 4.53

Notes: Content validation, n 5 115; EFA, n 5 151; CFA, n 5 400. CFA model fit statistics: x2(87) 5 204.81, p , .001; CFI 5 .98,
RMSEA 5 .06, SRMR 5 .03. Full details regarding measurement development studies can be found in the Appendix.
Item removed due to low content validity.
Item removed due to low EFA factor loading.

techniques (Singleton, Straits, & Straits, 1993) to exposure, we also ensured that the participants had
recruit a relatively equal number of participants been exposed to the mega-threat before our study.
who self-identified as Asian (N 5 187; 64% East Accordingly, we asked participants if they were
Asian, 20% South Asian, 16% South East Asian) or aware of the event before reading the article we pre-
White (N 5 145). The average age of the sample was sented. Ninety-seven percent of the sample reported
37.3 years (SD 5 10.43), 58% self-identified as men, that they were aware of the event prior to participat-
41% self-identified as women, 1% self-identified as ing in our study. All participants then responded to
non-binary, and 87% held an associate degree or survey items designed to assess their reaction to the
higher. mega-threat, their experiences at work after the
After consenting to participate in our study, par- mega-threat, and their demographics. In our analy-
ticipants viewed a short excerpt from a news report ses, we dropped the 11 participants who had not
about the mega-threat4 (Knowles et al., 2021). As the heard of the event before starting the study, leading
potency of the mega-threat lies in its vicarious to a final sample of 321 participants (181 Asian and
140 White participants).
In an effort to ensure that we were not inadvertently
leading participants to report experiencing embodied Measures
threat by showing them a short article about the event, we
Race. We captured participant race using a
collected a separate sample of 100 (50 Asian and 50 White)
dummy variable (0 5 White, 1 5 Asian).
employees to participate in a similar study, except they
were not shown an article snapshot. There were no differ- Embodied threat. We measured embodied threat
ences between this sample and our Study 1 sample with using the 4-item scale (1 5 strongly disagree to 7 5
respect to our hypotheses of interest. Additional details strongly agree) that we developed in our measure-
about this study and analysis of the results can be found in ment development studies (a 5 .96; see Table 1 and
our paper supplement on page 11. Appendix A).
730 Academy of Management Journal June

Threat-suppression processes. We measured cog- Then, to test Hypothesis 2 (whether Asian partici-
nitive and emotional threat suppression using the pants felt compelled to suppress their experience of
11-item scale (1 5 not at all to 7 5 a great deal) we embodied threat in the workplace), we conducted a
developed in our measurement development studies bootstrapped mediation analysis with 1,000 resam-
(a 5 .92; see Table 1 and Appendix A). ples. Consistent with this hypothesis, we found that
Work withdrawal. We measured work with- the indirect effect of race on threat suppression
drawal using a 3-item scale adapted from Lehman through embodied threat was positive and signifi-
and Simpson’s (1992) 8-item work withdrawal scale cant (indirect effect 5 0.83, SE 5 0.14, 95% CI [0.56,
(1 5 not at all to 7 5 a great deal). To keep the survey 1.11]). Using bootstrapped structural equation mod-
brief, we a priori eliminated survey items that were eling (SEM) path analysis, with 1,000 resamples con-
related to other constructs (e.g., turnover) and that ducted in R using the lavaan package (Hayes,
were not general enough to apply to a range of occu- Montoya, & Rockwood, 2017), we next examined the
pations (e.g., leaving one’s workstation). The three indirect effect of the mega-threat on work with-
items we utilized were, “I let my mind wander while drawal and social engagement and found that the
at work,” “I let others do my work,” and “I spent hypothesized model fit the data relatively well per
time working on personal matters” (a 5 .73). the model fit statistics, x2(5) 5 17.23, p 5 .004; CFI 5
Social engagement. We measured social engage- .97, RMSEA 5 .087, SRMR 5 .04 (see Table 3).
ment using a 3-item scale adapted from Soane and Consistent with Hypotheses 3a and 3b, we found
colleagues’ (2012) social engagement scale (1 5 that the mega-threat led Asian employees to engage
strongly disagree to 7 5 strongly agree). In adapting in higher levels of work withdrawal (overall indirect
this scale, we focused on items related to our concep- effect 5 0.18, SE 5 0.05, 95% CI [0.09, 0.29]) and
tion of social engagement as purposeful interper- lower levels of social engagement (overall indirect
sonal connection behaviors. The three items we effect 5 20.14, SE 5 0.05, 95% CI [20.26, 20.05]) in
utilized were “I sought out connections with my the days following the event.
work colleagues,” “I enjoyed spending time with
my work colleagues,” and “I sought out opportuni- Discussion
ties to work on tasks with others” (a 5 .91).
Study 1 provided initial evidence for our pro-
posed theory that explains the effects of identity-
relevant mega-threats on racial minorities at work.
Table 2 includes the means, standard deviations, In the days following a mega-threat in which indi-
and correlations among the study variables. Compar- viduals of Asian descent were targeted and harmed,
ing embodied threat experienced by Asian versus we found that Asian employees experienced higher
White participants, we found that, consistent with levels of embodied threat. We also found that this
Hypothesis 1, Asian participants experienced signif- threat experience spilled over into the workplace,
icantly higher levels of embodied threat following leading Asian employees to engage in higher levels
the mega-threat, F(1, 319) 5 405.0, p , .001, t(319) 5 of threat suppression, which ultimately led to
20.13, Cohen’s d 5 22.28 (M 5 5.53, SD 5 1.55) than heightened work withdrawal and lower social eng-
White participants (M 5 2.12, SD 5 1.45). agement. However, given the cross-sectional design

Study 1: Means, Standard Deviations, and Correlations
Variable M SD 1 2 3 4

1 Racea 0.56 0.50

2 Embodied threat 4.04 2.27 .75
3 Threat suppression 2.83 1.61 .28 .34
4 Work withdrawal 3.00 1.40 .15 .18 .24
5 Social engagement 4.30 1.55 2.11 .01 2.17 2.18

Note: n 5 321.
0 5 White, 1 5 Asian.
 p , .05
 p , .01
 p , .001
2022 Leigh and Melwani 731

Study 1: SEM Results
Dependent variables
Mediator 1 Mediator 2
Variable Embodied threat Threat suppression Work withdrawal Social engagement

Independent variables
Racea 3.42
Embodied threat 0.24
Threat suppression 0.21 20.17
(0.05) (0.06)
R2 .56 .12 .06 .03

Notes: n 5 321. Unstandardized regression coefficients reported. Standard errors are in parentheses.
0 5 White, 1 5 Asian.
 p , .05
 p , .01
 p , .001

of Study 1, we were unable to rule out the possibility did not belong to this racial identity group (White
that there may have been baseline differences be- participants). Finally, given the consequential influ-
tween racial groups in our work variables (threat ence that the murder of George Floyd at the hands of
suppression, work withdrawal, and social engage- police in May 2020 had on societal attention and dis-
ment). Study 2 addressed this limitation and assessed course regarding the deadly consequences of racism
whether the safety of identity-based discussions in (Roberson, 2020), we determined that it was impor-
the workplace moderated the effects in our theoreti- tant to examine our hypotheses within the context of
cal model. this mega-threat. Therefore, in Phase 3, we again fol-
lowed up with participants from our Phase 1 survey
STUDY 2: PRE- AND POST-MEGA- to assess whether the effects of this mega-threat were
THREATS STUDY like those from the mega-threats in our previous
In Study 2, we sought to further investigate our
hypotheses by surveying employees before and
Phase 1: Baseline Survey
after mega-threats. This study design allowed us to
assess baseline differences between racial groups in Participants and procedure. We recruited 710
our work variables and further allowed us to rule employees through Cloud Research to participate in
out the possibility that these baseline differences a multi-time point study in May of 2019 during a rel-
were responsible for the effects we found in Study 1. atively quiet news cycle in the United States. Partici-
In this study, we also examined the moderating pants qualified for our study if they lived in the
effects of the psychological safety of identity-based United States, worked at least 20 hours per week,
discussions. and self-identified as members of a specific identity
Given that mega-threats are non-routine and group. Given that we could not predict the mega-
unpredictable in their occurrence, we started by sur- threats that would occur in future time points or the
veying a diverse sample of employees who belonged identity groups that would be implicated in these
to several identity groups. In Phase 1, in May 2019, events, we first recruited participants based on their
we measured “resting” baseline levels of threat sup- membership in one of three marginalized identity
pression, work withdrawal, and social engagement. groups in the United States: U.S. immigrants, Black
In Phase 2, during the week after two mega-threats individuals, and women. Next, we recruited a sam-
involving police shootings of unarmed Black civil- ple of White males as a comparison identity group.
ians in October of 2019, we followed up with Phase Our final sample (N 5 710) included 201 Black par-
1 participants who shared racial identity with the ticipants, 109 U.S. immigrants, 191 White women,
victims harmed in the mega-threats (Black partici- and 209 White men. For the total sample, 51% iden-
pants) and a matched sample of participants who tified as women, 49% identified as men, the mean
732 Academy of Management Journal June

age was 37 years old (SD 5 10.68), and 69% held an survey?”), requiring a “yes” or “no” response. Eighty-
associate degree or higher. three percent of the sample responded “yes.” After
Measures. In addition to the demographic varia- reading the excerpt, participants responded to survey
bles reported above, in this baseline survey, we mea- items about their reactions to the mega-threats and
sured participants’ “resting” levels of threat their work experiences in the days after the events.
suppression (a 5 .98), work withdrawal (a 5 .70),5 We also collected open-ended responses from partici-
and social engagement (a 5 .91) utilizing the same pants about how safe they felt discussing the mega-
items and Likert scales as in Study 1. In our subse- threat at work. All participants completed the entire
quent studies (Study 2, Phases 2 and 3), we used survey, but, because we were asking about work
these baseline measures to assess whether there was behaviors in response to the mega-threat, our analysis
evidence to suggest that mega-threats led to changes excludes participants who were not aware of the
in these work variables. mega-threats before beginning our study. Thus, our
final sample for Phase 2 comprised 170 participants
(88 Black participants and 82 White participants).
Phase 2: October 2019 Mega-Threats
Measures. We utilized the same measures and
Participants and procedure. In October 2019, we Likert scales from Study 1 to measure our variables
followed up with 201 Black participants and 200 of interest: embodied threat (four items, a 5 .92),
White participants (both men and women) from our threat suppression (11 items, a 5 .98), work with-
Phase 1 sample following two mega-threats that drawal (three items, a 5 .67), and social engagement
occurred within the same week in Texas. The first (three items, a 5 .91).
mega-threat involved the publicized trial of former To assess the perceived psychological safety of
Dallas police officer Amber Guyger, who was identity discussions in the workplace, we included
charged with fatally shooting Botham Jean, an an open response item that asked, “Have you felt
unarmed Black man, in his home (McLaughlin, comfortable discussing the event with your cow-
2019). The second mega-threat occurred a few days orkers? Why or why not?” An initial read of the
later when a Black woman, Atatiana Jefferson, was responses indicated that many respondents avoided
shot and killed by a police officer in her Fort Worth, discussing the mega-threats because they believed
Texas, home (CNN, 2019). We determined that both these discussions were risky or would result in nega-
events met the three defining criteria of mega-threats tive organizational consequences. Thus, participants
as they were (1) negative, both involving the death of determined that these discussions were unsafe (Mor-
a Black person at the hands of police; (2) identity rison & Milliken, 2000), or the psychological safety
related, because the victims’ shootings were attrib- for these conversations was low. The authors devel-
uted to their Black identity; and (3) covered exten- oped a coding scale from 1 (extremely safe for
sively, often together in the news. The response mega-threat discussions) to 5 (extremely unsafe for
rate for our survey in Phase 2 was 51%, with 102 mega-threat discussions) and trained three student
Black participants and 101 White participants. Fifty- coders using 15 exemplar responses. Sample re-
one percent self-identified as women, 49% self- sponses that scored at the lower end of this scale
identified as men, and the mean age was 37.8 years include, “We had an open and honest conversation,
old (SD 5 11.28). we express[ed] how we feel and everyone feels open
After participants consented to participate in our with it,” and “I don’t shy away from having discus-
study, they read short excerpts of news articles about sions about current events. This is okay, the debates
the two mega-threats (CNN, 2019; McLaughlin, might be contentious, but usually okay in the end.”
2019). Next, we asked a screening question (“Have Sample responses at the midpoint of the scale
include, “I don’t usually discuss controversial topics
you heard of this event before you began this
with my coworkers. I don’t want to rock any boats or
ignite any fires in my department,” and “We don’t
Given the low coefficient alpha obtained for our mea-
generally talk about this kind of thing at work …
sure of work withdrawal in this study, we also calculated
People who are various sorts of ethnic and cultural
the coefficient omega (Study 2, Phase 1: 0.72; Study 2,
Phase 2: 0.71; Study 2, Phase 3: 0.70). Omega relaxes the minorities tend to not bring up these issues, so I
assumption of tau equivalence, which is beneficial for think many White people at work don’t feel it’s their
assessing the reliability of a scale like work withdrawal, place to start a conversation.” Lastly, sample re-
wherein the items represent different facets of a construct sponses that scored at the highest point of the scale
(Edwards, 2003). include, “It’s not worth risking my job to express
2022 Leigh and Melwani 733

feelings towards a touchy subject,” and “I haven’t effect 5 20.13, SE 5 0.5, 95% CI [20.25, 20.03]; see
discussed this at work because it is never a good idea Table 5).
to start a political conversation in the workplace. I Finally, we assessed the moderating role of the
don’t want to cause a problem for myself down the safety of identity discussions (Hypothesis 4) by first
road.” The interrater reliability for the coding was conducting a moderated regression analysis. In line
strong, ICC(2) 5 .89, indicating sufficient rater agree- with Hypothesis 4, we found a positive interaction
ment (Hallgren, 2012). effect between embodied threat and the safety of
identity discussions on threat suppression (b 5 0.10,
Results. Table 4 shows the means, standard devia-
SE 5 0.04, p 5 .04). A simple slopes analysis re-
tions, and correlations between Study 2 variables in
vealed that this relationship remained significant at
each phase.
every observed value of our moderator, yet the slope
Consistent with Hypothesis 1, we found that Black
became steeper as mega-threat discussions became
participants had higher levels of embodied threat
more unsafe6 (see Figure 2).
after the mega-threats involving two police shooting
We also conducted bootstrapped SEM path analy-
deaths of Black civilians, F(1,168) 5 100.2, p , .001,
sis, including our moderated mediation hypothesis,
t(168) 5 10.01, Cohen’s d 5 21.54 (M 5 4.75, SD 5
and found that, consistent with Hypothesis 4 when
1.73), compared to White participants (M 5 2.36,
discussions related to identity were deemed unsafe
SD 5 1.36). Next, in support of Hypothesis 2, the (11 SD), the positive indirect effect of race on work
indirect effect of race on threat suppression through withdrawal (indirect effect 5 0.11, SE 5 0.05, 95%
embodied threat was positive and significant (indi- CI [0.02, 0.25]) and the negative indirect effect of
rect effect 5 0.84, SE 5 0.17, 95% CI [0.50, 1.18]). race on social engagement (indirect effect 5 20.12,
Critically, regression analysis in Phase 2 revealed SE 5 0.07, 95% CI [20.31, 20.03]) remained signifi-
that, while Black employees engaged in significantly cant. However, when these discussions were
higher levels of threat suppression than White em- deemed safe (21 SD), the overall indirect effect of
ployees, t(168) 5 2.57, p 5 .01, Cohen’s d 5 20.40, race on work withdrawal (0.01, SE 5 0.08, 95% CI
there were not significant differences in threat sup- [20.15, 0.17]) and social engagement (20.01,
pression between Black and White employees in the SE 5 0.06, 95% CI [20.21, 0.16]) was not significant
Phase 1 survey, t(168) 5 1.62, p 5 .11, Cohen’s d 5 (see Table 6).
20.25. Additionally, the indirect effect of race on
threat suppression measured in Phase 2 remained Phase 3: May 2020 Police Killing of George Floyd
significant even after controlling for Phase 1 threat
suppression (indirect effect 5 0.62, SE 5 0.14, 95% Participants and procedure. In May 2020, we
CI [0.35, 0.89]; see Table 5). again followed up with the 203 Black participants
Next, we conducted an SEM bootstrapped path and 201 White participants from our Phase 1 survey
analysis in R using the lavaan package with 1,000 after another mega-threat. This event occurred on
resamples (Hayes et al., 2017, Rosseel, 2012). These May 25, 2020, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, when
results showed that our hypothesized model fit White police officers arrested and murdered a Black
the data relatively well, x2(5) 5 3.55, p 5 0.62; man named George Floyd. During the arrest, a police
CFI 5 1.0, RMSEA 5 .00, SRMR 5 .02. Consistent officer pressed his knee to the back of Mr. Floyd’s
with Hypothesis 3a, we found that the serial medi- neck for over nine minutes, leading to his death
ated indirect effect of race on work withdrawal (Maxouris, Hanna, & Almasy, 2020). In a video,
through embodied threat and threat suppression which was watched by millions of people across the
was positive and significant (indirect effect 5 0.17, world in the days following his death (Hassan &
SE 5 0.06, 95% CI [0.07, 0.30]). Consistent with
Hypothesis 3b, the serial mediated indirect effect of We further probed this interaction utilizing the
race on social engagement through embodied threat Johnson–Neyman technique and found that, when the
and threat suppression was negative and significant safety of mega-threat discussions was outside of the inter-
val [248.19, 0.54], the slope of the relationship between
(indirect effect 5 20.16, SE 5 0.08, 95% CI [20.37,
embodied threat and threat suppression was significant.
20.03]). These indirect effects remained significant, Given that the observed values for the safety of mega-threat
even after controlling for Phase 1 threat suppres- discussions ranged from 1 (extremely safe for discussions)
sion, work withdrawal, and social engagement to 5 (extremely unsafe for mega-threat discussions), this
(work withdrawal indirect effect 5 0.07, SE 5 0.4, analysis confirmed that our data was completely within
95% CI [0.001, 0.16]; social engagement indirect the region of significance.

Study 2: Means, Standard Deviations, and Correlations
M SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Phase 1 survey variables

1 Race 0.52 0.50
2 Threat suppression 3.43 1.70 .12
3 Work withdrawal 2.08 0.73 .03 .33
4 Social engagement 2.94 0.85 2.03 2.30 2.03
Phase 2 survey variables
5 Embodied threat 3.60 1.96 .61 .24 .06 .09
6 Threat suppression 3.00 1.66 .19 .52 .23 .03 .41
7 Work withdrawal 2.99 1.31 .12 .33 .56 2.13 .10 .25
8 Social engagement 3.98 1.68 2.07 2.48 2.11 .52 2.05 2.19 2.13
9 Safety of mega-threat 1.96 1.20 .02 .25 2.05 2.08 .02 .33 .04 2.34
Phase 3 survey variables
10 Embodied threat 3.40 2.11 .61 .18 .15 2.07 .58 .42 .36 2.10 2.09
11 Threat suppression 2.56 1.95 .11 .43 .20 2.13 .32 .66 .23 2.23 .29 .27
Academy of Management Journal

12 Work withdrawal 2.85 1.35 .02 .38 .55 2.14 2.02 .16 .40 2.05 .21 .11 .28
13 Social engagement 3.81 1.56 2.01 2.37 2.22 .53 2.02 2.10 2.03 .57 2.17 2.05 2.20 2.13

Notes: Race (0 5 White, 1 5 Black). Phase 1 5 May 2019, Phase 2 5 October 2019, and Phase 3 5 May 2020. Phase 1, n 5 403; Phase 2, n 5 170; Phase 3, n 5 112
(9 participants were unemployed due to the COVID pandemic during Phase 3 and thus were not presented survey items for the work variables).
 p , .05
 p , .01
 p , .001
2022 Leigh and Melwani 735

Study 2, Phase 2: SEM Results
Mediator 1 5 Mediator 2 5 DV 5 Work DV 5 Social
Embodied threat Threat suppression withdrawal engagement
Phase 2 Phase 2 Phase 2 Phase 2
Variable Model 1 Model 2 Model 1 Model 2 Model 1 Model 2 Model 1 Model 2

Independent variable
Race 2.42 2.42
(0.24) (0.24)
Mediators—Phase 2
Embodied threat 0.35 0.26
(0.06) (0.06)
Threat suppression 0.20 0.11 20.19 20.21
(0.06) (0.05) (0.08) (0.07)
Controls—Phase 1
Threat suppression 0.44
Work withdrawal 0.96
Social engagement 1.04
R2 .38 .38 .17 .33 .06 .33 .04 .34

Notes: Model 1 is a sequential mediation model with two dependent variables (without Phase 1 control variables). Model 2 is Model 1
with the Phase 1 control variables. Race (0 5 White, Black 5 1). Unstandardized regression coefficients reported. Standard errors are in
parentheses. Phase 1, n 5 403; Phase 2, n 5 170 observations.
 p , .05
 p , .01
 p , .001

O’Grady, 2020), Mr. Floyd can be heard saying sev- Floyd’s Black identity; and (3) broadcast widely
eral times, “I can’t breathe.” We determined that this through traditional news and social media. In Study
was a mega-threat because the event was (1) espe- 2, Phase 3, 64 Black participants and 57 White par-
cially negative, as Mr. Floyd was killed; (2) identity ticipants responded to the survey from Phase 1, rep-
related, because his death was attributed to Mr. resenting a 30% response rate from the baseline
Study 2, Phase 2: Interactive Effects of Embodied Threat and Psychological Safety of Identity Discussions on
Threat Suppression with Plot of the Simple Slopes

Safety of Workplace
Threat Suppression

Mega-Threat Discussions
4 3
3 1

2 4 6
Embodied Threat

Note: All variables in Figure 2 are from Phase 2 survey.

736 Academy of Management Journal June

Study 2, Phase 2: SEM Results with the Interaction of the Psychological Safety of Identity Discussion in the
Mediator 1 5 Mediator 2 5 DV 5 DV 5
Embodied Threat Work Social
threat suppression withdrawal engagement
Variable Model 1 Model 2 Model 1 Model 2 Model 1 Model 2 Model 1 Model 2

Independent variables
Race 2.53 2.53
(0.24) (0.24)
Mediators—Phase 2
Embodied threat 0.13 0.10
(0.11) (0.10)
Threat suppression 0.19 0.11 20.22 20.23
(0.06) (0.05) (0.08) (0.07)
Safety of identity discussions 0.08 0.02
(0.20) (0.17)
Embodied threat 3 Safety of identity discussions 0.10 0.08
(0.04) (0.03)
Controls—Phase 1
Threat suppression 0.37
Work withdrawal 0.96
Social engagement 1.08
R2 .40 .40 .26 .40 .06 .32 .05 .38

Notes: Model 1 is a sequential mediation model with two dependent variables (without Phase 1 control variables). Model 2 is Model 1
with the Phase 1 control variables. Race (0 5 White, Black 5 1). Unstandardized regression coefficients reported. Standard errors are in
parentheses. Phase 1, n 5 403; Phase 2, n 5 170 observations.
 p , .05
 p , .01
 p , .001

survey (the time difference between Phase 1 and interactions (Yang et al., 2022), we did not assess the
Phase 3 was over one year, which may have contrib- safety of identity discussions in this study.
uted to this lower-than-average response rate). Results. Consistent with Hypothesis 1, we found
Sixty-two percent of the sample self-identified as that Black participants experienced higher levels of
women, 38% self-identified as men, and the mean embodied threat following the Phase 3 mega-threat,
age was 39 years old (SD 5 11.19). In this survey, we F(1,110) 5 65.74, p , .001, t(110) 5 8.11, p , .001,
again presented participants with a news excerpt Cohen’s d 5 21.57 (M 5 4.57, SD 5 1.98) than White
about the mega-threat and asked them if they heard participants (M 5 1.99, SD 5 1.21). Next, consistent
about this event before they began the survey. with Hypothesis 2, we found that the indirect effect
Ninety-three percent of the participants responded of race on threat suppression through embodied
“yes,” and our final sample was 112 participants (61 threat, all measured in Phase 3, was positive and sig-
Black participants and 51 White participants). nificant (indirect effect 5 0.63, SE 5 0.24, 95% CI
Measures. Like in Phase 2, we utilized the same [0.18, 1.10]). Finally, we found that our SEM model
measures to assess our variables of interest. There- fit the data relatively well: Hypotheses 1–3; x2(5) 5
fore, we measured embodied threat with the 4-item 0.94, p 5 0.96; CFI 5 1.00, RMSEA 5 .0, SRMR 5
scale (a 5 .94), threat suppression processes with the .02. Consistent with Hypothesis 3a, we found that
11-item scale (a 5 .99), work withdrawal with the the serial mediated indirect effect of race on work
3-item scale (a 5 .64), and social engagement with withdrawal through embodied threat and threat sup-
the 3-item scale (a 5 .86). Given that this study was pression measured in Phase 3 was positive and sig-
conducted at the height of the COVID pandemic, nificant (indirect effect 5 0.12, SE 5 0.08, 95% CI
which led to a drastic change in workplace [0.01, 0.32]). Consistent with Hypothesis 3b, we
2022 Leigh and Melwani 737

Study 2, Phase 3: SEM Results
Mediator 1 5 Mediator 2 5 DV 5 Work DV 5 Social
Embodied threat Threat suppression withdrawal engagement
Phase 3 Phase 3 Phase 3 Phase 3
Variable Model 1 Model 2 Model 1 Model 2 Model 1 Model 2 Model 1 Model 2

Independent variable
Race 2.57 2.57
(0.32) (0.31)
Mediators—Phase 3
Embodied threat 0.25 0.18
(0.09) (0.09)
Threat suppression 0.19 0.12 20.16 20.11
(0.08) (0.06) (0.07) (0.07)
Controls—Phase 1 variables
Threat suppression 0.44
Work withdrawal 0.98
Social engagement 0.90
R2 .37 .37 .07 .20 .04 .34 .08 .32

Notes: Model 1 is a sequential mediation model with two dependent variables (without Phase 1 control variables). Model 2 is Model 1
with the Phase 1 control variables. Unstandardized regression coefficients reported. Standard errors are in parentheses. Phase 1, n 5 403;
Phase 2, n 5 112.
 p , .05
 p , .01
 p , .001

found that the serial mediated indirect effect of race increased work withdrawal and decreased social
on social engagement through embodied threat and engagement. Importantly, we also found that the
threat suppression measured in Phase 3 was nega- effects of mega-threats on threat suppression, work
tive and significant (indirect effect 5 20.10, SE 5 withdrawal, and social engagement remained signif-
0.06, 95% CI [20.28, 20.01]). We also found that the icant, even after accounting for baseline levels of
indirect effect of race on work withdrawal remained these variables. Furthermore, in Study 2, Phase 2,
significant after controlling for Phase 1 levels of we also found that the psychological safety of
threat suppression and work withdrawal. However, mega-threat discussions had an attenuating effect
the indirect effect of race on social engagement after such that, when mega-threat conversations were
controlling for baseline levels of threat suppression deemed safe, the effect of mega-threats on avoidance
and social engagement was not significant at the behaviors lessened.
95% CI level. This non-significant finding may be
due to the COVID pandemic, which limited workers’
ability to socially connect with their colleagues (see
Table 7). Organizational scholars have long recognized that
the boundaries between organizations and the com-
munities they are nested within are permeable (Katz
& Kahn, 1978). By building and testing a model that
Overall, the results of Study 2 demonstrate the explains the deleterious spillover effects of mega-
important effects of mega-threats on individuals at threats on racial minorities in the workplace, we
work. First, replicating Study 1 results, we found contribute to organizational research on this topic
that, in the wake of mega-threats involving the death and ongoing societal discourse that has brought the
of Black people, Black employees experienced effects of racism and other forms of inequality to the
embodied threat that spilled over into the work- fore (Nkomo, 2021; Ray, 2019; Roberson, 2020).
place. Suppressing this embodied threat led to Results from our two studies demonstrate that racial
738 Academy of Management Journal June

minority employees’ exposure to mega-threats leads (Paterson et al., 2019). By creating and empirically
them to engage in heightened avoidant work behav- testing a model that explains how mega-threats
iors (decreased social engagement and increased impact individuals in the workplace, our work lays
work withdrawal) through a multistep process of the foundation for future research in diversity theoriz-
embodied threat and threat suppression. Our results ing that more explicitly considers the far-reaching
also demonstrate that, when discussions about impact of larger societal forces, such as social move-
social identities are deemed psychologically safe ments and traumatic events, on organizations and the
within the work context, this feeling of safety effec- people within them.
tively buffers employees from the otherwise negative Third, we contribute to research on identity and
effects of mega-threats. Below, we start by offering forms of identity threat by developing the construct
theoretical and practical insights and then conclude of embodied threat. Unlike current conceptions of
with an agenda for future research. “identity threat” (an experience that indicates poten-
tial harm to the value, meaning, or enactment of an
Theoretical Contributions identity; Petriglieri, 2011) or “stereotype threat” (a
specific form of identity threat that refers to the risk
Overall, our research makes four important contri- of confirming or being judged by negative stereo-
butions to organizational scholarship. First, we types; Steele et al., 2002), we assert that embodied
address calls for scholarship that considers the cen- threat arises when individuals perceive that they
trality of race in understanding the experiences of have an increased likelihood of encountering physi-
individuals in organizations (Nkomo, 1992, 2021; cal harm because of their social identity. Critically,
Opie & Roberts, 2017). Nkomo (1992) asserted that, we highlight that this experience of threat is embod-
although race represents a major basis of power in ied because heightened attention to the possibility of
society and organizations, the influence of race is harm not only makes this threat personal, causing it
rarely considered when developing management to appear closer (Cole et al., 2013; Xiao & Van Bavel,
theories (also see Bonilla-Silva, 2006). Indeed, 2012), but it also raises individuals’ consciousness
Nkomo (2021: 212) recently noted that “there is still to their own prior experiences of identity-based
much to do to elevate race to a significant analytical harm (Barsalou, 1999; Freeman, 2017). We theorize
concept in MOS [management organizational schol- and find evidence that suggests that embodied threat
arship].” Our research answers this call by building is especially insidious and remains active even as an
upon and extending Ray’s (2019) work and explicat- individual enters the workplace. The construct of
ing the deleterious process through which racialized embodied threat may be particularly relevant for
organizational structures (i.e., White organizational scholars who are examining situations where the
norms and racialized feeling rules; Ray, 2019; Wing- threat of physical harm because of one’s identity
field, 2010) compel racial minority employees to becomes salient, like when individuals encounter
suppress their authentic reactions to mega-threats, symbols associated with historical identity group-
ultimately prompting increased avoidance at work. based violence (e.g., Nazi symbols or noose-like
Second, in explicating the process through which ropes) within workplaces, schools, and other types
mega-threats traverse organizational boundaries and of organizations.
influence individuals within the workplace, we add Last, our theory and findings extend research at
to a growing body of research on the effect of societal the intersection of diversity and psychological
events on individuals (Bor et al., 2018; Curtis et al., safety. While research on psychological safety finds
2021; Leigh & Melwani, 2019; McCluney et al., that individuals engage in interpersonal risk-taking
2017); and, in doing so, we address calls for research when psychological safety is high (Liang et al.,
on the impact of macro sociopolitical context on 2012), researchers have not integrated these findings
behaviors at work (Nkomo et al., 2019). Indeed, we with diversity research. Research on diversity con-
are at a critical juncture where there is heightened sistently shows that members of stigmatized identity
attention both in academic fields (Boykin et al., 2020) groups are especially likely to stay silent (Bell et al.,
and in society more generally (Roberson, 2020) to the 2011), particularly when discussing aspects of their
fact that racism and other systems of oppression identity, as they fear appearing “different” (Bowen &
make individuals who belong to historically stigma- Blackmon, 2003) or expect organizational sanctions
tized identity groups (e.g., racial minorities, religious (Bell et al., 2011; Milliken, Morrison, & Hewlin,
minorities, LGBTQ1 people) vulnerable to discrimi- 2003). Thus, we proposed and found evidence that
nation, harassment, brutality, and even death suggests that the psychological safety of identity-
2022 Leigh and Melwani 739

based discussions is a particular type of psychologi- Davey, 1997). Thus, individuals may be able to diffuse
cal safety that is especially relevant for employees their threat by disengaging from social media (Park,
who are members of stigmatized groups. 2015) or engaging in activities that reaffirm their
Furthermore, these findings also contribute to threatened identities (Shnabel, Purdie-Vaughns, Cook,
research on identity segmentation and boundary Garcia, & Cohen, 2013). Another implication of this
work (e.g., Ashforth, Kreiner, & Fugate, 2000; finding is that individuals who are members of stigma-
Kreiner, Hollensbe, & Sheep, 2006; Ramarajan & tized identity groups may grapple with the experience
Reid, 2013). This research suggests that individuals of reactivated embodied threat during events associ-
differ in their preference for segmenting their work ated with mega-threats, including court cases or event
and non-work identities, and that those with high commemorations.
segmentation preferences tend to avoid discussing We also found that embodied threat is difficult to
their non-work identities with work colleagues turn off or ignore when an employee enters the work-
(Kreiner et al., 2006; Ramarajan & Reid, 2013). This place, which leads employees to suppress this threat
strategy can be functional, as it mitigates negative experience and ultimately withdraw from their work
spillover or cross-role interruptions that can occur tasks and colleagues. An important implication of
when the boundaries between identities are more this finding is that, when a mega-threat occurs, mul-
permeable (Ashforth et al., 2000). However, our titudes of employees across industries and profes-
work highlights an important downside of segmenta- sions may be experiencing threat and withdrawing
tion: namely, that, when segmentation is high, indi- from their work tasks and their coworkers in the
viduals tend to avoid discussing their identities in days following the event. Given the significant costs
the work context, and this increases the likelihood of having multitudes of employees withdrawing at
that individuals will suppress their experience of once (Birati & Tziner, 1996; Sagie, Birati, & Tziner,
embodied threat and engage in increased avoidant 2002), organizations must be prepared to help their
work behaviors in the wake of a mega-threat. employees manage their psychological responses to
mega-threats while at work. This is especially criti-
Practical Implications cal as organizations aim to increase their representa-
tion and retention of racial minority employees who
Even though mega-threats occur frequently in will likely be more affected by mega-threats.
society, they are typically overlooked or ignored by Organizational cultures are also critical to this pro-
organizations because they occur outside of organi- cess given that White Eurocentric organizational
zational bounds (Leigh & Melwani, 2019). However, norms constrain or prevent members of stigmatized
our process model offers practical insight into the identity groups from authentically expressing their
negative consequences of these events on employee reactions to mega-threats. As workplace norms and
behaviors, as well as guidance to help reduce these cultures send messages about desired behavior, and
negative consequences. We focus on how individu- as employees from diverse backgrounds are particu-
als, managers, and organizations can start to address larly attuned to impression management in work-
the effects of mega-threats in organizational place contexts (Roberts, 2005; Roberts et al., 2014),
contexts. organizations need to acknowledge and diagnose the
To begin, our theoretical model starts with the particular features of their context that quash
incidence of a mega-threat. As we highlight, mega- authentic expressions from members of stigmatized
threats are particularly injurious for the multitudes groups and identify routines that uphold these
of employees who share a social identity with the majority norms. Research shows that simply espous-
victim(s) of the event. Even in the wake of the mur- ing values of diversity is not enough, as many indi-
der of George Floyd, which was a mega-threat that viduals and organizations who consider themselves
sparked weeks of social justice protests across the progressive, and perhaps even antiracist, continue to
globe and increased societal and organizational dis- enact practices and policies that perpetuate systemic
course regarding racism (Roberson, 2020), we found inequality and whiteness (Bell & Hartmann, 2007;
that the experience of embodied threat triggered by Nkomo, 2021; Ray, 2019; Roberson, 2020). The find-
this event was unique for Black employees. For iden- ings of our work serve as a call to action for organiza-
tity group members who are attempting to manage tions to begin to look at their practices, routines, and
their reactions to mega-threats, it may be important culture with a critical lens to root out racialized
to recognize that constantly checking the news may norms and embark on a process of deep change to
keep the threat activated (Heid, 2020; Johnston & foster climates that provide individuals from all
740 Academy of Management Journal June

identity groups with the freedom and autonomy to et al., 2017), or avoid their workplace entirely, in the
fully express themselves within the organization. wake of a mega-threat. Given this insight, it might
Our research also highlights an important feature actually be productive for individuals to take time
that organizations can specifically focus on to reduce away from work tasks in the wake of a mega-threat as
the adverse consequences of mega-threats: increas- this rest may allow individuals to replenish their
ing the psychological safety of identity-based discus- depleted resources (Hobfoll, 1989). From an organi-
sions. As culture change is slow and difficult zational standpoint, providing employees with the
(Schein, 1990), creating high levels of this type of flexibility to separate from work in the wake of a
psychological safety may be especially challenging, group-relevant mega-threat may be low-hanging fruit
particularly since conversations that center upon the as this action not only helps employees recover from
negative aspects of social group membership, such their experiences of threat but can also provide an
as discussions about discrimination and injustice, opportunity to signal care and understanding of the
may be emotional (Major et al., 2002). However, one experiences of stigmatized employees.
potential path toward increasing the psychological
safety of identity-based discussions may be for man- Limitations and Future Directions
agers to proactively build open and honest relation-
ships with their subordinates. The honesty of such There are several limitations to our studies that
relationships can make managers aware of their sub- highlight opportunities for future research on mega-
ordinates’ visible and invisible identities (e.g., immi- threats. First, while our studies investigate the effects
gration status or sexual orientation), which can then of multiple types of mega-threats, including police
enable them to openly address identity-based expe- shootings of Black Americans, a mass shooting that
riences with their subordinates, including the expe- targeted Asian Americans, and highly publicized
rience of embodied threat. Relatedly, it is important attacks of prominent racial minorities/immigrants
for managers to also recognize that only discussing (see Appendix A), we rely on online research samples
racism and other forms of inequality in the wake of a and self-reported measures that could raise concerns
mega-threat can be viewed as reactionary, as was the about common method variance (Podsakoff, Macken-
case with the many organizational statements that zie, Lee, & Podsakoff, 2003) and the validity of our
were released in the wake of the murder of George findings. In addition, given our focus on examining
Floyd (Roberson, 2020). Accordingly, it becomes the experiences of racial minorities in organizations,
critical for organizations to continuously “walk the which is still a nascent body of research in organiza-
talk” of diversity and inclusion (Roberson, 2020). tional studies, we needed to develop new scales to
They can achieve this by ensuring that employees match our predictions. However, we believe that the
from both majority and minority identity groups are multi-study approach we pursued to create our meas-
aware of the various identity contingencies that lead ures should increase confidence in our findings. Yet,
individuals from different social backgrounds to ex- there is still a need for research to further examine the
perience organizations differently, such as numeric constructs we develop in this paper.
underrepresentation, social hierarchies, and overt Scholars could utilize other methods, such as
and subtle discrimination (Purdie-Vaughns & Wal- experience sampling methodology to provide a
ton, 2011; Roberson, 2020). Organizations can also finer-grained examination of the duration of the
amplify minority voices (Bell et al., 2011), empower adverse effects of mega-threats (Beal, 2015) or exper-
employees to have vulnerable conversations (Leigh imental methodologies to further examine the causal
& Melwani, 2019), and create cultures of compassion effects of mega-threats. Our studies were also con-
(McCluney et al., 2017), which, in turn, may promote strained by the mega-threats that occurred over the
identity safety that can be leveraged to help employ- course of our research. Thus, all of our studies cen-
ees cope with mega-threats. tered upon mega-threats involving victims that are
Last, we can also glean practical insight from the members of racial minority groups in the United
link between threat suppression and avoidance. As States. Research should investigate the effects of
we highlight, the suppression of one’s emotions and mega-threats on different types of social identities,
cognitions is a resource-consuming process that such as religious identities and organizational iden-
results in avoidance behaviors as individuals protect tities, and investigate mega-threats that occur out-
or conserve their remaining resources. These find- side of the United States. Finally, although we show
ings provide empirical evidence for why individuals that the negative outcomes of mega-threats are
may feel compelled to “call in Black” (McCluney dampened when individuals feel that the workplace
2022 Leigh and Melwani 741

is a safe place for identity-based discussions, we also this event, it follows that the effects of this mega-
acknowledge the need for further research to under- threat for majority group members in organizations
stand how individuals come to make these infer- are different from the effects that we explicate in
ences about their workplaces. Additional research our paper. Thus, investigating the perceptions of
on conversations about topics like race and politics, different types of mega-threats that involve major-
which are often viewed as off limits in the work- ity/dominant group identities is an important ave-
place, may help uncover where implicit beliefs nue for future research.
about the safety of identity-based discussions
originate. CONCLUSION
Another important avenue for future research is to
further clarify the construct of mega-threats by In sum, this paper advances our understanding of
examining the effects of different types of mega- the often-overlooked impact that mega-threats have
threats. For instance, mega-threats may vary in the on individuals at work. Across two studies, we show
severity of harm inflicted on the victims, their socie- that mega-threats lead identity group members to
tal reach, their cumulative effects that arise as a experience embodied threat that spills over into the
result of numerous mega-threats occurring over a workplace. We further show that racialized organiza-
period of time, and the identity that is implicated in tional structures compel the suppression of this
the event. In terms of severity, the harm that was threat, prompting two avoidance behaviors: increased
inflicted upon the victims that we examined in work withdrawal and decreased social engagement.
Study 1 and Study 2 was extremely severe and rela- We also demonstrate the potential utility of increas-
tively consistent as these studies centered upon ing the psychological safety of identity-based discus-
mega-threats in which the victims of the events were sions in reducing these negative effects. In doing so,
killed. However, in our measurement development we highlight the negative influence that racialized
studies, we surveyed individuals after relatively less organizational structures can have on racial minority
severe mega-threats. Although individuals who are employees and we join a growing body of literature
members of stigmatized identity groups were tar- that has demonstrated the important influence that
geted and/or harmed within all of these events, it is external societal events have on employees at work.
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APPENDIX A MEASUREMENT generated items to ensure they represented the
DEVELOPMENT STUDIES domain of each construct and conducted four of
studies to assess the content, internal, and external
We followed a multistep process to develop and validity of our new measures.
validate measures of embodied threat and threat First, we started by assessing content validity
suppression. Given that our constructs had a suffi- (Colquitt, Sabey, Rodell, & Hill, 2019; Hinkin &
cient theoretical foundation to draw upon, we Tracey, 1999). To do so, we recruited 151 partici-
started with a deductive approach to item generation pants from Cloud Research; 36 participants were
(Hinkin, 1998). Survey items for embodied threat removed because they failed attention checks
were generated based on our conceptual definition (Meade & Craig, 2012), leaving 115 participants, of
and established measures of “terroristic threat,” or which 55% identified as men, 45% identified as
threat that arises from a perception that an individ- women, the average age was 38.1 years (SD 5 10.96),
ual will be personally impacted by terrorist events 76% self-identified as White, 10% self-identified as
(Onraet, Van Hiel, Dhont, & Pattyn, 2013). Similarly, Asian, and the rest of the sample self-identified as
survey items for cognitive and emotional suppres- either Black, Hispanic, or bi-racial. In this survey, we
sion were generated based on our conceptual defini- first presented participants with the name and defi-
tion and established measures of “surface acting,” nition of a construct and the set of survey items. Par-
which measures masking authentic emotions in ticipants were then asked to rate how well each
order to meet work demands (Brotheridge & Lee, survey item reflected the conceptual definition using
2022 Leigh and Melwani 747

a 7-point Likert scale (1 5 extremely bad job of mea- We dropped two items that loaded poorly onto their
suring the concept to 7 5 extremely good job of mea- factor (, 0.60). The final factor structure is shown in
suring the concept). Table 1 shows the mean ratings Table 1.
of each item. Three items had mean ratings below In the third phase of our scale development, we
5.0, indicating weak definitional correspondence recruited a new sample to conduct a CFA. This study
(Colquitt et al., 2019), and thus were deleted from was conducted in July 2019 in the days after then
the scales utilized in our subsequent studies. For our U.S. President Trump tweeted disparaging remarks
embodied threat scale, the data yielded a Hinkin targeted toward four Democratic Congresswomen,
Tracey correspondence statistic that ranged from .87 including suggesting that they should go back to the
to .93 with an average of .90, which corresponds to “crime-infested” countries they came from. We
strong definitional correspondence. For our threat determined that this mega-threat was specifically rel-
suppression scale, the Hinkin Tracey correspon- evant for individuals of Hispanic and Asian descent
dence statistic ranged from .73 to .93 with an average because individuals who are members of these racial
of .84, which corresponds to moderate definitional minority groups are frequently thought of as foreign
correspondence (Colquitt et al., 2019). within the United States, regardless of their actual
Second, as part of the next phase, we conducted a immigration status (Armenta et al., 2013; Cheryan &
study to evaluate the factor structure of our new meas- Monin, 2005). We employed quota-sampling techni-
ures using an EFA (Hinkin, 1998). For this, we ques (Singleton et al., 1993) to recruit participants
recruited a separate sample of 151 employees—54% who were employed at least part-time through Cloud
men, 46% women, with a mean age of 38 years old Research and who identified as either Hispanic,
(SD 5 10.58)—through Cloud Research. We conducted Asian, or White. Our final sample included 400 par-
this study in the aftermath of a mega-threat that affected ticipants: 195 Asian or Hispanic participants and
U.S. immigrants. In June 2019, a group of U.S.-based 205 White participants; 53% men and 47% self-
doctors published a report describing the inhumane identified women; and their mean age was 36.5 years
conditions at U.S.–Mexico border facilities, comparing old (SD 5 23.03). We conducted a CFA analysis with
the conditions to torture (Marshall, Zak, & Metz, 2019). our 4-item embodied threat measure and our 11-item
As our theory predicts that immigrants would be more threat suppression measure. Following Hu and Ben-
likely to be affected by these reports, we employed tler’s (1999) recommendations, we determined that
quota-sampling techniques (Singleton et al., 1993) to the proposed three-factor structure fit the data well:
recruit a sample that was composed of 64 self- x2(87) 5 204.81, p , .001; CFI 5 .98, RMSEA 5 .06,
identified U.S. immigrants and 87 self-identified White SRMR 5 .03. The standardized item loadings are
non-immigrants (individuals who identified as White shown in Table 1.
and were born in the United States). All participants in However, given our theory that threat suppression
our study were presented with an excerpt from a news is an integrated and reciprocal process of cognitive
article that briefly described the mega-threat (Marshall and emotional suppression, we explored whether it
et al., 2019), then completed a survey reporting their was appropriate to combine the two threat suppres-
experiences of embodied threat7 and their engagement sion factors into a single higher-order measurement
in threat suppression at work in the days following the model. We conducted a second-order factor analysis
event. We conducted an EFA using principal axis fac- of our threat suppression 8 We found that the fit indi-
toring and oblique rotation (Kim & Mueller, 1984). The ces between the first- and second-order models con-
EFA extracted three factors with eigenvalues greater taining only the suppression items were identical:
than 1, accounting for 71% of the variance. All of the x2(128) 5 128.92, p , .001; CFI 5 .98, RMSEA 5 .07,
items relating to embodied threat loaded onto one fac- SRMR 5 .03. The two dimensions were moderately
tor (18% of the variance); the items relating to suppres- correlated (r 5 .46), and there was a high proportion
sion loaded onto two factors: one containing all of the of variance explained in the first-order dimensions
items for masking authentic cognitions (30% of the var- by the second-order factor: 75% for cognitive sup-
iance) and the other containing all of the items relating pression and 71% for emotional suppression. These
to masking authentic emotions (23% of the variance). were all indicators that the second-order factor

7 8
The reference for the embodied threat items in the Given that threat suppression has two lower-level
EFA and CFA study matched the identity that was relevant indicators (cognitive and emotional suppression) we con-
for the mega-threats (immigrants/immigrant status instead strained the factor loadings in order to conduct the second-
of race). order factor analysis.
748 Academy of Management Journal June

model fit the data relatively well (Brown, 2006), and, Hebl, 2012; a 5 .87) and facades of conformity (Hew-
thus, all subsequent analyses were conducted using lin, 2009; a 5 .84).9 While these constructs refer to
the total mean of our 11-item measure of threat sup- behaviors through which individuals hide aspects of
pression (a 5 .93). their authentic selves in the workplace, they are not
Last, using a fourth sample, we conducted another specifically related to suppressing threat-based cog-
study to examine the convergent and discriminant nitions and emotions in the workplace. As expected,
validity of our two measures. Given our hypotheses embodied threat was positively and significantly cor-
that embodied threat is specifically relevant for related with identity threat (r 5 .41, p , .001) and
employees who are members of stigmatized identity threat appraisals (r 5 .71, p , .001). Similarly, threat
groups, we recruited a sample of 142 Black employ- suppression was positively and significantly corre-
ees through Cloud Research and Prolific to complete lated with identity suppression (r 5 .78, p , .001)
our validity study. Their average age was 34.4 years and facades of conformity (r 5 .72, p , .001). Given
(SD 5 9.81), 51% identified as women, 48% identi- these high correlations, we confirmed discriminant
fied as men, and 1% identified as non-binary. This validity between these measures by conducting a
study centered upon the murder of George Floyd. series of CFA analyses. First, a CFA involving the
Participants were presented with a short description embodied threat, identity threat, and threat apprais-
of the mega-threat and asked to respond to various als measures established that a three-factor solution
survey items designed to assess their experiences of fit the data well, x2(74) 5 153.21, p , .001; CFI 5 .95,
embodied threat and threat suppression at work after RMSEA 5 .09, SRMR 5 .08, and significantly better
this event. We assessed convergent validity by than a model with all the items loaded onto one fac-
exploring the correlation between embodied threat tor, Dx2(3) 5 577.63, p , .001. Similarly, a first-order
and two related constructs: identity threat (Lyons, CFA analysis involving the threat suppression,
Lynch, & Johnson, 2020; a 5 .91) and threat apprais- facades of conformity, and identity threat measures
als (Rowley, Roesch, Jurica, & Vaughn, 2005; Tom- revealed that a four-factor solution (with threat sup-
aka, Blascovich, Kelsey, & Leitten, 1993; a 5 .92). pression loaded onto two factors and identity sup-
While both of these constructs assess threat, neither pression and facades of conformity loaded onto
is specifically related to threat that arises due to the separated factors) fit the data relatively well,
perception that one may encounter harm because of x2(183) 5 425.31, p , .001; CFI 5 .93, RMSEA 5 .09,
one’s identity. Similarly, we also examined the corre- SRMR 5 .05, and significantly better than a model
lation between threat suppression and two related with all the items loaded onto one factor, Dx2(6) 5
constructs: identity suppression (Madera, King, & 324.25, p , .001.

The complete scales that we used in this study can be
found in our paper supplement posted in our online
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