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Stress Calculations at Points A, B, C, and D

For the calculation of stresses, we'll use the following properties:

• Unit weight of water (γw) = 9.81 kN/m³

• Unit weight of soil above the water table (γd)

• Saturated unit weight of soil below the water table (γsat)

Here are the correct formulas for each type of stress:

• Total Stress (σ): σ=γd×hd+γsat×hsat

• Pore Water Pressure u=γw×hw

• Effective Stress σ′=σ−u

At Point A:

• Total Stress (σA): 00 kN/m² (no soil above)

• Pore Water Pressure (uA): 00 kN/m² (above water table)

• Effective Stress (′σA′): 00 kN/m²

At Point B:

• Total Stress (σB): γd×H1=16×5=80 kN/m²

• Pore Water Pressure (uB): 00 kN/m² (at water table)

• Effective Stress (′σB′): 80−0=80 kN/m²

At Point C:

• Total Stress (σC): γd×H1+γsat×(H2−H1)=16×5+18×(10−5)=80+90=170 kN/m²

• Pore Water Pressure (uC): γw×(H2−H1)=9.81×(10−5)=49.05 kN/m²

• Effective Stress (′σC′): 170−49.05=120.95 kN/m²

At Point D:

• Total Stress (σD): γd×H1+γsat×(H2−H1)+γsat×H3=16×5+18×10+17×4=80+180+68=328

• Pore Water Pressure (uD): γw×(H2+H3)=9.81×(10+4)=137.34 kN/m²

• Effective Stress (′σD′): 328−137.34=190.66 kN/m²

The revised summary of results should be:

Point Total Stress (σ) (kN/m²) Pore Water Pressure (u) (kN/m²) Effective Stress (′σ′) (kN/m²)

A 0 0 0

B 80 0 80

C 170 49.05 120.95

D 328 137.34 190.66

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