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"Nurse....nurse" the voice echoed from the postnatal

ward to the reception.
Sister Khoza clicks her tongue in annoyance. Some
patients really annoyed her,they will be blocking your
ears screaming "nurse" instead of changing the baby
diaper.She always tell them to check the diaper first if
the baby is crying.But no,the baby let out a wail they
force milk down their throats. Then they call the nurses if
the baby continue crying.Imagine sexually experienced
woman calling you for her soaked-in-diaper crying baby!
As she made her way inside the ward,as much as she had
thought indeed there was a hysterical crying baby.
"Where is the mother of this baby?" She ask the patients
in the room
The tired looking woman breastfeeding her baby
replied,"She haven't been here since morning"
Where would a woman who just gave birth a few hours
ago go in this cold morning?
With a confused look she asks "Where did she say she
was going?"
They all shrugged,and say they woke up in the morning
with the baby sleeping alone on the bed.They thought
she was still in the showers or went to the shops but as
time went by the baby started crying.
She made her way to the bed with a crying baby,he
suddenly stop crying when she lift him up.
"Oh baby" she exclaim when the baby start sucking his
thumb hungrily.
She take the blanket so that she can cover him,under the
blanket there is a note.
She press the baby against her chest,and take the note
with one hand.
She push the note in her jersey pocket and look at the
chubby baby boy on her chest.
"Well now let feed you Sbusiso" she smile and sigh as she
make her way out ignoring the curious eyes of the
Chapter 1
*25 years later*
"Sbusiso wake up this minute or I'm pouring cold water
all over your lazy body"
My mother is the worst alarm ever I asked her to wake
me at 06:30,it only 06:05 and she is banging my door
"Okay may I'm up" I said as I pull the duvet over my
head.I need at least five extra minutes of sleep.
"Why is your voice sounding like you are still under the
blankets?Don't make me iron the opulent white-dotted
shirt please" She is blackmailing me threatening to iron
my not-so-favourite shirt.
She knows I hate that shirt with passion. It one of the
most ugliest shirt I have but I keep it anyway.
You know the kind of clothes you hate and not wear but
you don't throw them away just to spare yourself long
unproductive speeches from those who bought them for
It stays in the corner of my closet.Lydia,mom's longest
friend, bought it for me on my 21st birthday.
I only wear it if she comes for dinner at our
house.According to her it one of the opulent hard-to-find
stylish shirt,I reserve my opinion at that.
I jump up, "Mom no,I have an important presentation at
PMB I can't rock up looking like Mandela in the 80's"
She does her victorious laugh and tells me she will be
making breakfast downstairs.
I kick the blankets and head to the bathroom.
I take the usual 10minutes in the bathroom, ya I'm a fast
I wrap the towel around my lower body then goes to my
room and lotion myself.
My mother opens the door with my ironed clothes,perks
of being the only child.
"Thank you Mah" I said and put on the vest, she doesn't
walk out as expectedly for someone who is done what
she came to do.
I look at her questioningly.
"You need to take the gym seriously" she shake her head
and walk out.
Mothers are supposed to think their children are
attractive no matter what,mine though!
I know as soon as she get free time she will start looking
for nearby available gymnasiums.Or even worse hire me
a personal fitness trainer.She is that dramatic.
I find her in the kitchen humming a certain gospel
song.Full English breakfast it is!
"Why are you so happy?" I asked as the humming go
louder and louder.
She quickly pull a chair and sit opposite me with a huge
smile,I know she just wanted me to ask.
"Guess who has been appointed to bake the Fayas
wedding anniversary cake? she beamed her voice filled
with so much excitement.
My heart just ignite my face with a smile,I love seeing her
happy.Her baking are her second love,ever since she
retired from nursing.
" Don't tell me someone asked your old hands to mould
their cake" I teased her.
She waves her hands in front of my face and ask me to
take a good look.
"Okay okay they are beautiful hands but they are still
old" she click her tongue and I laugh at her.
"So how does these Fayas know your baking science?" I
ask to enlighten her up,women don't like being told they
are ageing.
When they say their real age you have to convinced them
they look younger than that.
She start explaining for about 10minutes how her ex-
collegue who she baked for a while back referred the
Fayas to her.Trust me my mother should've been a radio
presenter instead of a nurse,she talk unstoppable. All I'm
doing is eating my breakfast and nod where necessary.
"You know how Fayas are famous right?" she asked so I
look up at her.
"Umhh not really,what are they famous for?"
"They are famous for being rich,alien" Famous for being
rich,the world we live in!
I reply with a "mhhhh" to show I have no interest in the
"famous for being rich" kind of family.
"Don't be like that they are good people.Thembi,the
mother,even promised to put a good word for me on her
friends" She said,and typically like my mother everyone
who do one single good thing to her is officially a good
person in the continent.
I laugh thinking about it. " What's funny?" she asked and
I ignored her and asked if she will need help with the
"They asked for it to be perfect" she said sarcastically.
"Aybo so what I can help make it perfect,everything I
touch turns into perfection"
"Can you make a pancake Sbusiso?" this woman have no
faith in me whatsoever.
"That's not the point Mah" I defended my kitchen skills
with no alibi.
"That's exactly the point my dear.Now unfasten the last
button on your neck you need to look sexy in that
boardroom. Who knows what women will be there"
Chapter 2
I drive back to Durban from PMB,I get in the offices
around two o'clock. I start at the head director's office
and brief him about the presentation,we all holding our
breaths to get this Jemin's marketing deal.
Fridays being the shortest days of the week,before I
know it is already four o'clock. I pack my belongings and
butt out.
I ring Mandla to ask where they are,and drive to
Dinangwe's lounge.
Mandla is my best friend,he is the only married guy
amongst us.Thapelo,Don and I are still living to see the
next sunrise.
My mom somehow believed I was going to follow in
Mandla's footsteps and take a wife in young age,but I
told her to hold her horses.
But mom being herself didn't back off,she opened a fake
account under my name on Love net and searched for a
"ready to settle down young successful woman".I bless
the day I heard the last of how I messed up with the girl
she hooked me up with from that website
I hang out with my guys,drinking and chatting about
guys' stuff.There were a few girls trying to hook
themselves with us,Mandla and I weren't interested.
Thapelo and Don on the other hands were having an
early Christmas.
Mandla and I decided to leave.I like girls and sex,but
when a girl throws herself on me I hate it. I don't like
cheap stuff,I believe in a guy approaching a girl first
" Bura can I ask you something? " Mandla asked gulping
down a can of beer.
I always get startled when someone ask to ask a
question.I just nod for him to go on.
"If you were to know your biological parents would you
build a relationship with them and leave Veronica?" he
asked and no lies his question catches me off-guard.
I've never been comfortable talking about my biological
After gathering my thoughts I reply, "No Veronica is the
only parent I know.I just have some questions for
them,like I really wish I knew my real surname.My kids
will call the Khoza surname, but that's not who they will
be.I'm the beginning of the " lost generations".I don't
have any true roots." I babbled out,I have never voiced
my concerns to anyone.I think this has to do with the
whisky motivation.
He nods looking deep in thoughts.
"So this adoption thing affect you only traditionally?" he
asked again.I get the feeling that this is not about me,but
it for his own information.
I tell him that Veronica Khoza wouldn't be traded for
anything in this world not even the woman who pushed
me out her pussy.
Again he only nods,it like he is packing everything in the
corners of his mind.
"Are you guys considering adoption?" I asked him.
"We might" two-words answer is not what I'm going to
get after pouring my heart to this guy.
"Why? I mean you are only 28 and Phumla is only 26 you
guys have plenty time to conceive" I asked,taking the
route driving towards his house.
He sighs and says "Phumla and I have been trying since I
was 24,besides my mother is growing old I want to give
her a chance to be a grandmother"
I still think they can have their own baby,I mean babies
are a blessing not a goal.
I side-glance him, "I hope you are not trying to fill a void
of your sister to her"
He swallowed,I know I'm right.
Mandla's mom lost her baby-daughter 2days after giving
birth.She went in the toilet leaving the wrapped baby
near the door and came back to find an empty blanket.
Ever since she have been the unwell woman with a
broken spirit.
Mandla thinks giving her grandchildren will somehow
console her.
"How is Wendy?" he asked me as I drive through the
driveway of his house.
"I don't know,we broke up she was nagging"
He laughed and asked if I will ever grow up and settle
down.I told him not everyone will find their soulmates at
22 like him.
"You are not even searching how is Vivi?" I nearly forgot I
was sitting next to my mom's biggest fan.
"She is fine, just excited about baking the Fayas wedding
anniversary cake.Apparently they are the " famous for
being rich" kind of family and she thinks they are her
golden ticket"
Mandla face me with an astonished face, "You mean the
Fayas as in Anthony and Thembi Faya?"
"Aybo Mandla I don't know if it is the Fayas as in
what,but she did mention the Thembi person
complementing her"
He gives me the look that says I'm stupid for not knowing
these Fayas people.
"For your dumb-head information Anthony Faya is our
own Bill Gates." he opened the door and jump out calling
me the stupid alien.
I laughed and told him to go fuck his wife.
I drive home and as soon as I open the door my mother
called me in the kitchen.
She gave me a piece of cake to taste, I wasn't feeling like
eating anything sweet but I know she will never take no
for an answer.
"Mhhhh wow so fucking delicious" I said between the
chews.I would have complimented it however it tasted
anyway,but it really is nice.
"Language!" she warned and take the saucer away.
"Aw Mah can I have more piece?" I begged the self-
satisfied teenage-like woman doing the happy hip-
swaying dance.My mom though!
"Oh sorry my boy if you decided to come home early, you
would have got yourself a big tasting piece.But you
decided to go out till late and you missed the Fayas who
came to taste their cake"
I kiss her cheek and hurry upstairs before she start
elaborating the whole cake- tasting incident.
"I'll tell you about it when you finish bathing" Oh God!
I finish bathing and find my mother warming my food.I
realise how hungry I am when the sizzling mouth-
dribbling smell fill my nose.
I am dipping down on my plate as she goes on and on
about the Fayas. You don't have to put any effort in her
conversations like nodding,she just goes on as long as
somebody's ears are present.
I yawn and tell her I'm off to bed.
"Can you please make sure you are here tomorrow
morning, at least until 11.The Fayas will come for their
cake" she asked as if she is asking,but I know she is telling
me to do just that.
"Where will you be?" I asked.
"I'm going to Groutville,I'll be there till late"
"They better be here early,I have plans for this weekend"
I walk up the stairs.
"Fine goodnight" she load the dishes in the machine
"Goodnight, I love you" no men says that to their
mother's everyday before bed but I do.She deserve to
hear it everyday,life is too short.
Chapter 3
I've done anything I can to stay unbored,it just so
impossible. Mom left before I even pee my first morning
water,I woke in an empty house.Good thing is she made
breakfast before leaving.I found it in the microwave.
I've eaten twice after having breakfast, watched the full
hour movie, log into all social networks I have but still
these Fayas aren't here.
It already 11:45 and I feel like a prisoner.I go freshen up
and put on a t-shirt and a jean.
I wash the plates I've been using then dry my hands.My
patience have run out,these cake-people will suit
themselves.I am going to town to meet with the
guys,there is a soccer match we want to watch later.
I pick my phone and car keys and walk out.
"Oh hey"
I turn around with my hand locking the door.It a tall,light
skinned girl with big sunglasses on.
"Can I help you?" I'm so irritated, my voice carried so
much irritation and rudeness.
She took the sunglasses off and blinked dramatically.
"If this is Khozas residence you surely can help me with a
cake" she responded with the obvious rudeness.
I look her up and down before unlocking the door,and
tell her "You can come in,next time stick to the agreed
time.We don't sit around waiting for people to show up
whenever they want"
I get in without waiting for her to get in first.She followed
me and stood by the counter,I don't bother telling her to
take a seat.
I take it out and try putting it in the white cupboard,she
is just standing there with folded arms not even
helping,rich kids!
I finally put it inside and close the cupboard. "Here" I
handed it to her,but she just continue folding her arms.
"Aybo sisy take your cake" I said looking her in the
eyes,they look familiar.
"Are you always this rude or it just me?" she asked
making me even more ruder by asking useless questions,
wasting my Saturday even more.
"Are you always taking people's time by taking your time
or it just me?" I asked back.
She looked at me for about a minute and then ordered
me to give her water.No please, no can I have, just the
plain "give me water".
" Maybe you are mistaking me with your errand-
boy.Bottled water is in that fridge,tap water is there.The
glasses are in the cupboard" I told her and put the cake
in front of her and pull the chair to sit down.
"No I want you to give me water,this is your house" she
said also pulling the chair and sat opposite me.
"Aybo sis what do you want from me" I asked her.
"Just plain water" she replied with so much authority,
tilting her head to the left.
"Still water or sparkling water?" I asked to mock her rich
ass but she doesn't notice.
"Whatever you had bath with this morning"
I decide to go get the damn water,just to get away from
her big snow-white eyes.They are a little turn-on if you
keep staring at them.
I return with a glass of water and put it in front of her.
She smiled,one dimple showed on her right cheek.Wow
she is beautiful!
I stared at her intil I realised she was looking at me
funnily.I cleared my throat. Geez this girl takes my time
as well as my breath.
"Maybe we can do this again" she said and stood up.
She walks out the door,I'm lost.
She knocks, like what the heck is she doing? I go to the
door and she smiled up,my word!
"Hi I'm Nozipho Faya I'm here to get the cake" she hold
out her hand and I can't help it,I smile and shake it.
"Hi I'm Sbusiso,please come in" I open the door wider to
make a way for her.
We sit down again smiling at ourselves, this is hilarious!
She looks at me and say "you see this is how you
should've treated me"
I like her lips,excuse me God.
"Ayisuka that how I would've treated you if you came on
time.Anyway how are you?" I won't lie I feel a little bad
for being an asshole to her she seems like a good girl.
"I'm good,just tired from running up and down since
yesterday" I guess she is referring to the ceremony
preparations at her home.
"So how long your parents have been married?" I asked.
"Twenty-three years I'm just one year older than their
That long time,they deserve the blissful anniversary.
"So do you want to get married in the future?" My
mouth just blabbed out without my mind's consent.I
mean that was a too-friendly question,I've known her for
only fifteen minutes.
She hesitate for a moment, "Umhh yeah I would love to"
"Okay then I will marry you"
My mind again is shooting my mouth with rubber bullets
for saying things without permission.
To my surprise she just laughed at me and told me she
will definitely arrive late to the aisle.
Chapter 4
My mom arrives late in around 7 o'clock, I've ordered
takeaways for dinner.She looks tired but doesn't go to
bed just yet.I get to hear the whole Groutville trip.
I kiss her cheek and go to bed.
I feel like sending Nozi a message but I'm not sure what
to say.I check her WhatsApp and she is online.I view her
profile picture, it a picture of her in the swimwears.She is
so sexy I save it.
I decide to send her a "Hi there", two minutes later it's
Then we text each other;
Her: Hey rudeboy
Me : You even reply late mxm
Her: Lol whatever,hud?
Me: Not good at all :(
Her: Aybo Sbu what's wrong?
Me : Today I saw a beautiful girl and I was accidentally
rude to her,only to realise I like her,like really like her.
Her: Ncooh shame now what's are you going to do?
Me : I don't know she looked like a forgiving person
Her: Don't judge a book by its cover
Me : You don't think she will forgive me? :/
Her: I don't know.....
Me : Last time somebody refused to forgive me I drank
50comprals with 1litre paraffin.I woke up in the comma
after 3weeks the doctor recommended that people must
always forgive me #seriousface
Her: Hahaha nice try, try buying her something nice coz
your tale stories are farfetched.
Me : Mhhh noted! Kiss kiss
Her: Goodnight
Me: Ok goodnight late-bride.
I read our conversation over and over again.She is just
different from any other girl I've met before.
She is gorgeous, calm, funny and sexy,what a
For the first time I close my eyes with a girl in my mind.
I am inlove!
....chapter 4 continues
The weather have changed out of the blue. I'm waiting
nervously with my eyes fixed in the entry, Mandla pats
me courageously on my shoulder. The wind has started
whirling furiously,sweeping leaves across people's
faces.There is a dark cloud approaching slowly from the
east, I pray Nozi makes it to the aisle before the storm.
Oh there she is,in a white long dress.I look around to her
mother's face but she is not here.Her father is holding
her hand as they take slow steps toward.
I feel my eyes soaking with tears.A man,whose face I
can't see throws me a white handkerchief to wipe my
eyes,the girls behind him giggles.I rise my eyes to see my
bride coming,but the storm start and the strong wind
blows her dress off.
It flies up the sky,she is left in her birthday suite.I rush
towards her,but before I can reach her Mandla's mom
signals me to stop and cover her with a colourful
"Thapelo lost the rings" Mandla's panicking voice shoot
through the crowd.
I cry out loud, "Noooo"
I open my eyes,my chest is panting, tears are trolling
down my cheeks.
Damn!It was a dream.
I check the time it 05:45am.I turn on the lights.I sit down
trying to put sense to my dream.
Maybe these things happen when you sleep thinking
about a girl.I can't sleep anymore so I decide to take my
laptop and do some work.
But first I decide to check the Fayas online, surely their
lives are tabloids piece of cake.
There are so many articles about them,they are real
famous indeed.
I scroll down,and there she is.She in a blue body-hugging
dress in what looks like a formal dinner party.
I shut the laptop down.What was I thinking? This girl
obviously date high society people,why would she
degrade to a assistant marketing manager?
Even if she does give me a chance I would only be her
good-looking rebound guy.
I closed my eyes to digest all this then went to shower.I
put on my casual clothes and push-ons and head
downstairs to make myself breakfast.
I make myself a bowl of cereal and sit down.After eating I
decide to make another bowl for my mom and a cup of
coffee just like she likes it.
I knock and push her bedroom door.
"Morning Mom"
She grunts and pull the blanket off her head.
"Sbusiso it's not even 07:00 I'm still relaxing my muscles"
she complained yawning.
"I brought you breakfast in bed.Do you know how lucky
you are?Most women out there only get breakfast in bed
when they are in hospitals"
She sit up and smile shaking her head.
"Thank you my boy,why are you up so early anyway?"
she asked sipping her coffee.
I decide to tell her about the dream,withholding
names.Ad expected she knows what it means.
"I guess it the way of God to show you you have to get
I chucked and sat on her bed.I have a lot to talk to her
about regarding my crush.
Chapter 5
"Mom the girl I was marrying in that dream is someone
I've known for a few hours.Besides she is out of my
league" I told her and she widened her eyes and
pretended to choke.
"Out of your league? What's your league and what's
hers?" she asked staring me in the eyes.I know we about
to get deep.
"She is rich and well-known, I'm just a local nigga with a
normal life.She's dated famous people,you know her
type.I don't stand a chance" I told her and shrugged.
She put down her coffee, "since when is your self-esteem
this low? If you still compares yourself with other people
then surely you don't stand a chance.People don't get
attracted to each other because of their bank
accounts.Get to know each other,if you guys love each
other then you can start a relationship. Don't draw a list
of what she have or who she knows that you
don't.Because love doesn't count son"
I look at her and nod digestively.
My mom knows the best,she is a proof of why women
are called imbokodo.Life has thrown her in every
possible hole and she always came out alive.Her life
hasn't been chocolates and strawberries but you
wouldn't tell.
Her family chased her out her home when she was
19years.They hated her for dating Mkhonto Khoza,he
was believed to be one of those who murdered her
father during the community riot.
They resented her and told her to never set her foot in
her home after she refused to break up with him.
Mkhonto and her got married 4years later,without
anyone of their families. Mkhonto's family died out in the
car accident before he turned 16years,my mom was the
only thing that kept him going.
They tried for a baby for four years without
success.When she reached thirty she throw the towel.
But one day after not feeling well for weeks she went to
see the doctor.She then received the best news that was
about to change their lives.
She got home and prepared romantic dinner for her
husband. She waited and waited for her husband to
come home but he never did.
Only the police arrived in midnight and told her her
husband has been shot dead in the hit and run.
The news depressed her,with no one to comfort her she
miscarried her twins.
None of her family ever reached out to her. When she
found me in the hospital bed dumped by my birth giver
she knew it was a blessing from God.After six months of
back and forth with social workers I was finally her son by
heart not blood.
She only told me I wasn't her biological son when I was
She showed me a note my mom left with me.It was
signed B,so I guess her name is Beauty,Bonisile or
whatever starting with B.
I tattooed my left arm with GBS,the letters she wrote in
the note meaning I must grow up,bless and succeed. I
don't know why I inked myself with it,I just did after my
21st birthday.
"You see if this girl doesn't only steal your heart,she also
steal your ears I think her and I won't get along" my
mother said putting me back from my escalated
I rolled my eyes and asked her what she was saying.
"I asked you what you would like for breakfast" she
I look at her and frown dramatically, "Aybo woman I just
brought you breakfast in bed after I've eaten mine.Or we
are having Breakfast part two?"
She laughs and say "No offence son,but other people call
it breakfast in bed when it consist of scrambled
eggs,toasts and bacons. Yours my boy was a "Cereal in
"There goes my generosity" I pouted
Chapter 6
I've been chilling with Thapelo and Don the whole day.I
haven't called or texted Nozipho I'm not sure about us.
My life has been dramaless,ok maybe it's have it's own
drama.Just not dramatic in that way of having the
newspapers scattering my name.And I know once I start
going out with her journalists will fish for a story.
I go home early because tomorrow is monday.I eat
dinner with my mom and her stories and gossips.
I went to bed and logged in WhatsApp. Nozi has changed
her profile picture, now it a picture of her and Lloyd the
famous actor.Her head is leaning on the guy's
shoulder,something slice my heart apart.Her status is
"Day well spent with mom &dad celebrating 23years of
I log out and play Chris Brown Roses turn blue till I doze
The week goes quickly. The good news is we got the
Jemin's deal.Friday afternoon Thapelo goes to Ballito
with his new girlfriend, Mandla is having a bonding
dinner with his wife and Don is attending a certain pool
party.I decide to go treat myself with a dinner in the
restaurant.Mom calls,sigh!
Me :I'm eating dinner in the restaurant.
Mom:That's fine I'm going to visit a friend I'll be back in
the morning.
Me :What friend? I thought Lydia was out of town
Mom:None of your business, your dinner will be in the
Me :I'm eating dinner nje
Mom:So I will find this food still here in the morning?
Me :Mxm enjoy your outing at a FRIEND place
Mom:I plan to,bye
Me :Bye
I laugh at the possibility of my mom having a boyfriend.I
order another drink,just to pass time.
Then I notice Nozi with the same guy she was with in the
WhatsApp Pp, I close my eyes to collect my nerves.She is
not my girlfriend just a nice girl I only saw once.I have no
reason to be angry so I turn my back on them and
concentrate on nothing visible.
I feel her scent behind me
"Hey rude boy" she greets me with her boyfriend
scrolling down his phone beside her.
Ok,I'll be a gentleman.
"Oh hi Nozipho" I fake a smile.
"You have went MIA the whole week,I even thought you
died and the government buried you" she said.
Like I don't have an insurance, I will be the government's
burial case.This rich girl is trying to embarrass me in front
of her boyfriend.
I reply calmly, "Trust me if I die my insurance company
will cover it.Anyway how are you?"
"I'm good. Why are you so moody?" she asked with a
fake-concerned face.
I chuckled and told her I'm not moody and asked if they
came for dinner.
"Ummh yes,it was nice seeing you again Sbu.Lloyd let just
order takeaways" they left and I let out a long held
I suddenly don't feel like going home just yet,so I ring
Don to ask for directions of where he is.
I arrived to a packed party with girls wearing almost
nothing and drunk men.I join in and drink with no mercy.
This is Don kind of life,I've always been contemptuous to
it but today I need some stress reliever.
I manage to get myself a Jessica chick,I go home with
her.Trust me to drive under any circumstances.
We arrive home and do steamy sessions, which I will
hardly remember being drunk like this.
The sun shine fiercely through my eyes,I rub and open
them.A knee poked my butt.What?! The girl is
naked,sleeping peacefully next to me.Oh the Jessica
I shake up, "Aybo wake up,hey"
She grunts angrily and open her eyes.I hear the plate
falling downstairs, hell!
"Good morning sexy",she smiles and lean forward to kiss
me.Fortunately I duck her kiss on time.
" Ey my mom is downstairs hurry up and leave"
She looks at me and says "No I will shower first". Tjo I
never thought girls from the club carries drama too.
I let her go shower, she take good 20minutes.
She finally comes out and ask for breakfast.I give her
R100 to buy it at Mugg&Bean.
" No morning glory,no breakfast in bed cha you boring
shame" she complains as we head downstairs.
As we approach my mom looks at us with "WTF" look.
"Good morning Mah" I said.
She doesn't respond, she just looks at us funnily.
"Good morning mommy" Jessica said very loud and
I nearly throw up,did she just called my mother
My mom raise her eyebrows and laugh out.She then said
"Good morning,what's your name?"
"Jessica, but you can call me Jess".I just want to drag her
out the door by her fake long hair.
My mom smiles, " OK Jess nice legs you showing in those
I suppress my laughter and tell the smitten Jessica we
have to go.
I drive her and drop her in town, as she instructed.She
insisted on giving me her number,I told her I left my
phone at home.She wrote it in the piece of paper.
I throw it out the window as I drive back.
"Jessssssss" my mom said as soon as I get in.
"Mom I've had a terrible morning,please"
"Your breakfast is in there" I thanked her and ate without
saying a word.
"Baby what's wrong?" my mom asked pulling a chair
opposite me.
I decide to lie and say it work.
"You know you are a terrible liar,but it ok you don't have
to tell me.I just hope whatever it is works out" I smile
and go upstairs.
I haven't touched my phone since yesterday afternoon. I
have tons of messages and emails.
I go through them,most of them are from work
colleagues and Thapelo praising my drinking level last
There is one from Nozipho.
Nozipho: I didn't even get a chance to introduce you to
Lloyd,my cousin, one can never tell with your rudeness. I
hope you are good and less-moody.Goodnight :*
Fuck my dramatic ass!!
Chapter 7
I punched myself and decided to be brave and call
her,God knows how much I've refrained myself from
calling her.
Don't ever jump to conclusions you moron,my mind tells
She picked at the 5th ring,I sweet talked her and she
agreed to meet up for lunch at two.
The watch is surprisingly slow today,2o'clock exactly
ticked with me entering the restaurant.I wait for her in
the cosy table in the corner.
Twenty minutes later she arrives looking like she is
attending Durban July.
I stand up,hug her and pull the chair for her.
"Thanks for coming"
"Oh your rudeness is on flight mode today, unjani?" she
asked putting her purse on the table.
I smile, "I'm good now that you're here"
"Ok lets order I'm starving"
We ordered.
"So what your boyfriend going to say if he finds out you
are hanging out with hot guys?" I just asked to test
water.She laughs,great I make her laugh!
"First of all I don't have a boyfriend, secondly I haven't
hang out with any hot guy"
I frown,she laughs even more.
"What do you mean you not hanging out with hot guys?
Hellooo" I waved my hand in front of her,she laughs.
"Get over yourself Sbu.Anyway tell me about yourself,
who is Sbu?"
"Well I'm the hot assistant marketing manager I'm
25years old.I'm the only child,I live with my mother and I
have three crazy friends. Oh and I'm girlfriend-less" I told
her with a mischievous smile.
"Mmmh I'm sure google told you a lot about me,I'm a
24years old fashion designer and I'm also the only child"
"Well you look 22" I said and she smiled proudly. See I
told you this about women and the age thing.
Our food arrives,we eat and chat like old friends.
She reach out her hand to my face,and rubs something
off my lips with her thumb.
I look at her,she looks down regretful.
"Nozi" I said breaking the silence.
She sip her juice nervously and look up
"I know maybe it too soon for me to say this but I've
been restless the whole week.No matter how much I try
to think you and I are too different and may never work
out.My heart just beat against it,I've fallen inlove with
She blinks rapidly.I don't know if it my eyes but her hands
are shaking a little.
"I know I came to you as a rude,naive boy.The first time I
set my eyes on you,ok not the exactly first time maybe
5minutes after I first set my eyes on you I knew you were
the one I've been looking for.I promise you I can be the
best boyfriend if you can give me a chance.My heart just
beats for you Nozipho Faya" I begged with the low deep
She stood up.Did I push too hard?
Before I know it soft thick lips smashed against my lips.I
hold her neck and suck her lips deeply.
We break it after a moment,our foreheads are still
pressed together with our eyes glued to each other.
"My heart beats for you too Sbu" she said half
whispering. My heart went "gigigigigigi".I whisper "
Thank you"
Suddenly the restaurant come back to life.WTF! These
people have been staring.
>>>>The next day
Sundays are always boring,they down my spirit maybe
I'm supposed to go to church one of these days.
I've been in bed chatting with Nozi since I woke up.Love
is in the air!
Don is calling, I wonder why do I deserve the honour.Don
doesn't call people ever since WhatsApp was invented.
I pick it up;
Me : Donald Mngoma
Don: You sick bustard!
Me : Whoooah what's up?
Don: How can you keep us in the dark?We are your
friends bruh.You should tell her to hook me up with her
sexy friends.
Me : Ayi wena man who are you talking about?
Don: Nozipho Faya damnit!
Me :Wait,hold it there how did you know,are you stalking
Don: Mxm fokof just because you made Sunday Times
headlines doesn't mean you are a stalkable thing.I,my
man,stalk girls like...."
I cut the call,what the hell is going on? I'm in the
headlines how? For what,we only started dating like
12hours ago?
I take my laptop and search it.
Oh my God!somebody took a picture of us kissing in the
I shut the laptop down and lie on bed.I knew this day
would come, I just didn't expect it to be so soon.I'm sure
Nozi already knew this,but being used to be the
gossiper's headlines it doesn't bother her anymore.
"Sbusiso" my mom knocked.
I go open the door she get in, "I hear you are in the
papers with the Fayas daughter" she said.
"So you've seen?" I asked throwing myself on bed.
"No Lydia just called me apparently you are trending" her
voice sounds a little excited I must say.
I corrected her "No Nozipho is trending, it's Nozipho Faya
kissing with her hot rebound guy"
She gives me a disapproving look.
"If Nozipho is the girl you've been telling me about I think
you should prepare yourself for people's opinions, but
don't make them matter to you.What should matter to
you is proving your love to that girl.Being famous and
rich can't be easy, I'm sure she has been used by many
men for her status.Man up for her and stop
"Okay mah but I'm not using her,I don't even like to be
famous.If I wanted to be I would've became a singer." I
told her,her eyes melt.
"You love her,don't you?" she asked.I nodded she smiled
and hugged me tightly.
"Careful now with somebody's assets" I pushed her away
"Mxm only if she knew you snore in your sleep"
"She told me she loves me for me" I stuck my tongue out
to her.
"So would I say If I were to find myself a hot rebound
I widen my eyes and we burst out laughing.
Chapter 8
Nozi and I have been dating for a month now,everything
is roses and we are very close.Thapelo complains about
me not spending time with them anymore,Don has been
nagging Nozipho to hook him up with her friend
Palesa,my mom constantly asks me to bring her over for
dinner and Lydia wants to know every little detail about
what we do.
Mandla is the only one who haven't met my girlfriend.I
wanted to introduce my friends to her at once over lunch
month end but Don introduced himself behind my back
and Thapelo gate-crashed our third date.
Today is Saturday,we are going to a double date with
Phumla and Mandla.Thapelo wanted to tag along with
his new girlfriend,but his babymama showed up with
suitcases this morning.
We drive to Cargo Hold restaurant, Mandla and Phumla
are already there.
I shoulder-bump with Mandla and give Phumla a hug.
"Babe this is my friend Mandla,and this is his wife
Phumlile.Guys my woman Nozipho" I introduced them
Nozi smile and shake their hands, "Nice to meet you
We sit and order.
"So Nozi you are the reason why Bura doesn't hang with
us anymore" Mandla asked brushing Phumla's
hand.Always lovebirds!
"Oh God not another Thapelo" Nozi faked a sigh,we all
"So you've met Thaps,sorry babe I also went through the
same misery" Phumla said.
Mandla nudges her with an elbow playfully, "Aybo babe
don't badmouth Thapelo he is not that bad, there is
Donald remember"
I chuckled thinking of Don's possible answer to that.
"Ya neh!" Phumla agreed.
"No guys I think Don is the sweet one" Nozi told them,I
cleared my throat.
"Babe please don't let him hear you saying that because
we will never hear the end of it." I warned her.
Mandla laughed and tell her Don will probably use that
as the testimony when approaching girls .
I mimick Don's deep hoarse voice "Hey babe I'm Donald
the sweet guy,even Nozipho Faya said so"
We laugh,Don would probably charge us R100s if he
hears us laughing at his voice.He made us swore to never
criticise his voice because we would pay.His voice is the
only thing he hate about himself, but girls find it sexy.
"So it's true not only girls are gossipers" Phumla said,her
and Nozi laugh.
"Trust them women to be the most twisted human
beings,they initiated a topic when we breath a few words
we are suddenly gossiping,ay shame!" I said as I fork a
piece of meat from Nozi's plate,she punches my arm.
"Nozi so what do you do for a living except for being the
beautiful girl on front covers?" Phumla asked.
I would love for them to get along because Mandla is my
brother from another mother.So it will be a pity to have
our women disliking each other.
"I'm a fashion designer, I own and run a few boutiques
here and abroad."
"Your family, do you have any siblings?" Mandla who
doesn't know Google and newspapers asked.Who
doesn't know Nozipho is the only child,duh!
"Well I'm the only child, I have brother-like cousins
though" she answered sincerely.
"You don't look like the 'only child' I must say" Phumla
"How does the only child look like Phumla?" I asked,both
Mandla and I looks at her.
"Well they are mama's babies even when they're old,
they are softies and irritating spoilt-brats"
I coughed out louder than necessary, Mandla cleared his
throat dramatically.Phumla and Nozi were dead with
We finished dinner and went to watch The Hateful Eight
in Musgrave.We had a great time.Nozi and Phumla
exchanged numbers.
We hugged goodbye and parted.
"We are going to your house,right?" Nozi asked fastening
her seatbelt.
We have been together for a month but we've never
slept together. We meet up in hotels kiss,cuddle and just
talk.I don't want to rush things with her,unless she is
"Yes babe,if that what you wants" I told her,she smiled
and put on Sam Smith-Stay with me.
I stop the engine and pull her towards me.I suck her
lower lip,then penetrate her mouth with my tongue.We
deep kiss for minutes.
We pull away breathing hard.
I cup her face and stare into the big eyes that made me
lose control the first time I saw her.
"I love you Nozipho"
She blink the tears away.I turn the radio off and hold her
hands to my chest.
I sang with the sweetest voice,yep I can sing! Tears are
just rolling down her cheeks,she haven't removed her
eyes from mine.
"I love you Nozipho" I wipe her tears with my hand.
"I love you so much Sbu,I've never felt this way for
anyone.Please promise me you'll never leave me no
matter what" she said with the sweet crying voice.
"As long as I breath I will love you girl" I assured her.
"Till time stands still Sbu"
I nod and kiss her forehead.
"Now let go home so that we can have sex" I said starting
the car.She widen her eyes and then we laughed.
Chapter 9
We had a blissful love-making night,specialised with
roses,strawberries and Jhene Aneiko's pure voice ringing
to the depths of our souls.
I woke up,with her sleeping peaceful beside me.Shame
she looks tired,I did one hell of a job! I carefully sneak
out of bed.
I run to my mom's room and knock.
"Mah I need your help" I told her with my voice risen,she
doesn't flinch I pull the blanket off her head.
"Leave me alone I'm still having my beauty sleep" she
said sleepily and yanks my hand away.
"Mah please,I need your help with Nozipho's breakfast" I
begged, hearing Nozipho's name she quickly sit up
looking at me with wide eyes.
"She is here? Oh my God!" she exclaimed kicking off
blankets and running to the bathroom to wash her face.
"Does she have allergies in anything?" she asked as we
rush to the kitchen.
I'm tempted to roll my eyes, but I refrain myself cause
I'm in her mercy.
"No,except Chinese traditional food"
She makes toasted slices of bread,bacon,grilled
tomatoes,fried mushrooms, scrambled eggs and black
She then put it neatly on the plates and the new tray.
I find her still asleep.I kiss her forehead, her both cheeks,
her nose,then her chin when I'm about to kiss her lips
she moans and open her eyes.
"Good morning sleeping beauty" I greeted,and lean
down to give her a kiss but she shakes her head.
"I haven't brushed my teeth since yesterday afternoon" I
frowned and kissed her again.
"Who cares? Now sit up so that you can eat and get the
energy,phela last night I was Christian Grey"
"Says who?" she asked giggling.
"Ela wena are you testing me?" I slap her arm slightly,she
giggles even more.Cute giggles,I can listen to them daily!
I go fetch the bowl of warm water she wash her hands
and take the fork.
I snatch it away from her,and fork a piece.
She grinned when I put it near her mouth, " Aybo open
your mouth"
She opened it slowly and chewed shly.
"Babe I can eat by myself, I'm not a baby" she
complained before opening her mouth for the second
"Too bad cause I will be feeding you whenever I like
because you are my baby.Now enlighten up and eat
normally because these slow chewings and blushing are
really turning me on"
She chucked and loosen up.
After feeding her we both go to shower,I first showed
her I'm Sbusiso in various ways.I bless,that's what I do.
After 45 minutes of dressing,lotioning and make-uping
she is finally ready to go.
My mom is in the lounge.And she is wearing her formal
blue two-piece and white heels,she looks elegant but
what's the special occasion? Dramatic!!
As we approach her I feel Nozipho's hand getting sweaty
in mine,I tighten my grip on it.
"Good morning mom" I said she doesn't even look at
me,her eyes are glued on Nozi.
"Oh darling I'm so happy to finally meet you.I didn't
believe it when Sbusiso came to ask me to make you
breakfast.You know I've been asking him to bring you
over for decades,now that you're here we can...." she
blabbed out I had to stop her.
"Mom!!" I cut her and tried to introduce them
"Nozipho this is my mother,mom this is my..."
She cut me again, "..girlfriend, the one you were afraid
won't agree to go out with you because she is rich and
I give up and let her be.I just cross my fingers she doesn't
reveal any drastic detail.
"I'm so happy to finally meet you Mrs Khoza" Nozipho
said handing out her hand for a handshake but my mom
pulled her for a long tught hug instead.
"See you have the beautiful nice body,reminds me to go
to the gym soon" my mother complimented her.
"Aybo Mrs Khoza you have the incredible body,I would
kill to have a body like yours in this age". I see she has
loosen up a bit,my mom's free spirit friendzones anyone.
" Please call me Veronica, or Mom" my mom said and
winked at her.
I excused myself as they continue complementing each
other.I go make myself a cereal,I can hear my mom's high
voice and Nozipho's giggles.
My two favourite women in the world are getting
along,I'm blessed.
I returned to them and asked Nozi if she is ready to
go,my mom gave me a dead stare,I ignored her.
They hugged,my mom said "Next week Friday neh!"
I frowned,they ignored me, Nozipho assured her that
"So what's happening next week Friday?" I asked as soon
as we get out the door.
"I'm coming for dinner,curiosity is not cute"
"Please don't steal my mom,you have your Thembi
remember" I said jokingly.
"Speaking of which,you have to meet my parents.My dad
wants to play detective on you"
I cleared my throat,I've never met any girlfriend's parents
before and I'm not sure I want to but it looks like I have
to and prepare myself a speech like; "I love your
daughter, I won't hurt her and yes I have serious
intentions for her."
Chapter 10
"Go check the chicken Sbusiso" Lydia called from the
lounge.You see Aunt Lydia,I call her aunt but she is just
my mom's longest best friend, she is that kind of an aunt
that always go up and down,calling orders but at the end
of the day pretend to have done all the work by herself.
And just in case you're wondering how I'm not wearing
her "opulent" dotted shirt,it is because my mom lied and
said she accidentally burnt it with the iron.I had to
pretend to be sulking as she told my mom how selfish
she is for damaging the only nice shirt I have.
I check the chicken pot,not exactly knowing what I'm
looking for,then return to my Facebook.
Today is the Friday of a family
dinner.Nozi,Phumla,Mandla, Thapelo and Don are
coming over.
"So how is it?" Lydia asked, and she is wearing white
professional chefs' uniform.The last time I checked she
was only a qualified cashier.
"What is how?" I asked looking at her
She raised her eyebrows and said, "the chicken I told you
to go check"
"Oh I checked it,it was cooking" I said going back to my
She throws a swamp to my face ,"What did I do now
She grunts angrily and hurry to the stove.What did I do
After a while she preach that I better learn to cook
because she won't always be available with her
professional cooking skills.
I've known Lydia since I was a toddler, I actually grew
under her watch.So I know better than to argue with her.
All of a sudden she is acting like a chef,selling Google-
copied recipes and she is opening cooking classes
soon,with her as the teacher.
They all have arrived, except Don.
Phumla,Nozipho and mom are bringing everything from
the kitchen to the table outside the balcony,Lydia is
sitted fanning herself with her hand telling them where
to put what.
Don arrives as we about to start eating,he is not alone
though he's got a tall yellowbone under his arm.He
introduce her as Priscilla.
"Veronica you mustn't overheat tomatoes,this chakalaka
is not good" Lydia said dishing herself more meat,I
thought she said she is on diet.
"Pity because the chakalaka bowl is now empty,how is
your mother Mandla?" my mom said and asked Mandla.
"She is fine,just growing old" Mandla answered.
"You know she must live a little before going to the
grave,she must not burry herself in that mansion of yours
feeling sorry for herself.I'm opening the cooking school
for women next week, she must come.The registration
fee is R500" Lydia said.
Mom exclaimed loud at the R500 fee, we are all
attempted to laugh except for Nozi and Priscilla who
think she definitely does have qualifications in the
hospitality field.
"I'll tell her,I'm not sure she will show up you know how
she is.Besides we have a chef at the house" Mandla told
her,Phumla is the qualified chef in case Lydia's forgotten.
"Mxm, Nozipho can you cook?" Lydia asked Nozipho
,who just smiled and told her she tries.
"You mustn't try dear,you have to excel.The way to a
man is through his stomach.You know where to turn to if
you happen to need lessons.I would probably charge you
less since you're taking care of my son's sexual needs"
Lydia's no-filter mouth said.
We all laugh,mom shakes her head in despair.
"Should I sleep with him too will I also get low prices?"
Don asked,we laughed because we know he is joking
except for Priscilla who seem confused.Don will probably
need to explain his sexuality later.
"Are you sure you're straight Don?" Thapelo asked.
"Umh not 100% sure since I find Vuyo Dabulo attractive"
he said cocking his head to the side.
Priscilla's look at the moment is priceless.
"Don't even think about it,Vuyo is my bae" Phumla
said,Mandla looked at her with a "wtf" look.She kiss his
cheek to cool him down.
"You know there is nothing wrong with appreciating
something from a distance Mandla" my mom said and
Phumla agreed.In return Mandla confessed his crush on
Sasha Banks.
"Whaaat? Are you thinking about her while cuddling
me?" the angry Phumla asked and we all laugh at her.
"Kind of" Mandla who was having fun continued picking
on her,Phumla turned red.
"Divorce him" Lydia suggested.She is the "divorce
master"anyway, she divorced twice before turning
35,now she is engaged to a certain businessman.
"There is nothing wrong with appreciating something at a
distance remember?" Mandla told Phumla,who pouted
until he told her Sasha Banks doesn't stand a chance.
"See,this is why I'll never get married" Don said,then
received a dead stare from Priscilla.
"Are you good?" I asked Nozi who was glued to the silly
conversations around the table.She looks at me and
nods,her eyes just brightens my heart I lean forward and
kiss her.
"Take it to your room" Mom said.
"You're jealous, you need to get yourself a ben10" Lydia
said and my mom told her she must consider it done.
All our eyes popped out and they share a secret laughter.
I excused myself from the table after giving Nozi an
assuring kiss.
I call Brian, the planner.
Me :It Sbu how is it going?
Brian:Well everything is done,we have to finalise the
paperwork so that we can pay the contract employees on
Me :And the name?
Brian:It's designed,we will put it on on her birthday
Me :Ok sharp,will see you on the tenth.
I ended the call.Yeah I was building my mom a
bakery,VIVIs BAKERY HOUSE.It will open on her birthday,
and it a surprise!!
I look at them in the corner of the balcony,they're all
laughing while Don is talking.I guess he is the one being
ganged upon.Nozipho and Mandla pops their big eyes
wider as Lydia comment on something.
As crazy as they can be,as different as our bloods can be
this is my family.For them I would trade nothing against.
Nozipho notices me and winks,I smile and walk back to
Chapter 11
Dinner went well last week,this week is my mom's
birthday week.
Today is Thursday, the day before my mom's birthday
and everything is going according to plan. I even manage
to get hold of some of her old colleagues,they'll arrive in
the morning.
I want to go see the bakery and meet the staff members
so I knock out early at work,tomorrow I'll just work from
Firstly I drive to Nozi's in-town boutique, it's been
24hours since I saw her face and I miss her like crazy.
"Jennifer I'm here to see Nozipho" I said to the gum-
chewing disgusted receptionist.
I don't know what is it with her,but she seem to dislike
me for some unknown reasons,but I don't give a fly.
"Well she is still in the..." I wave her away as she start
and leave.She pops a balloon with her chappies and burst
it loud,I smile thinking of how red her face is now.
I find her still in the meeting with designers,so I wait
After a while they come out with big files.
I get in.
"How are you babe?" I asked giving her the affectionately
kiss and sit on the couch.
"Good looking male designers you have here" I said
rubbing my chin
She looks at me laughing, "I didn't know you were also
into men my love"
I sat up straight and asked "Aybo who said I'm into
"You were checking how handsome my designers are"
she said closing her laptop coming to sit on my lap.
"So you haven't seen how handsome they look?" I asked
playing the FBI.
"Well I have the world's tightest schedule,and a
boyfriend who keeps showing up more cuter each day.So
I wouldn't know about people's looks"
Music to my ears!
She brushed my chest with her soft hands,I melt.
"So you know Jealousy is a sin before God" she said
tracing my neck with kisses.
"Mhhhhh if you had a girlfriend as beautiful as mine,you
wouldn't stop looking behind your shoulder too" I said
taking her mouth in mine.
"Mhhhhhhhh" she moaned in my mouth. We ended up
undressing each other and having a short office quickie.
After fixing ourselves up,we cuddled for a while.
"Saturday afternoon you're coming to meet my parents"
I let go of her, "Babe can't we make it next week,this
week is occupied already"
She gives me a stern look, "No babe even next week I
know you'll postpone. Saturday you coming so we can
get this 'meet my parents' thing done and over with."
She is right I'll never be ready.
"Sthandwa sam not that I don't want to I'm scared.What
if they don't like me?" I asked her.
She takes my hands and look into my eyes, "If they
decide they don't like you,then I feel bad for them
because you and I are here to stay.But just so you know
they're real good people." Seeing her sincerity I end up
I finally bid Nozi goodbye and drive to the bakery.Well
the interior designer deserves a day in Mauritius.
Everything is beyond beautiful, my mom's office is a
'Wow'.It's simple with the purely white wall,along
everything white;the carpet, table,chair and guest's
Hanging on the wall is the pictures of her and Mr
Khoza,the scan of the twins and myself on the graduation
It's so simple but yet beautiful.
I meet the staff,we have five bakers,the clerk,and three
cleaners.My mom will be taking care of finances.I hope
she likes it.
We finalise everything with the staff members,they will
officially start working Monday.
I went home,ate dinner with my clueless mom.She
probably thinks I'll buy her a tea-set.
We went to bed,I set my alarm for 4oclock.I call Nozi,we
talk until I feel my eyes growing heavier.I then doze off.
The alarm woke me up,I tiptoed to my mom's room and
lock her in.
Lydia,Phumla and Nozi come as I decorate the
lounge.Nozi cooks breakfast from Lydia's so-called
recipes,Phumla is setting the table while Lydia is doing
nothing specific except for judging.
We are finally done by 6oclock,and everybody is here
including wrinkled ex-colleagues,my friends and Lydia's
I go to her room,she is already up.Oh she thinks I'm going
to work!
"Good morning Mah" I said.
"Morning, I heard you busy downstairs.I will fix your
breakfast just now" she said lotioning her hands.
I take the slab out of my pocket, "Happy birthday mom".
She smiled,and kissed my cheek.
" Thank you my boy,you're the best I'll eat this after
Well,she don't look disappointed that I'm bringing her
only the R30 chocolate on her birthday. Talk about
unconditional love!!
We go to the kitchen,with me behind her.The house is so
silent,you wouldn't say there are more than ten people
in it,Lydia mostly considered.
"Mah please go check if I didn't leave the TV on in the
lounge" I asked,she wanted to refuse but I gave her the
begging look.
I slowly walk behind her as she goes.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY VIVI" we all chanted,she stopped dead
on her tracks with tears rolling down her cheeks.
"Oh my God you naughty boy!" she exclaimed with tears
hugging me before going for a group hug from all of
The morning party went well,my mom was catching up
with her wrinkled ex-colleagues,Lydia was trying to get
more students for her cooking school and we all had a
great time.The only thing that went wrong was Thapelo
getting scolded by another ex-colleague of my mom for
breaking her daughter's heart three years ago.
After everybody has left,I take my mother for a drive.
"That building is new,I've never seen it here" she pointed
at the bakery.
"Yeah it is,let go check it inside maybe it's the one Don
said it sell good burgers" I lied,luckily she bought the
We drove through,I opened the door for her.
We stand outside looking at it.Then the red light
brightened the big name in the front,VIVIs BAKERY
My mom nearly fainted,I had to hold her while she cried
on my shoulder.
"Ela nina we're not here to watch you crying as those
Khumbul'ekhaya reuniting relatives.Come inside we want
to eat the cake" Lydia called from the entrance.
Mom sighed,I rolled my eyes and we went inside.
I introduced the staff to her,she was just speechless.
Everyone from the morning party is here,so we have a
proper birthday party with the cake cutting and singing.
Nozi and I take my mother for a tour around inside.She
loves her office.
And there is an additional picture on the wall,don't
It Lydia's picture.Sigh!!
We leave my mom admiring her office and return to the
"You know what the weird thing is?" Nozi asked as we
walk towards the table.
I shake my head.
"That Veronica adopted you but yet you look like her"
she said,and it not the first time somebody says this.
"Well don't you know if you live with somebody daily you
end up looking like them" I said and we laughed,sitting
down and listening to Don arguing with Lydia.
Chapter 12
Mom enjoyed her birthday, she says I did something she
will never forget.I'm really a blessing in her life.
Her bakery started working on the Monday after her
birthday,she spends most of her time in there.
I kind of miss her as the housewoman but she seems
happy more than ever.The bakery is her second child.
Oh,and Lydia appointed herself as the manager,we don't
know what exactly is it that she manages but her salary is
R3700 and she made my mom sign her 3years fake
contract. Talk about chancers!!
She comes twice,or three times a week and tell the
bakers and cleaners how to do their job,luckily they
Good news is Phumla and Mandla are working with social
workers to bring their 5months old adopted son
home.They will get full custody of him in the next two
Don has already appointed himself as his Godfather,so
Thapelo and I will just settle for being uncles.
Priscilla and Don lasted only a few weeks, now Don is
dating a white chick named Isabella.She is one of
Nozipho's runway models and together they're the
BellaDon couple. They trends on every social networks.
We are now all kind of famous, hence my relationship
with Nozipho and Don take that to his advantage to get
hot chicks.
Thapelo on the other hand is still devastated after finding
out he is not the father of his so-called son,Luyanda.Don
told him it minus one trouble, because Luyanda's mom
was one of those irritating, nagging baby mamas.
I know it not easy for him to accept this since he was so
close with Luyanda,but better now than later.He'll come
Nozipho and I are tighter than ever.I met her parents,her
mother was a bit off towards me the first time but his
dad welcomed me with big heart.He is a great
man,overprotective of his family, I've never seen so
many security guards outside one house!
Today is Saturday, mom and I are attending one of their
hosted family dinners.
"Ready to go?" I asked her coming down the stairs
"Yes,let me get my handbag so we can leave"
She comes back and we go to the car.
"This week I'll probably work till late everyday, we have
five wedding cakes to get ready before Friday.The
designs are complicated, they'll take all our time.The
other family wants a Ferrari designed cake while the
other wants a ship one.I'll ask Kate and Nompilo to do
overtime, because Lydia is still on sick leave since she
burnt her finger with hot chocolate last week" my mom
said as we drive to Nozipho's LaLucia home.
That all she talks about since the bakery opened, bakery
this cakes that.I've listened to many baking stories I even
feel like I'm a baker too.
I wait till she finish telling me about all the cakes
orders,then I tell her the news.
"Mah I think I'm ready"
She looks at me with confused eyes,I just fix my eyes on
the road.
"Ready for what?" she asked, I glance at her with the
She covered her mouth with hands,then exclaimed,
I laughed,"Yes"
She screams.Shame she is so excited,it like a toddler in
the candy store I laugh at her.
"So when are you popping the big question?" she asked
with so much excitement.
"I'll ask her father if he agrees,I'll pop it next week after
her fashion show"
My mom is beyond excited,I am too just a little bit
We arrived, the other guests were already in.
"Oh thanks for coming,please come this way" Thembi
said leading us to the pool area.
I sit beside my beautiful girlfriend, while my mom sit next
to some expensive-looking women and start talking with
Dinner is served by two chefs,we start eating.
Thembi and Anthony shared their love story with
us.Apparently Thembi was only 22years of age when they
started going out,he became her financial provider
because her family had cut her out of the family because
of her wild behavior.They were so crazy in love and
eloped.Anthony was running his father's businesses, but
then Thembi was kidnapped a few months later.Anthony
was devastated and he never stopped looking for
her,fortunately they were reunited after a year by the
police who found Thembi outside the police station one
Anthony who was forced to marry a certain girl as the
second wife asked for her permission as the first wife but
she got angry and disappeared again. On his wedding day
Thembi appeared with his baby girl,Anthony cancelled
the wedding because he knew how much it would
destroy Thembi seeing him tie another knot after giving
birth. They named their girl "Nozipho" as she was a gift in
their lives.
Talk about love against all odds!
"So I'm the reason why you guys are together?" Nozipho
asked jokingly.
"Get over yourself your father and I love each other"
Thembi said leaning on Anthony's shoulder.So cute!
"Nozibusiso" Palesa said and sipped her wine.
We all laughed except elders.
"Who is Nozibusiso?" Anthony asked confused.Palesa
and Nozipho laughed at him.
"It Sbusiso and Nozipho's couple name" Another skinny
girl answered.
The elders looks even more confused,we let them be.
After dinner, we said our farewells.I ask for Anthony
aside before going.
"Er baba...umhhh...I wanted to ask if you would be so
kind...umhhh and lend me your daughter's hand in
marriage" I said after struggling with saying the right
words for a while.
He stop,and look at me.I look down,I hate this!
"Wow I'm so happy you asked me first,most of you
youngsters asks your girlfriends first as if they own
themselves.But you would ask her first then if she say yes
then we'll set a date for negotiations" he said, I sighed in
"Well thank you Mr Faya,can we please keep it a secret
for now" I told him,he smiled and told me his mouth is
Only a few days before I become someone's fiancée!!
Chapter 13
"So you're sure about this?" Thapelo asked before
"I've never been so sure about anything" I told him and
poured myself another whisky.
He nodded,and slapped my cheek so hard.
The fuck!?
"What was that for?" I asked irritatedly, it took only the
last drop of patience for me not to kick his ass.
"It for the 'marrying at 35' deal"
I laughed so hard,I thought people were meant to forget
their teenage bets.
"You are an asshole Thaps,did you have to remember
that shit?"
He laughed and told me two more slaps were still coming
from Don and Mandla.
I'll have to come up with a sob story to avoid those.
Mom come in the lounge as Thapelo goes out.She called
Thapelo and told him to take care of himself,
Thapelo assures her "Nakanjani oulady" and closed the
She sit in the 3seaters couch opposite me and take out a
"Here take this one for the proposal, you will use the one
you bought for the wedding"
I looked at the beautiful, ancient golden ring.
"Where did you take this ring?" I asked looking at it
"Mkhonto gave it to me for our 5th anniversary, I never
used it.Please take it as a gift from me,it symbolises the
love I have for you,it symbolises the strength and it
symbolises the best I wish for you in life.Now take this
and propose with it to the girl you love,the girl who will
be your life completion." she said sincerely.
"Wow thank you mom" I went to give her a hug.
"All that is left is for her to say yes,then everything will
be as they should be" she said giggling slightly.
I smiled then we talked about other relevant stuff,after a
while she left for work.Yeah she had this tendency of
working till ten at night.
I did a few things there and there,I was so nervous.By
eight I started getting dressed,I wanted to miss the actual
show.Plus Nozipho doesn't know I'm in KZN,I lied to her
that I'm going to Jo'burg for a business meeting so I
won't make it to her show.
I arrive in Mount Edgecombe around 8:45,my hands get
sweaty as I enter the venue.
I've spoken with the organisers,I have to enter the stage
as Nozipho says her thank-you-speech after the last
The piano is arranged.All I have to do is put on my brave
Five past nine Nozipho enters the stage,Megan push me
"I first would like to thank my amazing designers
Taylor,Monde,Ashley and...."
The piano starts, and the house dims.
I'm standing in all-whites,with the microphone in my
hand.I'm the only visible thing in the stage now,everyone
looks confused and interested.
I sing out loud:
I finish that part and went down on one knee.
" Nozipho Faya will you make me the happiest man in the
world,will you marry me?" I asked with a trembling voice.
She doesn't say anything, she is just looking at me with
tears rolling down.
Nerve wrecking!!!!!
I don't know what will be my next reaction if Nozipho
happens to say no.My heart is literally coming out my
mouth as another minute of silence passes by.
Then she also go down on both knees.
"Yes Sbusiso,yes I'll do it.Yessss!"
I smiled,kissed her all over her face then lift her
up,spinning her around.
The crowd whistles and screams,the cameras flashes and
firecrackers begin.
I'm about to get married!!!!!!
After receiving all the congratulations, Nozipho called her
parents as I give my mom a call too.
Her phone goes to voicemail, weird!
I call her bakery landline, it rings unanswered.Ok,maybe
she is busy I'll tell her the news face to face.
"Did you tell your dad?" I asked Nozipho.
She swallows and say "Babe my father says one of his
guard just witnessed a car accident outside your house"
My mind go MIA!!!
Chapter 14
Now I know what people mean when they say "I've died
a thousand times", that moment when I saw the VK
letters in the number plate of the hardly recognizable
polo vw I died a thousand times.
All I wanted was for somebody to wake me up and tell
me it all was a bad dream.
I can't tell you what exactly was happening in that
accident scene,all I saw was different people going up
and down and red lights.My mind was somewhere,I don't
know where but I was waiting for my mom to say "
Sbusiso did she say yes? Am I going to be a mamezala?"
I haven't eaten anything for three days,the strength to
walk I have comes from energy drinks.
"Babe you really have to try eat something, at least one
slice of bread" Nozipho said sitting beside me on the bed.
I just looked at her blankly.She's been begging me to eat
since yesterday but I refuse to eat when it my soul that is
"Please talk to me my love" she begged her voice
I hardly talk with anyone since my mother died.It
Anthony who has been taking care of everything.She
finally sigh and leave.
My mother told me one day when I was 20years that if
she happens to die one day she want her body to be
cremated, and her ashes scattered around the backyard
garden. Then after that she want a small 'Life
Celebratory' dinner with close people only,so they can
share precious memories of her .No funeral,no memorial
service in decorated huge hall.
Today we are collecting her ashes.
I'm wearing the black suit that Nozipho bought me.I'm
going with Lydia and Nozipho.
We collected them.Lydia,Phumla and Nozipho couldn't
stop crying as I carried the urn and scatter the ashes in
the back garden of our house as she wished.
The Fayas,Mandla's family, the BellaDon couple ,Thapelo
and his aunt,Lydia and her fiance all gathered around the
dinner table.
"Well I can't say I knew Veronica that much but I do have
a few words.For the little time I've known her Veronica
was the most humble woman I know. Everywhere she
was people laughed,she had that talkative personality
that put people out of misery. She left behind a man, a
man that is a proof that Veronica was a rock!!" Anthony
said and squeezed my shoulder.
They all said their pieces about my mom,sometimes I
didn't even hear what they were saying.
Lydia spoke with tears running down, she told us how
they met to how they survived every storm.
They talked and talked,laughed at some points I just sat
there motionless.
Then there was silence,I then realised they were all
looking at me.
"Do you want to say a few words?" Mandla asked.
I took a letter out the pocket and handed it to Nozipho.
She gave me a short hug before reading:
Nozipho finished reading with her mascara running down
her cheeks.
A few sobs were audible around the table,I just rubbed
Nozipho's left hand with my eyes fixed on my mom's
picture hanging on the wall.
After a few minutes of silence,
" I know if Vivi was here she would've wanted me to have
a glass of this wine by the garden " Lydia said still sobbing
and grabbed the only bottle of wine we had in the table
and left with a chair.
"She wasn't stingy give back that bottle, we all want it"
Don called as he rose from his chair to follow her.
"Alcohol? Today,really?" Thembi asked clapping her
Thapelo waited a few minutes before saying he need
some fresh air,then picked his glass and followed the
garden route.
I held my laughter.
"The temperature in this room!" Mandla said fanning
himself with a hand.
He tried to get up but Phumla held him down angrily.For
the first time in three days I laughed.
Chapter 15
I don't want to lie and say I had it easy being in the house
without my mom.Sometimes I slept in her room,the void
was so deep.
Lydia made me hire a maid because I have zero
knowledge about domestic staff.Nozipho made sure I get
the old woman who is in her mid forties.She said it got
nothing to do with insecurities,she just want someone
with good experience.
She is not my mother,but I don't complain our house is
still the same,she is a decent woman.
Lydia runs the bakery,she is still her crazy-self and she
comes here more often.
I am officially an uncle to the beautiful 7months old
Aphentle,Mandla's daughter.She has already replaced
Mandla and Phumla in Mandla's mom.
Phumla said she couldn't ask for a better daughter,she
and Aphentle have bonded strongly.
The lobola negotiations took place two weeks after my
mom's death,and all went well.I sent Izibizo last
month,Thembi had no mercy at all.She asked for
different kinds of expensive bags,Peruvian &Indian
weaves,Kylie Jenner's make-up collections.When she
asked for an all-costs-covered trip to Italy Lloyd's mother
told her only packagable items were supposed to be
asked.I nearly spent all my inherited money over them.
The wedding is on the 21st of October,that's next month
and I can't wait to have Nozipho as my wife.
We have a wedding planner Lifa,but Palesa is doing the
job for free as well.I don't know whose wedding day it is
between Palesa and aunt Lydia because they seem to be
looking forward to the day more than they should.Lydia's
speech is already written and practiced more than fifty
My phone rings as I pull outside home,
"Hi babe" I answered.
"Hey love can you please come over I need help with my
closet makeover"
Nozipho have wardrobe makeovers almost every two
months.It so tiring like can't she wear the same clothes
for half a year at least? But then I'm the one who
deprived her from getting one of their domestic errands'
boys to touch her bikini's and bra's, so Im always the one
to do the job.
I reversed the car and drove to LaLucia.
I find her upstairs in her room,she have already packed
some of her old clothes in the big boxes.
"Where do all this stuff go?" I asked as we pack the last
"I'll drop it off in the morning,so you can put them in my
She usually give her old or unused staff to orphanages.
She is good-hearted,one of the reason why she is
becoming Mrs Khoza next month.
I carried five heavy boxes downstairs, then to the garage
then through the lines of parked car.Her Jeep was parked
There were four more boxes,I took my T-shirt off it was
suddenly hot.
"Now I don't trust the domestic staff with that view"
Nozipho said staring to my biceps.
"They can look but they can't touch" I said kissing her
cheek and lifting another box.
"They better,I don't want to show anyone my Jackie Chan
side" she called as I went outside the door.I laughed.
My woman was a born softie,I'm sure her hand have
never slapped anyone in her life.
"Afternoon Mah" I said passing the pale looking Thembi
in the staircase.
She just stood still watching my arms with a faintly
face.Has she never seen a muscular guy carrying his
fiance's expensive unused clothes in a box before? The
last thing I need is having my soon-to-be mother in law
having a crush on me.
I put the box inside the Jeep and return inside for
more.Thembi is still in the middle of the staircase looking
ready to pass out,hebana!
"You have a tattoo?" she asked with her hands
trembling. I wanted to laugh,is she really puffed up
because of a tattoo?!
Rich people and their allergenic asses!
"Yes I do" I answered the obvious,I mean she sees its
there why asking?
"Bu...but wha..what does it stand for?" She asked,I
wanted to leave her curious ass in those stairs but I was
about to marry her daughter so I rolled my eyes secretly
before telling her.
"It just something someone wrote for me.Grow up,Bless
and Succ..."
I couldn't finish my sentence she screamed "Nooooooo"
and stumbled down the stairs,hitting her head first and
rolling further down.
I panicked,I've never seen so much blood in my life.
"Noziiiiiii" I cried out.
Chapter 16
"Babe what's wrong?" Nozi asked running down the
stairs,before I could answer she saw her mother's body
covered in blood by the end of stairs and screamed so
"Mama Nooooo! Wake up,what's happened nooooo" she
screamed crying.
The securities got in running, saw her body and made
phone calls.I don't know what is it with me responding by
being numb to every hurtful incident,I just stood there in
the middle of the staircase with the blank face.
I blinked my eyes twice when I saw the gun pointing
between my eyes.
"Boy you better start talking" Anthony Faya said pointing
his gun to me.
I wasn't scared I was just confused, like what the hell is
Nozipho was screaming hysterically.
"What did you do to her?" Anthony asked with his lower
lip trembling. His face was dark,I've never seen such a
dangerous look in my life.
"Sh...she fell I..I" I tried explaining but with a gun ready
to blow my brains anytime and Nozipho's screams words
just ran out.
"Fuck it, fuck you do you hear me? Thembi and I have
been living in this house for four years,four fucking
years!!She knows these stairs." he shouted,cursed me
and then called his security guards to beat me and kick
me with their hard boots.
I felt my ribs cracking when I moved,the pain was just too
"Mr Sbusiso Khoza you are under arrest for trying to kill
Mrs Thembisile Brenda Faya. You have the right to
remain silent,as everything you say will be used against
you in the court of law.You can get yourself a lawyer or it
will be provided to you" the tall white man in the police
uniform said as he cuffed my hands together.
This was a joke right? The woman fell by herself down
the staircase because of an inked skin,now I'm taking the
blame for that?Is that how much God loves me?
I will never forgive Nozipho's look.Everyone just assumed
I pushed my mother in law down the stairs,even the
woman I thought knew me better.
I slept in the dark cold room,on the floor with a light old
rug.Life couldn't be more perfect!
In the morning the same white police came to collect me
and led me to another dark room with a table and two
I sat.
"So are you ready to talk?" he asked sitting opposite me.I
just looked at him thinking how many people were jailed
for things like this.
"So tell me what happened before Mrs Faya fell down
those stairs?" he asked with a don't-mess-with-me face.
"I was just carrying Nozipho's old clothes in the boxes to
the garage then she saw me and freaked out that I had a
tattoo.Then the next thing I saw as I was explaining the
meaning of my tattoo was her falling down,screaming
and rolling down with her head bleeding" I said the only
truth,but seeing his face I knew he didn't believe a word.
"Wow that's so weird,you know why? Because you were
with her the time she fell you could've caught her if you
wanted to.And Mrs Faya is so familiar with the tattoos
her husband have four tattoos, why would she freak out
just because of a tattoo?" he asked a question only
Thembi could answer.
"Too bad only Thembi herself could answer that,and no I
couldn't save her because everything happened so fast.
And I feel bad enough about it" I told him.
"Unfortunately Mrs Faya is fighting for her life in
hospital,even if she wake up her head was badly injured
she may suffer memory loss.The only thing you can help
me with is speaking the truth,before the cameras footage
comes out because trust me lying to me won't do you
any good"
I give up!
It's been a week of me being a jail bird,the cameras of
the Fayas weren't working that day of the accident.After
the loadshedding the previous day the securities forgot
to reset them so I'm still here hoping Mrs Faya wakes up
and explain everything.
After another week of my prison vacation Anthony Faya
came and told me Thembi woke up and she want to see
I was escorted by two policeman to the hospital.I got in
the ward with my hands cuffed behind my back.Nozipho
and Anthony were sitting beside her in chairs.She had so
many machines connected to her,I felt my heart being
stabbed by a sharp pain.
"You wanted to see me" I said looking at her.
Then the waterfall!!
Bitch I just spent my two precious weeks in a jail cell
because you decided to fall down the stairs under my
watch over a tattoo,please spare me the tears!! I felt like
punching her as she said thousands of sorries.
"I want a private moment with you" she said sobbing,
Anthony gave me a I-dare-you-to-try-anything look
before taking the worn out Nozipho outside.
Then she cries!! Now I want to go back to my cold cute
jail cell.
"I ra..i..sed her well Sbusiso,she sh...she can marry
you.I'm so sorry I was young and stupid I had to leave
you in order to be with Anth..Anthony.I didn't even know
your fath..." she struggled the words out.I processed
everything she was saying.
No,she can't be my mother! No! I cried out so loud I
couldn't hear what she said next.
She couldn't finish the machines went wild and her eyes
rolled back.
Anthony,Nozipho and the nurses came rushing in with
their white uniforms.Then everything in front of me
doubled then I fell.It all went blank.
Chapter 17
I woke up with my head pounding like something was
smashing the inside of it with Triple H's hammer.I tried to
sit up but a stinging pain in my back held me down.
Then everything came flooding in my mind,why God was
punishing me like this?
I had no strength in me all I wanted was for the
magistrate to decide how many years I was going to
serve,have my hair cutted,wear orange prisoner's
uniform and spend my days looking in the high four walls
of prison eating cabbage and pap.
But things had to take a slow motion,my case was
postponed there was no enough evidence just the
speculations and alibis.Yet I had to be kept inside as the
investigation proceed because I was a danger to the
When I told Anthony and the police about why I fainted
and Thembi freaked over my GBS tattoo I was declared
as mental unstable and inheritance hunter.
I have to accept my situation maybe it's where God
wanted me to be,so I can become the in-jail pastor or
I must as well stop sulking over my unfair life and make
myself some friends.
"Hey friend" I said to the coloured mid-aged man sitting
opposite me.
I received a cold tea over my face as a response,ok!
Lydia,Phumla, Mandla,Thaps and Don came to visit me
almost everyday.
The burglar gate opened and the policeman told me I
have a visitor.
I manage to stand up after sometime and followed him.
To my surprise, Nozi was sitting there with big sunglasses
on.It took me back to the day we first met.I stood there
with my hands on my waist and stared.
"SBU" she said taking her sunglasses off,her eyes were
puffy red.She had dark circles of restlessness under her
I closed my eyes and digest the pain.My fiance,or should
I say my sister didn't deserve this.
"I thought I would never see you again" I said sitting
opposite her.
She looked at me blankly.
"Nozipho you know me more than anyone, do you think
that I killed your mother?" I asked with a begging voice,
I've waited to hear from her ever since I was convicted
but her father told her to cut all the ties with me.
"Everything happened under your watch Sbu I don't
know what to believe anymore.I'm so shattered, I buried
my mom last week Sbu everyone was looking at me with
a look that says it all my fault." she said sniffing.
I noticed that her left hand had no ring on it anymore.
"You really think if your mother was pushed by me down
the stairs the first thing she would've asked is to see me
when she woke from the coma?"
She shrugged, "Sbu I don't what happened between you
two which is why I'm here."
I sat up straight and leaned foward,the security guard
shoved me back.Mxm!
"Sbu please tell me the truth,what happened to my
mom? What did she say to you before you fainted and
she died?"
I looked at her she was the woman I love with all I have,
the only woman I love.
So how do I tell her?
The cellphone rings,Anthony Faya rubbed his forehead
with the palm of his hand then answered.
"Khabazela...yes...I'll be there in a sec...thank you
He then called his personal guard Ace and drove to the
"I don't know why it took you so long to access
these,your technical skills are so useless!" he said to the
two men sitting by the computer inside the hospital's
head office.
"Well let's see" Lieutenant Mkhize said opening his
Press play!
The pictures started playing in the screen.
Sbusiso appeared handcuffed by two policemen getting
inside Thembi's ward,Anthony and Nozipho exited the
room after being excused.
Thembi's words to the puffed looking Sbusiso cutted
Anthony's heart like a sword.
He stoop up from his chair with his hands burying his
"How could she do this to me? How could she do this to
my daughter? Why did she do this to her son?" he kept
asking the same questions all over again.
Lieutenant Mkhize had his mouth hanging open for three
minutes before remembering to jot everything down the
Anthony watched the tape over and over again,after an
hour he took his car keys and left.
Chapter 18
"In every dark cloud there is always a silver lining" I
remember those words I once heard I don't know
where.When I thought it was over for me God made a
I am a free man!
Don fetched me with his new silver Merc,as we drove
near my home I thought of my mom.Why did she have to
leave so early?
Yes I still regard Veronica as my mother,the only mom
even if she is no more,as for Thembi she can go to hell
and drink wine with Mr Satan.
I push the door and get inside.The fresh home smell
welcomed me,I head to the kitchen and poured myself
two glasses of juice.
I would've called the maid to come and cook but I
needed some time alone so I ordered 3pizzas.I wanted to
be indoors and wrap my head around Nozipho being my
The pain of Anthony's security guards kicking me was
much preferable than the emotional pain I had.
My pizzas arrived,I sat and ate all of them at one go.My
phone was beeping endless,every now and then I had to
text back Phumla,Lydia and my friends who kept texting
every five minutes asking if I'm still alright.
I know they care too much,but saying you need some
time alone with your thoughts means you need to be
alone, like really alone.Literally they were here,they were
doing exactly what I was avoiding by wanting to be
alone.People constantly asking if you alright when they
know you are not,it quite annoying if you ask a post-
prisoned man.
I put my phone on flight mode,then I remembered if they
don't reach me on the phone they might drive here so I
deactivate flight mode.
I hear a car pulling outside.Please don't let it be Lydia or
Don,I pray as I go to open the door after a knock.
"I'm sorry to show unannounced like this" he said with
his eyes running all over the house except to me.
After all the bullshit he put me through for his evil
bitch,this guy had a nerve to show up in my house!!
"Yeah you should be,what do you want Anthony?" I
asked annoyed.
"Can I come inside?" I wanted to laugh,like did he really
thought I would let his evil ass in my house?
"No you can't,just stand there and tell me what you
He rubbed the palms of his hands together.Not so Mighty
"Where do we go from here?" he finally asked.
I rubbed my forehead, that the question I'm also asking
myself.Where do I go from here?
"I don't know Anthony, but I can't live without Nozipho
that I know"
He sighed, "I know but she is your sister, you have to
man up and try to love her as a brother only.I was
thinking we could orchestrate a messy breakup between
you two so the newspapers doesn't poke their noses"
Even when you're dead Thembi I still suffer to cover your
I felt angry and started shouting at him,
"I'm not concerned about the damn papers I'm
concerned about Nozipho.How the fuck do I break up
with my heart? How the fuck do I keep it from her that
I'm his brother.That her famous ever-so-gorgious
respected mother was a baby dumper.How do I..."
Before I could finish I saw her ready-to-faint face behind
her father.
Anthony noticed my eyes looking behind him and turned
In the blink of an eye she fell,hitted her stomach down
and blood ran between her legs.
Not another one!
I ran towards her screaming.
She was still breathing.Anthony quickly started the car as
I ran towards it holding Nozipho's motionless body.
God not again!!
Chapter 19
I was pacing up and down the passage while Anthony
was busy cursing his employees who kept calling asking
him to respond to their emails.
It's been hours since we arrived here,Nozi was put on a
single bed and connected with machines.
The doctor finally called us in.
"We've waited here for hours.All you know is speaking
broken English and eat samoosas" the angry Anthony
shouted at the Indian doctor before slamming the door
behind him.Wheew!!
"How is she doctor?" I asked panicking,Nozipho still had
some tubes in her nose.
"She will be fine,just that her blood is too weak we need
to transfuse her..."
Anthony cutted him, "Is it because of that blood she lost
when she fell?"
The doctor looked at him half irritated, "No sir it might
be because she is not eating well..."
"She fell and bled doctor!" I told him,he should be
explaining to us why Nozipho was bleeding not playing
Mr Dietician.
"Yes but the uterus walls are thick,its strong muscles kept
the babies safe,there are also amniotic fluids that serves
as a pillow.Besides her uterus is still tucked behind the
pelvic bone.She just suffered subchorionic hemorrhage"
I thought my ears were deceiving me,Anthony had his
mouth hanging open with shock.
"SHE IS PREGNANT???" I asked shocked.
"Yes she is pregnant with twins,14weeks far"
Whooray ladies and gentlemen here comes uncle-daddy
I shook my head with tears threatening to fall out, "What
is subchorionic what what?
" Subchorionic hemorrhage is a bleeding around
placenta,the pregnancy does continue after it, although
it put her at an increased risk of other complications such
as pretern labour."
I sighed in despair and sat down on a chair beside
"You said she need blood transfusion?" Anthony asked.
"Yes,her blood is too weak she need the blood
transfusion or she can't be able to carry the twins and
she may suffer seizures." the doctor responded.
"Okay do it"
The doctor cleared his throat, "well it might take two
days or more to find her blood match,and time is not on
our side.After the bleeding she suffered we need to up
our game in order to help the babies,her breath is
shallowing it could affect the babies."
I stoop up panicking, "So what do we do?"
"Well I suggest we try to match her father's blood,as a
parent they are likely to match"
Anthony took off his jacket and told the doctor to do it
right away.
The doctor told him they will draw his blood in another
Mandla is trying to help his daughter,Aphentle with her
soft veggies.At eight months old Aphentle liked to feed
herself,which resulted to food splattered down the
carpet and all over her clothes.
" Aphe like no eat this as well...uh!"
he directed his daughter who kept spitting out every
green veggies.She only liked carrot because of its bright
colour.She was just being a girl.
After so much fighting her bowl was finally empty,he
picked her up and kissed her all over her face.
She squealed uncomfortable so he put her down,she
crawled away making baby noises.
Mandla laughed and sat on the couch watching his baby
girl playing.
"Mandla!! Oh My God!!" Phumla screamed as she saw
Mandla's nose bleeding.
"What is it?" Mandla looked at her surprised.
"Your nose is bleeding, God Mandla!!" she said rushing to
get icebags in the kitchen.
Mandla touched his nose,his hand came back with so
much blood.He was shocked because he wasn't sick,it
didn't even hurt.
This has never happened to him.
Phumla came back with wipecloths,ices and
painkillers.The blood finally stopped,she cleaned her
husband up and forced painkillers down his throat.
"Babe are you alright what happened?" she was still
alarmed.Luckily for Mandla his mother was in town
otherwise he would be on his way to the doctor right
"I don't know I was just watching my baby playing,
nothing happened or hurt me" he assured her.
Nevertheless Phumla went to fetch her laptop and
started googling the bleeding nose causes,effects and
Mandla's phone rang.
"Sho Bura..aybo when.....Hardie boy I'm coming there
now" he hung up and told Phumla he need to go see
Sbusiso,Nozipho is in hospital.
"But you are sick Mandla.Dr Hilton of USA Medic...."
Mandla shut her with a kiss and told her to close all the
She sighed and continued with her research while
Aphentle was banging and cracking her iPhone on the
floor unnoticed.
Chapter 20
Mandla arrived as well as Don,they were busy comforting
me as I was sitted beside Nozipho with my head burried
in my hands.
"Bura you are strong like your mother,the things you've
gone through I'm sure I will never survive. Just hold on
things will be alright boy" Mandla said rubbing my
"Yeah man you'll overcome all these problems. You're a
26 remember! You my man ate pap and cabbage for
weeks on a bed balanced with bricks,and mouses
beneath it.This is just Aquella to you,you'll make it
through" and that's was Don's version of
I hear Mandla punching him and him slapping him back,
"Guys can you not fight in front of my babies and their
sick mother" I said raising my head.
Don rolled his eyes,Mandla pushed him.Just when he was
about to fight back the doctor came in followed by
"So?" I asked seeing their defeated looks.Anthony
looked down and the doctor cleared his throat.
"Seems like Mr Fayas blood doesn't match,we will need
to shortlist Miss Fayas name for a match in the
laboratory,she may get a match in two or three days"
"Isn't that parents blood runs through their kids veins?"
Don asked without thinking and Anthony shot him a dead
"Well these things happens,we can match another close
relative or wait" the doctor said.
That would be me,I'm her brother.
"Know what,let the three of us cross our bloods,who
knows one of us could match.Plus my blood is rich with
vitamins I can match even Rihanna's blood" Don said
taking off his watch.Who told him the blood will be
drawn from the wrists?
"That can be appreciated, the more blood we cross the
more the chances of finding a match" the doctor said
with a smile.
"Thank you guys for doing this" I told Mandla and Don as
we head to the other ward,leaving Anthony looking
"We are not doing this for you we are doing it for Donald
and Nqobani" Don said.
Mandla and I looked at him confused,he said
"The twins,duh!"
Mandla and I laughed at him.I asked him who told him I
would name the twins after him,he said it because those
are the only beautiful names in the world.
Our bloods were drawn,we went back to Nozipho's ward
as the doctor sent the blood samples to the lab.
Anthony was sitting in front of Nozi watching a certain
thing on his iPhone.
He was playing Thembi's confession at the hospital.He
kept playing,pausing it and rewinding it.
I wanted to punch his old black ass the last thing I
needed was hearing that witch's voice while I'm in the
sticky situation because of her.
After some time he left without saying anything.
"I raised her well,you can marry her" the words repeated
on my head.
What did she mean? She told me I'm her son,how can
she say I can marry her daughter, my sister?
As I was trying to connect the dots the doctor got in with
a smile.
"Well thanks God,we found a match" he said.
I sighed in relief, at least our blood matched our babies
get a chance to live.
"Well they are my babies and I love her so should she
need more blood I will be here" I told the doctor.
He cleared his throat, "Umhhh it Mr Mandla Zungu who
I frowned.
Mandla smiled telling the doctor how I'm like a brother
to him so it's his job to help me and Nozipho where he
The doctor got out.
Don told us about how he suspects Isabella is cheating on
him with a certain camera man.
I wasn't listening to him,I was staring at Mandla who was
busy asking Don questions with his snow-white big eyes
wide open.
I remembered the story of Anthony and Thembi,how
Thembi showed up with a baby girl on Anthony's second
wife wedding.
I stared at the sleepful Nozipho,then at Mandla and then
back to Nozipho.
"NO WAY!!!!" I said covering my mouth.
Both Mandla and Don looked at me asking what is it.
"I need you to do a DNA test with Nozipho" I said,Mandla
looked at me as if I'm crazy.
Don looked at Nozipho and Mandla frowning,then
exclaimed "SHIT!!"
Mandla frowned at us before staring at Nozipho.Then his
eyes popped out before he went down on his knees
Chapter 21
It breaks my heart to leave Nozipho alone on the hospital
bed,but I have to freshen up and eat.I'm going back to
work next week, I still need to get myself together it's
been the rough couple of months for me.
I don't know where Anthony went,his phone is on
voicemail. I think he knows Nozipho is not his biological
daughter.I feel for him,he raised Nozipho since she was
3days old this must be devastating.
Thembi didn't deserve to die,she should've lived to see
her mess rolling out.But I guess it was God's way of
providing Satan with a partner.
Mandla is still shocked.He said he see the resemblance
and he knows it her but he will ask Nozipho to do a DNA
test when she wake up.We won't tell his mother just yet.
I leave the hospital after telling the still-sleeping Nozipho
things will be fine and I will come back just now.
First I drive to the Engen garage to fill up my car.Luckily
only a few cars are there.
"R300" I told the mid-aged petrol attendant.
He fill up the car then come to my window.I roll it
down,what now?
"There is an old man who have been guarding you since
you were born.He made sure you fall into the right
hands,it's him you should be thanking to save your
babies' lives not doctors.There are other people who are
fighting him over you,you need to go home and thank
him so that he can make sure your babies comes out
I blinked a couple times,what is he saying? What's all this
old man staff he is saying?
He saw my confused face and said, "You need to go
home and thank the old man before the babies are
"Well I will thank him,although I don't know his name.I'm
going home anyway" I told him and start the car.
"I mean home,as in your father's home.Your ancestors
have been waiting for you son.You need their protection
more than ever.Go find home,son" he walked away.
The car behind me hooted,I started driving.
How am I supposed to know who my father is? And how
does that man know all this stuff?
I believe him though,he was at the petrol station when I
was in hospital there is no way he witnessed that.He
even knows that Nozipho is carrying twins.
Where do I start looking?
There is only one person who can help me,as much as I
hate him at the moment but I need to see him.
I drive to LaLucia,luckily his car is parked outside the
I knocked for decades before he opened with his eyes
"Son" he said sitting on a couch.
Only Thembi can break a man like Anthony into a
thousands pieces like this.
"So you know?" I asked he nodded.I felt sorry for him,his
eyes looked like Muvhango's Mulimisi at the moment.
"You know it doesn't change anything right?" he looked
at me blankly.
"Nozipho loves you,you've been nothing but a great
father to her.She will never doubt you." I assured him,he
just nodded.
"Mr Faya I need your help,do you have any single idea
who my father could be? I saw an old man in the petrol
station he told me my babies rely on me acknowledging
my ancestors"
He chuckled,I know he doesn't believe in the ancestor's
theory neither do I.But if it's them who can save my
babies so be it.
"I found your mother a virgin,if she happened to have
cheated on me I wouldn't know,to me she always
appeared as faithful"
There is no hope!! The only woman who owes me
answers is dead.
I sighed defeated.
"The bitch died with secrets, how can she lie to me and
get away with it? I gave up on marrying Thobekile
because of her.I was nothing but a great husband to
her!" he said pacing up and down.
"She is dead Anthony,we will never get answers of why
she was such a doubled bitch"
He continued pacing and asking himself several
He finally calmed down ,"I wish I can help you find your
father's family but I have zero knowledge about who he
might be."
I nodded and stood up to go.
"You can try asking her best friend Nomcebo Zondi they
were best friends since college. She stays in KwaMashu
"Thanks Mr Faya I'll do that. And please go see your
daughter in hospital, she needs you.Don't let the bloody
red liquid separate you"
He nodded smiling lightly.
Chapter 22
I left the hospital in the morning,Nozipho was still
asleep.I got in my house and slept for four hours then
went to eat at Spur.11 o'clock I drive back to hospital
after buying Nozi some fruits.
Mr Faya is already inside,Nozi is not on her bed.Anthony
see my panicking face and tells me she is in the
"Have you spoken to her?" I asked taking a seat next to
"No,maybe you can talk to her alone"
"What? No,Anthony you've got to be here I can't tell her
this alone."
Nozipho got in asking what we want to tell her except
that we're siblings,which she already knows.
I looked at her,she have lost weight and it can't be good
for my babies.She deserves to know the truth.
"Babe" I said.
"Yes brother" she said trying to be sarcastic but the
sadness in her voice was so clear,her eyes were empty.
"I'm sorry for not telling you what Thembi told me.I was
so shocked and angry I just didn't know how to tell you,I
love you so much to hurt you.I think Thembi also did
some foul play regarding you being her daughter"
She just looked at me with no expression.
I just carried on as Anthony was more like absent in the
room,he was just staring into space deep in thoughts.
"Anthony was dating Thembi,he was everything to her,he
supported her financially as her family had disowned
her.It might be that after they got married she
cheated,fell pregnant and disappeared.After giving birth
she left me on the hospital bed in Eshowe hiding
evidence and came back to Anthony claiming to have
been kidnapped by bad gangsters for 10months.Anthony
told her he is taking a second wife,she got angry and re-
disappeared came back on a wedding day with a baby girl
and Anthony called off the wedding and Thembi won."
Nozipho sniffed shaking her head, "No one can be
twisted like that,no one"
"Money can make people do unthinkable
things.Anthony's blood didn't match yours,and that
happens sometimes parents don't match their
children.But the thing is Thembi told me I can marry
you,how can she allow her son to marry her daughter?
Unless you are not her blood"
Nozipho was sobbing,it broke my heart I wrapped my
arms around her.
"I am a lie,who is my mother? Why mama,why!!" she
was now crying loud.
"Princess please don't cry like this you will upset the
babies" her father was rubbing her back,holding back his
own tears.
She cried for some time,we decided to let her cry the
pain out.She finally calmed.
"My biological mother is probably dead or she forgot me
a long time ago. How did she allow a devil to take her
baby? Maybe she was paid,I was bought to save a
marriage. Who dumps her own baby and buys another
one? Fuck that woman!!"
Anthony cleared his throat and Nozipho apologized for
cursing.Well raised indeed!
"There is something else I need to tell you guys" I said
and they both looked at me,waiting for another surprise
"There is a woman who lost her baby girl in Febuary 1989
shortly after giving birth.She was snatched under the
shelter of a taxi rank outside the hospital"
"So what? Many people lost their babies it doesn't mean
those babies are Nozipho" Anthony said
"Well that woman's son happens to be my friend and he
crossed his blood when Nozipho was to be transfused.It's
his blood that matched, and Nozipho look like him"
"What???" they exclaimed shocked.
"Yes Mandla could be your brother,you just need to do a
DNA test in order to be sure.His mother has never been
well after losing her baby,only now she is improving
because of a granddaughter."
Nozipho's mouth was wide open with shock. Who
wouldn't be shocked finding out you were stolen from
your mother?
"Mandla,you mean the tall boy with big eyes?" Anthony
asked, I nodded.
"Wow,how the world can crush you in the blink of an
eye.Just yesterday I had this beautiful family today I'm
alone,no wife no child" Anthony said resting his head
over the chair.
Nozipho got up from bed,quickly throw her arms around
Anthony, "Blood is just a liquid.I love you daddy,you'll
always be my father.No one can replace you,you're going
to be the greatest grandfather in the whole world.I love
you, don't ever doubt that"
Tears dropped from Anthony's eyes as he hugged her
tightly, "I love you too my child"
I cleared my throat, they broke the hug.Nozipho opened
the drawer beside her bed and took out her engagement
She slid it on her left hand, "Well how about I get a
reminder of what a kiss is from my fiancée?"
I smiled,went to her and grabbed her lips with mine.
Chapter 23
Life can throw you around like a soccer ball, you can find
yourself begging for help from people you always look
down upon.
Here I am today in the stinking, crowded shacks of
KwaMashu looking for a woman called Nomcebo.After
getting lost five times I'm finally in front of her tiny shack
"Hello" a teenage boy said standing in front of a door.
"Hi I'm looking for Nomcebo,do you know her"
He looked up at me as if I remind him of someone.
"She is my mother,get inside I'll go call her
I got in,looked for something to sit on but there was
nothing except for a single bed balanced on bricks and a
sponge leaning by the wall.
I just stood until the boy came back with a grown,half-
drunk woman in old rugged grey dress.
How come Thembi let someone she calls a friend live
under these circumstances?
The boy takes the empty water bucket and put it in front
of me upside down,I guess this will be my chair for today
so I sit.
"Hi Mah my name is Sbusiso Khoza" I said offering my
hand for a handshake.
She just looked at it with a drunk face.
"Err Mah I'm here regarding Thembisile Faya,who is said
to have been your friend since college" I said not sure if
she is hearing anything I say.
"Ohh my boy Thembi and I were like this.That was my
skeem,her and I hustled together.Luckily for her she
easily got herself a walking bank and married it...Oh man
my friend was a go-getter"
She just went on and on about how close Thembi and her
were,she didn't even give me a chance to speak.
It going to be a long day,sigh!
"Ummhh is there anyone she dated besides her husband
back in 1987?" I finally got a chance to ask.
"Hhe my boy these girls of today don't know
anything.Us,me,Thembi and Dorothy knew how to get
ourselves rich without working.Give your virginity to the
rich man,get him to marry you then continue playing
around.No man is proud and trusting of his wife like
those who cracked the virginity."
I was not getting anywhere, she just found herself a pair
of ears to boast about her eventful young years to.
"So Thembi dated some guys after getting married?" I
"Yes,she dated our college soccer team coach Bheki can I forget Collen Gumede,the hot third
year student?..and a street vendor boy Muzi Biyela,that's
one was already in a relationship with a pregnant girl but
my friend was too beautiful he wanted to have them
both. I told my friend NO he was a low class shame"
This was a fruitless trip,I just kept the names of three
boyfriends and gave her a R200 note and left her praising
Where do I start looking for my father between three
boyfriends? Maybe they died a long time ago,and where
do I even start looking for them,all I knew was their
I drove back to Umhlanga with no hope, my life depends
on finding either of this man's family.
I got in my house,the maid was dusting the cupboards I
told her she can go. She thanked me and left.
I called Anthony and asked if he knew any expert private
investigator,luckily he referred me to his personal guard
I called this Ace guy,he sounded like a really expert. He
only asked a few questions,I told him the guys' names
and what they were in college.
Three Days Later
I keep having this weird dream of a baby crying painfully
and an old man shushing him till he doze off,then a man
call my name before disappearing.
I just pray nothing happens to the babies.
Nozipho is out of hospital,she still lives with Anthony.I
check her every morning and afternoon.I've turned into a
masseur,her feets are always itchy so every time I see
her she asks for a massage.
She is still down,her and Mandla did the DNA test the
results are not back yet.
I'm lotioning my body,getting ready to go to Nozi's house
when my phone rings,
Me : Ace
Ace: Sho Mr Sbu I've found them I'll send you their
addresses now
Me : Wow thank you Ace,I'll transfer your money just
Ace: Mr Faya already paid me,it was a pleasure Mr SBU
Me : I didn't know...umhh..thank you Ace man
I ended the call.
The SMS beeped:
Bheki Madlala Inanda New town A,Gelani road. House
Collen Gumede Waterloo,8th street av,white two room
by the tuckshop.
Muzi Biyela Mandeni Quarters,Duma Langa rd,house
I sighed in relief at least they were all alive.
I will start by the two that is around Durban
tomorrow.Muzi the street vendor will last.
Chapter 24
Today I start a journey of searching a man who could
possibly be my father.In my life I've never thought I'll be
driving around the world looking for my father,but here I
am today because my unborn babies rely on it.
Lydia wanted to come with me but I told her I want to do
this on my own,besides the bakery is busy more than
ever.My mother must be proud wherever she is.
The dream of a crying baby hasn't stop,maybe it's a
I drive to Inanda with mixed emotions.What if I find this
Bheki man is my father,married and his wife refuse to
accept me?
I'm hell scared as I approach this Gelani rd,I drive around
a bit before I see the pink-painted house with a wire
gate,I check the house number and it is the one.
The wire gate isn't locked so I park my car outside and let
myself inside the yard.The neighbors and Kasi boys on
the street are looking at me like I'm some kind of
alien,well it is the Nozipho Faya's boyfriend isn't!!
I knock twice,the young girl in her early twenties opens
the door.Her mouth makes the O shape as she opens it in
I have a beautiful pregnant fiance back in LaLucia girl
please close your mouth,I wanted to tell her that but I'm
here for help so yeah!
"Aybo Olwethu who was knocking?" a woman's voice
called from inside.
She snapped out of her fantasy,cleared her throat and
told me to get inside.
"Good morning" I said looking around.There was an old
woman and man (must be Bheki),two other grown girls
and a young man about my age.
"Morning" they all said at once,then the woman pointed
a seat for me.
The girls were undressing me with their eyes,licking their
red lips now and then.
"I'm looking for a man called Bheki Madlala"
The old man shifted his eyeglasses and told me it's him
I'm looking for.
"I don't know sir if I can talk with you privately"
He frowned,his eyes penetrating through the glasses to
"You can talk here,this is my wife and kids.How can I help
I shifted uneasily, how do I say this? Did you impregnant
Thembi back in college? God I hate Thembi for making
me go through this.
"I'm looking for you regarding to a relationship you had
with Thembisile Faya back in 1987"
The man cleared his throat and took out his glasses,his
old wrinkled eyes were all out.
"I don't remember that,the only woman I've been in a
relationship with is my wife since 1981"
The wife's face was fuming,she was wiping her forehead
with a bath towel.
"Well I don't mean to cause any problems in the
family,I'm here because I need my father's family I have
problems in my life and if there is any possibility that you
might have impregnated her please tell me" I begged,the
man just wanted a hole to jump into.
"I do remember Thembi but her and I never got intimate.
I had my wife,it was just a stupid fling.And it's her who
asked me out...I was always pulling out"
The wife threw the towel on a man's face,the girls were
near the breaking point of laughter.
"You here to cause problems between me and my wife
get out!!!Get out!!" he shouted,struggling to get up from
a chair to strangle me.
I looked at the guy opposite me,he motioned for me to
I walked out with tears half way.There were some boys
around my car.
"Sho majita" I said trying to be cool,you can never trust
these Kasi juveniles. They complimented my car,asked
for R2.I gave them a R20 notes,they praised me and left.
I opened the door,fastened the seatbelt and started the
engine.Then Bheki's son knocked in the window I slid it
"I wish you the best man,I know how hard it is looking for
someone you don't know" he said so sincere
I manage to smile, "Thanks man,I'm Sbusiso by the way"
"Lwazi" we shook hands.
I drove away after chatting with Lwazi a bit.He was a
gentleman unlike his father.
Driving all around Durban like a Sasko baker,I arrived in
Waterloo around mid-day after eating lunch at Nandos.
I easily spot a white two room by the container tuck
shop.I knocked for five minutes nobody answered,the I
heard voices from the back of the house.
A drunk couple of men were sitted around the tray of
cow's intestines and four beers.
"Good day bobaba"
They looked at me funnily before one man responded by
saying "Mr Skinny Pants what a rich view!" the others
"I'm looking for a man called Collen Gumede" I was a bit
pissed,I just dealt with a drunk woman not so long ago.
To them I just cracked a year joke,they were laughing so
hard with chewed intestines showing in their wide
opened mouths.
After a while the man with grey hair and a long scar
beneath his eye stared at me intensely.
"Here sit and tell me what you want" he said offering me
a brick stone.
The chairs I sit on these days!
"I'm looking for you regarding a relationship you are said
to have had with Thembisile Faya around 1987"
"Ayi ayi Mbhekiseni you were a man those days" praised
a man with a dirty,dusty beard gulping beer like water.
"Yah my boy I was a ladies man back in those days,in the
whole college no one had girls like I did.They were
throwing themselves right,left and centre." he boasted
and his friends were chewing nodding their heads.
Somebody take me home now!
"Is there anyone of those girls you impregnated" I asked.
He chuckled, his friends sat up straight their eyes fixed on
their "cool" friend.
"Yeah I did,actually I even impregnated our English
lecturer" he said with so much pride his friends cheered.
If this man is my father I'll tell Ace to find me a serial
killer to kill me and burry my body in a desert.
"Was Thembi one of them?" I asked ignoring a man who
offered me intestines with dirty hands.He clicked his
tongue and swallowed them without chewing.
"No,Thembi was married to a rich guy with a 4×4 so her
and I only did oral sex"
His friends were cheering offering him more intestines, I
just stoop up and bid them goodbye they didn't even
hear me as Collen continued telling them about his
young days.
It's been a long day all I want is a warm shower and
intimate sex with my fiance.
There is only one man left,if he happens to be like the
two I just met then my babies might be in danger,plus I
doubt Thembi could've been impregnated by a street
vendor just like that.
But they say faith get you anywhere,for my babies I'll
look all around South Africa.At least I can say I tried.
Chapter 25
I wanted to drive to Mandeni earlier because I've never
been in that place before so I wanted to to have enough
time to get lost.But Nozipho and Mandla are going to
fetch their DNA result this morning so I have to be there
for Nozi.
"I'm so nervous" Nozipho said taking my hand as Mandla
opened the brown envelope.
Mandla looks at the written paper inside before looking
at us,
"My mother's baby girl,my baby sister" he said hugging
her with tears rolling down his cheeks.
"Oh my God Mandla you're my brother... I have a
brother? Oh Jesus Christ" she said sobbing on Mandla's
I watched them crying together,they have lost so much
of each other's lives all because of Thembi.
I didn't realise I had a blank out until Nozipho wiped tears
from my eyes with her hand.
"Thank you babe,thank you for putting this together I
love you so much my hubby" she said kissing my cheeks
like I was a baby.
"I love you too my wife,now you have to meet your
mother" she nodded.
We kissed again and again,passionately.
"I think I have to start practising brother-duties here,like
hitting Sbu's head with a knobkerrie for smouching my
baby sister in front of her big brother" Mandla said with a
huge fake grin.
I sighed, "This is just a beginning of my sorrows!Dude I
paid a lot of money and collection of Italian handbags for
these lips"
They laughed and Nozipho told Mandla it time she also
play her 'mean sister-in-law role to Phumla.
I drove with Nozipho and Mandla drove alone as we head
to Mandla's home.
Nozipho was asking all kind of questions about her
mother on the way,I was so tired of answering.
"What kind of handbags she likes?" she asked thinking
her mother is like Thembi who owned only certain
brands of expensive bags.
"The ones that can put her money and cards inside it" I
told her and received angry head push.
I laughed and told her we've arrived at her home.
Mandla was just parking so we got in together and found
Phumla and her daughter alone in the lounge.
"Where is mother?" Mandla asked.
"Watching TV in her room,how did it go?" she asked
looking at Nozipho who looked so nervous.
"Well I can just say please make your sister-in-law a cup
of coffee,while I play with my niece" Nozipho said with a
faked mean face swinging my car keys around her
They hugged with Phumla screaming and thanking God.
"Well we have to introduce you to your mother" Mandla
said taking his sister's hand.We all walked upstairs to
Mandla's mom room.
"Hello ma" I said hugging her.
We sat on a two-seaters couch
Nozipho was just standing looking at her mother with
tears running down.
"Why is makoti crying Sbusiso,sit down my child and tell
me what's wrong" Mandla's mom said shifting from her
bed making space for Nozi to sit.
Mandla had the DNA results in his hand,we were going to
explain to Mandla's mom how it all started before
working out Nozipho is her lost daughter.
Things didn't go as planned as Nozipho just cried
hysterically throwing herself on her confused mother.
After shushing her down,she kneeled in front of her
"You don't see me? Oh my God you forgot me! You
forgot me mama" she started sobbing again.
Mandla's mother cupped her face with trembling hands
staring in her ,"I know these eyelashes...precious Lord
this is my baby!!!"
Now it's was her turn to cry squeezing Nozipho in her
arms.After a teary reunion, Mandla explained how we all
found out.
"My prayers did reach to the Almighty,all I ever wanted
was to see you or a picture of you before going to
grave.Even if I die now my soul will be at peace. Now I'll
make you your favorite dish" Mandla's mom said
switching off TV.
"And Mah how do you know her favourite dish now?"
Phumla asked.
"I had this imaginary of her,in it she liked mutton chops
with steamed veggies"
"Wow mama I do like mutton chops indeed,but I was
thinking how about you and I sit here catching up and
our wifey here do the cooking.. mhhh what do you say
makoti?" Nozipho said sitting on her mother's lap with a
cheeky smile looking at Phumla.
"I say I will order those mutton chops because me and
hubby here have a lot private catching-up we have to
do." Phumla said,we all laughed at their 'mean sisters in
law' acting.
"And as a little sister today you are washing the
dishes,and you will be sleeping in the fluffy pink bedroom
mom made years ago for you" Mandla said kissing
Phumla's hand.
"Yes she will sleep in there,I've always wanted to see her
covered with those Cinderella blankets" her mom said
Nozipho's eyes were all out, "Mama no,I have a man I
can't be sleeping on bed with Cinderella themes and pink
"But you will,Phumla go fetch Aphentle's pink cupcakes I
think Nozipho will want a share" I said,we all laughed.
"Haha ayi leave my baby girl alone you fools"
There was so much love,warmth and excitement to
Nozipho's homecoming.I kissed her cheek as she spoke
to her dad on the phone.
Now I have to drive the hopeless journey to Mandeni,at
least Nozipho found her family and they welcomed her
with white hands.
Chapter 26
Judging by the surroundings of the freeway as I drive
near Mandeni,I work out that I'm going to the real Zulu
world.There is lot of trees,few houses and sugarcane
fields along with women who have ibomvu on their faces
cleaning the sides of the freeway.
This is a true definition of Zululand.
I pass the small tollgate before I see the board written
Mandeni Plaza pointing leftwards.
I drove through the Total garage,filled up and asked the
attendant for Quarters directions.He told me to drive
past the Gala shopping centre near the library and drive
up until I see the mansions.
I decide to drive to the luxurious Gala shopping
centre.Wow! The place is beautiful,I get inside the Fruit
City and buy myself some fruits for the road.
The shop employees are so we welcoming, I'm greeted
with smiles as one girl in the black and white uniform
with a badge written Gala help me choose the fresh
apples.I pay as the cashier make a small friendly
"Thanks for shopping at the Gala centre,we hope to see
you again" she said handing me the fruits plastic.
Only if Durban cashiers were like this too,what a warm
shopping sensation they give to customers!
I drive through different drives before I see the high steel
gate with House no.4 written on it.
How do I get in here? There is no one walking in the
street except for different cars driving up and down,I
work out this is some kind of a small suburb area.
I don't even see the house itself,even if I hoot I doubt
they will hear it.
I wonder how come Muzi the street vendor live in a place
like this,or it's his white employer's place he is a garden
boy living in the back room or something.
I finally spot a small intercom and go out of the car.
I press the button ,"Hi"
After a while a girl's voice came, "Who is there?"
"I'm Sbusiso Khoza I'm here to see Muzi Biyela" I said and
the girl asked me to put my thumb in the green button
next to the intercom.
I did and the gate slid open.The security guard searched
my car and made me fill my personal details in a form.
White people and their drama!
In front of me was a beautiful house,with high rough-
sawn oak-paneled walls and wide clerestory
windows.The kind of house you get to see in Carlifonia
The whole yard is tiled.The bank account of the owner of
this house can't be questioned,money is not an issue
I let myself inside the fleetwood multi-sliding doors,the
grown woman in a maid's uniform see me and lead me to
a big enormous lounge.
There are crisp white couches,white centre table and
silver mirrors and picture hanging on the wall.
I sat on the expensive couch,I couldn't even sit properly I
was scared of damaging these white people's expensive
An elegant grown black woman came on high
heels,walking with the rich swagg and greeted me with a
smile, "Hello son"
"Good day mah,I'm looking for a man called Muzi Biyela.I
was told he lives in this house"
She nodded, "Ubaba will see you now,would you like
anything to drink at the moment?"
I told her water is fine,she swayed away on her heels.
"Oh oh!!" said the slim girl with long black fake hair with
her mouth wide opened.
Another Inanda scene!!
Two more girls appeared behind the Black-haired girl,and
the other two appeared after them.
I've never felt so awkward in my life,five girls were just
staring at me with wide eyes.
"Hi" I said trying to be bold.
The first girl smiled widely,the one with purple hair
cleared her throat,the one with big nose-ring adjusted
her long afro weave and the one with short red hair
waved her hand with long red nails.The youngest one
just stood there scrolling down her phone.
I decided to introduce myself to them ,"Im Sbu..."
I didn't finish as the youngest one said my full name and
told me I'm her Facebook friend.
"Umhhh..okay that's nice" I said forcing a smile.
"Yes it is,I like all your pictures,you have to tell Donald to
accept me as well I invited him months ago" she said
sitting next to me.Ok!
"Oh and these grannies are my sisters
Fiki,Sena,Simtho,Zethu and I'm Ziphe" she said that and
her sisters gave her the scolding look but she didn't care
she just scrolled down her phone showing me my photos
she downloaded,sigh!
"Would you like anything to drink Sbu?" asked the one
who came first.
The one with red short hair yanked her, "I'll go get him a
But the afro one told her it was her duty to give me a
The one with purple hair scolded her, "Says who? I've
been serving our guests drinks since I was 12years old"
This was one of the most hilarious situation one can ever
be into.
I sighed with relief as the high heeled woman came back
with the glass of water.
"Aren't you helping Zethu with planning her birthday
girls?" she asked,they rolled their eyes and left mumbling
"Don't mind them,ubaba is coming" she said and left.
I drank my water wondering if Muzi the street vendor
own this house how.
The water calmed my nerves,I even stand up to look
around this lounge carefully.
I look at the pictures.These are professional drawings I
once saw in the certain museum!
I looked up and saw family pictures hanging on the wall
near the big silver mirror.
It pictures of those girls mostly,and they are all beautiful.
And there she was in black and white school uniform!
I know this picture,I have it in my study too.What is her
picture doing here?
I take it down, looked at it closely and it her for real.
"What are you doing with my sister's picture?"
A man's voice said behind me.
Chapter 27
Maybe I didn't hear right,he said his what? I turned
around with my eyebrows raised.
"The question here should be what is my mother's
picture doing in this house? How did you even get it?"
He took one step back, blinked a couple times.
"Your are Veronica's son?" he asked looking me in the
eyes with a frown.
"Yes she is my mother,why you calling her your sister?"
"Because we were born by same parents,how did you
find it here?" he asked.
I came here to look for my father but I get the uncle! I
put the picture back and return to the couch.
"My mother never told me she had a brother.And you
are a Biyela,she was a Cele before she married to the
He sat opposite me ,"I married my mother to our
deceased father and changed my surname to the right
one.It was my mother who was a Cele"
I shook my head,why did he not look for his sister all
these years? What kind of a brother he is?
"You never looked for my mother,you let her die without
coming to see her." I said angrily.
He massage his beard, "Well she chose to runaway with
my father's killer.She chose her boyfriend over her
family.It wasn't my place to look for her,we forgave her a
long time ago although she never asked for our
forgiveness and never came back."
I chuckled in annoyance,they kicked a twenty years old
girl out of her home because of rumours and expected
her to come kneeling asking for forgiveness because she
loves someone!
"I know you don't believe me because your mother told
you her side of view in this but believe me your father
murdered my father in cold blood without a reason. My
mother was so broken and my sister chose to rub our
bleeding wounds with salt.I had to drop out of school
and sell fruits on the streets in order to support our
fragile mother" he said with so much hurt in his voice.
"I apologize for my mother to make that pain to you, she
just fell in love with a wrong person."
"Well we forgave her a long time ago we just wanted to
hear her saying she is sorry but she never did" he said
and came to shake my hand.
The five girls came back with their clothes changed and
their mother followed.
"This is my nephew,Veronica's son" he introduced me to
them with a smile.
"I saw the resemblance of the Biyelas,welcome home
son" said the woman shaking my hand.
The girls looked so irritated, Muzi told them he is going
to call work to cancel the day.
Ziphe,the younger one giggled, "Guys do you remember
the saddest thing when Sundowns lost their game after
so much practising?" she asked and they all giggled,I hate
these cousins already.
"Yeah shame it was a sad thing, the players wanted to
cry" the one with purple hair said laughing.
"What a handsome game they lost!" said the afro one
They were laughing so hard,I know this is not a
Sundowns game they are talking about.
"Stop making noise you girls,go prepare Sbusiso
something to eat" said their mother and they quickly
walk away still giggling.
Muzi comes back I notice how muscular his body is at his
age,women's dream body of a guy!
"So tell us how did you find us mshana?" Muzi asked
sitting down next to his wife.
Oh I've forgot why I came here!
"Well I wasn't here looking for my mother's family,I'm
here because I'm looking for my father I was told you
dated my mother back in 1987 or so.And she died
without telling me who my father was,I only got the
names of people she dated back then"
They look at each other,it doesn't make sense to me
"You said you're my sister's son,how come I would date
my own sister? Explain yourself you are not making any
I let out a long breath.
"My mother is Veronica,yes. But she never gave birth to
me she adopted me after finding me on the hospital bed
dumped by my own mother.She died the day I proposed
for marriage to my girlfriend, Nozipho Faya.One day I
went to Nozipho's home to help her with wardrobe
arrangements when her mother Thembisile Faya noticed
my tattoo,which is the letters she wrote in the letter she
left with me in hospital. I found out Thembi is my
biological mother minutes before she died. A certain man
told me I need to find my father in order for my unborn
babies to come out alive and here I am still looking"
"Tjoh ayi" Muzi's wife exclaimed in shock.
"I only dated a girl called Brenda back in those days,and
impregnated her but her husband was rich and her
financial care so she decided to disappear.The plan was
for her to hand me the baby once she gives birth and go
back to her husband but she miscarried at eight months."
"That her she was Thembisile Brenda in full!!" I said
They looked at each other.
"When was that?" I asked.
"Was in 1988 when she miscarried.I decided to let her go
after that and she went back to her husband"
I scratched my head,pacing around the lounge.How can
she dump me like that when she had an alternative?
"I was born in April 1988,she lied!! She left me crying on
the hospital bed and went to move on with her husband
then steal another baby in order to prevent a second
wife to marry!!!Bitch how could you,hhuh why??!"
I was crying.Crying for my mother's
death,Veronica,Crying for my prison days,crying for my
unborn babies.Yes us man we cry all our sorrows at once.
I was crying so loud,Muzi's wife was trying to calm me
down telling me it okay now.
I finally put myself together,she gave me water.
"It okay now,it all over you are here" she said brushing
my back.
Then we heard the loud smashing outside the balcony.
Muzi's wife sighed and went to look.
"How can she deprive me something I've always
dreamed of like this? It was so simple Nontombi,she was
supposed to give me my baby and move on.How can she
make me miss my boy's life like this? All I ever wanted
was to see my son scoring his first goal,him getting his
first crush, him getting the blue eye from school fights.All
that is gone" he said crying,I heard him from inside.
"My love you will make new memories with him,he is
here this your chance.The girls will get a brother to
protect them when we are no longer here,isn't that
amazing? Come welcome your son home" I heard his
wife comforting him,I felt my cheeks getting hot again.
At last!
"I'm so sorry my boy,I'm sorry for not looking for you,I'm
sorry for taking that woman's word,I'm sorry for not
being there,I'm sorry for the pain you went through at
this age,I'm sorry for..." he broke down again
I fight back my own tears ,"What do I call you Muzi?"
"I'm your dad,please call me daddy" he said hugging me,I
hugged him back tightly.
His muscular arms brought the warmth and filled the
void I never thought I had,I felt safe
"Sbusiso" he said letting me go and taking my hands.
"Yes dad"
"What???You are his daddy???" the girls, or should I say
my sisters exclaimed.
"Yes he is your father's son,your brother" their mother
told them smiling.
"It getting worse,we can never date him" the afro one
said,they giggled.
"Welcome home mfana wase Mgazini,Sobethu,Gala
KaNodade,Menziwa Mvundlane esokhabeni" my father
recited all the Biyela clan names.
Let me introduce myself to you guys my name is Sbusiso
Biyela,I am a big brother to five crazy girls
Fikile,Senamile,Simtholile,Ntombizethu and Ziphelele
Chapter 28
Life is full of surprises,I was raised by my aunt and fell in
love with my friend's sister.My mother raised my fiance
and she raised her well,that's the only thing I'm grateful
for to her.
I called my family (Lydia,Mandla, Don,Thapelo and
Nozipho) back in Durban to let them know I've found my
family,they were shocked by all of this.
My father asked me to go back to Durban tomorrow.Now
I'm chilling with my sisters in the living room after eating
a meal as a family for the first time,they are so easy to be
a sibling with.
"You know what guys,we are going to the centre" said
Fiki (the one with long black hair,she is the oldest
27years old).
"What centre?" I asked.
"Our Queendom brother" said Sena putting her feet on
the coffee table (the one with short red hair 25years old).
Being the only guy between five girls is going to be
hectic.I've already helped Zethu (the afro one 21years
old) with her 21st birthday invitation cards sealing
against my will.
"Put you feet off the table this is not Sphelele's house"
said Simtho (the one with purple hair,23,years old)
pushing Sena's feet.
My brother instincts told me to get pissed at that
Sphelele guy but I decided against it,I just met with them.
"Are we going or not?" Fiki asked standing up ready to go
"You guys can go to your Queendom I'll stay here there is
a game I want to watch anyway" I backed out,but their
looks showed me that will be the last thing.
"No it your Kingdom too,so please come with us" Sena
"You can have a long relaxing massage while we getting
our nails done" Zethu said waving her hand with red-
painted long nails.
"Ok I'll go but I want no massage" I said.
We left,I drove with Fiki and Zethu while Sena drove with
Well I don't see any King/Queen dom here,only the
shopping centre I bought fruits in earlier.
"Welcome to your Kingdom brother" Zethu said leading
the way to a certain building written Gala Spa.
I just followed behind them swaying in their high heels.
The security welcomed us with a bow,ok!
"What can we do for you today madams?" asked a girl in
the same Gala badge uniform.
"First we would like to introduce to you our hot brother
Sbusiso,we expect you to treat him with respect" Fiki said
and the staff nodded.
Ok I'm lost here.
I'm directed to seat on a leather couch,my sisters sit on
high chairs.
"Why are the employees here respecting you like this?" I
"Because this is our centre" Simtho said rubbing her nails
with something.
"Your centre how?" I asked and they all look at me.
"Our father own all these shops,it's Gala Shopping
Center. Gala kaNodade is our clan name" Zethu said as if
it's the normal thing on earth to own more than ten
fancy shops.
"He must be rich" I said hiding my uncomfortableness.
"We are the ones rich,he is doing all of this for us." Sena
responded as certain ladies came to them wearing white
I waited for them doing their nails and eyelashes for an
We arrived at home as Nontombi (step mother) cooks
"Hey where did you guys disappeared to? You missed
Kim crying because Khloe laughed at her new hair" my
favorite sister,the youngest one Ziphe 18years old,said
coming down the stairs.
I sighed,"How I wish I stayed with you and watched those
people with you angel"
"You are not trying to say we bored you,are you?" Sena
"Not at all sis,that was the best outing I have ever
had.What a blast!" I said,Ziphe laughed at them.
"You can't bore my brother with your fake,artificial body-
parts update,it just his first day here" she told them
"You are the boring one magogo with your hair cut like a
boy" Zethu said pointing at her with now orange painted
"No wonder you don't even have a boyfriend at your
age.Boys think you are another boy" Simtho said.
They all laughed, except me.
"Take in your sister Fiki footsteps, at 16years she already
knew how to blow..umhhh how to blow her chewing-
gum" Zethu said realising I'm looking at her with raised
"No wonder she have two kids with different lecturers
she was blowing..blowing a chewing gum neh!" Ziphe
said folding her arms.
"Better me than you who will die a Virgin Active"
Fikile,the hilarious oldest sister said.
"And you Sena shouldn't you be at home washing your
taxi driving fiancée's Pep clothes?"
Finally the catfight stopped as Nontombi came towards
"Ziphelele stop backmouthing your older siblings,show
some respect your brother is here" she scolded her and
the others smiled approvingly.
We ate dinner together,my father showed me other
family members pictures.
"Are you comfortable with your room up here or should
we change it to downstairs" Nontombi asked, I know she
mean to ask if I'm comfortable with sleeping next to my
loud sisters.
I smiled, "No Im fine Mah"
"Okay goodnight my boy" she closed the door.
I decided to call my other half,she picked at 3rd ring
unlike her:
Me :My love
Her: Hey babe how is it there?
Me : It's like having five loud sisters and a father who
own more that ten shops.
Her: What?He is no longer a street vendor?
Me : Nope,now he is a multimillionaire businessman.
Her: Married to the money...millions in the bank...(she
raps with a girly excited voice I laughed)
Me : Like Thembi like Nozipho
Her: Hahaha that is a serious insult Mr Biyela
Me : How are my babies.
Her: Eating and throwing it up
Me : You'll be fine love,I love you Nozipho
Her: I love you too hubby.
Me : Okay goodnight.
Her: Thanks, it will be good if my mother forget to read
me a bedtime story like she planned to.
I laughed, Nozipho's mom treats her like a little girl she
lost not a famous 24years fashion designer.
I put the phone under the pillow and sleep. But then
someone knocks.
I opened and it's my little angel.
She get in with her pink pillow, "I'm sleeping with you
today cuddle-buddy."
I open the covers, we get in.I tuck her in my arms,five
minutes later she is snoring quietly.
I kiss her forehead, "Good night angel,I'll protect you
from all the evils of this world"
Chapter 29
I had a peaceful night,not even the crying baby's dream
disturbed me.
Ziphe is still sleeping with her her hands tucked on her
cheeks, mouth slight opened.
I take my phone under the pillow, I have one message
from dad,he is telling me that him and Nontombi had an
emergency to attend they will be back by ten.
I decide to stay in bed and update my pictures on
Facebook,no one is awake anyway.
"Give them back bitch,they are mine" that will be Zethu's
voice shouting.
I heard loud noises and banging,I went to check.Zethu is
on top of Simtho,Simtho is pulling her weave from
I pull Zethu away,"What the fuck is going on here?"
"This bitch took my boots and she refuse to give them
back" Zethu said trying to get past me to grab her.
"Zethu don't call your sister a bitch,no matter how angry
you are that shouldn't be a word to you do you hear
me?" I asked, she looked away.
I grabbed her arm she grunted, "Okay,but I want my
boots back"
Good morning to me!
"Simtho why are you refusing with her boots?"
Simtho pushed her lips sideways before answering ," She
bought them with my card,so they are mine it was my
"I asked for your card because I forgot my bag that
day,you should've refused if you didn't want to." Zethu
said pushing her butt backwards with her hands swaying
on air.
"Simtho why are you taking them back if you are the one
who let her use your card when buying them?" I asked.
"I wouldn't take them back if she let me wear them if I
want to.We own 50/50 shares of these boots"
"You don't even ask me,you just let yourself in my closet"
Zethu responded.
I'm sure everyone heard them fighting they just ignored
them purposely.
"Simtho you have to respect your sister's privacy, ask to
borrow those boots now!" I'm officially a big
brother,trust me.
"Borrow me the boots" she said roughly,I gave her a
"Zethu can you please borrow me your boots?" she
asked rather nicely this time.
Zethu smiled proudly and told her they should come back
before tomorrow with no fault.
Zethu is still a 21years old girl,as glamorous she can be
her heart and mind is still young.
I leave the room when they are back on speaking
I pass Fiki coming from downstairs to her room.
"Morning big sis" I greeted.
"Hey brother,you are the new cuddle-buddy?"
I smiled,they real take Ziphe as the nagging boring little
"Yes I am"
She sighed dramatically, "Win me,now I can masturbate
She said that as if it's normal and left me with my mouth
opened in shock.
"You are up?" I asked Ziphe who was busy playing a game
on my phone.Remind me to put a password later.
"Yep, let's go.I'll make everyone breakfast today" she
said getting off bed,leaving her pink pillow.
She made breakfast, eggs,toasts,mushrooms, chutney
and bacons.
I don't know how to cook,so she made it all by herself
while I watched the Sunrise on TV. My other sisters were
not even off their beds.
She set the table,then I go to shower in my room as she
goes to hers as well.
I finished and went downstairs, she is already there
putting everything on six plates then called the others
They come down already in heels and make-up.
"This looks amazing, but next time don't put so many
eggs on my plates" the ungrateful Sena said pulling a
"You will make a great maid one day.Maybe me and
future hubby can even hire you for R4000 a month,what
do you say?" Simtho said with a cheeky smile.
Ziphe smiled sincerely, "That could be nice,I enjoy
cooking for my siblings.Now let's eat"
"We are not blessing it?" Sena asked.
They all laughed, then Fiki asked if she see Nontombi
anywhere here.
We all laughed and started eating.
The food is really good, it reminds me of my mother's
cookings.Or it's not?
All the girls choked on their food and rushed to the
bathroom door with their hands covering their mouths.
Ziphe is just sitting on her chair with a big satisfied smile.I
smell the rat here.
"Ziphe what did you do with their food?" I asked.
"Let's just say I spiced it with lots of Indian spices and
sunlight liquid."
"Why would you do that Ziphe?" I asked angrily.
Before she could answer, they all come back with red
They wanted to grab her but I shielded her.
"Let us deal with her" said Fiki coming behind me,I shift
her forward.
"Guys calm down" I begged them,they finally calmed.
"Ziphe why did you do that to your sisters?" I asked.
"Because they are always mean to me and they gang up
on me" she responded still holding my arm for
"Apologize" I told her,she grunted for a moment.
"Fine I'm sorry" she said forcing herself.
"Good" they all said.
"And you guys you should stop picking at your little
sister.And you Fikile you should make sure she doesn't
repeat the same mistakes you made don't encourage her
to go after boys"
She looked down, so much for a big sister!
"Okay let's go have breakfast somewhere" Sena
suggested, we all agreed.
"No Ziphe you are staying behind to clean the table and
wash those dishes" Fiki said,playing her big sister role.
"I'm not staying, right bhuti?" she asked holding my arm.
I gave her approving look,she faked the tears and ran
"Don't follow her,she always cry if she don't get her way"
Zethu said pushing me to go.
I left with the others,my heart still concerned with my
little sister.
After breakfast we returned home, my dad had arrived.
We chatted a bit,he told me about his businesses. I got
ready to go they all surrounded me with sad faces.
"Next Saturday we will be introducing you to the
ancestors, bring MaFaya with you on Friday. We will
leave to Nkandla on Saturday morning" My father said.
"We?" Simtho asked with raised eyebrows.
"Yes we all going home" their mother told them.
"No" they said at once.
"Pity it wasn't a request" my father said with authority.
"Do they have spa's in there? Oh no princesses" Ziphe
mocked them.
"Guys it was nice meeting you,I'm so happy to meet my
real family. I'll see you on Friday.Girls take care neh!"
We hugged goodbye.
My father walked me out telling me how blessed he is to
have me in his life
Chapter 30
I drive back to Durban,playing Duncan's songs.He really
get me in the right energetic mood.
Talk about one person who is about to have a perfect
life,that's me.
Two months from now I'll tie a wedding knot with the
love of my life,yeah we postponed to December 14 due
to the complications.
I have a big peaceful loving family, ok maybe I exaggerate
scratch peaceful.
My wife-to-be is with her right family.What could
possible go wrong?Nothing.
I drive to my house,I want to put in the big tupperware
home-made scones Nontombi gave me first then go see
OK there is a girl with long braids waiting outside my
gate.I slow the car down and slid down the window
"Can I help you?" I asked.
She turned around.I know this face,I remember those
long legs but who was she? And what's she is doing
outside my gate?
"Ela wena who do you think you are?" she asked pointing
her hand to me.
Can someone remind me what her name was?
"Wena busturd I'm talking with you.Why are you so
uncareful,hhe! If I wasn't in Swaziland when I found out
you would have shit on your pants." she shouted.
Someone explain to me what's going on here.
"Let's get inside so that you can explain why you so mad
at me" I said opening the passenger door.
"Kek in ko kak you can explain, my foot! Take this thing
of yours and go I have a gig in London I'm attending"
She put the white wrapped thing on the seat.What is
this? I remove the white soft blanket and saw a tiny baby
with red face.
Her name was Jessica!!
Did I not use protection that night? No I don't remember
any condom foils around the bed that morning.
"Jessica wait,who is this? How did this happened?" I
asked panicking.
"I should be the one asking you that.Do you have any
idea how many gigs I've lost because of this thing? The
bustard even refused to be aborted.I should have left
with the clever mature guy that night" she said swinging
her braids turning her back walking to the car across the
"Jessica wait,what even his name?' I called.
" Was I supposed to think of babies names,I have a tight
schedule dear" she continued walking away.
"How do I take care of him? Where are his clothes and
"Don't know,don't care all I know is I don't want to miss
my flight.Bye" she said getting in the car.
The car drove off.
When am I getting mind peace? How do I even explain
this to Nozi?
I look at the tiny,innocent sleeping baby,tears threatened
to come out.
I have no single idea what I'm going to do with this baby.
I drive inside,parked and stayed just inside the car my
head pounding.
I can't call Phumla for help,her and Nozipho are so close
and now related.
What if this baby start crying? There is no baby food in
the house.
Jessica didn't even leave one milk bottle or diapers.
We are not the closest and probably don't know each
other that much,but she is the only person I thought to
Maybe it's because we are the same age.
She picks at fifth ring.
Me: Sena
Her:Bhuti are you crying?
Me:No,I need your help
Her:Anything, what can I do for you?
Me:Come here please
Her: Umhhh Sbuh I...
Me:Please sis I need you
Her:Okay I'll be there text me address
Me:Ok thanks.
I texted her the address.
I drove to the near shop and bought a packet of diapers
and formula.
My problems were adding, subtracting, multiplying and
Chapter 31
I called Nozipho and lied that I have a flat tyre
somewhere in the middle of freeway.
I made the milk bottle following the written instructions,
when he woke up I pushed it in his tiny mouth.He sucked
Two hours later Sena arrives in the skinny jean,high-knee
black boots,long leather jacket with big collar beaded
with golden chains and huge black sunglasses,mind you
the weather is just normally warm.
She greeted with a swag,and then stopped with mouth
wide opened in surprise as she see me with a wrapped
baby in my arms, "Oh Oh don't tell me this is what I think
it is"
"If a baby dumped by a crazy one-nightstand outside the
gate is what you thinking then I won't tell you" I said
sitting on the couch.
"Oh! Albhideshi dakhisha shikura khankhalakaqa" she
exclaimed speaking in languages.
"Sena will you stop saying those funny things, I'm in a
sticky situation here"
She didn't stop, "Cheneke!!! How did this happened?"
I told her the whole story, she exclaimed in foreign
languages here and there.
"Clap once,clap twice! Just when we thought the world is
in a better place after your mother died,now this Jessica.
Ayi I think she is your Mother version two" she clapped
her hands.
"He doesn't even have a name,or clinical card.The only
thing there is his date of birth written in a paper band
around his wrist" I told her
She took her from me, "You know what let's call him
Gundi for now"
"Sena he could real be my child, so please think of
something else"
She took out her iPhone and scroll something
," boys names...ja...ay not this one...well..
yeah let just say Sphiwo"
I like that one,so creative Sena or should I say google-
"Ok that better" I agreed.
"First thing you have to go to the clinic with him for
check-up and get him a clinical card then after that do a
DNA test with him before applying for his birth
certificate.Because I don't trust this Jessica girl,she
could've slept with thousands of people that month,looks
like sleeping around with men from the clubs is a hobby
for her"
Sena spoke something that makes sense,noted!
"Okay but what about Nozipho? How do I tell her,the last
thing I want to do is upsetting a twin-pregnant woman" I
didn't swallow that as Nozipho called me from the front
Sena and I looked at each other.
"What are you going to do?" whispered Sena.I shrugged
"Saw your car and thought I come get my kiss,sorry I
didn't know you had company. Hi there" she greeted
Sena who was holding Sphiwo then kissed me.
"Babe this is my sister Senamile Biyela. Sena this is our
wife" I introduced them,Nozipho went to hug her.
"Oh my God Sbuh didn't tell me he is coming with
you...gosh when did you have this munchie?" Nozipho
asked taking Sphiwo.
Sena stood with her hands on the hips, "Do I look like..."
I know she was about to ask her if her body showed that
she have a baby.
I cut her in, "She gave birth five days ago"
Sena's hostile glare will give me nightmares.Nozipho
didn't pay attention to any of us,her world was absorbed
by Sphiwo.
"This young boy will make me miss my appointment. My
kiss dear" I smiled and kissed her affectionately.
"There is more of them later" I told her with a smile.
"Will see you Friday sis Sena,you're beautiful by the
way.Which makes me wonder how beautiful the others
are" she said hugging Sena.
"I'm the most beautiful one,see you Friday boo" she
responded and kissed both her cheeks.She left hurrying
to a certain meeting.
"What is it with you?" the angry Sena asked me with her
hands on the hips.
"Sorry was just covering up for now"
"Well you better solve this before it's too late,you know
how bad secrets can hurt people."
"Okay but I have to spend the night with Nozipho, will
you do the honours and become the best sister in the
world" I asked.
She raised her drawn-maroon eyebrows,"What about my
plans Sbusiso? No ways I'm not going to babysit"
I continued begging until I promised to ask Nozipho to
feature some of her designs in the FFS (Fayas Fashion
Show) next month,and pay her R200/h.
"And call daddy,stop doing everything on your own you
have a family." she said heading to the bathroom to
change Sphiwo's diaper.
Later I leave for Nozipho's house,but I forget my
cellphone on the couch and went inside.
Sena is speaking on the phone in the next bedroom,
"Yes... I'll text you the address...bring pizzas and porn know I ride that huge cock of yours like a
teenage boy riding a bike...umhhh... I'll be
Only if Ziphe was older and not busy with matric exams!
I sighed hopelessy and left .
Chapter 32
I park my car outside the Fayas,but first I need to call my
dad it will be a disaster if he hears it from Sena first.
Muzi being the Zulu man thinks this is not complicated,to
him I must just confirm if the baby is mine then give him
to Nozipho to raise.As if there is any woman who love
husband's illegitimate child,except for Nontombi. Even
Nontombi is happy to find me because she was fearing
that one day Muzi would seek a baby boy in other
women, now that the heir is here she is safe.
Even though I fear how Nozipho will take this but I will
tell her tonight,better now than later.
I pass the three security guards near the door,there is
also the tall one who was kicking me that day he looked
down when I greeted them, mxm!
The front door is unlocked,I knock once and let myself
If the door wasn't unlocked I would say there is no one
here because all lights are off.
With help of the moon light I see small red roses trailing
on the passage leading to the pool,I follow them and see
Nozi in the glimmering long gold dress standing near the
The whole pool area is covered in roses,near the pool
there is a small round table covered with a white cloth
and scattered with red roses.On it there are lit
candles,two covered plates,two wrapped glasses and a
bottle of Merlot.Barry White is playing in the
I smile as I make my way toward her,my woman is just
beautiful not even Candice Swanepoel is this sexy.
She is determined to look as serious as she can be but fail
dismally as I do the Usher 180 turnaround to Barry's
song,she laughs.
"You're crazy" she laughs as I take her for a dance.We
danced,kissed and sang along the music.
"Hey babe,what an events' planner you can make!" I said
taking a seat.
"Well pity because I don't plan to be one" she poured the
wine in glasses.
"What's the special occasion? You know I can live like this
She hands me the glass, "I set this for us.You know how
far we've come,how many obstacles threatened to put us
apart but here we are today our hearts still beating for
each other. I love you like I never thought I could love
someone this way.Thank you for being nothing but a
faithful, loving and handsome fiancée all the time."
I breath out heavily, her words just warms my heart and
I'm ready to fight more yet to come obstacles for us.
I took her left hand and brushed her ring, "For you I
would catch a grenade babe.I want to live my whole life
looking into these big eyes first thing in the morning and
last thing at night,I love you so much MaFaya slash
She smiled, "Well I am MaFaya.Let eat before we start
eating this food with tears"
I laughed and opened my plate.Mhhh my
favourite,roasted salmon,green beans and potatoes.
"What were you doing this afternoon except preparing
your man this delicious dinner?" I asked slicing my
"I watched a certain Nigerian movie,whoah ayi babe
some men out there!" she said clapping her hands.
"What did men do now?"
"You know this guy is married to this beautiful
woman,they have a beautiful family their kids are
beautiful. But the man go impregnate another girl,then
brings the child for his wife to raise then him and the girl
continues their affair in the hotels" she said with clear
I nearly choke on my food,with that she just stabbed the
fresh wound.
"The food is real nice babe,you'll make a great
housewife" I changed the topic gulping the wine.
I was restless the whole night,she thought it was because
I had too much wine.Even when we made love I just
closed my eyes throughout the deeds,I couldn't look her
in the eyes knowing the secret I was keeping from her.
Early in the morning my phone beeped,it was Sena telling
me her shift ends at six o'clock.Well!
I kissed her face until she opened her eyes, "Good
morning babe."
She yawned ,"Ay babe why you up so early,I'm tired"
She thought I wanted a morning glory,but I was rushing
to play daddy at home before Sena charge for extra time.
"You can sleep babe,I'm rushing to the bakery Lydia says
there is a small problem" I said getting off bed slowly.
"Mhhhh I'll call you when I wake up" she said closing her
I kiss her forehead and rush out.
Five past six I parked outside my house.
"You are eight minutes late bru" she was preparing
Sphiwo's bottle in the kitchen.
"I'm sorry, how did he sleep?" I asked.
"He slept almost all the night.He only woke up if he
needed a diaper change or milk.And this formula is for six
months old babies,you need to buy him the right one
before he get sick"
"Okay,who was lighting these red candles?" I asked
looking at the kitchen table with candle stains and
"No one,here feed your child I want to take a bath" she
gave me the bottle and walked away.
Her gown was opened so I could see the red lingerie
beneath it,Nanny of the Year indeed!
She came back wearing a white bum short,white Adidas
tackies,white croptop written Senair in bold gold letters
on the chest and black sunglasses.
I asked her to bath and dress Sphiwo with the clothes she
shopped for him yesterday while I go bath,she agreed to
do that without any charges,thanks God!
I bathed slowly on purpose, after I was done with
lotioning myself I wore my D&G t-shirt,casual knee-
ripped jean and Air Jordan takkies.I top it with
sunglasses, like sister like brother!
I want to take Sphiwo to the clinic so I take my ID and go
I go down the stairs whistling,but then I heard the
familiar voice speaking with Sena and stopped.
"Yes boo,that's why all the baby-dumpers should be put
in the tyres and burnt alive." Sena told her,I wanted to
roll myself on the stairs and die like Thembi.
She says something Sena laughs out loud, "Hahaha I think
so too.She must never get him back"
I was just standing there on the steps frozen.
After a while Sena bid her goodbye, "You just saved my
ass doll bye"
The house became quiet, I swallowed my fears and
walked down.
She was holding him,her face was showing no
She looked at me expressionlessly.
"I was afraid of telling you,please say something.He
happened before us.I didn't even know about him until
yesterday,his mother just showed up.Please believe me"
I begged taking her hand.
She takes the milk bottle, a blanket and stands up, "I
thought we both learnt from Thembi but I was wrong."
I stood up too, "I did babe,that's why I was willing to tell
you but I got cold feet when you told me about that
"You forgot your phone,I went to the bakery to give it to
you but you weren't there.Bye"
She took Sphiwo and walked away.
"Babe where are you going?" I followed her.
"Taking him to the clinic,what does it look like to you?"
I followed her,she got in her car and close the door at my
face so I rushed to mine and drive after them.
We arrived at the clinic,she was giving me the silent
treatment.They asked questions, checked him and gave
him a clinical card.
We got out.
I go to my car but then saw that she is walking past hers
with Sphiwo.
I got out and followed them,she went inside the police
station.She spoke to the police about something, they
nodded here and there then she signed some papers.
They called me to come sign too.
We walked back to the cars outside the clinic still on
silence.She got in hers and drove,I followed her behind.
She drove to town,and went to Ackermans then to Game
and Shoprite.
She have a wrapped baby in her hands,a bag and many
plastics.I offered to help,she just called a traffic boy and
asked him to help instead,Ok!!
I followed her behind again, we got in our cars and drove
She doesn't drive to my house,she drives to her home.
I followed her all the way,she took the plastics inside the
house then came back to take Sphiwo from the car.
I followed her,but she got in,slammed the door on my
face and locked it.
I sighed and turned around to go,I caught the security
guards watching me with curious eyes.
"Eat your peanuts and do your job,stop looking at me" I
shouted at them and left.I heard them laughing behind.
Chapter 33
You know when a day goes from bad to worse,that
would be my day today.I was welcomed by loud laughter
coming inside my house.Don and Thapelo were helping
themselves with my whisky while Don busy roasting
steak on the stove.The Big Nuz was playing so loud
blocking ears.
"Sho Bura you look like you just survived Titanic" Thapelo
greeted with a glass of whisky in his hand.
"Better surviving Titanic than surviving the whole day of
silent treatment from Nozipho" I grabbed Don's whisky
and gulp it down.
"Trouble in paradise?" Don asked.
I told them the whole story ignoring Don's judging eyes.
"It looks like she will accept him" Thapelo said.
"Ya..who was having a blast here last night? Tjoh I saw
about five condom wraps in the bathroom bin." Don
said,I know he is suspecting I'm cheating on Nozi.
"My sister slept here, must be her"
"Ela I said play Professor not Big Nuz" Lydia shouted
above music coming from the lounge and changed the
playing CD.I didn't know she was here too.
"Hello aunt" I greeted
She looked at me up and down, "You jackal why did you
lie about your whereabouts to Nozipho in the morning?
You know she eat almost every kind of cake she sees
everytime she set her feet in the bakery,lie about being
somewhere else next time"
"Sorry aunt" I just wanted to make peace with her
otherwise we would speak about it till the sun set.
"Yeah you should be, you Don how long is this meat of
yours gonna take?" she asked Don.
Don raised his eyebrows, "And who told you I'm roasting
this meat for you? I'm going to wrap this with a foil and
give it to my girlfriend, it's her birthday"
"What???" we all exclaimed at once.
"Yeah what did you think? That me,Don will just cook
marinated steak for you.Aybo!!" he said taking out the
steak,putting it on the plate.
"This is my meat and spices you used" I told him taking
the plate I was hungry,he slapped my hand away.
"Who give his girlfriend a wrapped steak for her
birthday?" Thapelo asked irritated.
"I didn't say it will be steak only,I will go take Phumla's
steam bread and buy salads.It more like I'm bringing her
a romantic lunch with a bottle of champagne" Don
defended himself.
"Good for her shame,what a birthday!" Lydia mocked.
"Whatever!" he said wrapping his steak with my foil and
leaving us glaring him with dead stares.
"Why are you all here, playing music so loud anyway?" I
asked them.
"Hey you we don't need permission to come here,Vivi
said we are welcome every time" Thapelo said,Lydia was
still practising a reply on her head but I quickly
apologized holding my hands up.
Lydia went to prepare us something to eat,Thapelo and I
continued chatting walking to outside.
After a while she called us in.
"Helloooo" Sena came in with lots of shopping bags as
we ate around the kitchen table.
"And who are you, wearing clothes like a prostitute?"
Lydia asked with her nose raised.
Whooah! Not to Senamile Biyela,she throws the bags on
the floor.
"And you wrinkled magogo who drinks champagnes brew
for younger people,who are you?" she asked her hands
on the hips.
I tried to speak but Lydia was already up from her chair
,"You disrespectful tikline come here I will drive manners
to your thick fake ass"
Sena jumped up and down warming herself up with
folded fists ready to throw a punch.
Thapelo held Lydia back,while I calmed Sena down.
"Let me show her" Lydia asked,but Thapelo told her to sit
They both finally agreed to sit down.
"Aunt Lydia this is Senamile my sister,she is visiting" I
told her.
"She look like a professional gold digger,not only can she
make a good stripper she also look like those plastic
American singers.Look at her" Lydia said looking at her
up and down.
I thought we were about to make peace.
Sena shifted from her chair, "Not the one to talk with
R80 Chinese wig,you should be at old-age home reading
Mandela Long Walk to Freedom trying to catch what
your peers went through not sitting here judging young
people on their time.Your time is up gogo!"
Thapelo was holding his laughter while I was trying to
talk to them.
"Don't eat the food I cooked" Lydia said trying to grab a
plate from her.
She grabbed it back, "It's my brother's food you cooked,
and it not even nice you just boiled like you are cooking
umgxabiso sies!" Sena said and pushed the plate away
from her and went upstairs.
"What a disrespectful child!" Lydia exclaimed, we just
held our opinions to avoid further arguments.
Later they left,I cleaned the table and went to check
"Hey I hope you are not upset" I said sitting next to her.
"I am"
"I'm sorry she is like that don't mind her okay" I said
rubbing her shoulder.
"No it Sphelele I'm upset with,can you believe that he's
been cheating on me throughout the year.His friend told
Well I thought she was upset with Lydia's fight.
"But Sena you had a man here last night too" I told her.
"He doesn't know that,he just cheated for his own
reasons. But don't worry I'll sort him out before leaving
his ugly ass"
By sorting him out I hope it nothing involving burning a
house down or poisoning his food.
I sighed, "Nozipho is not talking with me,she took Sphiwo
and left"
"That's good" she said scrolling down her phone.
"Good that she took Sphiwo or good that she doesn't talk
to me?" I asked.
"Good,good! I'm also planning to go on a silent
treatment with Roman.Silent treatment does upset
I clicked my tongue and went out.
I tried calling Nozipho she didn't answer, I tried again and
She sends a text saying "We alright, the phone's ringing is
irritating.Stop it,we are not on talking terms"
Okay at least she still cares to tell me how they are.
I call my angel just to get myself a little chill-up.She
answers after the first ring,
Me : Munchie munchie
Her: Hey brother how are you
Me : Good now because I'm speaking with you,how are
the exams
Her: Good,guess what
Me :(chuckles) What Ziphe?
Her: Zethu's boyfriend is a white grandpa
Me : Hahaha he is that old?
Her: Yeah I'm sure he suffers amnesia too,you know I
asked him to bring a pizza when we went to the mall but
he came back with a burger.
Me : Don't friendzone yourself with him,he might just set
you up with his old friends.
Her: Don't worry... (she talked with someone
else)...whoah princess Cinderella who said I'm talking
about you....Mxm leave me alone..... go away.(Then)
Bhuti are you still there?
Me : Yes angel who was that
Her: It waZethu Izibitch...
I heard banging of things and shoutings.Sighs! I know
they are now fighting
Chapter 34
I slept without even a goodnight message from
Nozipho.Today I'm going back to work, so much has
happened but as I get ready to go I realise how much I
missed waking up wearing formal clothes and holding my
briefcase like this.
I made myself a cereal,the maid came in I told her to
clean out the spare room upstairs so that I can turn it
into Sphiwo's room.
I try texting Nozipho asking how she will cope with
Sphiwo and work she didn't reply although the message
delivered. I decided to drive past her home first.
I knocked on the door,Anthony opened wearing a
formalblack suit with briefcase in his hand.
"Good morning" I greeted him.
"I want to give you a lecture so badly but I'm rushing to a
meeting,so get in Nozipho is in the lounge" he said,I
silently thanked Almighty Jesus for that meeting.
I get inside and walked to the lounge.
"Good morning guys" I greeted.She was feeding Sphiwo
his bottle.
"Are you still mad at me for what happened?" I asked.
I sat beside her quietly.
After a while she spoke, "No I'm not mad at you for what
happened before we were an item.I'm mad at you for
thinking I'm a psycho who will go all crazy on you
because a girl from the past dumped a baby outside your
gate.I'm mad at you for calling your sister who was miles
away for help while we agreed that we will face every
storm together. I'm mad at you for not allowing me to be
there for you in everything. I'm mad at you for putting
the smelly perfume and I'm mad at you for not bringing
me Chicken Licken's hot wings"
I look at her she was crying, I tried wrapping my arm
around her she yanked me off.
I went out and drove to Chicken Licken to buy hot wings.
"Here is your wings babe" I gave them to her, she smiled
and started eating.
"I'm rushing to work babe,I don't want to be late on my
first day back" I told her.
She looked at me, "We are still not on speaking terms"
With that said she took her wings and Sphiwo and went
upstairs leaving me confused.
Girl I just drove 15minutes to Chicken Licken to buy you
I went out and drove to work.
"Mr Khoza welcome back" Amanda,the receptionist said
handing me a pile of envelopes.
I go to my office, somebody kept it clean.I put my
briefcase and envelopes on the table and go to head
manager's office.
We greeted,he updated me with new products and
marketing figures.
I have a lot catch up to do,so I take the new products'
files and start analysing them.
I didn't take the breakfast break,I worked until my
stomach growled in emptiness.I went to the kiosk and
bought myself two sandwiches and a can of soft drink.
I ate and went back to work.
I don't know where the time went,I only looked up and
saw that it's five past four already.I finalised my work and
sent important emails then packed and go.
I reversed the car and drove out but not far away from
our neighbor Nestle building I saw a crowd of people
gathering around something.
Not a car accident please God I'm rushing to see my mad
fiance,I prayed as I drove toward the crowd.
I see the familiar Merc parked nearby the road, so I
parked my car and rushed to see what's happening.
Precious Jesus Of Jerusalem!
Sena is on top of a certain girl punching her,the girl
wearing a black legging is trying to kick from beneath
I forced my way through the cheering crowd and pulled
her off the poor girl.
"You better get yourself a passport to Ukraine because
I'm coming after you bitch!!" she shouted as I dragged
her away.
People were taking pictures of me,mind you the public
doesn't know my identity story so to them Sena was my
girlfriend fighting my side-chick.
I don't trust her to drive being angry like this so I take her
to my car and drove to Mandla's house leaving her car
She was fuming her arms crossed on the chest all the
way.I called Mandla he came outside holding Aphentle.
"Oh hello miss" he greeted the fuming Sena who just
clicked her tongue and looked away.
"Bra I want you to fetch my sister's car outside the Nestle
building" I told him.
I know he wanted to ask what happened but decided not
to,I will text him about it later.
He returned Aphentle to the house and came back to
take the car keys.
"Now I have to take a taxi!" he complained.
"I'll buy you an aeroplane bhuda yami"
He laughed and went away,I started the car and drove.
"So cute!" she said.
I look at her surprised.
"He is married" I told her
She looked at me raising her over-drawn eyebrows,
"What does that mean?"
Is she really asking?
"It's means he is off limit" I told her.She must not annoy
"The certificate is for the court and the ring is just a piece
of metal so nobody is off limit darling" she told me tilting
her head sideways.
I choose to not argue with her because I know how much
Mandla loves Phumla.
We arrived home and found Nozipho and Sphiwo
inside.Surprise surprise!!
"I didn't know you will be here" I said kissing her cheek
and taking Sphiwo from her.
She ignored me.
"What happened Sena?" she asked Sena,who was messy
from a catfight.
"Let's just say I just delivered a message to a certain hoe"
she replied pulling her weave into shape.
Nozipho laughed but then started crying, "I need those
'delivering a message' lessons sisi some people don't
learn. I can't be asking for one thing every time"
I gave Sena Sphiwo and rushed to her, "What's wrong
babe? Is this still about what I did?"
She sobbed, "You didn't bring me the Chicken Licken
wings again"
Sena burst out laughing, I shot her a look she didn't stop.I
went out to the car and laughed out loud knowing I'm
safe before driving to Chicken Licken.
Chapter 35
I bought her twenty four hot wings hoping it will last her
the whole afternoon and tomorrow morning but she
finishes them before bed.Sighs!
I tolerated fashion talks and TV programmes reviews
from Nozipho and Sena the whole afternoon.
Sena is leaving tomorrow so she asked Nozipho to help
her with packing her two large suitcases she used in two
days of being here.Sphiwo is already bathed so I take him
to our bedroom upstairs, I shushed him until he slept and
put him in his cot beside our bed.
I heard them whispering and giggling from Sena's room,I
know they are gossiping about me.
I go shower and wear my pyjamas. At last Nozipho came
to bed smelling women's showering gel.
I'm not sure about our speaking arrangements yet,she
speaks to me only if she likes to otherwise I'm not
allowed to initiate a conversation with her.
She get inside the covers,I kissed her goodnight and
closed my eyes.
"Babe what's wrong?" I asked opening my eyes.
She sniffed, "You don't find me attractive anymore, you
didn't even recognize I'm wearing a lingerie"
What??? But she was not speaking to me the whole
I held her close to me, "I love you babe,you are the
sexiest thing on earth.You don't need a lingerie you are
too sexy, it is a lingerie that needs you to look sexy.I just
thought you were still mad at me"
She smiled.
"Come here,show daddy what's you've got" I grabbed
her cold lips and sucked life out of them.
The lingerie was cute but I didn't have time to worship it
my manhood was stone-hard,her cookie was pressed
against it.I took it off her shoulders and kissed her
neck,trailing down the earlobes.
She moaned,I cupped her breasts they were a bit bigger
than normal. I rubbed the nipples before licking them,she
moaned again.
I went down kissing her neck and sinking my teeth lightly
on her earlobes.I breathed hard near her ears,my hungry
breaths always send her screaming I don't know why, it
just breathing.
I took off her lingerie and kissed her tummy,I send my
other hand to her honey pot while the other brushing
her breasts.
She voluntarily opened her legs,I rubbed her clit with my
"Mhhh babe" she moaned.
I trailed kisses from her bellybutton all the way down my
small Jerusalem.
I push my finger in first, it comes out licking with her
warm juices I licked them she giggled.Then I bite her clit
with my teeth she screamed,I sucked it and sinked my
teeth on it a bit.I then licked the whole paradise
hungrily,shoving my tongue forcefully in her cunt.She
screamed so loud I sucked stronger and bite her clit
lightly now and then.
Her body shook violently, eyes closed and my name
filling the house.
Good boy,he didn't wake up I looked at him on his cot he
was still asleep so I turned his mother around for a
famous style.
I grabbed her buttocks apart and let my hard joyous-pipe
inside,she screamed so I pulled back halfway and re-
Her warmth sent shivers down my spine,I pushed until I
fitted completely.
I moved slowly, then raised my speed a little.
"Mhhh babe faster!!!!" she screamed.
She asked a madman,I went in deeper and faster. She
screamed so loud I had to put my hand over her mouth
before Sphiwo woke up.
I went in deeper,circled around and faster.
"Im coming" she screamed, I felt hot liquid running down
her thighs.
I quickened my pace,my mind knotted and my body got
"Fuck Nozi...haaaaa babe" I growled letting myself inside
her, I pulled out before finishing and spread the
remaining in between her buttocks.
She twerks it off,making the beautiful sound.I smiled and
kissed her I love my woman with every cell I have in me.
We cleaned up and slept in each other's arms.
I heard Sphiwo's wailing and Nozipho attending him but I
was just too tired to help.
I woke up in the morning, Sphiwo was between Nozi and
I.I kissed both of them and took a picture.
I sneaked out of bed and went to shower.I finished and
dressed up to work Nozipho and Sphiwo were still asleep
so I left her a note written GOOD MORNING MY LOVE,I
WAY and walked downstairs.
Sena is singing so loud, "Shine bright like a diomond
ooooh yeah..shine bright like a diamond whooray"
To tell you the truth I will miss her.
"Morning sisi how was your sleep" I asked kissing her
cheek.She continued with being Rihanna.
After she finished the last verse she replied, "It was so
bad,it was like sleeping in the porn studio"
"Sorry I'll soundproof the room on the weekend"
"Okay make sure you transfer my money,I'll drive by your
workplace before leaving" she said stirring her coffee.
"Okay I'm rushing to Chicken Licken first" I told her we
burst out laughing.
I went to the door.
"Also bring her the painkillers her vjay must be sore" she
called out.
"I'm still your brother moron" I told her she giggled.
Chapter 36
Nozipho and I are back on speaking terms although she
still throw some unnecessary tantrums and cry for no
solid reason. I've caught up with work and everything is
Today is Friday so I knocked off work early because we're
leaving to Mandeni.
I found Nozipho ready with Sphiwo's bag and two large
suitcases.I thought we're going for two days but never
mind! I go freshen up and put on my casual Polo t-
shirt,three-quater pant and Nike push-ons.
I dragged the suitcases to the car and loaded one in the
boot and one in the backseat.Nozi sat at the back with
Sphiwo.She was eating a large pocket of Simba chips and
didn't look chatty at all so I turned on the radio and
played Kwesta Dakar.
"I want Celine Dion" she commanded.
I put on her Celine Dion and she was so boring,I prayed
not to fall asleep while driving.
I couldn't take her music anymore,
"Babe can I play Kwesta now?" I asked.She didn't
answer,I looked at her in rear mirror and they were
asleep with Sphiwo on her chest.Ok!
I changed the music.Wheew! Even the drowsiness
washed off!
When I was passing the Tugela bridge she woke up and
"Babe that's not Celine Dion" she shouted.Really?!
I changed the music to her choice and thought back to
our joyful days.
Finally we arrived home Sphiwo was crying, Nozi said he
need a diaper change.
We walked in dad and Ntombi were ready waiting for us.I
heard the loud arguments upstairs, welcome home!
"Welcome home MaFaya" my dad said shaking Nozipho's
"We welcome you my child" the ever-polite Nontombi
said hugging her and taking Sphiwo.
"I think he need to have his diaper changed first"
Nozipho told Nontombi.
Nontombi replied, "Give me his wipes and diapers I will
do it.You just go relax yourself in the lounge we have a
long way to go tonight"
Nozipho and Nontombi walked away chatting like old
"Good job son!" dad said looking at Nozi walking away in
her long blue dress.
I smiled proudly, "Yes I am the one in a millions"
"No she is the one who is one in the millions, you are just
a normal crowd" dad said laughing.
"Hey look at this careful,I'm breaking a thousands of
hearts by marrying her" I said doing a 180° twirl.
My dad laughed and said his sister did one hell of a job
raising me.
I went upstairs to greet my sisters, Ziphe saw me first and
rushed for a big hug.
They had about hundreds of clothes and shoes scattered
on Fiki's bed.
"Ladies!!" I greeted and hugged each of them.
"Are we going to a Malaysia vacation?" I asked looking at
two packed suitcases Simtho still loading the third.
"We wish" Fiki said.
I know they had to cancel their dates for this trip.
"Where is our wife?" Zethu asked.
"Downstairs" I told them.
They all threw everything they had in their hands and ran
downstairs screaming.
They didn't even greet,
"Oh oh that hairstyle is long due babes!!" Zethu said
stretching her new black curled weave.
"And your dress is too long you are not Winnie
Madikizela,come change upstairs" Fiki said pulling her
Nozi was just shocked.Trust my sisters to tell a well-
known fashion designer that her dressing is not good.
"Her dress is beautiful I think it's you guys who need to
change" dad told them.
"Change what?" Sena asked wearing a short backless
body hugging dress.
"You need to change that dress, Fikile need to change
that tight jean and Zethu need to change those high
shoes we are not going to a beauty concert" he told
them and left.
Ziphe was laughing at them while they grunted angrily.
"These are Stuart Watz Platinum Guild stilettos and they
are not going anywhere" Zethu said taking Sphiwo from
They all gathered around Sphiwo complimenting him.
"He took my eyebrows" Fiki said smiling.
"How do you know how your eyebrows are? You've been
drawing them since puberty" Ziphe mocked,Nontombi
laughed out loud.
"Fuck off" Fiki responded,Nontombi gave her a stare,she
went upstairs.
"Come help us choose the shoes" Simtho said to Nozipho
and they all went upstairs.
Three hours later we were all ready to go.
"We will take MaFaya and the baby with us,all of you will
come in a taxi I hired" dad told us.
"A taxi??" the girls exclaimed,I was also not excited about
the taxi riding.
"Yes we can't let you drive Nkandla's roads are not good
so it's better you ride in a taxi behind us." Nontombi said.
"But dad I can just ride with you too" I said,the girls
grunted even more.
"No you will go with your sisters, you will find us there"
It's gonna be a long drive!
We loaded the luggages in the taxi and got in.Ziphe sat
beside me in the backseat.
"Put on some music driver we're not going to the
funeral" Sena shouted.
The driver put on a house song.
"Aybo who do you think we are,high school kids? Put
Drake bru" Simtho said.
The driver gave her a scolding look and changed it.
"Shit...motherfuckers never loved ain't know you
know now!!" they all sang along.
Chapter 37
We passed a place called Matikulu I was already tired of
listening to my sisters' gossips and Liam Hemsworth
"How far are we to Nkandla?" I asked the driver but
Zethu responded first saying the GPS says it's 45 minutes
before we reach Eshowe and 50minutes to
Inkandla.Ziphe was already asleep with her high school
gossips,I leaned on the seat and held her to my lap.
I don't know when we arrived I just heard Sena calling
me loud saying I must wake up.I woke Ziphe and took the
luggages out.
It was so dark,the only thing we saw was a small candle
light from the house on our left.Dad came from that
house and called us inside.It was a small two-room house
with no windows,the girls looked around it nervously.
There were two woman who ululated as we get in, three
men and two grown girls.We greeted,they offered us
"We thank the ancestors of Mgazini to keep you safe all
these years son" one man said shaking my hand tightly.
We were shown reed-mats to sit on,unfortunately the
room was dark I couldn't see my sisters' faces.
The two girls went out and came back with trays.They
served each of us,my plate and my dad's were covered.
"And why our plates are not covered like theirs?" Sena
Men cleared their throats,I know my father is fuming
right now.
"We covered theirs because they are men" one woman
I opened my plate and it was plain samp.No salad no
"This is a nightmare come true,you know I watched this
food on a certain Ugandan movie" Fiki said putting the
plate down.
"Talk about eating chicken's food!" Zethu sighed putting
her plate away too.
"Yhuuu ayi Muzi your urban wife didn't teach these kids
manners at all" the first woman complained.
"They grew up in the suburbs MaXulu leave them
alone,they don't know these kinds of food" one man told
Only me,dad and Ziphe ate at least half of the plates out
of respect.
The girls took the plates away.
"Go help them" the same woman said to my sisters.
"Then why would technicians convert something called a
dishwasher if we still gonna damage our nails washing
dishes?" Sena asked, I pinched her hard she
flinched.That's way too inappropriate to say to an adult.
"Girls go wash the dishes" my dad said firmly I know he is
fed up with their behaviour.
They mumbled under their breaths and went out
following the two girls clicking their hills loud.
Ziphe came back in running, "I'm not going what if I
bump into a baboon"
We all laughed,she was so scared.
After a while the girls came back,the elders shared their
growing-up stories.
"Hahaha you know I would've caught that buck
Mzingelwa it just that Razor was tired" one man said,the
others disagreed with him.
"You hardly caught sparrows when we were growing up
Thobela get over yourself" my dad said laughing.Women
also commented there and there,you could see they
were enjoying this conversation.
At eleven o'clock, really?!
Fiki sighed, "Are we entitled to listen to these boring fare
tales or we can go have our beauty sleep?" she asked.
"Go sleep in the second rondavel from the left,you
Sbusiso go to the first one" the second woman
"Wheew thanks" the girls said standing up to go.
Dad must've seen my hesitation because he told me
Nozipho is asleep in another rondavel with other wives.
Now they are making us sleep separately,how great!
I followed my loud gossiping sisters and passed to my
There is only one thin sponge and two blankets,okay!
I woke up my ribs aching, the chickens were already
squeaking outside.I opened the small window's curtain
and looked out.The place was beautiful, pure green grass
and traditionall homesteads with kraals in the centre.
Somebody knocked,I go open and it's my fiance with a
dish of steaming water and toiletry bag.
"Good morning my love" she said putting the dish down.
I kissed her, "Good morning babe I missed you"
"Mhhhh the water will get cold" she pulled away and
tried to walk away but I held her.
"Please babe I'll be fast,I'm so fucked up" I kissed her
I took off her dress and bent her down,we did one fast
quickie.I wiped her but my manhood was still hard
AF,she went out giggling.
We all went to the big rondavel for breakfast. It was
fatcakes and black tea,the girls were concerned about
their weight so they only ate one each.
I was supposed to be the man of honour but I was sent
up and down bringing traditional beer to a group of men
now and then.They were a bit drunk and irritating. Two
goats were slaughtered, boiled and served to people.
My dad and uncle Thobela took me to the small
rondavel,which they said is ancestor's house.They burnt
impepho,uncle Thobela talked with the ancestors saying
I'm home they must protect me and my children.My dad
put a goat-skin bangle around my wrist, I was officially a
"Let's go join the men by the kraal and eat son" dad said
pointing to a large crowd of men chatting loud near the
kraal.I tried to refuse but he said we need to eat with
them in order to show good hospitality.
We squatted near them.Some hands had fresh scars and
cracks on them but they were cutting the meat and
passing it around.I ate one piece and chewed it slowly
until they finished all of it.
I was so tired and dirty but I had to see Nozipho and
Sphiwo I last seen them in the morning.
"Babe!!" I exclaimed.
She turned around Sphiwo strapped at her back. She was
washing a pile of dishes,one large dirty pot was lying next
to her.
"Hey" she said.
"Why are you washing all these dishes alone?" I asked
really concerned.
"Oh this,your sisters refused saying their manicures costs
them arm and leg,so I had to do it as a wife"
I was so angry I pushed her aside, "Go sit down I'll do it"
She tried to resist but I was serious. I washed the dishes
and put them in the big dish on the table.
I bumped to Simtho,
"There is a pot there you have to wash" I told her.
She stepped back in disbelief, "No bhuti my mani..."
I cut her, "Now Simtho"
She grunted and went to wash it mumbling
curses.Nontombi was peeking through the kitchen door
she smiled and gave me thumbs-up as I passed her.
Everyone was tired,my uncles drunk so we went to sleep
by ten o'clock, better than yesterday.
I went to my rondavel,bathed,wore my PJs and prepared
my sponge to sleep.
But then I heard someone singing loud coming to the
door, "Keqe keqe uyadela ngomzimba okhal'imali..keqe
keqe uyadela ngomzimba okhal'imali"
And now?
A young guy wearing a dirty DSW orange overall came in
singing his song with a reed-mat and two blankets under
his arm eating a large goat's rib.
"Hhawu qhawe syabonana" that would be his greeting so
I said a reversed hello too.He then introduced himself as
"Are you coming from work?" I asked.
"No why?"
You are wearing a DSW uniform so I just assumed you
coming from work,I wanted to tell him that
But he took off his black boots the strong smell
suffocated the whole house,I pulled the blanket over my
head.He then got under his blankets wearing his
overall,didn't even washed his feet!
I heard him singing again while chewing meat, "Nkosi
sikelel'iAfrica Maluphakanyisw' udumo lwayo yizwa
imithandazo yethu nkosi sikelela thina"
Now that sent me to gossip with my sisters on
WhatsApp.I invited them all in a WhatsApp group named
They all got in and texted:
Zethu : I hope you are the last prodigal son to send our
asses here.
Fiki : Do you have any idea how cold I am on this mat????
Ziphe: #crying
Sena : Simtho look at the girl next to me!!
Simtho: I blame you bhuti for this misery.
Me : Do you have any idea how miserable I am
here,sleeping with Enoch Sontonga
Them: What???
Me : The guy I'm sleeping with is singing the national
Sena: Record him
Simtho: Yes record boo
Fiki : #SleepingInStudio lol
I pushed my head out the blanket he was still singing
loud,I pressed record and laughed quietly.
Chapter 38
Sunday morning we woke up and get ready to go back to
Mandeni. Dad's aunt wrapped a huge piece of goat's
meat with a brown paper and put it inside Spar plastic
bag for us to eat on the road.
Nontombi told them how it sadden her that we are
leaving so soon,the girls nodded their heads too
pretending to be heartbroken to leave.I couldn't pretend
I wasn't happy to go home to my bed.
We got in our taxi the girls started gossiping about the
uncles and their wives.The taxi seat was just too
comfortable compared to the sponge I slept on for two
I was awakened by Fiki and Sena's loud argument.
"Guys keep it down,where are we?" I asked yawning.
Zethu replied, "Just minutes away from home"
"I need foot exfoliation and pedicure" Sena said pulling
her weave.
"I also need paraffin wax and massage" Simtho said
stretching her legs.
"Ok then we're starting at the Gala centre" Fiki instructed
the driver.
"We're not,dad hired you to take us to his house so bhuti
don't listen to these fake queens" Ziphe told the driver,I
couldn't agree more.
The driver drove past Gala centre Ziphe laughed while
the others threw harsh words at the driver.
We got home,Nontombi and Nozipho were preparing
lunch.They prepared the table and called us to the
"Now this is food!" dad said mouthful,we laughed.
"I thought you enjoyed your home food dad" Ziphe
said,dad shrugged and dipped hungrily in his plate.
"So bhuti what are you going to do with Sphiwo?" Fiki
"We'll do a paternity test" I told her.
"What if he is not yours?" dad asked.Well I haven't
thought like that.
"We will adopt him,his mother doesn't want him
anyway" Nozi responded eating Chicken Licken wings...?
"And where did you get the wings?" Ziphe asked.
"We bought them for her on our way here" Nontombi
told her because Nozi was too mouthful to respond.
"Nice ride neh! We couldn't even drive past the spa to do
cuticle treatment" Sena said clapping her hands in
After lunch Nozipho and I went to pack our belongings.
"Go well son,hopefully everything will be good from now
on" he said hugging me goodbye.
"Girls" I hugged them goodbye and Nontombi.
"I'm coming to Durban on Tuesday I hope you can
accommodate me" Simtho said dragging one of our
suitcases walking us to the car.
"You know you are welcome anytime"
"Don't forget to buy me Gucci stilettos and diamond
earrings for my birthday" Zethu called.
Her 21st birthday is on Friday and she hired a planner for
We drove to Durban reviewing the eventful weekend,
her hormones were on flight mode thanks God!
Don's car was parked in the yard,talk about property
I dragged the luggage and Nozipho followed with Sphiwo.
The lounge is decorated with big letters saying
Ok that's nice of him.
He came down the stairs with his hair damp and a towel
wrapped around his lower body.
"You are early guys Mr Party is still getting ready" he
Mr Party???
"Mhhhh...what going on?" Nozipho asked.
Don chuckled, "It my welcome party"
Ok someone get me a dictionary to search the 'welcome
party' word.
I frowned, "Welcome where?"
He laughed, "Welcome here.I'm going to use the
spareroom next to Vivi's room"
"Who said you're moving in with us?" I asked.
He frowned, "I am moving in bru I texted you.Siwe burnt
my house down after catching me red-handed fucking
her twin sister"
"You did what???" Nozipho and I exclaimed.
Don is a rare type of human species.
Chapter 39
"Good morning FAM" he said running down the stairs,his
belt hanging and shirt unbuttoned.
"Morning please button yourself dude my fiance is here"
I told him.
He took that as a compliment.
"You think this is a threat? I don't blame you dude" he
said pointing his muscular body impressed.
Don and I have been friends since first year in varsity,he
is now like a brother to me,the little mischievous brother.
If I were to sit here and count all his scandals and all the
favours we've done for him in the past six years I'll
probably sit here the whole day.
"Get over yourself bru.Tomorrow my sister is coming
over please behave yourself"
Yes I don't trust him that much with Simtho,especially
because him and Simtho are the birds of the same
feather.Crazy,mischievous, talkative and carefree.
"Hey what do you take me for? Your sister is my
sister,and your fiance is my fiance" he took his briefcase
and car keys and left singing a certain gospel song.
I laughed, "I'll fuck you up".
I do my daily routine everyday, wake up and get ready
for worl,drive to Chicken Licken,drive back home,drive to
work,knock off drive past Chicken Licken and go
home.That how I keep peace in the house.
Tuesday afternoon Simtho came wearing like Madonna
dragging a huge suitcase and a big bag.She settled in
well,I don't know how long she will be here.
Her and Don get along very well,praise the Lord! They go
out almost everyday, Don love playing a protective
brother to her in the clubs which pisses Simtho off
because she want to hook up.
"No!! You are an ass," Simtho came in shouting at Don
early in the Thursday morning.
"And now?" I asked eating a cereal.
"Can you believe that your sister left me in the club at
midnight with DJ Racy?" Don asked.
Yeah.I can believe that.
"We didn't do anything Don you saw us" Simtho
defended herself.
"Do you call sucking DJ Racy's dick in the back of the car
nothing? Girl!!!" Don shouted.
I can't deal with this!
"Simtho I thought you were here to write your exams?" I
asked her.She is doing System Development's diploma
and hate computers with passion.
She didn't look remorseful at all.To her sucking a DJ's dick
is what normal girls do.
"I am...let's me go get ready I'm writing at
Donald will pay for cutting Racy's dreadlocks" she said
angrily and ran upstairs clicking her tongue.
"Leave with her tomorrow, I can't take this shame.I need
peace in this house" Don the house-owner instructed
and left to get ready for work.
Yeah he go clubbing on weekdays too and he is
Nozipho went to buy Zethu's birthday presents,everyone
is told what to buy.We wrapped them although they
were no surprise gifts.
The party is at five this afternoon so I start at work.I
knocked off at three and went home to get ready.
Nozi pulled out saying she need to have some designs
inspected and ready before Monday,I take that as an
excuse to not spend another weekend with my crazy
I forced Simtho to pack all her stuff and leave with me.I
invited Don,Mandla and Thapelo but they all had plans so
only Thapelo is coming.
"Aren't we driving straight home?" Simtho asked as I
drive to Thapelo's house.
"I need to pick Thapelo,it's better if we go together
because he doesn't know Mandeni"
"Mhhhh" she said folding her arms.
She scrolled her phone and put earphones on, she is still
mad at me for forcing her to leave Durban.
Thapelo came out wearing a skinny jean,white muscle-
tighting short-sleeved T-shirt,ankle-brown boots and
"Hey guys" he greeted.
"Oh hey.I'm Simtho Biyela" she introduced herself with a
wide smile,her eyes softening. I thought she was in a bad
"Nice to meet you, Thapelo Mokoena" he said shaking
her hand.
I notice that Simtho's fingers were caressing Thapelo's
hand during the handshake.
"Umhhh...I think Thapelo must sit in the front" I told
them,Simtho scolded me with a dead look.
"Keep the music down so we can hear each other"
Simtho said with a smile,eyeing Thapelo as he fastened
his seatbelt.
"So Thapelo what do you do for a living?" Simtho asked
leaning foward.
I nudge Thapelo with my elbow,he grinned.
"I am an intellectual property attorney"
"That nice,I am a system developer" she said trying to
Well she is the second year student!
I shot her a look,she rolled her eyes and asked Thapelo
more questions as if herself was a career person too.
I know Thapelo was feeling awkward answering all the
flirty questions, he may be a player but he respect
me.We have a brother-code we don't step over.
I turn the music up,just to shut her up.She pretended to
know all the songs and sang along.
"That's my shopping centre,I own it" he told Thapelo as
we passed my dad's shops.Lol!
Chapter 40
The party is set in the yard,white covered chairs,flowers
everywhere, red carpet and a glimmering single royal
high chair in the front.
You can mistake the event to a wedding if you didn't
know,there is also a group of band men wearing all white
playing guitars and stuff.
Zethu came in a white mermaid dress we were all
instructed to rise up,the music started she catwalked to
the royal chair like a bride.
Only Nontombi was allowed to make a speech.She did all
the speeches praising herself for growing up until
now.She even talked on behalf of her friends, saying
what a great friend she is.
Five chefs were serving food,professional chefs!
She announced that it's dance time,we all rose up to
dance but she told us we will all dance after she is done.
She took a certain coloured guy's hand and they danced
for fifteen minutes,after they finished she instructed all
the guest to applaud in a certain rhythm,like
That's what I call the self birthday party.
She cut her cake with a golden knife with blue spears at
the handle,it was like those Chinese Kung Foo weapons.
We all sighed in relief as the party ended.
The guests left around eight,Nontombi and dad said they
need a breather so they went to a hotel in Ballito to sleep
Zethu and her friends were giggling praising the
party.Thapelo was regretting coming here,I could see the
strange way he was looking at me with.
"We're home free, how about we go to the lounge?" Fiki
said,they all cheered.
"No how about we go buy booze and meat and have a
proper party where we all can feel good?" I said to them.
I know they will fight people in that lounge,and I don't
feel like partying with strangers.
"Ok" Sena agreed,the others didn't say anything but I
know what they wanted to say.
"I have a conference call to make,I'll stay behind bring
Johny Walker" Thapelo said as the girls made their way
out chatting loud.
"Okay Mr Attorney, watch the TV if you get bored
because by the look of things we might take two hours
Yes the girls were still going to disagree on what to buy
and who rides with who.
I left,and they were arguing near the cars pointing at
each other.
Chapter 40
*Thapelo Narrated*
I don't like the sisters at all.In fact I hate them.
They are so dramatic, I never felt so awkward. The party
princess pretended as if she did everyone a favour by
throwing the luxurious boring party.
I like girls modern and beautiful,but they are too
modern,everything about them is artificial. The other one
who kept winking at me had fake brown eyes,not to
forget the Simtho one with her long red nails and long
Indian hairs.
I had to get myself some peaceful space, so I lied to SBU
saying I have a work conference call to make.
The house got quiet as soon as they drive out the
I decided to call my girlfriend, if she still is mine.She
didn't answer so I tried her again she answered at sixth
ring.I greeted her, she greeted back with a tired voice.
"Am I seeing you tomorrow? I miss you Khay" I asked.I
could feel it that she rolled her eyes before answering,
"Kinda busy man,some other time" she replied.Now I'm
regarded as 'man',ok!
"Okay Khay bye" I ended the call.Nxa!
I was irritated,not by the fact that she wasn't in love with
me anymore but the fact that I took this girl when she
had no one,no home and no money and made her a
person,got her a job at the tissue company,hired a flat
for her and took care of her until she got on her feet.Now
she is seeing better guys than me she treat me like trash.I
deserve a "Thapelo I need a break-up" or "I think we
better as friends, this ain't working", I deserve better
than being treated like pain in the ass.
I spot a bottle of wine in the mini-bar next to the
lounge,forgive me owner of this!
I take it and gulp it down forcefully. I slam it on top of the
table with my grip tightened and let the fresh liquid wash
my throat and anger down.
A soft hand tapped my arm,I turned around.
A young beautiful girl about 17 or 18 years was looking at
me with raised eyebrows. Her eyes were so pure,she was
looking at me with her thin,pinkish lips pressed together
forming a thin line.
She didn't say anything but took the wine slowly from my
hand,her fingers touched mines I nearly jumped up.
Her hair was short, originally black and trimmed at the
sides with V's.She smiled and went away in her white
summer dress with blue poker dots. I noticed that she
was walking barefooted.
She came back after a while with a long wine glass and
the wine.
She poured the wine in the glass and handed it to me. Oh
I think my hands were trembling as I took the glass
back.What the fuck is this kid doing to me? Damn she is
so simple,young and innocent.
I wanted to thank her but I forgot which letters to say
when saying a word thank you.
I drank the wine quickly trying to threaten my heart to
stop beating in the high speed it was beating at.
My intestines became colder as she smiled,showing her
Colgate white teeth.
I may have forgotten that my lungs need oxygen for a
while,because after she was done smiling I let out a long
breath I didn't know I was holding.
"That's better,we don't have hospitals around here so
please don't choke yourself drinking from the bottle you
will die" she said.I never thought someone could talk so
I needed a belt for staring at this kid like I was,or even a
bullet in the head.
How do one speak? I forgot.
"Well I'm Ziphelele" she extended her arm.A beautiful
What's my name? Oh I'm Thapelo.
"Umhhh....Thapelo" I managed to say.I shook her small
hand,I've never had a sexy handshake like that one in my
entire life.
"Where are my sisters?" she asked.
Who are her sisters?
"Your sisters?" I asked,not sure if I should've asked in
another way than that.
"Yes and Sbu,my brother?"
She can't be their sister! No,I mean look at her.And Sbu is
her brother.
My mind slapped me back from thoughts,
"They went to buy some staff" I told her,failing to speak
the word "booze" what if she thinks I am an alcoholic?
Ok fine maybe I do drink extensively but I'm not into
booze that much,starting from now.
"Okay drink with a glass I'm going to revise Physics paper
Of course she is a high school kid,she is young what did I
Thank her and tell her she is beautiful,my heart told me.
"Ziphelele" I called,my voice just above whispering. She
turned around.
"Thank you,you are beautiful" I told her and she nearly
fainted.What did I do now?
She looked at me and walked away more like running
No,I have to apologize maybe she doesn't like people
complimenting her.
I rushed after her.I caught her arm before she started the
third stair,
"Ziphelele I'm sorry if I said something you don't like" I
She doesn't say anything but looked down at my hand
around her arm.
"What did I do wrong?" my voice came out a little
I looked up to her,her lips were wet and trembling.
I don't know what came over me but I just grabbed them
and sucked them,they were cold and soft.She responded
by sucking my lower lip smoothly.We were kissing, so it
clicked! Yes I'm kissing her.
We broke it after sometime,she looked regretful and
wanted to run away but I held her firmly.
"I don't regret that,you're beautiful Ziphelele" I told her
caressing her soft cheek, she blushed,her lips trembled
again.Son of Abraham!!
"Please Thapelo" she said softly freeing herself away
from me.
I will masturbate thinking of the way she said that
"please Thapelo".
I never had someone saying my name so nicely before.
Please Thapelo,what a beautiful sentence!
She blinked a couple times before she turned around and
walked up.
" I love you Ziphelele " I said it so loud,my subconscious
threw me a hard punch.
That wasn't supposed to be heard,my heart was still
discussing it with my mind.
She stood,I think she was closing her eyes.She then
turned around and whispered a broken 'no please'.
I went back to the lounge my heart beating more than
Where was I,I asked myself.
Ziphelele, answered my heart.
Ziphelele, answered my mind.
Ziphelele, answered my body.
You were drinking wine angry with Khay you
fool,answered my subconscious.
Chapter 41
We drove back home after buying enough booze and red
I unloaded everything from the car by myself,the girls
just took their purses and went inside the house.I put the
ciders inside the freezer,
"You back" Thapelo said coming from the lounge.
"Yeah help me start the fire" I told him packing six-packs
We started the fire outside near the balcony, Fiki spiced
the meat for us and we started braaing.
"Where is angel?" I asked the girls as the meat got ready
to be served.
"Probably watching cartoons" Simtho said,the others
"This is not kid's party anyway" Zethu,miss Party said
pouring herself a shot of Smirnoff.
"I'll call her down so she can eat meat at least" I said
hurrying upstairs to call her.
The door is unlocked, I knocked loud just in case she is
not decent,
"Hey why is it dark here?" I asked pressing the lights
on.She was sitting on bed staring into space.
I tapped her shoulder she jumped up,
"It's me chill..why you sitting in the dark room staring to
nothing?" I asked.
She forced a pretence smile, "Just stressed about
exams,how is the party?"
I looked at her weirdly, "Good I came to call you to come
eat the meat with us"
She cleared her throat and shifted uncomfortably, "I
don't like being in the crowd right now,can you please
bring my plate up?"
Something is not right,but I won't asks too many
questions so I agreed and left her.
"Told you she is watching The Prince Frog" Simtho said
carrying a pack of ciders to the outside.
I ignored her and went to dish for Ziphe.
"Sbu come set these speakers" Fiki shouted as I was
walking inside with Ziphe's plate.
Luckily Thapelo was standing next to the door scrolling
his phone,
"Bru take this plate to Ziphe,her bedroom is the third
from the left just after the passage with bookshelves" I
told him handing him the plate.
He looked at me like I just told him the world is on fire,
"Sbuuuuuh" Zethu called,I pushed the plate in Thapelo's
hand and left.
I set the radio system and turned up the music.
After a while Thapelo came back looking rather awkward
he asked me for the car keys saying he is leaving.
"You haven't even eaten a piece of meat,what's up?" I
asked,he was not looking like the Thapelo I know at
all.He was broken and absorbed to himself.
"Please dude I'm not good I need to go" he responded
blinking rapidly, as if he was shielding the tears.
"Okay but it's late please drive careful. I'll take one of the
girls car tomorrow" I handed him the keys.
I know this was a girl-related depression. At 24years
had had enough of bad relationships and heart breaks to
last him a lifetime.
It's been so long since I last drank carefree like this.I
drank so many shots,the loud music made me even more
drunk.The girls were having the time of their lives,few
more guys and girls arrived and joined the party.
I struggled my way back in the house,my feet were shaky
I couldn't walk proper.
"Let me help you" a girl wearing shorts said taking my
arm,I laughed at her.It was just funny,I don't know what
exactly was funny.
"You know how funny this is? Hhuh?" I asked holding
into her shoulder for balance.
"We can make it even more fun" she said that grabbing
my manhood and brushing it from the trouser.
I laughed, "That's right?" I asked not sure.
"Yeah come I'll show you 'fun' " she dragged me by the
arm to the near bathroom.
"Now let's see hunkman" she said pulling my trouser
down,she praised the Lord as my cock sprung out.
"Fuck Sbuh" she kneeled and took it in her mouth.I
groaned,that was fun.
She spat on my tip,and took it in again caressing the tip
with her tongue.
That was fun,I groaned loud "Fuck..that's fucking
I was still enjoying when I felt her mouth pulling off me
"Hey miss Fun come suck me" I called my eyes still
Then I heard screams and opened my eyes,
"You whore!!!" Simtho was beating Miss Fun with a
broom,while Fiki was hitting her head with a pink heel.
"What's the fuck?" I asked watching.
Zethu and Sena also came in running and screaming,
"You fucking bitch!!"
They all threw punches,shoes and kicks on Miss Fun.Now
that's was so fun to watch!
The girl finally broke free and ran away crying, then I
"What' did she do?"
Fiki threw a shoe at my chest,
"Put your cock back,it's hard and disgusting" Sena said
and shoulder past me.
I put my hands up and pushed it inside my boxers.
"Next time there is a party you are joining Ziphe on
cartoons upstairs nxa" Simtho said disgusted.
"Why are you so mad at me?" I asked laughing.
"Nozi will probably be hundreds times mad than us"
Zethu said passing me.
The alcohol washed off the same time.
My fiance!!
God remember me I'm still your child, I mentally prayed.
Chapter 42
I don't know how many lectures I received from my
sisters this morning.I don't know how last night would've
ended if they weren't there,I appreciate their crazy
I passed at Gateway to buy Nozipho some goodies.I
bought three different large pocket of
chips,chocolates,24 zinger wings,large pizza and a pair of
diamond earrings.
I had so many plastics as I went to parking lot,I then
realized how suspicious this makes me look.
I whistles for a certain young boy passing by and gave
him some chips and chocolates.
" what did I do to deserve these goodies
from a stranger?" he asked looking down at the full
plastic bag I just gave him.
I clicked my tongue with my heart and smiled with my
lips, "Jesus said the hand that gives is blessed than the
receiving hand"
Amen Sbu!
"God bless you thanks" he said bowing thinking I'm a
certain Jehovah witness.
I looked at the few plastics left,yeah now I look like a
normally nice fiancée.
My hands got sweaty as I approached my house,I just
prayed the three showers I took before leaving home will
erase all my last night infidelities.
I knocked.
I punched myself. Really! I don't ever knock in my
house,this is going to make me look guilty.
I pushed the door.
"Hey babe" I greeted,rather louder than necessary.She
turned with two printed lines on her forehead,her eyes
piercing fiercely to mine,then her eyes rested on my
Oh no!!
I adjusted my position awkwardly.
She stood up and made her way towards me.I put the
plastics down and waited for what's coming.
"I missed you" she said kissing my chin,looking at me
with soft mischievous eyes.
I breathe out loud, a huge idiotic smile plastered my
face.Relief washed down my whole tense body,I cupped
her face and kissed her hungrily.
"Let have fun Mr Biyela" she said pulling my arm.
I hate that word 'fun'.It's one of the ugliest words in a
dictionary. 'Fun' should be banned.
I nearly screamed "No I hate fun" but she danced her ass
purposely as we make our way up the stairs.
I spanked her,she giggled
We got inside our bedroom. She took off her jumpsuit
immediately, and she was wearing no underwears
beneath that.Good!!
I also took off my T-shirt while she unbuckled my jeans
and forced them down my ankles.
"This is my kingdom I'm in charge"
I licked my lips.I'm about to get laid!!
She pushed me down the bed.I like how feisty this game
"Don't move your hands" she said.
She rubbed my cock with her hand before putting it in
her mouth and licked it like ice-cream.I moaned,her
tongue did something that sent coldness down my
spine.She swayed it around the tip looking me in the
"Nozi...fuck" I groaned.
She put it down her throat and moved her mouth in and
out of it,I grabbed her hair.
She pulled out, "Hands still Sbu"
I obeyed.
She sucked me until I groaned like a bull, "Fuck...Nozi I
want you"
She stopped,came up me with wet mouth and took my
mouth in hers and sucked.
She then turned around and inserted herself,her hands
holding my toes.
She moved slowly, I widened my legs she picked up her
pace.She went up,down,circled and side to side.
I wasn't just groaning or moaning, I was screaming her
name on top of my voice.It was so damn good!
"Faster babe" I screamed. I was so near the breakpoint,
the twerking of her ass made it hard to contain myself.
She pulled out just before I came.Her pussy licked with
juices,I was in the right direction to witness how her hole
stretched and closed as she pulled out and pushed in
several times.
I cried, "Babe let me come"
She pulled out completely and twerked,the semens
licking down her lips down my stomach.
I lifted my hips up to thrust in her but she lifted her ass
up.I grabbed her down by her hips.
She inserted herself but didn't move, so I moved up but
she pressed me down with her ass.
"Babe" I begged,nearly crying.
I hate this torture!
She moved up and down,
"Is there something you want to tell me Sbu?" she asked.
I'm confused!
"Yes I want to come" I answered.
She moved in circles and stopped,
"Tell me" she said bouncing up and down my cock.I
grabbed her butt ready to let my steam off.
But she stopped,
"Confess your sins" she said.
My body just wanted to come, so my mind took charge
of the situation and shot the answer,
"A girl sucked my dick last night"
Oh no! I didn't just say that.
She pulled out,my mind stiffened.
I am fucked up.I fucked up!
She took the chair and sat with her legs wide opened.
"Watch" she said putting her fingers in her pussy and
rubbing herself moaning loud.
The way her pinkish lips parted,her finger getting in and
out her cunt made me grab my cock.
I jumped to her but she kicked me in the stomach hard.I
landed flat on my butt.
She moaned fingering herself,her sexy eyes fixed on my
teary eyes.
After a while her body shook,she bounced herself up and
down her fingers rushing in and out her cunt while the
other hand rubbing her hard clit.
I watched her come,my manhood was hard but I did
nothing I watched my fiance screaming my name
fingering herself.
"That how I took care of myself last night while you were
busy having your cock sucked by whores in bathrooms"
she said getting up the chair.
I watched her dress up,still on my butt on the floor.I kept
blinking the tears away.
"Go get a cold shower, or call your bitch to come suck
you.I'm going to check on my son" she threw my jeans on
my lap and left.
I stayed on the same position for thirty minutes.
How can I ruin us like this after everything we've been
How can I be so stupid?
Chapter 43
I took the longest shower of my life,not because I was
cooling my horniness down but because I had no idea
what I'm going to say to Nozipho when I step out of this
I got off the shower,lotioned myself slowly and dressed
up.She was in the kitchen eating the wings with Sphiwo
on her lap.
At least she still eat things I buy for her!
I sat next to them.I had no appropriate word to say so I
just kept quiet and mourned the misery I've buried
myself in.
She acted as if I'm not even present.She just ate her
wings and brushed Sphiwo's head.
I wanted to hold Sphiwo,I last held him yesterday
afternoon before leaving,but I was afraid to ask.
It was clear I wasn't welcome so I lifted my sorry ass off
the stool and left.
"Did you moan?" she asked before I reached the kitchen
exit,I turned around.
One tear was rolling down her cheek.
She swallowed, "Did you moan like you do when I do it to
you? Or she was better than me?"
I looked at her with regret rising from my heart out to my
eyes.I hate how I made her doubt herself, I hate the
insecurity I've planted in her head.
She doesn't deserve this.
"Nozipho I'm sorry" I said my voice struggling to come
out properly.
Tears streamed down her cheeks freely joining under her
chin,then dropping down to Sphiwo,
"I hate those fucking stupid two words.Don't you dare
give me 'I'm sorry'.I hate those two words that people
say when they have no explanation for what they
did.Explain yourself,why? Why Sbu?" she shouted mixing
her words with loud sobs.
I made her cry!
"I have no explanation Nozi.I have no justification.I did
you wrong.No matter how drunk I was I could've
controlled the situation,but I let her do it.Although my
mind wasn't clear but I let her do it,I let her into your
property.I hurt you,I made you cry so I have no words to
explain the pain I'm feeling for letting my reckless
behavior hurt you like this.I have no excuse for making
tears form in your eyes and drop down your cheeks.I
have nothing to justify why I broke your heart.The only
words I can say is I'm sorry,I'm real damn sorry Nozipho"
I said tears threatening to come out.
I was losing the woman I love!
She cried and walked past me with Sphiwo tucked
against her chest.
I stood there motionless.
She came back with a big bag and her car keys and left.
I stood on the same spot until I heard the car driving off.
It sinked to me that maybe I've ended us! This might be
the end!
I had no energy in me so I sat on the floor and burried my
head between my knees and let it out.
"Sbu" somebody called my name shaking me up.
I fell asleep on the floor.
Maybe it how jerks are supposed to sleep anyway.
I looked up,it was Mandla.I stood up ready to get a
"My sister is crying because of you Bura" he said sitting
on the chair with his eyes fixed on mine.
Again I have no explanation.
"I have no explanation Mandla if that's what you here to
get" I told him.
He nodded, "I don't want explanation I want a promise"
I nodded for him to carry on.
"Promise me this is the last time she shed a tear because
of you.Promise there won't be next time because Sbu
next time there will be bloodshed, Nozi has been hurt
more than necessary by people who claimed to love
her.Don't add on the list"
I looked at him,there was no Mandla my friend but there
was Mandla the protective brother.
I nodded slowly, "I promise"
He exhaled sharply, "You've done a lot of growing up
these couple of rough months you had Sbu.You're no
longer the mommy's boy you were,you are now a father
and a husband.Please bra don't let alcohol take all of that
from you.Act like a householder,the bitches will respect
you if you respect yourself."
Those words found a shelf in my heart,I stored them
inside and nodded,
"I regret it,it was a stupid mistake"
"You are trouble Bura I hear you didn't even budge to
help when your sisters attacked the blowgiver,they say
you just stood there expecting her to come finish the
job" Mandla said laughing.
I hate that my sisters sold me out and revealed all the
details to Nozipho.They were supposed to take my side
I laughed along with him not because of what he said but
because it funny how awkward it feels to have him as the
big brother of my girlfriend.
"I'm never touching alcohol again" I said crossing my
fingers,Mandla laughed disbelievingly.
"Anyway I'm sent to get the plastic with pizza and chips"
he said getting off chair heading to the cupboard.
At least she still want things I bought for her.
Chapter 44
*Thapelo Narrated"
I haven't done anything without Ziphelele popping in my
mind. I thought of her in the shower,in my car,in the
ATM line, everywhere.
She is the first thing I think of when I wake up and the
last thing on my mind before I fall asleep.
I love Ziphelele.
But how can I fall for my friend's sister,not just any friend
but Sbuh?
And how can I fall for a girl young enough to be my little
When Sbu asked me to take a plate of meat to her room I
was ready to forget about her and leave Mandeni and
never see her again, but I saw her in her pyjamas,eyes
glittering through the dark room lighten by a single
shone of the moon.
The way her eyes pierced through mine,penetrating my
heart.The way she held my hand telling me she is sorry
after telling me to get the fuck out of her room after my
attempt to kiss her again.
She didn't know how to act in front of me,she fidgeted
her fingers until I left her to eat.
I love Ziphelele.
I've loved so many girls,they all broke my heart.I want
that too with Ziphelele,I want her to break my heart so
that I can unlove her.
I want us to be together a couple of months before she
realise I'm not a good guy for her.I want a few memories
with her.
I want her to let me love her.
I want to cherish her,I want to tell her she is beautiful
I would've texted her if I had her number,but I never got
a chance to ask for it.
The only thing I saw was a name of her school on the
textbook stamp that was lying on the dressing table.
I asked my cousin for matric exams timetable, I know
today they are writing English Paper3.
I commenced a journey to Stanger,her school is just
outside the town according to Google.
I arrived just thirty minutes before the paper finishes,I
park a bit far from the school gate.
After fourty-five minutes I see the learners coming out
and getting in the cars.
I just pray her father doesn't fetch her yet because I need
at least five minutes with her.
I look at the learners coming out the gate carefully but I
don't see her.
The premises of the school is now empty!
Maybe she write her exams somewhere else.I stay a few
more minutes just to make sure,no learner came so I
started the car with my heart broken in thousand pieces.
As I reversed I saw her walking toward my car holding
hands with an Indian girl,my heart praised
Jesus,Shembe,Ali and ancestors at the same time.
I stopped and hooted,they stopped and looked at the
I rolled the window down, "Ziphe I came to see you"
She nearly died on the spot,her friend held her hand
firmly and asked who I was.
"I'm Thapelo,Ziphe knows me" I said hoping she says she
does know me.
She didn't move,she stood there frozen. Her friend was
looking at us curiously.
Finally she nodded to her friend and came.
"I'm sorry to just show up" I said,not that I'm really sorry
I'm just beginning a conversation.
I have no idea why I drove all the way here.
She nodded, "Why you here?"
Well I don't know,I just drove here because you study
I smiled nervously, "I came to see you"
She straightened her blazer, "Here I am you're seeing
me.Anything else?"
Yeah how about we go get married and go live overseas
with our two dogs and you bear me babies.
"And to tell you that you're beautiful" I said.
She blushed,her lips trembled.
I closed my eyes to store her picture inside a certain
corner in my heart,I will look at it when I'm alone on bed
feeling like the world owes me.
I opened them and looked down at her,she is fidgeting
her fingers.She does that when she is nervous so I took
her nervousness to my advantage,
"Please get inside the car I want to see your face
closely.That's why I drove here" I said,making sure my
voice sound sexy.
I see when she raised her head that she is about to
protest,so I whispered a soft 'please' before she does.
I don't wait for her response I jump out and open the
passenger's door for her,she reluctantly got in.
"Thank you" I say closing my door.
I asked her for a quiet place where I can park so we can
talk she directed me.
"What's your dream Ziphe?" I asked after parking. That's
a nice way to approach a teenager,I guess.
She smiled lighting my whole world, "I want to be an
engineer, have a beautiful house by the sea and have
two kids"
I should've studied engineering too.
A house by the sea became my favourite house,why
haven't I dream of having a house like that anyway? I'll
look for houses near the sea next week.
Isn't having two kids a beautiful thing on earth!
Oh wait but she didn't mention having a husband,
"A husband?" I asked.
She shifted uncomfortably, "If I happen to have a
husband I want a good looking, loving man with a steady
I smiled,I just fit her requirements,maybe I can have
"And he must be a churchgoer" she added.
I nealy jumped up.She giggled so cute with her eyes
closed,I wanted to capture the moment.
I took out my phone and took pictures, she stopped and
looked at me hearing the camera sound.
"Are you taking pictures of me?" she asked, I shook my
head and put the phone inside my trouser's pocket.
She jumped on me trying to take it away,I held her to my
Our heartbeats conjoined in the same rhythm.
Our eyes locked.
Our foreheads touched.
Our breaths conjoined.
Our lips touched.
I kissed her,she kissed me back.
We broke it after minutes.
I looked at her, "I came to kiss you again,I also came to
tell you I love you"
She blushed,her lips trembled,
"I have no idea how to love a guy" she said almost
"I have no idea how it's like to be loved by a girl
either.We will figure it out"
Chapter 45
I had to blame alcohol first,like it wasn't my fault,all of it
was motivated by a drunk brain.Then I shifted the blame
to my sisters,like if they didn't open their big mouths
none of this would've happened.
I called Fiki to confront her,but she just told me if
Nozipho had remained on the dark side I would've
thought it's okay to cheat and do it again.Clearly the girls
will always take sides of each other,not that there is any
side in this situation.
I blamed everything except myself.
When I went to bed I realized how miserable I am
without Nozipho.
Don was out partying as always,Mandla was with his
family that he truly love and never hurt or betray and
Thapelo was more like avoiding being with me God
knows why.
It was just me, my sorries and cold bed.
At half past ten my sleep was still having dinner.I tossed
changing sides,down stomach,lying with my back.
Stay up and suffer the consequences of your actions, my
subconscious whispered.
You know what,I'm going to her!
I will sleep on the carpet if that's what she wants but I'm
not sleeping here alone.
I drove to Mandla's house because that's where she went
At least Anthony doesn't know otherwise I would've
received his security guard's kicks and pointed guns.
I called Mandla to open,he answered breathing heavy.
After a while he came looking murderous his erection
shooting up his short.
I would be angry too if the cheating fiancée of my sister
called me to open the door near midnight while I'm in
the middle of something.
"Thanks bru" I said rubbing my hands together. Well I
forgot to put shoes on.
He clicked his tongue and walked up with a new leg-
parting step.
If I wasn't about to face Nozipho I would've laughed.
I knocked on her bedroom,she didn't answer. Not
because I'm the one knocking but because it was near
I pushed the door,she was snoring softly with Sphiwo
wrapped in her arms.
I am a loser!
I'm never touching alcohol again.
I wouldn't risk fueling her anger by slipping my unfaithful
ass in her bed.I took a single bedsheet that was over the
wardrobe and wrapped myself with it and lied on the
floor next to her.
At least I can hear her sleeping right above me,my heart
felt at peace,my eyelids got heavy.I closed my eyes and
drifted to dreamland.
"Sbu wake up" I heard a voice calling my name faraway.
I tried waking up like instructed but my whole body was
frozen, I couldn't move.
I opened my eyes to see where I was.
"Wake up!" Nozipho was on her knees next to me her
voice shaking.
I tried again but my body felt hard and heavy.
Man down,
"Please help me up" I asked, my voice refusing to come
out completely.
She took my upper body in her arms and tried dragging
"Mandla!!!" she called out with a crying voice.
Mandla came in and scooped me in his arms and put me
on bed.I hate this!
Nozi forced hot soup down my throat and put three
heavy blankets over me.
I lay on bed until I felt my body temperature rising up
I pushed the blankets off.
"What are you doing?" she asked rushing from the door
to bed with glass of steaming milk and a box of tablets.
"I...." I stopped myself.
I'm in no position to disagree with her,remember why I
ended up here.
I shoved my ass under the blankets again.
"Here drink" she said pushing two tablets in my lips,I
opened them and drank them down with milk.
I hate pills,but who am I to say that out loud?
She went out and came back with a peanut butter
sandwich. I hate peanut butter,but who am I again?
I ate,she watched me with concern in her eyes.
She still cares for me,firecrackers!!
"I'm sorry Nozi" I said after swallowing the last piece of
the damn sandwich.
She let out a huge breathe,"Not now"
Yes,now I'm sick remember!
"I'm nothing without you Nozi,please forgive me" I
"I just...Sbu maybe you love me but you're not ready for
I jumped up, "No no no! I'm hundred percent ready.I
know I did a terrible thing but Nozi I wasn't myself that
time. I'm not excusing myself,but Nozi....please just
forgive me I would do anything you want,just forgive me"
She blinked rapidly, "I'm not forgiving you Sbu"
No ways!
I kneeled down in front of her with my hands together,
"Please,I will never drink alcohol again"
She shook her head tears running down, "Sbu" she called
softly in a dismissing way.
"Please stay with me" it was my turn to feel the pain,the
hurt and heartbreak.
"I am staying with you,just not forgiven you yet"
I never thought four words can change my life like that.I
am staying with you,those four words made me see the
future brightens again.
She is staying with me,firecrackers!!!
"I said not forgiven yet so shut that smile down and go
get me samoosas" she said.
But I'm sick,jeez!
Chapter 46
Nozi eventually agreed to come back home,her mother
made me swore on Jesus name that I would never hurt
her baby girl again.
Nozipho is the other half of me,without her I'm
I couldn't even sleep one night through without her,I
don't even want to know how it would feel like to not
have her for good.
"I'm so happy you're back" I said grabbing her butt as we
lie on bed.
"It's not like I had a choice,I love your ugly ass so much"
she said brushing my eyelashes with her thumbs.
"Ugly neh?" I asked biting my lower lip.
She nodded her head giggling.
I brushed between her thighs,she voluntarily opened
I felt her soaked panty and slid it down,my eyes fixed on
hers.She breathed hard,I parted her legs and muffed my
"Gosh Sbu...shit!!!" she groaned letting herself on my
face.I wiped my face laughing, she still had her eyes
tightly shut.
I took my clothes off and pointed my cock on her
face,she gasped.
"Ugly neh?" I asked smiling.
She swallowed and asked, "How about we do the talking
I pretended to stand up,she grabbed my arm.
"Okay fine. Cute ass!" she said.
I laughed while she held my manhood with her hands
inserting it to herself.
So much for hating my cock twenty-four hours ago!
We did our hot session, with her trying to take control
but I didn't let her,hence my orgasm deprivation
"Well that was the better" she said wrapping her head
with a doek covering her new braids.
"Better than what?" I asked looking at her.
"Better than Simo licking my pussy"
I sat up straight with my heart doing thousand unique
"What? Who is Simo?" I asked,furiously taking the duvet
off her.
She looked at me with a relaxed face,bitch!
I could've punched her if I wasn't raised better,but I
punched the pillow next to her head instead,
"Answer me dammit! Who the fuck is Simo?"
My body was boiling, hot air rising out every possible
hole I have in my body,my armpits got sweaty and itchy.
I clenched my teeth tightly containing my anger.
She laughed like she just heard a joke of the year.
What's funny?
Am I a joke compared to that Simo guy?
Is my dick smaller and funny than his?
"See that's how it feels like" she said.
I looked at her with firing eyes,what's feels like what?
She frowned dramatically, imitating my face,
"See,that was me Friday night.I frowned, questioned
myself and felt like nothing"
I helplessly fell down on bed.
I really thought we were over that!
Wasn't what we were doing called make-up sex?
"I'm sorry sweetheart" I brushed her cheek,my eyes on
her chest failing to meet hers.
Don't hurt her again, my subconscious warned.
"I'm really sorry my queen" I said kissing her forehead.
She squeezed me in her arms, "I love you Sbu,please
don't break my heart again"
I wouldn't dream of it, I wouldn't survive another day on
the cold tiles.
I sighed, "I swear.When your world come crashing,I want
to be the only thing that bring a smile on your face.I want
to be your knight in the shining armour,I'm sorry to make
you cry my love"
She brought her lips on mine and kissed me passionately.
"How are you going to make it up to me then?" she
asked licking her lips.
I pretended to think hard, "How about sex,lot of sex,hot
wings and a foot massage?"
She smiled broadly, "Let's evaluate the sex point"
We did what lovers do.
After cleaning ourselves I gave her foot massage then
warmed her wings.
"I never thought being cheated on came with such good
benefits" she said finishing the last wing.
No matter how much you apologize or how long you've
been apologising women will always remember and
remind you of your flaws.
"Babe I'm sorry" I apologized for the five hundred time.
She covered her head with the blankets, "Good night my
love or should I say our love?"
I flipped the blankets off,"Nozipho I love you, I would do
anything for you to forget what I did to you.I made a
mistake,we talked about it.I love you damnit,now can we
move past all that shit"
She sobbed,I sighed and put my arms around her.
"Let's move on please Nozi"
She nodded and cupped my manhood.
Will I make it to work? I'm being used here.
Chapter 47
*Thapelo Narrated*
WAS A WONDERFUL DAY" I sung loud in the shower.
The Christianly side of me I didn't know existed rose up
after a good morning text I received from Ziphe.
I showered singing different Lord praising songs.
Makes me think I can make a good churchgoing husband!
I dressed up humming and tapdancing in front of a
"You fucker!" a voice I know very well said coming from
the door.
I cleared my throat and turned around,
"Brazo!" I greeted trying to be normal.
"Are you on your periods? What's up with the moods?"
he asked opening the fridge,scanning for something to
Well I'm about to fuck your sister that's why I'm avoiding
your calls,my heart whispered.
"Oh man I've been caught up with piles of work" I lied
scratching my head.
I've always been a bad liar,my body always give away the
opposite of what I'm saying.
"Well today is Saturday we need to go get some air Nozi
has been slaving me the whole week" he said eating my
"Don't you have yoghurt in your house? Why you
devouring my food so early in the morning?" I asked
grabbing it away.
He grabbed it back, "Mandla's sister is finishing all the
good staff,I only find empty containers of everything."
I laughed,"From what I hear that is expected if you
fucked your friend's sister without a condom"
My words nearly choked me,I meant that as a joke.
Why does 'Fuck your friend's sister' haunt me?
It's not like I'm fucking Ziphe,I defended myself against
my conscious.
"Well her cravings include getting fucked every now and
then so I'm not complaining, I pray she carry for sixteen
It's now so awkward discussing sex life with my
girlfriend's brother.
I smiled idiotically.
"Lucky you" I said trying to detract the conversation.
"I know,you should get laid too your dry spell is affecting
your spirit" he continued.
I don't have a dry spell,at least not for too long from
"After giving Nozi the afternoon glory and foot massage
we're going to hang out at Mandla's north house" he
I wanted to protest but I didn't want to look suspicious so
I agreed.
We talked about work and other usual stuff.
Before I went to Mandla's house I called Ziphe we talked
for twenty minutes.
Her inexperience was pretty clear from the way she
addressed me,she was scared to even admit she misses
my lips.
I kinda liked the fact that I was somebody's first
I arrived at Mandla's house,they were braaing wors
laughter filling the house.
I missed this!
Don was drinking beer,Mandla and Sbu were drinking
cold drinks,pecks of having wives!
I shoulder pumped the guys.
"Hey" I greeted a lady next to Don.
She smiled, "Hey I'm Portia, Don's cousin"
I smiled and told her it's nice to meet her,not that it was
really nice since she had her hands brushing her cleavage
while introducing herself.
"I hear you're single" she said brushing her braids.
The guys laughed,I know they were trying to hook me up
with this yellow cousin,
"So?" I asked,and it came out a little rude,unintended.
"She is single too" Only Don can sell out his cousin like
I put on a straight face ignoring them and gulped the
beer down.
We then ate,drank and talked about relevant guys'
stuff.The cousin was serving us, making sure to ask me
unnecessary questions like "Do you stay here in
I had to be nice and answer, to her that was a hint that I
like her.
Sbu received an emergency call from Nozipho, but we all
know it wasn't emergency as she said it was,maybe she
just wanted a burger from Steers.
" Well I have a call to make" Mandla said leaving.
Don nudged the cousin with an elbow and left saying he
have something to do urgently.
"You know you have to live a little" she said sitting next
to me.
I shifted making a space between my legs and her bare
"I do live"
She shifted closer, " Not from what I hear.You Thaps
hardly socialize, you burry yourself with work"
Not really.
"Even if I did it mustn't concern you,we don't know each
other" I said getting irritated.
"I hear lack of sex infuriates anger" she smiled.
I could wipe that smile with a hard slap.
I hate cheap bitches!
"Look Portia even if I wanted to have sex you wouldn't be
the one I fuck.I like girls with dignity,now if you'll excuse
me I have a girlfriend to call" I said taking my car keys
leaving her with mouth opened in shock.
I drove to my house spitting fire.
I was so angry,the only thing that calmed me down was
Ziphe's call.
Later I pictured Ziphe screaming my name under me with
her legs wrapped in my neck and masturbated and
I don't have a dry spell people!!
Before I went to bed the guys called asking why I was
hiding the fact that I have a girlfriend from them.
Don said I should bring her over so that he can inspect if
she have enough curves to satisfy my long season of
drought desires.
Sbu called but cut the call saying his angel is calling.
His angel is my goddess now!
How I wish things could be different!
Chapter 48
Ziphe is writing her last paper Monday then she is
coming here to cool her head down, I'm so happy there is
so much I want to do together with her.
"You love Ziphe so much" Nozipho said looking at my all-
smile face.
"I love all of them equally, the others are just hard to
love" I said wrapping my arms around her waist.
"Now I want to have boys" she rubbed her belly.
I laughed, "I thought you said you want them to be girls
what changed?"
"That was until I found out they will have crazy aunties"
I laughed,it would really be a pity to have the twin girls
because they might take after my sisters.
I don't think I can manage.
"I nearly forgot Palesa want the total number of guests"
she said turning to look at me.
"I only have my family,Don,Thapelo, Mandla and Lydia"
"I think we need to ask the sisters how many people they
are inviting too" she said scrolling her phone.
"The whole Mandeni,university friends and boyfriends'
families" I told her she laughed and signaled me to shut
"Hey babe...yes we're back together.... we want to know
how many people will come to the wedding from your
side....mhhh me you bye" she talked
with one of the girls.
"Hundred and what?" I asked.
She rolled her eyes, "They still have to put the list
together,now please go get me that black forest leftovers
in the fridge."
"Yes mam" I bowed my head.
"Tomorrow I have my check-up appointment you have to
take two hours break from work and come with me." she
said licking her fingers after finishing the big slice of cake.
I sighed, "Yeah I will also go fetch Sphiwo's DNA results"
She breath hard, "Whatever happens we have to be
there for him"
We weren't ready to find out the results, Sphiwo was
already a huge part of us.
I was afraid of what I will feel knowing that he is not
mine.Will I feel the same way?
"You are a great woman Nozipho" I kissed her forehead.
"Can I have that in writing"
I took her clothes off while kissing her neck,
"You want it in writing?" I whispered massaging her
breasts and wet vjay.
"Yes babe"
I slid my fingers inside her and wrote in her vaginal walls,
She moaned, " I want it written by a bold pen"
I smiled and took out a bold big pen and wrote inside
"Fucking great" I said thrusting rapidly, she was
screaming my name.
We heard Sphiwo crying, but I was so close I couldn't pull
I went in deeper and faster until we both came together.
I threw a towel to her and rushed to Sphiwo's crib.
"Sorry boy mommy and daddy were writing exam" I said
shushing him.
He calmed down,I fed him his bottle.
My phone rang,it was Simtho;
Me : Hey sis
Her: Bhuti how are you?
Me : Great isn't a word.
Her: I can hear the energy. When did you last spoke with
Me : Yesterday why?
Her: She is just off and receiving dodgy calls.
Me : You guys are always teasing her
Her: Ay man Sbu I think she is dating, I saw her texting
and smiling this morning.
Me : She is eighteen Simtho,people her age date.
Her: She is young Sbu,she hasn't even finish high school
Me : Arghh Simtho didn't you guys teased her
boyfriendliness the other day? She is now reacting.
Her: (sighs)Well...we didn't mean that she should
date.Boys will hurt her she is young and inexperienced.
Me : I'll talk to her but if she is dating we have no voice in
that the only thing you guys can advise her about is
protection and other staff.
Her: Ay I don't know how to give advice,I'll tell Fiki
Me : Okay
Her: Okay say hi to Nozi for me
Me : Ok will do.Take care
Her: Ok bye.
I sighed and dropped the phone to Sphiwo's blanket.
I wasn't ready for Ziphe to start dating, neither were the
girls.I guess we all wanted her to be the innocent clueless
nagging little sister.
I have to talk with her when she arrives so I can meet this
motherfucker and give him death threats, lectures and
proper inspection.
"Is he still crying?" Nozipho asked getting in.
She took him, "Let me go give him to Aunt Selena"
Aunt Selena is not a nanny she is a house-helping
maid,but I didn't get a chance to question her as she
dashed out with Sphiwo to downstairs.
She came back smiling, "Well seems like your pen had
weak ink,the writing washed off.How about a rewriting?"
I smiled, "Let me inspect the writing board first"
She lay down and opened her legs,I inspected with my
finger and tongue.
Pregnant women are the best!
We rewrote 'Nozipho is a great woman' test.
Chapter 49
Mondays are hell long,the watch is very slow.I keep
glancing up the clock on the wall and sigh.
My dad passed by to see my workplace after dropping
Ziphe at my house.
He was so intense,his eyes a bit red.I think he blames
himself for everything.
Seeing the house the sister he hated used to raise his son
up in worsened his regrets.
I had no words to comfort him.
Before leaving the office he let out a huge breathe,
"You've done well for yourself, I saw the bakery you
brought for your aunt...I mean your mother you're one in
the millions.You will make a great father"
He pat my shoulder, "You're ten times a man I would
ever be.I'm so proud to be your...sperm donor"
I raised my eyes, "Dad you weren't responsible,you were
lied to just like Anthony was.Don't blame yourself, I know
you are a great father.I appreciate you"
He chuckled, "Appreciate?"
I rubbed my head, "Well..."
"Tell me,I deserve to know" he said.
I hesitated a minute, then said it "Fine I love you"
"I love you too,with all my heart" he wrapped me in his
strong arms.
I pulled away, "I missed you"
We both burst out laughing.
"Don't be gay please" he said still laughing.
"Anyway how many suitcases did the little sister bring?" I
"Just one and a big bag"
"Better than the others, Simtho filled two closet" I told
He smiled, "They took after my other sister Liziwe she
was just like them.Only Ziphe took after Veronica,very
talkative but loving and down to earth"
Yeah that's true,Ziphe and my mother are the same.
I wonder how she would've dealt with her nieces given a
"Ziphe might have just started dating from what I hear"
the snitching brother in me said.
My dad sighed, "I had my hopes in her but I knew this
day would come."
"I'll talk to her I want to meet this boyfriend and give him
a little tense ear-pulling"
Later my dad left, the female staff were giving him
inviting looks.
They can keep dreaming!
Finally the clock ticked my knock-off time I quickly swept
my belongings and rushed out.
"Afternoon" I greeted Nozi and Sphiwo kissing their
"Hey babe how was work?" she asked.
"It was usual. Where is Ziphe?"
She signaled upstairs with her head,
"She is different" she whispered.
"Really?" I whispered back,mocking her gossiping.
She clicked her tongue and left.
I laughed,her moods were a bit funny sometimes.
I walked upstairs to meet the little sister,
"Munchie Munchies" I said pushing the door.
She jumped to me with her arms opened, "My brother"
I swung her around, she giggled and asked me to put her
Okay!She have her eyelashes highlighted and pink lipstick
"You look different" I said looking at her with a frown.
She smiled, "I feel different."
I don't like this boyfriend of hers already!
"Who is he?" I asked.
She frowned and turned her back on me,
"Umhhh...I'll let you know when I'm ready for now just
know that he loves me and make me happy" she said.
I hate him!
I had to ask, "How does he make you happy?"
"He tells me I'm beautiful, he calls me all the time and he
just loves me.I saw it in his eyes,I can feel it in his voice."
she said love written all over her face.
"Don't rush things with him Ziphe"
"I won't... umhhh Bhutto can I go to a pens-down party in
town,all my friends are going they will drop me off in the
morning" she asked.
I took a step back and frowned,
"You only telling me about it now?"
Zethu was right,she blinked rapidly trying to create tears,
"I forgot bhuti I'm sorry please let me go"
Her tears will be the death of me!
"Stop crying.Dad will probably kill me,make sure you're
here before the sunrise"
She jumped on me, "You're the best"
I hate the fact that she is growing up.
Chapter 50
*Thapelo Narrated*
I rechecked everything.Chairs,wiped.Bedsheets and
I pray she likes the house! I pray she isn't allergic to any
food I cooked.
My phone beeped, it a text from her saying I must fetch
her in town.
I do a gumboot-dance before jumping up to take the car
keys and leaving.
"You're here" I said hugging her as we get in the house.
She was more beautiful than the last time.
"Umhhh..hi" she said running her eyes away from me.
I took her face and looked in her eyes,"Hey it's me don't
be scared I love you"
She smiled, "Your house is beautiful"
One point,tick!
"You're more beautiful" I kissed her passionately.
I showed her the bedroom,she put her bag over the
table,I led her to the balcony where I'd set our dinner.
"Let's eat before it get cold" I said taking the lid off.
I dished for us in one plate,she insisted on eating by
herself. Although I wanted to spoonfeed her but I didn't
want to scare her.
"It was delicious,thank you" she said wiping her hands
with a napkin.
"I cooked it for you" I regretted that as soon as the words
came out.
I now sounded really desperate and trying too hard.
She blushed, "Thank you"
Later she bathed,alone.I waited for her to finish then got
in after her.
She was already under covers,I got in.
She had long pyjamas on,sigh!
I shifted closer and put my arms around her,she
reluctantly wrapped hers to me.
So this is it?
I took her lips,she breathed nervously and kissed me
We kissed,her lips were just too soft I couldn't get
"Babe I love you" I said my voice trembling. I was too
She pulled back.
I held her closer, "I want to hold you please"
I kissed her again,we got more deeper and affectionately.
My manhood was pressed against her,feeling her made
me feel like coming right there.
"Eh..Umhhh..Thapelo I'm not ready to do that" she said
shifting herself away from me.
I knew this could happen.
"Please babe" I begged.
"Thapelo I can't, I have never done that and I'm not
ready yet"
Oh flip!
I turned my back on her trying to calm the boy down.
I ain't getting none tonight!
"Okay can I hold you through the night?" I asked after
calming down.
I held her tight in my arms, "Do you promise when you're
ready I'll be your first?"
She smiled, "Yes,thanks for agreeing to wait"
"I love you Ziphe,not for my sexual desires.I want to have
a future with you,I don't know how I'm going to deal with
the fact that you are Sbu's sister but where there's love
there's always a way" I kissed her forehead.
"I love you too. Please don't hurt me Thapelo"
"I wouldn't dream of it I love you too much.Now sleep
and enjoy your pens-down" I said.
She giggled, "My brother will kill me if he finds out you're
the party"
Well let's hope he doesn't find out.
I jumped up as the alarms goes off,
She was sleeping peacefully with her lips parted a little. I
took out my phone and took pictures.
God's creation!
Too bad I can't post her on my social apps to send a
message to all the hungry bitches because Sbu is my
friend on every social network.
"Ziphe" I shook her lightly.
She groaned, "Mhhhh"
"Wake up" I kissed her lips.
She jumped up, "Oh Thapelo"
She forgot she was sleeping in my house,goodness!
"You have to wake up and go"
I hate this little kids hide and seek but I had no choice
Sbu could kill me.
She kissed me and hurried to the bathroom.
I went downstairs to prepare her breakfast.
"What with the bacons? Since when do you cook?" a
voice I hate right now said.
"Don what are you doing here?" I asked.
He grinned, "I'm here to use your gym,Sbu's doesn't have
enough equipment"
"I'm busy I'm afraid you'll have to go to Mandla's house" I
said putting a no-shit face.
Just like always he doesn't listen and run up the stairs
with a towel wrapped around his neck.
"Oh Noway!" he screamed as he came across Ziphe
coming down the stairs ready to faint.
I rushed up, "Don bru"
He looked at me with unbelieving angry look, "Does Sbu
know this?"
"Not yet,please don't tell him I'm still figuring my mind
how we going to tell him"
He chuckled, "Good luck with that! But a friendly advice
leave Sbu's angel alone. You angel what happened to
your peers?" he asked.
"I love her" I said as Ziphe said "I love him"
Don looked at us disapprovingly, "Whatever, this is not
right and it will end badly"
He left us standing together like rained chickens.
"No matter what I will always love you" I squeezed her in
my arms.
Chapter 51
"How was the party?" I asked as we gathered around the
table for breakfast.
"It was nice,I had a great time" Ziphe answered without
looking up.
I didn't like the way Don was looking at my sister,so
I cleared my throat, "Stop looking at her like that"
He chuckled and said "At least I'm just looking at her"
I don't like that.When is he buying his house anyway?
"Don when are you getting a girlfriend?" Nozi asked.
"I have girlfriends, I don't need the fourth one" he
boasted eating toast downing it with a glass of beer.
I laughed "It's Thapelo who needs a piece of cake in his
I shouldn't have said that loud in front of Ziphe.But she
was smiling, I hate that she grasped what I meant by "
piece of cake".That's adults' metaphor.
"He does have a girlfriend" Don said.
"He just wanted us to back off,if he really had a girlfriend
we would've met her a long time ago" I said.
Don said maybe he is hiding her from us.I know Thapelo
will never hide anything from us,we even know each of
everyone's one-nightstands.
The angel got fed up,
"Can we eat our breakfast without Thapelo discussion?"
she asked,Don mumbled something.
"Okay princess.How many A's must I expect?" I asked
She cocked her head to the side, "Mhhhh
two,three,four..expect four A's"
Nozipho smiled "If you achieve four A's and remain a
good girl like you are I'm buying you a house near the
beach next year"
Ziphe jumps up, "Really? Oh my God!" she exclaimed
with excitement.
Nozi nodded with a wide smile.
I really don't understand Ziphe's obsession with a house
near the beach.
Don rolled his eyes,I gave him a scolding look.I really
don't understand what's his problem is,and he better
snap out of his little beef because this is my angel.
I left for work with Don,Nozipho and Ziphe were going to
do shopping.I expect dozens of bank notifications.
At twelve o'clock I took a break and went to meet with
Nozipho at the doctor.I heard their heartbeat and saw
their shadows.It was the best thing I've ever experienced.
"I don't know how can I thank you my love" I brushed her
hand as the doctor wiped the jel off her belly.
"Don't worry hubby,mommy will think of a way" she said,
the doctor gave her a knowing smile.
I don't like the sound of that, I don't want to get to the
office smelling like sperms.
We left and did a quickie on the car seat.I then went to
fetch the DNA results. I was so curious to find out but I
couldn't bring myself to open the envelope.
I returned back to work,I had no focus at all my mind was
in the brown envelope in my bag.
At four I packed and left.If Sphiwo isn't mine,his true
roots may trap him in the future like me.I don't want him
to feel what I went through searching for a father I didn't
"Hello" I greeted,Don and Ziphe weren't home.
"Hey babe,did you bring me hotdogs?" she asked.
No I didn't because she didn't ask me to, but I didn't tell
her that I said I was planning to go get them after
dropping my briefcase home.
She nodded,I sighed in relief.
"I have Sphiwo's results" I told her.
She stopped eating tomatoe sauce,and asked nervously
"What do they say?"
I exhaled, "We will open them together"
She took Sphiwo and followed me upstairs but she
remembered her tomatoe sauce and returned back to
take it.
"Open it" I said looking Sphiwo playing with his fingers.
"No,you open it" she said handing the envelope to me.
I took a deep breath and teared the envelope.
I couldn't believe my eyes,
"Yesssssss!!!" I screamed.
"What does it say?" she asked with wide eyes.
"He is mine" I shouted.
Nozipho wrapped me with her arms trying to lift me up.I
laughed and lifted her up instead.
"You are now so heavy" I said putting her down
breathing hard.
I ducked a hard coming slap.What did I do now?
"I can't believe you just told me I'm fat Sbu.How could
you?" she asked coming after me,I ran ducking behind
Sphiwo's cot.
"I didn't say that Nozi"
She threw a tomatoe sauce bottle at me,I ducked.
"You said I'm heavy" she said nearly crying.
Yes she is heavy,what wrong with saying that?
"Yeah you are heavy,but that's because you are gaining
weight" I clarified.
She sat on the floor and wept.I hate pregnancy
I went down next to her and tried to comfort her,
"Babe don't be sad, you are not fat.You are gaining
weight because you eat a lot of junks because of
pregnancy, it's normal. Before you know it the girls will
be out wearing pink minidresses and hair-ribbons and
you will be back to your normal body."
She wiped her eyes,I kissed her forehead and said
"Beside I love your body,it's so sexy right now I could just
give you an orgasm before going to get your hot dogs"
She looked up at me and smiled.
Chapter 52
*Thapelo Narrated*
We all have that one irritating friend we don't really like
but can't live without.
"Lower the volume Don" I shouted.
He didn't hear me,he was busy lifting weights playing
Eminem songs very loud,blocking ears.I regret putting
radio in my gym.
I went in and switched it off.
"What do you think you are doing?" he asked turning to
look at me with sweat running down his face.
"You are making noise.You should sign in the local
gymnasiums" I told him.
"No I'm alright here."
I sighed.Don was living with Sbu,gyming at my place and
eating at Mandla's, because Phumla is a chef.
Getting his house burnt was the best thing that has ever
happened to him.He enjoys being our charity case.
"Put the earphones then" I said getting out,leaving him
sizing his abs.
He called out asking when I'm getting a girlfriend my
age,I ignored his shade and told him the day he stop
being pain in the arse.
"I'll stop if you can get me that secretary's number" he
"She is married go to hell" I left him still talking.
After work I drove to pick Ziphe in Gateway, she always
make up lies about her whereabouts to Sbu so we can
spend time together.I'm getting addicted to her I don't
know how I'm going to cope when she returns to
"You know you're beautiful without highlighting your
eyebrows and putting lipsticks" I told her.
She now have this thing of putting make-up,I don't know
if it's because she is growing up or she is trying to charm.
I love her without makeup,she is just a natural beauty.
She smiled, "I don't want to lack style"
I cupped her face,
"You are beautiful Ziphelele. You are everything a man
can ever wish for in a woman" I told her she kissed me
and smiled.
"Thank you Thaps"
I laughed, "I'm Thaps now?"
She giggled and said she is copying Don's cool vibes.
"Hasn't he blackmailed you to keep his mouth shut about
us?" I asked because with Don everything is possible.
She shrugged, "Not yet but I get a feeling he might
soon.He always give me a hard time in front of Sbu,I have
to respect him and not say anything to offend him in
order to cool him down"
I have to help him look for a house,he is going to mess
things up for me.
We hung out in Suncoast until Nozipho called her asking
her to come home so they can prepare dinner.
We kissed goodbye.
I drove home dancing with my head to D'banj.
I opened the door and found Khay relaxing on my couch
with her legs on top of the coffee table.
"What are you doing in my house?" I asked.
She turned around "I need cash babe,a few grands
before Friday"
I laughed really hard,
"Before Friday neh! Khay you're so special sis"
Chapter 52
She smiled "I knew you would understand"
I chuckled, "You really think just because I'm good
hearted I'm brainless?"
"Of course not bae" she said standing up to take my
hands,I signaled for her to stop right there with a hand.
"Don't misinterpret the two.I have a good heart not
disfuntioning brain cells.Now do me a favour and get out
of my house before I kick you" I told her.
She frowned, to her I was this goodhearted brainless rich
boyfriend. She comes to me when she want her bank
account to be filled and go spend my money with her
new boyfriend she think I don't know about.
"Babe come on,it's me your Khay"
"You not my Khay,I have my Ziphe who loves me for me
not my bank balance, get out!"
She looked at me shocked "You have a girlfriend? How
can you cheat on me?"
I laughed "I'm not cheating,you and I are no longer an
item.You are fucking that Transnet guy remember!"
She coughed,I looked at her unbothered.
"Khay seriously now please go"
I asked Thapelo nicely to bring my laptop before the day
ends.I have important documents I need in that laptop,
all the previous year's figures are kept in that laptop.I
always forget to transfer everything to the laptop I'm
using,now I need to send some documents to the
"I will kill Thapelo" I said taking my car keys,Nozi
laughed.She always say she find me sexy when I'm
angry,women still remain the most unpredictable people
in human species.
I left her laughing and rushed downstairs, Ziphe was
curled on a chair in the kitchen looking bored.
"You look bored" I said.
"I know, Nozi said I must sit here and look at the pots"
she replied.
"Come with me to Thapelo's the pots will look after
themselves" I said taking her hand.
She jumped with joy and told me she will tell Nozi first
because she don't want to be buried the next weekend "
"Sisi" she called out.
Nozipho asked what she wants,
"Come look after your pots,I'm out" Ziphe answered.
We heard her shouting coming down, we hurriedl out
before she could see us.
"Tjoh ayi bhuti you won't believe what Mbali did!" she
said as we drove out the gate.
I don't know who Mbali is.Ziphe always gossip about
people we don't know,we always listen and pretend to
be interested. I much prefer the other girls gossips
because they gossip about celebrities.
"What?" I asked.
She started elaborating how this Mbali cheated on her
Grade 11 boyfriend with a History teacher behind the
I sighed with relief as we entered Thapelo's gate.
She walked out first and headed to the front door.She is
also forward at times.
I opened the door,Thapelo was arguing with his gold-
digging ex.I hated this girl the first day Thapelo came
with her wearing old rugged dress,as poor she looked her
bitchy character was recognisable.
"Thapelo" I called him.
He turned around and nearly fainted. WTF?
"Babe are you alright?" the Khay bitch asked taking his
hand, he slapped her hand away.
"It's not what you think" he said shaking his head in fear.
And why would I care what's going on here because I
only came for my laptop?
"Hey wena.." as I was to tell him I don't care what's going
on I noticed that his eyes weren't on me but fixed behind
I turned around Ziphe had her hands covering her
mouth,tears running down her face.
Am I missing something here?
Thapelo came toward us with begging eyes calling her
babe.She shook her head and cried out loud.
"I hate you" Ziphe said and ran out crying.
"What's going on?" I asked grabbing him by his shirt as
he tried to run past me to Ziphe.
"Eh....Sbu..." he stuttered,
Khay jumped in "Is it that crying kid you were calling a
loving girlfriend?"
He opened his mouth wanting to say something but
closed it and looked at me with sympathetic eyes.
There is no way Thapelo, my nigga can shag my little
I know him better than that!
"Thapelo" I said, wanting him to tell Khay she is crazy.He
looked down saying no words.
I didn't know I had Mike Tyson's genes in me until I threw
a punch that sent him backwards on the floor.
"How could you bru?" I asked my temperature rising up
by 10degrees each second.
"Sorry Bura" he said touching his bleeding lips.
He is saying sorry instead of saying it's a
I kicked him like Anthony's security guards,he just
covered his face with his arms and didn't fight back.
"Yes beat him" Khay said behind me.I told her to fuck off.
"Thapelo why njayam?" I asked as he stood up dusting
"I love her Sbu" he replied.
As he said those three words I LOVE HER the picture of
Ziphe crying with a broken heart came back I threw
another hard punch.
"You making her cry!! Don't you know your agemates?" I
asked spitting more fire .
He had no words to explain his intentions for dating a six-
years-younger-than-him sister of mine.
He broke our brothers-code in the most unacceptable
way,maybe I would've understood if he chose Simtho or
Sena. Ziphe!!
I left him standing there in the middle of the lounge with
blood coming out his nose and cracked lips.
I slammed the door and went to my car and found Ziphe
sobbing in the back seat.
"Shut up! It's what you get for dating old men" I shouted
at her for the first time in my life,she cried louder.
I opened the radio but my heart went against it,I stopped
the car at the side of the road.
"Angel Thapelo is older than you,you are young and
inexperienced.You should have dated someone your
age,what's is it with you?" I asked. She didn't answer,just
cried louder.
I breathed out my anger, "Look I'm sorry he broke your
heart, you'll be fine princess trust me.You'll find a new
loving boyfriend your age in the university"
She shook her head "I don't want a new boyfriend. Bhuti
why did Thapelo lie to me? He cheated before we even
finish a month dating!" she said crying.
Thapelo and Khay are no longer dating but I don't tell her
because I want her to forget about him.
"He's an ass,forget him okay?" I said,she didn't answer.
I sighed and drove to my house.
"You look hot" Nozi said as we came in, I threw the car
keys on the table.Ziphe went upstairs with her arms over
her eyes,Nozi questioned me with eyes.
"Thapelo and Nozi are dating" I told her.
She gasped, "What???"
I exhaled "He is fucking with me"
"The laptop?" she asked.
Oh flip that!!
"I will call Don to go fetch it,I don't think I can stand him
right now"
Nozi left me calming my anger with a glass of whisky to
check on the heart-broken Ziphe.
Chapter 53
*Thapelo Narrated*
My means to reach out to Ziphe were futile. She doesn't
answer my calls nor respond to my texts.I've been
begging for a chance to explain since yesterday.
My face is bruised and swollen, I expected Sbu to be
angry but not like this.
Ziphe's face haunts me every passing minute.Don was
more than thrilled to find me bleeding from Sbu's
punches,he told me he told me so.
I'm not sure about the future of Sbu and I's friendship,
but as for Ziphe I'll fight for her love through the end.
I'll not have her unloving me! I love her too much,I've
fallen for her so deeply.I have to find a way.
I try to call her again before going to bed,luckily she
"Ziphe!" I said,not believing that she actually picked up.
"What do you want?"
I cleared my voice, "I'm so happy you answered I missed
your voice"
She threatened to drop the call I apologized and told her
that Khay and I are not dating she just pitched up to ask
me for money.
She laughed disbelievingly, "She hangs out with you in
your house,calls you babe and stands in the middle of
your house with her bag on your table.How comfortable
for an ex?"
I tried to defend myself but she cut me out and told me
she is young not stupid and never to call her again.
I smashed the phone against the wall.This teenager has
no idea what love is.She has zero trust in me,I now have
to try rebuild the trust I never broke.
As long as I live Ziphe you're mine!
I stayed up the whole night working, I had no sleep.In the
morning I woke up,bathed and went straight to work.
I didn't take any break,my tummy was filled with sadness
there was no space for food.I only drank energy drinks
and coffee.
I kept on calling her although my phone said she rejected
my number, I held on a thin lace of hope that maybe the
love she has for me will soon overcome the hatred she
I knocked off and drove home.I found Mandla's car in the
Not another lecture!
"Sho" I greeted him in the living room.
He looked at me and frowned, "You look like hell!"
I glanced at him and took out my laptop and started
working.Some documents refused to open,I punched the
buttons hard with irritation.
"Slow down" he said.He is still here watching me with a
I ignored him and punched them harder, finally they
opened. I started working and reviewing.
He sighed and told me he heard what happened,I
ignored him.
Of course he heard,isn't he Sbu's friend!
"I don't judge you,I know what love is.But man you really
stepped out the line,that girl is the youngest of Sbu's
sisters.Probably six years younger than you and
inexperienced" he said.
I glanced up at him, "You've said your piece please close
the door on your way out"
I don't know why I'm being unreasonably angry at
him.Despite my fight with Sbu,Don and Mandla are still
my friends.
He lifted his hands up apologizing before leaving.
I will apologize to him once I'm calm.
I drank a can of Play and did more work until midnight. I
slept a bit before waking up at four and head to the gym.
I worked out till my body hurt.Trust me physical pain is
better than emotional pain,so I gym a little longer just to
hurt my muscles.
I drove to work wearing yesterday's clothes,I completely
forgot to change them after taking a shower.They were
The staff gave me questioning looks.
Clothes is the least of my concerns right now!
I ignored them and went to my office and started
working through the cases.
I knocked off and drove to my house, there were two
cars parked outside my house.
My house was painted with big red letters saying CHILD
ABUSER.Who could it be?
"Who do you think you are?" one of the lousy sisters
came behind the house and threw the bucket of paint
over me.
I looked at my damaged clothes and looked at her
I guess she expected me to be angry and react,she
stepped back as I continued looking at her plainly.
The other three came shouting,cursing my name. They
pointed me with fingers with long nails,I looked at them
one by one.
I don't know how their brain cells function so I won't
judge them,I just unlocked the door without saying a
word or showing any emotion.
The younger one went to my car and painted it JERK.I
looked at it and got in my house locking their harsh
words out.
I changed the clothes and put on clean ones and took out
my laptop and worked.
I don't know how would've I cope if there was no work to
occupy my mind with.
Chapter 54
Ziphe is slowly recovering from her first heartbreak,she
now come down to eat with us and speak a few words to
Mandla called me yesterday saying Thapelo is not looking
well,I want to feel bad for him but I don't.
That guy broke our code,we swore to never date each of
anyone's ex-lovers or close relatives.
Don already knew about it,he said he'll try hook Ziphe
with a certain young boy but I told him no.
Good thing is I'm currently Nozipho's favourite person
this week.
My phone rang as I parked my car in the garage.It was
Don,I ignored him and went inside the house to surprise
Nozi with a black forest cake.
"Babe" I called her.
My phone beeped,I checked the message.
Don is telling me he saw Thapelo driving his Porsche
painted JERK.
This have my sisters written all over it.
Do they have to always overreact with stupidity?
I called Fiki she agreed that it's them,she said they
wanted to teach him a lesson to never go around making
Ziphe cry.
I sighed,how I wish I never told them about this in the
first place!
Nozi came down I gave her the cake and told her I'm
going to check Thapelo.
As much as I'm angry at him,he doesn't deserve this kind
of humiliation.
I'm welcomed by big letters CHILD ABUSER in front of his
Who said Thapelo abused Ziphe? Since when is dating a
younger person falls under Child Abuse category?
Maybe I should book the girls in psychotherapy!
I knocked, the door wasn't even locked.I pushed the door
and got in.I saw him in the living room,he was glued to
his laptop. He didn't even look up who I was.
"Sho" I greeted,he replied by saying 'sho' without even
looking up.
He looked so old,his clothes creased and his eyes worn
I didn't expect him to be like this!
"I heard the girls damaged your car and house" I said still
disturbed by the way he looked.
"Yes" he replied punching laptop buttons harder.
What do I say now?
"I can get it repainted" I said trying to figure out his
caged emotions.
His expression gave nothing away.His physique looked
devastated but he was just calm.
"No it's fine" he replied.
Maybe I overreacted too?
Thapelo is one person who never had peace in his life.
He worked as a taxi conductor to pay the university fees
and put food on the table of his rented shack.
His parents died,his sister was forced to marry a sixty
years old man at sixteen.He grew up lonely and
When his hope to happiness flickered he found out his
son isn't his.
He only smiles because he have too.
"Tha..." I was about to apologize for beating him up like
that but he cut me out saying I must get out he is
I hesitated but he lifted his empty eyes to emphasize
himself, I went out feeling a heavy pain in my chest.
I drove back restlessly.
*Thapelo Narrated*
After Sbu left I went to the kitchen to get myself a can of
dragon. But I've drank all the drinks I had,that left me no
choice but to go to the shops.
I didn't want to fall asleep before I finish my paperwork.
I took the Porsche and drove to the mall.
People were staring at me with amused eyes wherever I
drove to.
I had more problems than to be bothered by letters
written by a psychologically unwell sister on the car.
I felt my body shivering and starting to sweat as I drive, I
felt the dizziness overcoming my head.My grip on the
steering wheel loosened.
I tried to tighten my hand but I had no energy.My car
swayed to the opposite lane.
The cars hooted and flashed lights.
Everything was so bright.
I've always heard people saying your life flashes before
your eyes before you die.That's true.
Although it's not your life pictures that flashes,but a
pictures of those people who are your life.
I saw my car going in the truck,the only thing I had in my
mind was Ziphe, my friends, Sbu included and my sister.
I heard the loud crashing.
Then it was light out!
Chapter 55
"Why can't he sleep wherever he's been? " I clicked my
tongue as I pulled out from Nozi near my breakpoint.
I would hate to throw him out but if he continues living in
my house like he is living in Dalton hostel I think he will
end up leaving me no choice.
Nozipho growled and turned to sleep on her stomach,I
tied myself with a towel and went down to open for him.
"Where is your key?" I shouted the moment I opened the
He got in threw his bag on the floor and paced up and
down with his hands scratching his head.
What did his bunch of girlfriends burnt now?
"What is it?" I asked.
He tapped his shoe on the tiles and inhaled deeply trying
to compose himself.
I was in the middle of steamy shagging my temper isn't
really on Christmas mode.I clicked my tongue and left.
"Thapelo... he is in hospital" he said.
I needed to hear him again,the air coming from the
ventilators may have indulged with my hearing sense.
"What?" I asked.
"Car accident" he replied, his words short coming.
I felt my penis melting between my thighs.My mouth
dried out.My voice was blocked by a lump in my throat.
I needed to sit down. Luckily I was near the staircase I sat
on them.
I don't know how long I sat there or how long Nozi had
been there with her arm around me asking me 'what is
"Sbu!Don! What's the matter?" she asked half shouting.
My mind crept back to its normal place,I told her
"Thapelo was involved in a car accident".
Her arm fell from my shoulder to her hip,she softly called
for God's help.
Don went up to his room,I sat there.I hate car accidents!
My mom died of a car accident, her husband died of it
too.I can't have Thapelo dying in the car accident too!
I was startled by a loud wail.Nozi wasn't next to me
anymore, it must be her!
Damn Donald!
He went to tell Ziphe. Couldn't he wait until we knew
Thapelo's condition.
I ran upstairs but bumped to the three of them coming
down, Nozi comforting the hysterical Ziphe. I gave Don a
dead look,he didn't even notice.
I followed them down, Nozi had her bag so I worked we
were going to hospital.
" Go change " Nozipho instructed me. I looked at her
confused, I then remembered that I only have a towel
wrapped around my lower body.I hurried back upstairs
and grabbed the first T-shirt and trouser I saw.No
Lydia came in rushing and went to Sphiwo's room. Nozi
must've called her to nanny him for the night!
We were told to wait outside, we waited for almost three
hours.The doctors were just coming in and out,giving us
short glances and saying nothing.
"Hey wena madala are you guys going to march up and
down with shiny faces giving us no damn update all
night?" Don asked an old doctor irritated.
"We are still trying to control the bleeding" the doctor
said and marched inside.
Nozipho was already drowsy.Ziphe was still
sobbing,everyone was side glancing her.I felt so bad for
To think that my little sister really fell in love with my
It pained me to know that I might never approve of their
relationship, just like Mandla wouldn't have approved of
mine and Nozi if he had that chance.
But our relationship brought the best and the worst to
many lives,our love was a blessing.
I don't judge Thapelo, I just know his past better.We've
been in foursomes, screwed up some girls,stole
professor's girlfriends and fool around with married
When his skeletons start to come out Ziphe won't be
able to survive.
She's already broken because of Khay,how much more
when his bipolar ex girlfriend decides to pitch up again.
I just wanted to protect my little sister!
Ziphe's tears showed me how much I suck at being the
best brother in the world.
Mandla and Phumla got in,I don't know how they found
Nozi must've called them because Don and I are too
absentminded to have done it.
"How is he?" Mandla asked.
That got to be the most stupid question I've ever heard!
He see us in the waiting chairs outside,how are we
supposed to know?
Luckily his sister had enough energy so she explained to
him that we are still waiting for the doctors to come out.
Finally we were called in,Nozi took Ziphe's hand.
He was bad. His head was bandaged,his face swollen.I
doubt he could hear us,he was lying on bed lifeless with
machines connected to him everywhere.
I closed my eyes, the girls started crying.It's all my doing!
The doctor explained his condition, I couldn't hear a
word he said.
I saw the way Mandla was nodding that maybe there is
We were told he is going to undergo a certain
surgery,they took him.
"We will come back in the morning,they won't be done
until three anyway" Nozi suggested.
I sighed and followed them out.
Nozi took the steering wheel.
Nobody spoke,we were all glued to our own thoughts.
We were welcomed by a mattress and a white lit candle
in the living room.
"Oh child! I also went through the same but I was twenty
one at least" Lydia said taking Ziphe's hand leading her to
the mattress.Ziphe cried louder.
I composed myself and took Ziphe's hand back and led
her upstairs to her room.
Nozipho just folded the mattress and blew the candle off.
"Really?" Don had the energy to ask her.
I didn't hear her defensive reply.
Chapter 56
I watched her sleeping. Her eyes were tightly closed,but
you could see the pain she is feeling through the closed
eyelids.I kissed her forehead and wrapped my arms
around her.
"I'm sorry lil sis" I talked with the sleeping body.
She woke up and looked around.
"Shhh I'm here" I told her, she breath out in relief. I
brushed her shoulders.
"He will pull through.He's been through much more
worse,he is a fighter Ziphe" I sounded more like I was
convincing myself than her.
"He didn't even hear me calling his name" she said.
I swallowed and squeezed her.
Thapelo's surgery had complications yesterday,they had
to reoperate his head today.The blood clots that
accidentally remained caused swelling to certain blood
vessels.It's complicated everything, we all now have our
faith in God.
We woke up and bathed, Phumla and Nozi made
everyone breakfast.
We were all too devastated to go to work.Lydia
suggested we all go to Thapelo's house.I hate the fact
that she acts like Thapelo is dead,the woman have no
faith at all she is making Ziphe cry every minute she tries
to comfort her.
"You know Sfiso,my sister's son went through the same
thing.He was injured to mincemeat just like Thapelo.He
survived but lost his memory, his head lost a few screws
he started to go mad,grabbing flies on the air and he
couldn't walk proper anymore. Be strong baby!" she said
brushing Ziphe's back in the backseat as we drove to
Thapelo's house.
I saw Nozipho glancing me with 'I give up' look.
Don shouted at her, "If you have nothing nice to say just
shut up!"
"I'm comforting her,can't you see the child is hurting and
all of you are just looking at her with cat eyes" she
shouted back.
Sometimes I wish I could just see aunt Lydia's mom.She is
a rare type of human being, her mind functions in a
different, odd way.
I pulled up as Mandla drove in with Phumla.We opened
using our spare keys.
The house looked like a mess,there were about thirty
empty bottles of energy drinks and coffee cups.We all
looked around the house in shock.Thapelo has always
been a neat freak.
I walk up to his bedroom leaving Lydia shouting to
Phumla and Nozipho to clean up and open the windows.
His bed was neatly made,like it's been days since
someone slept on it.His IPhone pieces were scattered
near the wall.
He's been broken!
I went to his study.Five pictures of Ziphe were hanging
on the wall and one on the table.
It was different pictures, in different places.They look
happy and in love in all of them.I sighed and looked at
the one on top of the table.
It's Ziphe peacefull asleep on Thapelo's bed,I recognize it
by the bed's headboard and lime wall.Well!!
"I'm sorry" she said with a cracky voice in the entrance.
I turned around "It's okay you are old enough to make
your decisions"
She smiled weakly and nodded.I took her hand and went
back to his bedroom. She sat on bed,I curled on the floor.
I tried to fight the urge to ask this but failed.
"Ziphe..did you use a condom?" I asked.
She jumped up with surprise, "Bhuti!"
I looked her in the eyes showing her I'm not backing off
without an answer.
"I don't do those things" she said.
Well I'm confused! I just saw a picture of her sleeping in
this bedroom.
"He is..was waiting for me to be ready" she said running
her eyes away in embarrassment.
Okay,I doubt we are talking about the same Thapelo. The
Thapelo I know jumped at pussy every time he got a
For him to wait for a girl to be ready means he has
changed,or he has been changed.
"He loves me bhuti" she convinced me.I nodded.
After a while we went down to others.After we they
were done cleaning the house and Lydia done drinking a
big cup of Thapelo's whisky we drove back to my house.
There was a lot of noise.
"Keep your voices down and you Miss Blue Hairs switch
off that music on your phone" Lydia instructed without
greeting as we got in. Miss Blue Hairs was Zethu.
Zethu rolled her eyes and switched it off.
The girls has arrived!The moment they saw Ziphe I saw
concern and sadness in the eyes.Simtho hugged her and
told her it's going to be okay.
"I'll tell dad to transfer him a special surgeon" Zethu said.
I doubt that's a good idea.
"He'll be fine there is no need for that" I told her.
"Sena will bring the movies,we can chill out like old
times" Fiki said wrapping her arm around Ziphe.
For the first time ever I saw them showing love,pure
Don who was out talking with the phone got in and
looked the girls one by one.
"So many beautiful girls..Miss trouble is here too! Come
give me a blowjob" he said looking at Simtho.
Simtho giggled "I'm so disappointed you still live in my
brother's house. What with the ugly T-shirt?"
They hugged. He told her the T-shirt is showing off his
muscular arms nicely.
Don became the girls favourite,they complimented and
sized up his biceps.
"I said tea!" Lydia shouted from the living room watching
TV.We all looked at each other.
"Bring me tea!" she repeated.
I pointed Zethu with my head she frowned and went to
make it cursing.
"Who is the madam?" Fiki asked whispering.
"Your aunt's long best friend. She is more like a family
member now"
She grunted and went upstairs.
"Do you have men or you just wasting Avon's make-up?"
Lydia asked the girls.
I saw a ghost of a smile on Ziphe.
"We do" Simtho said.
"How many each? You know y'all remind me of myself
during my heydays"
Zethu smiled "I have..."
I cut her off "Not in front of me"
Fiki chuckled "You don't want your boyfriend to cough
blood" she said to Zethu.
That hurt a little.
Ziphe cleared her throat, "Call me down when Sena
arrives I want to take a nap" she said and left.
Later Lydia instructed Nozipho how to make dinner.I
chuckled as Nozipho rolled her eyes behind her.
I went upstairs and passed Fiki on the phone in the
"Yes boyfriend was drunk he drove his car
straight to the railway while the train was coming.... it's
so bad...eish...I miss you already..mncwa mncwa...bye"
she said.
I chose to ignore my mind that whispered me to slap her.
Chapter 57
*Lwazi Narrated*
"You are just a useless food-eater,go wash the
dishes.Nonhle come with me to the mall" she said to me
Nothing surprises or hurt me anymore. I'm used to be
called by any type of names.
Useless flooze,dog,food-eater,hobo,pig and many
more.My dad never intervenes.He just watch and tells
me to do as I'm told or I'll be out where I belong,in the
I completed my electrical engineering degree with their
money,so I owe them.Although I worked the garden,
washed my sisters clothes and looked after their kids I
still owe them.
I've been trying to get a job ever since I graduated two
years ago,I have no luck.
My prayers are never answered,God must've forgotten
about me.
Just like my mother did when she got married to a white
man.He treated me like a dirty,black poor boy not like his
stepson,my mother told me to go away from their
mansion.I was scaring Andrew's family with my
language.I couldn't speak English back then.I looked for
my father!
Today I ate two slices of bread they left me and drank
sugar-water and took my CV and went for my usual hunt.
There is a new electric company that opened a few
weeks ago,they are done hiring by Google information
but I'll just try my luck.
I waved the security guard to come and open the gate for
me. He grinned and came.
"What are you here for?" he asked.
"I want to drop my CV" I told him.
He looked at me like I was crazy, "CV for what?"
Long day!
"For engineers posts"
He chuckled "The CVs were taken weeks ago.There is no
more post left.Don't you have Google?"
I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat, "I
didn't have data's,I only saw it yesterday"
He looked at me for some time before opening the gate. I
walked in this beautiful building. I would've thought I'm
in a certain TV studio if the name of the company wasn't
written boldly on top of it.
The security guard followed me all the way inside. Maybe
it what security guards of this company do.
I walked on the shiny tiles fearing I must've stepped on a
certain dirty and might spoilt them and get fired before I
even get hired.
"Good morning miss" I greeted the elegant looking
She smiled,"Morning how can I help you?"
I want a job. I want to drop my CV.I'm looking for a job.
"He is here to see the boss" the security guard said with a
commanding voice.
The receptionist nodded with hesitation and directed me
to the boss's office,
"Floor number six,turn to the left passage and get in
number 4"
I registered with my head.Floor 6,left passage and room
I looked around to see the security guard but he was no
where in sight.
I got in the lift and punched number six.I got off and took
the left passage as instructed.Room???
I forgot the room number,I tapped my foot down trying
to get my memory back.
I decided to knock in room 4.
"Come in" a lady's tiny voice said.
I might have knocked in the wrong room.The boss must
be a male.
The door opened as I'm about to turn away and knock on
room 3.
"You knocked?" she asked.
She was young,about my age or younger.Beyond
beautiful.I found myself staring.
She smiled weakly,I snapped back.
"I'm looking for the boss's office,I got lost and knocked
here" I told her.
She motioned me to come in,stepping aside making a
space in the doorway.
I got in reluctantly.
I saw nothing to sit on.There was a million-rands looking
couch,I doubt I can sit on it and leave no dirty.
She walked around the table and sat on her high chair.
I stared at her,she stared back.
The CV,I remembered!
"I..I'm here to drop the CV" I said.
She frowned.
I breath out nervously, "I would've came earlier I had no
data's I only saw the job posts yesterday.
She looked at me weirdly.She didn't expect an old sexual
active guy to be dataless,it sounds weird.
I scratched my head, " I can leave it for future posts,it
doesn't matter" I said.
She continued looking at me with an expression I can't
"Why you not sitting down?" she asked.
I looked at the couch and smiled, "I'm alright standing"
"Please sit"
I hesitated and sat,making sure not to let my whole
weight on it.
"What job are you looking for?" she asked.
"I studied electrical engineering but I can take anything I
get.Be a cleaner,a driver or anything." I answered
"Why you chose Gala Electrical?" she asked.
I just wanted to drop my CV I didn't prepare for an
"Because you're the only company I haven't applied at" I
answered stupid but truthful.
"That's the only reason?" she interviewed.
"I need money" I told her.
"How much do you want to earn?"
I looked at her weirdly "I'll take whatever you decide"
"R18650?" she said.
I jumped up surprised. That too much money!
"Settled!" she stood up and drew papers.
"Look through it thoroughly, when you're done.Sign it.If
you have complains come back we will discuss it"
I took the papers.It was a job contract!
I looked at it,this got to be a trick! She is playing me!
I looked at her tears running down my cheeks, she
She walked around her table to where I was and
wrapped her arms around me.
I don't know why I cried in her expensive coat and spoilt
it with my tears.
"I'm sorry,please give it to me I'll wash it" I said getting
off her chest.
"It's okay" she walked to her chair.
"What's your name?" she asked.
She hired me without knowing my name,that's weird.We
both laughed. She is more beautiful when laughing.
"Lwazi Madlala" I said getting up to shake her hand.
She shook it, "Senamile Biyela"
I nodded and smiled.She smiled back.
My damn eyes deserve to be peppersprayed for looking
at her McDonald takeaway.
"When last did you eat?" she asked.
Embarrassment buried me,I scratched my head and
looked down.
"There is a restaurant at the opposite road I've always
wanted to eat there.But I hate eating alone, do you mind
joining me?" she asked. What a filter she is!
She grabbed her bag I followed her.I must say her scent
kind of disturbed my mind,her voice sent goosebumps
down my whole body.
In the lift I realized she was a bit uncomfortable with me
looking at her.
We got in this lavish restaurant. We took menus.I
remembered I had only R40 rand in my wallet,
"Just small fried chips with mustard and tomatoe-sauce"
I ordered.
"Bring us two plates of grilled chickens,salads,rolls and
boiled veggies. You can add him those chips" Sena said to
the waitress.
I had to tell her,otherwise I would walk back to Nanda,
"I won't be able to pay for that" I told her.
She looked at me and said it's her who invited me so she
will pay.
The food arrived, my stomach growled.I stuffed it in my
mouth rapidly. It's been weeks since I last ate meat,let
alone enough food.
I looked up and she was watching me.I stopped
"You're such a cute-chewer" she said.
I know she is comforting me,there is nothing called cute-
She only ate quarter of her food.She paid the bill.
"Thank you for everything. I'll be at work before the
security guard even open the gate" I couldn't hide my
"Do you need a ride?" she asked.
I didn't want to be her charity case so I said no.But she is
a go-getter she told me to get in the car.
I directed her to my home. She pulled up outside the
gate.My stepmother was standing in front of the door
with her hands on the hips.
"Thank you" I said trying to compose my wobbling voice.
"I'll see you at work.You're....bye Lwazi"
I exhaled and hugged her,inhaling her scent one last
time. Our hug was extra tight,extra long and our
heartbeats were extra fast.
Chapter 58
"You look...I don't know. What's going on?" I asked
Sena.She was quiet,and that's not normal.
"Nothing" she replied still staring into space.
I decided to let her be and go check on Ziphe. I passed
Don,Fiki and Simtho playing pillow fight.
How appropriate!
She was just sitting on bed staring at her phone. I guess
it's pictures of Thapelo and her she is looking at.
"Umhhh can I come in?" I asked standing in the
doorway.She turned around and smiled.
"How are you feeling?" I asked one of the stupid
questions. Ofcourse she is sad and broken.
"Hurt.He thought I hated him,if he never wakes up I'll
never get a chance to tell him I love him again. He'll die a
sad man"
she said with so much pain in her voice.
I wanted to comfort her but I had no words,so I just took
her for a tight hug.
She looked me, "Can I sleep over in his house?"
Of course I don't like her to go sleep in his house,but if
that's what she thinks will make her feel better I have to
let her.
"Nozipho and I will come with you.I can't let you sleep
alone in that lonely gigantic house" I told her,she nodded
in agreement.
Bad thing I'll leave my sisters and Don to the full
ownership of my house.That means there's gonna be a
party here!
I left her to freshen up and pack her overnight bag.
I told Nozi we are sleeping at Thapelo's with Ziphe she
agreed.I had to update the others.
"Girls Nozi,Ziphe and I will sleep at Thapelo's house" I
told them.
Zethu flew her hands on air,Don swung Simtho around,
Fiki hugged me.Early Christmas!
"I want my house in one piece tomorrow. And Don don't
forget to meet us in the hospital at 09o'clock." I doubt
they registered anything I said.
I wish Lydia didn't go,if she was here I would've got
peace of mind sleeping away.
I went downstairs,Sena was watching Dancing with The
"Sis" I said calling for attention.
"Hey boo,how is Ziphe?" she asked instead of going to
check on her herself.
"Not good, we are going to sleep at Thapelo's house
please look after my stuff"
Sena is wild,crazy and all things but deep down in her
there is a great woman waiting to be found.
"Can I ask you something?" she asked.
I've said this before, people who ask to ask questions
intimidate me.I prefer people who just shoot because I
don't battle my mind wondering if the question will be
bad or good.
I nodded and sat beside her.She lowered the TV volume.
"Can an old person be abused?" she asked.
I didn't expect that question. It's so random!
I wondered if she is being abused? Who is abusing my
"Who abused you?" I asked
My voice automatically raised itself,I may have stood up
with my fist clenched.
She bursted out laughing and told me to sit down.
I sat looking at her with a serious face.
"Chill out.It's not me I'm talking about" she said still
I composed myself.What was the question?
"Yes everyone can be abused" I told her.
She nodded. I needed the whole story so I persuaded.
"Why are you asking this?" I asked.
"It's someone I met.He...she looked shattered like
he..she is battling with something traumatic." she said.
I worked out the 'someone' is a he not a she like she
keep correcting herself.
"And why would you care?" I had to ask,this has been
bothering her since she arrived.
"Man! I have a heart,I just care for people" she said in
"I've never saw you heartbroken even if we pass street
kids searching in the bins" I said looking at her trying to
suppress my smile.
"Mxm go to hell!" she said raising the TV volume.
I laughed and stood in front of the TV and opened my
arms wide.
REAL" I sang with my eyes closed looking up.
I felt a cushion slamming against my face.
She was giggling,telling me it's not funny. I ran away still
We got ready to leave,Don got out with us saying he is
also driving to the shops.I knew he was going to buy
booze but I had no strength to argue.
We got to Thapelo's house.
When we were parking Thapelo's BMW came in the gate
driven by a guy I don't know.
The door was unlocked, I looked at Nozi in confusion.
"Oh babe you're back!" she asked her legs on the coffe
table,TV playing porn loud.
I felt my blood boiling. The guy got in singing Big Nuz's
song I know but couldn't recognize.
Ziphe flew to her and punched hell out of her face.
Nozipho who for a second I thought was going to
separate them,put Sphiwo down and threw a vase on her
I was still watching in confusion when I saw the guy
snatching Ziphe away by her thigh.
I found myself pinning the guy against the wall punching
his face.
"How dare you?" Nozi asked Khay.
Ziphe was crying haywire.
"He is my man.His house is my house,how..." she didn't
finish Ziphe slapped her across her face.
She slapped her back,the Biyela genes took over Ziphe
she went wild grabbing her by hair,bending her and
kicking her face by the knee.
I let go of the guy and went to separate them.
"After everything he did for you this is how you thank
him? Bringing your ass boyfriend to his house,using his
I regretted myself but I already had sent a hard slap
against her cheek.
I hate beating women! That was unintentional.
"We had nowhere to go, I know if Thaps was alive he
would've let us crash in" she said with so much energy.
The girl real needed psychological examination.
"It's her brother's house" the guy said behind us.
We turned to look at him with 'are you fucking serious'
"What?" Nozi asked.
"It's her brother's house, what's your problem?" he said
Khay looked down her feet.I lifted her face up by her
"What's the fuck Khay?" I asked glaring at her.
"She is more sick than I thought!" Ziphe said with an
unbelieving chuckle.
"Bru this is Thapelo's house,her ex who is in hospital
fighting for his life.Do yourself a favour and leave before
the whole Biyela tribe get here" Nozi told the guy.
The guy looked confused but Nozi snatched Thapelo's car
keys away and shoved him out.
"Out bitch!" Ziphe shoved Khay behind her boyfriend and
kicked her butt,she stumbled foward the guy held her.
I closed the door after them.
"How are you feeling?" I asked Ziphe. Nozi was busy
shushing Sphiwo who just woke up.
"Never been better,goodnight FAM see you in the
morning" she said smiling and took her bag upstairs.
Chapter 59
Thapelo is awake,not awake like wide awake. But he is
back.Ziphe cried when the doctor told us this morning.
Nozipho knelt down and prayed thanking the Lord.Don
went out to celebrate.
"I'll call Mandla to let him know" I told them and left to
update Mandla.I heard Phumla screaming at the
background, Mandla was so happy. Life is too short,never
undermine life!
After an hour we were still sitting by his bed hoping he
will wake up.The doctor said his body is tired he may
sleep the whole day.
"I need to go home before Lydia charges me for looking
after Sphiwo" Nozipho said.She took her bag,squeezed
Thapelo's hand and left.
By the look of things Ziphe was going to stay by his bed
until he opened his eyes.
My stomach growled reminding me I've only had a bowl
of cereal since morning.
"Should I bring you something to eat?" I asked Ziphe.
She shook her head,I'll bring it anyway.
I went down to the small kiosk and bought two cups of
coffee and two pies.
I went back and gave some to her,I gave her a daring look
she grunted and took it.
She drank coffee and didn't touch the pie.I wanted to say
something but my phone interrupted me by ringing.
It was Nozipho's ringtone so I answered.She said I must
get home ASAP Zethu has locked herself crying in her
"Nozi says there is a situation with Zethu at home.You'll
be good here alone?" I asked Ziphe.
She deeply breathed, "Yeah go"
I hugged her "He will wake up don't worry the worse is
She nodded and kissed my cheek.
*Thapelo Narrated*
I could hear their voices from far.I heard Sbu's voice,he
was talking with a certain girly voice.Maybe it's Nozi.
"Take care,I'll come back just now" Sbu said.I couldn't
hear the girl's reply.
I tried opening my eyes but my eyelids were too heavy.I
felt a stinging pain in my arm as I tried to remove it so I
Slowly my eyes opened.I looked around and saw her.
Her head was buried in her hands on her lap.I wanted to
call her but my voice didn't come out.
I looked at her.I heard her sobbing softly,I tried calling
her again but my voice got trapped in my throat.
After a while she raised her head up and looked at my
She jumped up in surprise seeing my eyes looking at her.I
smiled ignoring my throbbing head.
"Oh my God! Thapelo!!!" she screamed and buried her
head in my chest and cried out more.
I couldn't brush her back my arms hurted so I let her cry
until she finished and kissed my mouth with salt of tears
in her lips.
I wanted to ask if she has forgiven me and how come Sbu
allowed her to be here but my lips were in her mouth I
couldn't speak.
"God is great!" she said getting off me with a crying
I swallowed saliva trying to polish my throat,
"How did you come here?" I asked when my voice finally
cracked up and came.
"We've been coming here the whole week" she said.
Who is 'we' ?
"We?" I asked.
"Don,Sbu,Nozipho, Mandla, Phumla,even aunt Lydia
once came and told the doctors to switch off the
machines because they are finishing electricity you won't
make it" she said giggling.
I will confront Lydia about it one day.I motioned her to
come over,she came I kissed her forehead,
"I'm sorry Ziphe" I said.
"It's okay now" she brushed my cheeks.
"I will never make you cry okay?"
She nodded and kissed me.I noticed her cheek was red.
"What happened to your cheek?" I asked looking at her
with panic.
She smiled and touched it, "Let's say I had to kick your ex
out your house with her boyfriend"
What??? I would've jumped up if I had the strength. I
"Her boyfriend did this to you?" I asked.
She chuckled "No my brother took care of him,don't
stress about it.How are you feeling?"
I told her my head is pounding and my body aches, she
went out to call the doctor.
The doctor came and gave me a certain injection, after
minutes my body cooled down.
We chatted, she was telling me what's been happening in
my absence.
"I told you he is Jesus,he dies and wake up" I heard Don's
voice coming near the door.
"Whoooah" Phumla screamed as soon as my eyes met all
of them in the doorway. Mandla threw his fist on
air,Nozipho cried tears of joy and Don danced Ispantsula
singing "UJesu wafa wavuka".
Sbu was just standing next to the door looking at me
I smiled the fam is here!
"Don't ever do that!" Nozi said kissing my cheek.
"Yes mam" I said smiling.Phumla also kissed my cheek
and said she missed me.
"This girl has been crying her eyeballs out everyday,you
need to give her at least 40rounds," Don said pointing
Sbu pushed the back of his head,he stumbled foward and
cursed him.
"Not now guys! How are you feeling bru?" the good one,
Mandla asked.
I looked up at Ziphe and smiled, "Never been better"
Phumla and Nozi giggled.
Don asked if she has given me a blowjob yet.
"What's the fuck is wrong with you?" Sbu said.
I guess my relationship with Ziphe is still not welcomed
to him.
"We are so happy to have you back Thapelo.Nozipho
please pray and thank the Lord for his comeback"
Phumla said closing her eyes and folding her hands in
praying gesture.
Don,Sbu,Mandla and I exchanged frowns.
Nozipho prayed,we all said 'Amen'.Don's Amen was
louder than the rest of them all.
"I'm sorry doug" Sbu said.
Everyone looked at him,he was looking at me.I looked at
him with my eyebrows raised.
"I know you wouldn't be here if I didn't keep you and
Ziphe apart.I'm sorry brother yami" he said,Nozi brushed
his shoulder.
"So you blame yourself?" I asked confused.
He chuckled "Yeah it's all my doing"
I hide my smile, "Does it mean you accept that Ziphe and
I are together?"
He shrugged, "Kind of"
I laughed, "Yessss.Babe come here"
Ziphe leaned over me I sucked her lips hard for a long
Sbu grabbed her away,
"I didn't say disrespect me" he said laughing.
"That was so erotic guys....Ahh...fuck...Ahhh....Yes...shit"
Don said holding the front of his trouser imitating to
"Not in front of our women!" Mandla said.
He continued,Mandla and Sbu tried to grab him but he
jumped up and ran,they ran after him.
Nozi shook her head, "Did we have to fall in love with
creche kids?"
Phumla sighed "Story of our lives"
Ziphe smiled and looked at me,
"I love you" she whispered.
I whispered back, "I love you more"
These three words can change our lives forever,by Celine
Chapter 60
*Lwazi Narrated*
"What do you think?" Olwethu asked waving my now
shiny shoes on air.
I smiled, "Thank you sis"
Olwethu was the only one who saw a human being if
looking at me.She was too young to control everything
that was going on in the house but I've always had her
Yesterday she sneaked with my shoes to her room and
polished them,since I'm not allowed to use polish.
She also sneaked the Lux soap,Axe spray,and Dawn for
me to have a good bath and smell nice.
I thanked her and went to shower,to avoid myself a
headache I opened cold water.
"You always finish water.Why you always bathing for
hours like you pay the water bill?" Nonhle said with her
hands on the hips as soon as I came out.
"Tell him" my father said.
I ignored them and went to my room.I lotioned myself
and waited until the smell of Dawn and perfume cooled
off then I went to iron my clothes.
"You don't buy electricity be fast" Jabu,my stepmother
said as she passed me ironing.
I ironed fast and left,Nonhle and Wendy whispered as I
passed them in the kitchen.
I got ready.I looked presentable and normal,you couldn't
point me out in town and say I last slept in the house
with electric light last year.
"I'm gone,wish me luck!" I whispered in Olwethu's room.
She sneaked a R100 note in my pocket,I looked at her
"She gave it to me last night I lied saying I need to pay for
a bus ticket" she told me.
I hugged her, "Thank you,I'll never forget you"
She smiled "Good luck on your first day at work"
I passed by the kitchen and told them I'm off.
"Do you want us to carry you?" Jabu asked, my father
"I thought maybe I could have lunchbox with yesterday's
leftovers" I said.
They all laughed,Nonhle asked if her cats must go hungry
just because I need lunch box.
I left them complimenting my heartlessness for asking
Nonhle's cats food.
I took a taxi to work.At the gate the same security guard
opened for me,he gave me the gate accessing card and
wished me good luck.
I went in,Senamile was speaking with the receptionist. I
greeted they greeted back.
The receptionist gave me some forms to fill and sign,I did
and followed Senamile up to her office.
"How are you?" she asked as soon as we got in her office.
I smiled "I'm great thanks"
I gave her the signed contract back she smiled and
explained the work routine.
"You'll meet the rest of the team in Ballito" she said.
We went downstairs, everyone was looking at me with
smiley faces,I guess they knew I was a part of the
company now.
"Am I not supposed to ride in the company car with the
other staff?" I asked as we headed to her car.
"Most of our engineers have their own transport, you'll
ride with me today.Tomorrow I'll give you one of the
company cars to use"
I nodded and got in,she drove to Ballito making
meaningless conversation.
"We're here" she said parking in front of a high building.
We walked inside, the team was of twenty or twenty
something members. Most of them were wearing green
"Good morning guys" she greeted them.They chorused
greeting back.
"We have a new additional member, Lwazi Madlala.I
want you Scott to work closely with him,you guys will
practically take over the whole three top floors." she
They all looked at me,the white guy nodded.
"Good luck!" she said smiling at me.
Scott gave me the necessary equipment, we went to our
floors and started working.
"You're so lucky.Do you know how many late applicants
were turned away?" Scott asked as we went downstairs
to join others for tea-time.
"I'm so happy dude" I said.
Scott was a friendly white guy unlike Andrew who
thought black people leave dirty marks everywhere they
"The boss-lady may have hots for you" he said laughing.
I waved him away.
"The way she smiles at you I suspect strong heartbeats
and wet panties" he said dancing his finger around.
I laughed and told him he is reading things too far.
We joined others,they all ate,I told them I ate before I
left home.
They suspected nothing and shared jokes.
Tea-time was up we went back to work.My stomach was
growling but I ignored it and kept on wiring.
I had to save Olwethu's R100 for transport, it may last me
a week if I spend it wisely.
Scott kept on rambling about his girlfriend, I had no
energy I just listened and answered where necessary.
Lunchtime arrived,I needed a different story for not
I couldn't think of anything so I went to sit in the
bathrooms waiting for the lunch to be over.
"Lwazi open up" Senamile's voice said outside the door.
I kept shut pretending to be not there.
"I know you're in here please open" she begged.
I slowly rose up and opened.
Her eyes looked wet,I asked what was wrong.
"It's you" she said.
Me? What did I do?
"Come with me please" she said taking my hand.
I followed, she led me to a shelter behind the building.
It was set,there were fruits,juice,salads,plates of meat
and a bowl of rice.
"Eat with me" she said.
"I'm full I just ate" I lied.
I couldn't bring myself to exploit her mercy,she's already
given me a job,I couldn't ask for more.
"Lwazi you don't know me,I'm a crazy bitch.You don't
wanna mess with me,now sit your cute-ass down and
help me finish this food" she said looking serious.
I bursted out laughing, she laughed too telling me she
will kick my ass.
"You're something else you know!" I told her sitting
She laughed "I know"
I noticed that she closed her eyes every time she laughed
and dimples showed under her eyes instead of her
"You're staring" she said.
I snapped back, "Your dimples were misplaced"
She laughed "Did you have to notice?"
"I notice everything about you,the way you laugh,your
step,your voice,your scent...Umhhh sorry" I stopped
myself way too late,she was already blushing.
I'm officially the Durban's top jerk,douchebag and fool!!
Chapter 61
Thapelo stayed in hospital for another week, the doctors
were still making sure he recovers completely. Ziphe
spent most of her days in hospital by his bed.He is only
coming home today.
My father found out why the girls are here,Zethu told
him and he wants to meet Thapelo. I don't see that going
Today Fiki,Simtho and Zethu are going back to Mandeni, I
don't know how I feel about that.I will miss them but I
won't miss them,crazy right?
"Why are you up so early?" Nozipho asked as I slip back
in bed after brushing my teeth in the bathroom.
She is currently a heavy sleeper,she wakes up at eleven
some days.Right now it's five past seven and she asks
why I'm up so early!
"I want my cookie" I told her pushing my hand between
her thighs.
I haven't devoured my cake like I deserve ever since
Thapelo's accident. We only made quickies here and
"Does it have to be now?" she asked trying to close her
thighs.I shut her up by a wet kiss.
She hasn't brushed her teeth so she tried to pull back but
I held the back of her head and went deeper taking her
tongue in my mouth.
I don't know where I touched and not touch my hands
were going up and down every part of her body.Damn
I've missed my woman!
"I want it from behind" I told her breathing heavily as she
tried to grab my cock inserting it to her laying upwards.
She grunted and turned around.I lifted her ass up and
pushed her upper body down on bed and inserted
"God Sbu!" she cried,I pulled out and re-entered.I went
in slowly until she fully swallowed me then I went crazy
in and out.
"Yessss...God Sbu!!" she screamed trying to push back
my thighs,I removed her hands away and grabbed her
buttocks apart and went in circles causing her to scream
in Portuguese and Spanish.
She came hard,her body shook and melted. I wasn't done
I went in regardless of her helpless body.
She moaned and regained her strength and met me
halfway with her ass.
I was still enjoying listening to the wet sound that came
as she thrusted backwards meeting my thrusts when her
warm juices ran down my thighs again,she screamed
louder causing Sphiwo to wake up and cry.
"Fuck Nozi meet me baby" I begged wanting to come too
before Sphiwo goes hysterical.
She tried dragging herself but couldn't so I just made the
fastest thrust my body could afford.
"Jesus Nozi...fuck baby" I groaned resting my body on
hers as my strong orgasm finally broke out.
I regained my strength and got off her.WTF? She was
I went to take a clean towel,cleaned myself and wiped
her.Sphiwo wasn't making it smooth by his wails so I just
turned her to her side and put the covers over her and
rushed to Sphiwo's cot.
"Does he have to cry like this under your presence?" Fiki
shouted pushing the door open.
I had no clothes on,my penis was still licking semens a
I grabbed Sphiwo's blanket and wrapped it around my
body,she chuckled and asked for Sphiwo and left.
I went to shower,wore my casual clothes and went
downstairs to my noisy sisters.
"Morning morning!" I greeted taking Simtho's coffee
drinking it despite of her hostile glare.
"Hey brother how are you?" Fiki asked smiling.
I smiled," Great..Nah great isn't a word!"
She chuckled "Must be the warm shower you took"
I laughed "Yes,I feel like taking another shower you
know! But then the tap is off"
Fiki laughed,Don was deep in thoughts trying to make
out what we meant.
"Fuck I want to take a shower too but Mandeni is so far"
she said scratching her neck.
"You can use my brother's shower, isn't?" the clueless
Zethu suggested.
Fiki and I bursted out with laughter,Don being the
mastermind caught in.
"He is my brother I can't use his shower" Fiki said
"Nozipho will kill anyone who uses Sbu's shower" Don
Simtho frowned, Zethu went away angrily that she can't
catch the joke.
"The power of a shower!!" I said grinning trying to
contain my smile because of Simtho's curious look.
Later the girls packed and left,Sena was staying behind
because of work or her newly found boyfiee.
They said they will start in hospital to see Thapelo and
say goodbye to Ziphe. I have a bad feeling about it!
I'm left with the lunatic since Nozi is still asleep and
Sphiwo decided to sleep again joining his mother on bed.
"I'm thinking we must throw Thapelo a welcome-home
party" he suggested drinking painkillers with a Hunter's
He is the master of welcome-home parties, he even
throws them for himself!
"I doubt he will want it,his plans must be to stay in bed
with Ziphe all day" I told him.
He smiled, "Oh no! I feel bad for your little sister do you
remember how badly he fucked that Xhosa girl the day
we had a threesome with UMlazi chicks.The girl couldn't
walk properly" he said laughing.
This is what I hate about him.Big unfiltered mouth!
"Nozipho could walk down here!" I whispered angrily.
He waved me away, "It's the past chill.Seriously dude you
have to ask him to go gentle with your sister,she could
wake up in hospital Thapelo is a beast"
Who compliments his friend's sexual drive?
Truth be told I do want Thapelo to slow down on Ziphe
when they start having sex.Thapelo is one uncontrollable
sex beast but I'm not complimenting him!
I sighed and told him its none of my business how they
Don took out his phone and called someone.
"Sho....ugrand?...Ja...Sbu is asking you to go gentle on
Ziphe.... gentle like don't fuck her too hard she is still
young and little... No doggie-style..No legs around your
neck..No anal..."
Jesus Christ!!
I jumped up and snatched the phone away and dropped
Thapelo who was busy asking 'What the fuck?"
"Mxm I was looking out for our little sister" he said
walking away irritated.
I will ask my father if he doesn't have another son he
don't know about.
Don could easily be my sisters' brother!!
Chapter 62
*Thapelo Narrated*
What the fuck? Sbu is another weird version of a
brother.Did he really instruct how I must do sex with
Ziphe? Wow!
"What is it?" Ziphe asked massaging my feet.
"It's just the crazy Don" I said brushing my frown off by
smiling at her.
"Do you think my brother will allow me to come sleep
over today?" she asked.
I doubt he will,even if he does he will instruct me to sleep
with my jeans on.
"I'll ask him,I need you"
She smiled.I think maybe I should be paying for her
smile,it's too cute to just watch for free.
She is so beautiful, I want to wife her.
"Ziphe I have a few questions" I told her,she looked at
me her lips trembling, Gosh this kid!
I guess her nod meant I could go on,so I asked
"How do you love me?"
She looked at me confused.
I elaborated, "Do you love me like when you look at me
you see this cute guy that is nice to hang out with and
melt your heart with words,or you love me like when you
look at me you see your future husband and the father of
your children?"
She breathed deeply and said, "It's too early to work out
anything Thapelo, but when I look at you I see someone I
don't want to lose,I see someone I want to express my
undying love to.If that's what people feel when they're
looking for future husbands then I see my future
husband in you"
I nodded my heart warmed up, "Would you fight for me
if you had to?" I asked.
She nodded and said yes she would.
"I'm grown Ziphe, I'm old.I have a past deeper than
yours.I've gone through so many things,screwed up so
many times.I have a million ex's,I went through every
kind of deep shit you can think of.When the time comes
where my past throws up in our face,because it will,I
need you by my side.I know you're too young and
haven't experienced so much in life but Ziphe you have
my heart locked right in the palm of your hand,the key
for it is in your heart.I will never love nobody but you"
She nodded blinking back tears, "Okay"
I took her hand, "There is one last question, but I won't
ask it today but eventually I'll ask it"
She smiled nervously and came to lie on my chest.I
brushed her back kissing her forehead every now and
Both of us were lost in our thoughts,only our conjoined
heartbeats were audible.
The door swung open,they were here looking at us with
smiley faces.
I cleared my throat, Ziphe looked up at me and followed
my eyes and got off me.
"A hello would be nice" she told them.
"Mhhhh" the other one said.
Can the doctors throw them out already?
"So how are you Thapelo?" the older one asked.
I don't know how to answer that,the last time I saw them
they were painting my property cursing my name.
I just smiled weakly and nodded.
"So you real love our little sister?" Simtho asked, sitting
on top of my bed without permission.
Do I have to profess my love to them though? To avoid
further headache I answered, "More than anything"
The older one smiled and said, "Well that means you owe
us lunchdate"
How does that work?
"Not lunch I want a pair of those new Denim jeans" the
younger one said.
Ziphe frowned at them,they ignored her.Simtho said I
owe her a spa treatment day.
"Am I paying lobola already?" I asked.
"You'll have to bonus thrice for that." the older one said
Now I'm scared.
"Eish" I scratched my head.
They turned their attention to Ziphe asking her about her
university preparations. I noticed that nobody
acknowledged anyone's feeling when they spoke with
each other.A spade was a spade,a stupid was a stupid.
"Dad want to meet you" Simtho told me.I frowned.
"You'll have to pretend to like wild life and tea" the
younger one advised.
Wild life? I hate wild life and tea!
"And don't ever make Princess Cinderella cry" Simtho
said,Ziphe nudged her with an elbow.
"I won't" I said.
"Because if you do we will paint your forehead and cut
your dick" Simtho said.
Is she being serious? Yes she was serious her face said so.
They finally left,giving me tight hugs.I sighed in relief. The
doctor came to release me,he signed my forms. We
collected all my belongings and Sbu fetched us.
"Who cleaned for me?" I asked seeing my shiny house.
"My wife and Phumla" Sbu answered, Ziphe folded her
arms across her chest Sbu laughed and said she cleaned
Mandla texted me asking if they should come,I told him
I'll see everybody tomorrow.
Ziphe made us sandwiches, we watched soccer she left
us to watch a certain reality show upstairs.
Sbu and I were cool,we talked about everything except
my relationship with Ziphe.
Later we all gathered to eat pizzas that Ziphe
ordered.Sbu stood up to leave,I glanced at Ziphe and
"It's so good to have you back bru,I have to dash to
wifey" he said brushing his trouser.
"Can I spend the whole day with Ziphe?" I asked.
He shrugged, "Up to her"
Ziphe jumped up and said the long yes.
"Okay stay well lovebirds" he said giving me a hard long
stare filled with message.
"I'll see you out" I offered.
Once we were outside I looked at him, "Really Bura?"
"Ay man you know yourself" he replied.
"Like Mandla says anything when you rip Nozipho's pussy
apart" I said really fed up.
"So you're planning to rip hers apart?" he asked.
I grunted, "You are Satan Sbu! What kind of a brother
controls his sister's sexual intercourse? Beside I never
said I want to shag her,I'll do it when she is ready."
He sighed, "Better today while you're still fragile"
I laughed, "Tjoh man you have no idea how I can't wait to
penetrate her tight untouched pussy,God! It will be like
He slapped my head, "Still my sister you fool! But I'm
about to go damage Mandla's sister's pussy.Boy I'll rip it
apart until she calls for Mandla's grandpa's and grand-
We don't know where Mandla came from we only saw a
hard slap coming across Sbu's head.He ducked on time
and ran away laughing.
Chapter 63
*Lwazi Narrated*
Today I'm finishing one week at Gala Electrical Sp.
Jabu made sure to tell everyone who cared to listen that
she picked me from dust,fed me,educated me now I have
a job,all because of her.
She told me I'll take her to her family in KwaMaphumulo
tomorrow with the company car,but I'll just leave it
I've gained a little dignity from the neighbors, I get to be
called 'son' too.
I don't know how girls separate employed from
unemployed, but now I get winks and long Hello's
wherever I go.
Before I got employed not even prostitutes waved me
Senamile and I are close,if she isn't eating with me on
lunchbreaks she would send me food.Poor me!
I always went home with a full stomach, Jabu thought I
was hiding money eating it in restaurants. They shouted
till their voices dried out,I had zero care.I had found
comfort in thinking about my boss.
Instead of being sad because of my family's curses and
sarcasm I think of Sena and smile.
I've pictured her naked next to me and masturbated
calling her name,weird!
I went to her office,she was occupied with piles of
"I'll leave it today" I said handing her the car keys.
"You can use it even on weekends if you like" she said.
I just smiled and told her I'll be fine, I'll only take it back
on Monday.
"Have a great weekend" I said.
She frowned at the papers she had in her hands and
threw them down with a grunt picking the others.
"I can help you,I'm not in a rush.Just tell me what to do" I
offered my hand.
She sighed and told me which ones she wanted,and how
sorted they must be.
I took them and started doing what she said.
"How is your family?" she asked one of the questions I
I answered because it her,
"Good" that's the only word I could come up with.
"You said you stay with your stepmother?"
I shouldn't have asked to stay here and sort the flipping
I only managed to nod.
Talking about my family isn't exactly my type of a jolly
"Where is your real mother?" she asked further.
See if she wasn't my boss and crush-girl I would've told
her to mind her damn business.
"Married, in Cape Town" I answered trying not to show
"Is she white?"
I laughed and told her I'm 100% black.
People always think I am a mixed race,my skin is too light
and my black afro and brown eyes don't make it easier.
Jabu grew tired of saying I am 'ikula'.If I didn't have my
father's ears and body structure he would've denied me.
Down along my mother's ancestors there was a white
grand-grandmother we all took after.
"So what are your plans for the weekend?" she asked
breaking the long silence.
"People like us don't make plans,we go with the glow of
the day"
I questioned myself how wise it is to tell your crush you
don't plan your days?
I have to appear organized,right?
"I will go home to see boyfiee" she said lacking
Why do that hurt?
I found myself staring at her with a straight face,she
cleared her throat I didn't stop.
"I'm going to use the bathroom" she said tucking her hair
behind the ear.
Girls' nervous gesture from where I once read!
Why am I angry anyway?
She is my boss,not my girlfriend!
I pulled myself together, calming my overly beating
"Lwazi" she screamed with panic inside the bathroom.
I threw the papers on the desk and dashed to her.
There was a small lizard on the wall,I laughed and scared
it away with a toilet roll.
She was still traumatized, I hugged her still laughing.
"Umhhh.." she removed her arms shyly. I looked at
her,she pulled up her lacy red panty.
I swallowed, my cock went stiff in a second.
It's been so long since I last got some,my body just
reacted to the panty sight!
"Sena" I called her name without a reason.
She glanced up shyly and looked down.
I lifted her chin,the eyes that looked at me in my dreams
were really looking at me softly.
"I love you Senamile" I said closing my eyes in pain.
I love her,it pained me to think she may never feel the
same way because of who I am.
She blinked rapidly failing to look me in the eyes, I bent
down to her mouth and kissed her.
She kissed me back!!!!!
I had to pull away and express my surprise,
"Sena God!" I whispered unbelievingly.
I closed my eyes and kissed her again, more deeper this
My hand may have caressed her butt without my
acknowledgement and slipped in her cookie.
She was surprisingly too wet, "Jesus you're so wet!"
I slipped my finger inside and rubbed her clit with my
thumb.She moaned.
"Can I have you Sena?" I whispered near her ear.
I slid down her panty that was halfway under her
butt,pinned her against the wall and lifted her legs
around my waist.
There was no condom,but who cared!
I slowly entered,I couldn't fit so I pulled out and re-
She was so warm and wet I couldn't contain my moans.
"Babe" she cried out in pleasure.
I'm babe? Ok!
I thrusted in and out,deeper and circled.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted this babe" I
foolishly said feeling so much pleasure.
Maybe my ears deceived me when they heard her saying
'Me too babe'.
Her first orgasm came quicker, she screamed my name.
I didn't wait for her to snap out her fantasy zone I just
went deeper screaming,
"Fuck you Sena babe!!".
She was back in the game when I felt a wave approaching
my body.
I tried to ignore it but it's been months since I last came
inside a woman, so my body just reacted.
I groaned loudly as my steam came out.She was still
waiting for another orgasm but I couldn't deliver.
I was supposed to satisfy her showing her her home-
boyfriend isn't worth it.
I failed to look her in the eyes,I let her legs down and
remained my head tucked in her neck.
"Sena I'm sorry" I said with a disappointed voice.
"I'm so sorry Sena,it's just that it's been so long for me" I
She pushed my head and looked at me.
I couldn't, so I looked down on the floor.
"It's okay,you'll make it up to me" she said.
I looked at her and smiled, "So there will be a next time?"
She chuckled, I kissed her, "I love you"
"Men will say anything for sex"
I pulled away, "Jeez Sena! You think I'm saying this
because I want sex? I love you girl, and many guys out
there likes you but we're all afraid to say it because of
your status.But I'm telling you,I love you Senamile Biyela.
I loved you from the very first day"
She blushed, "I'm still your boss"
I chuckled, "That's what makes it harder, plus I can't
really afford you"
"Even in the sky aeroplanes do find a way" she said.
That music to my ears!
"What's your home-boyfiee going to say finding your
pussy wet with sperms?" I asked smiling.
"I'll tell him to go to hell I have my new coloured
boyfriend" she said picking her panty.
I smiled, "Boyfriend? Lemme note that...Girlfriend?" I
asked her.
She smiled and nodded.
What a weird first day of love?
I felt like hearing Luther Vandross music in the taxi ,so I
shouted for the driver who was playing us Ukhozi FM,
"Don't you have Luther Vandross"
The passengers looked at me like I was crazy.The driver
smiled and put his CD on,I tapped my feet down along
the music.
Chapter 64
*Thapelo Narrated*
The bubbly Ziphe is gone,now I'm waiting for the nervous
Ziphe to come in bed.
It would've been nice to be welcomed back with a
romantic dinner,sexy lingerie and steamy sex but Ziphe is
the one my heart chose.Here I am watching the space
waiting for her to finally come out the bathroom.
She finally came out with long pyjamas, Sbu may have
packed them for her.
"Get in bed babe" I told her as she started to be busy
with rearranging the dressing table.
She got in slowly and slept at the far end of the bed.I
pulled her to me.
"Why are you so scared of me?" I asked.
She was really hurting me.I would never force her to do
anything she don't like.
"If I don't do sex with you are you going to make it with
someone else?" she asked.
I frowned and rose up to look at her face.Why would she
ask this shit all of a sudden?
"Why are you asking me this?" I asked.
She showed me her phone it was a message from her
sister Zethu:
I laughed,but notice her piercing glare and turned it into
a cough.
"Will you?" she asked.
I wanted to say yes but then remembered I don't want to
make her sad so I shook my head.
"Do you want it?"
Ziphe is a really child,how can I not want pussy?
"Yes I want it,but only when you want me to have it" I
answered turning my head away.
"I'm not ready,thanks for understanding babe"
Anger brewed up,I turned to face her,
"You'll never be ready Ziphe, but as long as you say I
must wait I will.Because I want you to be happy,there's
nothing I wouldn't give it to you if you want it.So if you
want a decade of virginity I'll wait and give it to you"
Am I emotional blackmailing her? I think I am and it's
"Thapelo" she said softly.
"I'm not trying to rush you or anything it just that I don't
understand why if it's me you're going to give yourself to
we are waiting like this.I mean what's the difference does
it make? You're giving it to me and that is that,soon or
later doesn't matter. Except if you're saving it for
someone else" I said pushing her further.
Sbu would probably kill me if he happen to hear this
conversation. I promised him I won't persuade her until
she is ready.
"I hear you"
I wanted to dance but I had to continue softening her
before I take the crown of a victory.
"I just want my cookie Ziphe, I've been waiting for so long
I'm hungry.Please babe give it to me,I won't disappoint
you" I said taking her pyjama top off.
"Okay.I love you Thapelo"
I kissed her, "Not as much as I love you"
I managed to take off her pyjamas and panty although
she tried to refuse with her panty.
I stood up and took off my short,she gasped and pulled
the cover over her head.
"It won't hurt you I promise" I said taking the cover off
"No...Noway Thapelo! I've changed my mind" she said
shaking her head with fear.
I kissed her nipples and told her to not fear me.
I massaged every sensitive part of her body while kissing
Her fear made it hard for her to get wet I ended up going
down there with my mouth.
"No Thapelo that's disgusting" she said pushing my head
I ignored her and went down to her pussy licking and
pressing my tongue against her opening.
So much for disgusting! She started moaning in
pleasure,opening her thighs wider and pushing my head
I ate it,licked it and sucked it until she screamed my
name on air,her body shaking violently.
" Oh my God!" she screamed her eyes tightly
I went up her face and watched her.She was so cute
when coming,her small mouth grinning.
"What was that?" she asked after regaining herself.
I laughed, "You had your first orgasm"
She frowned, "Oh.It was nice, I can't wait for more"
I smiled to myself, that was more like it.
"It won't be like that when I penetrate you with him,it
will be painful because it's your first time" I told her,she
nodded with mixture of fear and excitement.
Here we go!
I put it in the opening really scared.I pushed lightly, she
"No stop it" she said as I tried pushing again and again.
She tried pushing me off but I continued pushing telling
her it will be alright she must hold on.
I managed to push only half and she was already crying
I pulled out, "Babe please,I'm begging you don't cry like
this you know what your crying make me feel.Please my
love it will be over"
She nodded with tears.I pushed back in,she cried again.
I should've wore headset because her crying will make
me stop for real.
I ignored her and continued pushing.
"Thapelo you're hurting me" she cried out.
Her words pained me but it was now or never!
I continued until I completely fit.
"Babe it's in now" I said wiping her tears away.
I began moving in and out slowly until I felt her muscles
"Still painful?" I asked and she shook her head no.
I thrusted in and out,holding her legs in my arms.
Oh Boy I've never felt anything like it before!
I went faster,pulling it out completely then pushing it in
again and circling it around her soft virginal walls.
"Ziphe you're so fucking good..Jesus Christ!!" I said
pulling her legs closer going in deeper.
I didn't hear her screaming, I only felt warm liquid
covering my manhood.
I went deeper despite her tired body.
I had to watch it,I pulled out and looked at it.
It was covered in blood but her clit was standing hard.
I pressed it with my thumb and rubbed it in circles until it
I opened it's lips wide and pushed myself in and moved
around inside.
"Ziphe I love you" I said watching her breasts dancing up
and down as I moved inside her hard and fast.
"Open widely babe" I told her pushing her thighs apart.I
went in and out wildy.
"Babe...please slow down" I heard her saying but I
I pulled her and flipped her to sleep on her side and went
in the scissor position.
I thrusted in and rubbed around a certain soft spot I
found at the far corner of her pussy.
"Oh my God" she screamed,juices splashing all over my
I smiled, "Yes babe I found your G-spot".
I fucked her again one leg over my shoulder, I waited for
her to recover before circling around her spot.
She screamed as I pressed my cock in it again and again.
She let out another scream,her legs became lifeless.
I did it again,this time making sure I touch her G-spot for
the comfort of my dick.
Her soft flesh made it hard for me to breath,I found
myself screaming " Ziphe babe"
My whole body stiffened, I felt my body untying knots I
didn't know.
I groaned like a bull.
"Thank you so much Ziphe" I said kissing her,sweat
dripping down my face.
I lifted her up to the bathroom,she had her eyes closed
but wasn't asleep.
I filled the bathtub with warm water.I washed her body
then washed mine. I wrapped her with a towel and
carried her to bed and lotioned her.
I put her under covers, "Goodnight my love!"
I kissed her forehead and turned the lights out.
Chapter 65
"Good morning" Ziphe said coming in with her bag.
"Good morning sis, how did you sleep?" I asked.
She smiled flashing a new watch around her wrist, "I'm
"Mhhhh" Sena said watching her as she made her way
towards us.
Don hum a certain song.
"Are you sure you okay?" Nozi asked.
She smiled and said yes,Don grunted.
"The way you walk says otherwise, are you sure you
don't have a tumor between your legs?" Sena asked.
Ziphe waved her away and asked what for breakfast.
"Didn't your man feed you breakfast?" Sena asked.
"Oh dear I had breakfast on the boat by the sea before
the sunrise I just want a snack" she replied sarcastically.
Nozipho looked at me and said, "I also want to have a
breakfast on the boat".
"Anything for my queen" I said kissing her cheek.
"Thapelo stole my idea,I'm the one who wanted to take
Boni to the breakfast by the sea before sunrise" Don said.
Sena rolled her eyes and told him breakfast by the sea is
common, nobody's idea.
Ziphe's phone rang,she smiled and went upstairs. This
will get tiring!
"She is in love!" Nozi exclaimed.
Sena giggled, "She got it so bad though"
I hate that topic!
"Didn't we warn Thapelo to go slow?" Don asked.
I waved him away.The damage was already done,we
have no choice but to accept the fact that they are
together and they will express their love however they
"I have a boyfriend" Sena announced.
We looked at her.
Don said "No you have boyfriends"
Sena waved him away, "It's all about to change dear.This
one is a keeper,I've texted all those floozees telling them
it over"
We all exclaimed in shock,
"Sphe?" I asked.
"It was already over with that one,it's me who just
refused to accept and move on"
Well that...I don't know,great maybe!
"When are we meeting Mr Keeper?" Nozipho asked.
"I don't want to scare him away" she said sipping her tea.
"Now we scare people away? Mhhh ayi!!" I said
pretending to be pissed.
"Okay I'll invite him over lunch next week,he will come as
a friend don't show him you know we're dating. Just look
at him with binoculars and tell me feedback" she said.
Don agreed fast and louder,well!
Sunday my father came to check on us.Unfortunately
Ziphe was at Thapelo's.
"What is she doing there?" he asked shouting.
Sena looked at me nervously,
"She visited dad" she answered.
Dad punched his fist on the table, "Take me there now
Don jumped to take the car keys first,I wanted to warn
Thapelo but dad was glaring at me like I'm the one who
killed Michael Jackson.
Nozipho stayed behind with Sphiwo.We all drove to
Thapelo's house.
I opened the door dad got in slamming it hard behind
him.I asked them to stay in the lounge while I go to call
them upstairs.
Don followed me,I can say he was entertained.
"Thapelo" I whispered opening the door.
What I saw will traumatize me for weeks!
My sister was tied both hands and ankles with
cuffs,Thapelo was pounding her from all angles.
I kicked his ass hard,he jumped and pulled out his penis
dripping with juices.He had no condom on!
"What the fuck?" he asked covering Ziphe with a blanket.
"My dad is downstairs as you're busy fucking his
daughter cuffed like a pornstar" I told him angrily.
He jumped up with fear,all his eyes out.
Don laughed and told me to give them space to clean up.
We went down, I tried to look cool.
"They're coming" I said with a nervous smile.
Finally they came looking like rained chickens. Dad threw
a hard punch against Thapelo,he stumbled foward.Ziphe
rushed to him and cried,
"Dad he just came from hospital"
Dad didn't care he threw another punch, "Is this how
your mother raised you? Is Ziphe your wife now?" he
asked spitting fire.
Thapelo mumbled "I'm sorry"
"After..." I cut Don with a hard elbow nudge.
"Dad Thapelo is still fragile" Sena begged.
"Not too fragile to get on top of my daughter! What are
your intentions with my girl boy?" he asked Thapelo.
"I want to have a future with her.I love her so much Mr
Biyela,I'm sorry I couldn't do things the right way but I
want to correct my mistakes. I'll pay for the damages
because I've spoilt her" Thapelo replied with confidence.
That's my friend!
Oh wait I'm still mad at him for cuffing Ziphe.
My dad cooled down and nodded, "I still don't want no
vaat' n sit with my daughter!"
Sena told Ziphe to collect her bag so we can leave.
"And why are your ankles so red?" Dad asked.
Don and Sena stifled their laughter,Thapelo and Ziphe
looked like they were going to pass out.
"I told you to never wear those pumps again" I said to
Dad told her she must listen to me, we all sighed in relief!
Chapter 66
*Thapelo Narrated*
When Sbu came to tell me his father is downstairs I
nearly pee'd on myself.I've taken his daughter to my
house with nobody's permission, over that I screwed her
virginity and on top of that I'm cuffing her and pounding
her like a maniac.
I can say I'm getting used to the punches from the Biyela
men.Ziphe's father threw more destructive punches than
Sbu's, I felt like my jaws were being uprooted.
I felt like my whole world was coming to an end when he
asked about Ziphe's red ankles.
I was ready to receive another punch when Sbu came to
my rescue and said it's shoe marks.I owe him a can of
Don and Sena were looking at me laughing silently,
Ziphe's father was looking at me like I'm some piece of
Ziphe came down with her bag,her father scolded me
with a dead look,
"How old are you?" he asked me.
I swallowed and told him twenty-five
He spat, "Don't you have your sizes? You disgust me,do
you even have a decent job or you're are a drug dealer
look at you?"
His words cut deep down, I know when people look at
me they always see a thug because of the scar my father
cut across my forehead.
"You need to stop being a sissy. Look tough" he said
those words tying me on a tree,cutting me with a sharp
knife on the forehead.
"Leave him alone Madoda,leave my child alone." my
mother cried.
She tried to stop him but he gave her a hard slap that
sent her down with her face on the sand.He damaged my
forehead saying my light skin made me look weak.
My father was a drug-lord,to his eyes the scar made me
qualify to be one too.
When I told him I wanted to be a lawyer he laughed at
me and told me drug-dealers don't get educated, even if I
do my true colours will always show up.
He married my sister off to his drug-mogul old friend, my
mother had no say in anything fearing for her life.
When he started making me deliver parcels to certain
tarvens my mother threatened to tell him to the
police.But she never did the police found out on their
own,the day before he was expected to come down for
questioning he locked me in my room,shot my mother
and himself to death.
Just like he said the father of the girl I love is here infront
of me telling me I look like a drug dealer.He is looking at
me with a disgusted face.
I lifted my hand to my forehead and touched the mark.
Although the Bio-oil I applied to it years ago tried to
make it fade,but it is still visible and portraiting who I
am.Forever me!
"I do" I replied.
He chuckled sarcastically, "You are not good for my
daughter" he said.
I felt warm liquid surfacing my eyes,I tried blinking it
away but the deep pain in my heart pushed them out.
"I know, you think I don't know that? No men would
want someone like me for their daughters. You think I
have no idea how worthless I am? I know Mr Biyela, I just
wanted a glimpse of happiness.Ziphelele makes me
happy,she make me feel like a worthy male being.At
least I need a few memories with her,I....." I couldn't
I was so emotional unstable I turned around and left my
tears dropping down my cheeks.
My dad had his forehead printed with two
lines,confusion written all over his face.
Ziphe tried to run after him but Don held her back and
told her to give him space.
"Wow" Sena said fighting back her tears.
"I'll go check on him" I said going upstairs, leaving my
father frowning.
He was standing against the balcony's glass door,his
forehead pressed on it,crying softly.
Emotional breakdown!
He's had a few of emotional breakdown back in
university. Thapelo is one low self-esteem person, you
can't poke him too hard.
I stood a bit far from him,putting enough space to run if
he tries to attack me.
"Thapelo" I called him.
He didn't respond, he only wiped his tears and continued
looking outside.
"I know how you feel about me dating your sister" he
said after a while.
I frowned, "Ok"
He turned around, "Sbu do you think I want to spoil your
beautiful sister with myself? I know she deserve
better,my heart just won't let me let her go.I love her,I
know sooner or later she'll see better just like they all did
but I just need these moments"
I sighed, "Is that why you are tying her and doing all that
crazy stuff? You want to capture the moments" I asked.
He nodded, "I just want her to never forget about me.I
want to leave my mark on her mind and heart.Even if she
does leave me but our memories will always be attached
to her"
"You're being insecure!" I told him.
He chuckled painly, "If you were me you would be too"
I took a deep breath, "My father didn't mean to hurt
you,he is doing what every father does.Nobody accept
the fact that their daughters are being shagged by a
certain boy."
He grinned.
"You're dating my family's last born,the one everyone
doesn't want to see getting hurt.Be ready for criticism,
you'll be criticised in every way,man up for her!"
He nodded, "If I get a chance I will.Your father has
already concluded that I am a drug lord,if I can remove
this scar I could but my father crowned me forever.I hate
myself!" he said.
"It was nothing personal" we heard dad saying behind us.
I turned around to look at him,his eyes were fixed on
"I just hate that you're toying with my little daughter, I
didn't mean to insult you" he said with his hands on the
trouser pockets.
"I'm not toying with her...please lend me her hand in
What??? Dad took a step back,I frowned.
"I want to marry her" Thapelo emphasised.
I looked at dad,he looked at me.
"Why?" dad asked.
"Because I want her to be forever mine, to be tied to
me.And I want to do nothing but to show my love to her
until the day I die"
"Wow!" I exclaimed.
Dad was just shocked and dumbstruck.
Chapter 67
*Lwazi Narrated*
The week went by quickly, today is Friday and tomorrow
is Saturday of Sena's family lunch.She invited me,but I'm
coming as a friend. That reasonable because we only
have one week dating.
I'm so happy with her,I can't remember the last time I
was this happy with life.And ofcourse Jabu and her two
daughters aren't thrilled that my mood is always
glimmering, despite of their wicked treatment.
I only told Olwethu about Sena, I'll make them meet after
a month or two.
"You should let me give your stepmom a few punches"
Sena said after I told her about my life situation.
As glamorous she looks it didn't take me a few
conversations with her to work out that she is a fighting
She told me she have four sisters and a brother, her
parents are still together and happy.Her family is rich,
like really rich.
I wonder if they won't see through my cheap clothes that
I am a broken soul,I don't even own one golden watch or
recent Nike takkies.
But she promised me that they are good people. She is
too bubbly and foward I must say,but I love her either
She sometimes dance for me in front of people or imitate
Beyonce's moves.I always feel like people's attention is
on me,not her.Like people are asking themselves, "How
did he manage to ask her out? look at him"
She drove me home after work talking nonstop about her
sisters.Concluded she gossiped about them,telling me all
their private issues.
I know the last born is dating and will get engaged
soon,the older one have two kids with different fathers
and her brother have a two months son who isn't his
fiance's who is pregnant with twins.
"I only see her elbow by the window but I already feel
like throwing up" she said seeing Jabu's elbow by the
kitchen window.
I laughed, "You don't like people mistreating your
She giggled, "I only want to hear you crying because you
can't handle your hot cookie,not because of some wicked
witches" she replied.
"I always handle my cookie" I said smiling.
"I can't say that about last night in the hotel"
I pushed her playfully, she giggled and imitated my
"Yes's so fucking nice Sena..Oh fuck...God love!"
We both laughed,I promised to punish her accordingly
tomorrow night.
"I love you,don't forget that" I said kissing her goodbye.
"I love you too Gold"
I frowned dramatically and kissed her nose and got out
the car.
She calls me Gold,whatever that means!
I was welcomed by Wendy's dead stare,I ignored them
and went to my room.I changed my clothes and went to
check on Olwethu.
"Sister" I said throwing a chocolate slab in her room.
She danced happy,reminding me of Sena.I laughed and
asked what she want me to buy for her on my payday.
"Laptop!" she said with excitement.
I noted that with my mind and hugged her.
"Don't try anything nasty with her!" Nonhle shouted as I
came out Olwethu's room.
I whistled and went to my room,leaving her turning red.
On Saturday I woke up feeling like I can touch the sky,I
did all the house chores and went to get ready by eleven.
I wore my white shirt,jean and old polished black ankle-
boots.I look a bit stylish, although my shirt is out-of-
fashion but it does match nicely.
I combed my afro and styled it with lines.I looked at
myself in the mirror and smiled.
Sena's man maybe broke but he is beautiful.Ok men can't
be beautiful, I'm handsome.
"Your hair look like J-cole's" Olwethu said admiring my
I brushed her hand off when she tried to touch my shirt.
She laughed and said, "It's a good thing you are not
always wearing smart"
I pushed her out of the way, "Us,dating people have
lunch plans" I said with an ear-to-ear smile.
She stucked her tongue out and laughed.
As I passed Jabu and my dad in the dining room they
asked where was I going.I told them I'm going to town
and left them still talking.
I went to Sena's car three houses away.I was just
avoiding curious neighbors.
"Whoah!" she exclaimed getting out of the car to admire
She looked stunning in her short,tight cream-white
sleeveless dress with high silver pencil-heels.
I didn't walk towards her any further,I stood afar from
her staring at the beauty in front of me.
The never-shy Biyela girl turned around and twerked for
The guys who were scattered on the street stopped and
I covered my mouth stunned and ran to kiss her and
pushed her inside the car before they started taking
videos of my ass.
"Jesus woman! Tonight I'm gonna fuck you like it's the
end of the world" I said hugging her.
She giggled, "My body is already calling you"
I kissed her, "You know I can't shag you shortly before I
meet your family,you have Mike Tysons in your family I
don't want to mess with"
She giggled and told me plus one round for rejecting her.
Tonight we are not sleeping!
She drove and parked in front of a beautiful double-
storey house.
I wondered if my clothes fit to be inside this house.
I doubt I'll know the kind of food we're going to eat.
I looked around and saw beautiful cars only.
What am I going to say if they ask me about the kind of
car I drive?
"Don't be scared" Sena said and brushed my arm.
I exhaled a nervous breath, "I'm not I just...."
I paused and looked at the two elegant girls who were
modelling toward a certain car.
She smiled, "That's Zethu and Simtho,the younger two"
She rolled down the window,
"Pratusooz" she called them.
I doubt there is any language like that on earth!
They smiled and came forward,I checked myself on the
"OMG!" the first one exclaimed leaning on the window.
"Way to go sis.Lwazi you're going through" the second
one said.
You're going through,isn't that a line the judges use in
the Idols competitions?
I smiled, they smiled back.
"I want a coloured boyfriend too" the first one said.
First I'm not coloured.Secondly I came here as a friend,or
Sena gave her a middle finger and told me we must go
Chapter 68
Everyone has arrived for lunch,even Nontombi is here for
the first time.My dad was a bit uncomfortable at first,but
Lydia assured him that my mother had no grudge against
him and would've been happy to see him here.
Lunch was prepared by Nontombi, Phumla and
Fiki.Nozipho slept until ten,regardless of her father-in-
law's presence.
Mandla's mom and Anthony couldn't come.Lydia is
controlling everybody while sitting on the kitchen chair
sipping tea.
"Sena has arrived" Simtho announced coming to the
We are meeting Mr Keeper today.Although she said she
is bringing him as a friend we all know he is a boyfriend.
Zethu even told the elders that Sena will bring her
boyfriend.We all can't wait to see this new infamous
"Faaaam!" she said coming from the door to the outside
table where we are set.
Everyone turned to her direction and stared.
He followed her behind nervously. I took a good look and
recognize him.His name? Lwazi.
A big smile plastered my face as I rose up from my chair
to meet him.
"Geez Lwazi" I said giving him a handshake and a
"You're here?" he asked nervously.
"You guys know each other?" Sena asked.
"Yes.Lwazi is that nice guy I told you about
Nozipho,remember? The one from Inanda" I asked
looking at Nozipho.
Nozipho smiled and greeted him.
"Oh people this is Lwazi, my friend." Sena introduced him
to others who were looking at him curiously.
"Sanibonani" Lwazi said bowing down a bit. They all
greeted him back,other greetings longer than others.
He continued standing next to the table.Sena sat down
and looked at him questioningly.
My father smiled and said, "You can take a seat my boy"
He then sat next to Sena. The girls were piercing him
with eyes.
"Now that we're all here let bless the food and start
eating before the meat get cold" Nontombi said.
"Aunt Lydia pray" Don said.
Everybody wanted to laugh but Lydia's glare caged
everybody in.
"Fold your arms and close your eyes" she instructed.
That's so primary school!
We all did and she prayed,
"Jesus we come before you today with all our
burdens.You know us one by one,I pray for your mercy
upon our lives. Reduce all our enemies and protect us
from all the evils with your powerful spirit.Make us
strong and rich.We trust you our God who died and woke
up after three days,do your miracles to us too.Jesus of
Nazareth we beg your blessing upon this food we're
about to eat with forks and knives, let us eat nicely and
enjoy our food Amen"
"Amen" we all said suppressing our laughter.
"You should have became a pastor" my father
"Yeah that was a hell long prayer for blessing food,it's
even cold" Don said,we all laughed.
"I've always been a good Jesus child" Lydia said pouring
herself a wine.
"You can't say a Jesus' name while you are gulping
alcohol down" Nozipho told her.
"In Zion this is Jesus' blood my child." she said.
We all laughed and women started dishing for their
men,Simtho dished for Don and Lydia asked Zethu to dish
for her.
We all finished and started chatting again. The girls were
shouting at each other as if they are miles apart.
"Keep it down!" Lydia shouted at the girls. They all
stopped, Nontombi was stunned looking at Lydia with
amusement. Only Lydia can control the girls.I don't know
how she does it or why they fear her.
"How is your arm?" My dad asked looking at Thapelo.
"It's better" Thapelo answered with a smile. Him and dad
were now on good terms.
"Ziphe" Thapelo said loudly.
We all looked at him,he breathed nervously.
"Do you remember the day I was in hospital, when I said I
want to ask you a few questions" he asked her.
Ziphe nodded with confusion.
"I asked you how you love me and you said you never
wanna live without me and you want to live your life
showing me your undying love,do you remember?" he
asked again.
We were all looking at them confused.
Ziphe nodded again nervously.
"I also asked if you will always be by my side through
everything and you said yes,do you remember?" he
asked again.
Ziphe nodded again.
I hate Thapelo's game,why can't he say what he want to
say so that I can carry on listening to Sena and Lwazi's
love story!
"I said there was one last question I wanted to ask but
wouldn't ask that day,do you remember?" he asked
Ziphe swallowed nervously and replied, "Yes I
Thapelo looked at her with teary eyes,
"I want to ask you that question today" he said and
pushed back his chair.
He took out a red small box in his pocket and knelt down
with one knee.
Stunning Jesus Christ!
The diamond ring glittered in the box as he opened it.We
all covered our mouth,stopping ourselves from gasping.
"Ziphelele Anecia Biyela will you do me a favour and
honour me by making me the happiest man on the
planet,will you marry me babe?" he asked nervously.
Nontombi exclaimed with tears while Ziphe trembled
with fear,her mouth wide opened with shock.
"Say yes" I don't know who said that between the four
Ziphe stood up with her hands covering her face,Thapelo
wanted to break down and cry right away but he held
Ziphe jumped up with her arms wide opened, "Yes I'll
marry you!!" she shouted,tears of joy running down her
Thapelo stood up and hugged her tears running down his
eyes too.They broke it,Thapelo slid a ringer on her left
Lydia ululated, is that appropriate?
Sena and Fiki sang while dancing,
"Umakoti ungowethu siyavuma"
They're Ziphe's sisters not Thapelo's, so that was the
We all congratulated Thapelo.
Nontombi was still crying like Ziphe has just been
diagnosed with Ebola,my dad comforting her telling her
it's okay,she is eighteen.
"We are having a wedding!!" Fiki said excitedly.
"I'm the maid of honour" Zethu said.
"No I'm the maid of honour" Simtho said.
"Aunt Lydia will be your pastor" Don said mockingly.
"Me and babe will be your main guests" Sena said kissing
Lwazi's cheek.
"So he is 'babe' not a friend?" Dad asked looking at them.
Sena cleared her throat and asked for a refill.Dad
chuckled and asked Lwazi what he does for a living.
"I am an electrical engineer,I just got hired last week"
Lwazi answered.
"You mean you've been studying all this time?" Lydia
asked with a frown.
He swallowed nervously, "No I finished school years ago I
just didn't have job luck until last week when Sena hired
me at Gala Electrical"
"Talk about office stuff and... umhhh have you seen my
phone Zethu?" Fiki controlled herself after nearly talking
dirty stuff.
"So no punches,no nothing?" Thapelo asked.
We looked at him,he said
"You're not going to give Lwazi some punches like you
did to me?"
We all laughed at him.Dad told him Lwazi just rescued us
a few days from Sena.
"Always a hater!" Sena said side-glancling dad.
Lwazi got comfortable with me and the guys,Don kept
asking him if he is not a coloured.
"If you break her heart you'll have your front teeth
removed just like all the coloured guys" Simtho said to
Lwazi with her arms crossed on her chest.
"We will shave all this afro and send you to Cape Town
with a horse" Zethu added.
Lwazi looked at them nervously, I told them to back off.
"Ya if you break her heart we're coming to you with
spears and Anthony's security guards, nice smile by the
way" Don said and left with Simtho under his arm.
Is Don gay or hilarious?
Chapter 69
*Thapelo Narrated*
This is the best day of my life.No words anyone ever said
to me that brought me so much joy like when Ziphe said
'Yes I'll marry you'.I have a future,not just a future but a
future filled with love,warmth and happiness.
I don't know how many times I've thanked her,Simtho
told me it's now irritating.
The date for lobola hasn't been set,Ziphe's father said it
will be after Sbu's wedding, I don't approve of that
because I want her to be my wife as soon as possible but
I can't go against her father on it.
Her mother has been crying saying I should've waited for
her to be twenty-one atleast.I don't blame her though no
one want to marry off their eighteen years old little
girls,she still want to buy her Barbie panties and watch
Raven's shows in her bedroom.
It's too soon,that's what I've been told left and right.Ten
years later she will be still the one I want to marry,so it
really don't matter to me.She said yes,that's all I needed.
"You proposed,it doesn't mean you'll do as you like with
her.I still want her in her bedroom every night" her
father said to me before leaving.
I respect that but tonight she is sleeping in my house.
Don wanted to organize the engagement party but we
told her we want to spend time with our women.
"Not today,today I'm spending the evening with my
fiance" Sbu told him.
"I also have plans for tonight" Sena said resting her head
on Lwazi's shoulder.
I don't know how Sena managed to date this guy.He is
handsome, sorry for sounding like Don,but he is real
handsome and down to earth. He regard everyone with
respect, even Ziphe is "Sis Ziphe" to him.
He is self-contained, but you can see he is not the quiet
type by nature,there is something deep about him and
he lack something,happiness maybe.He reminds me of
myself before I met my crazy friends,who have become
my family.
"Okay but I'm going to celebrate tonight, even if I go
alone" Don said standing up to go.
Fiki,Simtho and Zethu said they are not staying behind
either, they took their bags to go.
"Don't leave me" Lydia said zipping her boots,taking her
bag to go.
They all looked at her weirdly.
"Ay man what are people going to say when we arrive
with our granny in the club" Zethu complained.
Don agreed with her, "Serious. Stay behind aunt Lydia we
will bring you alcohol when we come back"
Lydia put her bag over the shoulder and said, "Give me
your car keys Don I'll be waiting in the car while you all
still discussing it"
Mandla laughed,
"Aunt Lydia is above eighteen I don't know what the fuss
is all about" he told them.
They grunted and left,Lydia leading the way.
"Your father's sister?" Lwazi asked Sena.
She laughed and told him she is a family friend we all
want to build a house in the island for.
Mandla and Phumla were the first to leave.I also took my
fiance's hand and left.
"Whoah! What is this?" Ziphe asked surprised.
I smiled, "Do you like it?"
She covered her mouth and exclaimed,"Oh my God
I took out the keys in my pocket and gave them to her,
"It's yours.Thanks for loving me"
She jumped up and down screaming, "I own a freaking
I laughed and kissed her,I tried to grab her for a hug but
she ran toward her car screaming.
She got in it,flashed lights and hooted.She waved at me
as she reversed it and drove away hooting.
Okay I didn't expect to be standing alone outside the
door staring at the driveway hoping she'll drive back
soon.I gave up and got inside to tell the chef to keep our
food warm because Ziphe is not home yet.
Sbu texted;
I take it that Ziphe drove to Sbu's house,I can use this
time to shower.
After a while she hooted outside. Remind me to check
her drivers license later.
"You're back" I said kissing her cheek in the doorway.
She hugged me," Thank you my love. You're the best!"
I told the chef to dish for us and leave.
She went to shower and came back downstairs to the
dinner table wearing nothing.
I stood up shocked, I wanted to ask what's she is doing
but my tongue got stuck.
She walked past me barefooted and locked all the doors.
She sat on the opposite chair and looked at me with
raised eyebrows,
"Sit my love,the food will get cold remember" she said
opening the bowls.
I opened my mouth to say something but she polished
her breast and bite a drumstick.My chest dried,I
swallowed and sat down.
"Babe" I said my voice trembling.
She looked at me and smiled, "You want me to pour you
a drink my love?" she asked standing up,opening a bottle
of champagne and pouring it in the glasses.
No I don't want something to drink,I wanted to yell but I
couldn't as she sipped on my glass before handing it
"You know what,I think we should ask Simtho to plan our
wedding. She is so good in planning events" she said
eating a sliced cucumber.
Not a good topic right now my lady!
I stood up with my trouser front nearly touching my
stomach and rushed to her.She jumped up and ran
around the room.
She must not test me!
"Ziphe come back here" I said running after her.
"Ziphe come back here" she mimicked me.
This child will be the death of me!
I ran to her but she ducked under my arm and ran up the
"Ziphe open the damn door" I shouted outside the locked
I heard her giggling inside, God lead us not into
temptations! I don't want to break this door although I'm
tempted to.
She unlocked it and opened wearing a long dress and a
big jacket.
"Oh it's you Mr Mokoena" she said smiling.
I slammed the door behind me and grabbed her up
kissing her hungrily.
"Fuck Ziphe" I said taking her jacket off violently, she
I torn the dress and tossed it down.The buttons of my
shirt fell on the floor as I violently took it out without
I lifted her legs and threw her on bed,she giggled. I had
no time to giggle I kissed her while inserting myself in her
wet honeypot.
After my whole dick was inside her I lifted her legs to my
shoulders,breaking Sbu's principle and drowned in my
little heaven.
"Mhhhh babe wami" I moaned with my eyes closed,head
facing upwards as I thrusted in and out feeling her
warmth causing her to scream in multi foreign languages.
After giving her multiple orgasms I couldn't hold on
anymore so I came.
We went to shower together.I can say I'm surprised she
did what she did,given her shyness in the bedroom.
I wonder which sister put her up for it.
We went down to finish our dinner that was cold,she
warmed it and we ate.
"I think I want you naked around this house every day" I
told her.
She giggled "It took me a couple of shots to do that"
"Hhuh?" I asked.
She laughed "Nozipho made me drink a couple of shot
before coming down here,that's where the bravery came
Unbelievingly! But fantastic!
"Then I'm ordering lots of booze and loading it in the
fridge tomorrow" I told her.
"Trust me you don't want a drunkard for a wife"
I scratched my chin, "True.But I can lock the doors and
make you drunk indoors"
"Bad idea,I'll get addicted and want it everytime"
"You're a good girl,that's why I love you.You bring out
the best in me" I told her smiling.
"And you're a bad boy,that's why I love you.You bring the
worse in me"
I laughed "They say opposite attract anyway"
"I love loving you" she said laughing.
"Quoting poems,are we? I fell in love with you the first
time I set my eyes on you, I even risked making a fool of
myself." I said quoting too.
She smiled, "I fell in love with you when I smiled and you
smiled back"
God! I think my stretched smile make me look ridiculous
right now.
"Another dream has done it's best to come true" I
quoted referring to my proposal.
She smiled, we both said it together.
Chapter 70
*Lwazi Narrated*
After the eventful family lunch we went to the hotel Sena
reserved in Pavilion. We will spend the night together
then in the morning I'll go home.
I got to meet the famous fashion designer, Nozipho
Faya.She is more beautiful in person. All those headlines
about her being the little rich,spoilt princess were
lies,she is sweet and easy to be around to.
Her family is big, fun and united.After meeting her sisters
I'm scratching that Sena is the craziest girl I ever
met.Whatever is on their minds comes out their mouth.
"Fuck him!" Zethu said reading a text message after their
parents had gone.
"What is it?" Sbu asked.It's like he's known them since
forever, he adores them.They are all open and regard
each other with respect, ok scratch respect but it's
something amazing when they interact with each other.
"He is breaking up with me" Zethu answered angrily.
We all put on our sad faces and told her we're sorry but
she shocked me when she said,
"I'll cry about this later.I'm not ruining my make-up by
tears right now" she said and joined others for a group
That's the most hilarious thing I've ever heard.
Their aunt kept shocking me with every word that came
out her mouthShe is a true definition of an aunt;
talkative, ordering people around, judging everyone and
putting children in their places.She told me to cut my hair
because I look gay,well!
"Your sister-in-law is amazing, how does she take care of
a little baby while pregnant?" I asked as I lotioned her
back on the bed.
"Biyela men don't date girls,they date women" she said.
"Am I dating a girl or a woman?" I asked.
She turned to face me, "Both.I can amend all the woman
duties,give you lot of sex,cook for you,clean for you and
respect you as my man.But when you start bringing me
bullshit I become a girl,kick your bitches,burn your
clothes and poison your food"
I take that as a joke,but her face says she is
serious.Poison my food? What did I get myself into.
"I want a beak-up" I said trying to put a serious face but
failing,my smile threatening to break out.
She laughed, "Stop dreaming and rub my clit I'm horny"
Who says that like that?
I laughed and kissed her then did as instructed.
We made out.Sena makes me feel like I lack in bed,her
sex drive is on another level.She keep asking for more,as
tired as I am but I need to satisfy her needs.
"I've never dated a wild girl like you" I told her as we lay
tiredly on bed looking at each other.
"Have dated that much?" she asked.
"I've had a couple of girlfriends but you know girls and
broke guys don't real go together so it never lasted.Plus I
didn't have that much 'hanging out' time,I had so much
domestic chores and nephews to look after every night"
She nodded and closed her eyes controlling her breaths,
"Fiki owns a couple of flats in town,I will ask her to let
you use one until you get on your own feet" she said.
I shook my head, "You've done more than enough for me
babe. I'm used to my life and you're in my mind every
minute,nothing can sadden me as long as you love me" I
said dismissively.
"You're used to it, I'm not.Do you know how many hours
I spend thinking what is it like for you now before I fall
asleep? I ask myself have you eaten? What are they
forcing you to do now? Are you sad? Lwazi nothing
breaks me like thinking you're sleeping in the dark room
with tools and trash on an empty stomach" she said
breaking down.
I put my arms around her and kissed her forehead, "It's
okay my love don't stress about it. It's all going to change
now you gave me a job"
She shook her head sobbing and said "No as long as you
are in that house with those people my soul will never
"Babe it's fine" I said
"No you're used to it but that doesn't make it fine.Please
my love,you'll move in Monday" she begged.
I sighed, "I don't want to exploit your generosity Sena,I
love you not for the things you do for me"
"I know, you're doing this for my peace of mind"
I nodded, she kissed me and slid her hand to my
manhood and brushed it.
"I think he deserves one last round before sleeping" she
said smiling.
I kissed her and told her she is right.We did it again with
her taking full control,she does it like a pornstar.
We cleaned ourselves and cuddled. My cellphone
beeped, she took it first and drew my pattern. I don't
remember showing it to her but never mind.
"Ncoooh" she said reading it.
"Who is it?" I asked.
"Olwethu, she says don't ever forget that she loves you
and wish you all the best" she replied smiling.
I chuckled, "Ways of reminding me to not forget to buy
her laptop month end"
She frowned.
"The sweetness is because she want a laptop when I get
my salary" I told her.
She laughed "She is like Ziphe, extra sweet when she
wants something"
Olwethu is nineteen, she is doing her second year in DUT
and she is the sweetest girl on earth.A bit extra sweet
when wanting something just like Sena says of Ziphe. I
doubt she have a boyfriend, she always tell me her time
to date is after she get her degree.I doubt that's healthy,
but I like it because she is my little sister.
"I have a laptop I don't use,why don't you give it to her to
use in the meantime before you buy hers" Sena
"Oh man she will kiss my ass!"
She frowned and said "She better not try to,those are my
I laughed, "So jealous,hhuh?"
She giggled and told me to shut up and cuddle her.
In the morning we woke up,had sex,bathed and ordered
It would've been nice to spend the whole day with her in
bed because it's cold but then she have to be in Mandeni
for whatever business-related plan.
She drove me home complimenting Thapelo for
proposing to her little sister.
It was a sweet proposal, that guy really loves her.He
don't look rough but his scar on the forehead makes you
wish to never cross him.God knows which fight left him
with it! He is nice though,just like all of them.Don was
extra nice,giving me sex tips and body compliments.
She kept on and on about them.Maybe I'm supposed to
take a hint?
"You like to be engaged?" I had to ask.
"Uh not soon,the last time someone promised me
marriage he was busy fucking sluts in my penthouse
every time I'm away"
Geez! This girl!
"You've been engaged before?" I asked surprised.
She drank her bottle of water and replied casually,
"Yeah twice.First I was twenty,the asshole went to jail
the following week.Second time it was that cheating
I laughed, I had to.
"And you've never cared to tell me?" I asked.
"You never asked,beside it was nothing as lovely as
Thapelo and Ziphe's they just popped the question
maybe after steamy sex or when I cried,nothing with my
family's presence and genuine feelings"
She is something else,I wonder how do I feel my heart
loving her more and more each second.
"I rest my case" I said focusing on the road.
"Yeah that's why I want you to propose only when you're
certain about us"
"I'm certain, but we're not there yet I don't have a life to
give you right now I'm still moulding my own.When I am
sorted I'll propose too" I told her.
She smiled, I asked her if she will agree she said yes.
I parked on the street above my home.There was a big
crowd outside my home,surprisingly.
"What's going on?" Sena asked me.
I shrugged and unlocked the car,
"I don't know I'll go check"
She also got out and stood out the car while I went inside
with Olwethu's laptop in it's new bag.
Everyone was giving me a shady look,I asked what's
going on nobody answered.
I got inside the house, Jabu was on the floor crying the
neighbor shushing her.
"Wendy??" I called her with questioningl eyes,she just
broke down and cried.
"Has the police arrived?" one man asked.
I wanted to ask but I saw my dad getting out Olwethu's
room with a puffed face and ran to him.
"Dad why are all these people here? Where is Olwethu I
got her a laptop?"
He looked at me and cried. Geez!
I opened the door to go give Olwethu her laptop, I'll
attend their situation later.God knows what thieves
"Olwethu" I called her with a trembling voice.
She was hanging on a rope around her neck in the middle
of the room!
I rubbed my eyes and called her louder,
What is she doing? She will hurt her neck.
I grabbed her hanging legs and called her louder.
"She is no more" somebody said behind me and grabbed
me away.
"She is not.She sent me a message last night,she said she
want a laptop. I got it for her,it's here look at it" I told the
man who was pulling me out her room.
He didn't look,he didn't care he just told me it's okay.
I punched him and screamed for him to let me go give
her her laptop. Everyone started crying, I called her
louder telling her I got the laptop it's new.
"Babe please" Sena said kneeling beside me.
"It's so good you're here babe,they won't let me give
Olwethu her laptop. That's her room please go call her
for me" I begged her giving her a light peck on the lips.
She hugged me and cried "I'm sorry Lwazi.. I'm so sorry
babe but you can't touch her until the police arrives. She
is not here anymore"
I felt my heart tearing in billion pieces.
Chapter 71
*Lwazi Narrated*
Everyone has gone, only close family members and
neighbors are here.Olwethu committed suicide last
night.The text she sent to me was her goodbye message.
I should've suspected something wasn't right but I was so
busy having sex.
I wish I knew what drove her to it,she was always happy
and energetic.
I glanced at her locked room before passing to my
room.Sena has been calling nonstop checking up on
me.She left around midday,without her support I don't
know what I would've done.My dad refused to go with
the corpse I had to do it.Jabu is broken,every now and
then we hear her loud screams.
I tried to shut Olwethu's image as I opened the wardrobe
she decorated with heart stickers three years ago.I want
to wear pyjamas because it's cold shorts won't do it.I
removed a pile of clothes before reaching to my old
There was a big white tedbear with a red ribbon around
it's neck at the far end.
I took it out and looked at it carefully.
There was a white envelope attached to its back.I forgot
about pyjamas and went to sit on bed.
I teared the envelope and took out a letter that was
folded inside and read;
My chest was already wet by the time I finished reading.
What kind of animals am I living with?
How can they be so cruel?
God I should've suspected something!
I dragged myself up and went to the wardrobe and
packed everything I own into my old Nike bag.
I don't even want to put my ass on the couch they've sat
on.I passed Jabu and my dad in the kitchen looking at
each other.
"I'm gone, you can have your happy marriage there
won't be any illegitimate child.Dad,no Bheki I wish you
the best in everything, I hope when you stand in front of
a mirror staring at yourself you see a man...Jabu...nah
leave it there is no word in the world dictionary to
describe someone like you.This is the end,I'm out" I told
them and left,dad kept calling me back.
I took a taxi to town and called Sena asking her to fetch
me.She asked what's going on but I told her she must not
worry everything is fine.
She was already waiting for me when the taxi arrived in
town. I hugged her and got in without saying a word.
"Babe what's wrong?" she asked looking at me with teary
I broke down and cried, I've never felt so much pain in
my life.It hurt so deeply,why would they abuse the sweet
Olwethu like that?
I gave her the letter.She read it and gasped with tears
falling down.
"Why would God watch people abusing his child like
that? Where is God if things like this happen?" she asked
I chuckled, "Sena there is no God.If there was anything
called God Olwethu wouldn't had suffered like she did"
She looked at me taken back,
"We will talk tomorrow my love,I'll drive to my brother's
house we will use the guest room."
I nodded and took out my phone to look at Olwethu's
pictures. She was always smiling and happy,she was used
to it nobody could've known. She covered her heart with
high walls nobody could've broke them and saw the pain
she was feeling.
She was her brother's keeper,I'll always love her.
Chapter 72
We are still six weeks away from the wedding and
Nozipho is up and down like it's happening over this
coming weekend.
I don't know why we hired Palesa to plan this wedding if
we're still going to do everything by ourselves.
The house is a bit quiet,Ziphe is home, Sena moved out
to her flat last week and Don is in Richard's Bay.
Nozipho woke me up by dawn telling me we have to
meet up with Palesa by eight.
I'm in the bathroom rapping Rick Ross's song,the
bathroom door swings open Nozi peaked in and shouted
me to get out.
I've only been inside for twenty minutes for goodness
"We will be late if you finish the whole Rick Ross's album
before you come out" she told me as I got out drying
myself with a towel.
I ignored her and lotioned myself, she dressed Sphiwo
and packed his food and bottles.
I felt like rapping again but her side-glance made me stop
at the first verse.
"You need to take this seriously" she said getting out the
door with her bags and Sphiwo leaving me still fastening
the shoe laces.
I ran behind her all the way to the garage.I make it we're
using her white polo,I hate this car it make me feel so
I got in the driver's seat and started the engine. She was
still adjusting herself on the seat.
"Are you trying to kill me?" she asked angrily.
But I didn't move the car!
"Did you find the right venue?" I asked changing the
topic,hoping if I pretend to be interested in wedding
plans she will cold down.
She smiled,
"There is a reception venue in The View Boutique Hotel
in Amanzimtoti" she said.
That's like 12km away.Why don't book in the near lodges
or halls?
"Do you know it?" she asked.
I shook my head.
"It's just in the quiet coastal village with lush tropical
gardens and sparkling blue pools...Mhhh babe that's the
exactly what we've been looking for" she explained
I smiled, "Yeah babe,it's sounds like a beautiful venue"
"We must go check it out next weekend" she suggested.
I managed to pull a genuine agreeing smile.
We found Palesa in the certain Indian restaurant eating a
yellow looking Indian dish that didn't look appealing at
all,talk about exploring!
We hugged her and sat down, she took out her tablet.
"I was thinking we should start by flowers so that I can be
able to get the florist on time with detailed info" she
Nozipho exhaled and looked at me with a smile, I had to
smile back wondering what Thapelo is up to in town.
"I was thinking the centerpieces be rustic roses than they
hang hydrangeas all over the top" Nozipho said showing
with her hands.
I looked over the young Indian guy on the table across
eating the same dish Palesa was eating, must be delicious
I'll come to taste it one of these days,I can't be missing
"Sbu" Palesa called me.
I snapped back and asked her what is it,she rolled her
"We are asking which centerpieces are better between
rustic roses and sweet peas? Nozi can't make up her
mind" she told me with an attitude.
Do every guy go through this before his wedding? Good
thing I'm only marrying her once.
Nozipho looked at me with widened eyes waiting for an
I don't even know what rustic roses and sweet peas look
like,I thought flowers were all called flowers.
Sweet peas sounds nice whereas rustic roses sounds
awful,like something rusty!
"Sweet peas" I replied.
Nozipho pushed her mouth in disappointment and said
it's fine.
"I want a stephanotis bouquet" she said joyfully.
"I was thinking that too,white and blue wrapping ribbon"
Palesa said satisfied too.
I smiled.
"You said Lydia will take care of the cake right?" Palesa
I nodded,she said she thinks the cake must be
I agreed.
"You designed your dress, but I think you'll have extend
the measurements by four centimetres each side at
least" she told Nozi.
"Palesa just do whatever you think is good because you
know I can't go up and down to designers, florists and
caterers with the belly and a baby. Just make sure
everything is accordingly, I trust you" she told Palesa.
Palesa looked at me and asked about the tuxedos.
I took out my phone and read what Don suggested,I
don't know what I am without him.
"Traditional black tux with a slim notch lapel,add a folded
pocket square and a straight fold.White plain shirt and a
black diamond point bowtie" I said reading on the phone
but pretending it's my idea.
She asked, "That would be your tux,nice choice. What
about groomsmen?"
Buy them that too,I wanted to say.
But Nozipho cut in and suggested shawl collar grey
tuxedos with straight-end bowties and white shirts.
I sighed as they went on to discuss bridesmaids dresses,
chair covers,decoration theme and food.
I only nodded here and there and flashed weak smiles.
After what felt like a decade we finished with Sphiwo
already showing signs of uncomfortableness.He hate
being outdoors.
"I'm still not sure about the shoes and hairstyle" she said
as we walked to the car.
"Buy pumps and do black braids" I suggested.
She chuckled, "Thanks but no thanks"
She went on and on with the wedding talk until we
arrived home.
I wondered how many Palesa's planning-meetings we
still had to attend.
I still had to call my dad regarding the transportation of
our Inkandla relatives and accommodation.
Don will be my best man,Mandla and Thapelo will also be
I'm still one man short because Nozi has four
Dad said it should be someone from the family, I cross
my fingers he doesn't pick that "Nkosi sikelela" singing
"Babe do you think Lwazi agreed to attend counselling?"
Nozipho asked as she prepared us sandwiches over the
"I doubt but Sena said she will keep pursuing him.That
guy has been through a lot no wonder he had an
Lwazi has been through hell since childhood, I wonder
how he manages to smile.
Being hated by your own mother, living with your evil
stepmother and serve as a slave under your father's
watch ain't no child's play.
His sister who committed suicide was all he had,she has
left him with a huge void.
Nobody knew Sena had a soft side until he came along.
We've seen the emotional Sena and the romantic Sena,
who would've thought?
"Speaking of the devils" Nozi said as the door swung
open,Sena and Lwazi getting in with matching sunglasses.
"Fam" Sena greeted with her high girly voice.
We greeted back with "Hey"
Lwazi smiled and greeted in Zulu.Always a gentleman!
"How are you man?" I asked him.
"Getting there,how are the twins?" he asked Nozipho.
It's funny how everybody regards them as if they are out.
Nozipho smiled and told him they are good and eating
too much.
She can say that again! Yesterday she ate eight slices of
bread and a big piece of meat,I pretended it's normal and
did not act shocked at all.
"Take out the sandwiches in the fridge, I made them
extra" she told Sena.
"It's like you knew I'm hungry makoti" she said taking
them out putting one for Lwazi on the plate.
"Advantages of marrying a Zungu woman" Nozipho said.
Nozipho still hasn't chosen which surname she is using.
She says she is a Zungu but Anthony Faya will always be
her father because he raised her up.
Sometimes she calls herself a Faya and sometimes she is
a Zungu.
"Geez!!!!" Sena said spitting out the sandwich,running to
the bathroom with her hands covering her mouth.
"And then?" I asked.
Nozipho shrugged and said, "No idea"
"She is allergic to eggs" Lwazi told us biting his sandwich.
"No she is not" I told him.
Sena loves eggs we all know it.She usually seasoned hers
with aromat when we ate breakfast.
"So she throws them up?" Nozipho asked directing to
"She hate them,you should've told her the sandwiches
have eggs in it" Lwazi said.
"Do you condomise?" she asked.
Lwazi said sometimes and looked down getting shy for
discussing his sexual ways with my sister in front of me.
"Mhhhhhh" Nozipho said smiling.
I hate that "Mhhhh", she should be telling us what she
think is wrong with my sister.
I gave her a questioning look,
"I smell Lwazi junior" she said looking at Lwazi with a
"What???" Lwazi and I asked with shock.
Sena came back as we were still looking at Nozipho with
shock, she stood next to Lwazi
"You fucked me up, right now I'm so fucked up and
fucking angry" she told Lwazi calmly and went upstairs.
Chapter 73
*Lwazi Narrated*
We came back to my flat after Sena calmed down and
ordered to be driven back. I'm still shocked and hoping
it's just false alarm.
Sena isn't saying much to me,I guess she is angry and
blames me.I'll take the blame but it wasn't my intention,
I thought she was on the pill or injecting.
"Sena" I called her as she threw her bag on the couch and
passed to the bedroom.
"Lwazi right now I'm on silence mode,please let me
grieve my girlhood in peace" she said and left.
It looks like she has accepted that she is pregnant, but I
still think it's a bug or something.
I took the car keys and went out to drive to the nearest
chemist.I bought the pregnancy test,condoms and
morning-after pills,the cashier looked at me like I was
crazy.I know it's a weird combo but if she is not pregnant
I'll need the pills and condoms for safety.I doubt I can
make any kind of a father, I mean look at me!
I found her in the kitchen dipping cookies in a glass of
milk eating.That's normal, right?
"Babe I bought the pregnancy test,we need to be sure" I
told her handing it to her.
She took it and went to pee in the toilet.I sat on the chair
with my fingers crossed. God wouldn't burden me like
that when I'm still trying to work out my messy life.
"Yessss" she screamed in the toilet.
I rushed to her and asked what is it saying, she screamed
saying there is one line. I covered my face and exhaled
the frustration breath.
"Thanks God" she said throwing the test tube on the
toilet floor rushing outside happily.
I smiled and shook my head,she is such a kid sometimes.
I picked the test tube down to throw it in the bin.
Wait....I'm seeing two lines.
Or is it my tired eyes?
I rubbed my eyes and looked again. line plus one line,equals to two lines.
"Sena!" I called her.
"What is it?" she called back mouthful.I knew she was
not going to come so I went to her.
"There are two lines here" I showed her.
She rolled her eyes, "It's one....Noooo!" she exclaimed
covering her mouth.
"How did this happen babe? I thought you were always
on a pill" I asked her disappointedly.
She blinked back her tears, "Lwazi I'm pregnant.. I'm
having a baby,I'm becoming a mother so young"
She is twenty-five years according to Home Affairs!
I don't know how to comfort her right now.I need
someone to comfort me too and tell me it's okay to be
homeless and have a baby.
I just put my arm around her and inhale my frustration
back.She decided to start crying.
"Babe I'm going to have a big stomach, swollen feet and
I'll never be able to go out again the baby will cry from
8pm to 5am...God my breasts are going to fall down and
the stretch-marks..Oh No!" she said sobbing.
At least she is worried about those nonentities. I'm
worried about the kind of life I'm going to give this baby.
The home,what home? Is she/he gonna grow up in the
"I'm sorry babe it was never my intention" I apologized
rubbing her back.
"The first day..the first day in the bathroom!!" she said
looking at me.
Ok I'm confused.
"I was not on the pill and we did not use any condom.I
was so occupied I completely forgot to take the morning-
after" she said slapping her forehead.
I can't believe we made a baby in the toilet. I looked at
her,she was thinking that too.We both bursted out
"I've heard the stories about the guys who have been dry
for a long time. I've always thought people are just
assuming the myth" she said laughing with tears.
That so offensive, but I won't be offended I'll laugh at it
because she could be joking.
I wonder if it's a boy or a girl.If it's a boy I want to name
him I being foward right now?
"And why are you smiling?" she asked.
I pulled my smile together and formed a straight mouth.
"Umhhh.. do you want a back massage?" I asked.
"No I want an orgasm"
With that requested I lifted her to the bedroom and
stripped her clothes off and did what I've been subjected
to do.
"I think we should slow down on sex,we may hurt the
baby" I said as we lay side-to-side on bed facing each
other after our session.
She rolled her eyes and said "I wonder why out of all
yellowbones I had to fall for the dumb one? The baby,it's
not even a baby yet,is in the womb not vagina"
I'm being slightly insulted.Yellowbone is a girly name,I am
a light skinned.
"I'm not a yellowbone,and my pipe is too long it can go
all the way up the womb" I told her smirking.
She laughed and came to sleep over me.
"I think we should do a thoroughly experiment before
summarizing" she said kissing my nose.
I don't like this at all.If this baby,or whatever it still is,get
hurt I must be not held responsible. She is the one who
like experimenting my dick!
She blown it and rode it,pleasuring herself in every
"God couldn't have made a better body organ,wheew!!"
she said fanning her face with a hand.
I laughed out loud, "It's your crazy-ass that makes me
never want to let you go,you always bring the best out in
me" I said and kissed her affectionately.
"I think we should start looking for a house, we can't
raise the baby in the flats" she told me tying her hair
behind the neck.
As much as we fail to accept the fact that we're bringing
a new life to earth but we still need to prepare for
him/her.At least I'm working now,I can buy a house and
pay by installments or rent it.
I wonder what Olwethu would've suggested? I will visit
her tomb and tell her about it next weekend.
"Your dad is going to hire hitmen to slice my throat and
take out my intestines and throw my body in Inanda
Dam" I told her.
"He is not that bad" she said laughing.
Truth be told I'm scared of her dad,I heard his stories
about what he does to you if you sleep on the same bed
with his daughter. Thapelo also told me how bad his
punches are.
"I pray your mom gives him six rounds the day he finds
out so that he can be less harsh" I told her
"Yuks! That's disgusting" she said raising her nose.
"They still do sex..even blow-jobs if I must guess"
She pushed me away giggling.
"I started witnessing sex at the age of five.Mom and
Andrew didn't care if I was watching, they just made out
even if we were watching TV in the dining" I told her
She didn't laugh,her face changed.I shouldn't have joked
about that!
"I'm sorry" she said with sympathetic face.
"Don't be,it's okay"
"I know you're going to be a great father. You'll teach our
baby how to be strong and survive. You'll protect him
and be there every time" she said and kissed my lips
That's why she is the one for me.She always see only the
best in me.
I held her closer, "With you by my side I can do anything.
We will be the best parents babe!"
Chapter 74
*Thapelo Narrated*
If I spend another day without seeing her I think I'm
going to lose my mind.She's only been gone for four days
but it's already feels like it's been months.
I called her this morning and she sounded happy,I hate
that she is happy without me.
I dressed casually and took my car keys,even if I arrive at
at night it doesn't matter as long as I'll see her face.
I call her as I drive out my house just to check if she is
home.I want to surprise her.
Me ; Hey love
Her; Hey babe how's it?
Me ; I'm good just missing you,what are you up to there?
Her; Nothing, just planning to go out with my friends
(I don't think I like that but hey!)
Me ; Don't drink too much
Her; Hahaha babe you know I'm not the drinking type, I'll
just hang out with them at Spears and come back.
Me ; That my girl, I love you okay.
Her; Not as much as I love hang up I want to
dress up.
Me ; Dismissal, ouch! No shorts hey.
(I feel her rolling her eyes)
Her; Hear hear!!
Me ; Okay bye Mrs Mokoena
Her; Bye hubby kaZiphelele
I hung up with a stupid ear-to-ear smile.
I doubt there is anybody I can love like Ziphe. I wish I'd
met her sooner,we would be long married and staying
together right now.
My phone rang,I smiled thinking it's Ziphe but it was just
Donald.I answered by asking what's he wants.
"We planned a Shisanyama evening, where are you? We
are all waiting for you" he asked with irritation.
I completely forgot about that.I cleared my throat to
prepare him for the worst.
"Don't clear your throat I want no excuse,just tell me
how far you're from here" he said.
"Eish! I'm kind of driving to Mandeni right now,you guys
enjoy I'll come next time"
He chuckled, "Just for pussy Thapelo? Ay man stop
addicting yourself, customize yourself with getting none
for some days.Mandla last got some last of last week but
he is..."
The call was dropped, I know Mandla is irritated and
fighting him.I wonder what type of alcohol he drank the
day he told Don his bedroom issues.
I wonder what Mandla did to piss Phumla off.But Mandla
is a good guy he can go a whole month without sex if
Phumla denies him.I doubt Phumla knows how it's like to
be cheated on,but she must not push him!
I want to be just like him to Ziphe. I turned to Ballito
shopping centre and bought some goodies for Ziphe. I'll
call Zethu when I'm about to enter Mandeni and ask the
directions to that Spears place,I hope it's not a bar.
It's starting to be dark but I can see the green forests and
sugarcane fields,it's so admirable.
I crossed Tugela bridge and called Zethu.
As expected,she talks nonstop, giving me no chance to
say why I'm calling.
I pray the airtime doesn't finish because I'm not planning
to drive in other shops,I'm not even going to fill petrol I'll
do it later.She finally paused,I got the chance to ask what
I called to ask.
"Oh my God! You're surprising her,that's so great. She
has been hell irritating, always looking on the phone's
screen chatting with you" she said bubbly.
I wonder if she still remember what I asked.
"So where must I go?" I asked.
"Oh...I'll text you directions now now.Drop the call
Sebastian is calling me"
I laughed and dropped it.
I wonder what race Sebastian is.She sent me the
directions.I had to look at boards carefully because some
street lights weren't working.
I drove in what felt like circles around
a certain lokshin.I finally saw the building packed with lot
of cars with a name 'Spears' in front.
I managed to find a parking space.I tried calling Ziphe
because by the look of things finding her throughout this
crowd won't be easy,but it rang unanswered.
I walked in,people were looking at me,others greeting
me.As drunk as some of them were but they didn't go all
crazy on me like Durban people, it's all Nozipho Faya's
I looked around but I didn't see her,I then noticed that
there was a staircase so I went up hoping she is some
where upstairs.
My eyes landed directly to her.There was a guy holding
her hand speaking closely to her.I pushed through the
crowd and went towards her.
"But I love you Ziphe, how can you agree to marry him
knowing how much I love you.You said you'll date me
when you are twenty one.I was waiting for you..." the
guy said holding her hand,the other hand resting on her
bare thigh.
She felt me and turned her head up.Her mouth hang
open,eyes all out as she met my red face.
She pulled her hand away from the guy and stood up.The
guy turned around and saw me.
"Babe it's not what you think." she said.
"You're so scared of him,look at you you are shaking. You
don't owe him any explanation" the guy said looking at
me with a daring look.
Breath in,out,in,out."I came to see you my love " I said
looking at Ziphe.
I was kind of hurt by the fact that she really shaking like
I'd ever hurt her.
"She is having her "me time" give her the break and go
watch horse races or whatever is it that old guys do " the
guy said again.
He is really testing me,but I will not give him the
satisfaction and prove my father right.
"I missed you,let's go" I told Ziphe.
She came forward but the guy held her back.
"Stop being his puppy. Bra we are still enjoying the
I nodded, "I hear you but right now I would like to have
my fiance and go"
He chuckled sarcastically and said, "So insecure! You
thought proposing will save you from competition.She is
young bru,go get your agemates".
He may have hitted the nerve, I found my breath
suffocating because of anger.
"Ayi Zamani let me go" Ziphe shook him off and came
towards me.
I gave this Zamani guy a hard,long look before taking her
hand and leaving.
"Babe Zamani is just a guy who use to have a crush on
me,he is nothing. I'm sorry to let him hold me like that"
she said as we got in the car.
"Fasten your seatbelt Ziphelele" I told her and started
the car.
I drove in silence until I parked in front of her home.
"Ziphe do you still want to be a high school girl?" I asked.
"No babe"
"Here are your things" I handed her the goodies plastic.
"Thank you"
"I know I rushed you,but please Ziphe try to act like an
engaged woman. If you still let boys have their way with
you I don't think I can always take it calmly like I did
today. I don't care if they've been crushing on you for
decades, but I don't want people touching you like that" I
told her.
She nodded and said she is sorry.
"I love you Ziphe, I came because I wanted to spend time
with you but I'm very angry right now, that boy
disrespected me too much.Please go inside"
She hesitated but I gave her a plain meaningful look.
"I love you Thapelo" she said before closing the door.
I watched her until she got inside the gate safely then
drove back to Durban.
Chapter 75
*Mandla Narrated*
Phumla and I have been married for almost six years.I've
loved her since I was twenty-one.Although we've been
struggling to have a baby on our own but it never has
affected us.
Aphentle also brought us so much joy,she is learning to
walk now and she is very mischievous.She breaks
everything she can reach.The apple of my eye!
Lately Phumla and I have been drifting apart, I don't
know what's wrong. The last time we got intimate was
two weeks ago.We now even sleep with different
I sighed as I went up to our bedroom. She was already
under covers looking at her phone. I changed to my
sleeping shorts and went to kiss my princess goodnight
on her crib.
"Phumlile" I called her as I pull my blanket over.
"Mhhhh" that how she answered.
"Where did I go wrong?" I asked broken.
She looked at me plainly like she has no idea what I'm
talking about.
"You keep pushing me away,what did I do?" I asked.
"I didn't realize I'm pushing you away...sorry"
"Phumla you have been denying me for weeks" I told
her,my anger building up.
She rolled her eyes, "So this is about sex? Gosh give me a
"It's not about sex Phumla, it's about you.You don't
regards me as your husband at all.Would you be okay if I
go out and have another woman fulfilling your duties?" I
Not that I can ever cheat on her but I'm capable of doing
it I just choose not to.I swore before God that I'll love
nobody but her.
She chuckled, "Why haven't you? What's holding you
Mandla Zungu?"
I swallowed and said, "I'm sorry to say that but Phumla
please babe"
She kicked the covers off, "You know I just have a
pounding headache already and this conversation isn't
helping either. I'll use the spare room" she said getting
I got up and begged, "Babe please,what is my mom going
to say? I won't say a word just...please stay with me"
She pushed her mouth and went out.
I felt my eyes warming up.I heard the spare room door
I slowly got in bed and turned the lights out.
Her cellphone rang under the blankets she was using, I
ignored it but it kept on ringing.
I grunted angrily and searched for it.It was Don calling
her,his picture showed as it rang,I dropped him.He have
this tendency of calling her anytime he wants,I've always
tolerated Phumla chatting with him every hour.
I heard a text beep. That's just like Don,he never take a
hint.I opened it because who knows what urgency he is
calling about.
I had to re-read the text again,Don must've texted a
wrong number.
I scrolled up,there were tons of other messages. Don has
been sleeping with my wife for more than three
months.My hands trembled, the phone fell down.
Tears just ran down my cheeks. Why?
I've given Phumla everything a woman can want! Where
did I go wrong? Where am I lacking? Why Don? We are
friends, friends don't screw each other like this.
To say I was angry would be an understatement. I dashed
to the spare room and kicked the door open.
She removed the blanket off her head and looked at me,
I threw her cellphone on her chest. She grabbed it with
trembling hands and jumped up.
"I can explain" she said her back against the wall.
I wanted no explanation from her,Don will do that.I felt
the urge to strangle her slutty throat.She tried removing
my hands off her neck crying, but I didn't care.
Only when I saw her eyes rolling back I let her go and
went yo the wardrobe to took my leather-belt.
"M..a..n..d..l..a please" her begging fell on the deaf ears
and blood-oozing heart.
I gave her more than twenty lashes,she was crying calling
for help. My mom kept shouting for me to let her go
outside the locked door,I only stopped as I heard
Aphentle's loud cry.
"Bitch I'm not done with you" I told her and walked out.
"Mandla what is wrong with you?" my mom shouted
giving me a hard slap that didn't pained me at all.
I passed her and went to my princess. I took her to my
"Please cool her down" I told her and left her asking
where am I going, what's wrong.
I drove like a madman to Sbu's house.I called him outside
the door.
"Come open the door" I said that and dropped him still
I was pacing up and down waiting for him to open.When
I heard the lock turning I pushed the door causing Sbu to
fall back and balance by the wall.
"What's the fuck?" he asked annoyed.
"Where the fuck is Don?"
He looked at me and frowned, "Whooah! What's up,why
are you like this?"
I felt my eyes prickling with tears, "Just show me his
room Bura"
"What's wrong bhuti?" Nozi came down asking with a
worried face.
"He is fucking my wife" I told them.
Sbu jumped back, "No Mandla" he said disbelievingly.
I wiped my eyes, "He is.I want to see him now"
They looked at each other with shock.I passed them and
went to look for him in the spare rooms upstairs.
They ran after me,Sbu telling me to calm down.
"Mandla please!" Nozipho begged as I kicked the second
room open.
"Mandla please just calm down first,there must be some
sort of misunderstanding" Sbu said grabbing my arm.
I don't want to hurt him,but if he keep doing this my
anger will spill on him too.
"Let me go and deal with that dog" I said pushing him out
of the way.
"Please bhuti" Nozi begged with tears.
"Don't cry little sister.I'm calm I just need to have a man-
to-man session with Donald" I told her trying to calm her
I wouldn't want to upset my pregnant sister.
Sbu nodded and held her.
"Just talk to him,there must be a misunderstanding" he
said with begging eyes.
That's the problem, we've always treated Donald like our
little brother. But now he has changed it all,him and I are
rivals from now on
Chapter 76
I have seen Mandla angry,but tonight he is on fire.I'm
scared to even try stopping him anymore.
I watched as he strides to the room where Don is
My mind is still refusing to think Don can do such a thing.
He is all things but he is not a backstabber.
"Go to the bedroom" I told Nozipho.
She exhaled deeply, "Please don't let Mandla kill him,I
can't have him going to jail" she said going toward the
She is only worried about her brother.I told her to lock
the door behind her.
I can't risk anything with her.
Mandla kicked Don's bedroom door open,I ran to them,I
don't trust the angry Mandla.Who knows what type of
gun he is hiding, or even worse a bomb
Mandla didn't say a word he flipped Don's covers off.
Don was fast asleep, he woke him up with a punch.
"What's the fuck?" Don asked opening his eyes,his hand
holding his chin.
"The fuck is you are fucking my wife..My wife Don"
Mandla said throwing more punches.
Don shielded himself with hands still asking what's
wrong. His nose was bleeding as well as his lips.
"Fight me back Donald.. fight me like a man" Mandla said
lifting him up by his pyjamas throwing more punches at
his face.
"Mandla stop and let him explain" I said trying to pull him
Don was still surprised, he kept asking what's happening.
"Don why would you screw Mandla like that? His wife
out of all people's wives" I asked him still holding the
angry Mandla back.
He closed his eyes then frowned, "You fuckers tell me
what you on about" he said angrily.
The nerve! I felt like punching him too.
"Bustard!!" Mandla said fighting to get to him again.
"Don stop this shit and tell us why you're fucking
Phumlile" I shouted at him.
He spat the blood on the floor, "And why would I fuck
Phumla? What's the fuck bru?" he asked.
Mandla managed to break free and jumped on him with
fists and kicks.
I wish Thapelo was here,he is the strongest one he
would've been able to separate them.
Don started to fight back causing Mandla to go lionly.
I had to try and separate them again, this time I held
"Tell me what the fuck you're punching me for?" Don
shouted to Mandla.
"For fucking my wife,for screwing me over Donald, for
backstabbing me,for putting an end to my marriage"
Mandla said with tears.
Don frowned, "Mandla you have to tell me what
happened, what made you think I'd do that?"
Mandla chuckled painfully, "I saw your texts Don,all this
time I let you guys chat and call each other I thought it
was because you are my friend...Why Don? Why?"
"The last time I called Phumla was two months ago when
I was planning my surprise party..I'm not even her friend
on social networks. Why would you assume that?" Don
asked with confusion.
He must just apologize and move out of my house
ASAP,I'm not safe with Nozipho.
Fortunately Thapelo came in breathlessly.
Thanks Nozipho for thinking so cleverly.
"What is going on here?" Thapelo asked looking at us one
by one.
"Don has been sleeping with Phumla" I told him.
He frowned disgustedly and asked "What???"
"He called her,unfortunately I had Phumla's phone with
me.His name and picture appeared but I dropped him
because I thought he was being his crazy-self.But then he
sent her a text saying he misses her tight pussy,they must
meet up at Toni's.They've been fucking for three months
Thapelo.. three months my friend has been shagging my
wife under my nose" Mandla explained his anger
Don laughed, "April's Fool is way long to come,it's still
November guys.Close the door on your way out"
We looked at him angrily, Mandla tried to reach for him
but Thapelo held him.
"Are you guys serious?" he asked shocked.
We looked at him,waiting for him to explain himself.
"Fuck Mandla... Fuck you man! You know me better than
anyone, I like slim girls not Phumla's type. What was the
number that called?" he asked.
He is trying to deny it,wasting our time and fuelling
Mandla up.
"It's was your name and picture that appeared, stop
fooling me" Mandla said angrily.
"Give me your phone Don" Thapelo said.
Don pointed it on the pillow, Thapelo went to pick it
up.He scrolled it down.
"Well...Don last called Phumla on the 12th of
September,for 2minutes and 33seconds.. and there is no
history of them texting each other" he said looking at the
"She may have saved the number with Don's name and
picture to fool you" Thapelo, the lawyer, said.
It doesn't make sense,but it does!
"She was always texting him,laughing.Recheck!" Mandla
"I don't text with her,I have six nagging girlfriends to give
my attention to" Don told Mandla.
"She masterminded this very cleverly" Thapelo said
throwing the cellphone back on the pillow.
Mandla sunk on the floor and cried. We all looked at
each other not knowing how to comfort him.
Don wiped the blood off his nose with a towel and said,
"She is not worth it,you are a good guy"
That's didn't seem to comfort him at all.Mandla kept
crying asking us how can Phumla do this to him after
We had no answer for that,only Phumla knows the
I went to call Nozipho and asked her to go talk to her
She jumped up asking how is he.I shrugged.
She went to him, crying too.
Mandla has never even glue his eyes on another woman.
Why Phumla would do this to him?
Mandla is what every woman dreams of for a husband.
Trustworthy, loving, caring, protective and faithful.
Chapter 77
*Thapelo Narrated*
Mandla finally calmed down.He said he want to divorce
Phumla but I doubt it'll be that easy,the two have been
together since university. Mandla's life has always been
with Phumla, through thick and thin he's always been by
her side.
I really thought Phumla was happy, her deeds has proved
me wrong. They say never judge a book by its cover, I
agree, Phumla is a decent looking woman.
Sbu and Nozi accompanied him back to his house. What
going to happen when they get there,I don't want to
Don stayed back and nursed his face still complaining
that Mandla shouldn't have gone all Jericho on
him,because now he have to stay indoors for days.
I drove back to my house and remembered that Ziphe
called me but I didn't answer because I was driving like
crazy to Sbu's.
Her and I haven't spoken, I last sent her a plain good
morning text this morning.
I drive straight in the garage because tomorrow I'm noff
and probably not going to drive anywhere.
I entered by the backdoor.
"Thapelo" Ziphe said getting up on the couch. did she get here? And how did she..I don't
even want to think she drove here herself so late.
"Ziphe how did you get here?" I asked already panicking.
"I drove,you didn't answer my calls.Babe I'm sorry about
yesterday I didn..."
I grabbed her for a deep kiss while she still trying to
apologize.I missed these lips!
"Never ever, ever Ziphe ever drive by yourself at
night.What if you got hijacked and..God I don't even
want to think about it" I said and hugged her tightly.
"I just thought you're ignoring me because you're still
angry about Zamani" she said resting her head against
my chest.
"I'm not angry at you and I'll never ignore you,you're my
love.I had a situation to attend, I was going to call you
"Okay..I got you a little " sorry" gift" she said getting off
I'm smiling already, I like it,whatever is it.She came back
with a small purple giftbag.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Open it" she handed me the bag.
It was a necklace with letters T.Z drawn on the front
piece.I like it I like it.
"Thapelo and Ziphe" she said smiling.
I put it around my neck with a huge smile, she watched
me with a satisfied smile.
"I'm never taking it off" I told her.
She giggled, "I love you"
I kissed her, "I love you too"
The kiss got deeper, our breaths started to get high and
"I missed you" I told her taking her blouse off.
She also took my shirt off.We left only underwears,I
pushed her on the couch and kissed every part of her
I stripped her bra and panty off and ate her cookie.She
kept pushing my head in telling me it's so good.
"I want to be in control" I told her wiping her fluid off my
She nodded and said "No cufflinks".
I nodded and told her to turn around and hold the couch.
"Legs apart babe" I told her.
I rubbed her by the hand before inserting myself. She
screamed as I pushed in.She is still tight,I still struggle to
get in.
After I was inside her completely, I started pounding in
and out fast,slamming on her butt hard.
"Babe please slow down" she said trying to push me
"Hands on the couch babe I'll slow down"
I continued slamming into her.Harsh and fast is really my
favourite I couldn't stop myself.
"Babe....ahhh" she screamed as I wrapped my hand
around her and rubbed her clit.
"Jesus Christ" I moaned as her warm liquid splashed all
over me.
I lifted her up,wrapped her legs around my waist and
jumped in and out her.
"So good good" I told her putting her down.
"Babe put your hands on the floor" I instructed breathing
I took her legs to my arms,like a wheelbarrow,I knew this
will not last me five minutes. I started slamming inside
her with all I have.
She screamed louder than before, I think neighbors are
being subjected to audio-porn.I pushed in and rounded
around her soft spots.
I felt her pussy tightening and drew out.
"Babe you have to wait for me this time" I told her
reinserting myself slowly.
"Just fuck me" she said angrily.
I like the demanding Ziphe, so I just kept teasing her until
she threatened to pull her legs down.
"My arms are already tired dammit" she said.
I pushed in and out faster,then I pressed her spot.She
screamed as her liquid came out.I thrusted in deeper and
went up and down inside.
I felt my world stopping. I groaned out loud as my steam
came out and let her legs down.
We both fell on the floor breathing hard.
"I love you" I said as my breaths calmed down.
"I love you too but right now my body hurts please carry
me to the bathroom" she said.
I apologized for being rough and carried her.After
bathing she suggested we watch Keeping Up With The
Kardashians.I agreed hoping it's a nice movie.
We took Lays and sauce and went to sit in front of the
TV.She flipped through the channels and stopped at E.
Kanye West's wife appeared talking with her
"When is it starting?" I asked.
She answered with her eyes fixed on the TV, "It's already
"But they are just talking with each other babe" I said
"Yeah...I'm listening to Scott shut up" she said raising the
Well..I'm just gonna find an excuse and get out of here.
"Hahaha babe Khloe is crazy" she said laughing.
"Yeah that was funny...Umhhh I have a work call to
make" I said standing up to go watch boxing in our room.
She was so glued she didn't even hear me,she kept on
nodding whenever they talked.
I got in my room and switched the TV on and lowered the
Now this is watchable!
"Switch that thing off" she said covering her eyes as she
got in forty-five minutes later.
"Aibo I'm still watching it" I said.
She came towards me and grabbed the remote and
turned the TV off.
"You'll give me nightmares, what is great by watching
people fighting?.. Arghhhh" she said frustrated.
"It's better than watching people talking in their houses"
I told her pissed off.
I real wanted to see who won that match.
"You'll only watch those things when you're alone in the
house.I want no trauma"
Okay...I'll ask Sbu how is it like spending your everyday
with a woman tomorrow.
Chapter 78
Nozipho had to beg her angry mother to go upstairs, she
still has no idea why Mandla beaten her special
Mandla will tell her when he is ready, for now Phumla
needs to lay out a valid explanation for her cheating.
"Bitch tell me why? Why would you cheat on me and
make a fool out of me all these years?" Mandla shouted
at her before she could even sit down.
She started crying and saying thousand sorries.
Mandla went to give her a hot clap.Great job!
"Mandla calm down, let her explain. Phumla why are you
doing what you're doing after everything Mandla has
done for you?" I asked her holding Mandla back.
She sobbed, "It was a mistake Mandla I'm sorry"
"A mistake happens once.You've been sleeping around
for three months,or longer I don't know.It's not a
mistake,it's your habit." Mandla said trembling with
"It wasn't supposed to happen in the first place,Gideon
tricked me and I gave in" she said crying.
Gideon must be Don,the so-called Don.
"What did I do wrong? I've been nothing but I good
husband, I tried giving you all you want.Why Phumlile?"
Mandla asked.
She wiped her eyes, "I wanted us to stop but he kept
coming back for more"
I think we must book her into the saloon.She is not well
He kept coming back for more, as if she is a serving
vaginatian,if there's any name like that for people giving
with their vaginas.
"You're a greedy slut! I always satisfied you!" Mandla
said giving her more slaps.
She cried saying she is sorry.
If there is any pathetic word,it is sorry.Everyone says
sorry to neutralise their flaws.
"I'm sorry..he just did things you don't do to me and I got
carried away" she said.
I wanted to ask what those things are so that I can do
them to Nozi,but right now isn't the right time for sex
I pulled Mandla away from her.
"Tell me...tell me what to do Phumla. Tell me how do I
become the husband you want.I love you Phumla, I love
nobody else. You're hurting me,what must I do for you
Maka Aphe? I love you,tell me" Mandla said
crying,sinking on the couch with tears running down his
I hate his begging and desperation!
Mandla is like a big brother to us,seeing him break down
like this because of a woman he loves really hurt me.
He is my role model,I want to be just like him with
Nozipho.Every time we get out of the right path he is
always the one who put sense back to us.
He is a good guy,he doesn't deserve this!
"We can make it work,I still love you" Phumla said with a
crying smile coming toward Mandla but I pushed her
"Mandla loves you but that doesn't mean you should
take advantage of him.You,Mandla you're not changing
yourself for anyone.If she is not satisfied with how you
are then FUTSEG...Futseg Phumla, you'll not toy with my
brother" I told her spitting fire.
She chuckled, "You also cheated and Nozipho forgave
you,Mandla will forgive me too.Stay out of our marriage,
we come a long way"
No she did not! She did not just used me as a testimony!
I want to strangle the hoe-ness out her throat.
"I was drunk and it happened once.You have been
sleeping around for months,you're a serial cheater.You
don't deserve Mandla" I told her fuming.
Not that she is a serial cheater,the word just suit her.
"You know what there is no need for all of this" Mandla
said standing up wiping his tears.
We both looked at him.He is not forgiving her that
easily,help me God!!
"Sbu you're right my brother,I can't change myself
because I want to compete with other guys,if she is not
satisfied with me then futseg" he said looking at
Phumla,with red angry face.
Phumla stood up and stepped back shocked, "I am
satisfied,I just gave in to lust...please Gwabini"
Mandla pushed her to go, "I can't love you after this.Not
just the cheating but the way you fooled me,it shows me
how twisted you are.Get out of my house!"
"You love me Mandla, we are destined to be together.
You are nothing without me" she said fighting Mandla's
hands off her.
I did say her mental state isn't clear.I really thought I
know Phumla well, but right now I'm washing my hands.
"Then I choose to be nothing" Mandla said pushing her
She started crying begging me to stop him.Really?
"Just go" I told her.
Mandla pushed her all the way to the door,
"You'll be hearing from my lawyers" he said and slammed
the door on her face.
"Help me pack her stuff,I want her things out of my
house in the morning" he said,I followed him to their
He packed her clothes and shoes.I started with toiletries,
there were so many I needed another bag.
Fortunately I found the black handbag in the closet.
There was just a pocket of pills and empty containers of
the same pills.I'll just throw them away.
Wait........these pills???
I know these pills,I've seen Simtho drinking them.
Prevention pills!!
"Mandla look here" I threw the pills to him.
He frowned, "Preventing pills.." he said hesitatingly.
"Wasn't she trying to conceive? Why would she have
them?" I asked no one in particular.
Mandla let out a painful laugh, "Damn! She is fertile, just
I don't understand.
"Why all the adoption process if she could've just given
you a baby?" I asked confused.
"Wow!" Mandla exclaimed.
"Bitch!" I said smashing her perfume on the floor.
"Bura I have no idea who I've been married to all these
years" he said taking out his cellphone and making a call.
His lawyer!!!
One of the marriage I respected the most has fallen.
Chapter 79
Nozipho being the loving sister decided to stay behind
and comfort her heart-broken brother.It'll take more
than special cooked food for him to be okay but Nozipho
thinks as long as she cooks him all the delicious dishes
he'll be fine.
I'm in the house with the "sick" Don.Not that he is really
sick but because his face is swollen from Mandla's
punches and he took the opportunity to stay in bed and
order me around.
"Get me a glass of Fanta and those Nozipho's special
cupcakes" he shouted from his bedroom.
I reluctantly went to get him what he wants.
"I'm not the one who punched you,you know. And your
feet are functioning very well stop ordering me around" I
told him as I handed him the plate of cups.
He didn't care what I said and just asked if Mandla has
found a rebound chick.
"Not everyone is like you.He won't move on that easily
his heart still loves Phumla, it'll take time.He is still
hurting" I don't even know why I'm explaining this to him
instead of going to check Thapelo.
"That's the whole purpose of getting a rebound chick,to
ease the hurting and learn to not love your ex" he said
with a big piece of cake in his mouth.
"Mxm...I'm going to check Thaps" I said standing up.
"Give me the remote first....tell him he must come
around to see me I'm not well"
"You're in a holiday neh?" I asked him as he flipped
through channels under bedcovers.
He laughed, "Mandla's punches are the best thing since
sliced bread" he said and sipped his drink.
I left him like that and drove to Thapelo's house.
Ziphe's car was parked outside.
I didn't know she is in Durban.
"Hello" I shouted as soon as I opened the door giving
them time to stop whatever they are doing.
"Brother!!" Ziphe said running to me with open arms.
I squeezed her for a hug and asked when did she arrive.
She smiled, "Last night...You look exhausted"
I sighed, "I'm with Don,alone in the house"
She giggled, "Where is Sis'Nozi?"
"She is home...and you're supposed to be home too" I
said looking at her with curiosity.
"You're invading my home" Thapelo said coming towards
He is glowing, must be lot of sex.
"You're beautiful" I said complimenting him with
He brushed his cheeks and frowned.
"Yeah look at him he is developing curvesn too" Ziphe
said side-glancing me holding her laughter.
Thapelo looked and touched himself, we bursted out
"Not funny at all" he said smiling.
"Don said you must come around to see his sick-self" I
told him.
He frowned weirdly, "Trust me Don always find the best
out of every situation"
I laughed and told him he said he was in a car accident to
his boss and girlfriends.
"Phumla orchestrated her plan very well,being called by
Don every time isn't suspicious at all.That woman!!!" he
said disgustedly.
Even if Phumla and Mandla get back together by magic
things will never be the same.She totally ruined her
friendship with us.
I want her nowhere near Nozipho or my sisters,she will
polute them.
"What did she do?" Ziphe asked.
I guess Thapelo is the kind of guy that doesn't tell his
woman everything.
Unlike me who pass everything I know to Nozipho,I
wonder if that's clever.
"It's a long awful story my love...err it's past six" he told
Ziphe jumped up and ran to the dining area.
"What's so special about past six?" I asked looking at my
sister running.
He laughed and said "The Rich Kids Of Berverly Hills".
I looked at him expecting him to explain what that is.
" I have no idea,I was told to say when it's past six"
Whatever that is! I asked him for a drink and went to sit
"What was her excuse? How did she plead for herself?"
He asked me handing me a can of beer.
I take he is asking about the 'black bitch'.
"She said the Gideon guy did things Mandla didn't do and
she got carried away" I ran my mouth.
I wondered if Mandla wanted to keep this confidential or
Thapelo laughed, "Maybe she's got a big cunt"
I gasped,should we be discussing Phumla's vagina here?
"What do you think those things could be? Mandla is the
master of all styles" I asked him.
I know this because we discuss our sex life.
He thought and said, "Fisting and anal"
I grunted disgustedly, "Those are for the real hoes"
"She isn't the fake one either"
I couldn't agree more.We stopped gossiping and
discussed soccer.
We heard Ziphe giggling, Mandla laughed too.
Must be the secret joke!
Later I decided to go back home.Ziphe was busy cooking
dinner, I wonder if my dad knows about these 'wife
duties' she is imposing.
I found Mandla and Don drowning themselves in alcohol.
Mandla could hardly stand on his own.Don has recovered
I guess.
"Khoza's Tarven" I said looking at them with disbelief.
They laughed.
"Mr Nice Life" Mandla said laughing, Don joined in.
"You guys are unbelievable" I told them picking up beer
"Unbelievable is what Phumla did..not Phumla what's her
name Don?" Mandla said drunkily.
Don laughed,
"Chef Horny"
I had no choice but to laugh along.It's sounds funny when
they include her occupation.
"It's time for me to experience new pussy" Mandla said.
I think that's alcohol talking.

Chapter 80
*Mandla Narrated*
I don't know how drunk I was but Don decided we go to
waste ourselves even more and we drove to town
despite Sbu's whining.
The music was blasting with maximum volume,Don was
dancing while driving. I hope the traffic coppers are
asleep by now.
We park at one of the clubs I always see when driving
past.In my life I never thought I'll be out clubbing on a
Monday night.I'm supposed to be home with my family.
We got inside,girls started dancing near us showing off
their sexy moves.I was drunk but I couldn't bring myself
to dance with any of them like Don who already had a
shorts-wearing girl dancing in his arm.
"Come let's dance babe" a slim girl with blonde hair said
taking my hands.
I pushed her away irritated. She is just Phumla's
type,very cheap.I walked to order myself some shots
ignoring girls who danced looking at me slutty.
"This is the best night ever" Don said taking his t-shirt off
swaying his body to sides.
I just kept ordering shots,not even alcohol could take
away the pain.Although I felt funny but deep down in my
heart there was an aching pain.
"I want to go now" Don said grinning.
I laughed, "Where is your dancing partner?" I asked.
He waved me away and sang along Christ Brown
Forever,I sang along too.We then pushed our way out.
"I suggest we start at Point and see how blasty the
parties in there are" Don suggested driving to Point
I just wanted to go to my lonely bed and sleep my
"Bru I'm tired,let's just go home" I told him closing my
eyes tiredly.
"I'll just go in and see if I get any hot chick" he said
parking in front of a certain club and getting out.
I sunk back on the chair and closed my eyes.
A human figure knocked in the window. Not the hijackers
please God,I silently prayed.
I looked carefully and noticed that it's looked like a
woman.I slowly slid down the window.
"What do you want?" I asked.
I'm not a jolly person at the moment.
She looked at me with fear and blinked tears away.
"I...I...I am a prostitute..R50" she said doubtfully.
She was wearing a long black dress,that's not how
prostitute wear.
I looked at her confused.
And then I dismissed her,
"I want no damn sex" I told her.
I just got out of a marriage 24hours ago.Being here
clubbing with half-naked girls already feels like I'm
cheating on Phumla.
"Please.....please brother" she begged crying.
What's with this girl? She looks young enough to be in
high school or university.
I scolded her, "Shouldn't you be indoors doing
homework? What are your parents saying when you go
around selling your body?"
She stepped backwards tears running down her face.She
collided against the pole with her back and fell with the
back of her head.
I opened the car door and rushed to her.I helped her up.
She had no shoes on..
"Are you a street kid?" I asked looking at her.
She shook her head and looked down.
"I'm taking you home,where is home?" I asked.
"I mean where you're staying" I clarified.
She looked around and pointed in the corner street.
There are no houses here!
"Your physical address girl" I told her.
She looked down shyly, "I'm still trying to get money to
rent a house,for now I'm staying in that corner"
"Don't you have relatives here? Why then did you come
here penniless?" I asked.
She didn't respond she just cried.I wanted to hug her but
she didn't look decent for a hug.
"Please...even if you pay R30 it's okay" she said with
God why me?
"You are here because you want to sell your body or you
have dreams to achieve in this place?" I asked.
She looked at me for a long time before answering.
"I'm here because I want to be free,I want to further my
studies and make my late father proud" she said
Most girls want to make their mothers proud.
I smiled and exhaled, "Then why are you selling your
body instead of pursuing your dreams"
"Desperate times calls for desperate measures" she
That's so deep.
"How old are you?" I asked.
She smiled shyly, "Turning nineteen next week"
I nodded,she is too young to be in the city by herself.
"Come with me,tomorrow we will see what can be done"
I said leading her to the car.
She tightened her bag around her arm and walked along.
I opened the door for her then went to sit at the front.
Don came back with a beer and skidded in the driver's
"And then?" he asked looking at the girl with confusion.
"Oh she is coming with me,she doesn't have a place to
stay" I told him.
He frowned at me.I know!
"What's her name?" he asked.
Well...I just took a girl to my car without asking her
I shrugged, he posed the question to the girl.
"I'm Zanda Dlamini" she said.

Chapter 81
Don slept out,he came back early in the morning and told
me Mandla is saving the world by picking street beggars
and accommodating them in his house.
I left him getting ready to go to work and drove to
Mandla's home to see my little family.
"Have you seen Mandla?" that's the greeting I get from
Nozipho as soon as I get in.
I hugged her and told her he went out with Don and
they're fine.
"Phumla came to demand Aphentle at four o'clock" she
told me.
Unbelievable witch!!
"Bitch!" I cursed regardless of her mom who was making
her way towards us.
Nozi coughed and asked, "Are you not going to work
I told her I'm on my way and took Sphiwo for a kiss.
"Son" her mother greeted.
She looked shattered more than Mandla. Phumla was
like a daughter to her,she loved her.Accepting all of this
and divorce must be hard on her.
"Ma how are you?"
She shrugged, "We're trying, did Mandla sleep at you
house?" she asked.
Nozipho nudged me,I said yes he slept with me.
"His daughter has been sad since she woke up.Mandla is
usually the one who feed her her breakfast" she said with
I gave Nozi Sphiwo and took Aphe from her granny.
She looked at me in the eyes and started scratching my
face.I've heard she is good with her nails.
I put her down and watch as she takes mini baby steps.
She needs her parents, despite what's going on between
them Mandla should be here.
"I'll see you guys later,Ma stay well" I told them as I
turned around to leave.
I drove to Mandla's old house.His car was parked outside.
I knocked five times,nobody answered.
When I was about to turn back and leave the door
opened slowly, a young girl peeked.
"I'm here to see Mandla, is he in?" I asked.
She opened the door wide and stepped aside.
"Upstairs" she said in almost whisper.
She was wearing a black old dress and no shoes,her hair
was natural short.
I nodded and went up leaving her picking up a dish of
I wondered why because there are four showers in this
He was on bed staring at the blank TV screen.
He turned his head to me,his face relaxed as he saw it's
" did you get in?" he asked.
"A young girl opened for me...who is she?"
He sighed, "A homeless girl I found around Point"
Mother Teresa!
"You can't trust anyone especially street people" I told
Seriously, the girl could be a dangerous serial killer.Ok
maybe I'm exaggerating but she could be a thief.
"She is harmless".
If you say so.
"Phumla came to demand Aphentle" I told him.
I expected a reaction, like swearing or cocking a gun,not
that he have any but...
"She is delusional, if she wanted a baby she would've
made one.Aphentle is mine,she was my idea" he said
I hate his calmness because it doesn't give away his real
"She has been sad all morning, you need to go and be
with her.She needs you" I told him.
He nodded and got off bed.He slept with his shoes
I followed behind him down the stairs.
And then???
This girl was on her knees moping the floor with a
cloth...on the cold morning?
"Zanda what's are you doing?" Mandla asked shock.
She quickly stood up with eyes wide opened in fear,
"I...I...I thought I should clean the floor...sorry" she said in
"No we have cleaners here,you don't have to do a thing"
She looked down at her bare feet and mumbled sorry.
"It's okay you don't have to be sorry,have you eaten?" he
She played with her hands,
"I'll set the table" she said and made her way towards
the kitchen with the dish.
Set the table....what does she mean?
I looked at Mandla, he looked back at me and shrugged.
She called us as we were about to exit the door.
"Breakfast" she said.
I like her mindset!
We followed her to the table where she has layed a tray
of tea and plates of toasts,eggs,bacons and tomatoes.
"Thank you" I said biting a slice of toast.
Mandla nodded at her then she left to the kitchen.
"Mhhhh I can use a street kid who cooks me breakfast
like this everyday" I told Mandla chewing.
He chuckled, "You love food Sbu you don't change"
I clicked my tongue and poured more milk in my tea.
"Don't finish my milk" Mandla said grabbing it away.
We finished all our plates.
"You take the tray to the kitchen" I said to him.
"No you take it,I'm older"
This will get unattractive!
"No I'll take what I ate with and you take yours" I said
gathering my plate and cup.
He clicked his tongue and picked others on the tray.
She was sitting on the floor eating slices of bread from its
plastic, plain ridiculous slices of bread.
"Why are you sitting on the floor?" I asked shocked.
She smiled weakly, "I sit here"
Mandla brushed his face in frustration,
"Zanda can you pretend as if you're home and act normal
and welcomed?" he told her.
Zanda frowned with confusion, "This is normal"
I laughed, "Sitting on the floor near the chair-surrounded
table,eating plain two slices of bread is not normal" I told
She looked down, "I'm sorry I just didn't want to spoil the
I don't understand her at all!
"Make yourself proper food,sit wherever you want,use
bathrooms and watch TV" Mandla told her.
She whispered, "Thank you bhuti"
Behind this rugged weary girl is a decent African beauty,I
tell you.
"You said you're here to study, what are you going to
study?" Mandla asked her.
She looked at him,
"I want to be a therapist" she said thoughtful.
That's... I don't know how that is but it's so deep when
she is saying it,like her life is all about being a therapist
and nothing else.
it's had so much passion. I wonder what's her story is?
Mandla smiled and told her he'll help her.
Her eyes filled with tears as she asked if he was serious.
Mandla nodded and asked for her documents.
She hurried to the bedroom and came back with a pink
school back.
"Here" she said handing him the documents.
Mandla gasped with his eyes out.I had to go see the
"What is it?" I asked looking at the paper in his hand.
This girl in front of us is an acer.
Her matric statement have four A's and three B's.
Who get 94% in Maths???
We both looked at her alarmed. She looked her usual
calm and shy.
"What are you doing here?" I asked her confused.
She blinked rapidly confused.
"What are you doing in South Africa? You should be in
Chicago studying medicine or science" I told her.
Not that Chicago is a best country with medical studies I
just said afar-away sounding country.
She shrugged, "MaQwabe would've killed me"
I looked at Mandla in confusion.
"My stepmom" she explained.
"You're going to be whatever you want,and you'll ace
it.MaQwabe, whoever that is or anyone else can't do
anything about that.Tomorrow we are going to look a
school for you" Mandla said looking at her,differently.
I think we all going to speak different with this girl from
now on.She deserve a little respect, she is an A+ student.
"Feel at home,will see you later" Mandla told her and
pushed me to leave.
"What a waste of education!!!" I exclaimed one more
Chapter 82
*Mandla Narrated*
I spent the whole day with my daughter.My lawyer said
the divorce papers will be finalized by the the end of next
week.I still have no idea how I feel about it.
Phumla keeps proving why I must divorce her fast,this
morning she came with her boyfriend to demand
Aphentle from Nozipho.
I wonder what kind of drug she is taking,or this is her
true self, all these years she spent with me she was
under false personality.
I can't say I don't love her anymore, it's too early to just
forget about everything.But I can safely say I want her
out of my life,for good.
I want full custody of my daughter, I know it's a bit unfair
but she didn't lay out a fair game either.
I bathed Aphentle and put her to sleep and told my mom
I'll be back in an hour.
I drove to my old house to check on Zanda.
I have no idea what her story is but whatever happened
to her shouldn't hold her back,she have a bright future
ahead of her.
And I'm going to make it my job to put her on the right
"Zanda" I called in the empty house.
I panicked thinking she left and went back to the streets.
I looked in all rooms and finally found her in the laundry
room,ironing a pile of clothes.
"Zanda" I said.
She turned around with fear.I smiled to ease her.
"There is someone who takes care of the laundry, don't
bother yourself let's go"
She unplugged the iron and took the ironed folded
clothes into the basket and followed me.
I helped her hang them in the wardrobes.
"Where did you learn to do all the hard chores because
you're still young?" I asked.
She said she has been doing it all her life.
"Weren't you at school? Or you cleaned and did laundry
in class" I asked.
"I cleaned five houses, ploughed the vegetable garden,
filled buckets with water only then I could get ready to
go to school,that's been my life" she said calmly.
I frowned, "You were working as a maid and schooling at
the same time?" I asked shock.
She laughed for the first time.
"No I did that at home"
It's not funny.
"Why would you do that?" I asked concerned.
"In order to have a plate of food and a house to sleep in"
This is a lot to take in! She is only nineteen for goodness
Who does that to a child?
"Where are your parents?" I asked.
"My dad died of cancer when I was nine years old"
Mine died of cancer too.We share the common pain
"I'm sorry to hear that...and your mom?"
She shrugged, "She died giving birth to me"
God this girl knows all the pain of having no one.
I felt the edge to hug her but my conscious warned me
against it.
"You know what,you'll stay here as long as you want. I
will find you a school in town where you can study next
year" I told her.
She smiled, "You're a good person"
"A good person who has been cheated on by her
longtime wife" I said not aware I'm thinking out loud.
She looked at me with innocent eyes,
"She is the one who lost, you're a good person. God
knew she doesn't deserve you"
She was trying to comfort me.I smiled and told her I got
her new clothes and cellphone.
She opened her eyes in shock, "You shouldn't have,you
already doing me more than I can imagine"
I laughed, "I know you only asked for R50 in exchange
with sex"
She looked down.
Maybe I shouldn't have joked about that.
"I'm sorry I know you were desperate. But Zanda what if I
just kidnapped you and rapped you? You need to be
careful in Durban."
"Then you would've been the sixth one to do it,nothing
"You have been kidnapped five times?" I asked looking at
"Rapped five times" she responded like it doesn't matter.
Jesus Christ where are you?
"By who?" I asked my tears halfway.
She is too young, why would any sane person rape a
young bright girl? Teachers maybe,who gave her extra
"My stepmother's brother,three boys I don't know and
the police officer I reported my uncle to"
I sunk down on the couch with my hands burying my
What is a world we are living in?
"Zanda I'm so sorry you went through that trauma... God
what is wrong with the world?" I said fighting my tears.
"I wanted it to be over and came to the city.It's over
now" she said.
I looked at her, "Yeah it's over nobody is ever going to
hurt you again"
She smiled and nodded.
Chapter 83
*Lwazi Narrated*
We still don't say we're living together but we spend all
our days either in my flat or in hers.Sena still hasn't
informed her parents about the pregnancy,only Sbu
We had a fight, I'm not sure when or what's about but
she is angry and not talking to me.Maybe it's because I
left her in bed and went to watch TV this morning?
She sang loud in the kitchen cooking herself a maize
"Toni Braxton in the house" I said jokingly.
She turned with a dead stare and looked me up and
down.I cleared my throat and asked if she needs help
with anything.
"No thanks" she said turning her attention back to the
boiling pot.
"Sena what did I do?" I asked worried.
"What did you do? You're asking me what did you do
when you left me alone on bed and went to watch half-
naked girls on TV" she shouted pointing me with a
Her family should've told me she have a mental situation.
"That's RAW babe,they are wrestlers and it wasn't just
girls only there were men too"
I sighed, "Babe I'm sorry it won't happen again, I'll always
wait for you to wake up" I told her.
I'm not sure that's the promise I can honour.Sena sleeps
for 11hours and top them with other 2hours of sleep
during the day.
I saw her cheeks stretching from behind. I'm forgiven.
"I love you okay" I added.
She whirled around with a smile,
"Okay,do you want me to dish for you?" she asked.
I've eaten enough porridge in my life I doubt I can
stomach it and not throw up,my life is all about bacons
and toasts.
I shook my head, "I'll rather die than eating maize
She looked at me deadly,
"What are you trying to say?"
What medication do they give her when she get like this?
It's like she is a ticking bomb.
"I mean no don't dish for me" I clarified.
She frowned even more,
"You hate my food...Oh my God my boyfriend hates my
cooking!!" she said angrily.
Somebody get me out of here!
"No I hate porridge officially, not your cooking. You know
I love your cookings, just that I ate so much porridge
when growing up I no longer likes it"
She exhaled in relief,
"It's your loss,I'll squeeze lemons and add brown sugar in
it" she said excitedly.
I watched as she ate a big bowl of porridge look licking
the spoon afterwards.
"You eat a lot these days" I told her flipping through the
"I'm pregnant" she said and got up to leave.
Is she angry?
"Sena" I called her.
"Leave me alone, I'm the food-gobbler to you"
I sighed,I had no idea why is my relationship falling apart.
We're supposed to be happy,we just started dating,
we're expecting our bundle of joy,what is wrong?
I tried knocking in the bedroom but she told me I can
take my dieting ass and drive to hell.
I'm not dieting,I just eat less than her.
This is frustrating me, I can't lose her.I need to filter
everything I say to her,she is suddenly an egg.
I took out my phone to call her brother, maybe he's got
an idea what must I do now.
"Lwazi" he answered.
I breathed, "Sbu howzit?"
I heard Don shouting at the background, how I wish my
life was as flawless as his.
"Top,what's up with you?" he asked sensing my
I sighed, "Have your sister told you what did I do wrong
yo her?"
He laughed.Not funny at all Sbusiso!
"Yes apparently you Lwazi my man is not taking care of
her.You leave her alone on bed to watch TV,you diss her
food and call her a pig"
I was shocked, when did I call her pig?
"I only said she eat a lot these days,I didn't even mean it
in a bad way" I told him.
"Welcome to my world!" he said.
"What world? Sbu I called you because I need help with
how to deal with your moody sister"
He laughed, I'm about to end this call any second from
"It's just hormones, go buy her what she likes lately she
will be alright"
I'm not sure food can resolve this but I'll try any kind of
cure that may help.
"Okay I'll try doing that,thanks bru"
"No sex is allowed during pregnancy, so you must know"
he said and dropped the call.
He is lying,the doctor told me it's okay to make sex.He is
just protecting his sister's pussy.
I took the car keys and drove to buy a Mexican burger
and chocolate cookies.
"Babe" I called outside the door.
"What?" she said opening the door with anger.
"Guess what I got for you?" I asked smiling despite her
hostile glare.
She just looked at me and not answered.
"A Mexican burger or chocolate cookies and a glass of
warm milk?" I asked.
She smiled, "Both"
"Then you got both,come with me" I took her hand.
She jumped on my back, her arms around my neck.
"I love you!!!!" she screamed.
Chapter 84
I've had a tiring day at work with back to back meetings
all I wanted to do was take a warm long shower and get
in bed,but Boom! We're going to dine with Anthony.I
don't know why Nozipho just decided that she must
suggest dinner with her father in the middle of the week.
So I showered and drove to her home to pick her up.
"Now I have to stay here alone with the sleeping
Aphentle" Mandla complained.
Nozipho laughed at him,
"Let's hope our 'mall loving' mom would be back soon"
Mandla grunted, "What is it with her and mall anyway?"
"She is showering herself with gifts and new stylish
clothes" Nozi said.
"Let's not forget the make-up she's found interest in
applying" Mandla said.
I laughed,Mandla's mom has been back in the game ever
since Nozipho was found.She now looks like a modern
fifty years old woman,she put on make-up and enough
"Chisaaa Mrs Zungu!!! I think Nozipho is jealous her mom
is looking more beautiful than her" I said, Nozipho
punched me and giggled.
I took the food containers Nozipho has prepared,she
took Sphiwo then we left Mandla calling Don to come
I wonder what Don has been saying to Mandla, he looks
a lot better since Don decided to spend more time with
We drove to the Faya's with Nozipho rambling on and on
about the NY Fashion Week.
We parked outside and took out Sphiwo and food.The
guards came and offered to carry but we told them we're
Nozipho was walking behind me,I pushed the door and
head straight to the kitchen to put containers on the
"Ahhhhh..Yes Thandiwe...mhhhhhh" that's Anthony
moaning in the lounge.
Isn't he still mourning her wife's death?
I want to run out of here!
"Oh My God!" Nozi exclaimed with her eyes wide opened
in shock.
Anthony's groans grew louder as we stood electric-
shocked in the kitchen.
"Let's get out of here" I suggested in whisper.
"The boy is going to be fine Thandiwe you need to
relax....Ahhhhha turn around baby" that's Anthony again.
Thandiwe??? Please let it not be the Thandiwe we all
I suddenly felt the need to breath fast and fan my face
with my hand.
Nozipho covered her mouth.I gained my composure and
pull her out the door.
What on earth is Thandiwe and Anthony doing?
How did this happen?
Nozipho was dumbstruck, so was I.We drove in
silence,my mind was still trying to process what I just
This is what I call ridiculous!
Mandla and Don looked at us with frowns,
"And then what's happened to dinner?" Mandla asked.
How do I say this?
Nozipho handed me Sphiwo and rushed to the
We heard vomiting sounds.
"Don't tell me you guys fought again?" Mandla said
looking at me with curiosity.
"Or you have another baby dumped at your gate?" Don
"No it's nothing like that" I mumbled.
Nozipho came back with her forehead printed, chewing
her lower lip.
"What is it with you and that look?" Mandla asked
looking at her.
"I just heard mom and dad having sex" she said loud.
Don covered his mouth and laughed,
"I knew Mr Biyela was a beast,I mean have you seen his
abs?" Don said still laughing.
He thinks Nozi is referring to her in-law parents.
"No,I mean mom as in our mom and my dad,Anthony"
Nozipho illustrated.
Mandla's face suddenly folded in a big frown,
"It's not funny Nozi" he said looking at her for doubt.
Nozipho ran to the bathroom again.Mandla stood up and
looked at me,
"Is she serious?" Mandla asked me.
I nodded, "I think I need therapy,I'm traumatised. The
moans...Jesus!!" I said.
Don stood up,
"Mandla's mom is now putting her equipment to good
use? OMG! Her and Anthony?" he said laughing.
Mandla cursed and brushed his head,
"I didn't see this one coming. How? And why,aren't they
too old for sex?"
I shrugged and sat down.
Nobody is too old for sex,but Mrs Zungu? She just
doesn't fit for it.
"I think we need to just eat hot-spiced meat and down it
with milkshakes" Nozi suggested and left to the kitchen.
"Milkshakes?" I asked Mandla.
"No,I say cold beer" he said getting up going to the the
kitchen too.
Don kept saying how he suspected this a long time ago
when he bumped to them in Suncoast laughing together.
We were still in shock when Mandla's mom came
through the door with Foschini bags.
"Mom" Nozipho said looking at her.
"Yes baby" she said walking high with her heels.
"Where have you been?" Mandla asked.
She waved him away,
Don laughed behind his hands,
"Chisaaa Mrs Zungu" he said.
Mandla and Nozipho looked at each other with disbelief
as their mother strides up the stairs singing like Whitney
I just imagine her turning around for Anthony... okay stop
But how does Anthony know doggsytle???
Chapter 85
*Lwazi Narrated*
Sbu's advice really works. There is peace in the house,we
laugh a lot.I just keep buying her the burgers, pizzas and
chocolate cookies.I really thought hormones start when a
woman is at least five months pregnant. I wonder if I'm
going to make it to nine months still in one piece?
"I think I must tell the bitches about this pregnancy
before they find out on their own" she said coming from
the bathroom with towel wrapped on her lower body
and around her head.
I did say they have a weird way of addressing each
other.Like calling your sisters bitches.
"Okay,as long as they don't go tell your parents first" I
She took out her phone and dialed a number and put the
loud speaker on.
"Fikile" she greeted.
"Don't call me by the full name,what do you want?" Fiki
asked on the other side.
I can't help the frown that plasters on my face,but Sena
just laughed like it's all good.
"I need everyone on the phone, call the brood I have an
announcement" Sena said.
We heard her running calling others.They must really
love news hey!
"We're here" their conjoined high voices yelled.
"Are you all sitting down? I'm about to drop the
bombshell" she told them.
We hear shifting sounds,they must be sitting down for
"Guess what?" Sena asked.
I already feel like rolling my eyes.
"You bumped to David Beckham?" their voices sounds
the same over the phone to me,so I really can't say who
said that stupid answer.
"Liam Hemsworth followed you on twitter" another
stupid answer sailed.
Sena laughed and told them it's nothing like that.
"You know I have a movie to catch up,please tell us what
the bombshell is so I can go" another one said angrily.
Sena looked at me and winked,I love her.
"I am pregnant" she said.
"Did you guys hear me?" she asked.
"Isn't that a word they use for stupid people who fuck
without condoms and get sperms in their eggs?" I
recognized it was Zethu,she speaks like 7de Laan actors
God knows why.
"Whatever Zethu but you're going to be an aunt" Sena
told her.
We heard several wow's.
"You know Lwazi is going to dump you after giving birth
because you'll look like a granny and the baby will cry
nonstop..not to mention the big stomach you'll look like
a whale" one of them rambled.
Sena looked at me with a threatening eye,I kissed her
forehead in assurance.
"Guys that's not true" Sena defended herself.
"I've seen it in the movies too,Simtho is right.You'll never
look the same and Lwazi will then see tight glamours like
me,couldn't you have waited until you are fourty at
I wonder what their mother fed them when they were
babies,obviously not purity,purity babies are bright.
They must've eaten amabele,they're naturally drunkards
without drinking any alcohol.
"Is there something positive you guys can say?" Sena
I doubt they ever think positively about anything.
"Yes...umhhh when the baby get diarrhoea you mix
sugar,salt and boiled water" Zethu said.
I bursted out laughing, these girls though!
The baby is still just an egg.
"Is that Lwazi?" they asked.
"Yeah" Sena said looking at me.
They greeted me bubbly, I greeted back and asked when
are they coming to Durban.
Just being nice by custom.They chatted different
Sena grunted, "Don't tell mom and dad yet,okay Zethu?"
she said.
I guess Zethu is the wet-mouthed one.
They agreed and asked if the baby will be a boy or a girl.
Sena amazingly found the strength to explain to them
that knowing the gender isn't declarable yet.
Finally Sena ended the call and asked me if I'll leave her
after she gave birth.
"I love you Sena,if there was anyway I could say this I
would be saying it differently just to assure you..I love
you and I'll love you till the end of time" I said wrapping
my arms around her.
She smiled,
"Okay thank you.I love you too"
We did what we're famous for.Timeless long sex.
We cuddled afterwards and dozed off.
"Morning my love" she said sweetly.
Okay this is new,I smiled and kissed her.
"Morning babe,why did you wake up so early?" I asked.
She smiled, "I went to make you breakfast"
New habit, brand new habit!!
"Wow thanks babe,this looks nice" I said taking the tray
with coffee and half burnt pancakes.
She watched me eating with a huge smile.
"I'll go iron the clothes, please defrost the lamb chops
when you get back from work so I can be able to cook
dinner as soon as I arrive" she said going to the wardrobe
taking out my clothes.
Why the sudden change?
I looked at her frowning,
"Sena come here"
She looked at me hesitatingly but came and sat beside
"I like what you're doing, making me delicious breakfast,
ironing my clothes and making dinner plans..but why?" I
said looking at her.
She shrugged, "Fiki suggested I need to do it in order to
keep you"
I knew there was one of crazy sister behind this
"You don't need to slave yourself Sena,you own my heart
already. There is nothing you can or cannot do that can
defy my feelings for you"
She sighed, "Serious?"
I nodded and kissed her,
"Rest assured, Lwazi Madlala loves you"
I don't know how long I'm going to repeat this to her,but
I'll say it even if it means saying it every minute.
I love you Sena.
She threw the clothes back in the wardrobe and jumped
in bed.
"Aren't you ironing?" I asked as she pulled the blankets
over her.
"No I actually hate ironing... iron my blue dress when you
iron yours" she said and pushed her head under the
Maybe I should've let her carry out with Fiki's
I rose up from bed,took the tray to the kitchen and threw
the remaining pancakes in the bin.
"Are you throwing my two-hours cooked pancakes?" she
yelled from the doorway.
When did she get off bed?
I turned around sheepishly and scratched my head,
"I'm sorry babe,it just that I was full"
She rolled her eyes and said,
"Whatever, I know you hated them.Want to come scrub
my back?"
It's going to be another hour in sexroom!
Chapter 86
*Mandla Narrated*
I'm still shocked by the fact that my mom is
dating,scratch dating,but having sex!!!!
Like hell she is fifty years old! I really thought the glow
she has lately was because her lost daughter is home.Not
for long the newspapers will catch the wind of this and
splash her name on gossiper's blogs.Urghhhhh!!
"I'm going out,I'll be back before my granddaughter
sleeps" my mom said walking past me in the dining room.
"Where are you going?" I asked stopping her on her
"Mandla!" she said warningly.
"Are you not going to tell me you're dating Nozi's
father?" I asked.
She nearly fainted and balanced by the chair and sat on
"I'm not" she defended weakly.
"Nozipho heard you guys having sex when she went to
surprise Anthony with dinner"
Her eyes popped out,she covered her mouth with her
"Oh God my baby!"
I mentally rolled my eyes, "She is fine.We're just
traumatised that you still do sex" I said looking at her
with disapproving eyes.
"And what's wrong with that?" she asked.
I shrugged, "It's just disgusting to know your mom is you
She laughed, "Then you disgust Aphentle too"
Okay,but it's not the same.
"But mom,you really should stop" I said.
"Anthony makes me feel good about myself and happy,
do you not want your mom to be happy?" she said
I debated with my head,
"Okay I want you to be happy" I said.
She laughed and walked out after blowing me a kiss.
I still don't like it though!
I took Aphentle and drove to my old house,or Zanda's
house I must say.
"Hey" I greeted coming through the door.
"Hey...Hello nana" she greeted Aphentle with a big smile
I didn't know existed.
Aphentle stretched her arms to her,she laughed and took
"You have a beautiful daughter" she complimented
brushing Aphentle's cheeks.
I smiled and thanked her.
I put Aphentle's bag on the kitchen table and followed
them to the lounge.
"How was your day?" I asked.
"It was nice" that's her everyday response.
"What was nice? Zanda you stay indoors everyday"
She shrugged. She is not a good talker,her conversations
are short and filled with head shakes,nods and shrugs.
"You know what,we're going to my friend's house right
now" I said getting up to go.
She continued sitting down,I gave her a look then she
reluctantly took Aphentle and walked out with me.
"You need to customize yourself with this place because
your life is here now.Make new friends" I told her while
"I don't have old ones either" she said.
I've decided to let my guards down when it comes to
her.She never cease to shock me.
"Then you'll start making them here" I told her.
I saw her Audi as soon as I drove near Thapelo's house. I
wanted to reverse and then around and drive back to my
Sena is the last person Zanda should meet.I wanted them
to meet when Zanda has grew familiar with people,
especially urban people.
"And who is that?" she asked as soon as we appeared.
I smiled, "This is Zanda,she is from Eshowe" I told her.
She looked at her and asked if she has ever heard make-
I was about to answer when Ziphe came forward and
hugged Zanda,
"Nice to meet you Zanda please follow me to the
No wonder Thapelo is marrying her, she is such a
"Finally we meet, welcome to Durban Zanda.I'm Thapelo,
Ziphe's husband" Thapelo said to her.
Sena rolled her eyes and asked Ziphe to make her a jam
"I'm not the one who impregnated you you know" Ziphe
"What???" Thapelo and I exclaimed together.
Sena smiled, "Yes I'm becoming a mom"
Whoooah! I needed to process this,the whole Sena is
"How did he do it?" I asked.
To our surprise Sena got up and sexed the couch.
"Like this..." she said bouncing on the couch.
We all laughed except for Zanda who look taken back
and lost.
"Disgusting" Ziphe said raising her nose.
"Not like being cuffed with cufflinks and pounded from
behind" Sena said looking at Ziphe.
"What?" I said looking at Thapelo.
Him and Ziphe winked at each other and smiled.
"What have you done to Sbu's sweet angel?" I asked.
"I loved her" Thapelo said and went to give her a light lip
Their love is on another level.
"Zanda,let's go before these Durban hooligans pollute
your mind" Ziphe said taking Zanda's hand.
"She is young Mandla" Sena said looking at me with fake
"We're not dating, chill" I told her.
"Mhhh...Brother-in-law please get me orange juice" she
directed to Thapelo folding her legs.
Thapelo gave her a look and went to the kitchen.
"Where is Lwazi by the way?" I asked.
She rolled her eyes, "Probably in his flat eating fat-less
I sense trouble in paradise,or hormones.
"Are you already giving the poor guy a hard time?" I
She frowned, "It's the other way around bru"
I raised my hands and went to check on Zanda in the
She had Aphentle strapped on her back helping Ziphe
peel the veggies.
"You should've gave her to me" I told her.
She really doesn't need to slave herself.
She smiled, "It's okay she is not that heavy"
I shook my head in disapproval and went to take
Aphentle off.
She gave me a hard shake-off and clawed her tiny arms
around Zanda.Okay...
"She likes it here,leave her" Zanda said in her usual soft
"Mhhh" Ziphe said smiling to us.
"What?" I asked.
"I think....never mind it doesn't matter" she turned her
attention to peeling.
After all she is a Biyela!
"I'll be in the lounge with Thapelo okay" I told Zanda.
She smiled and nodded.
And why am I not hurting and thinking about Phumla
I dismissed that thought quickly seeing Thapelo pouring a
It must be the alcohol, right?
Chapter 87
*Lwazi Narrated*
After work I decided to join Scott for a few drinks,we are
now close friends. He is such an energetic person, I've
never seen him down,sad or tired.
Sena is in a certain meeting, she said she may come back
after six.I sat with Scott in a certain bar passing time.At
half past five I decided to leave because Sena would be
back any minute after six.
I drove to her flat to wait for her there with a box of
I opened the door and I was welcomed by a comfortable
white guy on the couch with his legs folded,his eyes
glued to a cricket match on TV.
He looked so comfortable I assumed he is a business
partner or Sena's father employee or something.
"Hi" I greeted.
He turned around, his face frowned then he looked at me
from head to toe.
"Hello boy" he said with a deep voice.
He had a low cut fade,his hair dyed blonde at the top.He
is one of those handsome white dudes.
He jiggled his wrist watch,checking the time I guess.
It wasn't just any watch, it was that one they call Piaget
I always ask myself how people tell time looking at this
complicated designed watch?
He turned his attention back to cricket.
I passed to the bedroom and called Sena.
I told her she has a guest,she said she is driving nearby.I
changed my clothes and went to sit on the couch too.
Mr Expensive Watch looked very displeased by that, but
this is my girlfriend's place he will suit himself.
After a while Sena opened the door and her face
changed the moment her eyes set on the white guy.
"Nick what do you want?" she asked fuming already.
The white guy,or should I say Nick now stood up and
smiled broadly.
"Eek het probeer om die hans kie sodat ons praat" he
said in Afrikaans.
I wanted to call Scott to fly here and translate that for
Sena folded her arms on her chest,
"Daar is niks on te praat oor,laat asseblief" she
responded in Afrikaans too.
Are they really going to exclude me in this heated
conversation of them?
"My love ek het vasgevang met die werk in Cape Town,
gee my asseblief nog' n kans om my kans on my liefde te
bewys aan you.I belowe ek sal tyd maak vin jou." Nick
The fact that he started that Afrikaans spoken statement
with my love was enough to make my armpits sweat.
Why there is a white man with dyed hair calling my
babymama his love in front of me?
Sena glanced at me nervously and said,
"Ons done,right agter jou is my baba's pa,se en die liefde
van my lewe.Asseblief uitklim!".
Nick turned his face to me then smiled sarcastically,
" Hierdie seun is jou boyfriend? Ek het regtig baie gedink
van jou" he said looking at Sena pitifully.
That moment I regretted paying no attention to Mr
Louise when he taught us Afrikaans in primary school.
Sena scolded the guy with the angry Afrikaans words, the
guy looked at me and told her something before he got
out the door.
The stupid ignorant Lwazi was still standing next to the
couch with his pity clueless eyes.
Sena looked at me her eyes full of regret and fear.
"Lwazi" she said.
I looked at her in the eyes and asked what is it.
She breathed heavily, "I'm sorry, I had no idea he was
coming here"
I nodded,
"You're his love?" I asked.
She widened her eyes,
"No babe, he was being stupid I ended things with him
when I met you"
I nodded and went to the kitchen to warm her pizza.
"Lwazi I'm sorry" she said behind me on the kitchen
"It's okay you don't have to worry about me.I'm just a
stupid boyfriend who doesn't know Afrikaans.... do you
want tea with your pizza or orange juice?"
She sighed, "I know you're mad but I didn't mean to
disrespect you,it just that Nick is fluent in Afrikaans"
I nodded, "You don't have to explain his characteristics to
me.Tea or juice?"
"Juice" she responded.
I made it and served it to her with pizza.
"Thank you" she said.
I afforded to smile and kiss her forehead.
"I love you guys,I'll see you tomorrow"
She watched me as I put channel E for her and gathered
my stuff and get our the door.
See I'm not much of a talker,I don't believe in arguing
and shouting. All I do is argue alone with my mind.
Like today as I drive my mind get in the big argument;
Mind1 : I can't believe they made you look stupid like
that,illiterate black boy who doesn't understand
Mind2 : Did you see his swag,boy you're way to low to
match Sena's standard.
Mind3 : Forget about it,she threw him out for you.
I got to my flat,threw everything I had in my hands and
jumped on bed full clothed.
I must've dozed off and did not hear my phone ringing all
In the morning I had 62missed calls and 15messages
from Sena.
Her last message was sent at 02:23am,begging me to
pick up.
Maybe she was sick,or has been robbed!
I jumped up,took the car keys and ran all the way to the
parking area.I jumped in the car and drove like a maniac.
I fiddled the set of keys and unlocked the door.
Everything seemed as arranged as it were yesterday. I
ran towards the bedroom and found her deep in sleep on
She had a big framed photo of us attached to her
chest,snoring softly.I know it's that picture because I'm
the one who framed it in town.
I then noticed her closed eyes were a bit swollen.Even on
her sleep she looked troubled.
I kissed her forehead and slipped in next to her.
I love her but I hate her when she speaks Afrikaans with
her ex making me look stupid.
So this ain't over one day I'll pick a Pedi girl and speak
Sepedi with her in front of her Afrikaans fluent ass.
Chapter 88
*Thapelo Narrated*
I really envy Lwazi.After finding out the kid I thought was
mine wasn't actual mine I've always wanted to fill the
gab of having someone calling me "daddy".
I know it may sound selfish but I pray everyday that Ziphe
falls pregnant. I guess I'm putting my happiness before
hers and that's not healthy.
I sneaked in her bag and switched the contents of her
morning-after-pills with acetaminophen's.
She nearly caught me,she came right after I zipped her
" What are you doing? " she asked.
I swallowed,
"I was...I'm looking for my car keys,have you seen them?"
She laughed, "I didn't know you suffered amnesia.You
left them on the kitchen counter"
I sighed in relief.Relief of not getting caught.
"What would you like to have for dinner today?" she
I smiled, "I would like to have you"
She rolled her eyes,giggled and walked out.
I followed her behind saying silly jokes.
"Where are you going?" she asked.
And who said I was going anywhere.
She looked at me, "You were looking for your car
keys,weren't you driving somewhere?"
Oh that! Now I have to think of a place I can drive to
shortly and come back.
"Oh I'm going to draw some money in the down road
ATM" I told her.
She nodded and chopped veggies,
"I'll be making dinner then,bring me a pack of apples
when you come back"
A pack of apples? Maybe she is pregnant and loves
I drove to the ATM and withdrew cash I didn't need then
went to buy apples.You know what let me just buy three
I also bought myself walnuts.. you know the story of
these nuts.
They say eat eight per day but I'm so desperate I eat
To boost myself even more I bought four bananas and
ate them in the car,careful not to raise suspicions.
Beware of banana-eating men!!!
I then chew a gum to remove the nuts smell.
I got in the house Ziphe was in the kitchen wearing a long
white fluffy gown,loading dishes in the sink.
We have a dishwasher!
"Babe" I said putting the apples in the fridge.
"Do you mind coming to check the temp for me in this
water" she said.
I closed the fridge and walked to the sink.I slid my hand
in,the water was just warm.
As I took it out the water ready to tell her she can wash
the water is fine she also slid her hand in the water and
gave my hand a little soap-slippery massage.
That little massage sent a wave throughout my body, my
manhood got excited and stood up same time.
I looked at her thinking maybe that happened by
accident but she glanced at me with soft seductive eyes.
Oh which sister put her to this? I think I'm in love with
these crazy sisters.
"Babe what are you doing?" I asked,my body
striking,refusing to let the voice all out until it's needs get
She smiled her R1 000 000 smile. Fuck it! I grabbed her
and took the gown off.
Oh Chris Breeze!
She had a lacy,black lingerie underneath that.Lord you're
I admired her body in a lingerie before taking it off while
kissing her neck.
My black tie tied around her ankles could look nice!
I carried her to the bedroom,went to the closet and took
out the tie.
I tied her ankles together.
"Please be on your knees babe" I said breathing heavy.
She obeyed. I kissed her from the back of her neck,down
the spine,ate her buttocks and licked the thighs all the
way down before devouring my cookie from the behind
After her first orgasm I slid my manhood inside her wet
honeypot and moved in all sensations.
I gave her multiple orgasm then shovelled in for my own
"Ahhhh babe you're so damn good" I said as I pushed in
and out every corner.
Ziphe was just too tight and warm,our sex was always on
another level.
I feel like I should be paying her for this. The pussy has
never been this good.
When I came I made sure to let all the semens inside and
pulled out after a good while.
My heart broke as I saw white fluid running down her
thighs.I untied her and wiped her.
"You're so good babe,thank you" I said kissing her soft
She smiled "You're excellent too babe,keep it up"
Ziphe was really adapting to this sex life.
I laughed and shook my head as she shook her ass in
front of me before she put a gown on.
I really loved the fact that Ziphe was now comfortable
with her body in front of me.
We ate dinner,watched TV and went to sleep.
Oh and the apples were just for fruit-salad.
"You could have just bought one pack,these apples will
rot in here" she told me as she peeled apples.
In the morning I woke up to the empty side of bed.
I got off bed and walked downstairs to check what she is
doing so early.
She was cooking breakfast with earphones inserted in
her ears.
"Babe" I said.
But she didn't hear me she continued humming.
I noticed her morning-after pills on the counter.
Guilty kicked in!
Chapter 89
*Lwazi Narrated*
Things are fine now between Sena and I.We moved on
from that 'Afrikaans fight',I chose to forgive her.It was
nothing major anyway,ex's who refuse to let go are all
around South Africa.
Today is Friday and I've been working all day and Sena
has been back to back with meetings. I decided to go
check her in her office before I leave.
Unfortunately I walked behind Nick with huge bunch of
flowers heading to the same direction. He didn't even
bother to look back,he just walked forward and got in
Sena's office.
I decided to go and stand outside the office and
eavesdrop their Afrikaans conversation.
I heard them talking,Sena was giggling nonstop.My heart
fell down to my feet.
I really thought Sena hated him,judging by the way she
was shouting at him and closed the door on his face the
other day.
Nobody wants to see his/her partner getting cosy with
their ex-lovers.We all prefer them to hate each other.
Their voices grew softer,I found my hands trembling and
my eyes soaking.
I need to get away from here before I do something that
will risk me jail!
I walked back to the lift defeated.
I didn't even hear Chantelle who was saying something to
me,I only saw her lips moving and walked past her.
I didn't want to drive home because everything was
going to remind me of Sena.
I ended up parking outside a certain bar I've never seen
or paid attention to before.
I found a sad empty table by the corner and sat there
drowning in my sorrows.
Many people would think I'm here because I wanted to
relieve stress with whiskey or something but I just
wanted a noisy place where nobody would pay attention
or pity me.
I survive my problems, I don't dilute them with anything.
I love suffering and feeling the suffer.
I watched drunk people speaking and laughing on top of
their voices.
I sat there and watched myself through the eyes of my
I saw myself locked up in the small bedroom by my mom
because Andrew's white relatives has arrived and I can't
disgrace her by being present.
I saw Jabu giving me belt lashes because I forgot to
collect the baby nappies from the washing line.
I saw my father punching me for catching Malaria when I
was thirteen. Saying it's all my fault, had I put on the
jersey everyday none of it would happen. But all my
jerseys were torned and cold.
I saw Olwethu hanging on the thin rope because life has
defeated her.
What hurts the most is when I saw the source of my
happiness, the light of my dark life,kissing and laughing
with Nick.
Tears were just rolling down my face,my mind was
faraway, my eyes just staring into space not blinking.
Good thing about crying in the bar is that nobody cares
or takes you serious they all think it because you're
Little did I know that Thapelo has been watching me
from the opposite table all this time.
I only saw him as he sat on the chair opposite me with
troubled face.
"Lwazi" he said bringing me back to reality.
I looked at him and wiped my tears.I'm so ashamed to be
caught crying by my brother-in-law (if that's applicable to
me and know dating sisters!)
"I was once where you are.I know the pain you're going
through. I may not know your story but I know it
something deep and painful." he said.
He has never been where I am,he looks tough I doubt
anyone dares to hurt him.
He chuckled,
"I know what you're thinking. I look tough.Yes Lwazi I
look tough my father made me look tough. I attended
gym classes at the age of nine,he sliced my forehead
too.That's how I got to look tough"
What kind of a monster his father is? Not that my father
is any better but just,Wow!
He continued regardless of my zero contribution in the
"I didn't cry for anything. I learned to accept the pain and
live along.The only thing that made me cry was when my
girlfriend I loved the most and lived for broke up with
He looked me in the eyes, "I haven't known you for long
but Lwazi you're a good guy.And everything you get your
hands on transforms to good."
I cocked my head to the left side for better hearing.
He clasped his hands together,
"Nobody knew Sena had a loving, caring and soft side
before you came into her life"
Speaking of her...
"She is probably having sex with her rich boyfriend" I said
shrugging my shoulders.
"You know what amazed me about you? It how you
showed Sena love with nothing in your hands.All you
need to do is lay your heart out to her,she will know
you're what she needs" he said.
I don't know about that.
"All I'm saying is don't lose your girl over some pathetic
walking ATM.Go get her with nothing in your hands and
leave the rich guy with hands full of diamonds"
Muscular,light-skinned but scary, handsome, rich and
very good-hearted.That Thapelo for you!
I frowned and nodded,you know men can't smile to one
another these days because they will assume you're a
gay couple.
Chapter 90
*Mandla Narrated*
Friday afternoon my mom took Aphentle and went out to
get fresh air. I hope fresh air isn't some cosy bedroom of
Anthony, I'm not ready for Anthony to play step-grandpa
on my daughter.
I decided to go spend time with Zanda. Although she is
kind of boring but just sitting with her and having those
three-words conversations is preferable than watching
the Zungu's walls.
She made food,we ate and watched TV.She is a good
cook and pots are escape-zones for her.She is not that
much into TV she just watch whatever I'm watching.
I left late after the 08:30 movie.It had so many sex scenes
by the time it ended I was horny as AF.
I bid her goodnight and drove back to my crib.
Ifound mom and Aphentle already asleep and got my
horny ass to my bedroom too.
My phone beeped, it was a text from Donald telling me
to drive to a certain flat.
I called him to ask why,he said he have a "hoetherapy".
Whatever that is!
I told him I'm tired. But you know Don is like a Clientele
advert on SABC1.He kept on calling begging me to come.
I grunted and got up with my half-wanked horny cock
then drove to the address he sent.
The door was unlocked I got in ready to shout at Don for
waking me up for the stupid 'hoetherapy'.
But what I saw made me want to puke.
A slim yellow-bone was lying upwards on top of Don,
Don's dick moving in and out of her asshole.
The girl was fingering herself, screaming with pleasure.
Why would Don call me here just to watch him fuck the
"Tell Mandla what you want?" Don said grabbing her ass
Yes, my eyes were fixed on the girl's wet wide opened
I'm only a human bathong!
"I want you to fuck me" the girl screamed at me.
My mind blanked out.It's been a month and a week since
I last got some,and in six years I have never set my eyes
on any girl's pussy except my wife's.
I was also shocked by a girl asking me to have sex with
I am a Zungu,a prominent Zulu man for heaven's sake!
"It's a hoetherapy bru,come on relieve some" Don said
with a shattering voice.
There are actually girls,beautiful girls who allow to be
used as sperm dishes?
The girl didn't even mind when Don said "Move bitch".
The three-somes and stuff aren't real my thing.
The wide-opened wet pussy plus my hard horny cock
joined forces against my conscious.
"God forgive me for this" I silently prayed as I stripped
my clothes off.
I know it's disgusting.
I grabbed a condom on top of the dressing table and put
it on then inserted myself in.
I let out my first groan and pushed myself further in.
"Yes fuck her" Don said also pushing himself in and out
from beneath.
The girl started screaming in foreign languages as we
filled both her holes with dicks.
I only saw this in porn movies, I never thought one day I'll
do this to a girl,this could be Aphentle one day!
I wonder what Don gave this girl in order to agree to
The groans and screams filled the room.My body felt so
much pleasure, my mind went mia.
I closed my eyes,and to my head this girl became
I started going stronger,harsher and ruthless.
"Fuck you hoe!!" I cursed her as I pinched her boobs.
"Yes...fuck me,I'm your hoe pleaseee" the girl screamed.
I kept my eyes shut as the thoughts came flooding to my
mind,I started feeling mixed emotions.
"Wasn't I fucking you right Phumla? Was my dick not
good enough for you? I will fuck you till your pussy sings
bitch" I said thrusting in her harshly with tears running
"!" she said moving up and down between us.
"I gave my life to you,dedicated my whole six years to
you! Phumla..."
I had no idea why I chose this was the best time to get
emotional and speak out.
Each thrust contained a piece of my emotion.
I kept on going with my eyes closed tears running down.
I let it all out before I climaxed.I had the heavy world-
shattering come,my whole body trembled and froze.
I lay on top of her trying to catch my breath, my mind
crawled back.
What did I just do?
I opened my eyes to see if the girl is offended but she
was just smiling moving slowly on Don's dick.
Don was crying too,his eyes closed.
"I love you Kitha...I still love you babe" he said pushing in
and out the girl's asshole.
Oh Noooo!!!
He can't be still holding onto Kitha!
It's been seven years since she disappeared with no trail
after her birthday.
Her and Don were inseparable sweethearts but I thought
he's moved on.We all thought he has.
I looked at his closed face and saw insufferable
pain,broken heart and sadness.
Nobody could see the pain hiding behind the ever-joyful
high-spirited Donald.
I guess this is hoetherapy!
Chapter 91
*Lwazi Narrated*
After the talk I had with Thapelo I knew I wanted Sena in
my life and loved her more than myself but the decision
is still hers.If she want to chase life that's totally up to
her,I'll cut my loses and move on.The last thing I need is
playing hide &seek,I want a straight-foward exclusive
I drove to her place and she wasn't there.She wasn't in
my place either.Well!
I cooked supper,ate,freshened up and went to bed.
I thought of calling her,but my heart told me to let her
As I was lying on bed looking at the ceiling board my
mind roaming in mountains and caves I thought of my
They may have done hurtful things to me and abused me
but deep down in my heart they were still my sisters.
I guess I am a fool,but I care about them despite
everything. I haven't seen or called them since Olwethu's
I decided to call Wendy.She picked at the 4th ring.
"Hello" I said.
"Wendy are you there?" I asked louder.
She cleared her throat,
"Lwazi" there was shock in her voice.
"How are you holding up?"
They maybe bad sisters but losing your sibling is not a
glass of Amarula.
She breathed,
"Getting there,how are you?" she asked.
Mind you this is the first time she asks about my well
I chuckled, "I'm good"
"That's good... umhhh..." she stammered.
I doubt she wanted to say anything,she just didn't know
how to have a decent conversation with me.
"I love you,despite everything that happened between us
but you're still my sister.Send my regards to Nonhle" I
said,and that was sincere.
I know she was dumbstruck and confused about how I
can love her after everything.
Always surprise them with kindness, I believe that.
"Have a great night sis" I said and dropped the call.
I put the phone under the pillow and drifted to
In the morning I warmed yesterday's
leftovers,ate,showered then drove to town.
I bumped to Sbu and his little family walking into a
certain baby shop.
"Hey guys" I greeted shoulder-bumping Sbu and giving
Nozi a warm smile.
I don't like hugging someone's woman in his presence,
you never know what offends people!
"You know I think we should do a double-shopping date
with you and Sena" Nozipho said smiling.
I smiled weakly and nodded.Sbu looked at me weirdly.
I think he saw right through my smile that the mention of
Senamile Biyela hurt me.
When I got back to my flat Sena was watching TV eating a
big picket of chips.
I greeted her formally and passed to the bedroom. I then
showered and dressed up casually.
"Where are you going?" she asked.
"Nowhere" I said and sat down next to her.
She leaned to give me a soft peck,I smiled and brushed
her lips then fixed my eyes on the TV.
I had no idea what was playing I just looked at the
moving pictures and roamed with my mind.
Sena kept stealing glances at me.I have this sixth sense of
knowing whenever someone looks at me.
We sat the whole day watching different movies,saying a
few words to each other.
Later I stood up and went to the kitchen to make
something to eat.I roasted a steak, made chutney and
bread rolls.
I gave her her plate and a glass of orange juice then sat
beside her to eat mine.
I think she was crying internally because her eyes were
now red but no tears had fallen from them.
Silence speaks louder than words.
I was pissed,angry,disappointed and heartbroken but I
chose to remain silent and let her guilt eat her up.
"Babe..." she said trying to initiate a conversation.
I cut her in,
"I'll run you a bubbly bath" I said and left.
I showered and filled a bathtub with water.
She came in as I came out wrapped in the towel.
I kissed her cheek and walked past her.
I got in bed and closed my eyes.Faking sleep!
I heard her coming to bed and sighing,
"I love you" she said kissing my forehead then wrapped
her arms around me.
As much as hearing those words excited me but there
was still a lot of undisclosed issues in our relationship.
I heard her snoring,I lay awake adding,
subtracting,multiplying and dividing with my head till
I shook her,but Sena being a deep sleeper didn't feel a
I shook her until she opened her eyes and asked what is
"We need to talk" I said taking the covers away from
both of us.
"Lwazi I'm cold" she said.
I looked at her, "This won't take long"
Her face changed from pissed to fear.
I breathed out and said,
"Sena I love you,with all my heart.There is nothing I
wouldn't do for you.But my love for you doesn't mean I
want to hold you back, if you want to be free and chase
after life that's okay"
She opened her mouth to speak but I motioned her to
shut up.
"I'll do the talking, you just need to listen and decide. As I
was saying if you still want to live your Senamile Biyela
life I won't hold you back.I will let you go and be happy
wherever you want to be.Yesterday I heard you laughing
with Nick in your office, I know you went out with him
Her eyes were about to pop out and fall on the floor.
"Sena I'll never speak Afrikaans and hold bunch of
flowers for you or take you out to luxurious hotels.All I
can do is love you with every fibre I have in my body and
make sure I treat you like a queen that you are...Sena the
decision is yours it's either you take my hand and come
with me or you shake it off and go after the glittery and
world of gold." I told her looking straight in her wet eyes.
"Lwazi I lo...." she said, wanting to say she loves me and
blah blah blah.
I shut her up with a kiss,
"I love you, take all the time you need and inform me of
the decision you took.Goodnight my love, I'll see you in
the morning" I said and took back the blankets and put
them over us then slept.
I may have heard a few soft sobs and pretended not to
hear before closed my eyes.
Chapter 92
I walked to the kitchen to prepare Nozipho breakfast
beaming with joy,yesterday I was surprised with a
romantic dinner, given a blow job and lot of sex. I am
Nozipho's favorite person on earth, she hardly shout at
me these days.
I can't help but dance like Neo as I mix the cereal with
milk.Yeah my breakfast skills still ends in cereal and
As you know everyone in this family is a self-approved
"UJesu mayebonakala thina sofana naye,uJesu mayeqoba
amaqatha thina sokhoth' ugqoko....."
Guess who has come to invade my glorious morning?
Yes it's aunt Lydia coming in wearing a blue sari.
"My son" she greeted with a voice filled with extra
unnecessary energy.
I wanted to sigh at the disappointment,there is no way I
am giving Nozipho morning glory with this wet-mouthed
woman in here.
"Aunt how are you?" I said with the biggest fake smile on
"It's not like she will be gone tomorrow morning." she
said taking a bowl of cereal and a cup of tea that I made
for my beautiful fiance.
"Aunt I prepared that for Nozi" I told her.
She took a seat and sipped the tea,
"I think I forgot my purse in Benjamin's house last
night.He better not touch a cent in there,I work hard for
my money"
What would it take for Lydia to grow up? Who is
Benjamin now?
She just sipped her tea and read her Bona magazine.
Shame she is so ancient, women reads You,The People
and Drum magazines these days.
I had no choice but to make another cereal and tea.
Nozipho was already up when I came in with a tray.
"My beautiful fiance" I said with a huge smile.
She rolled her eyes and walked out.Ok!
I really thought she was going to come back but I was
wrong, she was sitting with Lydia in the kitchen drinking
"You'll have the superman powers..I mean superwoman"
Aunt Lydia said sipping her tea.
She really loves tea,she finished the one she took from
me and made another one.
Nozipho giggled and told her her plan worked last night
she had no idea broccoli could do such a thing.
Women and cooking!
They stopped talking when they saw me approaching.
They exchanged glances as I sat on the table.
"Ayi my son you have a good body,all these muscles!"
Lydia said clapping her hands.
She is my aunt for goodness sake!
Nozipho smiled proudly. It's my body being
complimented here girl!
After a few minutes they excused themselves saying they
want to discuss a decoration what what for the wedding.
I think Nozipho hates me this morning, I'm sorry for
being too happy and say I'm her favourite person. I was
just being forward.
I realized Nozipho's cup of tea was still steaming. It's like
God knew I'm so tired of cooking tea..okay boiling tea
The thing isn't a tea,it's taste weird like they mixed mint
and glucose.What kind of a tea is this?
I spat it out and wiped my mouth then it dawned to
me,Lydia is diabetic so it must be her tea.
But why would Nozi drink it too? It's not like it's nice.
I was still trying to forget the tea taste when Don came
in,drunk AF,supported by Mandla.
Well I did say everyone in this family is a singer.Now Don
decided to be Chris Brown and hit his face against the
wall while at it.
"Guys" I greeted.
I doubt Don heard me,Mandla nodded and led him away
to his bedroom.
Mandla came back with a sad face.I hate divorce, I hate
the word and all letters in it.
"It'll pass Mandla" I told him.
He shook his head and said,
"It's Donald".
Is he traumatised by Don's bad singing voice? He must
stop with the drama.
Wait...Or something happened wherever they were.Like
Don shagging the bar owner's wife in his office.
This is why I don't club with Don, not that I do club but
he always fish trouble.
"You should stop going to the same places with
him,you'll get yourself in worst troubles one day" I said
taking the weird tea to the sink.
"No he is still holding onto Kitha" Mandla said concerned.
I laughed, "Trust me he is way over her.We've all
accepted we will never see her again. Maybe she ran
away to get married to a Japanese man"
Mandla maintained a concerned face, I had to ask why he
thinks so.
"Why would you just assume that?" I asked.
"Well I heard him having sex,he kept calling her name"
Tjoh! Why must Don torture himself like that,holding
on someone who disappeared decades ago with no
explanation? He should move on.
"Wow I really thought he was over that and enjoying
life...he looks happy though, maybe the chick looked like
Kitha" I said.
Mandla scratched his head, "He is not happy Bura he is
wearing a happy mask.He was crying so painfully all
night, even in his dreams he kept calling her name asking
where is she"
I exhaled. Don is my brother,his happiness means my
How could I not see his suffering all this time?
Speaking of crying,Sena came through the door crying.
What a great morning!
I had to wash the Don's worry and get worried about my
crying sister.
"What's wrong Sena?" I asked giving her a hug.
She cried on my chest.
"I broke his heart Sbu,I broke him just like his family" she
said crying.
Now I have to ask who!
She cried louder,
"I let Nickolas blind me with a huge fake smile and forgot
the most important person in my life...he was so
heartbroken Sbu,his voice carried so much pain.I'm his
smile-keeper not a tears-dropper...Oh God I'm losing
I work out it's Lwazi we're talking about here.
"Talk with him,apologize if you have to.He loves you
Sena" I said trying to comfort her.
"Who in the hell threw my tea away?" Nozipho shouted
glaring at me deadly.
"Sbu" Mandla said pointing at me.
Really?We're friends, we stand by each other.What
happened to sofa slahlane kind of friendships?
"I knew you hated me,but I never thought this much.You
threw my tea away Sbusiso!" she shouted angrily.
She is being hilarious, I can't hate her,never!
"What's kind of tea was that? It's tasted weird like minty
glucose,why do you even drink it?" I asked.
Her face melted quickly and her eyes ran away from me.
Lydia bursted out laughing while the crying Sena lifted
her head up and said,
"Wait... Gosh that tea will help me mesmerize my
apologising session"
Mandla looked at me confused,I shrugged and looked at
my guilty-looking fiance.
I wonder why?
Chapter 93
*Mandla Narrated*
The divorce papers are ready,I've signed next to my
name,now all I need is Phumla's signature.I plan to be
the one who hands her the papers.
I could just divorce Phumla and move on,but I still need
explanations from her.I need clarification so that I can
move on.Her and I still have a lot to talk about.
I buckled Aphentle on her seat and drove to her new
place.Her car was parked outside the yard.
I swallowed the big lump that has form in my
throat,breathed out and knocked.
She opened the door,a little boy stood behind her.He
was the little version of Phumla, with black afro.He is
seven or eight years,some of his teeth are missing.
"Phumla" I said greeting.
"Hi,come in" she said opening the door wider.
I adjusted Aphentle in my arm and walked in.
The house didn't look new, the decoration looked old but
beautiful.There were pictures of the little boy and
"Mom can I have ice-cream?" the little boy asked holding
Phumla's arm.
My mind blanked out for a minute, Phumla cleared her
throat and told the boy to go watch TV.
"You have a child?" I asked shocked, heartbroken, angry
and unbelieving.
"Why are you here Mandla?" she asked.
I prayed to God to give me strength to face this.
"Phumla what kind of a person are you? We've been
together for six years and you've never mentioned that
you have a child?" I asked nearly shouting.
She folded her arms across her chest,
"He was a mistake, I was only 18years old and besides he
was never a part of my life, I was forbidden to claim him
as my own.It doesn't really matter"
God!! I tapped my shoe down trying to control my anger.
"Right now I just want to squeeze life out of you bitch!
But I won't for the sake of Aphentle" I told her.
She stepped back nervously.I prayed for Jesus to let
down a big lightning and strike her dead,or a car accident
against the Code14 truck.
"I came to give you this please sign so that I can get out
of here" I said putting the papers on the table.
Her eyes grew wider as she recognize the papers, she
looked at me with teary eyes and shook her head.
I threw her a pen.
"Sign Phumla, this is what you wanted.You're free now"
She started crying. Really? She is the one who got us
here,I'm the one who should be crying.
"So this is it?" she asked holding a pen with trembling
I clicked my tongue and brushed my daughter's head.
"You are taking her away from me? Mandla you know
how much I love Aphentle" she said.
"You have your son,or you want us to have those nasty
divorces where I have to prove to court how terrible you
can be and affect my daughter?" I asked looking at her
with threatening look.
She sobbed,wiped her eyes and signed.
All done!
"I have a few questions Phumla, I hope you can answer
me truthfully" I said sealing the envelope.
She nodded. I have to admit it's so nice seeing her this
heartbroken, I wonder where Gideon is? Lol.
"Did you love me?" I asked.
She inhaled, "Yes"
I nodded, "Then why?"
"I don't know"
"There must be a reason Phumla, what did I not do right?
Why did you fuck around?" I shouted forgetting there are
children in the house.
"I wanted to explore, loving you was like a prison.I loved
you,I had to love you I couldn't break your heart we've
been together for so long.Loving you was my duty,I
couldn't dislove you" she said letting it all out.
I nodded, "Wow! I'm sorry to imprison you with my love.I
thought we loved each other,I didn't know you were
doing me a favour. Now it's okay you're free to explore,
bye Phumlile" I said and walked out.
I let it all out as soon as I got inside my car.
I wanted to hear the reason why she cheated on me,but
now that I heard it I wish I never asked.
Phumla may have loved me long time ago but she no
longer did,she was just favouring the pathetic Mandla.
I didn't feel like explaining my sorrows to my mother so I
drove to Zanda's house.
I knocked once and got in,she was washing dishes in the
She stopped as soon as she saw me slowly making my
way towards her.
"What's wrong?" she asked taking Aphentle away from
I shrugged and sat on the floor. I buried my face with my
"Bhut' Mandla what's wrong?" she asked shocked.
I breathed out and looked up to her,
"She never loved me Zanda" I said.
She exhaled,
"Come let's go to the lounge so you can sit" she said
trying to lift my arm up with one hand,the other holding
I stood up and walked to the lounge. She fetched
Aphentle's toys and gave them to her.
I don't know where Aphentle disappeared with her doll.
Zanda sat next to me, took my head and rest it on her
"It's helps to cry,let's it all out you'll feel better" she said
running her fingers on my head.
I don't know why I felt like crying as soon as she said that.
Chapter 94
*Lwazi Narrated*
That moment when you want someone to say "It's only a
dream" but there is no one.
I woke up to the empty side of the bed. At first I thought
she was in the bathroom or somewhere but then I
noticed the door was unlocked and the PJ's she slept on
are on the bathroom floor. Yes Sena is that type of a
person who doesn't clean after herself, I always pick her
shoes near the bed or in the dining and put them in the
She left!
She took the decision.She want to chase life, she doesn't
want me.My mind refused to function properly,I sat
down trying to swallow the lump in my throat.
Everyone needs a shoulder to cry on,I needed that
shoulder.And the only person that came to my mind, the
person with all the right words is Thapelo.
I dragged myself to the car and drove.Ok, I don't know
his address. I texted him asking for his address as I
parked at the side of the road,I hope he is a quick-replier.
Minutes later he texted me with his address and asked
what's up. I didn't reply I just drove to his house.
I texted him and asked him to open the gate. I don't like
talking when I'm upset, thanks to WhatsApp inventor.
The gate opened,I drove in and parked outside.
He was already in the door waiting for me with his hands
in his pockets.
"Look I'm sorry to bother you,I just didn't know what to
do" I said.
He motioned me to come inside.His house looked
beautiful but I had no energy to appreciate it.
"No it's okay, what's up?" he asked.
What's up anyway? I told her I'll let her go if she wants
out,why am I hurting now?
I exhaled and shrugged. He walked away and came back
a moment later with a can of cold beer.
I'm not a drinker but right now I need every kind of
I cracked it open and took a large gulp,it cooled down my
body not my heart.
"What did she do?" he asked.
"She left me,I told her she have to choose between me
and living her " gold chasing " life...she left,she chose life"
I said.
He exhaled and looked at me.
Dude I came here for your wise words,don't just look at
"Advise me,how do I survive?" I asked him.
"Are you sure she left?" he asked.
I wanted to re-scratch his forehead!
"I woke up and she wasn't there Thapelo. She left!" I said
getting pissed.
Ziphe came to us with her innocent face and greeted me
warmly. I wonder how come she is a Biyela?
"How is my sister?" she asked.
Thapelo cleared his throat, I looked down at my
sleepers,did I really come all the way here on sleepers?
No wonder Sena left me I'm so disorganized.
She sensed my discomfort,
"Umhhh... I'll get you guys something to eat" she said
and left.
I looked at the quiet Thapelo,maybe I should've drove to
that wise aunt for advice?
You know the one who prayed at the family lunch.
"Man maybe she will come back" Thapelo said.
That's my wish bru!
I sighed and sat on the couch.
Thapelo sat opposite me and told me he is sorry he can't
make me feel better.
His down-to-earth girlfriend came back with sandwiches
and a jar of juice and glasses.
I don't think I want to eat anything but I didn't want to
offend her so I poured a glass of juice and took a small
We were interrupted by a racing car that was speeding
near the house
If that person isn't racing he have a death wish shame.
We heard scratching tyres outside Thapelo's house. I
didn't know Thapelo had racing friends, not that I know
him that much.
Thapelo got up and went to the door to check the racing
The door swung open forcefully causing Thapelo to
nearly fall back by his head.
Sena dashed in looking like a madwoman.
Wait,she is a racer???
She knelt down as soon as she saw me and buried her
face with her hands and cried.
"Oh My God! I'm so sorry about everything...Please don't
leave me" she said crying on her knees.
Oh My Goodness! She came back!
I stood up and rushed to her,
"You changed your mind? Thanks babe,thanks for coming
back to me" I said holding her tightly.
I think I heard the camera sound but I had no time to
"I never left Lwazi I love you,I know I love you to hell with
anything else" she said kissing my chest.
Never left?
"I woke up and you weren't there..I've never been so
heartbroken, I didn't know what to do.I love you Sena"
She looked up at me, "I drove to Sbu's place.I wanted to
cry for my stupidity on his brotherly-chest"
I smiled and kissed her.
The camera again!
Now we both looked up to see Ziphe busy recording us.
Sena quickly broke away from me and stood up and
rushed towards her cursing.Ziphe ducked behind Thapelo
and ran up the stairs.
I wasn't done with the emotional reconciling session!
"You know they are going to fight upstairs right?"
Thapelo asked.
I got up and frowned.
I looked at Thapelo and frowned,
"What the hell?" I asked.
Thapelo laughed, "They are like this,hating, loving,
dramatic and spoilt-brats."
"Who is a spoilt brat?" Ziphe asked coming down the
stairs followed by Sena.
"You want to see brats?" Sena asked Thapelo.
Thapelo chuckled sarcastically, Sena and Ziphe looked at
each other and smiled.
Wait,aren't they fighting?
"On your mark" Sena said to Ziphe.
"Get set" Ziphe said to Sena.
Wait are they going to race???
"Ready" Sena said to Ziphe.
"Go" Ziphe said to Sena.
They both ran towards Thapelo and wrapped their legs
around him and their arms around his face.
He couldn't see,he tried to fight their hands off but they
held on tightly.
He stumbled and fell down on his knees. They pushed
him down on the floor.
"We're not brats" they said in unison pointing at him
lying down.
I bursted out laughing, these girls are really spoilt-brats.
Thapelo was laughing catching his breath, Ziphe lifted
him up and kissed him.
Sena wrapped her arms around me,
"I love you please forgive me for being stupid" she said
kissing me.
I smiled, "I forgive you,but never speak Afrikaans again in
my presence"
She smiled and nodded.
Chapter 95
*Mandla Narrated*
After crying I felt a huge burden has been lifted off my
shoulders.No wonder girls cry everytime they feel sad it
actually helps.
But now I have to lift my head up and face Zanda,you
know how embarrassing it is to cry like a little baby in
front of someone. I should've cried on the car and
finished there.
"It's okay to cry" she said running her fingers in my scalp.
It's like she reads my mind.
I slowly got up.Her dress was wet, crying a river!
I wondered if my voice could come out straight after the
crying session, I cleared my throat.
"I'm sorry Zanda",well it came out cracky.
She smiled and said it's okay then stood up and left.She
came back with a bottle of water and told me to drink.
"You're a good person, you're the first good person I
know except my dad.She never deserved you from the
beginning and I can assure you in the future she will wish
she can turn back the clock" she said brushing my hand
in consolation.
I smiled, "You'll make a good therapist."
Her beauty has finally crawled out from that weary
rugged girl I met in Point.
I noticed her eyelashes are naturally long and she has
clear eyes.Her lower lip is a bit thicker than the upper lip.
She does resemble Terry Pheto somehow.
Something crushed in the kitchen direction, Zanda
hurried to it.
Well,we may have forgotten the little princess and she
decided to pull down the tablecloth and the vase fell and
"Oh God! Aren't you hurt?"Zanda said scooping her up
checking any injury.
Fortunately she wasn't hurt she only wanted to be put
down and go play with the broken pieces of a vase.
"No Aphentle" I said giving Aphentle a sharp look as she
started pinching Zanda's arm wanting to get down.
She heard me shouting and pushed her mouth forward
to cry.
"No baby don't cry it's okay,I'll let you play in the lounge
okay?" Zanda said brushing her head calming her down
and walked to the lounge.
I heard Aphentle talking her baby language as they
walked.I'm the enemy!
Zanda came back and cleaned up.I've decided to let the
cleaning issue go because no matter how many times I
tell her not to clean she always does it when I'm not
"Thanks for being my shoulder to cry on" I told her.
She smiled and said it's nothing compared to what I'm
doing for her.
I sighed as I thought of the years I spent married to a
stranger.Honestly the Phumla I thought I knew was only
a played character.
"It'll pass" she said thinking I want to cry again.
I chuckled "I'm not going to cry I'm just sad"
"You want a hug?" she asked.
I laughed. People hug people they don't ask or request it.
"Yes" I replied.
She opened her arms and came forward,I smiled and
threw myself in between.Her body was warm I rested my
head over her shoulder and breathed out hard.
She brushed my back,it was like she was rubbing off all
the sadness.Each brush she ran washed away a piece of
exhaustion I've held for weeks.
I don't know if it was still a hug or two people standing in
each others arms.
Her accent filled my lungs,I putted my mouth on her
shoulder's flesh. It's felt so soft,my heart started beating
No Mandla you can't, my conscious warned me.
I ran my hands on her back too. Just like me she breathed
out her own 'life exhaustion'.
We were both taken by our minds to faraway mountains
and deserts but our hands kept on rubbing each other's
I never wanted to let go,I kept inhaling trying to resist
the over-speeding heartbeats.
Let go of her,my conscious told me but my heart told me
"just hold on we're going home".
I heard her breathing hard.I've been holding her for too
long she can't even breath properly!
I slowly pulled off but left my hands on her shoulders.
She lifted her eyes to meet mine.I got lost in her clear
innocent eyes.
God please let me be able to look away,I prayed but God
didn't hear me.
She also didn't look away,she kept looking in my eyes
without blinking her long eyelashes.
Her lips were parted lightly as if she is inhaling.
I felt the urge to taste her lower lip,the thicker one you
I bent my head down slowly without breaking the gaze.I
wanted to see her reaction and stop if I have to.
I rested my forehead on hers.Seeing her eyes closer sent
cold shivers down my spine and a wave of warmth took
down my lower body.
I slowly put my mouth on hers then licked her lower lip
then sucked it lightly.
She breathed heavily and lifted her hands to my head
and brushed it.She complied and started kissing me back.
Our kiss wasn't just a normal kiss you give to your
partner.It was filled with warmth, longing, sadness, fear
and affection.
When we broke it we both caught our breaths and
inhaled sharply.
Then my conscious went crazy on me.
•Why did you do that?
•You're taking advantage of her.
•You're an asshole,she is younger than you.
•You're not even through with the divorce.
•She has been through a lot she doesn't need more like a
troubled man falling for her.
"Zanda I'm sorry" I whispered regretfully.
She looked down,
"I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have kiss you" she said.
"No I'm the one who did wrong, I shouldn't have kissed
She lifted her head and looked in my eyes,
"Thank you"
I frowned and asked for what.
"For kissing me like that, I had no idea what a proper
unforced kiss is" she replied.
"Zanda I..." I had no idea how to say what I wanted to
My conscious was throwing Shaka spears at me, my heart
was cheerfully smiling and my mind was just looking at
me with its eyes peaking over the top of eyeglasses.
I wanted to say something but I ended up looking in her
eyes getting lost again.
We were interrupted by Aphentle's loud cry from the
lounge. We both rushed to her and found her trying to fix
the doll's broken leg.
I knelt down and fixed it for her.
"You're a good father" Zanda said watching us.
"I wish she had a good mother too" I said brushing
Aphe's hand that was pulling the doll's leg out again.
Chapter 96
*Thapelo Narrated*
I'm so happy for Lwazi. The poor guy nearly went and
threw himself off the Jozini bridge.I like him,in the
brotherly way.
Unfortunately Ziphe had to leave today her father
threatened to come and drag her out if she doesn't arrive
before twelve.I'm sad,I didn't want her to leave.
Anyway I have a meeting with one of Ixopo's rich
businessman.He just established a new computer system
assigned for kids,as per my job I need to drive there and
do my job as an intellectual property attorney.
I hate driving alone,I hate driving alone even more
because Ziphe left.I switched music on lightly just to ease
my mind.
My phone rang,it was Mandla.
"Bru" I answered.
"Man I need someone who can organise me a small
birthday party asap" he said sounding frustrated.
"Isn't your birthday on May?" I asked.
He clicked his tongue, "Of course I'm not organizing it for
myself you fool! It's Zanda's birthday today and I
completely forgot...I didn't even wish her a happy
birthday when I saw her this morning I just cried on her
thighs God!!" I don't know if he was telling me or telling
But crying on her thighs???
"You cried on her thighs?" I asked.
"Yes,not like that though.It was just an emotional phase
and she was my shoulder to cry on" he said.
I laughed, "A thigh to cry on not a shoulder.Anyway I
can't help you I'm on my way to Ixopo,call Don or Lydia
for emergency party preparation."
He sighed, "Why did I call you in the first place? I
should've called Don you are just a stupid pussy-eater"
I laughed, "Please don't chow our little Zanda"
"Did you hear me Mandla? She has been through a lot
don't add to the list of people who sexually used her" I
"I won't use her.Thapelo what do you take me for? I will
never hurt her" he said angrily.
I mentally raised my hands up apologetically.
"I'm just saying don't do anything that will hurt both of
you.You can be there for each other and cry on each
other's thighs but don't rush things." I said.
He clicked his tongue, "Who said I want to do anything
with her?" he asked angrily.
"Your tone tells me this conversation is uncomfortable
for you.Don't do anything to her Mandla, go through
your divorce thoroughly,heal then move on"
He sighed "Okay you're right"
I chuckled, "See I know you doug.Now tell Don to
organize that party and add lot of alcohol" I told him.
He laughed and said there will be no alcohol because
Zanda is a decent Zulu girl.
I was still glued to the conversation when I saw a little
boy crossing in front of the car slowly.
Wtf? This is freeway for God's sake?
Just because it's only my car on sight doesn't mean he
has to be careless.
Geez! I slowed beside the road and called him.
"Hey little boy come here!" I said.
He turned around and frowned,
"I'm not a little boy,I am a grown nigga" he said with a
hoarse voice.
I wanted to laugh but remembered that I want to give
him an earful lecture about crossing roads.
He came nearer.....I know him.
No I don't know him but he looked so familiar. It's like
I've seen him a thousand times before.
He stood in front of me with his hands tucked in his
khakhi-short pockets.
"Why on earth would you cross a busy road without
checking the coming cars?" I asked firmly but not harshly.
Oh,yes I see now.He looks like Don.
I wondered if Don have relatives around Ixopo?
He shrugged, "It wasn't busy and I knew you were going
to let me pass first" he said with his hoarse voice that
had that bubbly energy in it.
The voice too sounds like Don's!
He looked between seven and eight,now you understand
why I was shocked by the coolness in his reply.
"Boy what's your name?" I asked him.
"Donald" he replied.
This little boy must not fool me! Just because I think he
looks like Don doesn't mean he is Don.
And how did he even know what I'm thinking? He must
not be one of those devils-worshiping kids that the
pastors make drink petrol in churches.
"You're not Donald, I mean your name as in what your
mother named you" I told him.
"That's what they said she named me,Donald bru!" he
said in the Kanye West influenced accent.
I wanted to laugh but contained myself.
"Nice name.Donald don't ever cross the road like that
I wondered why I was even having this conversation with
a little boy in the middle of the road,20minutes away
from my meeting?
He nodded and whistled to the car passing. I doubt he
knew the driver.
"Where is home?" I asked.
He frowned, "One of those boring orphanage shelters
over that road" he pointed.
So he is an orphan? No wonder he is just wandering in
the streets.
"You should be careful, okay" I told him.
He nodded and said, "Sho"
I looked at him deeper. He was just the little version of
"Who is your father?" I asked, wondering if Don dumped
a baby somehow.
He frowned, "A father as in a male parent?" he asked.
This kid though! I nodded.
"I got no idea,my mom died without saying"
I exhaled, that's pretty bad huh!
"And who was your mother?" I asked.
"Priscilla or Prisila I don't know"
At least there is a word he still can't pronounce.
I gave him a R20 and told him to buy his favourite sweets
and drove away.
Fortunately everyone came late in the meeting I wasn't
the only one. The refreshments were served after the
I found five missed call from Don. He probably want to
tell me about the party.To Don party is a necessary part
of life.
When I was driving back I looked where I saw the boy but
there was no sign of him. If I knew any Don's ex named
Priscilla or Prisila would've assumed it's his son.But I
guess God create some people to look like others just for
the fun of it.
I drove to my house first and freshened up then drove to
Mandla's house for the party.
Everybody was there. Donald was the DJ, DJ Donald.
Miss Party looked uncomfortable with all the noise and
crowd. I wondered how many Lydia's questions she had
answered, and Sena's makeup suggestions she has
"My brother-in-loan" Sena said.
I smiled and hugged her.Her and Lwazi were smiling to
each other,clapping my hands.
"You owe me a sneaked glass of wine, remember how I
saved your ass from dad" she whispered in my ear.
Well I don't remember her saving me and I'm not
sneaking any glass of one for her.
"Can't do.Mr Brown Eyes there will kill me should
anything happen to his baby" I told her.
She rolled her eyes, "Mxm! You belong to Hugihisko"
Wherever that country is!
I left her and walked to DJ Don.He was just changing
songs in the radio,nothing much.
After the cake-cutting most people left,only Mandla,
Sbu,Don and I stayed.Zanda went to sleep inside the
"You know if you had dated any chick by the name of
Priscilla I would've thought the little boy I saw on my way
to Ixopo is yours? He is like a mini-you" I told Don.
Sbu laughed and asked if the boy had Don's sharp nose.
"Priscilla?" Don asked shocked.
Oh he mustn't tell me he had a girlfriend called Priscilla!
"Don't tell me you once shagged a Priscilla without a
condom" I said.
Don looked faintly, he lean on his chair and breathed
"Are you having a high-blood pressure?" Mandla asked.
"Zakithi Priscilla Shezi..Kitha!!" he finally said.
Chapter 97
What is God doing to us? Don could be someone's
father? Kitha??? She disappeared with a baby in her
"Wait...Thapelo you said the boy looks like Don?" I asked.
"He doesn't look like Don, he is Donald, even the voice"
Thapelo said.
Mandla was just as shocked as I was,he kept exclaiming.
"Where was that boy? What was he doing?" Don asked.
Thapelo chuckled, "He was crossing the road, in front of
my car slowly, I had to slow to the side and give him a
lecture. You know what he said? He said he crossed
because the road wasn't busy and he knew I'll let him
pass anyway"
His character tells me he could really be Don's child.
"I want to see him" Don said getting up the chair.
Whoah China!!!!
"You can go look for him tomorrow,he is at his home
sleeping right now" Mandla said.
"How will I know his home?" Don asked.
Shame he looks frustrated.
"He said he lives in one of the boring orphanages over
the road" Thapelo said.
Thapelo should've taken the boy! Ok I'm being Julius
Malema right now.
"Orphanage, why would he stay in the orphanage?
Where is Kitha,why would she give him to the
orphanage?" Mandla asked what we all wanted to ask.
Thapelo is on the testifying stand here. We are all glaring
at him like Sbusiso Dhlomo waiting for answers.
He shifted uncomfortable, "Well he said his mother,
Priscilla or Prisilla,he said he is not sure what it is,
died.She only named him Donald, he has no idea who his
male parent is"
In my mind I've already concluded the boy is Don's. Kitha
even named him after his father.
But why did she not give him to Don?
Or call when she got sick?
Why did she even disappear?
I don't know what's going on on Don's mind.
But on mine goes; Don impregnated a girl at the age of
"We will go look for him and find closure, don't worry
boy." Mandla said to Don.
He nodded and grabbed two, three,four beers and left.
He only left us two beers, there was three of us.
Really Don?
"It's time I also go to my woman" I said getting up to go.
"Mxm!!!" Mandla said.
I paid lobola for that vagina bru!
"I wish I can say that too,but all I'm going to is a cold
empty house" Thapelo said standing up to leave too.
"Good" I told him.
He gave me a look,I winked at him.It's felt so relaxing
knowing that he won't be bonking my sister for a few
"You're going home right?" Thapelo asked Mandla.
Mandla gave him a "you're annoying" look.
Am I missing something here?
"Don't tell me he has a girlfriend already!" I said to
"No he wants Zanda" Thapelo said.
"Zanda as in the young birthday girl in the house?" I
Thapelo nodded, "As in the nineteen years old girl
sleeping inside his house"
"Look who is talking!" Mandla said.
I can just form a campaign against them with the slogan ;
"Mandla, are you serious? Like from the bootylicious sex-
godess Phumla to a young innocent inexperienced
Zanda.Man that's like stepping down as the CEO of
Transnet to Checker's cashier" I said.
Thapelo laughed, "How do you know Phumla was a sex-
godess?" he asked.
"I once saw her riding Mandla by the swimming
pool.Mandla was like " Oooh diraska benesse
arichuwaaa...Phumlaaaaaaa", still today I don't know
what language was that" I said laughing.
Mandla laughed, "Go to hell!"
Thapelo reminded me about the language and promises I
once made to a girl who was giving me a BJ in res.
"Sbu was like 'Haaaa tcha tcha tcha tcha...don't stop
babe I'll take you to lunch in Jerusalem"
We were all laughing uncontrollably. Sex can make you
speak Chinese.
"Lunch in Jerusalem, really Sbu? Couldn't you just settled
for dinner in Moria at least" Thapelo said laughing.
"All I was saying is Mandla you can't date that young
girl,just heal first and then move on" I said.
Mandla sighed and nodded, "I'll try passing that message
to my heart"
Oh Christ Mandla is really falling for Zanda!
I thought my eyes were just playing tricks on me when I
caught him staring at her several times during the party.
I pat his shoulder showing him that I care.
Us,men do that,we don't text and hug each other
expressing our love. We support, care and be there for
each other. We don't love each other directly.
When I turned around to go, Nozipho was standing
behind us with her arms folded across the chest. Her face
was red, very very scary.
Don't tell me she has been eavesdropping to our
conversation this whole time!
Her face said so.
"Umhhh...babe" I said, fear washing my whole body.
I don't know where Mandla and Thapelo disappeared. I
only heard "Shit!!" and footsteps.
"Ya" she said glaring at me.
All those imitations of me getting a blow job!
I wanted to die, and die again and go to heaven then
come back a new person.
"I was just going home" I told her.
"I see" she said.
I managed to kiss her cheek and held her hand.
She pushed me, "You cheated on me"
"Huh?" I said lost.
"You were thinking about your old sex life..the girls giving
you blow jobs, you were smiling at yourself. You miss
them!!!" she shouted
"No babe, we were just laughing about it.I don't miss
them and we weren't discussing those things it's just
popped to the topic" I told her.
"Thinking about your ex's and sex with other people is
cheating" she shouted.
New information!
"I wasn't even thinking about them" I defended myself.
"It's called psychological cheating." she said.
She psychologically cheated on me, I can imagine her
telling the judge filing for divorce.
"Okay I'm sorry" I apologized for nothing, just for peace
She turned around and left.
I followed her behind. We both got in our cars and drove
She arrived first and locked the doors. I had no keys in
me so I called her asking her to open the door.
"Go fantasize about bitches blow jobs away from here"
she said and dropped the call.
After that she ignored my calls.
To say I was angry would be an understatement.
I haven't done anything wrong, it's not like she doesn't
discuss her ex's with her friends.
And I wasn't even discussing anyone, I don't even
remember that Jerusalem lunching girl.
I texted her;
Me : Nozipho this is absurd, I didn't do anything.
Her: I knew when you get drunk you think with your
dick.God knows who would've sucked your dick had I not
show up.
Me : I have no idea what's you talking about, open the
damn door
Her: Oh you don't know after parties your dick get hard
and sucked by bitches.
Me : Nozipho open the door
Her: Go to fuck yourself in hell.
My eyes were already hot.I was fuming,Nozipho has zero
trust in me.
I thought women were forgiving.
She said she forgives me, she didn't say I'll serve for that
mistake for the rest of my life.
I drove to Mandla's home and called him to open for me.
"What's wrong?" Mandla asked as I got in.
"Nozipho.. she won't open the door"
He frowned, "Is it because of that res' blow job we were
laughing about"
"More like a Mandeni blow job.She reminded me that
when I get drunk I think with my dick and get sucked.She
showed up because she thought I'll slip and give in to
some bitch"
Mandla exhaled, "Wow!"
I rubbed my head, "I'm so fucking angry,she is so
Mandla chuckled, "Unreasonable? You're the one who
planted a seed of insecurity on her head" he said.
Is he going to seriously take his sister's side?
I should've drove to Thapelo!
Chapter 98
I really wish I can escort Don to look for his 'might be'
son, but my emotions are all over the place I need to talk
with Nozipho.
I showered at Mandla's house and wore his clothes.I'm
not going to return them back,it's how we all roll.
Borrowing is taking to us. As I'm speaking Mandla owns
more than five shirts of mine.
"Morning son" Mandla's mom greeted me.
I wondered when was the last time she got it from
Maybe she blow Anthony too...
Those thought made me want to laugh,imagine
Anthony's big fingers fingering her.
"Why are you smiling at yourself? I greeted you" she
I cleared my throat, "Oh sorry Ma,how are you?"
"Good,what happened between you and Nozipho?" she
"She heard us talking about old stuff and got angry" I told
She gave me a threatening look,she may have inherited
that dead look from Anthony.
"I thought you repeated your famous 'after-party'
session" she said and left.
I blame Anthony's dick for all her cheekiness.
Somehow I knew she will side with her daughter.
I drank coffee and left.
I bumped to Don out the door and wished him good luck.
Thapelo and Mandla were going with him.
I can't wait to be an uncle again!
Nozipho was humming in the kitchen, mixing Sphiwo's
I stood by the counter and stared at her.She pretended
not to see me and continued her humming then walked
I found her in the lounge feeding Sphiwo.
I took the bowl away from her and took Sphiwo to give
him to our helping aunt.
"What do you think you're doing?" she asked as I got
I folded the sleeves of my shirt,this maybe be hard.
Her weight has doubled and trippled,but even Sam Zayne
does lift the Big Show up.Not that I'm comparing her to
the Big Show, I don't have a death wish.
I scooped her up and walked up the stairs.
She was shouting at me threatening to call the police if I
dare to touch her.Like I was going to beat a pregnant
I put her on our bed and locked the door.
"Nozipho why did you lock me out?" I asked my blood
She stood up and put her hands on the hips,
"Because you're a bustard!" she answered bravely.
I exhaled, "What did I do?" I asked.
She tapped her foot down, "Don't pull a detective on me.
You know you were going to get a blow job somewhere
after that conversation. I saw your manhood,you were
hard.Thinking about your ex's make you hard" she said.
I really hope it's hormones that drives her insane,
otherwise I don't know.
"You're crazy, I was coming home to you.I'll never cheat
on you"
She twisted her mouth.
"Nozipho I'll never cheat on you, I was coming home to
you you can ask Mandla if you want to" I said.
"Well you've done it before" she said.
I sighed, "I really thought we were over that"
She chuckled, "You can't just forget something like that"
I nodded, "I get it,but don't you think locking me out was
a bit dramatic. What if I got into the accident, or got
hijacked?" I asked.
I'm so good at the emotional blackmailing thing!
I saw her face changing, "Where did you sleep?" she
Very funny!
"Somewhere" I answered.
"With a hoe?" she asked.
I rolled my eyes, "If Mandla is one,then yes"
She sighed in relief, "Okay, do you want a blow job?" she
This pregnant woman though!
I laughed,
"No I want you to hold me" I said.
She frowned, "Are you rejecting me" she asked.
Can I have a break tu!
"No babe I'm just tired,come hold me"
She clicked her tongue and turned away.
I sighed and held her arm,
I have no idea what the big deal with sucking my dick
is.It's like she wanted to score some points.
She unzipped my trouser and pushed me to bed.
I felt her warm tongue circling my tip, tingling sensation
rushed through my body.
I started breathing heavily. She maintained eye-contact
and took me down her throat and licked.
"Haaaa babe...suck my love,suck MaZungu" I said
grabbing her braids.
She sucked me to the point where I saw Bafana Bafana
playing for the World Cup in front of my eyes. I felt like
encouraging the players to go.
"Yessss...Go babe!! Off side love" I said as she pulled her
mouth out.
She giggled before taking me in again. Mxm!
The pleasure was just too much,I ended up crying like a
dog, "Hhawu...hhawu...hhawu babe".
I eventually exploded in her mouth,screaming her name.
I lied there catching my breath.
Why did I refuse this in the first place? This is the best
thing since sliced bread.
I opened my eyes and sat up.Nozipho was laughing
uncontrollably, tears were running down her cheeks.
What's funny?
"Why are you laughing?" I asked.
She paused but failed and laughed again,
"Offside babe" she said laughing.
I had no choice but to laugh too. Sex can make you do
insane things.
She didn't stop laughing, I started to think one screw has
loosened in her head.
I had to plan my revenge. I scooped her up and lay her on
I took her legging and panty off.She stopped laughing as
she felt my finger rubbing her clit.
heard Emeli Sande singing in my head and smiled.
I bent down and started muffing her like crazy. She just
moaned and pushed my head deeper in.
I wanted her to talk,I slid my two fingers inside and
continued licking her clitoris and sucking her lips.
"Shit!" she started screaming.
I lapped her vjay like a dog,she went uncontrollably.
She even apologized for locking me out,saying I'm the
best in the whole world.
After a while she came,her body shook violently.
Mission accomplished!
I helped her up and asked if she still thinks it's funny.
She giggled, " about we go shower together
my love?" she said.
I laughed and agreed.
She is just perfect for me!
Later we took Sphiwo to the garden and played with him.
He was growing up fast,he could recognize Nozipho,his
I thank Jessica for dropping him out my gate!
The twins will have a cute big brother.
Nozipho started cooking dinner, Sphiwo slept I took the
opportunity to watch boxing.
Don came in looking tired,I stood up.
"Did you found him?" I asked.
He nodded, "Yes,he is seven years old,I need to go
through a certain procedure in order to have him.Kitha
died,she was killed a few days after giving him to the
Dear son of Abraham!
"How? Why?" I asked shocked.
He shrugged, "I wish I knew.They said she left Junior on
the orphanage door and left a note saying his name is
Donald and left." he said.
Oh he is Junior now, nice name daddy Don!
I exhaled, "Why didn't she just bring him to you?"
"I don't know, but I know she loved me...Maybe she was
protecting me" he said thinking hard.
"Protecting you from what?" I asked.
"Her dad was a a criminal, he wanted nobody near
Kitha.Maybe he found out she was pregnant and killed
It's doesn't make sense!
"No father wants her daughter to date we all know
that,but killing her because of that is just unreal" I said.
He exhaled, "Kitha's life was arranged from birth,her
husband was appointed amongst her father's criminal
friends sons.She defied that and fell for me,her father's
businesses relied on that deal" he explained.
Wow! Taking your daughter's life because of money?!
"So he killed her?" I asked.
He shrugged, "You'll never know with that son of a
bitch,anyway how are you and Nozipho?"
I smiled and put my thumb between my fingers.
Chapter 99
*Thapelo Narrated*
Donald is Donald's father,he decided to call him
Junior.We got lost three times before reaching the
orphanage.After telling our story to the officials, the boy
was called.They didn't need to say a word the boy was
just a little photocopy of Don. They told Don to bring his
documents and fill some forms tomorrow.
"Wow! This is going to be cool" Junior said when they
told him they found his father.
Don was happy but something was missing... Kitha.He
lifted Junior and pressed him on his chest for about five
minutes with his eyes closed.
When we left Junior wanted to come with us but Don
promised him he'll come fetch him tomorrow.
My mind wasn't there anymore I've been trying to get
hold of Ziphe for an hour but her phone rings
Mandla drove me to my house because we were using
one car,his car.I tried her again but still.
I had to call one of the sisters and ask what's happening
with Ziphe.
I decided to call Simtho,she answered at the sixth
ring.She is probably having sex...I'm kidding.
I greeted and asked to talk with Ziphe. She told me that
Ziphe is out with her friends. When I asked out
where,she said in Island,I asked for directions she
promised to text them.
I showered and dressed up,driving to Mandeni is
becoming a habit.But today is different, Ziphe is shiting
me.I've been trying to call her for three hours,even if she
couldn't hear her phone but I'm sure she's seen the
missed calls when checking the time or taking pictures.To
say I'm angry would be an understatement,I'm fuming.
I drove to Mandeni under the vodka influence, I have no
idea how come I'm passing through the second tollgate
after just 30minutes of driving.
I went through the Total garage and filled up then
continued driving looking at the directions Simtho sent to
I didn't see the place Simtho said they are at,I kept
driving around and that made me more angry.
At last I found the place, it had a few cars about twelve
or thirteen, maybe it's because it midweek.
I recognize Ziphe's car in the parking. This girl is going to
turn me into something I'm not.
I got inside and scanned the whole area but Ziphe was
nowhere to be seen.
Then I recognize one of her friend over the corner talking
with other girls,I went to them and asked her aside.
She was a bit drunk and touchy touchy.
"Where is Ziphe?" I asked.
She laughed and slapped her forehead, "Oh no! You
know I thought they will be back by now...this is shit!"
she said drunkily.
I grabbed her face and made her look at me,
"Where is Ziphe?" I asked firmly.
"Zamani took her home,she was kak know
what's the funny thing is? She only drank one cocktail"
she said laughing.
I pushed her off and rushed out to my car.I drove Ziphe's
I called Zethu to open the gate and drove in.
"Where is Ziphe?" I asked as soon as I got in.
Muzi looked at me confused, Nontombi offered me a
seat but I told them I would rather stand and see Ziphe.
"I thought you went to her in Island" Simtho said.
"She is not there,they said she was drunk and Zamani
took her home.And now I want to see her" I said.
Muzi stood up and asked who the hell is Zamani.I told
him how I know the guy from the lounge I once fetched
Ziphe in.
"Ziphe doesn't drink" Fiki said standing up too.
Nontombi started with tears demanding her daughter
from Muzi.
"I know Zamani,he resides in White City" Zethu said.
Mandeni has Dark City, White City and probably Red City
and Pink City,I like it.
"Take me there now" I said and walked out.
For his sake I hope he hasn't done anything to Ziphe, I
pray for his ancestors to save his ass and lead him not to
Zethu directed us to his house,everyone was quiet,Muzi
kept chewing his jaws his eyes spitting fire.
The door was locked,Muzi took out his keys and opened
the door with a thin silver one.
How does one do that? I'll Google that later.
We all went through different rooms. I heard Muzi
shouting from the other room, maybe he has found
As I rushed to the second room wanting to exit in it's
door in order to get where Muzi is I saw her lying on bed.
My knees felt like jelly,I needed to sit down but I had to
walk to her to make sure it's her.
She had nothing on,her legs were parted.I felt my joints
getting weaker.
Did she sleep with Zamani?
How can she do this to me?
"Ziphe" I called.
She didn't move,her eyes were closed but she was
I shook her body,
"Ziphe wake up man! Wake up and tell me why" I
That moment I felt the exactly way Mandla felt,I was
even worse because I witnessed it with my own eyes.My
girlfriend lying naked on a man's bed,her pussy wet.
Zethu pushed me aside and covered Ziphe with a blanket
before her father came in pushing the naked Zamani.
"What did you do to my daughter?" Muzi shouted kicking
Zamani hard on his ass.
He stumbled forward and bumped his head on my chest I
gave him one hell of a punch that sent his front teeth on
the floor, blood oozed out his nose and mouth.
I expected Zethu to scream and close her eyes in fear,you
know women and blood.But instead she grabbed a
cricket bat and pinned it on his back.
"You motherfucker,why is my sister not waking up?" she
Wait...Ziphe wasn't waking up,over all the noise her
father was making shouting at Zamani but she didn't
move a finger.
I rushed to her,although she was breathing I needed to
feel her pulse.
She was fine....... she had been drugged.
"You know what's the funny thing is? She only drank one
cocktail" I heard her drunk friend saying in my ears.
"You drugged her...Did you rape her? Did you force
yourself on my girl?" I asked walking towards Zamani.
Alcohol had washed off him,his eyeballs were popped
out.He stepped backwards with his hands on air
"No my man...I...I only had..I did not penetrate her" he
said trembling.
I don't know what happened the only thing we heard was
a gun going off and saw Zamani falling on the floor with
his face.
Muzi...he shot him!!! He killed him!!
Zethu started screaming.I don't blame her I also wanted
to scream but just imagine screaming in front of your
He'd probably think I'm weak and have female genes.
"Take the girls and go to the car,drive straight to the the
Gala centre Zethu will direct you to Doctor Naidoo." he
told me.
I quickly dressed Ziphe in a gown I found hanging in the
wardrobe and scooped her up.
Zethu couldn't stop crying,she was even trembling with
I layed Ziphe on the backseat and asked Zethu to balance
her head on her thighs.
I know Zethu is only 21years,and the things she saw
today are older than her, she is likely to be traumatised.
"Zethu I'm sorry you had to go through all of this" I told
She sobbed and nodded,I squeezed her and kissed her
"Ziphe is lucky to have a sister like you" I said and walked
to the driver's seat and started the car.
Zethu directed me to Dr Naidoo,we parked outside.I
lifted Ziphe to my shoulder and walked inside. People
followed me with their eyes.
I didn't talk with the receptionist I just went straight to
the doctor's room and put Ziphe on bed.
Zethu rushed in followed by an Indian doctor.He must be
Naidoo.The nurse also got in with a white box wearing
We were told to wait outside.Zethu had stopped
crying,she just had hiccups. I took her in my arms and
brushed her back.
Thirty minutes later Muzi got in looking like a murderer.
He is one anyway.
I noticed he had changed his clothes.
I wanted to ask if he really killed Zamani but decided
against it.He sat beside us.
After what felt like a whole night the doctor told us we
can come in.
"She is awake, we found drugs in her blood" he said.
I blinked my tears away,if I cry now Zethu will start crying
"And???" Muzi asked.
He is asking about rape.
The doctor cleared his throat,
"She wasn't penetrated but we cleaned her womb just in
case" the doctor said.
"But she looked.. know" I said.
I hope this dumb doctor get me because I can't say I saw
her vagina wet in front of her murderous father.
"He may have done it oral" the doctor said.
I felt my cheeks getting hot.I couldn't stop myself.
How is Ziphe going to survive knowing that she is a rape
The fact that that guy undressed her and pleased his
mouth on her private part means she sexually abused
He then advised her father to take her to counselling.
Zethu needed counselling too.
We then got inside, Ziphe was just staring at the wall.
"Hey" I greeted with fear.
I hope my eyes aren't red.She nodded and forced a smile.
Zethu started crying again, "I'm so happy you're awake.
We found you on time" she said hugging her.
Muzi bent and kissed her lips lightly. Really? Those are
my lips now,kiss her cheek next time.
"Can I talk to Thapelo" Ziphe asked.
They nodded and walked out.
"I'm sorry Thapelo.. I'm so sorry my love" she said crying.
I hugged her "You don't have to be sorry.I'm so happy
you're okay"
She buried her face on my chest and started crying.
I let her cry but her crying turned into painful screams.
"Babe what's wrong?" I asked panicking.
She pointed her stomach and screamed again. The
doctor,Muzi and Zethu came in rushing.
Ziphe screamed louder,I noticed red fluid on bed.
"There is blood" I shouted to the doctor.
He frowned,the nurse rushed to her and checked where
the blood came from.
"She is miscarrying" she told the doctor.
What?? Noooo!!
"She was pregnant?" the doctor asked.
Everyone looked at me while the nurse injected Ziphe's
arm with a yellow fluid.
I switched her pills,she could've fallen pregnant!
I slid down to the floor and cried my face buried to my
She lost the baby,she was four weeks pregnant. She
conceived before I swiped her pills.
Life is a bitch!
Chapter 100
I heard a phone ringing from faraway. I turned to the
other side,it kept ringing. I realised it's my phone that's
ringing,I'm not dreaming.
Some people are really annoying, it's 10pm for Mugabe's
sake.I grunted and reached to it.
I didn't even had the interest in looking at the caller ID I
just answered and asked what is it.
"Ziphe... she was raped and miscarried" she said sobbing.
What? I had to kick the covers and sit up straight.
"What?" I asked my brain rushing back to it's position.
"Ziphe has been raped and miscarried her baby" she
How? She was pregnant? Where was she? Who raped
"Simtho you have to tell me what happened, where and
how" I said panicking.
"I don't know bhuti...Zethu was there,she says she was
drugged" she said.
"Please come home,mom is crying, dad isn't home. We
are scared" she said crying.
There is a security system at home, I guess she just need
a shoulder to cry on.
"I'll be there in two hours" I said.
I shook Nozipho she grunted and turned to sleep on the
other side.I knew trying to wake her up would be a
mission impossible. I'll just text her phone so that when
she wakes up she knows where I am.
I knocked at Don's door,luckily he was still up watching
porn.I told him I'm going to Mandeni he must look after
my family.
As I drove out the gate I remembered Thapelo. Does he
I took out my phone and called him,it rang unanswered.
He is probably sleeping. I'll drive to pick him in his place
first, he got to be there for Ziphe.
He wasn't home,I called him again but still. He better not
be somewhere with a hoe while my sister is in pain.
I drove to Mandeni like Jub jub.After one hour and ten
minutes I was parking outside the house.
I saw Zethu first curled on the couch, Fiki was massaging
her hair.She looked traumatised.
"Hey" I said.
I heard Nontombi's loud sobs from the living room.
"What's happened?" I asked hugging Simtho.
"She was drugged and raped" Fiki answered.
I felt a hot wave of anger rising from my toes up to my
eyes,causing my eyes to soak a little bit.
"By who?" I asked.
"Zamani" Zethu said.
Who the fuck is Zamani? And where does he live?
"Who is Zamani? Where did he found Ziphe?" I asked.
"They were chilling in Island with her friends, he spiked
her drink and took her to his house. Luckily dad and
Thapelo found her before he could go beyond oral sex
and the doctor cleaned her womb not knowing she was
pregnant and she miscarried" Zethu explained.
"Thapelo was there too?" I asked shocked.
Thapelo was in Durban this afternoon, how did he fly
"Yes,she didn't answer his calls so he drove here only to
find out from Natie that Ziphe was drunk and taken by
Zamani then dad and I went to look for them in his house
in White City" Zethu said.
Thanks to Thapelo's obsessive love.
"Where is that motherfucker? I will make sure he spend
his whole life in jail" I said angrily.
Zethu cried, "He ran away,we couldn't catch him"
I will ask Anthony to tell his well-connected friends to
look for him.
I left them comforting each other and went to Nontombi.
Shame she had hiccups.
"Ma" I said brushing her shoulders.
My presence made her go from crying to screaming.
"Ma she is fine now, please don't cry" I begged.
After a good while she slowed down.I asked if she wants
to come with me to go see her but she told me she just
came from her an hour ago.
I asked the girls to come with me but Fiki had to stay with
Nontombi and Simtho excused herself.
Only Zethu and I left.
When we arrived Thapelo was on the chair his face
buried on his hands.Ziphe was asleep connected in with a
"Thapelo" I said tapping his shoulder.
He looked at me with a puffed face,his eyes were bloody
red from crying.
"Hardie brazo" I said.
He just looked at me with a straight face.
It's was him but the eyes weren't his.They were hollow
and empty.
"How is she?" Zethu asked.
Thapelo shrugged and exhaled.
"Why don't you come home with us,we will come back
early in the morning" Zethu said looking at Thapelo.
He nodded.We stayed a bit looking at Ziphe then left.
"Where is dad?" I asked as I drove in the garage.
Nobody answered,I didn't know whether it was because
they didn't know where he is or they didn't hear me.
I showed Thapelo the room he was going to sleep in,I put
him next to my room on purpose.
He was just quiet and I don't trust people who feel pain
and keep quiet.
Everyone was asleep except for Zethu who came to my
room with her pillow.
Not a nightmare!
"I'm sleeping with you" she said getting on the other
Sharing bed with my sisters is a habit, only Fiki I hadn't
share a bed with.
"What's wrong with your room?" I asked.
"I'm scared" she said.
She grabbed my arms and tucked herself in between.
"You are being weird" I told her.
I thought only Ziphe required a snuggly-buddy at night.
She started sobbing. Goodness!
"Zethu it's okay,the police will catch him soon" I told her.
She looked at me, "Dad killed him.I heard the gun
shooting near my ears and him lying on the pool of
blood..I'm so scared it's like he will appear in front of me
with all that blood" she said shaking.
Lord deliver us your mercy!
"Dad?" I asked just to be sure.
She nodded.
Geez! No wonder she looks so traumatised.
My mind digested this for a while, I heard Zethu snoring
and decided to try get some sleep too.
Around 3am I heard the door slamming.
I'm not Rambo but when my family is at stake I'll put my
life on the line.
I slowly got off bed and searched for any weapon I can
I saw a cricket bat near the closet and took it then made
quiet footsteps downstairs.
Mxm! It was only my dad.
He was drinking a bottle of water near the fridge. He was
soiled.His black T-shirt was cream white,his shoes
covered with soil.
"Dad" I said.
He jumped up.He didn't expect anyone to be awake and
he didn't know I'm home.
"You're here" he said hesitatingly.
I nodded and looked at him.
He sighed, "One of my friend's house fell,we had to help
him move out his stuff" he said.
Really? He is so bad at lying he reminds me of Mandla.
Mandla is just bad at lying you can catch him at the first
sentence he says.
I gave him a straight face, "Zethu is traumatised, she is
sleeping on my bed as we speak. It's so unfortunate to
have two mentally traumatised sisters,may be you
should've done it later not in front of her because from
now on when she looks at you she will not see a father
but she will see a killer" I told him and turned around and
walked up the stairs.
"I acted out of anger" he said softly.
I know he regrets it,he shouldn't have done it in front of
Anyway why he owns a gun?
I returned to my room and got in bed.Before I could close
my eyes I heard Thapelo crying.
The tears he has cried since he was a boy could make the
Mississippi river if collected and combined.
I then heard him praying with a crying voice, he prayed in
Sesotho,his mother language.
Just know things are serious when people use their
mother language.
I don't know how it feels like losing a baby,but I know
how it's like losing someone you love.It's painful beyond
explanation and to know what he maybe feeling right
now brought my heart pain.
I prayed along with him asking God to deliver his special
magic and heal the pain he and Ziphe are feeling.
Chapter 101
*Lwazi Narrated*
"Lwazi wake up!" Sena shouted early in the morning.
I guessed she wanted a morning glory and faked a deep
She whooped the blankets off me and shook me
I rubbed my eyes and asked what is it.
"Drive me home now,Ziphe is in hospital" she said her
voice panicking.
I opened my eyes widely, "What's wrong with her?" I
"She was drugged somewhere and raped then suffered a
miscarriage" she said packing her bag.
Ouch! That's really bad,Ziphe is just young, not that
deserve to be raped.
"Don't panick babe she'll be fine. Sit down and tell me
what to pack" I told her.
She sighed and sat on the bed while I pack her
clothes.After packing we went to shower, she didn't even
want a shower quickie,she was really drained.
We drove to Mandeni, she was busy telling me to speed
up and cut through some cars.
I didn't even get the time to appreciate the green fields
we drove past,she was like "It's just stupid grass,drive
She directed me to her home. Her home was a Carlifonia
house,those types of houses you watch in movies.
As a Zulu man you respect your in-laws,you can't just pop
up especially if you haven't paid lobola.
"Babe I'll drop you outside the gate" I said.
She gave me one of those looks that says you're stupid
and opened the gate.
Now this is getting stickier!
Unfortunately for me her father and Sbu were outside
near to where I was going to park,even if I wanted to
turn around and drive away it'll be rude not to even
So I got out the car and helped Sena with her bags,three
clothes bags and a big toiletries bag.
I wondered if she will still come back to Durban.
I bowed my head,the way my father taught me and
"Lwazi how are you?" Sbu said.
I smiled and told him I'm good.I left and walked after
Their house was big,no it's was huge,for a moment I
thought I'm entering a hotel.
Luckily nobody saw us,the girls were talking loud
I put the bags down, kissed Sena goodbye and walked
I bumped to Sbu and his dad on the doorway.
"Are you leaving already?" Sbu asked.
I nodded "Yeah I have to drive back to Durban"
"Have you at least drank something? This is a home" His
father said.
I contemplated an answer with my mind and decided,
"Yes Sena offered me a juice" I said.
He could see right through me because he told me to get
back inside and get a snack.
Very uncomfortable!
Sena and her sad-looking mother came to us,her mother
mannerly greeted me and showed me a seat. A weird
looking couch,I wonder where they bought their
furniture, obviously not at Berneddicts.
The other girls also walked down the stairs and greeted
I must say South Africa is a better place when they are
sad,they even asked how I was doing.
The situation was a bit bitter you could tell something
was not right nevertheless Sbu and Sena made little
conversations with me every now and then.
Breakfast was served. Sena excused herself and went to
make herself morvite.
Her mother was looking at her weirdly, I wanted to get
out and run to Durban.
Couldn't she just fake to like this breakfast and eat
morvite later?
She didn't stop there she went to take the Milo and ate it
with a spoon.
That sent her father's glaring eyes to me.The girls started
gossiping, whispering to each other.
The breakfast took longer than I wanted.
Right there my dream was to be in my car driving to my
I thanked them for delicious breakfast and said my
"I'll see you out" Sena's father said.
Jesus Christ I call your name right now!
Sena rolled her eyes,Sbu laughed at my nervousness.
I was breathing abnormally fast as we walked side to side
out the door.
"You don't waste time hey?" he said.
I swallowed and pretended not to understand.
"You know I underestimated you,you proved me wrong.
You knocked my daughter up before even paying a
chicken for her" he said.
I cleared my throat, "It wasn't intentional Mr Biyela" I
He chuckled "I know, but I'm more interested in when
were you going to tell us or you are those Durban boys
who impregnate our daughters and deny it"
"No Mr Biyela. I just got a job I'm still putting the money
for your cows together, I promise you I know my sins and
I'll pay for them" I told him.
"Madlala I want three live cows before two months
finishes" he said looking straight in my eyes.
I nodded, "I hear you,I'll bring them"
He smiled "Good.Drive safely then son" he said.
I breathed my relief out and thanked him.
Now I need to go back and speak to my father, life!
I didn't even feel my drive back I was deep in thoughts.
I'm forced to face that monster again.
I arrived in my flat and watched TV a bit then drove to
town.I withdrew R5 000 from my savings and drove to In
and a.
This R5 000 is my first payment to Jabu and my dad,I'll
pay the other as time goes on.
Remember I owe them the money they paid for my
university tuition. I don't want to live my life knowing I'm
I saw my home and everything rushed back but more
than all I expected to see Olwethu on the doorway calling
her friends passing by the road.
I dragged myself out and went to knock,Jabu opened and
"No wonder I woke up with a terrible headache" she
She doesn't offend me anymore, I just smiled and asked
if I could come in.
She clicked her tongue and left,I pushed the door and
walked in.
"Look what the wind blew in" my father said.
Nonhle chuckled and asked if my girlfriend threw me out.
I smiled at her and told her no I want to see my father.
"For what?" my father asked.
I cleared my throat "Can you please go pay for the
damages for me at Mandeni? I'll pay for everything"
Wendy frowned, Jabu laughed out loud.
"Who opens their legs for this junkie?" she asked
Unfortunately she was the only one who found her joke
Nonhle actually smiled, my dad stood up.
"You mean I'm about to be a grandfather?" he asked.
I don't know what he meant because both Nonhle and
Wendy have kids so he is a grandfather.
I nodded, for the first time he was happy for me.
If I'm having a daughter I will never allow her near him.
"Just tell me the date and time I'll be there" he said
I nodded and handed Jabu the envelope.
"What's in it? Don't give me Mamlambo snakes you
young witch" she said tearing the envelope open.
"I'll pay the other as time goes on" I told them.
She counted it very very fast,like cashiers.
"You're very trustworthy" she said happily.
In the blink of an eye the money was on Wendy's hands.
"You're not taking a cent from him" she said putting the
money back in the envelope.
What is my devilish sister doing?
"Hey you tikline, what do you think you're doing?" Jabu
asked angrily.
"Taking the money back to Lwazi,what does it look like to
you?" she answered.
Whoah...Is this the Wendy I know?
"Hey you magosha,why are you disrespecting your
mother like this?" my dad said angrily.
"You two need to get this in your thick skulls, you only
rule your old dicks and wrinkled pussy's.Stop treating
your own kids like trash!" Wendy said.
"He is not my child, I don't give birth to Amakula" Jabu
said, my father cracked up.
"Well Jabulile dear,he may be not related to you but he is
my brother and I'm telling you,you are not getting a cent
from him" she said looking at Jabu in the eyes.
Nonhle was just as shocked as I was. What got into
"No Wendy it's fine, give it to them they must enjoy their
hardwork" I said to Wendy.
She laughed at me, "If you don't take it back I'll go
donate with it in the orphanage" she said.
Jabu fumed even more, "No wonder your lecturer raped
you,you're a piece of trash" she said.
Both Nonhle and I looked at her shocked.
Wendy was raped? By her lecturer? When?
Wendy started crying, "I hate you mom"
"Wait you said Wendy was raped by her lecturer?" I
"Yes,he fucked some manners in her.He can gladly do it
again if he wants to,this slut has forgotten her place" she
I wonder if Jesus is listening to this?
"Did he got arrested?" Nonhle asked.
"No,why arrest him when he just paid R15 000 to us" my
dad said.
Wendy cried louder,Nonhle shushed her.
"Are you serious right now?" I asked my dad.
"Stop with the drama, it's not like she was a virgin she
already knew penis" Jabu said.
"Wendy give them the money" I told Wendy firmly.
She hesitated but gave them seeing my dead look.
"Go pack your bags,we're leaving" I told her.
She wasted no time she hurried to her room.
I heard Jabu cursing and threatening me but I was too
angry to pay attention.
Wendy came back wheeling two suitcases.
"About going to pay my damages you can forget and
hang out with your witch,I'll appoint a sane person to do
it" I said and took one of Wendy's suitcases and walked
out followed by Wendy.
Why did I even come here? This place will always bring
me pain.
Chapter 102
*Lwazi Narrated*
Wendy is a bit uncomfortable, she spent her whole day
in the bedroom reading a magazine. We've never been
that close,she is a year older than me but she's always
pretended to be my elder and ordered me around.
I'm invited to Donald's son welcome party that is planned
by Mandla and Nozipho. Thapelo is still by Ziphe's side in
hospital, she'll be discharged tomorrow.
Sbu and Sena are coming back this afternoon, I'll have to
get a chance and tell her about Wendy before she comes
I wonder how it'll be like having Wendy and Sena under
the same roof for the first time?
Sena will probably remind her of all her past evilness.
"I have a little welcome party I'm attending for a friend's
son,do you want to come along?" I asked Wendy.
She shook her head, "I don't feel like being in the crowd"
I nodded, "Okay,there are some girly movies Sena use to
watch I hope you won't be bored" I told her.
She smiled, "Girly?" she asked.
"Those type of movies where you watch Vivica A Fox
dealing with her Hubby's side-chicks"
She laughed "I think I'll watch them"
While we watch movies for fun girls watch them for tips
and strategies.
After chatting a bit with her,making her feel comfortable
I went to shower and dress up.
"We'll come back around eight" I told her before leaving.
She nodded and asked what she must cook for dinner.I
told her whatever she likes or she must order.
I drove to Sbu's house.Three cars were already parked
Sena ran to me as I came through the doorway and
flooded me with hundred pecks all over the face.
"Gosh I missed you" she said.
I smiled, "I missed you too,how are you?"
"I'm good, Ziphe has recovered they are discharging her
tomorrow" she said leaning her head on my shoulder as
we walk toward the others.
"Love birds" Nozipho said.
Don chuckled, "Or love-elephants"
Never throw a weight shade on a woman!
Sena let go of my arm and put her on her hips,
"Who is an elephant?" she asked.
Don rolled his eyes, "It was just a bad joke"
Sena heard none of it she told him she will whip his thin
black ass with her mother's large panty.
"Okay guys!" Mandla said stopping their little feud.
"Where is Mr Party?" I asked.
"He is upstairs watching TV,he said we'll tell him when
the party starts" Don,the father,said.
"And why haven't the party started anyway? It's just a
small welcome ceremony nothing major we don't have to
start late" Nozi complained.
"We are not complete" Don said.
I guess he invited Umlazi and other neighbouring
townships to come and watch his son coming home.
We all looked at each other wondering who we are short
I peeped out the balcony and saw it was decorated.Why
are we waiting?
"Heeeeey" she said coming in with high black-boots and
a long leopard fluffy coat and a tight jean.
"You're here too?" Sbu asked shocked.
"Duh! What's a party without me? Especially with Don
concerned" she said bubbly and gave Don a gigantic tight
"What's a coat!" Don said and kissed both her cheeks.
"Oh Chris Breeze! Where is my son?" she asked.
"Upstairs. Let's go get him...Guys the party can start" Don
said to us and took Simtho's arm and they both went
upstairs giggling.
"Her son???" Nozipho asked.
"Wow!" Sbu said shocked and pissed.
"Are they dating?" Sena asked Mandla.
He shrugged, "I have no idea"
They came back,Simtho holding a little boy's hand.An
exact duplicate of Don.
I wonder who my baby will look like? Hopefully not my
"Wow dude I like your hair, dad do you think I can have
hair like his too?" he said looking at me.
Did he call me dude? I'm his father's size.
"No boy,your parents are both black" Don told him.
He grinned and said "Next time I'm having white
This kid!
We all laughed at him.He is really Don's blood.
We all went outside and the party started. Simtho was
the madam,telling everyone what to do.
"I can't express the way I'm feeling for my Don to find his
son." Simtho said around the table.
Don smiled and squeezed her hand.
"Are you guys dating?"Mandla asked.
They both looked at him shocked and asked why.
"You're too cosy with each other" Mandla told them.
"You guys are over reading things..Junior come say your
wish and blow the cake" Simtho said.
This is more like a birthday party.
"I always wished to have a home and family, you know
like Zayne Clean Jayde,but now as all that is settled. Now
my wish is to have a little brother or sister" Junior said
boldly and blew the candles.
Wow what a wish!
Junior sounds very mature for a eight years old.
Your birthday wish isn't supposed to be said out loud,
you make it silently but I'm glad he didn't know that
because we got to witness Don choking on a peach and
coughing terribly.
We all started laughing at him.Simtho told Junior he
made a nice wish.
"Aunt Nozipho can I have a cold drink?" Junior asked
She smiled and told him yes.
After all the food was eaten,mostly by Sena and Nozipho,
we all went inside the house.
"How is Zanda?" Sbu asked Mandla.
Mandla cleared his throat and told him she is fine.
"Mhhhh" Sbu said.
Let me not read things too far here!
Simtho took Junior and walked upstairs and Don
followed them.
"I smell the rat here" Nozi said.
"I smell fish" Sena said.
Both her and Nozipho laughed.
"Babe can I talk to you a bit?" Sbu asked Nozipho.
She stood up and they went to the bedroom.
Mandla and I chatted about the Barcelona game,Sena got
bored and ate the cake leftovers.
And...... "Yes babe....aaaaaah fuck"
That's Nozipho!!!!
I looked at Mandla shocked, Sena bursted out laughing.
The good thing is Junior is upstairs.
"The disrespectful asshole!" Mandla said angrily.
Their screams were disturbing, I asked Sena if she is
ready to leave.
Mandla walked out with us to his car still irritated.
I would be too if someone banged my sister in the next
"Babe I have something to tell you" I said as we drove
"What?" she asked already angry.
She probably thinks I want to confess that I slept with a
hoe or something.
"Wendy is in my place" I said.
She flapped her eyelashes, "Wendy? The Satan's side-
chick?" she asked.
"My sister" I said.
"Are you crazy or what? What if she came to poison us?"
she asked.
I knew this might turn out like this!
I sighed,
"She...she was raped by her lecturer ,Jabu and my dad
charged him R15 000.They said she wasn't a virgin so it's
not a big deal,he can come do it again if he wants to
because she is trash and deserved it"
She opened her mouth in shock,
"Oh Jesus,poor girl. It's like they sold her,couldn't they be
parents for once and protect their daughter?" she said.
I exhaled and shrugged.
"All this time I thought I was the only one suffering, I
didn't see the pain hiding in my sisters happy faces" I
"You know what? I think Jabu is an appointed Satan's
deputy president of earth and your father is Satan's right-
hand man" she said.
I bursted out laughing.
She is right!
Chapter 103
Junior has warmed up to Don,it's like they've known each
other for a long time.
Simtho and Don are very close,too close for my
liking.They denied dating each other.
When I confronted Simtho about it she told me Don is
her China.I don't know what she meant.
Don said he will start looking for an apartment next
I'm happy and sad about him moving out.
Well Mandla is mad at me for banging Nozipho in his
presence, I don't see what the big deal is.
I've witnessed Thapelo banging my sister on handcuffs
and didn't sweat about it...that much.
I was horny he'll have to forgive me.
"Love can you please massage my back till I doze off?"
Nozi said lying on bed after bathing.
"Anything for my queen" I said and fetched her
She dozed off within ten minutes,I got a chance to do
some work and respond to some emails.
When I was about to sleep I heard Simtho giggling in
Don's room.
Not in my house!
I got off bed and headed to Don's room ready to give
them a piece of mind about fooling with my sister in my
"Don't tell me you slept with him already?" I heard Don
saying as I approached the door.
"Nah dear you know me better than that.I'm waiting for
him to deposit his first "thanks for dating me" cash then
I'll take it from there" Simtho replied.
Sometimes we don't eavesdrop because we're curious
but because it's crucial.
I stood out the door with my ear pressed against it.
"That's my babe! That's paradise between your legs is a
tollgate,you pay before it opens" Don said.
"And you,how are you feeling?" Simtho asked him.
He sighed "It's still hurt I don't want to lie,but now I
guess I can move on and plan a future with someone else
because I know she is not alive"
He is opening up to her? Wow.
I tried peeping in the keyhole to see their faces but it was
too small.
I am a bad brother I know!
"I hope that dick can find a stable home too" Simtho said.
Very naughty Simtho!
I wanted to scold her about it but remembered I'm
"Don't say like you're married, Mike haven't proposed"
Don told her laughing.
Who the hell is Mike?
"I think I'll take him as my date to my brother's wedding"
Simtho said.
Mike is coming to my wedding?!!
"Speaking of your brother, what was he saying to you
earlier, he looked angry?" he asked.
Curious as always!
"He thought we are an item and was like you know Don
is like a brother to me bla bla bla and I told him to chill"
Simtho said.
Did I say bla bla bla?
I will have to drive some manners into her thin skull.
Don chuckled "I bet Sbu would glue all of your vaginas if
he could"
Simtho laughed "He is just being a big brother"
"Ya I never thought I'll see a day when he get all caring
and overprotective of his newly found siblings" Don said.
"He is amazing, I'm so grateful God guided him home"
Simtho said.
"But he bangs Nozipho tjoh! Ayi the poor girl's pussy
never get a break" Don said.
I fought the urge to push the door and go punch him.
Simtho giggled "Hey man I think I want a man with his
drive,the nigga can go on for hours" she said.
See,eavesdropping have positive and negative sides.
Don laughed "You'll damage your private part's organs"
"I think I need to go to sleep now, come tell me a bed
story" Simtho said.
"My Sexually Biography or 50shades of Darker?" Don
Simtho giggled and told him to go wank his cock.
Their voices came nearer I tiptoed back to my room.
I am a bad person,I'm sure Satan is applauding for me in
hell while Jesus is scratching one day of my living days in
his books.
So they are not dating. They are just too close,like
siblings or BFF's. Good!
I slipped back in bed and drifted to dreamland.
I was woken by a terrible dream I can't remember. As I
was still trying to recall the dream I heard Junior
screaming in his room.
I woke up and rushed to him.He was on his bed kicking
his feet telling someone to leave him alone.
I shook him up,
"Junior... it's a dream boy it's okay" I said brushing his
He was panting and scared.
"He wanted to snatch me away,a woman ran away with
me and hided me in the bush.I was so scared,the woman
told me to keep quiet and threw a big stone on him." he
I hugged him "It's was just a bad dream"
He nodded and held on me tightly. After a while he was
snoring again, I put him down and tiptoed back to my
Chapter 104
Ziphe was discharged Thursday, Friday both her and
Thapelo came back to Durban.They are both broken,
especially Thapelo. He hardly come out his house, he
spends most his days indoors with Ziphe.We've given
them their space,they must heal the best way they want
to.Even if it means shutting us out.
Nozipho decided to host a dinner this evening. I don't
know what is it with my ears and eavesdropping, today I
secretly listened to Nozipho gossiping with Sena on the
phone in the bathroom.
"I'll definitely lookout oe,I don't trust Sbu around
bitches.One wrong move,she will be taking a bus back to
Inanda." Nozipho said.
Sena said something on the other side and they both
bursted out laughing.
That exactly what to expect when your brother dates a
Senamile Biyela.
Lydia came with her usual spirit and took over the
pots.Don and Junior were playing upstairs, making a lot
of noise Lydia had to go up and give them an earful
Sphiwo visited his granny and cousin (Thandiwe and
Aphentle), thanks to that Nozipho and I will have a
blissful love-making night.I can even try Thapelo's
handcuffs.Ouch! She is pregnant.
Mandla came alone,Zanda refused to come out that
house as usual. I wonder what's going on between the
two of them?
Mandla get a bit grumpy when we mention Zanda.I'll
have to put on my binoculars in this matter.
The food got ready,they set the table. It's Phumla who
used to set the table when we were having dinners,I miss
her for that and her strawberry pudding,the rest can go
to Gideon or hell!
Sena haven't arrived, I'm sure her and Lwazi will do four
rounds before coming here.
Oh and Simtho is no where to be seen.She left this
morning on the highest stilettos on earth.
We all gathered around the table, Lydia brought the food
bowls. Thanks God she finally realized that Nozipho is
"Is Lwazi and Sena still coming?" I asked.
"Yes,they must be here any minute now" Nozipho
Lydia chuckled "Ayi your son looks exactly like
you,hopefully he won't be a player like you" she said to
"I'm not a player" Don said.
"I want to be a player" Junior said chewing a big piece of
"No baby,you can't be a player.Players die young"
Nozipho told him.
He frowned "David Beckham is still alive" he said.
We all laughed. Poor kid,he thinks we're talking about
that type of players.
Don got up and went to the bathroom.
"Fam!!!!" that's Sena.
I know without looking.
Her and Lwazi came holding each other's hands followed
by a dark beautiful girl.
I remember her! She was with another girl on the sofa
the day I went to Inanda looking for my father.
They greeted and sat down.
"Oh this is Lwazi's sister,Wendy" Sena introduced her.
Lydia frowned "Lwazi is yellow and you're dark...Ayi your
father have colourful assorted sperms" she said.
Wendy was shocked while all of us laughed.
"How about you go eat your food while watching TV"
Nozipho said to Junior.
They took Junior's food and went to the living room.
Good,because the conversations around this table are for
the 18+.
Wendy asked for a bathroom Sena showed her.It must
be the uncomfortableness that makes her want to pee.
"You have a beautiful sister" Mandla said to Lwazi.
"Pour me the wine Sbusiso" Lydia said.
I poured her half the glass,she told me she is the one
who brought it I must fill up the glass.
We heard a loud scream coming from the bathroom.
I got up and rushed there.Wendy was lying on the floor
Don kneeling next to her.
*Donald Narrated*
I was in the bathroom talking with the phone after
peeing when the door opened.
I thought it was one of my brats friends coming to call me
and slammed the door back,then I heard a girl screaming
as the door hit her face causing her to fall back.
I didn't know her,I don't know where she came from but
she didn't look like a burglar.
I knelt down next to her thinking she was injured and
"Hey" I said panicking slapping her cheeks lightly.
She moaned painfully and slowly opened her eyes. She
was wearing a white dress,her hair tied up in the bunny.
For a moment I thought it was an angel.
Maybe God sent me an angel to congratulate me on
finding Junior.
"Wendy" I heard Sbu saying.
He knows her.She is not an angel but a human being.
I looked at her again, her eyes were fixed on mine.I
wanted to be sure she wasn't an angel so I touched her
cheeks and nose.
"Is she hurt?" Sbu asked.
I snapped back and lifted her up balancing her upper
body in my arms.
"Are you hurt?" I asked, I don't know what happened to
my voice because it sounded like I was whispering.
She blinked, "No I'm fine" she said.
Wow! Her voice was so sweet, I wanted to hear her
talking again.
"What's your name?" I asked.
"Wendy" she said.
"I'm Donald, I'm sorry I didn't know it was you I thought
it was Sbu" I said.
She smiled and nodded.I kind of held my breath a little as
she smiled.
"It's okay I should've knocked" she said shyly.
"Don you have to let her get up the floor is cold" Sbu
This asshole! Now he is making me look like a fool who
never think straight.
I stood up and lifted her up.Funny I continued holding
her hands even when she was on her feet.
"Let her go" Sbu said.
I let her go,she mumbled a thank you and walked out.
Wait she didn't use the bathroom!
"Who is she?" I whispered to Sbu.
He laughed. Mxm!
"Wendy,Lwazi's sister" he said.
Lwazi have a beautiful sister.
"I think I need to see a doctor my heart is beating
unbelievably fast" I said.
"I can hear it beating from here" Sbu said laughing.
We walked back to the dining room.
"What happened?" Nozipho asked.
"Hey wena Don what did you do to the poor girl,she
came here looking like she's seen a ghost? Were you
wanking in there?" Lydia asked causing everyone to
I'm not a shy person but that moment embarrassment
washed all over me.
I glanced at Wendy and found her looking at me.
My heart started pounding again.
What is happening to me?
Chapter 105
*Mandla Narrated*
Thanks to Lwazi's sister Wendy today we're having a
quiet Donald. We still don't know what really happened
in that bathroom that has kept Don quiet like this.
Maybe Lydia was right, Wendy caught Donald wanking in
the bathroom?!
"I'll be upstairs with Junior" Donald said after we finished
eating and walked away.
"What's happened in there?" Sena asked Wendy.
I think everyone was curious for that because we all
turned our attention to Wendy except Sbu.
Wendy is shy,I don't know whether by nature or by
"He pushed the door on my face and I fell" she replied.
It doesn't make sense,then why is Don so down about it?
The Don I know would've performed a CPR on her and
added that to his CV:
"Let's just say he was electric-shocked to see Wendy,he
thought he is dreaming and kept touching her face to
make sure she is really." Sbu said.
"Huh?" Sena asked.
Sbu chuckled "Don is experiencing a heart malfunction"
Whoah hold it there....What???
"What are you saying?" Lydia asked concerned.
"I'm saying Don is just too happy that his son is home,he
is lost for words,his heart is beating like the Ndebele's
drums..he is swimming in love" Sbu said.
Sena,Lydia and Nozipho nodded.It's so funny that Sena
didn't catch this up.
"Nobody knew Don could be a father,now he need to get
a girlfriend. I'm not talking about those one-week-stands
he changes everyday, a stable girlfriend" Nozipho said.
Minus one point for Don on Wendy.
"Simtho and him aren't an item?" Sena asked.
Sbu shook his head "No they are just close,I don't know
how they grew so close and comfortable with each other
cause the first time they met they couldn't stand each
other" Sbu said.
I still think they are secretly dating or fucking.
Later we all left leaving Nozipho and Sbu already touchy-
touchy with each other on the couch.
Does my sister ever get a break?
If I had it in me I would've dated one of his sisters and
fucked them daily, but I'm not attracted to any of them.
Sbu is so protective of them, if it was up to him they
would all die virgins.
I drove past Zanda's house to check on her.
Her and I have grew further apart ever since that kiss.She
only greet me and ask about Aphentle and offer me food
then watch TV ignoring my presence.
Now I regret kissing her it completely destroyed the little
friendship we had.
I knocked before pushing the door.
She was watching a movie,wearing a black legging and a
white vest.Nozipho dragged her to the salon for hair
makeover.Now she have long black braids.
Nozipho said she completely refused to put manicure
and eyelashes.
She looks beautiful, with only a nude lipstick on she out-
does Kyle Jenner.
"Hey" I greeted.
She smiled and lowered the TV volume,
"How are you?" I asked.
"Fine and you?"
"I'm good too" I said.
Then...she turned her eyes to the TV.
I exhaled and watched the movie with her on silence.
We stayed silent until the movie finished.
"Wow,at least Angie got justice" I said referring to the
She nodded and changed the channel yet to watch
another movie.
I grabbed the remote and switched the TV off.
"Zanda is this how we're going to live now?" I asked.
She was shocked, instead of answering she looked down.
I lifted her face up with my fingers.The moment her eyes
set on my eyes I felt a wave of fear and affection washing
all over me.
"Zanda I'm sorry I took advantage of you,I know you hate
me but please...just talk with me" I said.
"I don't hate you Mr Zungu"
What? I'm not Mr Zungu...okay I am but not to her,to my
"I'm Mandla. Zanda please treat me like you were before
the're hurting me,you hurt me Zanda" I
"I'm sorry,it just that it feels so different now to be
around you" she said softly.
"Different how? I'm still Mandla" I said.
She shrugged "It's weird"
I sighed "I'm sorry I made us weird,it won't happen
again" I told her.
She nodded.
"Are we going to be okay now?" I asked.
She smiled and nodded.
"Okay let's seal it with a hug" I said.
She laughed and came forward,I took her in my chest and
covered her with my arms.
She tightened her arms around my neck.
My temperature rose up,my heart beat faster.It's all
started with a hug.
We both exhaled our frustration and remained on each
How can I do this to her? She is way too young, I can't
pull a Thapelo on her.
How can I do this to me? I haven't heal from my fallen
I slowly removed myself from her leaving my arms on her
shoulders and looked in her eyes.
Why can't I just help her out her situation without falling
in love with her?
"Zanda I'm sorry...I don't know what's wrong with me" I
She exhaled and closed her eyes.I bent my face to hers
and put my forehead on hers and nose on hers.
"Zanda I'm sorry,I've fallen inlove with you in a very big
way.Forgive me" I said whispering.
She swallowed and moved her eyes away.
"Please look at me...What are you doing to me? You're so
young Zanda,I am a dirvoced man" I don't know why I
asked her that.
She breathed heavily "I'm sorry" she said softly.
"I wish to kiss you again" I said.
She looked in my eyes softly, I connected my mouth to
hers and kissed her slowly, she kissed me back.
I pushed her to lie on the couch slowly and kissed her
from the top.
I broke it and looked at her lying beneath me her braids
covering her neck.
"I love you Zanda I'm sorry" I said.
"I feel the same but I'm scared" she said.
"I'm scared too" I said and kissed her again.
We kissed for a while. My lower body was pressed on
hers,my body quickly reacted to the heat. I felt my
erection poking her thighs.
"Mandla.. I.." she said.
"I know you're not ready,you'll have to psychological heal
before that" I told her.
She breathed in relief,
"So what now?" she asked.
I smiled "We will take it one step at the time, both of us
are still emotionally bruised"
She nodded "So you are like a boyfriend now?" she
I nearly forgot she is nineteen.
I laughed "Not like,I'm your boyfriend"
She nodded "My first boyfriend, wow!!" she said.
I wish I can say first girlfriend too.
I took her and cuddled her.
"Can I spend the night?" I asked.
"On my bed?" she asked shocked.
I smiled "Yes,I want to cuddle you the whole night"
She hesitatingly nodded.
I took out my phone and texted my mom that I'll sleep
I still think of Phumla now and then but it's nothing that
can hold me back.
I don't know what tomorrow holds but tonight I'm having
the best night of my life since Phumla's extinction.
Chapter 106
*Loyiso Narrated*
One reason I love doing my shopping in Ballito Lifestyle is
because it's a quite air-refreshing mall.Even the taxi
drivers aren't noisy as Stanger taxi drivers.
I doubt my father knows where Ballito is in the map of
South Africa, but we stay here in Groutville.His life
revolves around Stanger,I think it's the only town he
He was born in Groutville,went to neighbor schools and
worked in Darnall Sugar Mill his whole life until retiring
five years ago.
Oh where are my manners? Let me introduce myself.
My name is Loyiso Mbatha,I am 24years old.I am a police
officer in Stanger Police Station. I live with my father in
our home in Groutville.
My mother was a Nigerian woman,she died during
xenophobic violence ten years ago.Her and I were never
that close but she was my mom and I loved her.
I'm the one who does the shoppings in the house since
both my father and I are bachelors.
We've ran out of grocery so I'm driving to Ballito mall to
buy some staff.
Ask me why not in Stanger....well I've explained I'm
allergic to unnecessary noise of taxi drivers and Indian
hawkers that calls you walking five metres away "Thenga
bhanana yena shibhile".
There is no peace in Stanger,if it ain't the taxi drivers
fighting over routes it's the school boys robbing old
As I drove to park outside Checkers a BMW M6 ran past
me with full speed and parked at the side of where I was
I wondered if Checkers was closing in five minutes? The
driver of that car was driving like a madman.
I thought of giving him/her a ticket but remembered I'm
off duty.
I got out my car as the door of the speeding car also
It was just a young girl.
"Speed kills you know" I said to her.
She looked at me like I've just said the most abnormal
thing on earth.
"Sorry bhuti are you talking to me?" she said flapping her
long eyelashes.
"Yes" I said.
"Are you Senzo Mchunu?" she asked.
Oh she's got an attitude!
I chose to leave her before losing my temper.
She closed her car door and walked to the same direction
as me.
I took the trolley and started putting the items I needed
in it.
The queue's weren't long,that's another reason I love
You don't stand in the queue of twelve people with
trolleys filled with thirty items each,while the cashier is
gossiping with the next cashier about the manager
scanning one item for two minutes.
"And why did you stock a barcode-less juice in the first
place?" an angry girl in front of me asked the cashier.
Urrrrrr! It's the speeding M6 girl.
"Maybe the fridge got icy and washed it off" the young
white cashier responded.
Oh and in Ballito you also get to see white cashiers!
The M6 girl chuckled and folded her arms "I don't know
sisterz but I'm not going to the juice passages again but I
need this juice" she said.
Gosh this girl!
The cashier called a packer and sent her to look for the
After a few minutes the packer came with the juice.
"Guava flavor? Oh nee dear I hate guava,that's why I
took mango in the first place" The M6 girl said denying
the juice.
"Hey sis listen,we also want to pay and go,if you want to
make a drama film move aside you'll do it after us" I told
her irritated.
"Whoah don't you see other tills? I'm not moving aside
or anywhere until I have my juice" she said moving her
hands on air.
In which dustbin did she came out?
I took the mango juice out my trolley and threw it to her.
I wanted to drink it,I like mango juice but I felt sorry for
the poor packer who had to go through the passages for
the stupid juice again.
"Thanks hunkie" she said smiling cunningly.
She paid and left.
I took a can of coke from the mini fridge and paid then
I loaded plastics in the boot and walked to the driver's
"Here is your juice" she said leaning on the window.
Nxa this girl!!!!
"What is it with you?" I asked angrily.
She smiled "I just wanted to spite that white slut she
snatched my bf in high school. You can have your juice"
she said.
"You are annoying,do you know that?" I asked.
She widened her eyes "You're kidding? I'm not annoying,
that little bitchy cashier is"
I laughed, "If there was anyone being bitchy here it's
She cocked her head to the side "Hey wena Jackson,just
because I'm being nice to you it doesn't mean insult me"
I am Jackson?
Oh Jackson of Generations because of long dreads.
"And wena Rita Ora move away" I said scrolling up the
She held it with her hand, "You have an attitude"
She said sounding like she is trying to threaten me,I
Why am I making this unnecessary conversation anyway?
If I wanted this I would've shopped in Stanger.
"Okay I'll take the juice,will you leave then?" I asked.
She nodded.I took it and smiled at her....
"I'm Simtho by the way" she said and left.
Chapter 107
*Thapelo Narrated*
Things haven't been great from my side.Ziphe doesn't
talk that much about the baby,she just pretends as if it
never happened.I've been trying to reach out to her,she
just brush the subject off.She even refused getting
I've taken a week off at work,I need to be with her.
I haven't heal either but I'm dealing with the issue,I'm
trying to accept that maybe it wasn't meant to be.One
day we will have a baby that will survive and live for us to
I still don't know what happened to that guy's body.Muzi
just told me he "took care of it". I know better than to
ask more questions or to speak about the incident to
anyone else.He calls me everyday to check how Ziphe is
I feel sorry for Zethu,witnessing your father doing
something like that.But they say she is okay now,doesn't
get nightmares anymore.
I made Ziphe coffee,it's a bit cold today.I find her
watching TV looking very sad. Well,she is watching Teen
Moms and there is a pregnant girl decorating her baby's
" My love " I said.
"Mhhhh" she replied.
"You have to let go" I told her taking her in my arms.
She exhaled "It's my fault, it not that easy.If I had stayed
at home like someone's fiance eight months from now
we would be having our little munchie" she said.
I kissed her head "It's wasn't your fault, you didn't know."
She just sobbed and said nothing.
"One day God is going to give us another one,we will love
him and protect him and be the best parents on earth" I
said brushing her hair.
"If you didn't come Thapelo... if you never cared to come
and look for me I would..."
I shut her up with a kiss,
"I'll always be there,that how it's going to always be like.I
love you Ziphe" I said.
She nodded and buried her face on my chest.
After she's composed herself she asked what the time is.
"Going anywhere?" I asked.
She sighed "Yes,my brother. I have been shutting him out
I need to see him" she said.
Well Sbu is still the number one guy in her life.
"I'm going to come with you"
We got ourselves ready and drove to Sbu's place.
"Angel" Sbu said taking Ziphe for a tight long hug.
"How are you?" he asked after breaking the hug.
Ziphe sighed "Getting there,how are my nieces there?"
she asked Nozipho.
"They are fine,growing and kicking everyday" Nozipho
said smiling nervously.
Ziphe exhaled and nodded.
"Don't worry my child you'll get pregnant again, Thapelo
looks very driven on bed" she said coming from nowhere.
Coming here may have been a bad idea.
"Aunt" Ziphe greeted shyly.
"Yes my child, I was about to drive to you and find out
how you are doing" Lydia said looking sad, for real.
"She is a strong girl, she'll be fine" Nozipho said brushing
Ziphe's arm.
"And what happened to the rapist? He needs to be
charged fifteen years in Westville" Lydia said.
Sbu cleared his throat.
"He fled,the police are still looking for him" I answered.
"They must try harder,anyway Nozipho why you didn't
tell me that your mother is Anthony's chick?" she asked
We all bursted out laughing. Chick? That only applies to
"Will you ever leave people's businesses alone?" Sbu
Lydia clicked her tongue, "It's not like they are hiding it"
Nozipho chilled with Ziphe in the dining room discussing
wedding stuff.
"Junior" I called him.
I last saw him in the orphanage.
He came down the stairs running,
"Oh it's you uncle Thapelo" he said.
I lifted him up and swung him around.
"How is it like staying here?" I asked him.
He moved his head to the side,
"It's nice,except that aunt Nozipho read me bedtime
stories like really uncle?" he said.
I laughed "You have to meet the other aunt, Ziphe"
He frowned "Okay I guess she will meet me upstairs I
don't want granny to see me"
Lydia is already giving the poor kid problems!
After catching up with Junior I chilled with Sbu.
"So you are okay now?" he asked.
I shrugged, "I have to be okay,there is no other way"
It's not like if I'm not okay the baby will come back so I
have to adjust and be okay.
"Anyway Don is inlove with someone" he said.
"That nothing new,Don find love every week" I said.
"This time it's real"
"Who is it?" I asked.
"Wendy Madlala" he said.
I've heard that name before.
"Wendy Madlala... do I know her?" I asked.
"I doubt, she is Lwazi's sister from Inanda"
"Maybe it's just a namesake"
"Yeah,when was the last time you spoke to Khay?"
I shrugged, "I don't talk with bitches"
Sbu chuckled "I saw her in town pregnant"
I laughed "It about time she slow down on
Later we left Sbu's place and went home.Ziphe was a bit
lightened up.
We freshened up and got in bed.We haven't indulge in
sexually activities ever since the incident.I don't know
whether her vagina still hurt from the bleeding.
I kissed her and cuddled her.
"I understand" she said.
Talking from the top isn't really cool.Start your
conversations from the bottom.
"What do you understand?" I asked.
"That you are still disgusted to touch my womanhood
after what Zamani did" she said.
What? Aybo woman!
"I'm not disgusted" I said shocked.
"Then why you don't touch me anymore?" she asked.
"Because you're still healing babe"
She clicked her tongue, "I didn't give birth, I miscarried."
Wow!! You'll never understand woman.
They need space,you give it to them and then you're
ignoring them or don't love them anymore.
"I thought you wanted to heal first" I said.
She shook her head, "The sooner the better"
What does that mean? I'm lost.
"The better for what?" I asked confused.
She looked at me "For me to conceive again"
"Conceive?" I asked.
"To get pregnant again"
"I don't want you to get pregnant again"
She chuckled, "Really?"
I nodded.
"I do" she said.
This is not right,we're still mourning the miscarriage.
"Babe the baby will come as God's blessing on His time" I
said pleadingly.
"Pity you didn't think of that when you swiped my pills,
please take your boxers off" she said.
My mouth dried out. How did she know?
"Swipe your pills?" I asked faking shock.
She chuckled, "I'm young not stupid. Now are we trying
for the baby or what?"
"I doubt my dick can rise up" I said.
She laughed, "That what I'm here for" she said and licked
the tip of my dick.And it rose up within half a second.
What happened to my young innocent Ziphelele?
Chapter 108
*Loyiso Narrated*
Stanger must be the only place that have three dead taxi
drivers a week and hundred mugged grannies each
After opening yet another dead taxi driver case I passed
the report to the lieutenant and called the next person.
"Next" I shouted from the desk.
"Hello policeman" a voice I nearly recognize said.
Who says hello policeman anyway?
"Hello, how can I help you?" I said, a big smile taking over
my face without my consultation.
She adjusted her weave, "I am here to snitch on a big
dangerous criminal" she said.
For a moment I thought her high school rival broke her
nail or something.
"Okay I'm listening" I said.
"Mike Siwa,I think he is involved in rhino
poaching,cocaine dealing and human trafficking" she
Those are serious cases,we don't joke about them.
"Why do you think that?" I asked.
She flapped her long eyelashes, "Because he is a criminal,
I can see it in his eyes and he recieves dodgy
international calls at night" she said.
"Do you have any evidence?" I asked.
She looked at me, "Aybo that what police department is
for,to find evidence on criminals"
I wonder what did this Mike do to her?
"And how do you know this Mike? What is your
relationship with him?" I asked.
She exhaled, "He is just a self-made Halloween costume I
once went out with for dinner"
I laughed, "What do you mean?"
"I mean it's Robert Mugabe's duplicate I dated for a few
days and booooom!!! the nigga acts as if I'm the one who
is ugly and started hitting me whenever he want" she
Now that could be a case.
"He hit you?" I asked getting angry.
There is nothing I hate as men who beat women.Boy if
you feel your fist itching go to the boxing ring.
"Yes,yesterday he punched me like a puppet just because
I questioned his fat accounts"
I nodded and took a file to open the case.
I asked her full names and other personal details. She is
Simtholile Biyela,she is 23years old and stays in
Mandeni.To why she is here in Stanger I'll let the nature
take care of it.
I asked her to wait on the chairs as I passed the case to
Seargent Khuzwayo.
"Constable Mbatha we would like you to go with the lady
and take Mike Siwa for questioning" I was told.
She directed me to Mike's home. We found only the
cleaning lady who said Mike is off to Jo'burg.
"Do you think he is running away?" I asked Simtho.
"No he'll come back after a day or two, he doesn't know I
reported him"
I nodded,
"If necessary the justice will be served don't worry" I told
She nodded, "Thanks Jason"
I'm not Jason.
"I'm Loyiso Mbatha" I remember I didn't tell her my
name that day.
"Is that name taken from ukuloya?" she asked.
I laughed, "No"
She smiled, very beautifully,
"Okay.I hate riding in the van"
That's so random girl.
"At least it only for few minutes" I told her.
"Yeah I'm thirsty" she said.
"You want a mango juice?" I asked smiling, recalling the
till incident.
She laughed, "Yeah"
I took it out in the mini coolerbox under the chairs and
gave it to her.
"No wonder they killed Senzo Meyiwa,our police are
turning vans into wheeling bars" she said sipping the
Maybe I should've let her die of thirsty.
"Simtho you love talking, you talk too much" I told her.
She rolled her eyes, "You insult me every chance you get"
"I just tell you what you are,I don't insult you" I said.
"Well I don't like you" she said.
I laughed so hard I nearly lost control of the steering
"You don't like me?" I asked laughing.
She nodded, "Ja not a bit"
"You can't dislike someone you don't know" I told her.
"You are Loyiso Mbatha,you are a cop and you're very
disrespectful" she said.
I laughed again, "Well,you are Simtho Biyela, I don't
know what you do for a living but you look very
rich,you're very annoying but I like you" I told her.
She gasped, "You really look like Zolisa Xaluva though"
she said.
I don't know if that a compliment or what.
"Gay?" I asked.
She giggled so loud,"What?"
"Do I look gay?" I said.
She laughed and nodded, "Now that you've asked I
notice,you look very gay"
I grinned and stopped at the side of the road.
"I'm not gay" I told her.
She giggled, "You are."
I grabbed her and leaned forward her and kissed her.The
kiss took longer than I planned to because she responded
and kissed me back then my body got heated and my
heart beats escalated.
When we broke it we both caught our breath,breathing
I cleared my throat,
"Umhhh...sorry I did that as a joke" I said.
She nodded, "I know we were just kidding"
I closed my eyes and exhaled, " Let's go" I said and drove
back to the road.
We both went silent all the way to the police station.
She got off and went to her car without looking back.
I should've asked her numbers.
"Mbatha how did it go?" someone asked.
I was looking at Simtho's car driving away and didn't
"Mbatha" he said again.
"Yes" I said my mind faraway.
"How did it go?"
I shook my head, "He wasn't home, they said he went to
"And the lady?" he asked.
"I'm falling in love" I said unaware of what is it actually
that I'm saying.
"Well it about time you find a suitable man"
I'm not gay!!!
Chapter 109
*Donald Narrated*
"I kissed a man" Simtho told me as we watched TV in my
bedroom after Junior has fallen asleep.
Simtho is my babe! She is a sister, a best friend and a
pillar of my life. I don't know how her and I grew so close,
I just found myself warming up to her.We love similar
things,I can just say her and I vibes.
"You know I can't put that on the records,you kiss men
everyday" I said.
She pushed her legs in between mine, it's really cold
today I bet Sbu will sleep with his dick inside Nozipho.
"A cop,a very cute cop" she said blushing.
I laughed "How did you seduce him?" I asked.
"I didn't, we were arguing about whether he is gay or not
and the next thing I felt his soft lips on my
mouth...Mhhhh I never had a kiss like that,the guy
turned me on,he even moaned in my mouth" she said
very excited.
"Mhhh! Are you falling in love with him or you just liked
the kiss?" I asked.
She exhaled, "He said he only kissed me as a joke"
Tjoh that guy is something else,if a girl let you kiss her it
means she have something beating for you.You can't be
the one who walk away first she will feel rejected.
"Maybe he is really gay" I said.
She chuckled, "He better not be, those soft lips were
created to smooch girls not guys cracked lips" she said.
I laughed, "Maybe he like positive plus positive"
She sighed, "Donald will you please see a bright future
for me?"
I smiled "Okay let's say he is not gay,there is still nothing
going on between the two of you guys.He was just
playfully proving that he is not gay" I told her.
"I guess you are right,it kinda hurt I think I like him" she
said sadly.
Wow! She actually likes someone,for really!
"Stop liking him" I told her.
She looked at me, "Like you've stopped daydreaming
about Lwazi's sister"
Well, I can't take Wendy out my mind.I think about her
every time,pity I've only seen her once.
I always wish I can bump to her in town or anywhere so I
can ask for her numbers.If I had the guts I would've asked
it straight from Sena.
"Do you think you can get her numbers from Sena for
me?" I asked her.
She shook her head, "Don't involve other people,ask it
from Wendy"
"You're useless" I told her and changed the channel.
"So soon I'll be useful to Loyz" she said.
Not the cop again!
"You've got it so bad" I told her laughing.
Later she went to her bedroom. We cuddled for so long,I
am a man after all and Simtho is a girl.I'll never do
anything to her,I don't want her that way.I spent five
minutes in the bathroom steaming out then went to bed.
In the morning I left for work leaving Junior still asleep,
thanks to Simtho I don't have to do the house-hunting
anymore,she volunteered to do it for me.That's why she
is my die-girl.
On my lunch break I decided to drive to Lwazi's place to
check on them you know.
Oops! They are at work,but let me get inside anyway.
I knocked twice before the door opened.
"Hi" she greeted looking shocked.
"Hi" I said very stupidly.
She looked at me,I looked at her.
She had her hair loose,coming to the sides of her face
and was wearing a three-quarter jean and tight black
vest.Her skin was fine and chocolaty.
"Lwazi isn't home" she finally said.
I cleared my throat, "Oh"
She rubbed her forehead, "But I can pass the message"
she said.
Cat ate my tongue!
I cleared my throat, "I came for you"
She frowned, " for?"
To ask you if you can go out with me tonight,I wanted to
"We didn't get a chance to know each other" I said.
She looked very confused,
"Oh...what would you like to know?" she asked.
"Umhhh anything worth knowing" I told her.
She cleared her throat and moved aside, "Come inside"
Oh we are still standing in the door!
"Thanks" I said.
"Would you like anything to drink?" she asked.
"Yes" I said staring at her lips.
She cleared her throat, "Ja..."
"Anything you like for me" I said.
She hesitated and went to the fridge and took out a can
of drink.
"Thank you Wendy" I said smiling.
I sipped a bit,I wasn't really thirsty.She,on the other side
was looking very uncomfortable.
"Okay Wendy I won't beat about the bush,I like you.From
the first time I set my eyes on you you've always been on
my mind. I like you,really like you" I said looking at her.
"!" she said.
"Can I have your number?" I asked.
She looked at me with raised eyebrows,
"Donald you don't know who I am,when you do you'll
wish you've never said those words to me" she said.
I frowned, "I don't get it"
She sat up straight, "I'm not what you think, the beautiful
girl from Inanda,the humble Lwazi's sister.I am a bad
person,stay away from me" she said and stood up.
"Well if that's how you threaten boys you got it all wrong
with me. I won't back off until I have you waking by my
side in the morning"
Wow! I don't know how I thought of that verse.I guess I
can make a good Mzwakhe Mbuli one day.
She looked surprised, "Well keep on dreaming" she said.
I chuckled, "You are stubborn hey"
She folded her arms across her chest trying to look
"Get out" she said.
"Not until I have your numbers"
She laughed, "You are not getting them save yourself the
sweet time" she said.
I pushed my legs forward and leaned back on the chair,
"I can wait all day,even if it means till Lwazi's knock off
time" I said.
She clicked her tongue and called her numbers to me.
Just like any South African guy I called her just to check if
the number is real.
"Are you going to go now?" she asked.
I smiled and nodded, "I'll call you later Wendy. I can't
wait to call you 'my love' and hear your sweet voice
calling my 'babe'"
She blushed and looked away.
"I'll leave then,enjoy your day" I told her.
"You too" she said.
"Can I have a goodbye hug?" I asked.
She grunted and looked away.
"Pretty please" I begged.
She came forward,I wrapped my arms around her,she
wrapped hers to me.
"I just want to die in your arms,I don't want to walk away
I want to stay forever" I said near her ear,causing her
breathes to rise.
I don't have romantic verses,when I say one just know
I'm quoting someone.
And there I quoted Shayne Ward No promises...I'm
Chapter 110
*Mandla Narrated*
A happily divorced man,that's me.I am Mandla Zungu
and I am happily divorced.
"Why are you smiling alone" my mom asked.
Because I'm about to go see my girlfriend.
"Was just thinking" I told her still smiling.
"About Zanda?" she asked.
My mother knew before I felt it that I'll fall in love with
Zanda.She kept warning me saying I mustn't attach
myself to her like this because I just got out of a bad
relationship and I'll end up using her.
"I'll probably come back later,please look after Aphe" I
said ignoring her question.
She chuckled, "You are turning me into a really pathetic
granny" she said.
I smiled, "You are a granny,just not a pathetic one"
"What about my plans for tonight?" she asked.
"You'll postpone I'm sure Anthony will understand" I said.
She cleared her throat,
"I'll go shower. Don't rush the poor child" she said.
I went to bath Aphentle and fed her then tucked her in
bed.She slept after twenty minutes of fighting with me
about the blanket. She hate being under the blankets,
she like sleeping bare.
I know when she wakes up she will kick it off.
"She is asleep" I told my mom and left.
I found Zanda already on bed watching TV.
"Hey,sorry to come so late Aphentle put on a fight before
sleeping" I said taking my clothes off.
At first she didn't want me to sleep with boxers only,she
told me she will use the spare bedroom if I do.I took
them off in the midnight, when she woke up she saw me
half naked next to her and nearly fainted.
She smiled, "It's okay"
I slipped in beside her and kissed her.
"I missed you,how are you?" I asked.
She smiled, "I'm fine, it's cold move closer the space let
in cold"
I smiled and moved closer,our bodies touched. My blood
rushed to my manhood.
I squeezed her in my arms and wrapped my left foot over
We chatted about school, she has applied in many
schools and only UKZN has replied. She is excited but she
said she wanted to try colleges.Let's hope she can find a
suitable one.
"Do you miss home? Just sometimes" I asked.
She laughed, "Not a little bit"
I kissed her passionately, "I miss you all the times"
She held my cheeks and deepened the kiss,causing me to
"I love you Mandla" she said so sincerely.
I looked at her, "You're my light in the dark,I love you
I kissed her again, things got heated we both mourned
while kissing. I sent my hand to her breasts and squeezed
I found myself massaging her lower body,my dick was
already rubbing my stomach.
I broke the kiss "I love you so much Zanda"
She blinked and whispered, "I love you more"
I was very horny that moment but I couldn't go back
from the promise I made to her.I promised to wait until
she is emotionally ready.
If I do sleep with her now I'll probably trigger some awful
I kissed her one more time before getting off bed.I
couldn't walk properly.
I got inside the bathroom and started moving my hand
up and down my dick.
"Mhhhh" I moaned softly.
I closed my eyes and fucked my hand like I'm fucking
Zanda.I was too horny,I felt my heat coming up within
few minutes.
"Mandla what are you doing?"
I jumped up with my eyes popped out.
Fuck fuck fuck!
Trust me there is nothing as embarrassing as being
caught masturbating.
I looked at her embarrassed. Shit! I removed my hand
around my aroused dick.
"I was peeing."Yep I said.
She just stared at my licking cock and swallowed hard.
"Umhhh..I came to check on you,I heard you moaning
and thought you are in pain." she said.
I opened my mouth, but cat caught my tongue.
"Come to bed babe" she said.
I nodded and followed her to bed.
"That was embarrassing, I'm sorry" I said as we lay face
to face on bed.
"It's me who should be sorry,I invaded your privacy" she
I sighed and held her face and kissed her.
"Mandla" she said.
I looked at her, "Yes babe"
"How long do you think you can wait?"
Tricky question!
"As long it takes,I can always use my hand" I said smiling.
"That's me not fulfilling my duties" she said.
"No babe it's okay, all I want is you to love me"
She smiled, "You always put other people first,what
about your joy?" she said.
"I am happy Zanda,trust me"
She rolled on top of me and kissed me.
I wanted to talk but she deepened the kiss,suffocating
my breath.
"Zanda wait" I said as she pulled away and took off her
"What?" she asked.
"I want us to wait, we're not ready"
She shook her head, "We are not ready but we want
to,we let the past obstruct us"
I looked at her surprised, she kissed me again.
"Well I haven't voluntarily done this before, you'll have
to take lead" she said rolling off me.
"Babe" I said.
She kissed me.The girl is on mission!
I reluctantly got on top of her and kissed her.I sent my
hand to her womanhood and found her wet.
"Slowly, we'll take this slowly" I said and went to the
drawers to look for Don's condoms.Luckily I found one.
I slid it on my dick and got on top of her.
I kissed her neck and massaged her breasts. Then I slowly
pushed myself inside her.
"Just remember it's me,if you feel uncomfortable tell me
I'll stop" I told her.
She nodded.
I moaned as my mahood slowly got inside her wet
pussy.Once I was completely inside, I kissed her.
"Are you still okay?" I asked.
She nodded.I pushed in and out slowly, her warmth
made me groan.
"Keep your eyes open babs,it's Mandla" I said as she
closed her eyes.
She opened them and nodded.
I pulled up my speed a bit,
"Open wider babe" I begged.
She did,I kissed her and moaned with pleasure.
"Thank you babe, you're so tight" I said as I moved in and
She started moaning and held me tightly. I raised the
"It's Mandla babe" I kept saying with every thrust.
"Babe" she said.
"Yes it's your babe.. it's Mandla babe"
I started going around every corner.
"Babe I need you to come,please let it go" I begged her.
She relaxed her thighs,I hit all the corners and rubbed the
soft walls.
I heard her meaning louder and went faster.I felt her
body shaking and let my steam out too.I held on for too
long,I couldn't do it anymore.
We both caught our breaths,I removed the condom and
went to throw it in the bathroom.
"Thank you Zanda" I said wrapping my arms around her.
"I need to create new memories of everything. Thanks
for being in my life" she said.
"So how was it?" I asked.
"Different" she said smiling.
"Different good or different bad?" I asked.
"Good,it was filled with good emotions. I enjoyed it" she
I smiled, "Bit by bit we'll be there"
She smiled and nodded.
I wrapped her in my arms and listened to my heartbeats
as she breathed on my neck softly
Chapter 111
*Loyiso Narrated*
It's been a week since I last saw Simtho. Mike hasn't been
in his house, the investigation shows that there is money
transferred to his account every week from a Ghanian
account.Something fishy is going on with that guy,it may
not be rhino poaching and human trafficking like Simtho
said but it's something illegal.
In honest truth Simtho had been on my mind since the
kiss.Pity I don't even have her cellphone number.
What if I never see her again? The thought crossed my
mind as I got ready to knock off.
I don't know much but I know I need to see that girl, and
I'm going to,today.
Fortunately she registered her address that day.I don't
know how it is that she said she stays in Mandeni but
wrote Umhlanga address.
I'll just drive to the written address and asked for her real
address there,that if they know her.
I went home and found my dad outside in the yard
chilling with one of the neighbors.
"Son" the neighbor said bowing his head.
In Stanger if you are a policeman everyone treat you with
extra respect. They worship and fear you.My father use
that to his advantage and order people around every
time he wants.He once sent a fourty years old man for
Isolezwe early in the raining morning, the man thought if
he refuse I'll pull out a gun and shoot him.
"Hello baba" I greeted him back.
He had one stupid smile plastered on his face,
"Nice car my child" he said.
Well it's still the mercedez I brought last year and drives
I smiled and thanked him.
I freshened up and wore a jean and white polo shirt.I
decided to let my dreadlocks loose,tying them up will
make people think I'm gay even more.
"Dad,I'm going to Umhlanga I'll be back late" I told my
"Sharp" he said.
Living with another man is just smooth,nobody shout at
another we both live our lives peacefully. When we are
together we chat about soccer,politics and other men's
world relevant issues.
I update him about major life changes only.
I drove to Umhlanga with my mind roaming faraway.
What if I see her and she refuse to talk with me? What if
she lied about her name? I mean she even gave us the
wrong address. She said she was from Mandeni but filled
by Umhlanga in the address section.
It took me no time to find the house in the address. A
very rich looking house, it didn't surprise me,Simtho is
driving an M6 at the age of 23.This house may not be
hers,but the people inside must know her.
I rang the bell,a woman's voice asked who I was.
In order to get in I needed to use my job title.
"Constable Mbatha,I'm looking for Simtholile Biyela" I
Nobody likes a policeman out his gate. The gate opened,
I drove in and parked.
I knocked once and the door opened.
Nozipho Faya stood in the doorway eating a big pocket of
chips.I've read many articles about her and her rich
family. Apparently she is the famous multimillionaire
fashion designer,however I have never seen her in those
red-carpets rich TV showing functions.
I knew right then that I was in the wrong house.
"Hi" she said.
How to greet a celebrity back?
"Umhhh..Hi,I was looking for Simtholile Biyela she left
this house's address" I said.
"What do you want from her?" a guy said coming behind
Oh it's his fiancée,Sbusiso Khoza.They look really cute
together, I wonder how he hooked up with a celebrity
because he wasn't famous before dating Nozipho.
"Oh it's about the case she made" I told him.
He gave me a long hard stare.Dude you don't stare at the
policeman like that,ask Stanger residents.
"Mhhh... get inside" he said.
Get inside for what? I have no time to waste chilling out
with celebrities I need to find this Simtho girl before I
lose my mind.
"I'm kind of rushing, I'm sorry to bother you she may
have put a mistaken address" I told them and turned
around to leave.
"She is here" Nozipho said.
I turned around with a confused face.How?
"Simtholile Biyela?" I asked.
"Yes" Sbu said.
I kinda feel like the guy doesn't like my presence. Maybe
I interrupted his glory session.
I reluctantly got inside.
"Wait here,I'll call her down" Nozipho said and left.
"Join us in the lounge,she will come soon" Sbu said and
walked to the left passage.
Us? I hate crowd, especially crowd of famous people.
But I followed him,it's his house anyway.
"And then?" a guy I recognize from social networks asked
looking at me.
"He is a police, he came for Simtho" Sbu told him.
Another one with a scar across his forehead looked at me
sternly. If we arrested dangerous looking people I
would've cuffed him already. Imagine a good-looking
yellow guy looking scary.
"Oh okay" the first one said and smiled.
Oh it's the famous Donald.
"And where is that person you're talking about?" I heard
her saying.
I went "Thanks God" and stood on my feet.
She saw me and stopped with her eyes widened.
"Loyiso" she said.
I smiled "Simtho"
God she smiled and came forward with open arms.I
hugged her,at least she is not mad that I'm here.
"How did you know I was here?" she asked looking at me
with disbelief.
"You wrote your address remember?" I told her.
She smiled "Wow! I can't believe this is you"
"The case" the mean Sbusiso Khoza reminded me.
I cleared my throat, "Umhhh I came about Mike's case" I
She looked at me,I winked seeing that nobody can see
She smiled "Oh...we can talk privately" she said and
looked at Sbusiso.
I hope he is not a polygamist and taking Simtho as his
second wife.The guy seems offish towards me.
"You can talk here,I deserve to know what is what in my
sister's life,especially when the police are involved" Sbu
What? He is her brother? How?
A young girl came and sat on the yellow-scarred-hunk's
"Let them talk privately Bura" Donald said to Sbu.
He reluctantly backed off and sat down.
"We will drive down to the coffee restaurant" she said.
I nodded and walked behind her to the car.
We found the table and ordered two coffees.
"So the case..." she said.
"The case is I haven't been able to get you off my mind" I
She looked down and cleared her throat.
"I know it's stupid but it's real,I've been thinking about
you since that day" I told her.
She looked at me and said,
"Me too"
Is she saying what I think she is saying?.
"You mean you have been thinking about me too?" I
"Yep" she said.
"So you no longer dislike me?" I asked smiling.
She shook her head.
"Well I liked you even worse,it getting worse everyday. It
have turned into undescribable love" I told her.
And...she blushed!!
Chapter 112
Inside the old rusty pitch-painted warehouse next to
Shakaskraal railway line the door unlocked and opened.
Banger got inside followed by two men with long guns
around their arms,they stood by the door.
Banger took out his leather jacket and hung it on the
wooden chair arm then paced around the empty house
with his hands tucked in his pockets.
"Boy" Mr M said getting inside passing two gunmen by
the door.
"Grootman" Banger said and went to shake his hand.
"Thanks for agreeing to meet at such short notice, we've
got a problem" Mr M said.
Banger looked at him with a frown and sat on the chair,
"What is it?" he asked him.
"Accessing the offshore account Luke created after
shipping the European package" Mr M told him.
"But Grootman we have all the necessary key
information and passwords" Banger said looking
Mr M exhaled briefly, "We need a police certified
agreement and warrant's signature" he told him.
Banger stood up with his eyes popping out with shock,
"You know we can't do that,the moment the warrant
officer see the figures we want to transfer he will get
suspicious and start digging" he told him and shook his
Mr M looked at him sternly, "You have to make a
plan,that's the reason I put you inside".
Banger pushed back his dreadlocks, " How much are we
talking about? " he asked.
"Seven figures"
Banger gasped, "But Mr M..."
He cut him in by raising his hand, "Banger I need my
money asap"
Banger sighed and nodded.
He will make a plan,he always does.
"I hope this is the last job for me,I really want out" he
told Mr M with a serious face.
Mr M looked at him a little surprised, he thought Banger
would've changed his mind by now.
"I don't trust Fakude" he told Banger.
"I've trained him well, trust me he knows the job"
Mr M exhaled, "Mbatha you're the only guy I trust, I
don't want someone that will turn on me when things
get tough"
"I assure you Grootman,you know you can trust my
"What's the rush anyway? You don't even have any
qualification beside policing" Mr M asked him.
He chuckled, "I can start a business or something, but I
want out policing,our deal is done. I completed my job"
Mr M laughed, "What's the motivation behind this?" he
Banger's face lit up, "I have a girlfriend, and I really love
her.I need an honest life"
Mr M bursted out laughing, "Girlfriend? I was starting to
think you're Somizi's twin"
Banger laughed, "it's still new,but I have a good feeling
about us" he told him.
"Well congratulations, I have your cash here use
Tongaat's in-town Standard Bank to deposit it,ask for
Banger took the briefcase that was filled with cash then
they both walked out side to side.
Two gunmen followed them.
"Sho Grootman" Banger said as he parted to his car.
"So long Mbatha....Oh and tell that girl she is a lucky
lady,you're giving up a lot for her" Mr M told him.
He smiled, "You also need to give up one of these
days,your wife needs you, this life is full of risks" he told
Mr M's face changed, he didn't answer him he just
opened his car and got inside.
Come to think about it,Mr M never talks about his family.
Banger doesn't even know if he have kids or not,he
knows he is married because of the ring on his left hand.
Banger also got inside his car and put his briefcase at the
back seat and drove to Tongaat.
Good thing is he is a known cop,no one will get
suspicious of the briefcase. Even traffic cops will just
smile and wave him forward.
Cherly was expecting him,she didn't put any questions on
Having millions in his accounts but he couldn't splash his
money because people would get suspicious. They
already did when he bought the mercedez and renovated
his home.
But they eventually brushed it off because everyone
knew his father got a fat retirement package at the sugar
mill industry.
He got out the bank after depositing yet another R250
000 and drove to Ballito.
He got inside a certain restaurant and treated himself
with a delicious meal.
He then called his girlfriend of four days.Just thinking
about her made his heart jump.
"My love" he said as soon as she picked up.
"Hey boo" she said on her usual ecstatic voice.
He smiled, "I'm thinking about you,how are you?" he
He wanted out from Mr M's business dealings, but she
was the reason he wanted out as soon as possible. She is
the light in his dark life.
He want an honest life,where he will express his undying
love to her without having to look behind his shoulder
every second or incriminating certain evidence and
documents in the station.
Mr M have been everything to him.That man made sure
he have everything he wanted and pulled some strings
for his father to get in the management position. After
grooming him for a year,he sent him to police force
training then got him a job in Stanger.
He is the inside guy,he does his job faultless. But now it's
time for Fakude to take over,he is tired.Being a
policeman wasn't even his dream, he just wanted to be
Fakude is well trained now and he trust him.
"I'm fine just missing you" she said pouting.
"How about we spend the night together in my home?
My dad isn't home all week" he said and held his breath.
Asking a girl to visit you in your home always send wrong
Girls just assume you want sex,but honestly he just want
to spend quality time with her even if it means just
cuddling all night.
She chuckled, "Isn't it too soon?" she asked.
He sighed, "We won't do anything, I just want to be with
you Simtho"
"Okay,but I'm not coming to your home you'll come to
my flat in town"
He smiled "No problem, I can't wait to see you" he said.
"Bring me a gift,you can't just come empty-handed" she
He laughed, "Thanks for the heads up"
"Okay let me go play with my son and go get ready" she
"You have a son?" he asked shocked.
She giggled, "No silly, he is Donald's son but you know
Don is like a brother and a close friend to me" she told
"Oh okay,I'll see you then, don't forget that I love you" he
"I love you too"
He ended the call with a huge smile.
So soon there will be no more Banger,he will be just
Loyiso during the day and night.
Chapter 113
*Loyiso Narrated*
"I wish I can have you like this everyday" I said to Simtho
as we laid face to face on bed.
She smiled, "I've never shared a bed with a rastafarian
before" she said pulling my dreadlocks.
I laughed, "And I've never shared a bed with such a
beautiful person before"
She blushed.
"So how come you're driving such an expensive car with
the peanuts you guys earn?" she asked.
This is what may have triggered Mike to put his hands on
Remind me to call Cyprian tomorrow and ask if they're
finding that dog.I'll deal with him myself, he'll regret the
day his mother opened her thighs to his father.
I cleared my throat, "Well my father got a retirement
package of a lifetime, we are financial okay at home" I
told her.
See,I am a trained liar.You can ask me a question in the
middle of the night when I'm deep asleep and I'll
untruthfully answer to you.
"Okay then maybe I can have those stilettos I saw today
in town for our one week anniversary" she said.
She is a platinum-digger but I love her anyways.
"Anything you want babe" I said and kissed her lips.
Her phone rang,she grunted before answering it,
"Yes dad...She is lying I didn't say that... Oh Zethu is really
testing my patience these days!...Did she have to tell you
all of that?....Okay fine I'll call her and apologize... love
you too bye"
She whistled and scrolled down her phone then put it on
her ear.
"Hey wena bitch listen here...I'll call you whatever I like
stop being a puppy and scheming on me...Really? Oh I'll
tell you what you're ten times a witch than Thembeka
Shezi of Scandal... No boo,hashtag-bad sister, hashtag-
witch, hashtag-Amanda Bynes, hashtag-I'll never speak to
you again" she said to the other person and dropped the
call angrily.
I was holding my laughter, girls feuds have always been
the best thing than listening to Hugh Masikela.
"Can you believe Zethu?" she asked me looking mad.
I had to pull my face together, "Who is Zethu?" I asked.
"My bad sister" she said.
Oh siblings rivals! I wonder how it would be like having a
sibling,I'll certainly never fight with him,or I'm just
I pulled her closer to me and kissed her forehead, "Sorry
She exhaled and held on me tightly making my heart
jump up and down uncontrollably.
"I love you,do you know that?" I said directing her face to
She smiled, "No I don't"
I took her mouth and give her affectionately wet kiss.
"In my life all I ever wanted was to have money,nothing
else mattered.But ever since that day I kissed you on the
side of the road all I want is to have you, nothing else
matters.You are on my mind every second of the day,I
want you nothing else." I told her.
She blinked a couple times, "You mean that?"
I exhaled and nodded, "I don't know what is it about
you,I just want to give you everything in the world and
give up on everything else"
"Nobody has ever talked to me like this,so sincere
making my heart beat fast" she said looking in my eyes
with adornment.
"I never talked like this to anyone either, I guess I have
fallen in love for real"
She smiled and kissed my lips,
"I love you more than my Gucci purse" she said.
I laughed "Girl this is a serious deep conversation"
"Hey that Gucci purse has been my heart's number
one.My mom brought it for me on my sixteenth birthday,
it was the first expensive brand item I owned.Before
sixteen nobody was allowed to have anything beyond
Edgar's and Trustworthy. I used to sleep with it under my
pillow because my sisters wanted to steal it,or so I
suspected. Even today that purse is still my number one,I
use it for special occasions only" she told me.
I smiled, "Wow then thanks for loving me more than the
Gucci purse"
She laughed and kissed my chin,
"I'm sleepy now" she said.
I brought her body closer to mine,her breasts pushed my
chest,I wrapped my arms around her.
"Okay sleep my love" I kissed her forehead.
She wrapped her leg around me and closed her eyes.
Sleeping with a half-naked girl,with her thighs around
you and her womanhood poking your stomach isn't pap
and vleis.
She was breathing softly, fast asleep, I was breathing
heavily over her head my dick stone-hard.I only slept
around eleven, my body kept fighting but my soul
wanted to sleep.
I didn't want to appear as a pussy-hunter,this was our
first night together.
I was woken up by a soft hand touching my eyelashes, I
slowly opened my eyes and smiled at the beauty gazing
me with affection.
"Good morning my love" I said.
"Morning" she said and gave me a soft peck on the lips.
"How was your sleep?" I asked.
"Peacefully" she said smiling.
I took her in my arms and held her tightly,
"Waking up next to you is like a dream"
She smiled, "Feel me,it's me in flesh"
I touched her cheeks and smiled.
"I will do anything, anything and everything just to get up
next to you" I said in a singing tone.
She laughed, "I didn't say you're Jason Derulo,I meant
the TV Jason"
Our bodies were touching, I felt her thighs brushing
against me as she moved.My body reacted so fast,my
breathes multiplied per second.
"I love you" I said and kissed her slowly, taking her lower
lip and fishing her tongue.
"Not so deep,I haven't brushed" she said trying to push
me away.
"That's what I love,I want to taste you" I told her and
kissed her again.
She grunted in my mouth.
When we broke it I was feeling my eyes getting hotter,I
was breathing ten breaths on one second.
"Loyiso are you okay?" she asked.
I nodded, "Yes babe"
She rolled on top of me,my erection pressed against her
"You can eat your cake" she said.
I looked at her, "What do you mean?" I asked my voice
breaking into pieces.
"Last night I felt your erection,you was so hard but you
didn't ask for us to do anything. You fulfilled your
cuddling promise,I know this is not about sex that's what
I'm grateful for.Now I'm offering myself, make love to
me" she said.
I'm sure we all relate some situations to certain
songs,that moment I felt like singing "UJesu unobubele
nami", I know I'm not a religious person but hey,you've
got to thank God sometimes.
I took her mouth and kissed her gratefully. She searched
under the pillows and came back with a condom.Okay!
She teared it with her teeth and took off the blankets
and pulled down my boxers.
"You said your mom was a Nigerian? " she asked.
This isn't real the best time to discuss family identities,I
mentally said.
I just nodded,she sighed with frustration.
"Yeah wear your hoodie boy" she said as she slipped a
condom on me.
Talk about a ghetto!
I laughed and kissed her.I helped her unhook her bra and
took her panty off.
The first thing my hand touched was her butt,it wasn't
big like Nicki Minaj's but it was enough. I squeezed it and
kissed her.
I kissed every sensitive part of her body and sucked her
nipples.When I sent my hand to her girl,I found her
amazingly wet.I rubbed her and massaged her with my
"Just get in already, leave foreplay for other days" she
I smiled and positioned myself then guided my boy
slowly inside her.
Her warmth welcomed me,her vaginal walls softly
swallowed me.I started breathing heavily and kissing
anywhere my mouth could reach.
I slowly moved in and out,
"Yooo babe" that's me crying with pleasure.
"Move faster babe,I want it fast" she said looking at me
with hunger.
"Your happiness is mine now" I said and paced up my
thrusts causing her to scream out loud.
Home is where the heart is.I guess this is my home
because my heart is with no doubt here,with Simtholile
Chapter 114
*Thapelo Narrated*
Ziphe and I spend most of the time together indoors if
I'm not at work. I wake up,drive to work then later drive
back home.I can't say we are completely okay with what
happened but we're getting there everyday.My friends
and her family have been amazingly supportive.
You can trust anyone to give you space when you need it
but definitely not Donald. He promised to come drag us
out the house if we don't come to the double date with
him and his soon-to-be girlfriend.
So I drove home and told Ziphe we must get ready
because I want to have an early night.
"Don't wear that shirt,it make you look like a taxi-driver"
she said looking at me.
I looked at myself, "Aybo babe I look hot" I said.
She giggled and went to the closet and took out a black t-
"Here,wear this and take out those shoes you're wearing
boots" she said.
Oh now I have a stylist!
I knew better than to argue,I took off the shirt and put on
the black t-shirt.
"Ay babe this t-shirt is smaller now,look how it tightens
me" I complained.
She smiled, "That's the purpose, to tighten those arms so
that everyone see how good my items look" she said.
Lord have mercy!
She took out my black boots and threw them near my
Whooooah!! She is not wearing that dress!
"What are you doing with that short thing?" I asked.
She smiled and winked at me then unwrapped the towel
and slipped it over her head.
It was a powder-blue dress,it tightened her butt and
stood way up her knees.It had a huge V neckline that
went down below her cleavage.
"Aybo Ziphe!" I said looking at her.
She ignored me and took out several bracelets and wore
"Ziphelele Biyela, we're not going out this house with you
wearing like that" I told her.
She just smiled and put on her heels.
I sighed, "Babe why are you wearing like this?" I asked.
"Because my love we are going out on the double date
and I need to be the hottest one" she said.
I was angry but that moment I bursted out laughing.
"Babe it's not a competition, we are just going there to
chill" I told her laughing.
"With girls everything is a competition.Look at the girl
that Donald is going to bring and tell me if she dressed
just to chill or to outdo me" she said combing her hair.
At least she didn't put colourful weaves like her sisters, I
love her short-hair.
I put my hands up and fastened my belt.
Don sent me the location coordinates and we drove
Only Don can set a double-date with a girl he is still
asking out.I wonder what trick he used?
Everything have been Wendy this,Wendy that.It's
actually so nice seeing him falling in love for
real.Hopefully Junior will be fine with Don's girlfriend, he
seems like he has warmed to Simtho so much.
Don and Simtho are still a mystery, let's hope their
partners will understand their friendship.
"Is my eyebrows still okay?" she asked as we walked
inside the hotel.
I rolled my eyes, "Yes babe,you're still beautiful"
And guess what,Don and his date haven't arrived yet.
We chose a table and ordered drinks.
After almost ten minutes Donald greeted us ecstatic,
"God's lovers!" he said.
We broke the kiss and looked at him.
"You're late" I said and shifted my eyes to look at the
famous Wendy.
I choked on my saliva,my eyes popped out.
"Hey are you okay?" Don asked.
I didn't realize I had my mouth opened, I felt cold air
rushing in and closed it.
"He...hey" I said.
Wendy was looking hell confused she just nodded.
"Oh this is Wendy,my soon-to-be girlfriend" Don said.
Wendy cleared her throat and smiled.
"Soon-to-be this is my friend Thapelo and his fiance
Ziphe" he said.
Ziphe smiled and offered her a handshake.
Wendy clearly doesn't know who I am but I remember
her very well.
It's the girl I caught shagging a professor in his office back
in university. Prof. bribed me with R150 and said I
mustn't say a word.She had her jean on her ankles,the
professor didn't even care I was looking he just fingered
her and took out the notes out his pocket and handed to
"Pretend you never saw a thing, get lost and don't say a
word" he said giving me the money with the other hand.
Before I could even get out he told her to widen her
legs.Wendy was still young but I know her,she still look
the same except that she is taller.
I managed to get her name the next day from her friends.
I wanted to ask her why she did it,was it because of
marks,but I never got a chance or saw her again.
"Umhhh...we can order now" Ziphe said looking at me.
I knew my composure was weird,I kept looking at
"I know she is a hit but hey Ziphe is here" Don said.
I cleared my throat and looked at Ziphe. Her face told me
I'm in deep shit.
We ordered,thanks to Don's spirit the table wasn't quiet.
"Do you want more meat my love?" Ziphe asked.
I looked at her and smiled, she didn't smile back she just
looked at me waiting for an answer.
"I'm fine babe" I said.
Wendy,Don and Ziphe talked and talked I only
commented here and there.My mind was occupied by
Ziphe being mad at me for staring at Wendy and Donald
falling in love with a professor's seducer.
After what felt like a decade the date was over,Ziphe
took my hand and we stood up to leave.
"Thapelo are we going to Mabhida next week?" Donald
asked me.
"Sure case" I said.
"I'm happy you approve of my babe here,the way you
looked at her told me I chose right" he said and took
Wendy's hand and walked to his car.
"Umhhh..babe" I said as we got inside the car.
She looked at me and said nothing.
I cleared my throat, "You look beautiful" I told her.
"Can you just shut up and drive?" she said.
I opened my mouth but her glare shut me up.I started
the car and drove.
When we got home she walked inside fast and went up
to the bedroom.
I followed her wanting to explain why I was shocked to
see Wendy.I know she thought Wendy and I have history
or I was just looking at her stunned by her looks.Donald
didn't make it easier either.
"Ziphe" I called her.
She had covered herself with a blanket.
I went to her and took the blankets off her.
"Ziphe I want to explain" I said.
She got up and came to me.
I've been slapped before, but not like that. She gave me
one of those slaps that shows you stars and drop a tear
in your right eye.
I looked at her stunned, my hand touching my
nose,where her slap landed mostly painfully at.
"Thank you Thapelo for making me the joke of the night"
she shouted angrily.
I was still taken back by the slap,how come such small
hands gives so much pain?
"You slapped slapped me Ziphelele!" I said with
"You want some more?" she asked.
I looked at her, "You didn't give me a chance to explain,
you just slapped me"
She chuckled, "Explain what? That you had your eyes
glued to other woman and turned me into a complete
fool." she said.
I frowned, "I was just surprised to see that it was that
Wendy Donald was bringing" I said.
She looked at me, "I don't care Thapelo what was
what,you had your attention fully to Wendy"
I rubbed my cheek, "It just that I once caught her in the
disgusting situation"
She looked at me, "So what?"
"I wasn't staring at her,I was just shocked it's her Don is
falling in love with"
She nodded, "Until you recover from shock you are not
welcomed in this room.Get out!"
"Ziphe that's crazy" I said.
She chuckled, "I mean it,it's either you get out or I will"
she said.
I looked at her surprised,she motioned me out.
"I'm sorry my love" I said before getting out with a tail
between my legs.
Hopefully she will forgive me in the morning and hear me
Chapter 115
*Donald Narrated*
After the double-date Wendy agreed to be my girlfriend.
To say I'm happy would be an understatement, I'm over
the moon,in heaven actually.We had our first kiss in the
car.At last my love has come along, the sky above is
blue.That's Beyonce's lyrics anyway.
But I still need to see Thapelo. I know Thapelo very
well,the way he reacted when he first set his eyes on her
tells me there is a story behind it.I need to know what's
up,maybe she is his ex or something. Thapelo and Sbu
already broke our brother's code,which is we don't date
each other's close relatives or ex-lovers.When I do break
it by dating Thapelo's ex I want to make sure him and I
are okay.
I drove to Thapelo's house and called him to open.When
I got inside all the lights were on so I made my way up
the stairs.
"I'm here" Thapelo called from one of downstairs
I turned around and walked toward him.He walked back
inside the bedroom and got on bed.
"What's up?" he asked.
I wanted to ask why he was sleeping alone but
remembered what I came for.They say curiosity killed a
cat,I don't know how true is that.
"It's about you and Wendy" I said and sat on bed next to
He exhaled, "What about me and her?" he asked.
"The way your face looked when you saw her,come on
Thapelo I know you" I said.
He sighed "It's just something from long time ago"
"What is it?" I asked.
I hate begging, especially begging a man.I've had enough
of begging this week from Wendy to go out with me to
Junior refusing to take flue medication.
"Remember the girl I told you about on our second year
in varsity, the one I caught shagging with prof. Mogau?"
he asked.
Of course I do,I remember all the most dirtiest things
that has ever happened. Imagine a young girl shagging a
48years old wrinkled pitch-black professor!
"I remember that but right now I'm asking about Wendy"
I told him irritated.
"She is that girl,I remember her very well" he said.
I looked at him shocked,
"Ayi Thapelo man!" I said.
"It's in the past,I can't judge her about it but if she is that
kind of girl that do anything to get what she want...I
doubt you guys can work out" he said.
"There must be some sort of explanation, maybe you're
making a mistake" I said.
He exhaled, "It's her Don,it her past I can't say she is a
hoe we all have our backgrounds. I'm just concerned
about you,what if she haven't changed? She still sleep
with people for benefits. Surely she did that for
marks.The last thing I want is to see you getting used and
hurt,you've been through a lot and you have a son now."
he said.
I was beyond disappointed. Wendy did tell me she is a
bad person I must stay away,but I didn't listen. The
problem is I've fallen deeper inlove with her.
"What am I going to do? I can't just ask her if she is a hoe
upfront" I said frustrated.
Thapelo shrugged, "You need to confront her about her
intentions about the relationship, the sooner the better."
I rubbed my forehead and exhaled out my
Yes you can't judge a person by the past, but one's past
can determine what kind of a person he is.
Now that I've heard what I came to hear I think it's safe
to ask about this spare bedroom sleeping.
"And why are you sleeping here?" I asked.
"I stared at Wendy" he said.
Okay I don't follow!
"And..." I said wanting him to continue.
"That's it,I stared at her and it sent the wrong message to
Ziphe and here I am" he said and blinked rapidly.
Don't tell me he is going to cry.Imagine an attorney
crying because he is not getting pussy!
"But it's not like you wanted Wendy" I said.
"Well it what it is to Ziphe and no one can talk it out" he
said with a worried face.
If it was me I'll be probably out partying instead of crying
about it in the spare-room.
"Tjoh ayi woman! If you complemented her weave you
probably would've earned a slap" I said laughing.
He chuckled, "Well I can't say I didn't get it anyway,my
face still hurt" he said.
What??? I bursted out laughing.
"You mean she hit you?" I asked.
He nodded "She was really angry Don, I've never seen
her like that before"
What a lady Ziphe is! If it was Khay she would've shouted
at him inside the hotel. But Ziphe kept her composure
and respected her boyfriend in front of people.
After chatting with Thapelo I left him looking like
maskandi fans when they first heard Mgqumeni is dead.
When I got in the house Simtho was on the couch
holding the sleeping Junior watching TV.
"Hey guys" I greeted.
"Shhh...take him to his room" she whispered.
She could've taken him herself but she just didn't want to
miss a line in the movie, I know her.
I slowly took Junior from her and walked to his room and
tucked him on bed.
He opened his eyes as I put the blanket over him.
"It's daddy,sleep fana" I said and brushed his head.
He closed his eyes and slept again.I kissed him and
tiptoed out the room.
"Why are you up so late?" I asked Simtho and joined her
on the couch.
"Watching this movie" she said her eyes glued to the TV.
"Yuuks! What's that on your neck?" I asked.
She touched her neck and smiled, "Loyiso's mark"
There are people who still think this is cool!
"You slept with him already?" I asked shocked.
I do sleep with girls on the first date,but I'm going to
judge Loyiso. I'm going to be the judge every day of his
life in this relationship and I'm going to point out all his
"Not at first,he behaved himself and I rewarded him in
the morning" she said.
"Hope you used condom" I said looking at her.
"I'm not stupid, hey" she said and poked me with her
I laughed, "So you love him?" I asked.
She nodded.You don't just nod when you love someone.
"But?" I asked.
She exhaled, "I love him Don, but it feels like I'm doing
something wrong. I know I love him but there is this thing
that tells me 'you can't love him Simtho'" she said looking
"I'll tell you what,where there is love there will be a way"
She nodded, "And where there is a good dick there will
be a way" she said.
I laughed and turned my attention to the movie. I don't
even know if the actors were black or white my mind was
"Don what's up?" Simtho asked and paused the movie.
"Wendy" I told her.
She frowned, "You texted me saying she agreed to be
with you, what then?"
I sighed "Maybe I'm overreacting, but she is the girl that
slept with one of the professors in school"
She frowned, "But that the past" she said.
"I know,I'm just scared of what kind of a person she
is,Sena also told me she have a history of mistreating
Lwazi before. I'm just scared" I said.
She exhaled, "Just give her a chance first, when you know
her better you can make your own judgement" she said.
This is why I love her.
"Come here" I said pulling her for a cuddle.
"The last thing I want is to see you hurt Vukile" she said
and breathed heavily against my chest.
Vukile is my second name, it's special. Only special
people calls me that.
"Let's hope they turn out good,I don't want to see you
getting hurt either" I said and squeezed her shoulders.
Simtho isn't just a friend, she is my soul-sister.I know no
matter what she will always be there,just like I'll always
be there for her.
Chapter 116
"Sbu wake up" I heard Nozipho shouting half asleep.
I ignored her but she started shaking my arm and
slapping my cheeks. I grunted and opened one eye.
"Ay Nozipho man,what now?" I asked with a sleepy
"Dad is here" she said raising her voice.
"Go to him" I said and closed my eye.
"Biyela is here damnit!"
I opened my eyes and looked at her,
"My father?" I asked.
She sighed annoyed, "He is downstairs requesting to see
you" she said.
I don't know what time is it but it's in the deepest hours
of night.Why would my father want to see me this time?
Maybe somebody died...maybe one of my sisters.Oh no!
I jumped out of bed and made my way to the door,but
Nozipho grabbed my arm.
"Wear a short" she said.
Hell I don't care if my father see my balls or not!
I wore a short and rushed downstairs.
He was standing there in the middle of the lounge
looking like Denzel Washington, looking at the ceiling.
"Dad" I said already nervous.
I can imagine him breaking the news, "Fiki died after an
extreme gangbang".Hey you would never know how my
sisters would die!
He looked at me plainly, " Son I'm sorry to wake you up"
he said.
I exhaled, "What's wrong?" I asked panicking.
"There is nothing wrong, we have to go somewhere" he
I threw my head back in the Sena way and sighed, "Did
you check the time dad?" I asked.
"Yes,it's one fourty-two in the morning"
I chuckled, "Exactly dad,I need my...handsome sleep" I
He laughed, "I knew being the only boy among five girls
would pollute you. Go wear shoes and warm clothes
we're going somewhere, hurry." he said.
Holy spirit intervene! Does he seriously think I'm going
out in the cold night leaving my fiance's warm thighs and
my gigantic bed?
"Aybo baba!" I said with a warning tone.
He looked at me with a serious face, "Sbusiso I said we're
going somewhere"
I know he was serious, but I didn't want to go.
"My mom told me never to leave the house at night" I
said that, yep.
He smiled, "I know you're spoilt,but please son it's
I grunted and walked up to change. Nozipho asked where
I was going, I shrugged and wore the biggest jacket I
found and long socks and takkies.
He drove like a madman I was tempted to ask if we're
rushing to steal caskets from graves or something.
I didn't pay attention to where he was driving I was
fantasizing about the things I would be doing to Nozipho
if I wasn't here.
Umhhh....I'm not sure anybody lives here,but you can
never know with his Inkandla relatives.
He parked near the small white-painted house in the
middle of nowhere.
"I'll wait in the car I don't want snakes to hug me" I told
him as he opened his door and got out.
He gave me a look that says I'm dramatic.I sighed and got
out and followed him.
"Dad there is no one here" I said.
He just walked and unlocked the door, "Come"
If this man is 2second's (the famous witch-doctor) right-
hand man God will help me.
I followed him holding my breath.He switched the lights
Wow! This tiny ugly house is decorated and furnitured
I walked and sat on the couch wondering if the person
we are here for is expecting us.
"This is Arena" he said.
I looked around to look at Arena but there was no one.
"The house, I call it Arena" he said.
Oh nice! I'll think of the name to give my house. Maybe
He then walked to the wall and remove the small
wooden lid that looked like a small window.
There were numbers,it looked like a small ATM machine.I
smiled, this is nice.My father is stinking rich,who have
ATM's inside their Arenas,houses I mean?
Only if I brought my credit card.
"The password is Sphiwosethu" he said and punched the
Whoah! The the thing actually opened like a microwave.
"Dad...what is that?" I asked.
"The safety."
Oh okay! I don't trust people with safeties.
I stood up and looked at him.
"Safety for what?" I asked.
"My assets"
I was confused!
He walked toward me and stood in front of me with
unreadable expression.
"Son I'm not a legit man.I've crossed so many bridges and
burnt so many fires in order to be here.In this house
there is nothing dangerous, just the necessary
documents and contacts of people you'll call should
anything happen to me.And there is some cash that can't
be banked" he said.
I looked at him with fear,what does he mean?
"What do you mean?" I asked.
He sighed, "I am a dealer,not a drug dealer,a dealer" he
He must tell me he is joking he thought it was April's fool.
"No dad you're a businessman, you run businesses you
have a shopping centre,you own a web of shops around
South Africa" I told him.
He put his hand on my shoulder, I shook him off and
looked at him.
"You're serious?" I asked.
He nodded, "The key of this house is in your study,there
is a nailed velvet under your desk,you'll break it and find
it inside"
I knew he wasn't a law bidding man when he killed
Ziphe's harasser, but this!
"Are you in danger?" I asked.
As much as I hate him right now but I still don't want to
lose him.
"I'm always in danger" he said.
I needed to sit down, "I can't lose you too,I just found
you dad"
He sat opposite me, "I'm not saying I'm going to
die,that's in God's hands.I just want you to know how to
take care of things if something happens to me.This
house have all the necessary information to my treasure
and you're the only one who knows"
"Why you not showing Fiki,she is the older one?"
"Because you're the son and the next head of the Biyela
in the line"
I sighed, "Okay, but please don't die"
He nodded, "I won't I promise"
I am a son of a criminal, I stood up and went to look at
the safe.
I don't know how wide this safe is.There is a big black file
and stacks of cash.Well there is also a gun.I thought he
said there was nothing dangerous in the house.
When we drove back to my house he pretended as if
we're just coming from the movie. He was chatting and
laughing, on the other hand I was nervous as hell.
I mean what if his rivals come after me and my sisters?
"You can sleep here" I told him.
He smiled, "I have an early meeting in Mandeni"
I nodded and got out the car.
"Sbusiso" he called me as I closed the door.
I turned around.Not another bombshell!
"I love you my boy" he said.
I faked a smile and walked towards the door.
I just laid on bed with no sleep.I kept imagining life after
my father died. Yes I'm not a dependant on him but I
need him,the girls need him too.
Why can't he just leave this shady industry and focus on
his businesses? He is rich already.
In the meantime I have to think of the lies I'm going to
tell Nozipho when she asks about where I went.
Chapter 117
*Mandla Narrated*
Sbu's wedding is around the corner and Nozipho has
forgotten she is a pregnant woman and running like a
headless chicken making sure everything thing is in
As for Sbu I think he only cares about being married,
whether there are flowers or not he doesn't care.
If it wasn't for Don I think he would've bought his tux in a
certain Indian shop and went to the wedding.
I still remember my wedding, it wasn't a big expensive
wedding but it was exactly the way I wanted it to be.
I remember Phumla coming on her white dress,looking
like a fairytale princess.
I cried as the pastor pronounced us husband and wife.I
was marrying the girl of my dreams.
I remember the first day I met her at my uncle's wedding,
her aunt was catering the event.She was there helping
"Can I some more roasted chicken?" I shouted leaning
over the door.
"I'm sorry it's finished, but we still have turkey" a
sweetest voice from the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen
How come a girl so young dedicate her time in cooking,I
asked myself.
I just stared at her and didn't say whether I will take the
turkey or not.
She smiled and walked back.I stood on the same
Minutes later she came back with a take-away,
"I warmed it" she said handing me the take-away.
Only if she knew I was going save that meat for my
"Thanks" I managed to say.
When I turned around to leave my heart told me to get
her name.
"Can I have your name please" I asked.
She smiled, broadcasting her white teeth."Phumlile" she
That was it for me,I was in love.
The only mistake I made was to love her too much.
Years of pretence.Years of lies and secrets.
I spent precious years of my life appreciating someone
who didn't need me to.
I watched Zanda sleeping beside me and asked myself,
what's going to unfold when all the innocence goes
When she meet guys her age in varsity will she still see
me as the perfect guy for her? Will her love ever die out?
I love her.I've fallen in love again, God please don't let
her change.
"I won't change"
I looked at her surprised.
Wasn't she sleeping?
And how....... I was thinking out loud.
"I promise" she said looking at me with clear eyes.
I smiled at her, "I know"
"Please don't doubt me I love you,I'm nothing like
Phumla" she said.
"I don't doubt you Zanda,I know you love me I'm just
She touched my face, "Scared of what?"
I deeply breathed and took her hands and squeezed
"To let go again. I don't know if I'll be able to survive if I
get to the point where I'll have to let go of you"
She exhaled, "You'll never have to, I'm always going to be
here" she said.
"You don't understand Zanda,you're still growing up, still
learning to love.In love Zanda there are ups and
downs,and downs occurs more than ups.There will be
times when you'll feel like throwing the towel and
getting on the next train and leave. Times you'll feel like
you need some space to breath. Or where you'll just
want to walk away.I'm going to hurt you along the
way,unintentionally.We are meant to hurt people we
love the most at times.It's not going to be always
rosy,there will be other guys who will come and promise
you a better world. This is not me being insecure, I'm
being realistic. I'm scared Zanda,I'm scared of losing you"
I said and closed my eyes for emotional control.
I felt her hands around my neck, "I hear you" she said
and put her head on my chest.
I didn't mean to start our morning like this.
"I'm willing to win the fight" she said.
I lifted her head to look at her, "Huh?"
She looked straight into my eyes, "Whatever it is,up and
downs or backs and fronts.I will go there and fight for
you until I win"
I exhaled, "I love you Zanda" I told her.
"I love you more and I'll never go anywhere"
I pressed my forehead against hers and slowly connected
my mouth to hers and sucked her lower lip.
We do make love but not always.I want her to get used
and comfortable to it before going all directions with her.
"So what is your favourite singer?" I asked changing the
deep atmosphere we were clouded in.
She smiled "Chris Brown" she said.
Geez! I don't get why all girls love that boy.
"Don't pout I love him as a singer, not as boyfriend" she
said giggling.
I laughed "Men don't pout"
She wrapped her arms around me,I squeezed her to my
"Am I get the cookie today?" I whispered on her ear.
She cleared her throat, "Umhhh...I don't know"
I smiled and kissed her, I know I'm getting some.
To what I've collected girls say other things meaning
other things,like:
•I don't know - I don't want to say yes but yes
•I saw a beautiful dress in town - There is a dress I want
you to buy for me
•How about we go eat out today - We are eating out
•If you say so - I'm still gathering some concrete evidence
against that.
•I will see - I'm still thinking of an excuse
•Isn't that waitress hot? - Are you checking out that
Chapter 118
"What was that all about?" she asked as I struggled to
catch my breath after a heavy, emotional-driven sex.
I calmed my after-the-marathon breaths and kissed her
"I just love you" I said.
She brushed my head, "Baba kaSphiwo what's going on?"
she asked.
I looked at her with a fake-surprised face, "Umhhh.. I'm
sorry if I was too harsh it just that..I love you" I said.
"Where did your father take you last night? I waited for
you for almost an hour.Where did you guys go?" she said
looking into my eyes.
I'm not used to lying to Nozi, I hate keeping things from
her.But I guess today I have to put on a mask and lie
straight to her face.
"Someone is suing Gala Luxuries and my father was
trying to manage the situation" I said.
My subconscious bursted out laughing,I could've think of
something more believable.
Her eyes told me she doesn't believe any of that.
"At midnight?" she asked.
I cleared my throat, "He is shattered Nozipho, he wanted
to meet a certain official to help him.He could lose
millions" I said very sadly.
She gasped, "So he bribed the officials!!!" she said.
"Well something like that" I said.
That a better way to look at it.I mentally gave myself a
high five.
"My dad does that too" she said smiling.
"Well don't trust those suites, behind them hides the
bribing businessmen" I said.
She giggled and kissed me, " Don't stress about it,he is a
wise man he will control this " she said.
Wise man my foot!
I smiled at her, "It's been a while since we went out,just
the two of us.How about we send Sphiwo to his granny
and go out?" I said caressing her face.
"Why we don't just ask Simtho to babysit?" she said.
"I'm not sure she'll be here,she hardly lives here"
"Do you think she is dating that guy? The police guy" she
I shrugged, "She doesn't talk to me about that stuff,Don
knows better"
She exhaled, "Don't be jealous, it's not easy to talk to
your brother about relationships" she said.
Am I jealous? I don't think so.
"I'm not jealous I just don't understand why she doesn't
confide in me.I'm her brother I love her" I said.
She laughed. Not funny!
"If she tells you she is dating that police guy what would
you do?" she asked looking amused.
"I'll want to know if he is a good guy and how he treat my
sister and his intentions" I said.
That's what all brothers want to know right?
"Let's not forget you'll want to control how and when he
must make love to her" she said.
I frowned, "I wouldn't"
She smiled, "So with Thapelo it was a mistake?" she
"No,he needed to slow down that's my sister not his sex-
toy" I said.
"See,that's why she is scared of introducing her boyfriend
to you?"
"I'll introduce myself to him don't worry" I said.
Nozipho looked at me with raised eyebrows, I ignored
her and went to the bathroom.
Don had an early meeting so he left without breakfast, as
well as the somewhere-rushing Simtho.
"I hate being the housewife" Nozipho said as I gathered
my staff to leave for work.
"You're not a housewife babe,you're working from
home" I told her.
I can't say I don't like her being the housewife.
We then heard a car driving in playing Madonna Applaud
to the full volume.
And then who is blasting a radio like that in the middle of
Umhlanga Rocks?
"Are. you expecting any one?" I asked her.
She shook her head.I went to the door to check.
Zethu was on top of the brand new Jeep twerking.
It's must be God's plan.
"Zethu" I shouted at her.
She looked at me and did that Ciara snake moves.Sigh!
After a while she got down and lowered the radio.
"My hot brother" she said opening her arms to me.
I rolled my eyes and hugged her, "Why are you here so
early?" I asked.
"Is that a way of greeting a Jeep-driving woman?" she
Nozipho came for from behind and gasped at the car,
"And that machine?" she asked.
"Mine boo!" Zethu said.
"That car is inappropriate for you,couldn't you buy a
Polo?" I said.
Nozipho nudged me with a hand.
"Well Sam got it for me for my birthday yesterday" Zethu
said proudly.
"Zethu it wasn't your birthday yesterday" Nozipho said.
She smiled, "That doesn't mean anything" she said.
Jesus of Gomora...where are my car keys?
"Wow!" Nozipho said stunned.
Zethu swayed the car keys around her hand and asked
where Simtho is.
"She left hurrying somewhere" I told her.
"Now that she is dating a cop she thinks she is Chuck
Norris. The day I'm done with her she'll wish she was
never born" she said.
Another reason why Nozipho and I need to get out this
house tonight!
I want Don to be the one to deal with their fighting. He
will probably give them a few belt lashes or something.
Chapter 119
*Lwazi Narrated*
I joined Sena and Wendy in front of the TV.They are not
close but they do get along.
I've been trying to mend my relationship with Wendy.
She is not a loud person but she is very stubborn. Her
daughter lives with her daddy in Melmoth.Obviously
Wendy and her babbydaddy don't get along, I've listened
to their conversations all they do is shout at each other.
And now there is Don,I don't want to know what's going
on between them I'm just grateful for Wendy's
enlightened spirit.
I endured the talk-show they were watching for fourty
minutes but when the presenter said: "After the break
we will meet Dr Clafford to share some great-skincare
tricks.Don't go anywhere", I lost the 1.0 interest I had.
"Can we watch a soapie at least?" I said.
I doubt they heard me,their eyes were glued to the
TV,eagerly waiting for the commercials to be over.
I sighed, "I'm off to bed.Goodnight sisi" I said and walked
to the bedroom.
It's time I buy a bedroom TV or I'll kiss wrestling and
soccerzone good-bye.
After an hour Sena got in with a bowl of a fluffy paste
"Babe what is that?" I asked.
She flashed a white smile, her dimples showing.
"A mixture of cream,flour and turmeric" she said.
Is she planning to cook at this time?
"Cravings again" I said shaking my head.
"What,no! I'm not eating this" she said and dug her hand
on the bowl.
OMG! She put that on her face.
I had my eyes popped out.She looked like a clown.
What is wrong with her?
"Are you out of your mind Sena? Why are you covering
your face with a flour paste?" I asked with shock.
She smiled.I bet Sphiwo would cry his tiny lungs out
seeing his aunt like this.
"You should do it too,it soothe your skin and luminance
it" she said.
Urgh! Dr Crafford.
"Your skin was alright, do you know how many people
sleep with empty stomachs as you're busy playing with
food?" I asked.
She rolled her eyes and sat on bed glancing at her wrist-
watch now and then.
Girls would do anything to look beautiful. Even slathering
with poop,as long as they get beautiful. Unlike us,men,if
you are ugly you are ugly,you do nothing to fix it.
After almost 20minutes she stood up and went to the
bathroom. I heard water running,at least she is not
sleeping with a floured face.
She came back naked,oily shining from head to toe.
Not another skin-soothing method bathong!
"Why are you shining so?" I asked.
She said she is exfoliating with a what-what hydratant oil.
"You have to wipe yourself before getting on bed,you'll
spoil the sheets" I told her.
She widened her eyes, "You're kidding!"
"No I'm not" I said.
She folded her arms, "I'll rather sleep on the couch" she
I hate Dr Clafford!
I looked at her surprised.
Oh boy! Her oily glowing body indulged with my
Maybe she should sleep with that oily body after all, I
thought to myself.
I cleared my throat, "Come to bed" I told her.
She frowned, "Just like that? I mustn't wipe myself
anymore?" she asked.
Of course not.
"If you say it'll make you look even more beautiful why
not?" I said and smiled.
She nodded looking thoughtful. As long as she is not
thinking about another skin-soothing method!
"Umhhh...okay" she said and walked to the wardrobe
and took out a nightdress.
"Babe wait" I said jumping off bed rushing to her and
grabbing the nightdress away.
"You don't have to wear anything. I mean it just you and
She laughed, "Dr Clafford advised us not to let dry hands
touch our oiled bodies" she said.
"I'll oil my hands,where is what-what oil?" I asked.
She laughed again and walked to the bathroom and came
back with the bottle of what-what oil.
I took it and applied oil to my hands.
"Done" I said rubbing my hands to each other.
She turned around to return the oil to the bathroom but I
grabbed her and kissed her hungrily.
My hands slipped on her body as I tried to hold her by
the hips.
"Come lie down I want to give you a massage" I said
taking her hand and led her to bed.
I started my masseur's techniques. My hands focused on
her butt and hips.
"I thought it was a full body massage" she said with a
bumpy low voice.
I'm not the only one turned on here.
The house suddenly lacked oxygen,I struggled breathing.
I split her buttocks and traced her canal with my middle
finger.My finger felt her warm soaked cunt as I continued
tracing my finger between her butt.
"Jesus" I called out breathing hard.
I went up and leaned over her face and hungrily kissed
"My sexy babymama" I whispered in her ear.
I saw her cheeks widening, "My handsome baby daddy"
I kissed her neck.
"I love you Sena" I said with a husky voice.
"I want you so badly Madlala,just get in my love" she said
with so much hunger and longing.
I'm going to ejaculate right now, without penetrating...
the way she said it.
I want you so badly Madlala, I framed those words and
stored them in the depths of my soul.
Chapter 120
*Donald Narrated*
It's our first night together,on the Sartuday night.Wendy
is a bit shy and delaying going to bed by rearranging the
toiletries and staff.This is a hotel room we're leaving
tomorrow afternoon there is no need to be all
domestical civil about it.
"Let's go to bed now" I said and took her hand and led
her to the bed.
I took my clothes off and got under covers.She just stood
there looking all nervous and ready to run.
"Wendy take your clothes off and come to bed" I said.
She walked to switch the lights off.Jesus Christ!
She is not a virgin,she have a baby for crying out loud!
I jumped off bed and went to switch the lights on.
"Wendy I'm your boyfriend for Shembe's sake" I said.
She seriously think I don't want to see her gorgeous
"Don I..I can't" she said with a crying voice.
I thought they said she is 26years old.
I sighed, "Wendy it's me,we are girlfriend and boyfriend"
I said.
She started crying. Lord help me!
"Wendy what's wrong?" I asked panicking.
She wiped her tears,
"I'm sorry Don I can't do this"
"Do what Wendy? It's just clothes,I'm sure you have a
beautiful body" I said.
"This dating thing and sleeping together... I tried it with
Elihle's dad and failed.I just can't"
Well I'm in the dark.
"Wendy you're not a virgin,you have a baby. You've been
naked in front of a man before,or is it me you don't
want?" I said looking at her.
"Still I'm not comfortable doing all this stuff,that's why I
like being single"
That hurt.She rather be single than be with me.
"Come on Wendy,you were sleeping with a professor and
you made a baby"
Okay maybe I shouldn't have said that.
She looked at me shocked, tears flooding down her
"I didn't mean to say it like that,I'm sorry" I said.
"I'm sorry babe" I said.
She continued looking at me like a crying statue and
didn't say a word.I walked to her and hugged her.She
didn't hug me back but I held her anyway.
"I'm sorry my love" I kept saying.
She pushed me off.
"Do it" she said.
Take her clothes off?
"Do what?" I asked.
"Have sex with me"
I frowned, "Who said I want to have sex? I only asked you
to take off your clothes so that we can sleep feeling each
other's skin"
She chuckled with tears and took her clothes and
underwears off angrily.
"Here I am,take your portion" she said.
And now? I don't recognize the Wendy I fell in love with.
"Wendy calm down and tell me what you on about" I
said worried.
"Just like 'professor' take your portion" she said with
Prof. Mogau?
"Take my portion? What does that even mean?" I asked
scared and confused.
"You are just like him," Wendy take off your clothes " I
hate you" she said and ran out the room.
Thanks to my long legs I caught her within few seconds.
"I didn't know you hate taking your clothes off,but you're
beautiful you don't have to be shy with me.I love you" I
said holding her hands.
She started crying again. Sena should've warned me she
has onions installed in her eye sockets.
"Look Wendy I'm sorry.I'm sorry I made you
uncomfortable and cry.I'm sorry I'm such a jerk who
makes his girlfriend cry on their first night together.
Please just don't leave me" I begged.
She exhaled and wiped her eyes, "I'm sorry"
She is sorry too!
I led her to bed and took her clothes on the floor and
gave them to her.
"You can sleep with them on it okay" I said.
She took them and put her panty on first.There goes my
puasy ride!
As she bent down to lift the panty from her ankles I,three scars on her back.Three
big black scars.
"What hurt you on your back?" I asked.
"Mogau" she said like it nothing major.
"Your professor ex boyfriend?" I asked shocked.
"Professor my rapist" she said calmly.
"What?" I asked.
"The professor who raped me" she replied.
I looked at her with my eyes dropping out,
"What do you mean?" I asked shocked to the core.
"Don,the professor,Mogau a man who forced me to have
sex with him" she said.
God how many deaths must I die?
"So you...Thapelo thought otherwise... He could've
helped you.Bustard!!!" I talked alone staring into space.
"What do you mean Thapelo could've helped me?" she
"He didn't know he was raping you,he thought you
wanted to. He is tough he could've helped you" I talked.
"Babe Thapelo doesn't know anything"
"He was there Wendy,he saw you,he remember you.He
said the professor bribed him to keep shut" I told her.
I heard her saying "Oh My God" but my mind was
captured about this realisation.
I felt bad and for some unknown reason responsible. I
triggered the bad memories that why she cried. I made
her remember and cry.
"God Wendy" I finally said.
"It was a long time ago,it's fine now" she smiled faintly.
"Come here" I pulled her for a long tight hug.
"I'm sorry Wendy, I'm so sorry babe" I said fighting back
She breathed hard against my chest, "It's fine, I'm with a
good guy now" she said.
I sighed and wondered how will I ever make love to her
without triggering those painful memories.
How do I erase her past?
Chapter 121
Simtho's bags are still here which means she still lives
with us.I last saw her Friday and today is Monday.A little
bird,which is Donald,told me she is accomodating her
boyfriend in one of Fiki's flat.I wouldn't be angry if she
told me and asked me to cover for her but she just
disappeared and switched off her phones now my dad
blames me for being a weak brother that let them do as
they please.
After the exhausting day at work I drove home and found
Don,alone smiling at his phone.
"Where is Nozipho?" I asked him.
He didn't even look at me,
"Her rude aunt came to take her."
"She didn't tell me she is going home" I said.
"Well they said the uncles from rural areas want to meet
I clicked my tongue and took out my phone and called
Her : Geez Sbu I've been trying to call you the whole day.
Umhhh....I last looked at my phone at breakfast break.
Me : Eish I've been busy,where are you?
Her : Home,aunt Sindi came to drag me to meet my
uncles from the Zungu side
Me : Awo when are you coming back?
Her : Tomorrow if possible
Me : What? (in disbelief)
Her : Yeah the cousins haven't arrived
Me : (Sighs) But Nozi how am I going to sleep alone?
Her : Goodness! Don and Simtho are there
Me : Simtho hasn't come back,Don is more like to go out
since Lydia taken Junior
Her : You are a grown man,you'll sleep alone
Me : I don't want to
Her : (laughs) I don't think you have a choice this Sindi
aunt isn't playing games.Mandla is cleaning the balcony
as I speak
Me : I always knew there was a domestic talent waiting
to be found in that boy
Her : He is beyond pissed
Me : I hate being a bachelor,now I have to order pizzas
and sleep on cold bed.
Her : After we get married we will always be together
Me : I can't wait to make you mine
Her : Let me go before this aunt asks why Im blushing
Me : Tell her you have the world's greatest man as a
Her : Always modest.I have to go Sphiwo doesn't like
these people
Me : I love all of you,bye babe
After speaking with Nozipho I felt a little better and less
I looked where Don was to ask his plans for the night but
he was nowhere.
I dragged myself up the stairs and bumped to him,his
clothes changed.
"And?" I said looking at him.
"I'm spending the night out" he said walking past me
fastening his shirt buttons.
"With Wendy?" I asked.
He ignored me and walked down singing Chris Brown's
Changed Man.I think he is exaggerating he is still his
crazy self.
I went to shower and then changed to my casual wears
and went to my car.
My phone rang as I was about to start the car.My dad.
"Hey dad" I greeted.
"Is that girl not back yet?" he asked angrily.
I cleared my throat "Umhhh Im driving to look for her
now" I said.
"She was supposed to attend the Impangeni meeting.If it
wasn't for Ntombizethu I would've lost clients" he
I'm sure Zethu is sipping cocktails wherever she is.The
golden daughter!
"I'll call as soon as I find her"
I really want this conversation to be over.
" week we're going to Inkandla"
What? No way.
"For what dad?" I asked.
"To report the ceremony to the ancestors"
"Okay I can't wait" I mocked.
He chuckled, "I know,now find that brat and call me"
"Okay dad"
"Drive safely,bye"
I drove to Fiki's flats.She loves property,I think she also
own four houses,two in Zimbali.
I knew which floor she was in,I calmed myself down by
breathing in and out before knocking.
I knocked almost ten times nobody answered.Finally the
door swung open.
With his dreads loose,a towel wrapped around his lower
body and horny eyes he looked at me fearful.
I wanted to punch him but remembered he is a
"Where is my sister?" I asked very displeased.
He pushed his dreadlocks off his face and opened his
mouth to speak but....
"Babe who was that intruder? I'm left hanging here" she
said and appeared behind him half-naked.
Her red eyes met mine.Her mouth dropped open and her
face puffed up within seconds.
Chapter 122
*Loyiso Narrated*
I'm getting addicted to Simtho each day.We spent the
whole weekend together.Just me and her.She said my
phone is irritating her by ringing every minute and we
made a deal to have our phones switched off without
disturbances.I'm sure Mr M is fuming wherever he is,but
hey my woman comes first.
After taking her out for a storm shopping we had our
intimate time.I think she lives by that saying "Shop till
you drop",I've never seen someone shopping so many
bags on one day.
She is wild,I've done all types of sex forms and positions.I
enjoy being with her like girl where have you been all my
"I'm not done with you,don't move" I said pulling out as
the annoying person kept knocking.
She moaned,"Just tell whoever it is to go away" she said.
She loves her dick shame!
I kissed her neck and wrapped myself with a towel and
walked to the door ready to give whoever the fuck is a
piece of mind.
Holy shit!
The look on his face told me I could get a punch anytime.
The last thing any guy want is another guy to fuck his
sister.I don't know how that goes because at the end of
the day everyone is fucking somebody's sister.
"Where is my sister?" That's the first thing he said.
I did say I am a damn good liar,my mind ran fast and told
me to tell him I don't know I am a new tenant.....but,
"Babe who was that intruder? I'm left hanging here" she
said wrapping her hand around me from behind.
The look on his face was
undescribable.Mad,humiliated,disgusted and beyond
" looking for you" I said directing to Simtho
but looking at him.
I didn't want to be punched while not looking.
I don't know when Simtho's hand dropped from my
waist,I felt her breathing nervously behind me.
"We've trying to get hold of you,why did you switch off
your phone?" he asked with a stern voice.
Simtho stammered,
"I...I..the...I lost my phone".
At least we are a combo of liars.
"You have two phones" he said.
Simtho had no answer for that.....
I must admit we were stupid to have our phones
off.What if there was an emergency?
"Look brother..." I said rescuing Simtho but he cut me in.
"I'm talking with my sister" he said.
He is rude.
"I'm the one who kept her here,I think it fair you direct
your questions to me" I told him.
Feeling Simtho's shaking nervously behind me gave me
the bravery.
He looked at me pissed,"I don't like talking with naked
men in my sister's apartment.Maybe you should go wear
decently and then come man up"
I knew from day one this brother doesn't like me.
I exhaled and stepped back and walked....what if he hit
I quickly turned around and grabbed Simtho by hand.
"Come with me" I told Simtho.
They both looked at me surprised.
"You want to shag her again?" He asked me.
I looked at him.What is wrong with him?
"No I just don't want anything to happen?"
"If there is anyone I would do to anyone it would be to
the bloody cop with dreadlocks in front of me" he said.
Well,I dragged her with me anyway.
Nobody spoke we both wore our clothes and walked
back to the mean brother.
Mockingly he asked, "Dressed to talk".
I looked at him speech already mentally prepared.
"Look Biyela I'm sorry to keep Simtho for so long.I just
thought it will do us good to have our exclusive time with
no disturbances.And I'm sorry to unlawful keep her here
without her family acknowledgement."
He chuckled,"Why did you keep her here? To have sex
with her"
"Ofcourse not,I love her not just for her body" I said.
"You love her? Then why would you keep her and make
her miss the important meetings? Do you know how
important family and business is to us?"
I pulled my dreadlocks and looked away.
"What meeting? The meeting I had was postponed to
tomorrow" Simtho asked.
"Sex must be messing with your head,you had a meeting
in Mpangeni if it wasn't for Zethu dad would've lost
clients while you're busy pleasuring cops" he said.
Simtho widened her eyes,
"But Zethu is the one who said it was postponed"
....continues (forgive me for these mini-skirts my tablet
had a stroke and this phone is just a hoe)
This Zethu sister is something else I just hope her father
is an understanding man.
Sbu shook his head,"Well dear you have to deal with
Biyela and I tell you it won't be yummy" he said.
I sighed and squeezed Simtho's hand,
"It'll be fine babe" I said.
"And you Mbatha this is not 'babe' it's Simtholile" he told
"Umhhh..but I love her" I said.
"And keep your clothes on when you are around her" he
continued being unreasonable.
I was tempted to laugh because his sister is the one
doesn't keep her clothes on around me.She never get
"Ayi bhuti we are dating" Simtho said reserved.
"Dating my foot! And that massaging and squeezing of
hands isn't allowed"
Good heavens!
He cut me in,"And you Simtholile you are leaving with
me,go collect your things" he said.
Simtho exhaled and stood up and left.
She still had to fit her new clothes in front of me and I
still wanted to cuddle and make love to her.
"Brother I know I'm in fault but please I love her with all
my heart" I said with a breaking voice.
"You've kept her all weekend now your Christmas is
over" he told me.
I exhaled,"I know you don't like me but come on,we just
started dating I want to show my love to her.Just
He looked at me funnily,
"All this begging for my sister's pussy?" he said.
I looked away.The answer is no and yes.
"Not just that,I want to be with her.I'm leaving tomorrow
I don't want to sleep alone" I said.
"I'm also sleeping alone you will survive"
I looked at him defeated.
After a while he looked at my sad face,
"Fine,tomorrow morning I want her upstairs in her room
before 10h00.No physical interaction"
Avuleka amazulu,I mentally sang.
"Thank you,I promise" I said smiling.
He clicked his tongue,"I can't believe I'm going the whole
day without my cookie" he said.
I looked at him.He didn't just said what I think he said.
"What?" he asked me.
"It just that your complaint is weird"
He frowned "It not,I've been dry for 24hours" he said.
Somebody drag him out of here,what?
"That is normal,some of us go full months without it" I
told him.
He looked at me very shocked,"Full month? That is 30
days.You are something else,very rare!" he said.
He is the rare one if I tell you.
I laughed.
"It's not funny,I'm dying" he said looking really worried.
Then he looked at me with a big smile.
"Why haven't I thought of this before?" he said looking
Hopefully he is not thinking about consulting
prostitutes.Durban is a filthy place.
I looked at him with wonder.He stood up and collected
his car keys on the coffee-table and stuffed them in his
"And?" I asked looking at his beaming face.
"I'm going to get my cookie one way or another" he said
and clasped his hands and walked out.
He is with no doubt Simtho's brother,I wonder what type
is their blood.
"Umhhh...where is my brother" Simtho asked with her
big bag around her arm.
"Gone to hunt his food."
She looked at me confused.
I smiled,"We have until 8am,how about we make these
hours worthwhile?"
She put her bags down with a big smile.
Chapter 123
I drove like a maniac to the Zungu's.I parked far-near the
house and called Nozipho.It rang unanswered,by that
time my manhood was already excited.
With frustration I called Mandla's phone,fortunately he
picked up quickly.
"Sho Bura what's up?" he said.
I want to have sex with your sister.
"Can you please tell Nozipho I'm here next to the gate" I
said controlling my horny breaths.
"She is busy"
"It's urgent Mandla please bru,now" I said.
"Okay" he said and dropped the call.
I sighed and waited my eyes glued to the gate.
After five minute the gate slid opened and Nozipho
walked out wearing a black slip dress,her braids tied in
the lazy-bunny on top of her head.
I quickly jumped out the drivers seat and waited for her
with a big grin.
She looked at me and said,
"Sbu if...."
I grabbed her neck and kissed her hungrily while slowly
pushing her in the back seat.
I laid her down on the seat and crawled on top of her.
"Sbu wait" she said.
I kissed her earlobe and whispered on her.
"I'm here for my pussy MaZungu,I want to drown my dick
in it.I missed you,I don't want to wait let me eat my food"
With that said I heard her breaths speeding up.
I took advantage,
"I want you" I whispered and bite my lower lip and
pressed my erection against her.
She gasped and let out a whimper.I looked back and
closed the door with my foot.
I leaned forward and pressed my erection harder on
her,she moaned.
I slipped my tongue in her mouth and deeply kissed her
while moaning.
I started pushing my erection on her,thrusting.I felt her
hands clawing on my back over the t-shirt.She started
pounding herself on my bulge.
I grabbed her legs apart and lift up her dress and
pounded on her panty.
"Sbu...I'm...I..I'm going to cum" she screamed.
What? Our clothes are still on.
I tried to pull away so I can pull down my trouser but she
held me down and pumped herself hard on.
"Aaaaaaaah babeeeee" she screamed before resting her
head back on the seat,her body shaking.
Fuck! I quickly pulled down my trouser,together with
underwears to my knees.
Jesus! Her cum was all over the private pot.I sid her wet
panty aside and rubbed my cock on her clitoris.She
moaned.I then inserted myself in her.I smoothly entered
slowly,when I got inside completely I started grinding on
it while clenching my hand on her hip.She bucked her
hands on my butt tightly,
"I love you babe,I love you...yesss" she screamed.
I closed my eyes and enjoyed my warm cookie.After a
while I felt her walls tightening around me.
"Yes there my love" she cried out.
I hit her joyous side,she screamed and sank her hands on
my t-shirt.
I felt her warm juices splashing out.
I went in and out crazily.A wave built up,my head
dropped between her boobs.
"Fuck babe...aaaaahhh!!!" I groaned on her boobs.
I caught up wth my breaths...shit I'm on top of my
I quickly rolled to the side seat and rested on it my eyes
I heard her sitting up and taking something on the front.
I was too tired to look at her,I just sat there breathing
heavily with my trousers on my knees.
"Babe what was that?" she asked.
I slowly opened my eyes,"I love you"
She leaned to kiss me,"Love you more,thanks for the
visit" she said.
I smiled and touched her cheek.
"What was that?" she asked again.
I shrugged,"What?"
She frowned,"That clicking sound" she said.
I smiled,"Maybe it your pussy calling for some more"
She giggled and punched my chest.
"I heard your phone vibrating" she said.
Whoever it was I'll call him back.
I took her hand,"Do you know how much I love you late-
coming bride?" I said.
She smiled,"Yes rude boy"
I smiled and kissed her.
"I have to go before they look for me" she said.
I kissed her one more time and let go of her,
"Now I can try to sleep alone.Thank you"
She smiled and pulled her dress and braids down.
"I love you" she said and opened the door and walked to
the gate.
I watched her until she disappeared and the gate closed.
I sighed out in relief and looked for a wiping cloth to wipe
myself then lifted my trousers up.
My phone fell down,I bent down and took it.
I glanced at the screen and saw my dad's call duration on
the screen.
Fuck these touch-screens phones.
I cursed and called my dad back.
He took long but answered.
"Dad I sa..."
"I asked you to call me and tell me if you find your sister
and you decide to answer my call while doing dirty?" he
asked angrily.
Jesus Christ Ambassadors!!
Saliva choked me I coughed.
"You and Simtholile are hunting the belt and you will get
What? I have a son and twins coming my way.I am a
grown man he can't hit me,let alone with a belt.
"Dad it was a mist..."
He dropped me!
I dragged myself to the driver's seat and drove off slowly
passing two human figures lurking behind a car.
Another couple having their intimate session, I thought.
Chapter 124
I woke up to the beautiful morning,morning sun shone
brightly through the curtains.I yawned and remembered
Nozipho isn't here to make me breakfast plus the shirt I
want to wear is not ironed.Anyway which drawer is my
I kicked the covers and went to the bathroom.After
bathing I took my white shirt and went to iron it.As I
ironed the sleeves my phone beeped.My boss: WE WILL
I jumped up with joy,but how did they know Nozipho
didn't sleep home?
It doesn't matter though I have a day off.
Shit! The iron.
I rushed to unplug the iron.So long my dear white shirt I'll
always miss you.
I took the shirt and threw it away and then went back on
bed.Within ten minutes my sleep crawled back.
"Sbu" someone shouted shaking me.
I slowly opened my eyes.Simtho was looking at me with
annoyed face.
Oh the cop kept his promise to bring her back.
"What?" I asked sleepy.
"Dad is downstairs"
That man!
The belt,I remembered and sat up.
"Come down" she said and walked out.
I got up and walked out still on my shorts.
Dad,Sena,Fiki and Nontombi were all sitting in the lounge
looking sorry.
I hope it nothing to do with Nozipho.
"Morning" I greeted with fear.
I didn't like the look on their faces especially dad.
Before they could respond Lydia stride in and came
straight to me.
What? She gave me a memoriable hot clap against
I held my cheek shocked.Aunt Lydia has never put her
hand on me.Not even when I burnt her kitchen 14years
ago.If fighting with my mom she was the one I always ran
"Aunt what did I do?" I asked.
"Is this a way Veronica raised you?" she asked fuming.
I got confused.I looked at my dad,he had a gloom dead
expression plastered on his face.
"Guys what's going on?" I asked.
Fiki threw a newspaper to me.I looked at it....
Me with my chinos on my knees between Nozipho's
I felt my whole body shaking.What? How?
"Oh my God!" I found the couch with my hand and
slipped down.
"Sbusiso are you that stupid?" my dad asked.
I just scratched my head.This is embarassing.Now the
whole world is exposed to my privacy.
"I don't understand" I said.
"What is it that you don"t understand?You made out in
public,people know you,you are getting married
journalists want juicy stories" Lydia said.
I exhaled,"I'm fucked up"
And Nozipho!!! I stood up,she can't find out.
"Where are you going?" Fiki asked.
"Nozipho can't find out this will destroy her.She is
They looked at each other.
My dad cleared his throat,"She knows"
"Oh..I want to check her anyway" I said.
"She is not well but the doctors are doing their best" he
"You said doctors?" I asked.
"She didn't take it well,the comments on social networks
were nasty" Sena told me.
My mouth dried,the little strength I had ran out.
"And my babies?" I asked hopelessly.
"They mantained her heartbeat they are fine now"
What time did all that happened?
I glanced at the wall-watch.It was quarter-past eleven.
I've been asleep while Nozipho going through hell.What
king of a husband am I?
"I haven't even by her side in hospital" I said tears
threatning to come out.
"Only if you don't use your dick instead of brain" Sena
Nontombi had to hold my dad back.
"Just because you are pregnant doesn't mean you have
to be disrespectful.This is your brother" my dad shouted
at her.
She looked down and mumbled apologies.
"Take me to her" I said to Sena.
I couldn't drive Sena took the wheel.
We drove past a car parking far-near my house.
"Reverse to that car" I told Sena.
She looked at me and reversed.I jumped out the car and
walked to that car and knocked on the window.
"You want a story?" I asked the lady sitting in the car
with a camera around her neck.
She looked at me fearful.
"Get out and get your story bitch" I said trying to grab
her hair.She ducked and wind up the window.
I shouted banging her window,
"If anything happens to my wife or my babies I'll destroy
your damn careers and shut your damn paper.I'm
capable of it"
Sena held me back as the car speed off.
"You just made another headlines" she told me angrily
and pulled me to the car.
We found Nozipho with a white doctor.He was..putting
his hand near Nozi's breast.
"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked him angrily.
He jumped up,Nozi looked at me with a frown.
"Umhhh sir..I was checking her heartbeats" he said.
"Don't you have machines to do that? Keep your filthy
hands off my wife" I told him.
He nodded fearful and collected his file and walked out
with tail between his legs.
"You have to calm down" Sena told me.
I ignored her and went to hug Nozipho.
"I'm so sorry" I said.
She exhaled,"The whole world knows.I'm exposed,they
called me names" she said.
I kissed her,"I'll get to the bottom of this,whoever it was
will regret it"
She held me tighter.
"How are you guys?" I asked.
"We're better now,how are you?"
"Mad.They had no right to take pictures of us" I told her.
She looked in my eyes,"Just don't react to them,they
probably looking for our reaction right now.Keep calm
Sena cut in,"He already did,he nearly hit the journalist"
Nozipho looked at me shocked,"Damn Sbu! We are the
talk of the week you just gave them more stories" she
said pissed.
I exhaled and scratched my head.
Nozipho was to be discharged the following day.
I went to buy her chicken-wings and yoghurt before we
As critical she was she still found an opportunity to
gossip with Sena.
We got home Nontombi cooking lunch,Lydia sipping juice
on the chair.
"Good you're all here your dad want all of you in the
dining" Nontombi told us.
I grabbed two apples and walked to the dining.All the
sisters were there.Sena and I joined and sat down.
"I hear you want us here" I told him biting the apple.
"Don't eat while talking with me" he said.
I never knew he was some sort of God.
I swallowed and put the apples on the table.
"I don't know how my sister raised you, I'm sorry I wasn't
there.But my boy if you ever do such stupid thing again
I'll rearrange your face.MaZungu is your fiance,not some
slut you sleep with in the car,outside her home.You
disrespected the Zungus,you could've found a room,you
humiliated yourself and degraded MaZungu" he said
looking at me.
I looked down and swallowed.He has never talked like
this with me.
He turned his attention to Simtho,
"You disgust me,I'm so ashamed of you.You disappear
with boys and neglect your duties.Who raised you?"
Simtho looked scared and said nothing.
And to Sena.He looked at her sternly for a good
while,Sena ended up looking on the floor.
"Who married you off to Madlala?" he asked.
"No one" Sena replied.
"You chose to turn yourself into his wife.You stay with
him with no one's obligation?" he asked.
Sena didn't answer.
"You Ntombizethu who told you to splash my hard-
earned money with your bunch of friends?"
Zethu looked away.
"Fikile where are my grand-kids?"
"They are at their fathers" Fiki said.
"Who paid for them? Those kids are Biyelas nobody came
to me and claimed to impregnate you.After the wedding
they are staying here,period"
Biyela is fed up.
Five down,one to go.
He looked at Ziphe,"You are the grown one,anyway it's
time you also come back home Mokoena haven't paid"
Ziphe nodded.
"You are all getting out of hand.The girls are behaving
reckless,their brother is sex-clouded and doesn't think."
I cleared my throat.He is insulting me.
Nontombi came and sat next to him.He wrapped his arm
around her and slightly kissed her lips.
We all grunted disgustedly.
Dad looked at us with his eyebrow raised.We all went
Chapter 125
*Donald Narrated*
OMG Sbusiso is something else.I've laughed it over
breakfast,lunch and free time.What was he thinking? On
the streets!
Poor Nozipho I hope she'll be fine.It can't be easy having
the whole world looking at your love-making moments.I
blame Sbu's greedy-unfastened-pants.Couldn't he
survive just one night?
I hear Biyela had a meeting with all of them.I pray he
gives each of them few belt-lashes.Except Simtho
After work I went to buy a bunch of flowers and drove to
Lwazi's flat to see Wendy.She called me saying I must
come over.Fortunately Lwazi is a cool brother I don't
have to wear bulletsproof.
"Hey babe" I greeted her as she opened the door looking
all pretty.
She smiled"Hey come in"
I walked in,by the look of things she was alone in the
"These are for you.You look beautiful by the way" I told
her handing her the flowers and massaging her hand.
She blushed,"Thank you Don"
I hate that she calls me by my name.What happened to
But this is Wendy so I just smiled and walked to sit in the
lounge while she looks where to put her flowers.
She joined me with two glasses of juice.
"Thanks for coming" she said.
"It's an opportunity of a lifetime,anyway how are you?"
She exhaled,"Fine...Don I have..I want to tell you
"Ok..." I looked at her.
She shifted uncomfortable,"This...the dating isn't my
thing.I don't want to do it I don't know why I agreed"
"Wendy like I suggested after the counselling we will be
fine you ju..."
"No Don.I like you,your spirit,your positivity,your
sincerity.But this is not what I want,I want to be
alone.I'm sorry I gave you false hope but it better I tell
you now before we go deeper" she said.
"Wait Wendy,are you breaking up with me?" I asked.
She swallowed,"I'm not the type of girl that do these
things.I can't,I can try friendship not romantic-
I stood up and brushed my face,
"Wendy you're breaking up with me?It's not even a
month.You haven't given me a chance you said you're
giving me"
"I'm sorry but it's better this way" she said.
Better? What is better with 'this' way?
"I love you Wendy,I'll accompany you to the counselling
session.We will work out,please don't give up on us" I
said taking her hand looking in her teary.
She exhaled,"I'm sorry I'm doing this.I don't need
counselling Don,I need explanations,I need revenge.It's
the only way I can be okay.I hope one day you'll
understand and forgive me"
I shook my head,"Please Wendy I love you,please don't
leave me"
She hugged me tightly,"I need to let you go so that you
can be happy,my life has already been planned and it
doesn't include you" she said.
I wiped a falling tear with my hand,
"Why are you hurting me like this? Wendy ngiyakucela
ungangilahli I would do anything you want me to do" I
begged with a crying voice.
How can loving someone make you cry?
She looked at me with tears,
"I'm sorry,I hope you'll find a good deserving girl to love.I
wish you all the best"
That moment it sank to me,she was really dumping
me.No amount of begging could stop her.
She came and brushed my arm before taking her bag and
walking out.
"What am I going to do with all this love?" I asked myself
and sank on the floor my head pounding.
Maybe God is punishing me for all the girls I
screwed.Maybe this is how it supposed to be,me losing
girls I truly adore.
The worst thing about being dumped out of the blue is
that you have to destroy all the dreams you had about
I already had planned a future with her on my head.Just
this morning I planned us a weekend getaway after Sbu's
wedding,so that we can have wonderful time and know
each other better.
"Don are you okay?"
I don't know when they entered.Sena looked at me
worried.Lwazi bent to me and gave me his hand to hold
on and get up the floor.
He leaded me to the couch and gave me a glass of juice.
I wanted no juice,I just shook my head and burried my
crying face with hands.
Omg! I'm crying over a girl.
"Call Simtho now" I heard Sena telling him.
I heard their footsteps walking away Lwazi talking with
the phone.
I don't know how long I stayed like that.I may have fallen
asleep or blanked out.
"My God Don" she said sitting next to me with heavy
I lifted my face and looked at her.She saw my puffy red
eyes and started crying.
"Don what's wrong?" she asked crying.
I blinked and wiped her tears with my hand.
"Please don't cry"
She took my hand away from her face and looked in my
"Don what wrong? Why are you like this? Don what..."
I cut in,"She dumped me.She doesn't want a relationship
with me" I told her.
She raised her eyebrows,"It hasn't been a month"
I shrugged,"Who was I kidding anyway? I can only get
one-nightstands.Nobody want to be attached with me
for long term"
She wrapped her arms around me,"She is the one who
lost.You are a great guy,you deserve someone who will
love you too" she said brushing my back.
I rested my head on her shoulder and took deep breaths.
"Thanks for being here.I've never been dumped like
this,by someone I love.I don't know how to feel"
"Be heartbroken,sad and angry.Don't bottle it in,you will
let go" she said.
I removed myself from her embrace and sighed.
"So this is how ugly you're when crying?" she asked
If I wasn't dumped one hour ago that would've been
She took a deep breath and squeezed my hand,
"Good thing she ended it early before you could get
more attached to her.Maybe she gave this serious
thought,you deserve better than someone with an
already-planned life"
I nodded.Pity I still hoped Wendy would change her mind
and come back to my arms.
"Umhhh...are you guys okay?" Lwazi asked appearing in
the bedroom.
Simtho smiled at him,"Yes,we are leaving now.Tell Sena
to call me early in the morning"
Lwazi nodded and looked at me sorry.
"I doubt going to my brother's place would be a good
idea,Junior can't see you like this we will sleep in Sena's
place" she told me as we walked to my car.
I said nothing,just followed her.
I'm the worse heart-broken man in the whole world.Am I
overdoing this sad situation thing?
I crawled on bed as soon as we get in Sena's flat.Simtho
left to buy food.
I ignored my ringing phone.It probably one of my
happily-in-love friends.Blessed they are.
After a while Simtho came back and forced me to eat
breadrolls and chicken.
"You have to bath Don" she told me as I crawled back on
bed after eating.
"What's the use of bathing if no one is going to
appreciate your bathed body?" I asked her and pulled
blankets over me.
She laughed and walked out.I heard the shower running
and bad singing rising up.I really would like to laugh now
but my heart aches.
She came back wearing pyjamas,I guess they are Sena's.
"Don't cry too much,try getting some sleep" she told me
lotioning her hands.
"Ofcourse" I said and slept on my side,away from her.
"Okay goodnight" she said walking out to the other
I sighed and thought of Wendy and I together,cuddled on
bed for the first time.Her frightened heart-beats
pounding my chest.I had to assure her I won't do
anything she must relax and sleep.
It's never the right time to say goodbye.
Chapter 126
For the first time ever my father slept in here.He slept on
my mom's bedroom,it was Lydia's suggestion.She said it
would make my mom smile wherever she is,she always
talked to her about her brother,Muzi.
Sena went to her place,Simtho went to attend the heart-
broken Don and they both didn't come home.Thapelo
obviously convinced Ziphe to come to his house,my
father was lied to.
Lydia is being a granny that she is and spending most her
time with Junior.
Only Zethu and Fiki stayed and made lot of noise all
I woke up while everyone is still asleep and drove to
Sena's flat to check on Don.
We all thought Don was finally going to settle down.I'm
sure he is broken,he had his hopes up.But we all know he
is going to bottle his pain and live like nothing happened.
I knocked for a while before the door opened.Simtho on
short pyjamas looked at me with sleepy eyes.
"Hey" she said sloppy.
"Hey,how is he?"
She sighed "Was not okay,now he is fine"
I expected that.Him being fine within few hours.He loved
that girl he is hiding his pain.
We walked to the bedroom.Simtho got on bed next to
Don,they pulled covers to their necks and looked at me.
"Our porn-star (laughs) geez!!" he said and bursted
laughed out.
That's not funny!
"Don I didn't come here for this" I told him looking
He continued laughing,after what felt like an ertenity he
stopped laughing.
"Tjoh ayi the comments on Facebook..hashtag-horny-on-
the-ride" he said still laughing.
I shouldn't have come here.
"I hear Wendy dumped you" I said.
His face changed.Simtho shot me a look.
Funny she was laughing at my pain along with his 'friend'.
"Well yeah,I'm single again" he said with a faintly smile.
Under the blankets I see their hands holding each other.
"Aren't you guys too cosy for hashtag-friends?" I asked.
Simtho rolled her eyes.
"Not really" Don said.
"Sharing the same bed and getting all touchy" I said
looking at them weirdly.
Don laughed,"We only got on one bed in the
morning.Beside she is my sisterly friend nothing can ever
happened" Don told me.
I nodded "If you say so,it will be pity to have another
friend fucking my sister"
He looked at me and said nothing.
Simtho asked me about Zethu's whereabouts.
"What is this tension between you two anyway?" I asked.
I doubt they said a single word to each other yesterday.
"Let's just say Zethu screwed me over,she did something
awful behind my back and she is now acting bitchy on
"Whatever is it sort it out before we go to Inkandla,those
people will reconcile you with impepho and black
chicken" I told her.
After staying a while with the on-bed friends I left and
drove to the hospital.
After checking her thoroughly the doctor discharged
Nozipho.She said she wants some of her and Sphiwo's
stuff in my house because her aunties has prolonged her
stay after the incident.They want to keep a close eye on
her as the papers hunts her up and down.
We found Fiki,Nontombi and my dad having breakfast.I
guess Zethu is out on her ussual ways.
We greeted and joined them.Everybody's attention was
on the unborn twins.
My dad was admiring their scan pictures,saying they are
boys,little did I know he was a doctor.
After breakfast Nontombi cleaned the table,Nozipho
helped her,Fiki flipped through a fashion-magazine with
earphones on.My dad watched eNCA.
I slipped away and went upstairs to check on work's
reports and emails.
Nozipho has forgotten what she is here for,Nontombi is
occupying her with babies' stories.
I went to fetch her downstairs so that she can pack what
she wants before the Zungus board our premises with
spears and knobkierries.
She told me what to take out and packed it on the bag.
When she bent folding the clothes her dress shaped her
Omg! She has no panties on.
My breaths escalated I stared at her.
"Babe" I called her.
She looked up at me and raised her eyebrow.
I said nothing and looked at her licking my lower lip.
She widened her eyes,
"No ways!" she said a smile escaping her lips.
"Please my love,I'll be quick" I said begging.
She shook her head.I took a step foward her,she took a
step back.I took a step foward,she stepped back until her
body was pressed against the closed door.
I pressed my hands to the sides of the wall around her.
"Pretty please,I promise I won't take long" I said on her
She breathed heavily,
"No babe,your father is two rooms away" she said.
"He won't hear a thing...please MaZungu"
She grunted angrily and grabbed my neck and kissed me
We were kissing and moaning hungrily.I slipped my hand
under her dress,she was ready.I massaged her and put
my fingers inside her and finger-fucked her.
Hearing her moans growing louder I kissed her and
turned her around.She balanced her hands to the door.
I slammed in her from behind.She started letting loud
squips I covered her mouth with my hand and thrusted
as quickly as I could.
"Tjoh babe....aaaaahhh...yes I like it" I shouted feeling
her warm juices splashing on my manhood dropping
down to my balls.
I slammed in her harder as I felt my pleasure building up.
I felt a warm wave riding throughout my body and let out
a lion's groan.
"Fuck Nozi you are the best.I love you so much" I said
turning her around attacking her mouth with a kiss.
"I love you Nozipho,with every single vessel I have in my
body.I love you so much" I told her.
She smiled,"I love you too Sbu"
I cupped her face with my hands and stared in her eyes
Despite everything I've put her through there was only
love and sincerity in her eyes.
I kissed her forehead,"Thanks for everything"
We hugged tightly for a moment before heading to the
bathroom to clean ourselves.
After packing everything we walked downstairs to say
goodbyes and then I drove her home.
Mandla saw me and came to me.I knew he wanted to
lecture me so I made a quick excuse and drove back
I found my dad reading a newspaper on the kitchen
Doesn't he get tired of news?
"You're back?" he said.
I nodded and took a bottle of water in the fridge and sat
next to him.
"How much are those toys?" he asked his eyes darting
through the newspaper.
"What toys? Sphiwo have more than enough toys, beside
he can't play with them yet" I told him.
He lifted his eyes to me.
"No I'm talking about those sex toys they use to pleasure
themselves with" he said.
My eyes popped out.Is Nontombi experiencing sex
problems or having a low drive?
She is old though,these things happen after manopause.
I hidded my smile,
"I don't know but they mustn't cost more than R500" I
He nodded and took out his wallet and handed me R500
"Buy yourself one" he said.
"Excuse me?" I said looking at him confused.
"I said go buy yourself one"
I sat upstraight,"Dad Nozipho and I are fine on bed,I'm
satisfied" I told him.
It's so weird talking to a parent about your sex life.
He looked at me sternly,
"Maybe I didn't say this accurately yesterday.I said
MaZungu is your fiance,not your slut.You don't fuck
her,you make love to her nicely"
I looked at him confused.
"I do make love to her" I said.
He chuckled,"No you sleep with her every second you
get,that is fucking.Making love is having an
exclusive,private,intimate moment with your loved one
worshiping and exploring her body,making love to her"
I looked at him.He makes sense.
I nodded,"I understand"
He smiled,"That's good.Be a good husband to that
girl,she is a decent beautiful girl.Hard to find" he said and
got up and walked out leaving me deep in thoughts.
Chapter 127
*Thapelo Narrated*
Tomorrow Ziphe is leaving.It's Sbu's pre-wedding
ceremony at Inkandla.
I'm sad she is leaving,I'm used to spending most times
with her.As sad I am I still want to make our last day
together wonderful and memoriable.I may only see her
after the wedding,Biyela is already complaining about
her living with me.
After work I drove past the women's wear store and
bought one of those lacy matching panties and bras.I
ignored the piercing eye of the cashier.She should mind
her damn busuness.
After that I drove home and prepared a delicious
dinner,with one of Lydia's menus.
After everything was ready I went to shower then drove
to fetch her in Sbu's place.
"She is supposed to sleep here,you owe me" Sbu told me
as we walked out the door hand-to-hand.
I gave him my thumb and led my babe to the car.
I turned up Chris Brown Without You.
"If I had your brother's voice I would've sang it to you" I
told her smiling.
She frowned,"Sbu can sing?"
"Yes,he only sings for Nozipho but he is good"
She exclaimed,"What a loser he is.He should sing for me
too,I'm his angel" she said.
I laughed,"No you are my angel now."
When we arrived in my house Ziphe went to shower
while I set dinner outside in the yard.
I poured us wine in the glasses and dished us on one
She came wearing a short jean and black t-shirt along
with sandals.She looked really young.
"We are outside" I told her and took her hand and led
her outside.
"Wow!" she exclaimed.
I smiled proudly,"I want our last day together to be
memoriable.Take your sandals off" I told her and took off
my own shoes.
We sat down on the red cloth-sheet and crossed our legs.
"I don't know when I'll see you again but I want you to
know Thapelo loves you no matter how far you are.You
hold a special place in my heart." I told her looking in her
soft eyes.
She smiled,"And I love you more than anything" she said.
I leaned foward to kiss her and then uncovered the plate
and offered her one fork.
"Let's eat,Chef Thaps has cooked"
She laughed,"I can get used to this,at least two times a
"Hold your horses Zulu girl,your brother can't even make
She laughed and poked me with the back of the fork.
I was still on my first glass of wine when she finished a
second one and poured a third one.
"Babe slow down" I told her.
She giggled,"Relax,it's not like I'm in the bar and you are
I put the fork down and stared at her.
"Ziphe" I said warningly.
She gulped her wine and looked at me.
"You know I searched this warming up of eggs on the..."
"Ziphe not with the baby-making talk.I want to enjoy this
time" I told her.
She haven't backed down on trying for a baby.The last
thing I need after the fight about Wendy is to fight with
her again and end up sleeping in the seperate room.
"This is the big part of our lives I don't understand why
do you hate talking about it this much" she said.
I looked at her sternly,"There is no baby.There will be no
baby until God says yes,not some stupid website"
She frowned,"I feel like I'm the only one responsible in
this relationship" she said.
"No you're responsible in trying for a baby
assignment.Everything is pregnant this pregnant that.It's
like you're living in the fantasy,I need your attention to
"Does everything have to be about what Thapelo
wants.How are about what I want,huh?" she asked
almost shouting.
"Don't shout at me.You are too young we still have time"
I said.
She swung her head aside,"Too young? You didn't think
of that when you swiped my pills, now that I want a baby
too the Mighty Thapelo changes his mind and I have to
tag along" she said waving her hand.
This is supposed to be the happy dinner for us not a
quarrel field.
"I know I was selfish,you deserve better"
She sighed,"Yeah right,as I was saying we need to
"Geez! Ziphe,I want us to be here.We will discuss those
making-baby-miracles later" I shouted angrily.
"Don't you dare shout at me.Why can't you listen to me
for once? we could be parents before we know it"
I threw the wine glass away,
"Why did you refuse counselling? Let go of the baby,he is
gone we can't replace him.Stop this craziness"
She stood up,
"No Thapelo,no! I'm not going to sit here and listen to
you telling me what to want and what not to want"
She bent down and picked her sandals.
I stood up and held her arm.
I breathed out,"Ziphe please,I miss you.You are not with
me anymore,you always talk about making the baby and
never make time for us"
"I do,we are always together.I sleep on the same bed
with you,we make love" she said.
"I want us to talk about us and fun things like we used to
"The baby is us" she said.
Damn her stubborn ass.
"Ziphe I don't want a baby,I want my beautiful Ziphe"
She pulled her arm from me,"I do want a baby."
I brushed my face,
"Why can't you let go?"
"Because when I look at Sena's baby I will think about
him.He would only be a few weeks younger"
I swallowed,"Maybe you should consider counselling"
That's fuelled her.
"Will counselling re-do everything?"
I looked at her,"Can we finish dinner and discuss this
another day?"
She chuckled,"Again.Again it's all about what Thapelo
wants" she shouted.
"Okay what do you want?" I asked.
"I want us to try again"
"No,you just suffered a miscarriage you're not thinking
"Oh,so I'm crazy.I'm out of here,enjoy your beautiful
I tried holding her but she walked faster.
"Ziphe" I kept calling until she disappeared inside the
I never thought we would be back at this again.
I walked inside the house to look for her and apologize if
I have to.All I wanted was to spend time with her before
she leave.
I bumped to her coming down with her bag.
"Where are you going now?" I asked blocking her way.
"To my brother's house.Hell I can even bump to a
listening guy,who knows!" she responded sarcastically.
I felt anger building up,I looked in her eyes.
"Don't even think about,just because I let that fucker
touch you and kill my baby doesn't mean I'm worthless
and incapable" I told her.
"So you actually blame Zamani for the baby? That's why
you killed him?" she asked.
"Yes I blame him,why are you defending him? Did he
suck you nicely,you enjoyed her mouth devouring you?
Did you scream his name when he made you cum?" I
asked angrily clawing my hand on her bag.
How dare she talk about him?
"Pity I didn't feel anything,If I wasn't drugged I would've
answered you"
I breathed out heavily,hot air coming out my nose.
"How dare you give him credit like this after everything
he did?" I asked shouting.
I was only few inches away from punching the hell out
"I'm not defending him.I'm jus..."
I stepped aside "Get the hell out of my house"
She stood and looked at me,"Thapelo you are the one
I scratched my face, "Please do me a favour get out
before I do something I'll regret"
She exhaled and walked out.
How can she act like this? God knows how much I want
to go dig Zamani's grave and shoot him all over again.
I sat down and calmed my anger.After a while I walked
out and collected our unfinished dinner.
My head started aching I swallowed two painkillers and
walked to the bedroom.
Oh she took the panties I bought for her.She will wear
them for her 'listening guy'
I returned down and took my car keys and drove to Sbu's
place spitting fire.
"Hey what's up,Ziphe came here with tears and now
you're here with a red face" Sbu said meeting me in the
"Where is she?" I asked.
He frowned,"In the lounge with others"
I walked past him and darted to the lounge.He followed
me behind swearing if I touch Ziphe he will kill me.
They all looked at me as I appeared with my jaws
tightened together.
"Hey look who is here" Simtho said smiling.
"Ziphe I want you" I said glaring at her.
The house went quiet,Sbu stood next to me.
"You can talk here" Ziphe said.
"I want my panties" I said.
Silence.....then everybody broke into laughter except for
me and Ziphe who stood up and walked away.
Don was number one at laughing,he even threw his feet
on air.
"You wear panties?" Sbu asked laughing.
I ignored him and looked at Ziphe as she came back with
my panties.
"Sharp" I said taking them and walking out leaving
everyone laughing.
Chapter 128
*Donald Narrated*
I found a house,Simtho furnitured it this week.
It's a beautiful small house,enough for me and
Junior.Lounge,kitchen,4bedrooms,3bathrooms,study and
a balcony.
It my first day sleeping here.I'm alone Junior refused to
leave at Lydias I'll fetch him Sunday.
It's Friday,I just came from Sbu's house after witnessing
Thapelo and Ziphe's funny fight.
Unfortunately Simtho is spending her last night in Durban
with her cop boyfriend.I don't like him at all,he is...cute
but something is just off with him.
Even the dreadlocks and his profession,beside that he
looks unbothered about his surroundings,I mean police
are always on a lookout.
But let me leave him alone as long as he doesn't hurt her.
I tried getting Sbu and Mandla to come hang out with me
but Sbu doesn't live without Nozipho.
Mandla is still trying to score points to Zanda.
They excused themselves and that's left me with Lwazi.
"Man I would love to come but Sena is leaving
tomorrow,I have to be with her." he said.
I already know Thapelo is not in the mood.
I took out my loyal beer in the fridge and drank it while
watching a boring TV programme I don't know.
After drinking 4cans I started feeling funny and craving a
I took out my phone and scrolled for that sexy girl I met
two months ago in the club.
What was her name? Oh Nthabiseng.
I called her,she picked up,
"Oh hey cutie I thought you forgot about me" she said.
"Not at all,I've been busy with work"
" guy" she said.
I know what she is thinking and it turns me on.
"I'm in my house alone,don't you want to come and give
me some company?" I said.
"I'll be ready in ten minutes,then I'll text you where to
pick me"
I smiled,"Okay"
I took another can and drank it while waiting for the text.
My phone beeped.That was quick.
When I checked it was Simtho sending me a picture of
She was wearing a police cap,her hands clasped together
with cuffs.
The caption was: Crazy adventures friend.
My heart sank.I deleted it and gulped down my beer.
After a while Nthabi texted me,I felt like telling her to
futseg but I now need her more than ever.
I took my keys and drove to pick her up.
She made silly conversations about thinking about me
every day.
We got in the house and went straight to the bedroom
and stripped each others clothes off and fucked.
Damn she was really good.
"I love you babe" I said pounding her deeply from
She screamed my name confessing her undying love.
After three rounds we both threw ourselves under the
covers and drift to dreamland.
I was woken up by birds on the roof.
She was still asleep.I watched her.She was beautiful,with
a sharp nose and a tiny mouth.
Maybe we can make it work.I can learn to love her.
After getting to know her maybe I will fall for her.
She opened her eyes and found me staring at her,I
She smiled back,"Good morning"
I leaned to her and kissed her tiny lips.
"Good morning to you too,you look beautiful" I said.
She smiled and cocked her eyebrow,
"How about you remind me about last night?"
I smiled,"All in good time baby,for now I want to cuddle
you and hear more about Nthabiseng" I said and slipped
her closer to me and looked at her eyes.
"There is nothing to know about me,let's just fuck"
I brushed her eyelashes,
"I want to know you better Nthabi,you know...I..we can
try making us work"
She frowned,"Work how?" she asked.
"Like date,be real couple.I can plan us a weekend away
from Durban and..."
"Don I have a boyfriend"
What? I looked at her shocked.
" said you've been thinking about me everyday"
I said.
She laughed,"Yes I have,you look yummy.You know how I
wanted these pinkish lips to devour my pussy" she said
licking her upper lip.
"You like me,I like you,we can make a relationship"
She chuckled,"Don I like you as a friend,a beneficiary
friend.I have my boyfriend I love so much,we can be
fuck-buddies and..."
I pushed her away,"Please get out of my house"
She gasped,
"Don you promised to give me another round"
Geez! I threw a pillow on her.
"Bitch get out"
She took her t-shirt dress and slipped it over her head
and stuffed her underwears in her bag and put on her
"You are an asshole" she said.
"No you are a bitch"
She laughed,"Do you really think just because you are
cute you're worth dating.Boo you need to have
qualities,you are nothing but a fuck boy.Anyway let me
get outta here bae is waiting" she said and walked out.
Her words ripped my heart apart.She is right.
I took my phone and logged on Whatsapp.
Wendy has changed her display picture.It's now a picture
of her smiling with a certain girl in the park.
She looks happy.
I scrolled down to all my ex's.
Most of them have pictures of themselves with guys.
All my friends have pictures of their girlfriends,except
Thapelo who have a picture of Jesus as his d.p.It's must
be his fight with Ziphe.They are such funny fighters.
I finally found the strength to get off bed and went to
I dressed up and walked to the kitchen to make myself a
strong tea.
Somebody knocked on the door.
Who is it so early in the morning?
I walked to the door....Chef Horny!!
"Hey neighbour"
I beathed out,"What do you want?" I asked.
"I'm living in the opposite house,I saw you coming in
yesterday and thought I should come and say hi"
They should've told me who my neighbours are before I
bought this house.
"Oh hi...can I close the door?" I said glaring at her.
"Hawu Don,just because Mandla and I are divorced
doesn't mean we have to be enemies"
I chuckled and scratched my head.
This is the bitch who made me her cheating alibi.
"Bye Phumla" I said and slammed the door on her face.
I think I'll be moving out here soon.
Chapter 129
*Mandla Narrated*
I eventually managed to convince Zanda to go with me to
Don's new house.He hasn't thrown a house-warming
party,maybe he is finally growing up.
Zanda dressed on a tight-jean,white shirt,black pumps
and combed her short hair,yes she removed the braids
within two weeks and refused to do another hairstyle
saying braiding hurt.I think she is the most beautiful girl
I've ever seen,I'm talking about naturally beauty not the
Sena type.
As outfashioned the match-match style is I also put on
my jean,white shirt and black shoes.
"You are so out of date" Zanda said giggling.
"I'm not matching you this is what I was going to wear,I
planned this morning" I lied smiling.
It's so good being out of that Zungu house,away from
aunt Sindi and my uncles.They are still on about the
divorce.I'm so tired of answering their questions,to them
I wasn't satisfying Phumla.That's why I spend most of my
days here with Zanda.
Pity for Nozi she have no getaway because Sbu is gone
home.She refused with Sphiwo when Fiki suggested they
took him to Inkandla with them.Nozi trusts no one with
her son,only my mom.She is still keeping low after the
sex pictures leakage.Anthony refused to open a case,he
said he will get to the bottom of it himself.I don't get
it,even the angry Biyela told Sbu not to do anything he
will sort it out.
After dressing up,Zanda took her bag then we walked out
and drove to Don's new house.
It's a beautiful little family house.There are pictures of all
of us on the wall.But Simtho's picture is the biggest,she
decorated it anyway.
"Welcome guys...thanks for dragging your rural girl out of
the nutshell" he said coming to us with a can of beer.
Zanda knows him so she is not offended instead they
"Long hug" I said pulling Zanda away.
She giggled and hugged Don again.Don pretended to
drown in her and exhaled her neck.
I laughed and pushed him away.
"You jealous ass" Don said.
"Do you have chairs in here?" I asked.
"Yes but only Zanda can sit,you go prepare us something
to eat while we catch up" Don said and pulled Zanda.
I know he want to know how I'm treating her and if she is
Don is crazy and all staff but when it comes to girls we
date he makes sure we don't hurt them.He is that
I left them and went to the kitchen.The fridge was
loaded.Simtho shopped.What a caring friend,huh?
I decided to make us sandwiches and juice.I put it on the
tray and walked to the lounge.
"Good boy" Don said.
"Don't you have coffee?" Zanda asked Don.
I smiled,she is really comfortable around Don,unlike with
Thapelo.Thapelo make everyone uncomfortable when
around,especially when he is quiet.He is mysterious.
"You heard her" Don told me.
I guess I have to go make coffee,what a servant!
I made a cup of coffee and returned to them.
"And then?" I asked seeing the sandwich plate empty.
"Who ate my sandwich?" I asked.
They looked at each other and pointed at each other.
"It's Don" Zanda said.
"It's Zanda" Don said.
Geez! I clicked my tongue and went back to make myself
another sandwich leaving them giggling.
After making a sandwich I returned to the lounge and
found them talking but they stopped immediately after
seeing me.
"Damn gossipers" I said and sat next to Zanda.
We heard a knock.
"Expecting anyone?" I asked.
I promised Zanda it will be the three of us only.More
visitors could make her uncomfortable.
Don shook his head and stood up and walked to the
I heard Don arguing with someone telling whoever it is to
go away.
"What is wrong with you?" Don shouted as the person
force his way inside.
I stood on my feet.What is she doing here?
"I saw your car driving in" she said smiling at me.
I felt my armpits sweating,I glared at her my body tensed
"Ouh who is the young girl?" she asked Don.
I clenched ny fist,
"Don what is Phumla doing here?" I asked.
"Oh you didn't know,I live in the opposite house" Phumla
said pushing her weave backwards.
I looked at Don.He had his jaws tightened together.
"I told you never to set your foot in my house again" Don
told her.
Phumla rolled her eyes,"Hey" she greeted Zanda.
Shit. I turned around and looked at Zanda.She was
looking at me.
"Hi" she replied to Phumla.
I know I need to get out of here.Zanda is not okay at all.
Phumla walked to her,"I'm Phumla,Mandla's wife" she
said giving her a handshake.
"Ex-wife" I corrected her.
"I'm Zanda...his..friend"
I jumped in,"Zanda my girlfriend"
Phumla swung aroung and looked at me with a frown.
"You said your what?"
"I said my girlfriend,a girl who have my heart"
She looked at Zanda,"This...what's the name?..little farm
I walked to grab her but Don held me.
"You will not talk like that" I told her.
"You were quick to find 'love'" she said sarcastically.
"It's actually so nice moving on from
bitches,liars,cheaters to beautiful decent girl" I told her.
She laughed,"Moving on? I think you moved backwards
hubby.From this (pointing at herself) to this (pointing at
I wanted to squeeze every drop of life out of her.Don saw
that I'm about to do something regretful and pulled
Phumla out with force that her stilletos got off.Don came
to take them and threw them out to her.
"I would like to go" Zanda said showing no anger.
I looked at Don,he nodded.
I took Zanda's arm and walked out.
We got in the car on silent.
"Zanda I'm sorry about what happened,I had no idea she
lives here" I said looking at her.
She forced a smile,"It's okay"
"Zanda I love you,with all my heart" I said and cupped
her face and kissed her lips.
She smiled and turned her head foward.
I took her face and made her face me,
"Zanda please look at me" I said in almost whisper.
She did.She lifted her eyes and looked at me.
I stared deeply in her.I saw doubt,sadness,regret.
Damn she is hurt.I've hurt her feelings.No Phumla did.I
hate her.
"Zanda I love you,please don't ever doubt me" I said
She blinked,
"She is right.She is elegant,gorgious,stylish and I'm what?
A lousy rural girl"
"No you are not,you are more beautiful than her what
you saw was Avon make-up."
She laughed,"You are just saying that"
I took a deep breath,"However she looks or wear,she is
not Zanda.Zanda is the one I love now,she can take her
fake eyelashes and go fuck Satan"
She nodded.
"I belong to you and you are the most beautiful girl I
know" I said.
She nodded again and looked away.
Now I'm back to square one.I have to convince Zanda I
love her.Thanks to Chef Horny
Chapter 130
We arrived around eleven in Inkandla.
Here I am in the veld throwing stones at the cows,trying
to make them go drink water in the river under uncle
Mzingelwa's order.
To those who think I am a sissy I'll tell you why I'm scared
of cows.They have horns,they are huge,they have big
expressionless eyes,they have ugly faces.Cows don't look
smiley,like cats.They have this gloom merciless face.I'm
not animal-friendly,this is a nightmare to me.
Some cows don't even move when I throw stones on
them,they just look at me expressionlessly and I take
steps back.Young boys near me laughed.
"Don't worry I will take your cattle with mine to the
river,I will return them below eMgazini" a young kind boy
said to me.
I sighed,"Thanks boy....come around this afternoon I will
reward you" I said.
He smiled and whistled at the cows.Boom! They obey
him and moved foward.
Whoah! What's the name of the boy?
Remember the fairytale of a boy who lost his father's
cattle after leaving them on the veld.His father banished
him,he had to go look for the cattle and he found them in
the zim-zims home.
"Hey,what's your name?" I called the boy.
He turned around,"Ndumiso Mpungose,my home is
opposite yours"
I sighed in relief and walked home,passing a homestead
with dogs that barked at me.
I ran so they ran after me.I've never ran so fast in my
life,it was like I'm Oscar Pistorius's legged version.
When I appeared to my home running,everybody
laughed their lungs out.Zethu was video-recording with
her phone.I will sort her out.
Only my dad wasn't laughing,he ran to me and threw
stones at the dogs.
"Did they bite you?" he asked.
I bent down,put my hands on the knees and caught my
"No" I said panting.
"Okay go rest in the house Fikile will bring you water" he
"You are spoiling that boy Muzi" uncle Mzingela shouted.
I walked to my rondavel passing my sisters in stitches and
laid on the reed-mat.
I can't wait to go away from here.
Instead of Fiki Ziphe came in with a glass of water
"We nearly lost you' she said sarcastically.
I took the glass of water and gulped it down.
"Thanks" I said.
"Oh uncle Mzi wants to know where is the cattle"
I clicked my tongue.
"Tell him a Mpungose young boy took them with his" I
told her and put my hands on my eyes.
She didn't walk out.What now?
She cleared her throat,I removed the hands and looked
at her.
"Umhhh...have you spoken with Thapelo?" she asked.
Oh yes I'm their bluetooth.I connect them.
Thapelo texts me and asks about Ziphe and Ziphd asks
me about Thapelo.
"Yes,he is okay" I told her.
She looked down,"He didn't say anything about me?"
I sighed,"He did,he asked how are you,what are you
doing and all that"
She smiled,"Please don't tell him I asked about him"
I laughed.She is such a kid.
"Pink promise" I said making a pink promise with my
She grunted angrily,"I'm not a kid that much" she said
and walked out.
Later a goat was slaughtered and cooked by my fathers
and neighbours.
The uncle I can say I like came and took me to the
ancestors rondavel.Uncle Thobela.
"How are you my boy" he asked.
"I'm good uncle,excited about getting married"
He smiled,then his face changed again.
"I saw the newspapers" he said.
I swallowed and looked at him.
"I hope you learnt your lesson,here at Mgazini clan we
carry ourselves with dignity"
I was about to reply when he continued talking,now
"So have you decided on the date of the real wedding?"
he asked.
I'm not following.
"The real wedding?" I asked confused.
"Traditional wedding,the ancestors wedding.This one
you're doing is yours"
Him though!
"I haven't thought about it" I said.
"Well you have to..I was thinking after she has given
birth,maybe four months after" he said.
I know he is telling me,not discussing it with me.
I nodded.
He went on discussing family matters with me.I guess I
am a man.
"After all of this is over,we need to fetch your aunt and
apologize to the ancestors about burning her
body.According to tradition she is still a Biyela,Khoza
didn't pay us and married her without us" he said.
I could hear the hatred of Khoza in his voice.
I hate talking about my mom in this way.
Fortunately he changed the subject and revealed some
shocking news to me.
"Nduku will be your groom-man"
I popped my eyes out.Not Ndukuyakhe my singing
"Ndukuyakhe?" I asked.
"Yes you met him,Mzingelwa's eldest son"
My heart dropped.
I sighed,"Kodwa bab'omncane"
He chuckled,"Don't worry he will behave"
I give up.
My father came to rescue me from Thobela's tales I went
to my sisters house and found them gossiping.
"Badasses" I said and sat on the small plastic chair.
"Where have you been?" Fiki asked.
"With men" I said proudly.
"We are only returning home Monday" Sena said sadly.
"Missing Lwazi already?" I asked.
She sighed,"You have no idea..his eyes,his laughter,his
Zethu cut in,"Bla bla does that traditional beer
taste?" she said pointing at the bucket of traditional beer
I shrugged,"Never tasted it"
"Let me taste it and tell you" Simtho said standing up and
taking a mug.
On earth what is wrong?
She drank it a bit and grinned.
"Is it bad?" Fiki asked looking at her.
Simtho shook her head and gulped the whole mug and
pour another one.
That got Fiki and Zethu's attention they both joined her.
"Are you guys serious right now?" I asked looking at
them shocked.
They poured more and drank it.
"Drunkards you have no limits.A traditional beer!" Sena
"You are the only one pregnant,besides traditional beer
is nutritious" Fiki said.
"Okay,now that is enough.I'm sure this beer is brewed
for a purpose not for you" I said taking the mug away
from them.
"I'm not feeling anything,this thing is useless" Zethu said
sitting down.
Out of them all Zethu is the wildest.I hear she date both
sex.She have two boyfriends and a girlfriend.Hopefully
one day she will grow up.
After a while I left them and went to my rondavel.
"Hhe the groom is here" Nduku said cheerfully.
This time he is eating sugarcane spitting it on the dish.
I smiled,"Brother how are you?" I said.
He smiled,"Over the moon bafo,tonight I'm going to see
my applemunchie"
Applemunchie must be his girlfriend I guess.
I checked the time,it's already 9pm when is he going
"Did you check the time? It's already late" I told him.
He chewed his sugarcane making hlwi hlwi sounds,
"No you don't arrive early in your applemunchie's
home.I'll go around one"
Huh? What's the purpose of that?
"I hear you will accompany me to the wedding" I said.
I touched his heart,he put the sugarcane down and stood
"123...123...123" he said dancing in those old-fashioned
wedding steps.
I sighed.
Why him out of all people?
After he slowed down on beaming he took the sugarcane
and dish out saying he needs to check the meat remains.
I took out my phone and called my love.
I smiled just hearing her phone ringing
Chapter 131
Zanda's self-esteem was striken by Phumla's
sarcasm.Somehow in Zanda's mind Phumla was right.
Who is she against that curvy flawless beauty?
She was right,Mandla moved backwards instead of
onwards.From the Kardashian version of wife to
what...rural style-less damaged girl.
Mandla is coming over this afternoon.As Zanda chops
vegetables to make beef stew and steamed bread she
chuckles at her low inferior standards.For sure Phumla
cooked him those complicated colourful dishes she see
on SABC3.
After cooking her lousy dinner she went to freshen up
and wore the black hugging dress Ziphe bought for her
birthday and open-toes stilletos Sena gave her.
She looked at her reflection on the mirror.She didn't look
that bad,hopefully this would blow Mandla away.
Okay to walk on these high-shoes?
She nearly sprinkled her ankle when trying to walk on a
faster pace.
"Okay I'll just walk slowly.I can do this" she said walking
cautiously down the stairs.
On the other hand Mandla is still trying to find an escape
from his aunt who has called a meeting prayer at eight
because Nozipho is being tormented by demons hence
the sex photos leakage.
Finally he got a chance alone with his mother and told
her he will sleep out.
"Take it easy on that young girl" she said to him.
He smiled and played with his daughter for a while
before slipping away and drove to Zanda.
As he entered the door he was taken back by the way
Zanda looked.
"Hi" he said looking at her from head to toe.
Zanda smiled and staggered to him.She nearly fell on her
feet,Mandla hurried and grabbed her before she could
Embarrassment washed over Zanda she removed herself
from Mandla's strong arms.
"I'm okay,I just tripped" she said.
Mandla looked at her,"Why are you wearing like this
Zanda looked at him embarassed.
"Oh my God,he doesn't find me attractive" she thoughts
to herself.
Mandla sighed,"It's what Phumla said right?" he asked.
He was right.Zanda's eyes ran away from his.
"No" she said after clearing her throat.
"You know how I feel about lying Zanda" he said.
Zanda took a deep breath,she is not a liar,that's Phumla's
"I just want to fit" she said shyly.
"Fit where?" Madla asked.
She shrugged,"Be perfect for you"
"Nobody is perfect,everyone got flaws and I want you
and your imperfections" he told her and embraced her
Zanda felt home,she took a deep sigh and drowed on her
man's cologned.
"I made beef stew and steamed bread" Zanda told him.
A huge smile attacked his face,"You are one in a million"
Mandla bent down,kneel on one knee and took off
Zanda's stilletos.
Zanda smiled and walked to the kitchen to dish up.
As she finishes dishes and setting on the tray her heart
immediately drops as she remembers she didn't make
any salad.
"Hey what's keeping you" the hungry Mandla said
walking in the kitchen.
"Umhhh...I forgot to make a salad" Zanda said opening
the fridge.
Mandla held her by waist,"You don't have to,let's go buy
Zanda sighed in relief and went to wear her flat shoes.
They walked to Mandla's car hand-to-hand.
They drove out and passed a black car driving in the
opposite direction.
"I hate black cars" Zanda said.
Mandla laughed,"Why?"
"They are just dodgy" Zanda said.
They bought salads and drove back home.
"We left the door opened" Zanda said pushing the slight
opened door.
"No,it must have been pushed by wind" Mandla said.
It was just a quiet afternoon,a bit chilly.
Zanda put the salads on the counter.
"I'm pressed" she said rushing to the bathroom.
Mandla's stomach groaned he didn't wait for her.He took
the stew out the microwave and dipped a piece of
steamed bread and chowed.
"Mhhhh" he said chewing a piece of meat.
He didn't miss Phumla's food one bit.With no
qualifications Zanda was a good cook.
Zanda dried her hands and walked to the kitchen and
saw Mandla balancing by the table his hand grabbing his
"Mandla" she called frightened.
Instead of responding Mandla started groaning in
pain,his face sweating.
Zanda rushed to him frustrated,
"Mandla what's wrong baby?" she asked tears flowing
"I'm dying..." Mandla whispered and fell down.
Zanda started screaming his name asking what is
Quickly it rushed to her mind to dial the emergency
She couldn't talk properly,the agent kept asking her
stupid questions.
At the end she just told the person the address and said
she need an ambulance asap.
She rushed to take icy water and poured it on Mandla's
Mandla started groaning louder,Zanda panicked and
cried loud.
Then she saw his eyes rolling back...her knees got weaker
she fell next to him and everything blanked out.
Chapter 132
*Thapelo Narrated*
Neither Ziphe or I want to give in and call first.For a
several times I've dialed her number and then refrained
myself.She is the one who is at fault.I love her so much
but I don't want her to think it's okay to walk away every
time we argue.
I jump up a bit as my phone rings.I'm expecting her to
call anytime,I heard she asks Sbu about me every now
and then.
Mxm! It's not even a mobile number.
"Hello" I said annoyed,if it's one of those insurance
policies I'm gonna slam this phone on the wall.
"Hello we are calling about Mr Mandla Zungu your
number was found on speed dial on his phone" a lady
My head started pounding,is Mandla in a car accident?
"He is my brother" I said already panicking.
"He was found in his house together with a young girl
I balanced by the counter,
"What? Where?" I asked.
"This afternoon,they have been admitted in hospital" she
I asked the hospital name and ran to my car.
When I arrived in hospital I found Mandla lying on bed
with tubes connected to him.
"Doctor what's happened?" I asked seeing no injuries.
"He was poisoned,he was found a bit late but fortunately
he didn't die but his liver could suffer some damages,but
we are doing our bests"
I felt ice in my intestines.Poisoned?
"Poisoned doctor? How?" I asked.
"We will know when the girl who was found next to him
is ready to talk"
Shit. Zanda!
"Where is Zanda? How is she?"
"She just panicked and fainted,she is okay now "
I wiped my sweating forehead and walked near Mandla.
He looked so lifeless.
"What's happened bru?" I said trying to capture
everything that's happening.
Mandla texted me about two hours ago.What's
happened Mandla?
I started scratching my head,pacing the room,what is
Mandla can't die.He got to wake up we have a wedding
next week.
"He will be fine" the nurse I didn't hear coming in said
and injected a syringe in the drip.
I've got to see Zanda,I want to know what happened.
I walked out and saw her on the first bed at the front of
the other ward.
"Zanda" I said taking a seat on a chair next to her bed.
She just looked at me and said nothing.
"Zanda what happened to Mandla? Who poisoned him?"
I asked.
"I don't know...I just saw him falling down
then...his eyes rolled back,I thought he is dead" she said
"What did he eat? Where?"
She wiped her eyes,"He ate a stew I cooked,nothing else"
This girl must not underestimate me.
"What was in the food?" I asked angrily.
She cried louder,"Just veggies,spices and..."
"What poisonious thing did you put?" I asked.
"Nothing..I don't know what happened"
I got angrily and started demanding the truth from
her.Security guards came to drag me out.
Zanda looks like a good girl,why would he cook Mandla
poisoned food.Maybe they fought.
Mandla's family.Fuck.
I took out my phone and called Nozi is
I called Anthony instead,he must find a way to tell
After calling Anthony I called Don.
"Come to the hospital Mandla has been poisoned" I told
him the second he pick up.
"What?" he asked.
"You heard me' I said and dropped the call and called
Lwazi.Yes he is our friend now.
In the blink of an eye Lwazi and Don arrived.
Yes Lwazi cried the moment he saw him.He is a
yellowbone pardon him.
"What happened to him?" he asked.
Don was just shocked,he stood there with his eyeballs
falling out.
"Poisoned" I told Lwazi.
"By who? Why?" he asked me.
"He ate Zanda's food,that's what we know for now."
"But Zanda! She can't do that.Did they fight or
something?" he asked.
I shrugged.
Don looked at us,"Yeah,no maybe,they weren't on good
terms after Phumla gate-crashed our chillas" he said.
"But Zanda wouldn't do that" Don continued with a
cracky voice.
"We know nothing about Zanda,we can't judge her on
her charecter." I told him.
After a while Anthony,Thandiwe and another grown
woman came in rushing.
Thandiwe cried out the moment she saw
Mandla.Anthony held her and tried calming her down.
The other woman knelt down and started praying.
"Where is that girl?" Anthony asked.
He must be asking Zanda,I told him the ward he walked
"Who killed my son?" his mom asked crying.
Things got even more worse as the doctor told them they
are still trying to control liver damage.
"Oh my child,I told him not to go anywhere my guts told
me something dark is coming." I think she is aunt Sindi.
Eventually Thandiwe calmed down and took Mandla's
hand and begged him to wake up.
I felt warm water in my eyes but I couldn't cry.
"He will wake up,he have to" I said looking at him.
Phumla came in breathing heavily.
"Oh my God" she exclaimed tears running down with a
We all looked at her.How did she know?
"What are you doing here?" Don asked.
She rushed to Mandla's side,"Who poisoned him?"
"How did you know?" I asked.
She looked at me,
"The hospital called me"
I nodded and looked at Lwazi.He looked worse than
Anthony got in pulling Zanda by the arm.
"Is this the girl who cooked him poisonous food?" Sindi
asked walking towards Zanda.
"She cooked for him but she denies poisoning him"
Anthony said hopelessly.
Phumla stood up,within a second she was already on top
of Zanda punching her.
"I knew you were a witch the moment I set my eyes on
you,my guts are never wrong.You killed him for his
money and house" Phumla shouted as Lwazi removed
her from Zanda.
"Call the police" Thandiwe said looking at Zanda with
Anthony looked at Zanda,"No,I will personally question
her,she will speak out trust me" he said.
"Nobody is hurting or doing anything to Zanda,I know her
she didn't do it" Don said and pulled Zanda away.
We all looked at him shocked.
"Oh you are in this together?" Phumla asked.
"Donald" Anthony said warningly.
Don looked at him then at Mandla,
"She loves him,that I know for sure." he said.
"Love my foot!" Thandiwe said and clicked her tongue.
Phumla got up and hugged Thandiwe from behind.
"I'm sorry ma" she said.
I looked at Zanda,she was looking at Mandla with tears.I
shifted my eyes to Don and Lwazi,they both had big
frowns on their foreheads.
"I'm going to keep Zanda until Mandla wakes up and
explains what happened" I told them.
Anthony said,"No I'm keepi..."
I turned to him,"I was saying not suggesting"
He looked at me,I held his gaze until he looked away.
"Make that witch throw up the truth,if not squeeze it out
of her" Phumla said angrily.
"Don't worry ex-wife,I'll make sure the truth is squeezed
Chapter 133
*Thapelo Narrated*
I took Zanda with me.Don advised me not to even hurt
her nail.I don't know why he trusts this girl so much.We
don't even know if her story is real.She could've came on
a mission.
I don't say a word to her as we drive.She hasn't stop
I drove in the garage and told her to get out.
"Are you going to speak the truth?" I asked her.
She looked at me with tears,"I already did"
"I'll go shower,when I come back be prepared to breath
no lie,because Zanda Mandla is my brother and I'm going
to make sure who put him in hospital also lies in
hospital.You can rest in the bedroom on your left,I'll be
back" I told her and walked up leaving her sobbing.
I hate being violent,especial to women but anyone who
dare to hurt my family deserves to be punished.
I went to the bathroom and showered then changed to
the sleeping shorts.
I took my leather belt and walked out.At the door I
bumped at a human.
"What the fuck are you doing in my house?" I shouted at
She started crying and throwing herself on my chest.
"Thapelo please do something,Mandla can't die.I know I
wronged him but I still love him,he is special to me.I need
him to wake up,I want to apologize" she said sobbing on
my chest.
I just stood there confused.How did she even get in?
"Phumla get..."
"What will Aphentle be without him...Aphentle needs
him Thapelo" she said.
Aphentle loves her father.I don't even want to think
Mandla could leave us.
I sighed and wrapped my arms around her.
As much I hate her but we now both have a common
"It will be okay Phumla" I said comforting her.
I felt her shifting,her lower body rubbed against mine.I
don't know if that was intentional.
I slowly removed my arms from her but she didn't move
instead she nailed her tummy on my manhood and
rubbed herself.
"Phumla move off me" I said.
She breathed heavily and pushed me backwards until I
was balancing by the bed.
What is wrong with this woman?
"What are you doing Phumlile?" I asked shocked and
"Comforting each other" she said.
I don't know how I bumped on bed with my back but she
was quickly on top of me with her legs spread at the
sides of my waist.
"Shit Phumla" I said getting up shoving her off.
She came to me forcefully and connected her mouth to
I tried getting up,
She quickly forced her tongue inside my mouth and
moved her ass up and down on top of me.
As much as I didn't want to hurt her but that was it.
She started screaming "Oh yes" and I shoved her away
with all force.She landed on the floor with her butt and
cried out in pain.
"What do you think you're doing?" I asked wiping my
She smiled,"Giving you a real fuck"
"Get the fuck out my house before I hurt you"
She got up,"Hurt me Mr Mokoena.I heard you can get
very destructive"
Don was right,she is Chef Horny.
"I said get out" I said and pushed her away.
She giggled and walked away swinging her fat ass.
She turned around at the door and blew me a kiss,
"Bye sexy beast".
What did just happen? Was I seduced by my friend's
Why did she chose me? And why does she look so
As I'm standing on near the bed stunned Zanda walked
I looked at her.Did she us?
"Zanda" I said slightly panicked.
"I saw you and Mandla's ex-wife making out on Ziphe's
bed" she said.
God no!
Ziphe will never forgive me nor Mandla.
"Zanda it's not what you think"
She looked at me in the eyes.Ziphe and her get along and
the chances are she will tell her.I'm fucked up.
"Her on top of you screaming,your mouths connected
together?" she said.
I closed my eyes frustrated.
"I wasn't a part of that,she was seducing me and I shoved
her away when I realised it"
She folded her arms,"Well it didn't look that way"
I took a deep breath.
"Do you see how bad it is to have all the evidence
pointing at something that is not?" she said.
What is this about?
"What do you mean?" I asked.
She walked to sit on the edge of bed.
"No matter how much you try to convince Ziphe you
didn't sleep with Phumla she won't believe you because
it looks like you did" she said.
I sighed and sat down,"But she won't know"
She chuckled,"If she was seducing you she didn't succeed
as you pushed her away.But why was she smiling so
proudly if she didn't complete her mission?"
I looked at her.She is right!
"You think she wanted to turn Ziphe against
me?" I asked.
"Not just Ziphe,Mandla also.Do you think your friendship
will survive after this?"
"Why would she do this to me?"
"I have no idea,but something tells me I was also set up'
she said.
I frowned,"Zanda you cooked him that food,nobody
made you"
"And we left to buy the salad,when we came back the
door was opened.We thought wind pushed it but now
that I think about it there was no wind and no wind can
push that door.Somebody got in and poisoned our food"
Whoah! What's going on here in Durban.
"Zanda please don't lie to me.Who could've unlocked
that door? You are the only ones with keys"
"Exactly.Didn't you lock the doors here when we came
I frowned.I did lock the doors.
"I did,what are you trying to say?"
"I'm trying to ask you how did Mandlas ex-wife come in"
I looked at her completely confused,
"You opened for her"
"No I didn't,I saw her tip-toing up the stairs and followed
This is more fucked up then I thought.
"She broke in!" I said standing up.
She held my arm,"No the door isn't broken it was
unlocked with a key and she recorded everything you
guys did,she put something on the door frame before
pushing you to bed and took it when coming out"
Jesus Christ where are you?
My eyes popped out.My relationship with Ziphe is
over,my friendship with Mandla is through.
I started breathing heavily.Why did I even hug her,I know
Phumla is a troubled conscious-less soul.
She took my hand,"But I recorded things from the start
with my phone,I will help you but you also have to help
me.I'm innocent Thapelo,I love Mandla he is the only
person I have"
I exhaled and looked at her teary eyes.
She looked 100% sincere.
"Okay" I said and put my hand on top of hers.
After a while I stood up and pulled her to me and
embraced her.
"I'm sorry"
She sighed,"It's okay"
I slept with a heavy heart plus Ziphe decided to text me
and reminded me she loves me unconditionally.I'm so
guilty I couldn't even text her back.
In the morning I woke up and drove to Mandla's house.
There was no sign of break in.I looked every where for
evidence but found none.
This is a nightmare after spending an hour trying to look
for any single evidence I gave up and walked out.
Then Mandla's proffessional cameraman neighbor
crossed my mind.
He is just opposite so I walked to his house and rang the
"Hi my name is Thapelo,my friend lives in that opposite
The white gay pulled his blonde hair aside,"No now stays
his girlfriend,all the good guys are taken"
"Yes,do you still have cameras surrounding your gate?" I
"Yes dear,you know how I like captuting all my
I exhaled,"I need your help.I need to see pictures of
Mandla's house yesterday afternoon"
He/she looked at me curiously,"Why?"
Geez this girlish man!
"Please it's important" I said.
"Okay" he said and catwalked away.
I followed her.
"Anyway are you taken?" he asked.
Good grace!
He grunted angrily.
We got inside his study,he opened his computer.
The camera facing Mandla's house showed a black car
driving in after Mandla's car has left.And a thick woman
opened his door and disappeared inside then walked out
and drove away.
I sighed.This is what I needed.Zanda was right!
There is only one thick bitch I know.
Chapter 134
*Donald Narrated*
After paying Mandla a visit in hospital I drove past Lydias
to pick Junior up and drove straight home.
Junior is superactive he runs all around the house the
moment we get in.
"Do you want to hear me rapping like Future?" he asked
I hate that he loves rap music,I mean he is eight years old
he should be listening to lullabyes or at least Willow
Smith's music.
"Yes" I said and watched him grabbing the front of his
pants fisting his hand as a microphone and groans
imitating Future.
Gosh he is even saying all those 'fucks' words.
"How was that?" he asked in the American accent.
I laughed,"That was good but you have to stop listening
to that music,it's for old naughty people" I told him.
He frowned and jumped to the couch and took a remote.
"I'm going to shower" I told him.
He flipped the channels.
"Junior did you hear me?"
"Yes dad you are going to shower"
I smiled.If Junior is real like me then I'm something else.
My phone rings before I walk inside the shower.
Yes I have both parents,I'm the second child my sister
died when we were kids at the age of ten.
I answered,she talks a lot,telling me about all the fun
things and places they are cruising with my dad.She
doesn't even ask about me or Junior.
"This coming month we're going to Malaysia..Oh my boy
I can't wait,I've already booked myself in their..."
I cut in,"Yes mom I'm sure it will be fun and all that,when
are you actually coming in SA,you have a grandson to
meet" I said.
Silence.I know she is still thinking of an excuse.
"Umhhh...on Easter holidays,tell him gogo loves him
I rolled my eyes,"Of course"
"Don't be like that,you know we love him it just that your
daddy is still busy and you know how he loves travelling"
she said guiltly.
"Of course,pass my regards to him"
"Okay I love you"
"Love you too,bye"
I last saw them one and half year ago.It's always been
like that,I basically grew up with my grandmom.
My parents are all about giving you the best things
money can buy and 0% of their time.
I put my phone down and showered.
I then walked to the lounge to ask Junior what he wants
to eat.
"Junior" I called him when I couldn't found him in the
I called him again but still he didn't answer.
I walked to his bedroom,he wasn't there.
I started panicking and walking all around the house.
Junior doesn't know anyone around here.I ran to the
balcony and called his name all around the yard.
I should've bought him a cellphone.
I ran to the street calling his name.
My heart was pounding out my chest.
I remembered Phumla lives opposite me.Maybe she took
him.I ran to her house and rang the bell.
Oh crap! I left her in the hospital so there is noway she
took Junior.
I called Junior on top of my voice and ran to every house
ringing bells asking for him.
Nobody saw the young boy.
I ran back to my house and checked again but still.
I ran out again and ran to the houses back mines.
I rang the first house's bell a lady's voice answered.
"Have you seen a young dark boy about the age of
eight?" I asked breathless.
I ran to the next one,the gate was opened so I ran in.
I saw a boy about Junior's age playing ball with a lady.
As I ran nearer I saw his t-shirt.
"Junior" I called.
Both him and the lady looked at me running towards
them out of breath.
"Daddy,aunt Evett can't dribble a ball" Junior said
I scooped him up the second I reach to him and hugged
him tightly with my eyes tightly closes my heart silently
thanking God.
"Geez Junior why did you do that" I said angrily.
"I saw aunt Evett jogging and joined her then we played
soccer,isn't that nice daddy?" he said putting his little
hands on my cheeks.
My heart was still pounding hard.What if I lost him?
"Aunt Evett this is my daddy" Junior said looking at.....the
light-skinned slim girl standing with the ball looking at us.
This bitch!
"Who told you to take my son?" I asked angrily.
She looked at me with shock,"Umhhh...I didn't"
"Do you know how scared I've been,how much I've ran?"
I asked her angrily.
She blinked and paved her hair off her face.
"I just thought he was allowed to play outside" she said.
My anger brewed up.
"Play with strangers? You are so stupid,I could just report
you to the police baby-snatcher"
She swallowed and looked at me with fear.
"I'm sorry,I didn't mean to cause trouble"
"Voetsek! This is my son,you can't just take him for your
lousy soccer practices" I said and walked away with the-
nervous Junior on against my shoulder.
"Please take the ball,he said he doesn't have one" the
stupid girl said running after us with a ball.
"I will buy him one" I said and walked on.
"Daddy please" Junior whispered.
I'm mad at him but I love him.
"I said I'll buy you one Junior"
"But dad aunt Evett's is special" he begged.
"Please brother,I want him to have this one.He is a cute
boy and this is a special ball" the stupid girl said behind
I clenched my teeth angrily and stopped.She gave Junior
the ball and smiled gratefully.
"Thanks Evett" Junior said.
"It's my pleasure,take care of it"
I walked away leaving her still smiling at Junior.
"Maybe we will play again one day" she said as I walked
out the gate.
I clicked my tongue.
When we got in the house I gave Junior thousand
lectures and threats.
"I promise dad I'll never go out the house without your
permission again" he said.
I smiled.
He took his new ball and played around the lounge.
"What's so special about this ball except that inked name
Lipha?" I asked watching him dribbling the ball with
"Lipha is aunt Evett's little brother who died in the car
accident while playing this ball on the road" he said.
Okay,I guess it's special.
"Do you know aunt Evett is living alone and doesn't have
relatives and her best friend died a month ago" he said
chasing the ball.
Well that's sad.
"That so sad" I said.
"She said she want to be my friend,it was a first time she
got happy when playing with me" he said.
My heart kind of melted and a slight regret about my
attitude to her kicked in.
Maybe I should see her again and start on the right foot.
Chapter 135
*Thapelo Narrated*
It's Tuesday afternoon Mandla has woken up.I just came
from him past my way from work,I will freshen up and
take Zanda to him.She actually cried when I called her to
tell her he is up.
She smiled as I came through the door I hugged her.The
truth is out,I narrated everything to Mandla.He was out
of words.
"When are you taking me to him?" she asked.
"Now now but I have to bath first" I told her then walk up
to my room.
I showered and changed to casual wears then walk
downstairs to find Sbu waiting for me.
I forgot they were coming back today.I haven't even got
the time to resolve Ziphe and I but I texted her this
"Hey you're back" I said.
"How is Mandla? Thapelo how can you keep something
like this to me? You know I should've been here" he said.
I know he is angry but we did it for the best.
"Man we didn't want you to leave your ceremony and
come here.It was important for you and we had things
under control"
He clicked his tongue,"Who are you guys to make
decisions for me? What if he died and I wasn't there"
I sighed,"But he didn't"
He gave me a look,"You guys are assholes" he said
"Fine I'm sorry"
He passed that and asked about Phumla.
He shook his head as I told him about seduction.
"I think maybe she suffers from tripolar" he said.
"Bipolar not tripolar" I told him.
He chuckled,"Hers is not bi it has trippled she needs real
I laughed and told him more about her staying by
Mandla's side in hospital and trying to paint Zanda a
witch and saying I'm in a relationship with her and
showing Mandla pictures of us kissing.
"What did Mandla say?" he asked laughing.
"He was mad but I told him the whole story and showed
him evidence then he believed me"
"Has he opened the case?"
I shook my head.I actually don't know what is going on in
that big head of Mandla but he hasn't reacted to
Phumla's witchcraft.
I wanted to ask about Ziphe but got cold feet and just
looked at Sbu with a sad face.
"Don't even dare!" Sbu said looking at me.
I frowned,"Dare what?"
"Ask me about Ziphe,you have a cellphone call her"
I exhaled,"I just want to know where she is" I said.
"In my house,they are coming here soon" he said and
walked to the kitchen and chat with Zanda.
"Zanda we will go after thirty minutes" I updated Zanda
and walked with Sbu to the lounge leaving Zanda to her
After a while the Biyela girls came in.The five of them
"Guys what's going on?" I asked.
Sbu was dead with laughter looking at them.
They had scissors,hammers and peppersprays on their
"We demand the witch's addresss" Fiki said waving a
hammer on air.
Oh poor Chef Horny!
I laughed out.I once heard Zulu girls are the world's worst
fighters.They fight you physically,emotionally and
Zanda was laughing too with Ziphe's arm around her.
"The Biyela warrior" Sbu said laughing.
They looked so angry wearing short jeans and
takkies.Phumla is in trouble.
"We don't know where he lives" I said.
I know by their looks that they will destroy Phumla's
horny ass.My concern is that they will go to jail so I'll just
protect Phumla for now.
"You are lying" Simtho said.
"Durban is actually a small place" Zethu said.
No no no!
"Yes,let's hunt the bitch down" Sena said.
No ways Sena is pregnant I'm not risking anything with
her.Lwazi is my friend.
"Sena you are not going anywhere" I told her.
She looked at me,"I will just throw stones from far"
"And where are you going to find stones?" Sbu asked
Zethu is the most hilarious one,she opened her bag and
took out a plastic filled with stones.
This is getting more and more fun.
"Okay now let's go...Ziphe are you coming?" Simtho said.
I shifted my eyes to her.She looked at me and found me
looking at her.
"Can I talk to you for a second?" I asked her and walked
to the balcony.
She told others to wait for her and followed me.
"Hi" I said.
She just looked at me.
"Ziphe how are you?" I asked.
She folded her arms "Good"
I stepped towards her and wrapped my arms around her.
"I miss you Ziphe,please come back so that we will talk"
She exhaled,"Fine"
I lifted her face and kissed her lips.
"I love you"
"I love you too" she said.
I smiled and stroked her cheeks,"Go control your
sisters,they mustn't hurt Phumla"
She smiled,"Don't worry I'll make sure it doesn't go
beyond slaps" she said.
I smiled and pulled her back inside the house.
"Wheew!" Sena said looking at us.
"Your fights bore us guys" Zethu said.
I laughed and kissed Ziphe's hand.We haven't talked but I
know we are alright now.
They walked out with their lady-weapons.
"I will go put food in the warmer then we can go" Zanda
said and walked back to the kitchen.
She loves cooking.It's like her life depends on the
pots.She smiles a lot I guess it's because she knows me
well now.She is till young but she have little curves,you
can see she will grow into thickness by the age.
I've noticed her bit rounded face lit up everytime you ask
her about Mandla.Her nose.....wait why am I describing
Actually she looks like someone I know...
"Sbu do you know Zanda?" I asked out of the blue.
Sbu looked at me like I'm stupid.
"Ofcourse,are you missing it in your head" he said.
I shook my head,"No don't you recognize someone who
looked like her back in university days"
He looked at me and thought for a while.
Sbu being himself he rushes to the kitchen to stare at
Zanda then comes back with a huge frown.
"Now that you're saying it I recognize her"
Oh crap!
"It can't be right" I said shocked at myself.
Why did I even notice.
Sbu cursed,"This must be inaccurate!"
Zanda walked in and we both turned to look at her with
wide eyes.
"We can go" she said.
We can go,shit that little voice I remember very well
Chapter 136
*Mandla Narrated*
They told me today is Tuesday and I was admitted on
Sunday afternoon.
When I woke up my stomach ached like it had razors
inside.I had no energy.I actually thought I'm tired
because of the long walk from earth to heaven until I saw
a machine beeping next to me and Phumla screamed out
and came to hug me tightly.
She told me how I landed in hospital.Zanda poisoned my
food.My mind refused to believe but she convinced me
and I remembered very well how my intestines turned
after eating Zanda's stew.
"I'm here because I care,not for anything.I'm happy you
moved on because Thapelo and I are also trying to work"
she said.
I didn't believe her but she showed me pictures of
Thapelo and her making out.
I fumed,Thapelo is with Sbu's sister now he is banging my
Soon after Phumla left Thapelo showed his face,I wanted
a gun to shoot his skull.But then he told me a different
side of the story and showed me the record of everything
that happened.
There was no denying Phumla played this.She wanted to
kill Zanda and then turn me against Thapelo.But why,I
keep asking myself.
Most people would think I'm crazy but I actually don't
feel angry at her.I'm just sad,shocked and confused.
Thapelo promised to bring Zanda to me.I can't wait to
see her.They say when Jesus say yes nobody can say
no,and I receive.
I'm expecting Zanda and Thapelo but the person coming
in with a Steers paperbag is my one and only ex-wife.
"I brought you food since your witch girlfriend doesn't
even bother"
I looked at her.I didn't marry this woman.
"Phumla you are the one who poisoned Zanda's food and
nearly killed me then went to seduce Thapelo" I told her
She looked at me shocked,"Zungu I..."
I stopped her with my hand,"Come here"
She took a step back but Don got in and pushed her
toward the bed.
"Witch are you here to finish him off?" Don asked and
grabbed her by her weave.
"Donald it's okay" I shouted.
Don heard none of it and shook her by her shirt.
"Donald!!!" I shouted.
He stopped and looked at me.
"Leave her" I said.
"What? No I'm going to deal with her.Your mom is
coming later,she also want to teach her a lesson" he said.
I gave him a serious look,"Please excuse us,I want to talk
with her"
Don clenched his jaws and walked out angrily.
"Mandla I didn'...."
"Please come here" I said.
She walked to me slowly and stood next to me her body
"Pull the chair and sit down" I told her.
She pulled it and sat down.
"Why would you want to kill me Phumlile?" I asked
The tears!
"Honestly I don't understand Phumla,you are the one
who walked away yet you don't want me to be happy
somewhere you want to kill me.Why?"
She wiped the tears,"I don't know"
I exhaled,"I should be calling the police submitting the
evidence,you could be jailed for attempted murder" I
told her.
She cried more.
"Phumla do I know you?" I asked.
She nodded,"Yes"
"I don't think so.You have a son you had before we even
started dating,why?"
"I...when my mother died my aunt told me to keep my
legs together or she will disown me....(sniffs)...then I fell
pregnang then she told me to give him away and never
claim him as my own...his granny took him and I
continued with school and never visited him then I met
you...and I just....(sniffs)"
I exhaled,"You should've told me,I loved you Phumlile
nothing could've stopped me.But you changed all of
that,you cheated on me" I said.
She nodded,"I know"
"I'm mad at you Phumla,I want to hate you because you
are this evil person I don't know but I can't.You know
She shook her head.
"Because you were my wife of many years,I know the
bright side of you and you reserve a special place in my
heart,no matter what I care about your well being"
She looked at me.I took her hand.
"We can never be together Phumla,we ended" I told her.
She nodded "I know"
I exhaled "Phumla please let me be happy" I said.
Why are you asking her permission Mandla? Because if
we don't forgive each other and talk it out we will always
be enemies.And I will lie on this bed again.And Zanda's
life will be in danger.And I will never find innerpeace.
She looked at me,"Okay...I'm sorry I'm like this you have
been nothing but a good guy to me"
I nodded,"I also want you to be happy"
She smiled with tears.I wiped her with my hand.
"Come here" I said opening my arms.
She came,I kissed her forehead and embraced her.
I nearly died but this is the right thing to do.I will be able
to move on.
"What is going on here?" Don asked from the entrance.
Sbu,Zanda and Thapelo also appeared.
We broke the hug and looked at them.
"Have you called the police?" Don asked.
I just looked at Zanda.She looked at me with drops of
"Come here" I said.
She ran to me.We had a long hug before she kissed me
all over my face.
"I'm so happy you are alive" she said crying.
I looked at Phumla,she was smiling and crying at the
same time.
Thapelo and Sbu looked like they just heard the world is
"And then? Come on guys I'm alive" I said.
They looked at me then at Zanda.
"Phumla" Sbu said with an expression I can't describe.
Phumla looked at him with fear.
"Guys I forgave her" I told them.
"Phumla I...I...please look at Zanda" he finally said the
I should've rolled my eyes.Zanda looked at him confused.
"Why?" Phumla asked.
"Just do it and tell us what you see?" Thapelo said.
Phumla turned around and looked at Zanda with
Her eyes dwelled at her face.
She blinked a couple times,
"I see myself"
Chapter 137
*Donald Narrated*
The room went silent.We all looked at Phumla and
Zanda.Zanda was confused,so I was.
She does look a bit like Phumla back in the days.Plus she
loves cooking,just like Phumla.But come on,they don't
even know each other.
"What are you guys trying to say?" Mandla asked in
"You,who are you?" Phumla asked looking at Zanda
Zanda hate Phumla with everything she have so she just
looked at her up and down.
"None of your business" Zanda said annoyed.
"Hell it's my business if you stole my nose,my chin and
everything I had growing up" Phumla said.
Sbu stopped them,"Guys let's just calm down.Zanda tell
us more about yourself,you could be related to Phumla"
he said.
Mandla laughed "That's bullshit.Zanda is from Eshowe
and she is a Dlamini.They are not related" he said.
This is crap! Zanda and Phumla may look a bit alike and
share those features but her and Phumla are not related.
"You heard him,I'm Zanda Dlamini from Eshowe" Zanda
"I guess you guys just share few features by nature" I said
looking at them.
"Umhhh...maybe your parents are related" Thapelo said.
"My father was a Dlamini,my mother was a Kweyama
woman from Matata,they both died,so no" Zanda said
and turned away and looked at Mandla smiling.
"Kweyama?" Phumla asked suddenly shocked,her eyes
popping out.
Mandla exhaled deeply,"Zanda isn't your mom
MaMnguni?" he asked.
Zanda shook her head,"That's my stepmother,my mom
died giving birth to me"
I don't like the direction of this.Zanda must not be
related to Phumla.
"Who was she and where from Matata did she come
from?" Phumla asked.
"As I said she died giving birth to me so I don't know
where in Matata she came from,I was told that
only,Sonia Kweyama from Matata.Can I have this
moment with Mandla instead of explaining my identity to
a woman who wanted to kill me?"
Pain has changed Zanda.It's her and Mandla or she kills.I
like the feist Zanda.
Phumla just stood there looking at Zanda
I take it we are done discussing this and asked Sbu where
Simtho is.
"Well...I don't know but here in Durban looking for
someone" he said.
I immediately knew who she is looking for.I pray she get
in here and deal with her this minute while she still look
"Guys we are still here" I told the kissing love-birds on
the hospital bed.
Zanda has come out of the nutshell.
Her kissing Mandla in front of people?
Maybe the almost-die incident taught her to appreciate
your loved one every chance you get.
Mandla pulled away and glanced at me deadly.
"You girlfriend-less asshole" he said.
Talk about hitting the nerve,but I laughed anyway.
"Oh I nearly forgot Zethu sent me this" Thapelo said
taking out his phone and leaning to Mandla so he could
also see.
We all gather around the phone.
We are all dead with laughter.
It's a video of Sbu being chased by dogs.
"Is Caster Semenya even a competition to you?" I asked
The nigga ran for his life.
We were all still laughing our lungs out when someone
behind us said,
"You are my mother's child!!!"
We all turned to look at her.
"What did you say?" Sbu asked.
"Sonia Kweyama was my mother,she died when I was
seven" she said looking a hundred miles away.
"But you are..." I actually don't know what I want to ask.
"It could be namesake" Mandla said protesting.
Zanda was just quiet looking at Phumla.
"But your mom died in Jhb" Mandla said looking at
Phumla sitting up.
"I was born in Jhb,I came to Eshowe as an infant" Zanda
First Sbu and Nozi,then Junior now Zanda and Phumla.
We just keep discovering identities.
"Nobody told us she died giving birth,they said she had
an extreme vaginal bleeding and died" Phumla said
sliding on the chair effortless.
"So you mean Mandla is dating his ex-wife's little sister?"
I had to ask,but Sbu elbowed me.
Mandla looked at Zanda.She was crying.
"No this can't be right,I have enough evil sisters from my
father's side already"
Phumla's eye dropped a single tear but she quickly wiped
"You mean Phumla nearly killed her little sister,damn!"
Sbu said.
This time Thapelo elbowed him.At least I'm not the only
inappropriate one.
"You and I are not related" Zanda told her and cried
Mandla pulled her to his chest and wrapped his arms
around her.
Phumla is crying too but nobody is comforting her.
Nobody likes her and she deserve to cry a million tears.
Even when crying she looks like she is smiling,that how
wicked she is.
We all mourned the uniting of two angelic and devilish
We listened to them crying.
"Wow" I exclaimed.
"I'm sorry" Phumla said crying.
Zanda shook her head,"No you are not my sister,you
nearly killed me you are evil" Zanda shouted.
Phumla with hippo tears...I mean crocodile tears,
"I know,but please at least meet my...our old brother
Mvuse" she said crying.
Zanda refused everything,Mandla's mom,aunt and Nozi
came in.
Oh hell...we saw bags flying to Phumla.
Luckily for her witchcraft superpowers she managed to
We should be laughing but we don't instead we are told
to kneel down on the floor as Mandla's aunt start
Pity I'm wearing a skinny-jean so this is hell.
After praying I left and drove to pick Junior at
Lydia's.Lydia is a better mom to me than my actually
Lydia told me Simtho has already took him and they are
in my house.
I drove happily,Simtho is the best thing that could
happen today.
I was welcomed by a heavenly smell.
"My number one woman" I said running to her and
embracing her tightly.
"Babeeee" she exclaimed.
I kissed her cheek and danced happily in front of her.She
giggled and told me to stop.
"Ouch dad you are so bad" Junior's little voice said.
We all laughed.
"Omg! You smell like cows" I teased her.
She gasped and threw a soft punches on me.
Chapter 138
*Mandla Narrated*
I've been discharged from hospital.My mother wanted
me to come home with her but I had to come to Zanda
and make things right.
Here I am,my body still weak,standing outside the
bedroom door begging Zanda to open for me.
After threatning to break the door I heard the door
I push it open.
"Zanda babe" I said looking at her red puffy eyes.
"What Mandla?"
"Why are you like this?" I asked.
"Because replaced your wife with me"
I felt weaker and sat on bed,"Zanda I never..."
"Don't even try denying it.You wanted a fragile girl who
look like your wife"
I burried my face in my hands and calmed my breaths.
I knew Zanda was going to feel like this,but in honest
truth I never compared Zanda to Phumla.Hell I only
recognize their similar features yesterday.
I lifted my head up and looked at her,
"Zanda I never looked for Phumla in you,I never
compared you to her that's why I was shocked when Sbu
and Thapelo compared you"
She shook her head,"No Mandla,I don't want to replace
your ex-wife.I refuse" she said crying.
I stood up and went to her,"Zanda I love you"
"Because I look like her."
I sighed.Will I ever find peace of mind?
"No,that's not true I fell in love with you.Just you"
She wiped her tears, "I can't do this"
I pushed her and looked at her confused.
"Can't do what?" I asked.
"Be with you anymore.You are my sister's ex-husband"
My heart pounded fast,my chest dried.
"Zanda you can't end us" I said shaking
my head.
"Yes I can,I don't want to be involved in this.You will
forgive her by the time,you already forgave her for
poisoning" she said.
Love never loved me.
"I wanted to make peace with her so that I can be free
and love you with no barriers"
She heard none of it.
"I will move to the spare bedroom,that if you still want
me in your house"
She stabbed my heart,I felt something breaking inside
"Zanda,you are also giving up on me?" I asked with a
breaking voice.
She looked at me,"You need to move on,we were
quick.You need someone different not a new Phumla's
Phumla and Zanda do look alike here and there but I love
Zanda purely.
She took her clothes out the watdrobe and stuffed them
on her bag.
I could beg her all day but Zanda is an intelligent girl she
is up to this.
She walked out to the spare bedroom,I just sat on bed
and watched as yet another piece of my heart disowned
I don't know how long I stayed,staring at the door.
It could be two hours but I was suddenly brought back by
Thapelo's voice.
"Geez Mandla what's wrong?" he asked.
"She dumped me."
He gasped,"Why?"
"Because she thinks I'm with her because she looks like
He exhaled,"Eish,she will come around"
I shook my head and stood up balancing by bed.
I haven't eaten all day,I was supposed to take my pills but
I was too stressed to do it because Zanda was acting up.
I slowly walked out feeling physical and emotional
"Mandla you can't drive looking like this,you are weak"
Thapelo said as I opened the main door.
I turned around and gave him an assuring look.
I staggered to my car with no energy.
My breaths shallowed before I could open the car door,I
fell down on my knees.
"Mandla" Thapelo shouted running to me.
I tried standing up but failed.I crawled to the car and
leaned against it.
Thapelo came in the lightning velocity.
"Dude are you okay?" he said.
I nodded,"Yes please open the door for me"
He looked at me,"You can't drive you are weak"
I hate it when people make decisions for me.
Before I can curse him Zanda appeared with a glass of
water and knelt beside me.
"Please drink" she said frustrated.
I shook my head,"I don't want water"
"Just drink water Mandla damnit!" Thapelo shouted.
I closed my eyes and leaned my head backwards to rest.
Zanda panicked and screamed.
I opened my eyes to look at her.I'm not dying,geez!
Thapelo scooped me up.I hate him.
He put me on bed and took glass of water from Zanda
and forced it in my mouth.
"Dude you haven't eaten" he said as my stomach
growled after drinking water.
Zanda rushed out and came back with fruits.
I ate two bananas and asked to lie down a bit.
I expected them to walk out but they didn't instead they
sat and watched me sleeping.
I don't know how long I slept but I woke up with an
empty stomach and found Zanda staring at me.
"Can I have something to eat please"
She nodded and walked out then came back with a plate
of food.
I took it and lifted a spoon and dug in but my hand
trembled and dropped the spoon.
God I'm so weak it's funny.
"I will feed you don't worry" she said and took the plate
from me.
I was watching her every step of the way.She is nothing
like Phumla,only the looks.
She even held the drumstick for me to bite.
"Thank you" I said.
She nodded and stared at me.
"So just like her you are breaking my heart?" I asked.
"I'm not breaking your heart"
"Yes you are,you let me fall in love with you then you
drop me just like that.Didn't I mean a thing to you,?"
"Mandla you mean everything to me but you are my si..."
"Didn't I ask you to fight for us through it all?"
She swallowed,"This is different"
"No it's not,it a way of drifting us apart.You said you will
fight for our love till the end,you lied Zanda.You are a
She sniffed,"I'm not"
"Yes you are,you are dumping me.You never loved me
now you are using this as an excuse.You want.....
Damn! She slammed her lips on mine and kissed me like
it's the end of the world.
"You are lying I love you" she said crying and came down
on me again and kissed me while crying.
I kissed her crying too.
Chapter 139
It's the day of Nozi and I's family dinner.I just wanted
them to meet before the wedding since Nozi is a Zungu
now and I am a Biyela.Only our old families knew each
The Fayas and the Zungu's are already here making noise
outside the balcony where it's set for the get-together
It's December 13 and there is her uncle I doubt has
laughed this year so far.He actually scares me.I've caught
him staring at me like I'm the one who influenced
Marikana mine workers to shoot the police.
Fiki,Zethu and Ziphe have been upstairs for three hours
getting ready.Others haven't arrived but Lwazi said they
are driving here five minutes ago.I know Simtho will
arrive late because Loyiso started at work.
"Who is that sishweshwe woman sitting on my chair?" I
heard aunt Lydia saying walking outside.
I just pray she doesn't make anyone uncomfortable.
Nozipho is still make-uping her face.
I change my clothes and wear a short-sleeved shirt,a jean
and takkies.
"What are you doing? Wear the grey suit." Nozipho
shouted glaring at me through the mirror reflection.
I really didn't know this is our wedding day.
I sighed and changed.
After a while she finished painting her face and dressed
She looked so ravishing with her bump.
"You look beautiful" I said.
She smiled,"You're not bad yourself"
"Not bad? Girl I'm the hottest man in the universe" I said
giving her a better view.
"True brother!" Ziphe said coming in.
We got ready and went outside grabbing everyone's
attention.Aunt Lydia ulullated.
My family sat on one side as well as Nozi's.
"I'm so happy MaZungu's family agreed to join us
today.BoManzini and BoFaya we welcome you to this
dinner of celebrating our two inlove kids that are getting
married on Saturday" my father said and we all clapped.
Where the hell is Senamile and Lwazi?
"Thank you Biyela,we are so happy too to come here."
Anthony said brushing Nozipho's shoulder.
Always daddy's girl!
"As you can see our boy is very rich,so you mustn't starve
yourself dish up as you like.This must be Christmas for
you" she said smiling.
I clenched my fists under the table.God I prayed and
asked you to control her.
Nozi's aunt smiled at her,"Thank you..actually we were
hoping you would have better table-cloths but it's okay"
Nozipho's mom coughed.I looked at Nozipho,she was
holding her breath.
"Umhhh...let's just bless this dinner" Nontombi said.
Women from my side passed hostile glances over the
women at Nozipho's side.
"Okay let's close our eyes,I'll pray God knows me better"
Will Lydia stop?
We closed our eyes.She started praying,including
unrelated requests.
"Amen" we all echoed.
"Where did you buy that dress?" Nozipho's aunt asked
"I designed it mntakama,here at this home we don't buy
from China shops.Luckily you are a part of the family now
I'll give you some of my old clothes"
I looked at my father,he had his jaws clenched together.
"Can we make this table peaceful" Thapelo said looking
at Lydia.
They kept quiet and stared at each other.
"Pass me the wine" Fiki said to one of Nozipho's uncle.
My father side-glanced her.The uncle reluctantly passed
it to her.
She poured a full glass and gulped it down and poured
another one.
Nozi's aunt clapped,
"I wash my hands,such a young alcoholic.Our Nozipho
doesn't drink,we've given you one perfect thing in this
Can they dish up already?
"Actually it's our son who is perfect,look at him.All
handsome and well-built,you must be grateful"
Nontombi said.
Her too? I thought she was going to make peace
between these women.
Nozipho's aunt was about to reply when my father broke
"Faya I hear you run multi businesses" he said at
"Yes he does,he is there on Google.He is very successful
and rich" responded Nozipho's mom.
"Oh shame,you are talking with a multi-millionare.Muzi
make what you make in ten years in just four days" Lydia
I looked at Nozipho helplessly,she shrugged.
"And your bride-to-be is very famous and rich." Nozi's
mom said.
"Beauty and the brains" her aunt said proudly.
Sena's voice interrupted,
Everyone looked at her.
"Hello everyone,I'm the groom's sister and this is my
handsome boyfriend" she recited then took a seat.
Poor Lwazi,Nozi's friends looked at him like he was a
piece of meat.
"Like I said,my boyfriend so you don't have to stare at
him" Sena said looking at Jessica.
Success of this dinner is 0/10 so far.
"So did the chefs cook for them?" Sena asked Zethu loud.
Thapelo stood up,"When I grew up I was taught
respect.There is nothing that irritate me like grown ass
people who lack manners.You are disgracing Sbu and
Nozi,they wanted you to get along and now they are very
unhappy" he said glaring at women.
"You're right,it's either we try getting along or there is no
wedding.We can't marry two hating families" Mandla
Women frowned.
"You can't say that,I've designed a thousand-worthy
dress for this wedding" Nontombi said her eyes popping
"I ordered an expensive hat" Nozi's aunt said.
I secretly laughed.
"What are my friends going to say,I've sent many
invitations" Lydia said.
"Well then get along and stop arguing about stupid
things,Nozi and Sbu love each other." Thapelo told them
Mandla nodded,"You are disrespecting our fathers and
uncles" he said.
Women exchanged apologetic glances.
"Okay now we can eat...Biyela pork or beef?" Nontombi
Everyone dished up and jolly chats surrounded the table.
Great job Thaps and Mandla!
Just if you are wondering why Don never said a word,well
it's because he was recording everything.
And then one last sister came looking like Rihanna with
her bae on hand.
"Hellooo everyone" she recited coming.
Everyone turned around and looked at them.
"Well well well...I'm See and this is my
boyfriend...Sishweshwe woman don't finish lettuce" she
said before even sitting down.
I heard my father punching his hand under the table.
I looked at him.The face I saw terrified me.He had turned
darker within seconds.
What is....
I followed his eyes,they were glued to Loyiso.
Loyiso wasn't blinking,he was staring at my dad like he
was seeing a ghost.
Do they know each other?
My father whispered to Nontombi and walked to Loyiso
and gave Simtho a fainting smile.
Loyiso stood up and followed him to the house.
Chapter 140
*Loyiso Narrated*
I'm dragged by Simtho to her brother's pre-wedding
dinner.Beside that I'm meeting her whole family for the
first time I'm just scared to be in the crowd of strangers.
Just looking at the number of cars parked in the yard
gave me cold feet.
Oh hell! They were more than fifteen.
My loud girlfriend decided to grab their attention and
introduced us.
The piercing eyes! I quickly grab a seat avoiding anyone's
Simtho talked with a beautiful barbie girl next to her.I lift
my head up to look at these people.
What is Mr M doing here?
Is he related to....Oh God he is sitting next to Sbu...Could
he be his father? But how?
Our eyes meet and his look tell me shit is going to
He is Simtho's father???
My chest dried out.He whispered to a woman next to
him and stoop up.
"Follow me" he whispered to me.
Simtho looked at him,he gave her an assuring smile.
I stood up and followed him.Nobody seemed to care or
This house is big,he stride past many rooms then entered
in one of the bedrooms.
I got in and closed the door behind me.
"Banger!" he said looking out the window with his hands
on his waist.
I know he wanted me to explain.
"Mr M what's wrong?" that's what I came up with.
"What are you doing with my daughter?" he asked calmly
but obviously fuming.
"I had no idea Simtho is your daughter"
He swung around and threw one hard punch on my
chest.I coughed.
"Since when you associate yourself with people you don't
know? You always do a background check on everyone"
Honestly I don't know why didn't I investigated Simtho.I
just fell in love and trusted her.
"I just...I trust her" I said.
He paced around the room scratching his head.
"What are you up to Mbatha?" he asked.
"I'm telling you the truth.I never thought Simtho could be
your daughter.You are from Inkandla and she is from
Mandeni staying in Durban" I said trying to be
"You broke the rules.You got your claws on my
family,which I've protected for years" he said shouting.
I exhaled,"It was unintentional.I fell in love with her"
"You crossed me Mbatha,make this right" he said.
I looked at him,"Anything Mr M"
"Break up with her"
What? I jumped up and looked at him shocked.
"You're kidding Muzi!"
He chuckled,"Of course I am let's laugh at it ha ha ha"
He is dead serious.
"Mr can't do this to me.I've done everything you
want me to do,I've kept you happy now it's my turn to be
happy and you're going to take it away just like that?"
He just looked at me with no sympathy.
"Tell her you have a girlfriend,I don't want any of my
associate next to my family" he said.
"Please Mr M I love her,my intentions are pure.Give me a
chance" I begged.
"I said break up with my daughter Banger" he said firmly.
In my life I've never been scared to lose anything,but
losing Simtho sent shivers to my balls.
I'm not losing her over this.I'd rather go lost than losing
I bent down to my boot,lifted my jean up and pulled a
In the blink of an eye Mr M had pull out his gun and
pointed it to me.
I'm not scared of guns.
I stood up and cocked my gun and handed it to him.
He looked at me confused.I pushed it on his hand and
stepped back and leaned by the door.
"Shoot me" I said.
He frowned confused.
"You want me to break up with my love? This is the best
way to do it.End me" I told him.
"Banger are you crazy?" he asked lowering his gun.
I shook my head,"Yes,I'm crazy inlove with your daughter
and I'd rather be lost than losing her"
He exhaled,"Why my daughter out of everyone?"
"We met in Ballito and I fell in love with her without
knowing who she was"
He sighed,"If you want my daughter I want you out of the
business as in today"
I nodded,"My resignation letter is ready,I want to give
her the best"
He clicked his tongue,I'm forgiven.
"Take this thing of yours" he said giving me my gun.
I took it and put it back in it safe place.
"I want no grandkids" he said not looking at me.
"Relax grootman we use protection"
He turn to me like a lightning,"You are sleeping with her
already?" he asked.
"Umhhh..I'm sure Simtho needs me right now"
"I'm going to blow your brains Loyiso" he said chuckling.
Oh today he calls me by my real name.
We walked out and joined dinner.
"What was that old man saying to you?" Simtho asked.
"Just lecturing me not to break your heart"
She smiled,"I knew he will like you"
Dinner went well.Families exchanged gifts.It was nice and
Others complained about getting cheap gifts,especially
Simtho's aunt.
After the drinks Nozi's uncles were drunk and dancing
Zulu dance.
I had a good time.Simtho kept gossiping with girls next to
Later everyone got ready to go,I also stood up but a girl
nudged me.
"Lounge" she said.
I looked at Simtho confused,she smiled.
"That my older sister Sena,let's go" she said.
I took her hand and walked with her to the lounge.
The girl,I mean Sena was sitting on the couch crossing
her legs.
"Hi" I greeted and sat down,Simtho walked out.
"Loyiso" she said flipping through the recipe book.
Before I could respond high-heels clicked towards us.
Boom! Other three girls joined us.
Where the fuck is Simtholile?
"We hear you are having sex with our sister?" the eldest
one said.
"I'm not just having sex with her,I'm in love with her" I
The one who I assumed is Zethu,since she talked loud on
the table and drank more than anyone said,
"You have a great weave"
I don't have weave I have natural dreadlocks.
"We just want to know if you are not going to break our
sister's heart" the young humble one with no artificial
hair and eyelashes said.
"I can assure you,I love her more than anything"
Sena looked at me,"So you are a cop?"
I nodded,"Yes"
They looked at each other.
"O-m-g you wear the police uniform?" Zethu said.
What kind of a question is that?
I nodded.They gasped and laughed.
"Nice to meet you Loyiso" Sena said.
"I'm happy to meet you too"
Their brother got in,"Are you done here?" he asked
"Yes what do you want?" the eldest asked.
"I want you to go clean the balcony" he said.
I heard several "What?"
"Yeah or you want Lydia to tell you" he said looking at
They cursed and stood up.Sena didn't move.
"I'm the sick one so I'll pass...Loyiso babe can you be kind
and go make me a mayonnaise sandwich,the kitchen is
by the main door thanks in advance"
What? I looked at Sbu,he was laughing.
What happened to Mr M's sperm cells?
Chapter 141
Tomorrow is my wedding day.I'm starting to be nervous.I
keep driving to the venue to check if everything is in
order.Don is also driving up and down making sure
everything for the groom is ready.
As for my sisters it's their wedding.Their friends have
already flooded my place parading up and down.
Guess what? Inkandla arrived in a taxi.
Nduku is wearing adidas trackpant ,ingwe vest and
"Bafo the big day is outside the door" he said before
even greeting.
I smiled and shook his hand as well as my uncles.
"Has MaNdlela started the fire?" Mzingelwa's wife asked.
MaNdlela? Oh Nontombi.
"No mah here we use electric stove and don't worry
about pots we have a chef" I told her pointing at the
male chef in the kitchen.
"We are eating a man's food" uncle Mzingelwa said
"He is trained to cook Mzi don't worry" My dad told him.
Nduku laughed,"You are trying to tell me there are men
with two set of balls that go to learn to cook"
I sighed.It will be pity if this chef hears this conversation.
I decide to take Nduku and leave old men alone to chat
about hunting bucks.
"Hey aunt was well?" he said looking around the house.
"Her husband was,she was just a nurse" I told him
leading him to the others.
He gasped looking at Lwazi's tight jean,"You have white
nkonkoni friends?"
"Lwazi is just light-skinned and he is straight,he is Sena's
"So he is walking like that in his in-laws home?"
"This is Durban not Inkandla Nduku"
"Ay you're right,this is not Inkandla at one bit"
We walked over the guys.I introduced Nduku.
"Guys this is Nduku,my uncle's son.So he is my brother"
They looked at him and shook his hand.
"Is this meat ready?" he asked Thapelo.
Thapelo nodded and cut him a piece.
"Mhhh cut me another one with bones"
Is he going to behave in the wedding?
"How are things on Nozi's side?" Lwazi asked.
"Okay,just one bridemaid whose plane delayed" I told
Later dinner was served.My uncles complained about lot
of salads.My father had to explain some food to them.
"I'm not even full,this is white peoples food" uncle
Thobela said.
"Umhhh I prepared uphuthu and beef stew,just in case"
Zanda said shyly.
They all shouted that they want it.
Zanda stood up and went to fetch it,then dished for
"God bless you my child" uncle Mzingelwa said dugging
in his plate.
"Who is that girl?" my father asked.
"Zanda Dlamini,she is Mandla's girlfriend and Ziphe's
"Oh" he said and looked at Zanda attentively.
Zethu and Fiki are our top alcoholics,they popped
champaignes and drank like there is no tomorrow.
"Ay Muzi you let these kids drink alcohol like this" uncle
Mzingelwa said.
My father shrugged,"They are above eighteen and beside
tomorrow is their brother's big day"
Nontombi side-glanced him,"Maybe we should all just
enjoy ourselves"
My father looked at her then smiled,"Everyone is allowed
to do anything today,tomorrow our only son is getting
What? All the wives jumped up.
"Whoah what are you saying Muzi?" uncle Thobela
"I'm saying all women around this table deserve to do as
they please.Tonight they are nobody's wives"
"That's my dad" Ziphe said jumping up.
Thapelo gave her a look but my father nudged him.
"But where are we going to find booze?" Simtho asked.
"Sbusiso come load this in the fridge" aunt Lydia called
carrying alcohol crates.
Everyone ullulated.Everyone laughed.
We are suddenly men only on the table.
Lwazi is angry though,he keep wiping his face.
Oh no,Sena is gone to drink too!
I stood up and pulled Lwazi with me.
When we walked in the kitchen Sena was already gulping
down a cider.
"Sena what are you doing?" Lwazi asked in fear.
"Drinking a cider...or is it not obvious?" she said.
God she....when I got in the bathroom earlier I smelled
"Sena were you smoking weed too?" I asked.
She laughed,"Relax guys tomorrow IS OUR WEDDING
"Gosh Sena you're pregnant?"
She laughed "Won't you guys just relax,mom knows
best" she said.
Lwazi lost it and grabbed the bottle from her hand then
dragged her out by her weave.
Everyone gasped in shock.
"What is going on Sbusiso?" Nontombi asked in shock.
"Sena is behaving reckless,she is putting the baby in
"But that boy is disrepecting me? She drags my daughter
like that infront of me"
I shrugged,"You didn't say anything,you watched her
trying to kill his baby"
My father came in,"Who is killing the baby?"
"Sena smoked weed and now drinks ciders" I told him.
"Where is she?"
"Lwazi took her"
He chuckled and shook his head.
People got wasted,I was the only one sober.
At midnight I gave up and went to sleep.
I was woken by a knock.
Don came in staggering,"Nozipho is downstairs crying"
What now?
I quickly dressed up and walked down running.
"Babe what's wrong?" I asked.
"Sphiwo is missing"
Chapter 142
Everything suddenly stopped.I had to ask her a several
times what she is saying.
"I slept with him,he was on his cot I checked him in the
midnight he was there.And then in the morning he was
nowhere and nobody has seen or taken him" she said
My brain refused to function.It's my wedding day,Sphiwo
can't be missing.
"I have to find him,we can't get married without him" I
said panicking.
"Please find him Sbu,I want my son" she said crying.
I nodded,"I will find him babe"
I had no idea what my next step would be.I just knew I
wanted my son back before 11h00.
Her cousin called her to the car as I ran back inside the
house to grab my car keys.
Before I could exit the door my father crossed my mind I
ran back inside.
I went to my mom's bedroom and heard moans coming
from the inside.
I knocked loudly,the moans stopped.
After five minutes my dad opened the door with red
eyes, erection poking out his boxers.
"Aybo Sbusiso" he said looking at my eyes on his bottom.
I snapped back.
"Baba my son is missing" I said breaking down.
He looked at me in shock,"What? What is missing?"
"My son baba,Sphiwo"
"How did that happened?Where was he?"
I exhaled frustrated,
"He was sleeping with Nozi,he was taken after midnight
nobody knows where he is"
"So it's somebody who was inside the house" he said.
Just like that? Isn't he brilliant?
"Please help me baba" I begged.
He nodded and took out his phone.
"Be in my son's house in 10minutes" he said to the
person and dropped the call.
We went to the kitchen,everyone joined us and asked
what's going on.
"Sphiwo is missing" dad told them.
Everyone started to panick.Ziphe just cried,Thapelo
comforted her.
"Maybe Phumla took him" Don said.
"Who is Phumla?" uncle Thobela asked.
"My friend's crazy ex-wife" I told him.
"She have no reason to do it" Thapelo said.
"My evil sister doesn't need reasons" Zanda said.
My father's eyes landed on Zanda and he fixed them on
"Who are we waiting for? Have anyone called the
police?" Simtho asked.
"We won't involve them,they delay" dad said.
We heard a knock,Fiki went to open.
"Oh Loyiso" she said.
Geez I thought it was a person who is here to help me.
"Banger I want you to get back my grandson before is his picture" my father said looking at
"Any suspects?" Loyiso asked his face completely
"Not yet,just find him" my dad said.
"Sure grootman" he said and walked out.
"You called Loyiso Banger?" Simtho asked.
We were all confused.Who is Loyiso?
"He...never mind" my dad said and walked away looking
a bit relieved.
"So we are just going to wait for Loyiso and do nothing?"
Thapelo asked.
"I guess" I said.
I took out my phone and called everyone I know asking
them if they've seen my son.
Ziphe sat next to me and wrapped her arms around me.
"He is a police,he will find him" she said.
I think Loyiso is more than just a cop.Him and my dad
know each other that's why they left the table on
"Have anyone heard from Sena?" I asked.
They all shrugged and stared into space.
The watch went slowly,Loyiso wasn't coming back.
"Dad he is not finding him" I said.
"Dead or alive he will bring him."
I hate dead or alive,I want him to bring Sphiwo okay.
"Why do you trust him so much?" I asked.
"He is my guy,my inside guy.I've been working with him
for years"
God I know what he means.
"So you let him date your daughter?" I asked shocked.
"He gave me a gun and told me to shoot him if I want
him to break up with her" he said chuckling.
Wow,he loves her that much!
After a while my dad's phone rang.
He answered;
"Yes....where...okay bring her alive" he said.
"He found him" he said.
I jumped up and said a short prayer.
"Who took him?" I asked.
"She is not saying her name" he said angrily.
I called everyone and told them.Lydia said God answered
her prayers,he always does to her.
We all waited in desperation for Sphiwo and his snatcher.
I strongly suspected Phumla but I was wrong.
A girl I've never seen before got in pushed by
Loyiso,Sphiwo in his arm.
I ran to take my son from Loyiso and kissed his little face.
"Go to your rooms" my dad said looking at the girls and
They all walked away.
"Evett" Don said in shock.
He knows her???
"You know this girl?" I asked.
"She is my neighbour,she once took Junior without my
She is a serial snatcher.
"Why did you take my son?" I asked giving her one hot
She winced and covered her face with her hands.
"Whoah Sbu....we need to know why she thought it okay
to steal Sphiwo"
"He is my friend" she said.
Nxaa I gave her another slap.
"This is my son,who told you to take him?" I shouted.
She looked at me with fear.
"Talk" Don shouted.
"I...I talked with a lady and she told me I can get my baby
in that house" she said crying.
"What lady?" I asked.
"I don't know,she didn't say her name,she was beautiful"
I started suspecting her mind wasn't functioning normal.
"Do you know how worried we've been?" my dad asked
She shook her head.
"We've been worried so much,we woke up early in the
morning" he told her.
She looked at Don,Don clicked his tongue.
My uncles and Nduku were quiet.I'm sure they were just
shocked by this.It doesn't happen in rural areas.
"I only realised later that I didn't take my girl" she said
"So Aphentle was the mission?" I asked.
"No,not Aphentle my daughter,they took my daughter"
she said.
My heart dropped,I looked at Thapelo his eyes were
popping out.
"Who took your daughter?" Don asked.
"Government people"
I smell Phumlile in this.
"What do we do now?" I asked looking at Loyiso.
"She is mentally disturbed but she is dangerous.I will give
her a memory refresher and remove her away from
Durban" he said.
He is something else!
"If she was a man I would've taught her a lesson but I
don't put my hands on women,let alone crazy
ones.Thobela,Mzi let's go to my room" my dad said.
Could this be really Aphentle's biological mother?
I left them and drove Sphiwo to his mother.
"Thank you so much Biyela wami" Nozipho said crying
with Sphiwo against her chest.
I sighed,"I'm just thanking Loyiso and God".
"Now that our prince is here let's go get ready to get
married" she said.
I took my son and held him one more time then left.
This is my wedding day!!!
Chapter 143
Everybody ran around getting ready.In all truth I started
having running stomach.I was so nervous.I kept calling
Nozi each minute asking what she is doing on the other
Wow,Nduku is actually a handsome chocolaty man.
Don did a great job we looked like models,especially me.
My sisters were attending Grammy's.Simtho was a bride-
maid so she was at the Zungus.
Lydia wore my mom's two-piece,she honoured the day.
For some time I thought my uncles would put on
brentwoods and ingwe vests but they surprised me with
matching powder-blue tuxedos.
"You did a great job Don" said Thapelo looking at himself
in the mirror.
"Don't I always do great!" Don beamed.
He had a different shirt from the groomsmen,maybe it's
because he is the main one.
I gave Nozi one last call.She told me they are tying her
hair.Weren't they doing that fifteen minutes ago?
Fiki got in through the door,
"O-m-g you guys look like Hello" she said looking at each
of us then adjusting our bow-ties.
"Ay sisi this tux was made for me" Nduku said dancing
Fiki laughed and asked him to turn the wrist-watch
"I can't believe you're getting married" Mandla said.
I exhaled,"Ya neh"
"You will make a great husband unlike me" he said
patting my shoulder.
Ziphe and Zanda also got in and appreciated their men.
I hired cars to transport people to the venue.
Most people were gone,only my dad,Lydia,Nontombi and
groomsmen were left.
Hell Nontombi and Lydia called me aside and lectured
"Your mother would've been proud of you.Here is the
watch she wanted you to wear on this day,she may be
not here but she is watching over you" Lydia said handing
me a silver watch.
I took off the one Don bought and put on my mother's
My dad also got in and lectured me about how to treat a
wife and bla bla bla.
Our hired limos arrived I rushed to the back garden to
talk with my mother,
"Mom I know you are listening.Today I'm getting
married,I know you would've been happy and wearing
your best hat if you were here.Please accompany me
with your blessing,I love you" I said and scattered flower
petals around the garden then went to the car.
Lydia and Nontombi got on one decorated car.Don and I
got on one limo as well as Thapelo and Nduku,my dad
and Mandla.
The cars cruised after each other.
I wanted to call Nozi but Don said I should be patient.
When we arrived everyone ullulated.
The venue was decorated breathtakingly I wanted to stay
there period.
"Where is Nozi?" I asked Fiki.
"They are coming relax" she said laughing adjusting my
I only got back inside when I saw the Zungu's cars parking
People took their respective seats.
I stood at the end of the aisle my knees shaking.
Bridesmaids got in wearing pink dresses and stood
accross us.
I looked at Don,he gave me a thumb.Okay.
Everyone's eyes glued to the entrance.
Waiting for the bride.......
Boom Sphiwo got in pushed on a pram by Nozi's mom
wearing a little black tux matching me and Aphentle
wearing a white princess' dress and tiara babywalking
next to them.
Everyone screamed.
And then a little girl,I know from the Fayas relatives
walked in singing with a little voice and scattering flower
petals on the carpet.
I don't know what song she was singing but it was so
slow and sweet.
John Legend filled the room,everyone stood up and then
she appeared looking like an angel,on a long white dress
her bump showing,on her father's arm.
My emotions escalated.She is here,she is marrying me.
After everything I've put her through she still want a life
with me.
Maybe I should've just named this diary a Crying Groom.
I looked at her tears filling my eyes.
They stopped halfway.I just looked at her crying.
Damn! My sisters started giggling behind.
My dad handed me the white handkerchief,I wiped my
"Go get your wife" he whispered.
I nodded still emotional and walked to them.
Anthony took my hand and shook it.
"Take care of my daughter" he said.
I just nodded and took Nozi's hand.
"You're here" I whispered breaking down.
"I wouldn't be anywhere,this is it"
I kissed her hand,is that allowed?
The pastor smiled,we walked slowly looking at each
other with disbelief.
We are here,she put up with me,we are getting married
my mind kept reminding me.
Chapter 143 continues
*Muzi Biyela Narrated*
This is the best day of my life.My only dream was to have
a son,now I have one.No amounts of words can express
my gratitude to my late old sister,Veronica for raising
him up and groom him to be a man he is today.
He found one-in-a-million wife.A woman who stands
firm through it all.A true Biyela wife.
He is really a blessing,a light in my life.
In my life I've worked hard for everything but nothing
was bright.
After his appearance every thing brightned up.My
youngest daughter is also getting married soon,Mokoena
is not patient at all.Senamile is also inlove and kept
together.Now my soul son is dating Simtholile.I can't say
I'm happy about it but the fact that he loves her so much
to give up everything for her warms my heart.Hopefully
Fikile will find happiness too.
This wedding is beautiful,emotional and filled with love.
Their vows brought tears to my eyes.I secretly cried
along my son.
MaZungu ; The first day I saw you you were very rude
(smiling),as rude you were I fell in love with you.I swore
to myself that I wouldn't go out the house without seeing
your smile.You came around and smiled at me...(sniffs)
Today I'm giving you this ring as a symbol of my love to
you.This ring isn't my love it's a symbol,you love is deep
down in my heart...(cries) I promise to be a respecting
wife...(sniffs) do my best to bring that smile on your face
no matter be by your side through tears and
joy...(cries) and to love you with all I have and love all
you have until death do us apart
She slid a ring on my son's finger.
His turn...
My son is soft shame,he started already in tears
Sbusiso ; I...I...I never thought you would be here with
me today (cries)..all the back and forths with
identities...all the things I've put you through...(sniffs) I
just love you with all my heart and.....I promise to be the
best husband to you..(cries,sniffs,cries) I don't know what
I would do without you Nozipho...(covers his face and
crying) take this ring as a promise to love you and cherish
you,be with you through it all till death do us apart.
He slid a ring on her finger.
Are my girls sniffing too???
The pastor pronounced them husband and wife.
"Mr Biyela you may kiss your bride" he said.
This must be my son's favourite part of the day,he kissed
her like it's their last day on earth.People ended up
Women ullulated,men clapped.This is it,I have a
I glanced over my little grandson.Hell he was just
drinking his milk not caring.
And then what is this boy doing with a microphone? He is
not supposed to make a speech right now.
"Remember our first date?" he said looking at his smitten
What is going on here?
The piano started...he is going to sing for her!!!!
Whoah! Is that his voice or he borrowed it?
I hear gasps.
We listen to his voice filling the room,MaZungu looked at
him with tears.This must be their song.
Afterwards they cut the cake and fed each other.
Then they had their first dance,bridesmaids also danced
with their partners.Shame Nduku's dancing moves got
me in tears.
They were married.A few speeches were made.
After everything food was served.Nduku's favourite part
of the day.
"Dad you didn't brought us any present,really?" Sbu
asked me aside.
"Yes really" I said.
He pouted and turned his attention to his wife.
I bought them a beach house,they will be taken there
after the ceremony.
My eyes swept around the room for her.And there she
was chatting with Ziphe.
She lifted her eyes and they landed straight on me.Shit! I
looked away.
I'm 45years old,what is wrong with me? That's my kid.
Mandla is my son I can't do that to him,let alone my wife
of decades.
"More salad Biyela?" Nontombi asked me.
"Yes please my love"
She dished more salad in my plate,"You don't look happy
Mgazini" she whispered.
I turned to her.She is the one for me,we've spent all our
lives together.
"I love you my wife"
She blushed.
Chapter 144
*Thapelo Narrated*
It's after Sbu's wedding,I should be somewhere with my
friends celebrating but here I am checking every corner
of the venue for Ziphelele Biyela.Her phone is ringing
unanswered,I have no fuckin idea where she left to or
who she left with.
I feel like a fool,Zanda is here with Mandla.
I rechecked the parking again but only a few cars were
Then Lwazi also appeared somewhere and asked if I've
seen Sena.
"I'm also looking for Ziphe" I told him.
He sighed,"Loyiso isn't finding Simtho either"
These bloody sisters!
"Where could they be?" I asked him hopelessly.
He shrugged and tried calling Sena again.I just pray she is
not drinking again.
And then Palesa and her friends came on high drunken
"Come on guys let's go celebrate....yeeeeeeh my friend is
married to the money!!!" Palesa shouted.
"Where are you going?" Lwazi asked them.
I was in no mood to go clubbing without Ziphe.
"Durbs babe" she answered.
"Okay we're coming"
"I'm not going anywhere" I told him.
"There is a high chance every other girls are there" he
We got in the car with Palesa and one girl and drove to
When we got in that club the noise was just too much I
wanted to walk away but Lwazi insisted we check
I saw Sena first dancing with a cider on hand.I showed
Lwazi and continued searching for my one.
I couldn't find her.I started to panick what if she got
drugged and kidnapped again?
I bumped to Loyiso dragging Simtho by the arm.
"Guys have you seen Ziphe?" I asked.
Loyiso showed me the VIP area with his head,I walked
She was on a lap of a muscular light-skinned guy about
my age.His hand was under her dress massaging her
womanhood.She had her arm around his neck,her eyes
tightly closed.
For a moment I froze and stared at her.Is this really
Ziphe? My fiance!
I stride to them and pulled her away with all the strength
I had.She slammed against the table accross and fell
"What's the fuck man?" the guy asked.
I'm done being nice.I gave him several punchs and lifted
him up and pushed him to the wall and pinned him.
Suddenly there was a crowd around us,I gave him few
more punches before other people pulled me away.
"I will kill you,if you ever touch my fiance like that" I told
He wiped blood from his nose and looked at me fearful.
"Thapelo,Oh my God" a lady said running to him.
He have my name,he also had my girl,I felt like punching
him again.
I walked to where Ziphe was lying and scooped her to my
shoulder and walked out.
I loaded her in the backseat and drove home.
Did she have to spoil my day like this? Do I always have
to hunt her around the clubs? Does she always have to
give up pussy when drunk?
To say I was angry would be an understatement,I was
fuming.I didn't even go out to celebrate Sbu's wedding.It
was supposed to be a couple's celebratory night with
me,Lwazi,Mandla,Nduku and Loyiso but no we had to
play seargents and look for grown-ass women.
"Babe" she said when I put her down in the bathroom.
I kept quiet and filled the bathtub with cold water and
torn her dress and threw her in the water.
"'s cold" she cried her body shivering.
I bathed her and showered her body with icy cold
water.She started crying,I didn't care.
After bathing her I scooped her up and dried her with a
towel then took her to bed and lotioned her.
She expected me to cover her with blankets.
"Stand up" I told her and went to lock the door.
All the alcohol had washed off,she looked at me sober.
"Who am I?" I asked her.
"What I am to you?" I asked.
"You are my love" she replied.
"Okay,which means I'm not your toy boy.Why did you
throw yourself on men? Why did you go without telling
me,do you know how worried I was?"
She started sniffing.Too early my love.
I pulled my leather belt inside the closet.
"I want to show you I'm capable of mannering you" I told
"Please Thapelo I'm sorry" she said pulling bed covers
covering herself.
I pulled them away and threw my belt on every part of
her body.
She cried,screaming,apologising.
"You will think twice before putting yourself in danger
again" I said giving her more lashes on her bare ass as
she tried running to the door.
After a while I threw the belt back in the closet and
pulled her to bed.
"I love you" I told her.
She was crying unstoppable,she couldn't even talk.I
looked at her and felt my heart dropping.
"You made me do this.I never wished to put my hands on
you" I told her.
She walked away and curled in the corner and cried.
Didn't I regret it? I did.
Ziphe is still a kid.I doubt she has ever been hit before.
"I hate you...uyinja Thapelo" she said crying.
I just looked at her and said nothing.She continued
calling me names.
When I had enough I scooped her up and threw her on
bed then went to fetch painkillers and gave her.
"I never wanted to do that,you pushed me too hard.How
many times Ziphe?" I said wiping her tears.
She had hiccups,"I thought he was you"
Nxa this amateur drinkers!
"Sleep,you will wake up feeling better" I told her and
pulled her to my chest.
She sobbed for hours before falling asleep.I stayed awake
replaying everything with my head.I don't hit
women,that was my father's speciality.I'm just like
him,it's just not it not out there yet.
"I love you but you keep ashaming me and hurting my
ego." I told her sleeping.
In the morning I woke up to the empty side of bed.My
emotions escalated,I took my phone and tried calling her
but didn't reach her.
Oh she sent me a text at 04am.I opened it;
Chapter 145
*Muzi Biyela Narrated*
I was on top of my wife appreciating her beautiful face
after a mind-taking lovemaking when I heard Ziphe crying
"That's Ziphelele" I said rolling off her.
"Go check her I still need to bath" Nontombi said.
I got up and dressed on my short and put a gown over.
She was hysterical pacing in the kitchen with her arms
covering her face.She has been always like this.When she
cries people from miles away hear her.
"What's wrong nanag?" I asked walking to her.
I'm sure it's one of her sisters.
She took her dress off,leaving only the underwears.
I gasped in shock.Who did this to my baby?
"Who did this to you?" I asked looking at her red bruises.
"Thapelo" she said crying.
Fuck that Sotho boy! I will teach him a lesson that will
send him back in Lesotho to eat pawpaws and pap.
"Where is he?" I asked looking for my car keys.
"At his house.He nearly killed me dady" she said.
I hugged her "Don't worry daddy will deal with him,go
sleep with your mom"
She nodded and took her clothes and walked up.
I walked out on my gown and drove to Mokoena's
house.About marrying my daughter he can just forget.I
never put my hands on Nontombi,who does he think he
I didn't knock I kicked his damn door and got in.
I found him dressing up in his bedroom.
"Who gave you the right to put your bloody hands on my
daughter?" I asked.
Thapelo is not a cheeseboy.Someone else would've got
frightened seeing a gun on my hand.
"No one" he just said and zipped his jacket.
"Why did you do it then?"
"Because she had her pussy massaged by drunk men in
the club"
What??? My Ziphe!
"Don't mistake me for a fool" I said glaring at him.
"Did you even ask her why I hit her or you just came
here?Your daughter was nearly raped again"
My heart dropped,"How?"
"All your daughters boarded a club and ashamed
themselves.If you saw them I'm sure you would've
stretched your hand on them a little"
I exhaled.Did I spoil them too much.
"Who was those men" I asked.
"Strange alcoholics who hang out in the clubs and put
their dicks under any skirts" he replied.
I know right now I'm not Biyela to him.Ziphe really made
him angry.He is so protective of her but she keep pulling
these childish stunts.
"I overreacted forgive me" I said.
He exhaled,"I'm sorry for speaking at you like that"
I nodded,"Come take her" I told him and walked out.
We both drove our cars to Vivi's place.
When we got in Nontombi threw a juice she was drinking
at Thapelo.We are a team of overreactors!
"How dare you!" she shouted.
"Ntombi stop...Ziphelele your man is here to fetch you" I
"What? No dad" she said.
"You have his ring around your finger.I asked you if you
were ready for engagement you said 'yes dad I'm ready,I
love him'.And what do you do after that? You go out in
the clubs and seduce men you don't know" I said looking
at her angrily.
She looked down,Nontombi looked at her shocked.
"Now go with him and make things right" I told her.
"No dad"
Okay now I know I spoiled them.They speak back to me.
I pull her to me and give her slaps all around her
body.Nontombi cried out telling me to stop.
"Please baba" Thapelo said pulling her away.
"Yabona nina niyatefa" I said giving her another slap on
her back.
Thapelo winced,"No baba it's enough now" she said and
pulled her away and pushed her behind him.
"If you ever do something like that,I will break your head
do you hear me?"
"Yes daddy" she said crying behind Thapelo.
I've had it enough with these kids.
Fikile,Simtholile and Ntombizethu also walked in.
"Where are you all coming from?" I asked.
They rolled their eyes.
I walked away and returned with my belt finding them
giggling in the kitchen.
"He is so grumpy maybe mum didn't give him enough last
night" Simtholile said.
I started with her and followed with the other two.Zethu
only received a few lashes she was running all around the
house screaming.
"If you ever,ever pull last night again I'm going to destroy
you and cut half of your salaries" I told them and left.
"Umhhh...baba" she said bumping to me in the staircase.
All my anger vanished I looked at her shocked.I didn't
know she slept here.
"errr I'm sorry about all that noise" I said staring at her
without a single blink.
"It's okay baba" she said and smiled.
I gasped,my heart beats faster and my lungs lacked
oxygen...Oh my God she is so beautiful and
innocent...then I snapped out and ran up to my wife like
a mentally disturbed man.
I need to get over this madness asap,before people start
Chapter 146
*Lwazi Narrated*
Sena has done her best to bring pain to my heart.She's
hurt me beyond limit.And honestly I don't think I can do
this anymore,pity there is an innocent soul involved.
When I found her shaking her ass for men with ciders on
her hand she told me in my eyes that I'm nothing to
change who she is.I tried reasoning with her but she told
the BEEs she was dancing for to kick me out.I didn't care
anymore I just wanted my baby to live.
I slept long hours not knowing where she was or if the
baby was okay.
A knock from the door brought me back from my dozens
of thoughts.
I got off bed and walked to open the door.
"Babe" she said.
I looked at her,"Hi Sena"
"Can I come in?" she asked.
I made a way for her and walked back to bed.
"I want to apologise about last night,things got out of
hands" she said looking at me.
"Just okay?"
"Yeah,you are apologising and okay" I told her.
She swallowed and pulled her messy hair,
"I know I was irresponsible but I went to check and the
baby is fine" she said.
"That's good news...if you don't mind I was still sleeping"
She cleared her throat,"I had little sleep I'm going to join
you" she said.
"No thanks Sena,just in case you didn't know Lwazi is
done,the only thing we share is the baby and I'm going to
be there every step of the way"
"Lwazi what do you mean?" she asked.
"I mean I'm letting you be who you are,and who you
want to be.Just take care of my baby please,don't drink
Sena" I said looking at her.
She looked at me in disbelief,"You're dumping me? Oh
"Sena you know I don't like arguing or talking at all,so I'm
not going to sit here with you explaining why I'm
breaking up with you.You are old enough for me to teach
how to behave in a relationship.You are not a
relationship type and I've been fucked up in my life,I'm
not going to let you break my heart anymore I just want
my baby.You won't hurt me ever again,between us
kuphelile" I told her.
She started crying,I felt not even an ounce of sadness.If I
want to be happy in life I need to delete all those who
bring pain to my heart.
*Loyiso Narrated*
It saddens me to let her go like this.But after last
night,finding her brushing another man's dick,I decided
to take up Mr M's demand and break up with her.
I want her in my life,hell I do but she have to be
willing.I'm not a patient man,I'm not a big-hearted man,I
don't take shit.If I listen to my heart and stay with her I'm
going to end up hurting her and I don't want it to be that
way.So the best thing is I let her go clear her mind and
decide what she wants.Because no matter how much I
love her I can never make her stay if her mission is not
to.She told me love alone isn't marriage and she will do
what she wants,with who she wants,when she wants.I'm
gonna let her do just that.
She came just after I had my breakfast....with bruises.Belt
bruises if I must observe.Hell Muzi!!!!
"Hi" I said on my constable voice.
"Umhhh babe" she said smiling guiltily.
I'm Banger I don't beat about the bush.
"Why are you here? You and me are over"
"What?" she asked shocked.
"Yeah" I said and closed the door on her face.
*Thapelo Narrated*
"Give me my ring" I said as soon we got inside my house.
Ziphe has made it clear I'm a nobody to her.She is here
because of her father,otherwise she wouldn't have came
back to sort things out with me.She doesn't know what
love is and I'm too old to play chasing games.
"Aybo Thapelo" she said.
I grabbed her left arm and took the ring out.Who did I
think I was? Ziphe is just a kid who doesn't know what
she want in life.I'm the one forcing her to grow up.
I left her looking shocked and puzzled and went to collect
all her stuff from our room and packed them on her bags.
"This is where Thapelo part ways,go enjoy your young
years Ziphelele.Just know that I loved you with all my
heart." I said handing her bag.
"Thapelo wait"
"Bye Ziphelele" I told her and walked to my room.
Chapter 146 continues
Damn my uncles! We just got married and cuddling each
other as wife and husband and they are telling me to
come home at eleven.
I made love to my beautiful wife in our beautiful beach
house gifted by my DADDY then we went to get ready to
go home.
When we arrive it's not just after Sbu's wedding it after a
certain funeral.
Sena,Simtho and Ziphe were all curled on the kitchen
chairs crying.
"Hellooo" I said looking at them.
Nozipho was already upstairs looking for Sphiwo.I missed
that little man too but I need to find out what wrong
with my sisters first.
They didn't respond,each was wrapped on her own
"What's wrong girls?" I asked looking at them.
"They got dumped" Zethu said wiping the counter.
Wiping the counter...strange!
"Lwazi dumped me" Sena said,she was the most crying
I don't even want to know the reason,I know Sena was
the one on fault.
"Go apologise and beg him to take you back" I said.
"No they are fed up...everybody is fed up about us.Even
mom and dad" Ziphe said with hiccups.
"That's because you guys are such greedy hoes,I would
die just to have a man who look at me the same way
Thapelo does to Ziphe" Zethu yelled.
Fiki also came in,"Hello single ladies"
I wanted to crack but controlled myself.
"Maybe you guys need to change the way you carry
yourselves,you have people who think about you every
night before falling asleep" I told them.
"He is right,don't act like Zethu and I because for us
nobody cares,you guys breaks hearts.I know you haven't
seen much Ziphe but Thapelo is one-in-a-millions" Fiki
She have a crush on Thapelo,I observed that.She always
blushes when he talk with her.
"I love him so much,how do I live without him?" Ziphe
said crying.
"You don't live another hour without him,ring or no ring
you're his fiance" I told her.
I know Thapelo loves Ziphe.Through thick and thin he has
stood by her.He has proven to all of us that age is just a
"Wena Sena if you let that guy go,if you let Lwazi walk
away trust me you will die a single,wild pathetic
woman.That guy is kind,respectful,loving and hardest to
find" I said to Sena.
"Simtho you're worse,in just a month you've managed to
make the only guy who truly loves you run away?" I said.
"Okay we are hoes" Simtho said.
"That's right mtase,you guys are lost brainless bitches"
Zethu said.
"They are so pathetic" Fiki said.
I love my sisters.They are not those types that brush each
other's backs on hard times.
"You know what,I'm going to my man.Even if he doesn't
forgive me I will change and show him why he fell in love
with me and fucked me in the toilet the first day" Sena
said standing up.
"What?" we all said.
"Bye" she said and walked out in a hurry.
Did Lwazi fuck her in the toilet? Oh man that's so
"I also want my man back,the one that first kissed me as
a proof of not being gay" Simtho said.
Today we are discovering all the beginnings.
Now Zethu,Fiki and I looked at Ziphe for her beginning
"Don't look at me like that.The first day he was on
Zethu's party when you all went to buy drinks.I saw him
first,drinking beer from it's bottle and took it away from
him and poured it in the glass for him...he just stared at
me,then he told me I'm beautiful..then he stole my
kiss...then he stole my mind...then he stole my
heart.When he popped up at my school gate I tried
playing hard-to-get but failed,he already had captured
my heart.He asked me about my dreams and..."
"I kissed you again" he said standing on the doorway.
This is the most romantic one I must say.
We all turned to look at him.He had Ziphe's toiletry's bag
on his hand.
"Thapelo" Ziphe said with tears looking at him.
"You left this bag" he said.
Ziphe nodded and walked to him and took the bag.
Shame they look so sad.Nozi and I are never going to be
like this,we are matured and MARRIED.
When Ziphe took the turn to the lounge Thapelo dashed
to her and grabbed her and pinned her to the wall.
"I love you damnit!" he yelled and attacked her mouth
with a wild kiss.
We just watched shocked.Wtf is going on here?
Before we knew it Ziphe was on the floor Thapelo on top
of her kissing her like it's the end of the world.
Thapelo was moaning so loud that my father and uncles
walked down to check.
They had their mouth wide opened seeing Thapelo on
top of their daughter on the tiles devouring her mouth.
"I fucking love you,do you understand" he said and went
down on her mouth again.
Oh my God!!!
"Mokoena!!!!" My father shouted.
Who was he talking to? Mokoena just wrapped Ziphe's
legs around him and stood up their mouth still connected
and walked past us to the door moaning on Ziphe's
What just happened? We heard Thapelo's moans from
the kitchen as he walked to his car.
"I've never seen such a disrespecting person? Doing that
in front of his in-laws" uncle Thobela said.
And then....
"Gulukudu" he said jumping in.
Wait...he slept out?
"Nduku where are you coming from?" my dad asked.
He sang a short maskandi love song first,
"Next December I'll be the one saying those vows bafo"
he said to me.
"You found a girlfriend" uncle Mzi asked with happiness.
"I found my missing lung" he said.
I think they say missing rib.
"Who is it?" Zethu asked.
We all want to know which Durban girl fell for imbadada-
wearing Nduku.
"Her name is Phumla and so soon you will hear wedding
bowls" he said.
Really now? Wedding bowls.
Wait...he said who?
"Who?" I asked.
Oh that horny bitch again!
Chapter 147
*Lwazi Narrated*
After letting go of my heart I decided to go out and
freshen my mind.The only way to do that is to hang out
with Scott.Scott is my white loud colleague and friend.
He has been talking about his girlfriend since we
arrived.I'm just pretending to listen,my mind was
roaming places.I haven't touch the food I ordered.
Just as Scott was blabbling about his weekend I saw Sena
running towards us.
I thoughts maybe there was an emergency,everyone was
looking at her.
"Sena" I called nervously.
She just came around the table to me and fell down on
her knees,
"Please forgive me my love,I don't know what's wrong
with me I love you...please Madlala forgive me" she said
Everyone was silent and watching.
"Sena we talked" I said whispering.
What is she doing infront of people?
"I can't break up with you.I love you so much Madlala
please" she begged crying.
Not infront of people like this!
"Get up,we will talk in the house" I said.
She shook her head,"I'm not getting up here until you tell
me you love me....I still want to be with you,I love you,I
loved you the first day I saw your handsome face.You are
always on my mind and I won't survive knowing that you
will never kiss me again and cuddle me to sleep every
night" she said.
I exhaled,"People are looking at us"
"I don't care about people one man I care about is here
refusing to love me.Lwazi do you hate me?" she said
Of course not.
I stood up and went to lift her up.She nailed herself to
me and hugged me tightly.
"I love you....I love you please babe love me back" she
said crying on my chest.
I looked at Scott,the asshole was filming us.
She was crying so painfully,I sighed and wrapped my
arms around her.
"Don't cry like this" I said.
I shouldn't be forgiving her but damn this pathetic heart
of mine just beat for her.
"Okay I love you" I said.
She lifted her face to look at me,"Really?" she asked.
"Yes I never stopped but you hurt me Sena" I told her.
She sniffed,"I'm sorry,I promise I'm going to be the good
girlfriend,you won't regret loving me"
I nodded,she pulled me down and kissed me.I don't like
being kissed in public but hey this is Sena.
I kissed her back.Suddenly we heard a clapping of hands.
Oh these nosy people!
"That was so sweet bosslady,I can't wait to fight with my
girlfriend" Scott said.
Argh him!
*Loyiso Narrated*
Today I need to see Sbu's friend,Mandla.I haven't done
anything to the mad baby-snatcher.It's his baby that was
the mission he deserve to hear what this girl is saying.
I freshened up and dressed up to go.
When I walked out I bumbed to Simtho on the doorway.
"What are you....."
I didn't finish she threw her arms around me and stole
my mouth and hell-kissed me.
I pushed her away,but that fueled her she came back
with extra energy and pinned me to the wall.
"I love you" she said and took off her clothes.
What is wrong with her? I broke up with her.
"I'm yours,I don't care you've forgiven me or not.Come
take your place" she said and knelt on the floor her ass
"Simtho",that came out as a whisper.
"Come take your place Mbatha,I'm yours,nobody
else's.Take your palace Ndabezitha"
I swallowed,my little guy stiffened.I last got some before
the wedding.
"Simtho we broke up" I whispered my voice cracking.
"My knees are going to hurt soon" she said and spread
her buttocks apart giving me a clear view of her shaven
Nxa this beautiful bitch!
I stripped my jean off and hurried to my honey-pot.
Within three thrusts I was moaning,
"Fuck I love you Simtho" I said slamming inside with my
eyes closed.
Men think with their dicks,I know that now.
When we cum we both screamed our love for each other
and collapsed.
"You are a cheater" I told her wiping her wet thighs.
"Whatever but I love you with all my heart and I'm sorry
about last night.I promise it will never happen,thanks for
loving me"
She was so sincere I smiled and leaned to kiss her.
Later we made another round and parted.
I drove to pick Mr M...I mean Biyela then we drove to
He was sitting with his young girlfriend on the couch.
We greeted and asked him aside.
After telling him the whole story he said he suspect his
ex-wife.However we still needed him to go question the
lady why she thought he stole his baby,since he adopted
his daughter.
"Let me go change first" he said.
We walked back to sit on the couches waiting for him to
"Would you like anything to drink?" the girl asked.
"Just juice for me" I said then looked at Biyela.
He said nothing,he was just staring at her.
Is he blanking out?
"Baba" I said.
He nearly jumped up,he cleared his throat.
"Would you like anything to drink sir?" the girl asked
"No thank you MaDlamini"
Oh,MaDlamini right?
The girl stood up and walked out,his eyes followed her.
I chuckled,"Grootman no"
He looked at me,"Huh?"
"She is your son's best friend's girl.Trust me you don't
want Sbu hating you" I told him.
He exhaled,"I know"
He looked at me and nodded.
Chapter 148
*Mandla Narrated*
There is a lady who claims Aphentle is her baby and I
stole her from her.She looked disturbed but somehow
there was sincerity in what she said.I just don't
understand what's happening but hopeful Loyiso will find
closure soon enough.I will upgrade my security systems
for Aphentle's safety.The lady was set free,but she is
being watched by Biyela's people.
Today I spent the day with Aphe and my mom.But then I
can't sleep without seeing my loved one.
I bought her a chocolate slab and drove to her.
"Babe" I yelled walking through the door.
"Hey,Phumla is waiting for you in your study" she said
from the kitchen.
My first thoughts were,Oh God she is poisoning my
laptop,my chair and my files.
"Why did you let her in?" I asked.
"She said it urgent"
I walked to the study.I found her looking at Zanda's
picture.See now she want to poison her photo.
"What are you doing with Zanda's picture?" I asked from
the doorway.
"She is beautiful" she said smiling.
"You're pretty observant,what put you here today?"
"I found someone"
I laughed,"You did?"
"Mandla I'm serious,I love him and I think he loves me
too" she said.
I stopped laughing,
"Thanks for updating me,now I want to go spend time
with Zanda" I told her and turned around to go.
"Mandla there is something I need to tell you" she said.
I rolled my eyes and turned around.
"It's a serious conversation"
Phumla ; It's about Aphentle.
Not about co-parenting her!
Me. ; Right
Her ; Her adoption process wasn't clear.
Me. ; I know how we went through all the backs and
forths with social workers.
Her ; Not that.
Me. ; What?
Her. ; (exhales) You may not forgive me after this.
Me. ; Just spill the beans.
Her. ; She was my choice.
Me. ; Mxm!
Her ; Okay...I..I paid someone to get me a baby girl.
Me. ; You need to explain,lay it out for me.
Her. ; I paid a nurse to steal someone's newborn...and
the nurse told her her baby died and we kept the baby
somewhere and then said she was found in the bin.
I know Phumla is not 100% okay upstairs but this is
serious madness,she needs to be submitted in
Pietermaritzburg asap.
Me. ; Phumla I know you're not yourself and...
Her ; I then pitched up and requested to adopt the baby.
Me. ; You're not serious are you?
Her ; I'm dead serious.
Me. ; You went through sinful measures,and I hate that
you are so wicked and twisted and evil-hearted but
thanks for Aphentle.
Her : Her...her mother..when you took Aphentle away
from me I got angry and searched for her real mom and
told her you stole her baby.
Me. ; WHAT????
Her ; I gave her all the details about you,she is the one
who kidnapped Sphiwo thinking it's her daughter.
My head pounded,my heartbeats paced up.I'm stunned
by this woman who used to be my wife.
Me. ; Phumla I don't understand,are you trying to blind
me and take Aphentle away from me using this trick? You
sent her,she is your undercover hoe-sister.
Her ; I'm a bad person,I've hurt so many
people.Especially you.
Me. ; What do you mean by all of this?
Her ; Evett Khumalo want her baby,it was the only thing
that kept her going after her family and
boyfriend,Aphentle's dad,died.She wanted to look at
Aphentle as the proof of her strength to all she went
through in her life.But I took that away from her,I took
the only thing that meant something to her away (crying)
Me. ; No Aphentle is my baby.
Her ; She is not.
Her ; I'm sorry Mandla.
I slipped down on the carpet.What is happening? I'm
going to lose my daughter.
How can one person twist so many lives and put so much
misery in everyone?
"Aphentle is my daughter" I talked alone and nodded to
Nobody will take my daughter away,no one! But how
about the pain I'm putting the poor Evett under,for a
hundred times in her life? I'm just like death to her,I take
away her loved ones.
I raised my hand,"Not now Zanda"
"But I wanted to ask if you want me to wear that red bra
or the blue one with a matching panty"
I stood up,"I don't care what you wear,go away I need
space" I yelled at her.
She gasped then turned around and ran away.
I heard the door closing and wrapped myself in my
Chapter 148 continues
*Mandla Narrated*
I don't know how long I stayed on the floor thinking
about my life and all the pain Phumlile has inflicted in my
What she did to me is worse than the cheating.It's worse
than jail death sentence.
I stood up and walked to the kitchen and drank water.
Where is she?
"Babe" I shouted.
There was no Answer.I went to check for her in the
Damn! I shouted at her.
Maybe she is angry.I took out my anger on her.
Nervousness kicked in.Where would Zanda go in this
place? She doesn't know anyone.
I called her phone and it rang on top of the kitchen table.
I exhaled and walked out to look outside.
*Muzi Narrated*
I was driving to this Simtholile's man friend,Donald.These
boys decided to stay in the same neighbourhood and get
crazy together.I like their brotherhood though.
Just as I was driving past Mandla's driveway I saw Zanda
curled next to the pavement just opposite 'their' house.
She was crying.
I braked and turned right there back to where she was.
"MaDlamini" I said jumping out the car.
She lifted her head up and looked at me with tearful
eyes.My heart broke.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
She wiped her tears,"I'm just not feeling well"
That what Fikile was saying when her boyfriends broke
her heart.
"You can't stay here,it's not safe" I told her and gave her
my hand to hold and stand up.
She stood,"I..I'm sorry..."
"No it's nothing to be sorry about"
She looked at her feet and drew down,
"Umhhh...can I please get a lift to Ziphe" she asked shyly.
"Of course...but does Zungu know you're going?" I asked.
"He will be more than happy I did"
I'm no longer going to that boy's place,Mbatha will go
I drove back to the house,scared to say a single word to
Then after a while I cleared my throat,
"So how is Durban,I hear you just moved here" I said.
She smiled weakly,I hate to see her like this.
"It's good" that's all she said and looked out the window.
"If you ever need anything,anything at all,just know I'm
here" I told her.
"Thanks baba"
I exhaled and focused on driving.
When we arrived there was no one.Shit,I heard them
saying they were going to go to the beach.
"They just left" I said in frustration
She sat on the couch with disappointment.
"Can I have water before walking back?" she said.
Walking? Does she really think I'm heartless like that.
"I'll drive you back if you want me to,but you can stay
here as long as you want" I told her.
She nodded and walked to the kitchen.
I needed something for my heart beats speed.I needed
something for the sweating.
I waited for her to come back but she didn't and I went to
the kitchen to check and found her crying.
"Come here" I said pulling her arm and pressing her to
my chest and embracing her.
She cried on my chest,I closed my eyes and inhaled the
"Umhhh Zanda..."
We heard a person saying and turned around to find
Mandla looking at us.
I looked at him expressionlessly still holding Zanda.
"I came to look for her" he said.
Slowly Zanda removed her head from my chest.My little
honeymoon was over.
"What do you want from me?" she asked.
"Umhhh you left without letting me know"
"I was giving you space" she told him.
He cleared his throat,"I'm sorry I lashed out on you"
"It's okay,it is the story of my life.I always pay for sins I
never committed"
My hear broke again when she said that.
"I'm sorry Zanda"
"Don't be,right now I also need space."
Mandla looked at her and shook his head like an
"No I can't give you that,you can't leave me"
What? Is this boy crazy? He must respect her decisions.
"You can't tell me that" Zanda said.
Yes he can't,I mentally seconded that.
"No you can't...I'm already losing my daughter,I'm losing
my're my queen you can't leave me too,I
refuse.I refuse to have no happiness in
Zanda you can't leave me,I deserve at least one drop of
happiness in my life" he said with a crying voice but there
was no tears.He was crying from the inside.
"What do you mean you're losing your daughter?" Zanda
He slid down and sat on the tiles,
"She was never mine,now they want her.They didn't
deserve this,I didn't deserve all this pain.I wanted a clean
adoption,but no now I have to let go of my princess"
Within a second Zanda was next to him,hugging him.
"Sorry my love" she said touching his head.
"You are the only one that can make me happy,please
don't ever leave me.I love you Zanda" he said.
She nodded and they kissed.
Mandla deserve her,he deserve this happiness and I
know I can't take this away from him.He's been through a
I watched them,instead of jealousy I felt approval.This is
where they belong,together.
"I wish you luck my children" I said.

Chapter 149
Please note that I,Sbusiso Biyela, got a ring around my
left hand finger as I type now onwards.
Nozi and I haven't got our honeymoon getaway.Nozipho
refuses to go with a big stomach, she says she want to
flaunt on her bikinis on her honeymoon. I'm not ready for
honeymoons either,my best friend is going through a
rough patch.He is compelled to give away his baby
Phumla has been arrested.I hope she spend 100+ years in
jail.Now we eat our food without having to inspect it
with microscopes and binoculars.
Today is the day Evett comes for her daughter.She will be
meeting Aphentle for the first time. I feel more sorry for
her.Imagine being on her stilettos,believing your baby is
dead while she is alive and being declared as a dustbin-
dumped infant.
Mandla and Nozipho has locked themselves upstairs all
morning.We know they are still alright as Nozi keep
texting Don to bring her the doughnuts every now and
Thandiwe is collecting all Aphentle's favourite toys and
clothes,she is not talking either.Anthony is also
here,holding her hand now and then.
As for Aphentle, she has no idea whether it's Monday or
Friday.She doesn't care,she doesn't know, she is just
playing and smashing things one more times.
I think Zanda is also somewhere in the rooms crying.
"They are here" Lwazi said coming from the main door.
Many sighs were audible.
A tall guy walked in,followed by Evett.
"Good day" the tall guy greeted.
We all had no strength to greet back so we just nodded.
"My name is Thabiso Gumbi,this lady was my late
brother's girlfriend" the guy said.
Thapelo cleared his throat, "You can sit down... Ziphe go
fetch Mandla"
Just as Ziphe walked out Aphentle baby-stepped in
followed by Zanda.
She just looked around and saw me then came towards
"Is this her? Oh Shembe she look like Sabelo,look at her
eyes" the tall guy,I mean Thabiso said standing on his
He does resemble Aphentle somehow.
Mandla walked down followed by his mother,Nozipho
and Ziphe.
His mother greeted and they all sat down. Aphentle saw
her "dada" first and ran to him.
Mandla scooped her and put her on his lap.This is their
last moment.
"She is so grown, my brother's princess.His only wish was
to hold her the moment she arrived, unfortunately it
never happened" Thabiso said looking at Aphentle with
Thandiwe cleared her throat, "We are sorry about
"We know it was never your intention.Thank you for
raising her up,we are so sad to take her away but we
have to,she is ours" Thabiso said.
"We know" Thandiwe said.
"Can I hold her?" Thabiso asked.
Mandla just blanked out and said nothing.
I went to Mandla and took Aphentle then gave her to
"Hello Queen" he said pressing Aphentle on his chest.
"Her name is Aphentle" Nozipho said with puffy eyes.
"To the Gumbi's she is a queen,we will call her Queen she
will get used to it" Thabiso said and kissed Aphentle's
I stole a glance at Mandla,he looked absentminded.
Don sighed,"So...ya,this is it!"he said looking at Mandla's
mom dragging a little pink suitcase and a big toy bag.
"Aphe come to daddy one last time" Thapelo said and
went to take Aphentle from Thabiso.
After Thapelo we all took turns to say goodbye to our
beloved daughter.
"Mandla they want to go,say goodbye" Zanda told
Mandla just held Aphentle tightly and said nothing.
"Mandla" his mother called him.
He snapped back, "She like to be sung to before
Thabiso nodded, "I'll gladly do that"
"She doesn't like green vegetables...make sure she have
her hairbands on every night because she will check
them the first thing in the morning"
That just brought tears to Zanda and Thandiwe.
"Let's not accompany the child with tears,you'll make her
sick.This is not the end,we will see her again" Anthony
"It won't be the same baba" Nozipho said wiping her
"Make sure you don't give her too much sweets" Mandla
He stood up and took a pink fluffy teddbear from the bag
and gave it to Aphentle.
"This is her favourite teddbear" he said.
We exhaled and looked at him walking to Evett with
"Take care of her,please" he said kneeling down before
Evett haven't said a word,she doesn't look present at all.
"Eve" Thabiso called.
She looked at him and blinked.
"Take your daughter" Mandla told her.
She pulled out her hands but they trembled and fell
"It's okay Eve,just hold her" Thabiso said.
She exhaled and tried again with tears,they fell again.
"You're her mother, hold her" Zanda said.
She nodded and tried again, this time she managed to do
I think she said "hello Queen".We all watched as she held
her daughter for the first time.
"I'm sorry" Mandla said and sat on the carpet with his
head buried on his hands.
"This is not goodbye, you can come see her anytime you
want" Thabiso told Mandla.
He didn't lift his head up,he nodded right there.
"Goodbye,thank you boManzini" Thabiso said and lifted
the powerless Evett up.
This is it for Mandla, I think the only strength he can have
from now on will come from Zanda.
Zanda went to sit down next to him and embraced him.
"This is definitely not Mandla's year" Don blurted out of
the blue.
So much for consolation!
Chapter 150
We don't know what gender the babies are,we are
keeping it a surprise. I'm praying they be boys, imagine
having three boys of almost age.
"Babe come see this" Nozipho said on the kitchen chair
flipping through a magazine.
Baby clothes again,sighs!
"Mhhhh" I said looking at the small white baby jumpsuit
or rompa.
"This is better because white can be worn by any gender"
she said.
She sighed,"Okay,go do whatever you were doing I'll do
this on my own.I'm on my own anyway"
"Hawu babe,we've been doing this since last week"
She clicked her tongue and stood up and walked out.
"Mama" I called.
She ignored me and walked away. I thought her
pregnancy moods would've changed by now,she is nearly
seven months.
I decided to call Donald to come over and give me some
I sat in front of the TV and watched Trevor Noah's stand-
up show.Lol this guy is funny,I kept cracking up with
I wanted his company not chaos! He walked in followed
by all my guys.
"Mnumzane" he said.
Ever since I got married they tease me by giving me
honouring names, like mnumzane,bab'wekhaya,Biyela
and myeni wakhe.
"Who called all of you here?" I asked others.
Who was I talking to,they all scattered around the house
looking for any swallow-able thing.Even the brothers-in-
"Hey nina Lwazi noThapelo this is your brothers in-law's
house show some respect" I shouted.
"Ay soon I'll be filling these fridges with beef be nice"
Lwazi said pouring himself a juice.
Next week he is coming to pay ihlawulo,thumbs up to all
the guys who do that.I mean he is even paying the
virginity's cow for Sena.In Zulu we call girls like Sena
'umakadebona',I'm just kidding she is my innocent sister.
"I'm also going to pay millions for your sister,I might as
well do as I please with the Biyela stuff" Thapelo said.
"And you Loyiso when are you coming to pay for my
girl?" Don asked.
Loyiso isn't used to this madness yet,he just chuckled and
sat on the couch.
"Leave Mbatha alone, when are you getting yourself a
girlfriend?" I asked.
"He is cursed,when was the last time you had sex?"
Mandla asked.
He is better now,thanks to Zanda's presence, this guy
should've committed suicide.
Don grinned, "None of your business fucker!"
We all laughed.He is dry.
While we were still laughing we heard Nozipho
screaming my name upstairs. Talk about a disrespectful
"Sbusiso man!!!" she shouted, shaking the walls.
The assholes laughed at me, I sighed and walked up to
choose baby clothes from the magazines.
"Yes mama" I said.
She bent down and slipped by the bed to the floor and
"Babe what's wrong?" I asked panicking.
"It hurt" she said.
I bent to her, "Nozipho what's wrong? Where does it
"My bladder,my stomach, my back"
That many places,this is not a flu.
"Okay stand up so I can give you painblocks you know
you're too heavy for me to lift" I said taking her hand.
She gave me one hot slap.What the fuck wifey??
"Nozi man" I said rubbing my cheek.
"My water just broke"
"What water?" I asked.
God please don't let her lose her mind,I prayed.
Chapter 150 continues
"My water broke Sbu" she cried and held her waist in
"Doooooon" I called.
Don came in a minute and asked what's wrong.
"Her water broke,bring her another glass of water...and
painkillers they are on the third drawer" I told him.
He frowned and looked at the crying Nozipho on the
"What's going on Sbu?" Mandla asked walking in
followed by others.
"She is in pain and she broke her water" Don said.
"Fuck!" Loyiso said and pushed me aside and lifted her
on bed.
She is my wife,I was going to lift her up.
"I'll take it from here" I told him.
He took Sphiwo's face towel and fan her,
"Go get her bag and start the car,she is in labour" he
What? We all looked at each other.
"No she is not,she is still two months away" I told him.
"Please Sbu I'm in pain" she said in painful whisper.
"But you... you meant Oh my God!!" I said my
mind running around.
"Oh she is having prematured babies,go start the car
Thapelo we will carry her" Don said and took Nozi's legs.
God no! I want to have fully-grown babies,not those tiny
ones that stays in jars for months.
Lwazi ran to take the bags,at least we did shop for them
a few things.
Thapelo ran to start the car,me and Don lifted Nozipho
all the way to the car.
"Ay Thaps,Ay man! Why my Ciara Mara hhe? What if my
tyres punch?" Don said as Thapelo reversed his new car
to us.
He named his car Ciara because it moves flawless like
"Fuck you" Nozi cursed him from our arms.
I got on the back with Nozi, Thapelo drove with Don in
the front, the others followed behind.
She was taken to a certain room and strapped with black
belts around her stomach. A big sound came out from
the machine near,and spilled out papers.
"That's their heartbeats" the doctor told me.
"What? Their heartbeats are like that, beating so loud?" I
asked shocked.
He ignored me and pointed at the scale on the smaller
machine near Nozi,
"Her contractions are close"
"What does that mean?" I asked.
"She is about to give birth"
"But we came here so that you can stop her from giving
birth, the babies aren't fully grown" I shouted at him.
"She is having twins, premarital labour is common for
twin-carriers.It will be alright" he said and jotted
something on the file then called the nurse.
They unstrapped her and wheeled her to another bed.A
male nurse came in and put on the gloves and walked to
"I'll need you to spread your legs apart" he said lifting her
legs up.
I'm not a doctor but I can assure you that my Bp and
sugar level risen that time.
I started sweating, "Whoah ndoda,what are you doing?"
"Sbu just shut up" Nozi said spreading her thighs.
What the fuck???
"I'm just checking if her womb has widen enough" he
said and touched Nozi's private part,no my private part.
"Nigga no! Fuck off" I said and pushed him away.
I paid millions for this vagina.
Nozi cried louder, "Please help me"
She was covered in sweat,breathing hard.She was in so
much pain,my heart ached.
They changed the nurse and brought a female one.They
kept saying her contractions are close but her womb isn't
Nozipho was crying so painful I found my eyes wetting
"Doctor do something please" I said.
"If she doesn't deliver within the next 10minutes we will
be compelled. to save the babies and perform a C-
I prayed like never before, but Jesus was still checking
out Drake's new album so He never heard me.Ten
minutes passed and Nozipho didn't deliver.
My worst nightmare came,they were going to cut her
stomach in two pieces.
They told me I'm not welcome inside but I forced my
way,I wasn't going to let her go under the surgery alone.
They injected her and told me she won't feel anything
from her waist downwards.
I held her hand outside the glass she was in.
What are those sharp things they have in that trolley?
"Oh no!" I said looking at the nurses.
She looked at me with a frown.
"I think they are going to use those silver sharp scissors
and knives" I said my eyes all out.
"What???" she exclaimed.
"They are coming... are those screwdrivers?" I said
looking at the silver trolley the nurse pushed.
"Nooooo!!!" Nozi yelled.
The nurses looked at each other then looked at my
"You'll have to excuse us,we can't work with you here"
one nurse said.
"No,I want to see them coming out" I said.
"We will call you, you are only scaring her" the doctor
I sighed and stood up and left.
My whole chaotic family was crowded on the chairs
Each minute I waited contained 560seconds.My patience
grew out,my knees were shaking.
What if she doesn't make it?Or the babies don't make it?
"Relax son" Anthony said.
After a good while a nurse came to call me.
"Is it done?" I asked running after her.
When I arrived there were so many people wearing
white around her, I panicked.
"She is alright, go meet your daughters,there they are"
the doctor said.
My daughters? I have daughters,I am "Baba kaGirl".
"They are in these jars?Why all these machines on them"
I asked nervously.
"They came out early, we have to keep them in the
incubators until they are fully grown" the doctor told me.
They looked so tiny and scary.
Oh fuck it I'm so happy.
My princesses.
After everything Nozipho was stitched and taken
out.Then my family was called in.
The hospital became chaotic above perseverance.
"What are their names?" Zanda asked with obvious
Their names...whose father am I?
"Umhhh...I don't know" I said then looked at Nozipho.
She was not okay but she was smiling with a sleepy face.
Nx they told me she must rest and we are making her lot
of noise.
Lydia walked in with Sphiwo and Junior and ululated.
"You're grown my boy,you're a man...Sphiwo you're a big
brother" she said.
"Where are the girls?" Junior asked.
"There they are" Don pointed for him.
"Oh,they look like dolls" he said with a big frown.
"They are human, they will grow up" I told him.
Then with her big belly she walked in chewing
"Where is Liyanda and Ayanda?" she asked.
Where was she all this time anyway.
"Who?" Lwazi asked what we all wanted to know.
"My nieces,Liya and Aya..oh there they are!..hello
auntie's princesses, you need to grow up fast so that
auntie can do your eyebrows nicely huh! I'll design you
your mini pink purses next week okay?" she said bending
over them.
This is exactly how I imagined having baby girls in my
Anyway I now father two babygirls,Liya and Aya.
Chapter 151
There are times when you take a look back at your life
and ask yourself,how did I get here?
I looked at my beautiful wife lying next to me with Liya
on her chest and Sphiwo on her left arm.Aya is a daddy's
girl,she slept on my chest all night.
This is the first night they are home,her and the twins
spent two months in hospital. Sphiwo really gave me and
Thandiwe a hard time,the nigga is such a mama's boy.
Thinking back to where we come from make me wonder
why is God so mysteriously amazing to me.
Finding my identity was such a hard mission.I looked at
my tattoo,this is where I pasted Thembi As much as I
want to hate her but she is my mother and everyone
deserve forgiveness.
GBS;Grow up,Bless,Succeed.
That was her wish for me and I've done exactly that.She
did not want me,she did not raise me but she raised me a
wife,a strong beautiful confident woman.For that I'm
grateful to her.
My girls just forced me to acknowledge her,they are
everything like her.Every time I look at Aya or Liya I just
see her.My mother,very beautiful woman.
Aya moved as I was still roaming the mountains I've
crawled on in order to be here.
I rocked her back to sleep. I don't know when I'm getting
my wife and space back from these kids.Just the thought
of those fresh thighs under that nightdress make me
wanna send these kids to their cots and drown in my
honeypot.Mxm kids!
Speaking of kids I need to call Don first thing when I wake
up.I need to know how Junior's case went.He beat
another boy of his grade into pulp,the poor boy was sent
to clinic due to swelling.
Beside Junior being a brat and Bruce Lee and all that Don
has done a great job on being a parent,a single
parent.Nobody knew he had it in him.
Ever since Junior came he has slowed down on clubbing
and girls.The last time he dated was late last year,with
Wendy.I doubt he even does casual sex,he is just bottled
in and pushing life.Simtho is always there for him,they
are close, too close.Loyiso has accepted that.
When we ask him why he is not dating anyone, I mean
Don is a catch broe,excuse my gayness.
"Love is not for everyone, some will win some will lose"
that what he always reply with.
I know deep down he is broken,his self-esteem has been
damaged.He is not the Don we know. All of us are in love
and he is not.He feel left out whenever we discuss our
women and sex lives.
Sena and Lwazi's sexlife takes the crown.I don't know
why Lwazi had to choose such a crazy soul.Now that she
is pregnant she is 3× crazy and dramatic, but Lwazi loves
her with all he's got he put up with her.
Oh and he did fill our fridges with beef.The last time I
went to the butchery for beef was three months
ago.Although his father wanted to cause a chaos about
lot of money my father was charging them but
everything went well.
And as you know my sister is dramatic, to her it was just
her wedding day.She was wearing by a certain stylist, her
hair was tied up with a huge flower.We had to remind
her it just ihlawulo and she asked if Fiki got any,so yeah
she is the luckiest girl in the family.
On Thapelo's side I don't know.Him and Ziphe are such a
nuisance. We hardly see them during weekdays.Ziphe is
in university,Thapelo drives her and fetch her in the
afternoons. She doesn't dress in leggings like other
nineteen years varsity girls.She wear long
dresses,coats,high heels and a ring.I don't know whose
idea it is but Ziphe seems settled and enjoying wifey life.
My little sister has just grown so fast in front of my
eyes.She is not that little cuddle-buddy anymore. The
girls don't tease her anymore, instead they run to her for
advices.Me too.She has taken Fiki's place and Fiki has
taken hers.I don't know what kind of life Fiki is living. Her
kids stays at home, she doesn't care, she doesn't have a
boyfriend, she is just Fiki and immature.
"Gosh you're such a dumb"
I snapped back from my zone.
"You're awake" I said and shifted Aya to my arm and
stretched my head to her and kissed her cheek.
"Ten minutes ago and you didn't even notice me laying
Liya down.Where are you?" she said looking at me with
those Mandla-like big eyes.
I remember the first time and I blush.
Wtf Sbusiso? Men don't blush over thoughts!
"Oh my God!" she said laughing.
"Fuck..I love you Nozi man"
She stopped laughing and looked at me with a serious
"Not as much as I love you,my rude boy"
I grinned,"You're such a grudgeholder,watch Sphiwo's leg
over Liya's arm "
She rolled her eyes,"This nigga better learns that he need
to share his mommy" she said moving Sphiwo's leg
slowly then kissing his sleeping face.
"He is such a danone,he must sleep in his room now he is
She gave me one of the hell-sending glare,"Sphiwo is so
little,he can't sleep alone yet.What if he covers his nose
with blankets and can't breath? No,he will sleep in his cot
in this room."
I grunted angrily,"Oh oh oh"
"There will be no sex Mr Biyela until the girls are four
months old"
"You're kidding, right?" I asked shocked to the balls.
"Nope,my mom and Nontombi pulled me by my ears"
Fuck those oldies!
"No,I'll only leave this week only" I told her.
She bursted out laughing, "It what happens when you
shoot your sperm to someone's egg"
When is Bokomo Haram coming to South Africa? I want
to die before I die of sexually causes!
"They won't know, come on MaZungu in two weeks at
least" I begged.
She just giggled and stood up,
"Don't masturbate in front of my kids,I'm going to warm
their milk before they wake up.Make sure they don't cry
or press on another" she said and walked to the
Fatherhood is not egg and cheese I tell you.It was like
they were waiting for their mother to walk out,they
woke up seconds apart and started wailing.
"Okay Sphiwo you're a big boy don't cry like this I need to
shush Aya too" I said trying to calm Sphiwo down.
Liya screamed too.Sphiwo got up and crawled to the
edge of the bed,nearly falling. Geez!
"Liyanda calm down baby okay,daddy is here"
Oh hell,these 3kids mustn't do this to me.Sphiwo was
just showing off,wanting to crawl out of bed by forces.
"Is everything alright?" she asked rushing through the
"Yeah everything is amazing, please take this boy down
on the floor. He must do as he pleases because he
doesn't listen to me when I tell him he will fall and get
She bursted out laughing, "Oh babe,he is not even a year
old.He can't hear you,he just want what he wants or else
he cries"
I exhaled out as she also took the girls and fed them.As
for Sphiwo he was already smashing something on the
floor.I wonder if that isn't my phone?
"What is he smashing?" I asked Nozi.
She looked, "Uhmm..the blackberry"
"Oh this young man" I said kicking off the blankets
rushing to him.
Having lot of kids isn't Steers' ribs,I never thought being a
householder could be this hard.
Speaking of which I need to go shop HER cosmetics,
After bathing and bathing the kids we then had our
"Mhhh" she replied mouthful.
"I want the kids to visit their granny"
She nodded,"I will just lay our lunch in the garden then"
she said.
"I mean,my real mother.Thembi"
She choked and coughed, "Excuse me?"
"I want our kids to go visit her grave"
She put her fork down, "Why? It's not like she will
care,let her rest the dead unmemorable bitch"
"She loved you" I said.
"No,she used me to save her marriage"
I exhaled, "She loved you.Yes,she did all the namable
evils in the world but Nozipho she loved you.We need to
free her,we need to let go"
She just looked at me.
"Please Nozi,I need her to know I've forgiven her. I need
her to know she's got grandchildren, she raised me a
wife.I need her blessing and her to watch over her
grandchildren, they are hers no matter what"
She sighed,"Okay"
"Okay?" I asked.
She nodded,"Ya,we can take them to her around
lunchtime "
"Thank you my love,it means a lot to me"
She smiled, "You're such a blessing, Mam' Vee named
you right"
I chuckled, "The unidentified blessing"
"It has been identified now,uBiyela,uMgazini omuhle"
Okay let me not blush!
"You look so adorable when you're blushing,you remind
me of Vivi's spoilt,cheesy boy" she said laughing.
I put on a serious face,"Oh she had a cheeseboy?"
"Ya,the one she ran a bath for,ironed for,woke up in the
mornings, made breakfast in bed,cuddled,made.."
"Okay fine you've made your point" I said laughing.
My aunt,my everything.May her soul rest in peace.
Around lunchtime we got ready for the road.My girls had
their white dresses on and Sphiwo was wearing navy
pant and t-shirt and small boots.
I got in the front and started the engine, "I love you
faaam" I told them.
"That's so Senamile" Nozi said.
I laughed and drove to the cemeteries.
I wasn't there when she got buried,I was still in jail.I've
never visited her grave,never even thought of it until her
replicas (twins) came.
Nozi tensed up and put the kids on the grass next to the
I didn't know where to start,I scratched my head.
"Ma we've came to bring you your grandkids.It's Sphiwo,
Ayanda and Liyanda...I hope you like them" I said looking
at her tombstone.
I exhaled and continued,
"I know you and I parted on bad terms,but I've forgiven
you...I want you to rest in peace...and thanks for not
throwing me in the dustbin or on the railway...please
watch over my wife and kids"
Nozi brushed my shoulder and handed me a bunch of
flowers. I took out three flowers and made each kid put
on top of the grave.
Nozi also walked next to me and put on her flowers, "I
know you loved lillies,thank you Thembi.Thank you for
raising me up" she said that teary.
We hugged for a long time until we heard Sphiwo wailing
far near.
This boy has crawled to the next tomb and trying to
stand up by it.
"Whose tomb is that? Ayi wena mfana" I said walking to
Oh man! Junior's mother. Don's babymama was laid
Chapter 152
Thapelo Narrated
I'm married.Soon after Sbu's wedding I sent my lobola
and all other Zulu necessities to the Biyela and asked for
the wedding date. Ziphe and I tied a wedding knot on the
8th of April.
She is studying,I'm working.Life has been good.My sister
has visited us twice and she was present on my wedding
as well as my long-lost aunt.
In my life I've never dreamt I'll be where I am today.I
proved the devil wrong, I am destined for happiness.
Ziphelele Mokoena is my everything. She is so matured
right now it scares me.At the age of nineteen she is able
to juggle wifey duties,school and sisterhood.She is the
best thing that has ever happened to me.
I looked at her breaking the eggs into a bowl still on her
"You know we can get a maid" I said.
She didn't even turn around she just adjusted her pan,
"I rather do this on my own. My house and husband are
my duties" she said.
I smiled, "Okay mama"
She chuckled, "You are copying my brother"
I laughed, ever since Sbu got married he calls Nozi mama.
"He copied your dad,so actually this is trending" I said.
"He is such a sad said you want fully toasted?"
"Whatever you're having" I replied looking at her ass.
"Okay...are you coming home late today?"
I just looked at her ass.I last had some three days ago,she
is on her periods.
She turned around,"Huh?"
I looked at her face, "Huh"
She rolled her eyes,"Geez! What are you looking at? "
"My ass" I told her.
"My ass or your ass?" she asked.
"Your ass,my ass,our ass" I said smiling.
"No can do's" she said and turned back to the stove.
"Ziphe" I said on the lowest voice ever.
"The robot is closed"
Only if she takes her prevention pills,but no she still want
to fall pregnant. I've made peace with that,we always
keep on trying.
Getting her periods is a nightmare. Sometimes I sleep on
an empty stomach when she get her periods.She get so
moody and sad,I don't know what it will take for me to
shoot her up but I can always ask Lwazi for advice. I hear
he scored on the first day,in the toilets lol.
"No Thapelo" she said.
I stood up and went to where she was and wrapped my
arms around her.
"Please Mme Mokoena,there are no traffic cops I'll just
speed past the robot" I said leaning my head on her neck.
She bursted out laughing, "Yooh! I have no idea what I
I pouted and kissed her neck.She cocked her head aside
and moaned.
Here we go,I mentally said with a smile.
I started massaging her hips.The eggs burnt,I passed my
hand and turned the stove off.
I turned her around and kissed her soft lips.
"Do you want to?" I asked.
She nodded,I smiled and carried on with a kiss.
I then scooped her to the couches and laid her down and
slipped off her pyjamas.
"Not that, I'll go to the bathroom" she said closing her
"No I'll undress you babe,you don't disgust me you know
"No babe, this is embarrassing" she said getting up.
I dragged her back and forced her legs apart and drew
down her panty.
"I'm your husband Ziphe not your brother. This part of
your body specially belongs to me, just relax Thapelo
loves all of you okay?"
She exhaled and nodded.
There wasn't so much blood,I took the pad out and went
to throw it in the bathroom bin and put her panty in the
basket.Then I wet a towel and went to clean her.
"See,that wasn't hard" I said looking at her embarrassed
She just smiled, I went down on her for a deep
affectionately kiss.
"I love you Mrs Mokoena" I whispered on her neck.
"I love you let's do this" she said wrapping
her legs on my waist.
I chuckled, "You're such a bitch"
She laughed, "Lydia told me to be your everything. Your
wife,your sister, your mother, your friend and your bitch"
Lydia though!
"Okay my bitch"
She slapped my head, "I'll just get up from this couch and
hunger you for a week"
What? I quickly positioned myself and kissed her.
She laughed between the kiss and sent her hand to my
manhood and massaged it.
We had two hot rounds.They don't lie if they say women
on periods make the hottest sex.
"Fuck,that was one of the best love-making I ever had" I
said pulling out with my dick covered in blood.
She grinned, "I thought the virginity breaking was the
"It was but you were crying,this time you was screaming -
Oh oh baby yes Mokoena"
She giggled, "Go to hell"
We went to the shower together and then went out for
"I better get ready for my first class, when are you going
to work?" she said taking out her sandals.
"At ten"
"Okay come help me choose what to wear"
I grunted, "Ayi babe I'm not your stylist or Zethu"
She looked at me,"Okay I'll just wear my bumshort and a
"What? No ways" I said frowning.
"I have no choice"
"Okay fine"
We went and chose a black dress and cream stilettos and
"You look great" I admired.
"I know, I look like one of the lecturers." she said
respraying her perfume.
"Nah you look greater than the lecturers"
She smiled proudly, "You should see how jealous the
female ones look at me,and the males one just drool all
over me"
"Oh" I said my face reshuffling.
"But I'm Mrs Thapelo Mokoena, they see the diamond
here" she said waving her hand.
I forced a smile, "They better"
She rolled her eyes,"You're something else,do you have
to be like this? "
I exhaled, "I love you too much, it's annoying I know"
"No babe I don't mean that.I just want you to relax,I
married you.I love you, please just stop with the
unnecessary insecurities"
I sighed, "I know, I'm sorry. I just can't help it you're too
beautiful and perfect"
She smiled, "And you're too handsome"
I leaned forward and kissed her cheek.She is my forever.
I chose the right one and I want to die showing my love
to her.
I,Thapelo Mokoena love Ziphelele Mokoena with
everything in me.
Chapter 152 (continues)
*Donald Narrated*
Life happened. Life changed my life.Out of the blue I am
a father.I actually enjoy fatherhood. Teaching my son all
the things my uncle taught me when I was young is fun.
After a lot of begging and whining my parents flew to SA
to meet Junior. After meeting him my dad didn't want to
leave the country at all but my mother assured him that
they will go to Jamaica and come back for good after
that.She is something else,travelling is the most
important thing to her,it's above even her family.
Life has humbled me,the only fun I get is with my guys or
my son.I don't party anymore and I don't miss it at all.
Umhhh.. I don't have a girlfriend, it just me and my son.I
don't know how I feel about that.My heart have no gap
but it does have a longing.
I've seen Wendy a few times after our breakup,we do
exchange a few words.She looks great but I've accepted
that she never loved me.
About Kitha,my heart will forever be indebted to her.She
was my all,she gave me all but we had little time.
My heart is at peace now that I know where she is lying. I
frequently take Junior to her.He knows that his mommy
is in heaven watching over us.I don't know what
happened to her but I know her father was involved and
he also died few months after her. God is great!
Speaking of God,
"Oh My God,really?"
She is here,for the third time today.Don't get me wrong I
love Simtho and her presence but she has to make time
for that cop too.
"What is it?" I asked looking at her beaming face.
She gasped to the caller and then screamed so loud.
I waited for her to finish the call and then asked again.
"What is it?"
She looked at me,"Guess what?"
Geez!This girl.
"A new mascara has been invented" I said.
She laughed,"No silly! I am Mamncane kaQuinton"
"Who is Quinton?" I asked.
"My nephew" she said with a silent 'duh'
"O..k..a..y" I said.
She shook her body excitedly,"We have to go now,I want
to hold him"
"Hold who?"
"Geez Don! I just told you Sena has given birth"
She did?
"Don't lie" I said shocked.
"His name is Quinton"
OMG! Why do I feel like flying to the hospital? Why do I
feel like jumping and screaming? God is great.
"Let's go drop Junior at Lydias and go there" I said and
ran to Junior's room to collect his things and then packed
his snacks.
On the way we were all beaming with joy.More than
anyone I was happy for Lwazi. Now he's got his
guaranteed little family.
"I can't believe that bitch gave birth on her own" Simtho
said as we drove to the hospital after dropping Junior off.
"She is stronger than she looks" I told her.
"I'd rather be like Nozipho than to have a stitched pussy"
I bursted out laughing, "Who told you it's stitched?"
"I know, only bitches with big holes can push heads out
without struggling on their first time"
Where do we dump crazy people?
"I think it depends on the baby's head not vagina's size" I
said laughing.
"Why are we even discussing vaginas,you are single as a
fuck.A word vagina can flood you with lot of feelings" she
said giggling.
"Oh" I said disappointedly.
"When was the last time you got between a woman's
legs?Three months ago or so,I tell you babe that is not
Can we drop this uncomfortable topic already?
I just exhaled and drove.
"Nothing satisfy me like pulling his dreads while he is
dancing on top of me" she said.
She cleared her throat, "Are you okay?"
I glanced at her and nodded,"Yeah ngi-right"
"You horny?" she asked.
God,I laughed out.
"You are such a fucked up woman" I said laughing.
She giggled, "I'm not, I'm just asking because you look
suddenly tense"
I exhaled, "Wouldn't you,if no one loved you?"
"Man..we love you, we're here"
I rolled my eyes,"You're with Loyiso, Sbu and Thapelo are
with their wives,Mandla have a loving girlfriend and
Lwazi have Sena. I'm the only one Simtho, I know you all
feel sorry for me now "
She sighed,"That's not fair Don, you are not even looking
or hooking up"
"I don't want to, I want to fall in love with someone not
with someone's beauty and body.I want to know how it's
like to wake up every morning with a smile on my face
because there is someone by my side"
"You will, in time Don" she said.
I exhaled, "Enough about my whining, how is Zethu?" I
said changing the sour mood.
"Oh that bitch,I hope she get 60days periods" she said.
Their ongoing beef is exhausting.
"Are you guys still fighting?" I asked.
"She started it,she is the one who will end it"
I chuckled, "You know sometimes you have to be a bigger
"Please don't. I ain't talking shit with her"
"Okay, I rest my case"
"You better"
I glanced at her and smiled. As stubborn and crazy she is
but I still want the best for her.Nothing but happiness.
"You know I want to see you smile everyday?" I said.
She smiled, "Of course"
I nodded and put on her Christina Aguellera.She smiled
and sang along,badly,I know she doesn't have Sbu's
complete set of genes in the singing category.
Chapter 152 continues
*Lwazi Narrated*
God has a purpose for everyone's life. Today I'm crowned
Quinton's father.I made a life,I've been given a special
purpose for living.
He is so tiny,his hair is silky and curled. Sena said he took
my hair, it curled because he is a baby but once he grows
it will be afro like mine.Ok mom always knows best.
Mom? I can't believe someone is going to call Senamile
Biyela 'mom'.
As happy as I am for Quinton I still can't believe my girl
went through such a hard time.I was there from the first
contraction,I held her hand throughout the labour
procedure. I think I'm gonna need a special psychological
session in order to sleep. For now I ain't dreaming about
getting her pregnant again,maybe we will adopt
Quinton's siblings I don't know.
Nonhle actually came to the hospital shortly after the
baby came,I don't know who told her,maybe it's
Wendy.They will make mean aunties...I'm joking they've
changed, they are sweet now.We've put the past behind
us,we're family after all.
As you guessed my father and his witch-wife never came.
He sent me a please call,I guess that was the best he
could do.I'll just call him later,for now my true family is
here rejoicing over the baby, my son.
"Are you sure he is not an albino?"
That's Zethu's question to me and Sena.I've made peace
with her, she was born like this and she will die like
this.No number of goats can be slaughtered to change
her and her common sense.
"What's the fuck? No" Sena said looking at Quinton
"No baby,he took after his father.Can't you see how
yellow he is? He is just too yellow because he is an infant,
don't worry" Nontombi said brushing Sena's head.
"Such a caring granny" Biyela teased.
Nontombi looked at him frowning, "I'm not a granny, I
just have babies who have babies"
Everyone laughs.
"Congratulations man" Sbu said out of the blue.
I smiled and nodded.I actually don't know how long my
face has been stretched in a smile this afternoon.I can't
start to describe the way I feel.
Sbu asked to hold his nephew for the first time, Sena
handed Quinton over.
"So Mbekezeli your mom is really Sena? Couldn't you
choose a sane woman for a mother?" he said touching
his little hands.
"Who? Mbekezeli?" Simtho asked.
Sbu looked up at her,"Yeah"
Then he looked at him again.
"Are you naming my son Mbekezeli?" Sena asked.
"Yeah" he answered without acknowledging her.
Sbu is such a crazy guy,always full of jokes.We all bursted
out laughing.This guy can pull your leg.
But he doesn't laugh with us.He is serious.
"Son,are you seriously going to overstep the line and give
my coloured grandson a Zulu descriptive name?" Biyela
Sbu looked at him then at me, "It will be his second
name.I'll use it,to me he is Mbekezeli. The sign of
resilience, perseverance and strength"
The room went silent.
He is naming him after my life.I exhaled thinking about
how far I've come.He must be Mbekezeli, my sign of
"Can I also use it? I highly doubt I'll be able to call the
Quinton one,it has too much English" Don said.
He is always there to spice the moments. I don't know
how he does it,smiling everyday no matter what.He is
such a strong person.
"Says Dronad..Dolnad..I mean Donald" Wendy said
pretending to struggle with pronouncing his name.
He laughed, "I'm Vukile"
"Damn! I've always asked myself who is this Vukile
person Biyo is always talking about" Loyiso said.
I don't know who came up with this Biyo thing but we all
call the Biyela divas Biyos now.
"You nearly pull the Tripple N on that one" Biyela said
Loyiso chuckled, "And a 3C,I was ready to go out there
and find that Vukile person"
We felt so excluded to the conversation.I wonder what
their relationship is? Maybe Biyela is funding the police
stations too.
Later everyone went home. I spent the night with my
son, Sena was to be discharged the following day.
He kept crying at night,but the doctors said there is
nothing wrong with him,he is being a baby.
In the morning I asked for a quick shower then went to
Sena and Quinton.
And now?
"Babe who are these people?" I asked.
"Oh,that the make-up artist and the hairstylist"
"They are getting me ready. You know how messy I look,I
am a mom not a granny" she said.
"Where is my son?" I asked.
She giggled softly, she is still scared to laugh loud
because of the stitches.
"He is behind you"
I turned around.
Senamile Biyela! What am I going to do with this woman.
My son was wearing a tiny leather jacket with lot of
"First of all where did you get such a small leather jacket?
A newborn's leather.Secondly I don't want my son to
look like a Greece starring and thirdly the doctor said we
must always put him in warm clothes"
She grinned, "He is wearing warm clothes underneath,
isn't nana?"
I just took the jacket off him regardless of his mother's
scowls and then waited for her to get "ready".
"Done,where is that white doctor? We want to sign the
papers if there are papers and leave" she said.
I just looked at her.I'm mad at her for being such an old
brat but her beauty just softened my heart.I found
myself staring into those misplaced dimples and smiled.
She must be the most sexy post-labour woman I've ever
seen.Not that I've seen any.
"I love you" I told her.
She smiled, "I know, and I love you too Handy"
"Handy?" I asked.
"Short for handsome" she said laughing.
I grinned,"Whatever,mama ka Quinton"
She frowned, "Mama? Oh my God he will call me
mom..(imitating) Quinton.. Mom"
I laughed.
As crazy she is but she is my world and nobody can
replace her in my heart.I'm used to the Biyela madness
God gave me the evil family and then gifted me with a
crazy loving family.
Wait,I have a mother.
"Who are you calling?" Sena asked.
"My mom" I whispered.
Guess what she asked after I told her I have a son?
How is his complexion? Dark or light.
"He is blue" I said.
She clicked her tongue, "I don't want an ugly grandchild,
send me the pictures"
Sena was listening, she just cracked with laughter. Who
wouldn't? None of my parents were provided with sanity
but God says we must forgive those who wrong us.So I
Chapter 152 final
*Mandla Narrated*
I lost people who used to mean a world to me.Without
Zanda and my sister I don't know where I would be.
No wait, I lost Phumla and got myself the most loving
humble girlfriend in return. I lost my daughter but I also
found my sister.
It's true God gives and take with one hand.
"Yeah babe" I said looking at my laptop.
"Where did you put my slippers?"
I saw her hands shutting the laptop.
"Ha babe,I was just wrapping up then giving my attention
to you"
"I thought our study start at eight and finishes at half
past nine.And right now it's on six" she said angrily.
"I wasn't working Zanda"
She folded her arms and glared at me. I sucked my
thumb and looked at her sadly.
She giggled, "You are such an old baby"
Most our fights last five minutes or so. We just can't stay
angry at each other.
"Come here" I said.
She came and sat on my lap.
She looked at me,
"Thanks" I said.
"For what?"
"For being with me"
She swallowed, "I should be the one thanking you.I had
no idea there was someone like you in the world, thanks
I pulled her head to me and sucked on her juicy lips
"I love you, don't ever forget that" I said.
"I love you more"
"Why you didn't wear a bra? Your nipples are showing"
She looked away, "I'm sorry I forgot"
"No babe, I'm just asking. It's okay you don't have to
wear it if you don't want to"
She nodded and leaned her head over me.
My eyes kept stealing glances of her nipples.My pant was
shooting up my stomach.
"Babe please go make me a cup of coffee" I said.
"No problem babe" she said and got off.
I still find it hard to just ask a girl for sex out of the
blue.Especially Zanda,I don't want her to feel used.We
make sex when it's the right time,on bed.
I threw my head back and closed my eyes cooling myself
down.No matter how much I tried to control my
breathing I just breathed heavily.
"Mandla are you okay?"
I opened my eyes.My legs were parted,my horniness all
in display. Embarrassment washed all over me.She was
right I'm such an old baby.
"Yeah..sorry" I muttered.
"Okay....your coffee" she said pointing at the coffee.
Hell I never wanted no coffee.
" thanks"
I looked at her,our eyes locked.Her eyes then quickly
went to my bottom and came back.
Then we looked at each other.
"I know it's you.The past mustn't stand in the way of our
happiness" she said.
"Right.. you're right"
"So anytime is teatime" she said then walked out.
What does she...?
The coffee spilled. The chairs fell.I crashed on everything
on my way as I ran after her.
I caught her before she walked into the kitchen and
attacked her to the floor.
"Shit MaDlamini" I said tearing her top.
She giggled, "I love you"
I stopped and looked at her,"Not as much as I love
you.You're my everything "
*Loyiso Narrated*
"Yes" she replied in a soprano toned voice.
"Come to bed"
"Ooookay" she replied in the same tone.
I sighed and put the music on.
It's so hard loving the Biyela girl.Some days are worse
than the others.Today is one of the worst.She's been
singing the whole day,completely forgetting about me.
I miss our old days,where we would cuddle all weekend
until her brother come looking for her.
I eventually failed to wait and got up and went to pull her
to bed.
"I was just putting the night cream" she said pulling the
covers up by her foot.
"Yes Mbatharisto"
"I love you"
She paused and looked at me,"I know babe"
I exhaled,"Please don't ever forget that.. and please love
me too"
She looked at me,"I do,I love you Loyiso,more than you
"You're my all,please don't disappoint me my happiness
lies with you"
She nodded,"I promise, and I'm sorry for being crazy at
times "
"No it's okay, I love you the way you are."
She smiled,"You're cute"
"Don't ever leave me, I promise I'll always be cute and I'll
never love another woman except you"
She looked at me.
"I'll die loving only you,I'm telling you the truth" I said.
She exhaled, "Thanks, and I'll always love you too"
I smiled.
I meant every word I said to her.She is the only woman
I'll ever love,I'm sure of that, my conscious is certain.
I'm so hungry why isn't uncle Thobela giving up so that I
can continue eating?
"Maybe it's important" Nozi said.
I sighed and answered.
"Son, are you okay?" he said.
"I'm fine baba"
"I'm calling to notify you about the wedding date. It will
be on the 4th of July"
"Who is getting married?" I asked.
"Me? Aybo babomncane maybe you dialed a wrong
"Hey Sbusiso man,I'm talking about the traditional
Oh that! But I thought it's the couple that set their
wedding date.
"Okay thanks for letting me know" I said ignoring the
piercing eyes around the table.
"I would advice you to start creating and memorizing
your reciting names" he said.
"Reciting names? Baba ngizogiya?" I asked shocked.
"What do you think?"
I sighed, "Can't I get imbongi (poet) or something?"
He laughed, "Even Nkosi Zwelithini recite himself on his
wedding day"
"Okay baba"
"Keep well,pass my regards to MaZungu and the kids"
"Yes baba"
"The traditional wedding?" Thapelo asked.
I nodded.
"You don't look excited, why?" Mandla asked.
"I'll have to recite myself and dance the Zulu dances and I
don't know how"
Don put his fork down, "The reciting names? That's easy
we will help you. Like Umadl'iAphula atshinge
izinhlamvu..wena mahluba ubhanana neOrintshi..Zinja
ziyamhubha kodwa azimfici"
Donald is still Donald even today.
The girls were in stitches.
"You're such a poet Don" Ziphe said laughing.
While we were still laughing a Mercedes pulled up in the
yard.We were in the front balcony having lunch,me and
my friends, or brothers and our women.
"Who is that?" Sena asked.
"Maybe one of Zethu's boyfriends" I said.
T.I came out and looked at our direction. Not the real T.I
but a guy who look like him.
He looked at the house careful then walked toward us.
Please don't hear me gay but any sane guy would know
how it would feel to have a Merc driving,T.I lookalike guy
approaching where your wife is sitting.
I wrapped my hand in Nozipho's.I felt her rolling her
"Gosh" Fiki whispered.
I hate this guy,whoever he is.
"Good day" he said politely.
I think he is scared.
"Hi can we help you?" Thapelo said.
I can say I'm not the only one uncomfortable with this
"Umhhh...yeah I'm looking for Zanda Dlamini"
Zanda? We all turned to look at Zanda.
"Jesus Christ! It's you" he said looking at Zanda.
"And who are you? What you want from her?" Mandla
"Oh,we never met I couldn't come to your wedding, I'm a
busy person but I've seen you in the pictures" he said and
stretched his hand to Mandla.
"I asked who are you and what do you want from Zanda"
Mandla said.
"Oh I'm sorry please pardon me,my name is Mvuselelo
"Phumla's brother?" I asked.
He smiled, "And Zanda's brother now"
Oh yeah! I turned to look at Zanda and found her in a big
"You are a man who gave me a lift to Durban and R200"
she said in disbelief.
Mvuse frowned, "I don't know"
"I'll never forget your face,you're a guy I forgot to thank
and left my special necklace in his car" she said.
"This necklace? It was left by a poor village girl in my car
last year,she said it was strength necklace.I don't
remember you or yours" he said showing a gold necklace
around his neck.
"That girl was me"
Oh I like this guy now
They studied each other's faces then went for a big hug.
Wow,just wow!
"At least you have one good family member now" Don
said to Zanda.
"I'm Fiki Biyela, hi" she said.
Why is she even here!
"Oh hello Fiki" he said smiling then took her hand and
kissed it.
I don't know if my sister had an orgasm or not but her
body shook.
[THE END thanks for participating, meet you on The
Biyela Divas.Lots of Love Nelly Page]

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