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Senior Stage Afrikaans

Assessment Rubric

June 2021

Name: Jose Tshikaya Teacher: Priscilla Rhoda Mentor: Simone Johnston

Students were tasked to:

• Find a recipe and film themselves while making the item, sharing their instructions with the audience as a pre-
recorded prepared video oral.
• Design a menu for their restaurant, which includes the dish that they have made. / Write out recipe instructions of
their special dish as a writing assignment.
• Create an advertisement/brochure for a local town/restaurant/special dish as an exercise in visual literacy.

Criteria Excellent Good Adequate Needs

Student Student showed Student showed Student showed
demonstrated good planning and some planning and very little planning
Planning effective planning and organisational organisational and organisational
organisational skills. skills. skills. Some gaps skills and needs
were evident. support.
Writing: Student showed Good language Satisfactory use of Needs support.
Use of excellent language skills with minor language and
vocabulary, skills and possesses errors. Good use of vocabulary.
grammar and a well-developed vocabulary.
language vocabulary.

Student showed Good editing skills Student is making Student requires

excellent editing skills are evident, but satisfactory support. Many
Video and and presented a well- some errors are progress in errors that make
editing skills prepared noted. developing skills work difficult to
presentation. for editing. follow.
Student Student showed Student showed Very little creative
Creativity demonstrated high good levels of some creative skills were evident.
levels of creativity. creative skills. skills.
Student managed Student mostly Student needed Student struggled
their time well and managed their regular reminders to maintain focus
completed all tasks time well, but to stay on task and and was unable to
Time within the allotted needed some was not able to complete all the
Management time frame. encouragement to complete all the tasks for this
stay on task. activities required assessment.
for this

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