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1. Is the textbook based on the source culture, target culture, or is aimed at the
international target culture? At the international target culture

2. Do the learners get the chance to reflect on their own culture? YES

3. Are alternative perspectives on some aspect of the foreign culture presented and are
learners invited to choose between them and account for their choice?

YES Page 62, MOBA text, opinion on bad art

4. Do activities invite learners to take in a foreign perspective? YES

5. Do activities prepare learners to behave adequately when in contact with members

from other cultures? YES

6. Are questions like “What do you think about…” preceded by “What do you know
about…” YES Page 53, ex. 1

7. Are discussions used to help learners gain a true understanding of a foreign culture?
YES Page 65, ex 5

8. Does the text present only a tourist point of view? NO

9. Are negative and problematic aspects of the foreign culture touched upon? YES Page
41, text 1 USA

10. Does the textbook offer an authentic reflection of the multicultural character of the
foreign society? YES Page 41, ex 4

11. Are mentality, values, ideas dealt with? YES

12. Is a historical perspective presented and used to explain certain present-day features
of mentality or national character? YES Page 62, MOBA text

13. Is the information on the foreign culture integrated on the course or is it added at the
end of every chapter or even presented in a separate chapter at the end of the book?

Both, culture is presented throughout the chapter but also as a separate part of the
chapter at the end of it, at the “e” section.

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