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Social- Studies

A Natural region is a geographic are that is made up of its

natural features such as forest, form, gold and diamond.
Guyana is divided into four (4) Natural region namely:
* The Low Coastal Plain
*Hilly and Clay region
*Highland region
*Interior Savannah
In school
Amelia: hi Gisele
Gisele: hi Amelia =)
Gisele: can you explain this sum to me?
Amelia: sure, I will try to
Amelia: *explains* and that’s all you have to do
Gisele: thanks Amelia
Amelia: your welcome and look Daisy come
Amelia: hi daisy
Daisy: hi Amelia. Hi Gisele
Daisy: Did you guys do the home-
Sir: Morning class
Everybody: Good Morning sir
Sir: my homework on the box
Daisy: as I was saying did you do the home-
Amelia: *leaves to put work on the box*
Gisele: WAIT! Can you carry mines?
Amelia: Sure, Gisele I will take daisy own too
Daisy: umm uh ok
Sir: today we will be learning about highland land region.
The highland region is the largest natural region and it is
forested. *teaches*

Sir: who ever answer this question will get juice 😊

Sir: what is the largest natural region and it is forested?

Atalia: ME! *Raise hand*
Sir: Not Atalia, not Angel
Sir: what is this girl name again umm oh yes Amelia
Amelia: The largest Natural Region that is forested is the
highland region
*Everyone claps*
Sir: anyways back to work *teaches*
Sir: go for your lunch
Daisy: what you bring for lunch?
Gisele: I brought macaroni and chicken you?
Amelia: fries with KFC chicken and you Daisy?
Daisy: pumpkin with chicken. Oh, Gisele what are we
Angel: oh, hi my bestie 😉

Amelia: me?
Angel: yes you
Daisy: what do you want?
Angel: never in a million years I was ever talking to you
Daisy: So, what? Why are you here?
Angel: Amelia, can I talk to you in private?
Amelia: sure, I would love to- AHH
Angel: * pulls outside by the washroom*
Angel: look here is my number I am sorry for what I have

done, will you ever forgive me for action? ☹

Amelia: yea now let’s go back

Sir: back to class everyone

Five minutes later

Sir: bye, everyone
Amelia: *walks home* *knocks*
Mom: good afternoon sweetie, how was school?
Amelia: it was good
Amelia: I am going up stairs and sleep
Mom: ok
Amelia: *sleeps*
Gisele: chill, lets just talk in the meanwhile *chats*
Amelia: *wakes up* let’s check my phone. Oh, that’s a lot of
miss call. Oh, look they started a group call, let me join
{Amelia joins the group call}
Daisy: and angel beg for Amelia’s forgiveness
Gisele: ha, you’re so funny- oh, um hi Amelia
Amelia: hi guys! What were you guys talking about? Did I
miss anything or was I too late?
Daisy: no, you are not late and what were you doing so
Amelia: sleeping? Why do you ask? And what were you
guys talking about again?
Dasiceia: we were uh talking about uh-
Gisele: *fakes voice of being Dasiceia father* Come off
that phone now! You had enough of that phone its time
to do your chores that you have not finish as yet. *Fakes
her mom voice* Gisele come off the phone now time to
do help your mom in the kitchen
Amelia: well, um before you guys go do you want to-
Daisy: oh, um look time flies got to go
Gisele: same here
Gisele and dasiceia left the call
Amelia: oh well guess I will draw then

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