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APRIL 2022.


I hereby declare that this is the product of my own research efforts, undertaken under the

supervision of Arc. S. Bala and has not been presented elsewhere for the award of a degree or

certificate. All sources have been duly distinguished and appropriately acknowledged.

………………………………… ……………………………

Musa, Manasseh Date



This is to certify that this project work was carried out and prepared by MUSA MANASSEH

(UJ/2018/PGEV/0067) and meets the requirements for the award of a Master of Science (M.Sc.)

in Architecture in the Department of Architecture, University of Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria.

…………………………………… ……………………………………

Arc. S. Bala (MNIA) Date

Project Supervisor

…………………………………… ……………………………………

Dr. (Arc) A. Umar, (MNIA) Date

Msc. II Coordinator

…………………………………… ……………………………………

Dr. R.S. Lekjep, (MNIA) Date

Head of Department Architecture

…………………………………… ……………………………………

Prof. Timothy O. Oyetunde (PhD) Date

Dean, School of Post Graduate Studies

…………………………………… ……………………………………

External Examiner Date



This work is dedicated to God Almighty who has shown his mercy to me throughout the program.


My sincere gratitude goes to my supervisor Arc. S. B. Salihu of the University of Jos Whose

wealth of experience and guidance made this research a success. I wish to thank my parent and

siblings for their moral and financial support. God in heaven shall reward all of you accordingly.

To the intelligent architects I have as partners and friends, thank you all for your love, support,

understanding and care. My appreciation also goes to all the lecturers of the Department of

Architecture, University of Jos for all the knowledge they impacted. Thank you so much.

DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. i
CERTIFICATION .......................................................................................................................... ii
DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................. iv
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................. x
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 BACKROUNG TO THE STUDY ........................................................................................ 1
1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM ............................................................................... 3
1.3 RESEARCH QUESTIONS .............................................................................................. 4
1.4 AIM AND OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY ................................................................... 4
1.5 JUSTIFICATION/SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY ................................................... 5
1.6 SCOPE OF THE STUDY ................................................................................................ 6
1.7 OPERATIONAL DEFINITION OF TERMS .................................................................. 6
CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................................................ 8
LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................................... 8
2.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 8
2.1 Passive design .................................................................................................................. 8
2.1.1 Effect of current ventilation strategies on the risk of infection transmission. .............. 10
2.1.2 Isolation facilities and the ventilation of clinical care areas ......................................... 11
2.1.3 Ventilation and COVID-19 .......................................................................................... 11
2.1.4 Ventilation solution in the history of pandemics as related to COVID-19. ................. 12
2.1.5 Natural ventilation measures ........................................................................................ 14
2.1.6 Covid 19 and Sunlight .................................................................................................. 15
2.1.7 The choice of materials in infection control. ................................................................ 16
2.2 VIROLOGY AND MODE OF TRANSMISSION ............................................................. 18
2.2.1 Contact Transmissions .................................................................................................. 19
2.2.2 Airborne Transmission ................................................................................................. 20
2.2.3 Waterborne Transmission ............................................................................................. 21
2.2.4 Disease Transmission Cycle ......................................................................................... 22


2.3.1 Design for social distancing ......................................................................................... 24
2.3.2 Design to enhance natural ventilation .......................................................................... 25
2.3.3 Design to Enhance Daylight or Sunlight ...................................................................... 26
2.3.4 Design with adaptive finishing materials and construction methods ........................... 27
2.4. EPIDEMIOLOGY .............................................................................................................. 28
2.4.1 Ebola virus epidemiology in Nigeria ............................................................................ 29
2.4.2 Tuberculosis (TB) disease epidemiology in Nigeria .................................................... 30
2.4.3 Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID 19) ....................................................................... 30
2.4.4 Coronavirus Disease epidemiology in Nigeria ............................................................. 32
2.4.5 Confirmed Cases of COVID 19 in Nigeria .................................................................. 33
2.5 ISOLATION CENTER ....................................................................................................... 36
2.5.1 Functional Flow Diagram of a Covid-19 Isolation Center. .......................................... 36
2.5.2 Historical Development of Isolation Center. ................................................................ 37
2.5.3 Types of Isolation Rooms ............................................................................................. 40
2.5.4 Design Considerations in An Isolation/ Quarantine Facility. ....................................... 42
2.5.5 SPACES REQUIRED IN AN ISOLATION CENTER ............................................... 48
2.5.6 Risk Assessment of An Isolation/ Quarantine Facility ................................................. 51
MANAGEMENT OF COVID-19 ......................................................................................... 52
2.5 BIOMEDICAL WASTE (BMW) MANAGEMENT ......................................................... 53
2.6.1 Organogram for Biomedical waste management ......................................................... 54
2.6.2 catteories of biomedical waste ...................................................................................... 55
2.6.3 Treatment and Disposal of BMW ................................................................................. 56
2.5.4 Cleanliness and Sanitation ............................................................................................ 56
2.6. Conceptual framework ....................................................................................................... 56
CHAPTER THREE ...................................................................................................................... 58
3.0 CASE STUDIES ..................................................................................................................... 58
3.1 DESIGN CASE STUDIES.................................................................................................. 58
3.2 CASE STUDY 1 ................................................................................................................. 59

3.2.1 Background ................................................................................................................... 60

3.3 CASE STUDY TWO .......................................................................................................... 65
3.4 CASE STUDY THREE ...................................................................................................... 67
3.4.1 Background ................................................................................................................... 68
CHAPTER FOUR ......................................................................................................................... 70
STUDY AREA ............................................................................................................................. 70
4.1 PLATEAU STATE BACKGROUND INFORMATION ................................................... 70
4.2 BOUNDARIES ................................................................................................................... 71
4.3 ETHNICITY........................................................................................................................ 71
4.4 OCCUPATION ................................................................................................................... 72
4.5 CLIMATE ........................................................................................................................... 72
4.6 GEOLOGY.......................................................................................................................... 72
4.7 Tourism .......................................................................................................................... 73
4.7.1 Wildlife Safari Park ................................................................................................ 73
4.7.2 The National Museum .................................................................................................. 73
4.7.3 The Museum of Traditional Nigerian Architecture ...................................................... 73
4.7.4 Assop Falls ................................................................................................................... 74
4.7.5 Kurra Falls .................................................................................................................... 74
4.7.6 Wase Rock .................................................................................................................... 74
4.7.7 Kerang Highlands ......................................................................................................... 74
4.7.8 Pandam Game Reserve ................................................................................................. 75
4.7.9 Kahwang Rock Formation ............................................................................................ 75
4.8 MICRO STUDY AREA...................................................................................................... 75
4.9 SITE SELECTION CRITERIA .......................................................................................... 75
4.9.1 Site A: ........................................................................................................................... 76
4.9.2 Site B: ........................................................................................................................... 77
4.9.3 Site C: ........................................................................................................................... 78
4.9.4 Result ............................................................................................................................ 79
4.9.5 Ranking ......................................................................................................................... 79
4.10 SITE ANALYSIS .............................................................................................................. 80
4.10.1 Geographical ............................................................................................................... 81

4.10.2 Climate........................................................................................................................ 81
4.10.3 Geology ...................................................................................................................... 82
4.10.4 Vegetation ................................................................................................................... 83
4.10.5 Sun Light .................................................................................................................... 83
4.10.6 Dust ............................................................................................................................. 83
4.10.7 Topography................................................................................................................. 83
4.10.8 Hydrology ................................................................................................................... 84
4.11 SITE POTENTIAL ........................................................................................................... 84
CHAPTER FIVE .......................................................................................................................... 85
THE PRINCIPLES OF PLANNING ............................................................................................ 85
5.1 ARCHITECTURAL CONSIDERATIONS ........................................................................ 85
5.1.1 Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness................................................................................ 85
5.1.2 Flexibility and Expandability ....................................................................................... 86
5.1.3 Therapeutic Environment ............................................................................................. 86
5.1.4 Cleanliness and Sanitation ............................................................................................ 87
5.1.5 Accessibility ................................................................................................................. 87
5.1.6 Controlled Circulation .................................................................................................. 87
5.1.7 Aesthetics...................................................................................................................... 88
5.1.8 Building Materials ........................................................................................................ 88
5.1.9 Space Organization ....................................................................................................... 89
5.2 ISOLATION CENTER PLANNING.................................................................................. 89
5.3 DESIGN CONSIDERATION ............................................................................................. 89
5.3.1 Flooring ........................................................................................................................ 89
5.3.2 Walls and Ceilings ........................................................................................................ 89
5.3.3 Ramps, Stairs and Lifts ................................................................................................. 90
5.3.4 Indoor Air Quality. ....................................................................................................... 90
5.3.5 Natural and Artificial Lighting ..................................................................................... 90
5.3.6 Ventilation .................................................................................................................... 91
5.3.7 Flexibility...................................................................................................................... 91
CHAPTER SIX ............................................................................................................................. 92
DESIGN PROGRAMMING, PLANNING AND DESIGN ......................................................... 92

6.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 92

6.1 BRIEF.................................................................................................................................. 92
6.2 FEASIBILITY STUDY AND VIABILITY STUDY .................................................... 92
6.3 LABOUR REQUIREMENT ............................................................................................... 93
6.4 FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS ......................................................................................... 93
6.5 ZONING......................................................................................................................... 94
6.5.1 Site Zoning ................................................................................................................... 95
6.6 CONCEPT FORMULATION ....................................................................................... 96
6.6.1 Design Concept............................................................................................................. 96
6.6.2 Aesthetic Concept ......................................................................................................... 97
6.6.3 Sustainable Concept ..................................................................................................... 97
6.6.4 Functional Concept ....................................................................................................... 97
6.7 DESIGN SYNTHESIS ........................................................................................................ 97
6.8. FUNCTIONAL FLOW ...................................................................................................... 98
6.9 SPARTIAL ANALYSIS ................................................................................................ 98
CHAPTER SEVEN .................................................................................................................... 101
DESIGN REPORT...................................................................................................................... 101
7.1 PRESENTATION DRAWINGS ...................................................................................... 101
7.2 DESIGN CONCEPT ......................................................................................................... 118
7.2.1 SITE LAYOUT ..................................................................................................... 118
7.1.2 THE PLAN ........................................................................................................... 118
7.1.3 STRUCTURAL SYSTEM.................................................................................... 119
7.1.4 FINISHES ............................................................................................................. 120
7.1.5 LIGHTING ........................................................................................................... 120
7.1.6 Aesthetical Concept .................................................................................................... 120
7.2 DESIGN ACHIEVEMENTS ....................................................................................... 120
7.3 RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................................. 121
7.4 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................ 122
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................... 123

Figure 1; The impact of sunlight exposure in SARS-CoV-2 transmission, morbidity, mortality,
and recovery rate ........................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 2; Disease transmission cycle ............................................................................................ 23
Figure 3; Suggested minimum Corridor width ............................................................................. 24
Figure 4; Functional Flow Diagram of a Covid-19 Isolation Center. ........................................... 36
Figure 5; Organogram for Biomedical waste management .......................................................... 54
Figure 6; Showing typical floor layout of the facility. ................................................................. 65
Figure 7; Showing floor plan of the facility. ................................................................................ 67
Figure 8; Showing Map of Nigeria highlighting plateau state...................................................... 70
Figure 9; site analysis ................................................................................................................... 80
Figure 10; climatic data. ............................................................................................................... 82
Figure 11; Functional Zoning ....................................................................................................... 94
Figure 12; site zoning. .................................................................................................................. 95
Figure 13; conceptual bubble ........................................................................................................ 98
Figure 14; Site Plan..................................................................................................................... 101
Figure 15; Ground floor Plan ...................................................................................................... 102
Figure 16; First floor Plan ........................................................................................................... 103
Figure 17; Second floor Plan ...................................................................................................... 104
Figure 18; Third floor Plan ......................................................................................................... 105
Figure 19; Roof Plan ................................................................................................................... 106
Figure 20; Section ZZ ................................................................................................................. 107
Figure 21; Section XX ................................................................................................................ 108
Figure 22; Section YY ................................................................................................................ 109

Plate 1; Corona virus diagram ...................................................................................................... 31
Plate 2; Showing the perspective of 1 Bataan Mega Q................................................................. 59
Plate 3; Showing patients testing units. ........................................................................................ 60
Plate 4; Showing waiting area. ..................................................................................................... 61
Plate 5; Showing sample collection unit. ...................................................................................... 62
Plate 6; Showing vaccination room. ............................................................................................. 63
Plate 7; Showing design idea to construction. .............................................................................. 64
Plate 8; Showing landscape of the facility. ................................................................................... 64
Plate 9; Showing a three-dimensional view of the facility. .......................................................... 66
Plate 10; Showing an isolation ward in the facility. ..................................................................... 66
Plate 11; Showing the entrance to the facility. ............................................................................. 68
Plate 12; Showing the interior space of the isolation ward........................................................... 69
Plate 13; Showing the external landscape of the facility .............................................................. 69
Plate 14; Showing a google map of the site. ................................................................................. 77
Plate 15; Showing a google map of the site. ................................................................................. 78
Plate 16; Showing a google map of the site. ................................................................................. 78
Plate 17; Front elevation ............................................................................................................. 110
Plate 18; Rear elevation .............................................................................................................. 111
Plate 19; Right Elevation ............................................................................................................ 112
Plate 20; Left Elevation .............................................................................................................. 113
Plate 21; Perspective ................................................................................................................... 114
Plate 22; Perspective ................................................................................................................... 115
Plate 23; Perspective ................................................................................................................... 116
Plate 24; Perspective ................................................................................................................... 117


Table 1; Respiratory activities with their corresponding number of droplets and associated
velocities ....................................................................................................................................... 21
Table 2; The decay of droplet nuclei concentration for different ventilation rates and duration of
time in a room. .............................................................................................................................. 26
Table 3; Confirmed Cases of COVID 19 in Nigeria .................................................................... 33
Table 4; Catteories of biomedical waste ....................................................................................... 55
Table 5; Result .............................................................................................................................. 79
Table 6; Ranking ........................................................................................................................... 79
Table 7; Schedule of Accommodation.......................................................................................... 99




Infection control is one of the greatest challenges in healthcare facilities as carriers of dangerous

pathogens are mostly found within the healthcare facilities. With the outbreak of infectious disease,

most people including healthcare workers contact diseases within the healthcare facilities.

According to Spaulding, an estimated 1.5 million infections occur annually in extended care

facilities in the United States (Cynthia Leibrock et all. 2011). Although there are several measures

of control and treatment of infectious diseases in hospitals which include the use of drugs and other

medical procedures like patient isolation. The healthcare facilities need a program for preventing

and control of infections, the program of infection control could focus on all elements of care,

including design and construction; environmental issues such cleaning, and waste disposal.

Preventing the transmission of communicable diseases from patients to health care workers or

from patient to other patients can be minimize through the facility’s design program. Passive

design approach in isolation facilities seek to provide infection control without the use of drugs

and other medical procedures.

Isolation is the act of separating a sick individual with a contagious disease from healthy

individuals without that contagious disease in order to protect the general public from exposure to

the disease (CDC 2020). The people who contacted or are suspected to have contacted an infectious

disease are isolated in an isolation facility (isolation center) in other to control the spread of the

infection. The Institute of Architects Bangladesh, defined Isolation center as an independent


healthcare facility operating separately from other hospital resources which is specifically

equipped for the treatment of infectious diseases (IAB, 2020). There are various units in an

isolation center which include a specific entrance for the patient, triage area for separating

suspected and confirmed cases, a diagnostic facility, dedicated laboratory for carrying out tests, an

isolation patient treatment room(s) and other supporting facilities that help to ensure the patient

can be treated safely and securely.

Amidst the outbreak of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Pandemic in 2020 all over the

world, healthcare facilities are struggling to accommodate patients who are suffering from the

pandemic as well as the medical professionals who treat them. Like many countries of the world,

Nigeria is in the verge of establishing a number of Isolation centers where confirm and suspected

cases of the infection will be confine for a time being to receive medical attention. The facility

where these sick individuals will be kept and manage should have the ability to aid their recovery

as well as curb the spread of the infection by adapting to passive design approach. Incorporating

passive design into building construction is certainly nothing new, with ancient civilizations

developing basic principles of architecture around the relationship between humans, the climate

and their environment. Passive design strategies are integrated into the architectural design of a

building through its orientation, form and exterior shell in order to optimize the use of natural

energy sources such as the sun, wind and light. Unfortunately, for most of this modern age, passive

design has not been incorporated or prioritized in the architectural design process which has

resulted in poorly performing building stock.

Could passive design once again become more commonplace in medical institutions as the

epidemic underlines the need for healthy, well-ventilated indoor environments to lessen or prevent

the transfer of pathogens? (DND 2020). There are many advantages to designing hospital buildings

with moveable windows (with the right amount of control), including improvements in occupant

thermal comfort, productivity, and general health and wellness.

Healthcare facilities are designed to enhance a hospital’s ability to provide high-quality care

and efficiency, yet the power of architecture to impact a patient’s recovery and the overall

effectiveness of the facility tends to be overlooked (Lou Podbelski 2017). As Covid-19 forced us

to consider the impact that indoor environments can have on an occupant’s health and safety, I

believe that this could be the awakening that the building architecture industry needs to implement

passive design approach in the healthcare setting. The issue lies in moving from research to

application in a manner so effective that it enhances the well-being of the patients and the efficacy

of the transition process in the patient’s recovery. The requirement for a physical structure to

handle proper treatment and management of infectious diseases using passive design approach to

improve patient recovery and prevent the spread of infection in the facility comes as a result of

this context.


It is argued that there is a growing number in the outbreak of infectious disease in the world

and must recently the coronavirus pandemic. The pandemic swept the whole world that some

countries in Europe and Asia could not accommodate the growing number of patients on daily

basis. In Boston, pediatric wards are being consolidated to fit all the adults battling covid-19

(Brittany et al. 2020). Hospitals became overwhelmed with the covid-19 patients due to lack of

space to accommodate them and the general public developed fear of visiting hospitals for medical

help due to the fear of contacting COVID-19. A BBC sport update on 5, April 2020 reported that

sports stadiums across the world have been transform to emergency hospitals as the rise of

COVID-19 pandemic puts strain on hospitals. Healthcare facilities are struggling to accommodate

the patients who are suffering from the pandemic as well as the medical professionals who treat

them. The Onikan stadium in Lagos-Nigeria which was supposed to be a center of sporting

activities is instead opening as an isolation Centre for the treatment of COVID-19 cases.

Like many countries of the world, Nigeria is in a state of establishing a number of Isolation

facilities where confirm and suspected cases of the infection will be confine for a time being to

receive medical attention.


This study addresses the following research questions:

i. What are the basic standards and space requirements in an isolation center?

ii. What is the state of architecture in the existing isolation facilities in Nigeria and the

world at large?

iii. How can passive design elements be harmonized into the building fabric of an isolation

facility to enhances patient’s recovery?

iv. How can the facility design help in the control of nosocomial infections?


The aim of this study is to explore passive design strategies and implement them in the

design of an isolation center to enhance efficiency in patient’s recovery and infection control.

The Objectives designed to achieve the aim of this study are outlined as follows:

i. The design process should be clearly stated. From the drawing board to the selection

of the indoor and outdoor elements of design.

ii. To explore the state of architecture in the current isolation facilities in the Nigeria and

the world and deduce from their areas of strength and infer in the proposed design.

iii. To seek out ways of harmonizing sufficient day lighting, ventilation, and thermal

comfort to enhances recovery and infection control.

iv. To design appropriate circulation and effective zoning within the facility as well as the

use of appropriate materials to curb the spread of dangerous pathogens within the



This study is essential in the sense that it would not only contribute to knowledge and theory,

but will also contribute to good construction practice in isolation and other medical facilities in

Nigeria. This is because the study will attempt to find out how functional and satisfying the current

isolation facilities are toward achieving effectiveness in infection control and enhancing recovery.

The study will also recommend appropriate measures to be taken and implement in the design and

construction of isolation centers in Nigeria.

Furthermore, the study will assist the health agencies and the general public to become

aware of the current state of the isolation facilities in relation to the roles they play towards

patient’s recovery (efficiency of the facilities). This research will help to contribute to the existing

body of knowledge in passive design by inspiring new and creative thinking regarding the subject

matter and architectural design as a whole, to successfully integrate the built environment with

passive design elements such as natural ventilation, day lighting and thermal comfort in the

building. The proposed architectural design would be considered and portrayed as a ‘healing



The proposed project will be a National Isolation Center that will comprise of relevant and

functional facilities to enable it effectively play its roles in infection control and enhance recovery

through passive design approach. The facility will include major functions such as regular bed

isolation ward for treatment of confirm cases and quarantine of suspected cases, Intensive care unit

(ICU) for treatment of critical cases, Pharmaceutical department for drugs storage and delivery,

laboratory for collection and testing of samples, Doctor's quarters for staff accommodation, indoor

and outdoor gardens, relaxation and other supporting facilities that will be backed up to ensure

the effectiveness of the design is not underachieved.


Isolation Center: An isolation center can be defined as an independent healthcare facility

operating separately from other hospital resources, which is specifically equipped for the treatment

of infectious diseases (IAB, 2020).

Natural ventilation: Natural ventilation depends on natural forces (e.g. winds and thermal

buoyancy force due to indoor and outdoor air density differences) to drive outdoor air into a

building and distributes it within the building through purpose-built openings (IAB, 2020).

Passive design: Passive design is a design that works with the local climate to maintain a

comfortable temperature in the building. Good passive design should reduce or eliminate the need

for additional heating or cooling depending on your location and often relies on an active occupant

to work properly.

Pandemic: A pandemic is an epidemic occurring on a scale that crosses international boundaries,

usually affecting people on a worldwide scale. A disease or condition is not a pandemic merely

because it is widespread or kills many people; it must also be infectious. One living example of a

pandemic is covid-19.

Pathogens: A pathogen is defined as an organism causing disease to its host, with the severity of

the disease symptoms referred to as virulence. Pathogens are taxonomically widely diverse and

comprise viruses and bacteria as well as unicellular and multicellular eukaryotes.

Isolation: refers to separation of individuals who are ill and suspected or confirmed of an infectious

disease. All suspected cases detected in the containment/buffer zones (till a diagnosis is made),

will be hospitalized and kept in isolation in a designated facility till such time they are tested

negative. Persons testing positive of a dangerous pathogen will remain to be hospitalized till such

time when their samples are tested negative as per MoHFW’s discharge policy (NCDC Delhi,


Quarantine: is the separation and restriction of movement or activities of persons who are not ill

but who are believed to have been exposed to infection, for the purpose of preventing transmission

of diseases. Persons are usually quarantined in their homes, but they may also be quarantined in

community-based facilities. Quarantine can be applied to an individual or to a group of persons

who are exposed at a large public gathering or to persons believed exposed on a conveyance during

international travel (NCDC Delhi, 2020).





Infection control is emerging as the biggest challenge to healthcare around the world. Patients are

admitted in hospitals on daily basis, some of the patients are carriers of infectious diseases which

the hospital might or might not know (Nurudeen Barau, 2020). Emerging infectious diseases have

recently posed a persistent danger to everyone's health and way of life. There have been a number

of emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) throughout the past few decades that have surprised the

world community and refocused attention on the healthcare system. A few examples of such

illnesses are tuberculosis, SARS, Lassa fever, Ebola, and the emerging COVID-19. Several

measures have been taken in the fight against these diseases with the most of them being the

isolation of infected individuals from the general public. Isolation and Quarantine are important

mainstay of cluster containment. These measures help by breaking the chain of transmission of

dangerous pathogens in the community but could not stop the transmission of the infection within

the facility. Passive design approach to facilities like this is an effective and more economical way

to tame the spread of infection in the isolation facility.

2.1 Passive design

The local climate differs depending on your location, some places demand heating during the cold

season and cooling during the hot seasons also. Passive design depends solely on the local climate

to eliminate the need for additional heating or cooling by maintaining a comfortable temperature

within the building.


Examples of passive design include optimizing spatial planning and orientation to control solar

gains and maximize daylighting, manipulating the building form and fabric to facilitate natural

ventilation strategies and making effective use of thermal mass to help reduce peak internal

temperatures. Passive design includes the following:

➢ Passive cooling.

Passive cooling is a building design approach that focuses on heat gain control and heat

dissipation in a building in order to improve the indoor thermal comfort with low or no energy

consumption. (Leo Samuel, et al. 2013). This approach works either by preventing heat from

entering the interior (heat gain prevention) or by removing heat from the building (natural cooling)

Natural cooling utilizes on-site energy, available from the natural environment, combined with the

architectural design of building components (e.g. building envelope), rather than mechanical

systems to dissipate heat

➢ Passive heating.

A passive solar-heated home needs no solar panels to heat or cool it. Rather, the energy used to

heat and cool a house comes directly from the sun through skylights and windows. Some of that

energy is then stored in the building's walls and floors to be used at night and in cooler months.

➢ Passive ventilation (or natural ventilation).

Increasing the air movement rate in indoor spaces increases the cooling efficiency in hot and warm

seasons. Natural ventilation is one of the passive design strategies, which enhances indoor air

quality in hot and dry regions by providing fresh air (Sahar Zahiri and Hasim Altan 2016). Passive

ventilation is the process of supplying air to and removing air from an indoor space without

using mechanical systems. It refers to the flow of external air to an indoor space as a result

of pressure differences arising from natural forces. There are two types of

natural ventilation occurring in buildings: wind driven ventilation and buoyancy-driven

ventilation. Wind driven ventilation arises from the different pressures created by wind around a

building or structure, and openings being formed on the perimeter which then permit flow through

the building. Buoyancy-driven ventilation occurs as a result of the directional buoyancy force that

results from temperature differences between the interior and exterior (Linden, P. F. 1999).

2.1.1 Effect of current ventilation strategies on the risk of infection transmission.

Fresh air moving into a building’s interior dilutes the contaminated air inside the building. The

fresh air reduces the germ contents in the room as such reducing the risk of infection transmission

within the building. The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers, CIBSE, recently

provided guidance on using ventilation as a way of diluting airborne pathogens. It is stated that:

“there is good evidence that demonstrates room occupants are more at risk of catching an illness

in a poorly ventilated room than in a well-ventilated room.” Besides this, new evidence that has

been found shows high rates of infection in poorly ventilated spaces (C. Iddon et al. 2020).

Since SARS-CoV-2 has spread around the world at an unprecedented pace, infecting millions of

people, and further aerosol driven infections are highly likely to emerge, ventilation plays a key

role in efforts to limit the transmission rate of this and other diseases. (Tom Lipinski et al. 2020).

Infection control measures like public-awareness campaigns, airport screening and ‘stay-home-if-

you’re sick’ policies might not stop the spread of infections. Architects must take Strick measures

like re-design of Indoor Environments, especially aspects handling the buildings’ ventilation

systems in the control of infection transmission during the design stage of isolation facilities. When

doctors in Wuhan, China, where the new virus first emerged, studied 138 early cases, they

concluded that 41% of patients had most likely contracted the disease in the hospital (Q. Li, et al.

2020). Therefore, the hypothesis stating that infection through small particles plays a more

important role in the transmission along with the direct and indirect (fomites) routes can be used.

Thus, ventilation plays an important role in reducing the risk of transmission through dilution and

removal of the infected particles within the indoor environment (Tom Lipinski et al. 2020).

2.1.2 Isolation facilities and the ventilation of clinical care areas

Natural ventilation is probably acceptable by many patients in most clinical areas of acute hospital

facilities. The transmission of infection via air, however, is a concern in the context of especially

vulnerable patients such as severely neutropenic patients who are at risk of systemic and

pulmonary aspergillosis. In the UK, there are more multi-bed facilities for patients in hospital,

compared to in the USA, but even there where ambient temperatures can fluctuate more, and hence

ventilation is required for comfort purposes (Hilary Humphreys 2021). Natural ventilation can be

maximized through open doors, large windows and high ceilings, where comfort allows this.

before turning to assisted technology in the form of hybrid ventilation or the construction of

specified ventilation-controlled rooms, i.e. negative/positive or neutral pressure rooms

2.1.3 Ventilation and COVID-19

From personal experience, congested places that lack sufficient ventilation make people feel

uncomfortable and sometimes sick. It is noted that most viruses and pathogens settled after they

traveled a distance of about 6 feet on air, but this virus can travel farther to a distant host if

mechanical ventilation is used (Dietz, P.F. et al. 2020). Therefore, in the design of an isolation

facility, it is not just the rate of air supply that should be considered in terms of infection control

but the air distribution pathways through occupied spaces and the airflow dynamics, which include

air velocity, its turbulence, and its direction.

Keeping Indoor Environments virus-free plays a key part in reducing or slowing the transmission

of various airborne infections. Research has shown that the viruses that have been identified and

isolated can range in diameter size from 20 nm to as large as 500 nm. Aside from spherical virus

particles like SARS-CoV-2, whose diameters can measure to as long as 1,000 nm. (Benedette

cuffari 2021). Since viruses have an approximate diameter of 150 nm, they can be easily carried

by aerosol droplets in the air and linger afloat for many minutes and sometimes hours. An

inappropriate or inadequate ventilation strategy can dramatically increase the risk of the disease

transmission. Taking the above-mentioned publications into account, ventilation and comfort

strategies should be categorize by airflow characteristics and their potential impact on pathogen

spread through occupied spaces.

2.1.4 Ventilation solution in the history of pandemics as related to COVID-19.

The most common global health challenge that is comparable to covid-19 among other historical

pandemics is the Spanish flu of 1918 (Larry Anderson 2021). The pandemic breaks out Over one

hundred years ago and swept a global figure of between 50 million and 100 million people.

Although the world has suffered many pandemics in the years past but no one has been as deadly,

nor as far-reaching as the Spanish flu (Stephen Dowling 2020).

In 1744-1815 Before the outbreak of the Spanish flu, the English physician known as John Coakley

Lettsom introduce a practice known as the ‘open air method’ where he exposed children suffering

from tuberculosis to sea air and sunshine at the Royal Sea Bathing Hospital in Kent, England. And

in the late 1800s, George Bodington treated tuberculosis sanitoriums, which treated the lung

disease with a combination of fresh air, gentle exercise in the open, nutrition, and a minimum of

medicines (Stephen Dowling 2020). According to Bodington, the application of cold pure air to

the interior surface of the lungs is the most powerful sedative that can be applied, and does more

to promote the healing of cavities and ulcers of the lungs than any other means that can be


When the influenza virus pandemic took hold in the United States in 1918, emergency hospitals

were started in schools, halls, and large private houses, and open-air hospitals were being “thrown

up” all over the country. In the harbor of East

Boston, 1200 out of 5100 merchant sailors onboard training ships had contracted influenza. The

seriously ill were too numerous for local hospitals to accommodate. The Massachusetts State

Guard responded by building the Camp Brooks Open Air Hospital at Corey Hill in Brookline, near

Boston. From the time the camp opened on September 9, 1918, until its closure a month later on

October 12, a total of 351 victims of the pandemic were admitted, one third of whom were

diagnosed with pneumonia. In total, 36 of the 351 sailors received at the hospital died.

The treatment at Camp Brooks Hospital took place outdoors, with “a maximum of sunshine and

of fresh air day and night.” The medical officer in charge, Major Thomas F. Harrington, had

studied the history of his patients and found that the worst cases of pneumonia came from the parts

of ships that were most badly ventilated. While in France I developed a great affection for the

tented hospitals. There is great movement of air, warmth and comfort; when a sunny day comes

the side of the tent may be lifted and the patient enjoys the advantage of open-air treatment.”

(Richard A. Hobday, PhD et al. 2009).

As a campaign to prevent the influenza, pneumonia, and tuberculosis during the Spanish flu, signs

were posted in buses advising people to keep their bedroom windows open. There was even a

national campaign known as the “Fresh Air Movement,” calling for people to be outside more, and

urging greater ventilation indoors (Stephen Dowling 2020).


2.1.5 Natural ventilation measures

From ancient times, natural ventilation has been in use before the emergence of mechanical

ventilation system. Comparing the two forms of ventilation systems, the most economical way to

provide ventilation is through natural air forces by taking advantage of atmospheric pressure

difference such as wind pressure moving air sideways or making use of the buoyancy of warmer

air moving upwards.

Even though Natural Ventilation methods, including operable windows that are either manual or

automatic, are one of the simplest methods of providing ventilation they frequently suffered the

most from drawbacks such as bad design and implementation. Main design issues included

calculating full window area as an opening, which in reality is often less than 1/10th of the window,

locating windows in the wrong area or at the wrong height. As much as varied height cross

ventilation can be effective, a row of short windows at mid height will generate almost no air

movement (Tom Lipinski, et al. 2020).

In a recent study by the University of Oregon observed that Natural Ventilation with a plentiful

supply of fresh air dilutes and removes contaminated air much more effectively than fan driven,

recirculated air movement, significantly reducing the risk of infection (L. Dietz et al. 2020).

However, ventilation design that requires the stale air to move across the entire floor plan, or

through common areas such as hallways and staircases before being exhausted from the building,

is understandably more likely to spread infection than when the stale air is exhausted at the source,

directly to the outside. Considering the research conducted so far, if designed and implemented

appropriately, natural ventilation measures, can provide an adequate displacement ventilation

solution, significantly reducing the risk of infection.


2.1.6 Covid 19 and Sunlight

The ability of infectious particles containing SARS-CoV-2 to persist on different environmental

surfaces has contributed to the rapid spread of COVID-19. Therefore, the strategies used to reduce

viral diffusion in public environments can help control the ongoing pandemic. Although the

evidence suggests possible germicidal properties for UVC, UVB, UVA, visible light, and infrared

radiation, available data on UVC are the most robust. The depth of UVC penetration is the lowest

among all the wavebands but can deliver adequate virucidal doses in a short duration. However,

the successful decontamination using other wavebands requires higher dosages and longer

administration times. Human CoVs, including the recently emerged SARS-CoV-2, are inherently

sensitive to ultraviolet (UV) radiation (C.S. Heilingloh et al. 2020).

Sunlight contains a spectrum of UVA, UVB, and UVC, with wave lengths ranging 320–400 nm,

260–320 nm, and 200–260 nm, respectively. Among these, UVC can inactivate CoV, while the

synthesis of vitamin D is closely related to UVB radiation exposure (C.S. Heilingloh et al. 2020).

However, both UVA and UVB have poor virucidal activity. Sunlight that reaches the earth’s

surface contains only UVA and UVB since UVC is absorbed by atmospheric ozone (Fig. below).

In contrast, Herman et al. (2020) reported that UVB in sunlight can inactivate both SARS-CoV

and SARS-CoV-2 present on surfaces as well as in the air. However, inactivation times depend on

the latitude, season, and hour of the day (J. Herman, et al. 2020). The relationship between sunlight

exposure and the COVID-19 recovery rate was evaluated in Jakarta, Indonesia, by Asyary and

Veruswati (2020). Their findings showed that a higher duration of sunlight exposure was found to

be associated with an increase in the recovery rate among patients, indicating the potential of

sunlight exposure for accelerating recovery (A. Asyary, M. Veruswati, 2020). Direct exposure of

skin to sunlight promotes the production of vitamin D, a vital component that regulates the immune

system (J. Mercola, W.B. Grant, C.L. Wagner, 2020). Vitamin D can lower the risk of respiratory

tract infections such as COVID-19 through a multitude of cellular interactions that involves

reduction in the production of inflammatory cytokines, maintaining endothelial integrity, and

increasing ACE2 concentrations.

Figure 1; The impact of sunlight exposure in SARS-CoV-2 transmission, morbidity, mortality, and

recovery rate

Source: (Annals of Medicine and Surgery 2021)

2.1.7 The choice of materials in infection control.

The choice of building materials plays a major role in infection control in a hospital or any medical

facility. Some materials support the lifespan of germs and bacterial while others inhibit their

lifespan. It is now left for architects to take cognizant of the materials especially finishing materials

to be used during the design stage of the building.


An antimicrobial surface contains an antimicrobial agent that inhibits the ability of

Microorganisms to grow on the surface of a material. Such surfaces are becoming more widely

investigated for possible use in various settings including clinics, industry, and even the home. The

most common and most important use of antimicrobial coatings has been in the healthcare setting

for sterilization of medical devices to prevent hospital associated infections, which have accounted

for almost 100,000 deaths in the United States (Onaizi, S.A.; Leong, S.S.J. 2011).

Antimicrobial surfaces are functionalized in a variety of different processes. A coating may be

applied to a surface that has a chemical compound which is toxic to microorganism. In alternative,

it is possible to functionalize a surface by adsorbing a polymer or polypeptide and/or by changing

its micro and nanostructure (Chen, C. et al. 2020).

An innovation in antimicrobial surfaces is the discovery that copper and its alloys (brasses,

bronzes, cupronickel, copper-nickel-zinc, and others) are natural antimicrobial materials that have

intrinsic properties to destroy a wide range of microorganisms. An abundance of peer reviewed

antimicrobial efficacy studies has been published regarding copper’s efficacy to destroy E.

coliO157:H7, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Staphylococcus, Clostridium

difficile, influenza A virus, adenovirus, and fungi. Elevated copper levels inside a cell causes

oxidative stress and the generation of hydrogen peroxide. Under these conditions, copper par

ticipates in the so-called Fenton-type reaction, a chemical reaction causing oxidative damage to

cells. (Zhao, L. et al. 2009).

On how long can this virus survive outside the human body, some studies on SARS and MERS

found they can survive on metal, glass and plastic for as long as nine days, and some can even

hang around for up to 28 days in low temperatures. A virologist, Neeltjevan Doremalen at the US

National Institutes of Health (NIH) and her colleagues conducted a test on how long SARS-COV-

2 can last on different surfaces. Their study shows that the virus could survive longer on cardboard

(up to 24 hours) and up to 2-3 days on plastic and stainless-steel surfaces (Richard Gray 2020)

while Larrouy Maumus however, did find that copper surfaces tended to kill the virus in about two

hours (Christine Ro 2020). The surfaces we always come in contact with like door knobs, lift

buttons, handrails, chairs, table tops and over-bed tables can be coated with copper which is both

antiviral and antibacterial that is able to kill over 99.9% of bacteria within two hours to reduce

contamination and the resulting spread of microbes (Christine Ro 2020). In healthcare

applications, the US environmental protection agency (EPA) approved antimicrobial copper

products include bedrails, handrails, over-bed tables, sinks, faucets, door knobs, toilet hardware,

intravenous poles, computer keyboards, etc. By simply changing the texture of the surfaces we

use, or coating them with substances that kill bacteria and viruses more quickly, some scientists

hope it may be possible to defeat infectious organisms before they even get into our bodies.


Virology is the scientific study of viruses submicroscopic, parasitic organisms of genetic material

contained in a protein coat and virus-like agents. It focuses on the following aspects of viruses:

their structure, classification and evolution, their ways to infect and exploit host cells for

reproduction, their interaction with host organism physiology and immunity, the diseases they

cause, the techniques to isolate and curtail them, and their use in research and therapy (Wikipedia


Pathogen transmission can occur through different routes: direct contact, indirect contact, droplet

borne or airborne (Tran VAN KHAI 2016). Thus, to understand measures to take in curbing

infections from an architectural perspective, the modes of infection transmission need to be


2.2.1 Contact Transmissions

Contact is the most common mode of transmission of infection in hospitals which may be

subdivided into direct contact, indirect contact and contact with droplets.

➢ Direct contact: Direct contact refers to person-to-person spread of microorganisms

through physical contact between the infectious agent including the contaminated hands or

gloves of health care worker with the skin or mucous membranes of the recipient. The

installation of handwashing basins in hospitals is one of the ways to prevent transmission

by the contact route. (Tran VAN KHAI 2016).

➢ Indirect contact: Indirect contact occurs when a susceptible person comes in contact with

a contaminated object. Examples include door knobs, keyboards, fabrics where patients

have open wounds, invasive devices contacted. Specific detailing design for easy cleaning,

disinfection, and sterilization of hospital objects are essential to prevent nosocomial

infection acquired from contaminated items and equipment. (Tran VAN KHAI 2016).

➢ Contact with droplet transmission: A person with a droplet-spread released infected

secretions that spread through the air to the oral or nasal mucous membranes of a person

nearby. Microbes in droplet nuclei (mucus droplets) can travel up to about 1 meter. The

droplets don’t remain suspended in the air but settle on surfaces. Surfaces of materials of

architectural elements such as partitions must be solid and smooth enough to be able to

prevent the suspension of droplets (Tran VAN KHAI 2016).


2.2.2 Airborne Transmission

Viruses are not just air borne except they are able to be transmitted through the route, for this to

occur, certain conditions must be met: the virus must be able to survive on its own, it must be able

to withstand external conditions, and be transported to a new host (Tom Lipinski et al. 2020). The

small particles of infectious droplets that evaporate through coughing, sneezing, breathing, or

talking bring the occurrence of airborne transmission in a susceptible host. These droplets are small

enough to remain airborne for long periods of time (up to several hours), until they are inhaled by

or land on the uninfected person. (Tom Lipinski, et all. 2020).

A variety of airborne infections in susceptible hosts can serve as a source for airborne healthcare–

associated infections resulting from exposure to clinically significant microorganisms released into

the air when environmental reservoirs (i.e., soil, water, dust, and decaying organic matter) are

disturbed and brought indoors into a healthcare facility by people, air currents, and water (Tran

VAN KHAI 2016).

➢ Distant travel by aerosols in airborne transmission

Most people who are infected by respiratory type of infections usually contact it through the

inhalation of aerosols. Most aerosols are greater than 5nm in diameter and it is believed that such

particles >5nm cannot travel a distant further tan 1m from a person discharging them either through

coughing, sneezing, or talking (Hilary Humphreys 2021). Although the CDC says inhalation of air

carrying very small fine droplets and aerosols particles that contains infections is at a greater risk

within a distance of three-six feet of an infectious source (CDC 2021). However, particles<5nm

(i.e. aerosols) will remain in the air for longer and can travel further from the source patient to

distances greater than six feet. The phenomena that can lead to this occurrence is when an

infectious person exhaling virus indoors for an extended period of time (greater than 15 minutes)

leading to virus concentration within the air space. The factors that increase the risk of sars-cov-2

infections under these circumstances include: enclosed spaces with inadequate ventilation,

increased exhalation, and prolong exposure (CDC 2021). A design that gives proper attention to

adequate social distancing and ventilation stand a greater chance of averting the transmission of

such aerosols.

➢ Respiratory activities with their corresponding number of droplets and associated


Table 1; Respiratory activities with their corresponding number of droplets and associated

Respiratory activity No. of droplets Velocities (m/s)

Sneeze 10,000 20

Cough 100-1000 20

Talk 50 <5

Source: (Tom Lipinski et al. 2020).

2.2.3 Waterborne Transmission

When a hospital environment is not well-kept form contaminated water stagnation it become a

reservoir for bacteria incubation within the hospital. Another source of infectious microorganisms

in the hospital can be water supply from a contaminated source or through corroded distribution

pipelines and storage tanks. Examples of common waterborne pathogens bacteria found in potable

water include Legionella pneu-mophila, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, Aeromonas spp.,

Acinetobacter spp., Enterobacter spp., Flavobacterium spp. Which are amongst new

environmental bacteria’s pathogens surviving in water distribution systems (Tran VAN KHAI


2.2.4 Disease Transmission Cycle

Microorganisms live everywhere in our environment. Humans normally carry them on their skin

and in the upper respiratory, intestinal and genital tracts. In addition, microorganisms live in

animals, plants, soil, air and water. Some microorganisms, however, are more pathogenic than

others, that is, they are more likely to cause disease. All humans are susceptible to bacterial

infections and also to most viral agents. The dose of organisms necessary to produce infection in

a susceptible host varies with the location. When organisms come in contact with bare skin,

infection risk is quite low, and all of us touch materials that contain some organisms every day.

When the organisms come in contact with mucous membranes or nonintact skin, infection risk

increases. Infection risk increases greatly when organisms come in contact with normally sterile

body sites, and the introduction of only a few organisms may produce disease. For bacteria, viruses

and other infectious agents to successfully survive and spread, certain factors or conditions must

exist. The essential factors in the transmission of disease-producing microorganisms from person

to person are illustrated and defined in the Figure below.


Figure 2; Disease transmission cycle

Source: (Linda Tietjen et al. 2003).



The goal of every design should be the first knowledge that guide the entire design process, when

the architect’s goal in a design is to control infection, the building itself will aid in the inhibition

of infectious diseases. An experiment like this was first conducted by Florence nightingale as

reported by (Udomiaye E. et al. 2020) when she launched the hospital ward model, stated that

natural daylight and cross ventilation are significant components to disinfect and lessen the

infection occurrence in hospitals.


The following are some design strategies to employ in isolation centers for infection control and


2.3.1 Design for social distancing

The CDC guidelines require that a social distance of about 1-2m soul be maintain as it is believed

that inhalation of air carrying very small fine droplets and aerosols particles that contains infections

is at a greater risk within a distance of 1-2m of an infectious source (CDC 2021). Adequate space

should be provided in waiting areas, corridors, hallways, stair and entrance lobby to support social

distancing of at least 1-2m apart. This will not only reduce contact transmission but will create

safe distancing since current research reveals that aerosol droplets travel only short distances of

1000 mm to 2000 mm before settling on surfaces (Udomiaye E. et al. 2020). It is traditional in

hospital design the corridors and lobbies are design to accommodate only wheelchairs, crouches,

trolleys, and beds but in terms of infection control, such spaces should be design wide enough for

social or safe distancing.

Figure 3; Suggested minimum Corridor width

Source: (Udomiaye E. et al. 2020)


2.3.2 Design to enhance natural ventilation

Natural ventilation is the movement of air through natural forces (e.g. winds and thermal buoyancy

force due to indoor and outdoor air density differences) to drive outdoor air through purpose-built,

openings of a building. The purpose-built openings include windows, doors, solar chimneys, etc.

climate, building design, building orientation are important determinants of the effectiveness of

natural ventilation in a building (James A. et al. 2009). Ventilation is very critical in mitigating

nosocomial and other infectious diseases. Recent studies have shown that an appropriate

ventilation rate can effectively decrease the cross-infection risk of airborne infections in healthcare

facilities and public spaces. Natural ventilation can provide a higher ventilation rate than power-

driven ventilation in an energy-efficient manner. A study of isolation wards in a Chinese hospital

revealed that those with a high percentage of openable openings were found to be better in

preventing the plague of SARS among health workers than other available design (Udomiaye E.

et al. 2020). Ventilation rate requirement-ACH by CDC is 12ACH, the implication is that when

the ventilation rate (ACH –Air Change per Hour) increases, the infection risk would be

significantly reduced. The decay of droplet nuclei concentration is significantly influenced by

ventilation rate. The design approach (open-end corridor and courtyard) increases ventilation rate

(ACH- air change per hour) thereby reducing the risk of infection significantly (Udomiaye E. et

al. 2020).

Table 2; The decay of droplet nuclei concentration for different ventilation rates and duration of
time in a room.

Time (min) Ventilation rate (%)

6 ACH 12 ACH 18 ACH 24 ACH

0 100 100 100 100

5 60.7 36.8 22.37 13.5

10 36.8 13.5 5.0 1.8

15 22.3 5.00 1.1 0.3

20 13.5 1.8 0.3 0.03

25 8.2 0.7 0.06 0.00

30 5.0 0.3 0.01 0

40 1.8 0.03 0 0

50 0. 7 0 0 0

60 0.3 0 0 0

Source: Udomiaye E. et al. 2020

2.3.3 Design to Enhance Daylight or Sunlight

There is proof that fenestrations and daylight in buildings can affect how airborne diseases

propagate. Evidently, before the development of antibiotics, sunshine and ventilation were seen as

important preventative strategies against infectious infections. In addition, diffuse sunlight seen

near windows in buildings may well kill bacteria in five to seven days, according to Solly, who

noted that direct sunlight through glass may well kill bacteria bacillus in a few minutes or hours

depending on the thickness of the layer of bacteria exposed (Udomiaye E. et al. 2020). Ultraviolet

rays type B (UVB) in sunlight can inactivate both SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 present on

surfaces as well as in the air (J. Herman, et al. 2020). The relationship between sunlight exposure

and the COVID-19 recovery rate was evaluated in Jakarta, Indonesia, by Asyary and Veruswati

(2020). Their findings showed that a higher duration of sunlight exposure was found to be

associated with an increase in the recovery rate among patients, indicating the potential of sunlight

exposure for accelerating recovery (A. Asyary, M. Veruswati, 2020). Direct exposure of skin to

sunlight promotes the production of vitamin D, a vital component that regulates the immune

system (J. Mercola, W.B. Grant, C.L. Wagner, 2020).

Daylighting is a good germicidal factor and can inhibit infection and acts as the principal natural

viricide in the environment (Udomiaye E. et al. 2020). It simply follows that as part of infection

prevention and control, there should be adequate openings that will allow daylight into hospital

wards, rooms, offices corridors, and stairwell. Designing buildings with better exposure to sunlight

and outdoor air may inhibit the survival and transmission of infections in isolation facilities.

2.3.4 Design with adaptive finishing materials and construction methods

Recent studies on coronavirus(covid-19) suggest that the virus behaves differently and possesses

different life span with different material surfaces. A study by Doremalen et al. 2020, shows that

coronavirus is steadier on plastic and steel(upto3days) than on spongy fabrics like cotton, leather,

even cardboard (<24 h), while the same strain of the virus only survives for four (4) hours on

copper surfaces. Thus, architects must rethink the material selection process, material specification

writing and treatment of surfaces. An earlier study by Nightingale revealed that the plaster used in

construction, which has many tiny voids, was believed to be the breeding zone and spread of

pathogenic elements. Based on the above findings, the study proposes the following;

i. Specify Copper-infused or plated materials for frequently touched surfaces such as

staircase handrails, balcony rails, bed rails.


ii. Design and situate sinks to enhance ease of cleaning and to prevent waste spilling to

sensitive care areas.

iii. Plaster with a mixture of de-coagulant in cement screed or high solidity and smoothness.

iv. Apply POP screed after plastering with cement to enhance smoothness and eliminate tiny

voids on the wall surface or use covering materials such as special paints, used of textured

paints with fine sand should be discouraged.

v. Entrance doors and curtains to hospitals and public spaces with high traffic should be

designed with sensors to enhance automatic opening and closing. This will drastically

reduce contact with the doorknob and hence prevent transmission.

vi. Multiple entrances into public spaces should be minimized, this is to enable effective

monitoring of compliance to CDC rules.

vii. Sinks with motion sensors also to eliminate some possibilities of transmission. Controls

and equipment should be specified with a smaller number of flat surfaces where particles

can land as well as negligible crevices and crannies where debris can gather.

viii. Reducing the number of horizontal surfaces such as ledges can help reduce the

spread of infection.

ix. Design of the outdoor spaces (landscaping) should be made to reduce the spread of the

infections as well as increase recovery of patients.


Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events in

specified populations, and the application of this study to the control of health problems (CDC

2016). Epidemiology is the method used to find the causes of health outcomes and diseases in

populations. In epidemiology, the patient is the community and individuals are viewed

collectively. By definition, epidemiology is the study (scientific, systematic, and data-driven) of

the distribution (frequency, pattern) and determinants (causes, risk factors) of health-related states

and events (not just diseases) in specified populations (neighborhood, school, city, state, country,

global). It is also the application of this study to the control of health problems (CDC 2012).

It is a cornerstone of public health, and shapes policy decisions and evidence-based practice by

identifying risk factors for disease and targets for preventive healthcare. Epidemiologists help with

study design, collection, and statistical analysis of data, amend interpretation and dissemination of

results (including peer review and occasional systematic review). Epidemiology has helped

develop methodology used in clinical research, public health studies, and, to a lesser extent, basic

research in the biological sciences (Porta, Miquel 2014)

2.4.1 Ebola virus epidemiology in Nigeria

The 2014 outbreak of Ebola virus disease (EVD) in Nigeria was one branch of the major West

African epidemic that spanned from 2013 to 2016. As of 13 March 2016, a total of 28,639 EVD

cases and 11,316 deaths have been reported in 10 countries. The majority of EVD burden has

occurred in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea, with exported cases responsible for additional

transmissions in the United States, Mali, and Nigeria, and diagnosed cases with no transmissions

in the United Kingdom, Italy, Senegal, and Spain (WHO 2016).

The Nigeria EVD outbreak began on 20 July 2014, when a traveler from Liberia (the index case

patient), who was infected with Ebola Virus (EBOV), arrived by commercial aircraft to Murtala

Muhammed International Airport in Lagos. The traveler’s movement was quickly restricted,

patient samples were confirmed EBOV positive by independent polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

tests within days, and intensive contact tracing was conducted. The Nigeria EVD outbreak ended

on 20 October 2014, when the country was declared Ebola free by the World Health Organization.

During that period, 20 individuals are reported to have been infected, of whom 8 died (Onikepe et

al. 2016).

2.4.2 Tuberculosis (TB) disease epidemiology in Nigeria

Tuberculosis is a major public health problem in Nigeria with the country ranked 6th among the 30

high TB burden country globally, and first in Africa. Nigeria is also among the 14 countries that

are in all the three WHO Global high-burden country lists for TB, TB/HIV and MDR-TB with an

estimated incident rate of 219 per 100,000 population and mortality rate (excludes HIV+) of

64/100,000. Nigeria is among the eight countries that accounted for two thirds of the global TB

burden, with the country accounting for 4% of the total global burden.

In 2019, the number of health facilities that reported at least one presumptive increased by 37%

from 7,022 health facilities in 2018 to 9,628 in 2019. The health facility reporting rate

increase from 73% (7022 of the 9,625 health facilities reported) in 2018 to 78% (9,628 out of

12,279 health facilities reported) in 2019. In 2019, 4,475 health facilities reported at least one TB

cases (FMHDPH 2020).

2.4.3 Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID 19)

Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that can cause respiratory illness in humans. They are called

“corona” because of crown-like spikes on the surface of the virus. Severe acute respiratory

syndrome (SARS), Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and the common cold are examples

of coronaviruses that cause illness in humans (Cleveland Clinic 2020).


Plate 1; Corona virus diagram

Source: Cleveland Clinic 2020.

COVID-19 enters your body through your mouth, nose or eyes (directly from the airborne droplets

or from transfer of the virus from your hands to your face). The virus travels to the back of your

nasal passages and mucous. COVID-19 is likely spread:

• The virus travels in respiratory droplets released into the air when an infected person

coughs, sneezes, talks, sings or breathes near you (within 6 feet). You may be infected if

you inhale these droplets.

• You can also get COVID-19 from close contact (touching, shaking hands) with an infected

person and then touching your face.

• It’ s considered possible to get COVID-19 after touching a contaminated surface and then

touching your eyes, mouth, or nose before washing your hands.


2.4.4 Coronavirus Disease epidemiology in Nigeria

The Federal Ministry of Health has confirmed a coronavirus disease (COVID-19) case in Lagos

State, Nigeria. The case, which was confirmed on the 27th of February 2020, is the first case to be

reported in Nigeria since the beginning of the outbreak in China in January 2020. The case is an

Italian citizen who works in Nigeria and returned from Milan, Italy to Lagos, Nigeria on the 25th

of February 2020. He was confirmed by the Virology Laboratory of the Lagos University Teaching

Hospital, part of the Laboratory Network of the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control. The patient

was clinically stable, with no serious symptoms, and was managed at the Infectious Disease

Hospital in Yaba, Lagos. The Government of Nigeria, through the Federal Ministry of Health has

been strengthening measures to ensure an outbreak in Nigeria is controlled and contained quickly.

The multi-sectoral Coronavirus Preparedness Group led by the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control

(NCDC) has immediately activated its national Emergency Operations Centre and worked closely

with Lagos State Health authorities to respond to that case and implement firm control measures.

Nigeria have been beefing up her preparedness capabilities since the first confirmation of cases in

China and used all the resources made available by the government to respond to that case and

other ones. (Dr Osagie Ehanire 2020)


2.4.5 Confirmed Cases of COVID 19 in Nigeria

Table 3; Confirmed Cases of COVID 19 in Nigeria

States No. of Cases (Lab No. of Cases (on No. No. of

Affected Confirmed) admission) Discharged Deaths

Lagos 97,721 16,886 80,066 769

FCT 27,873 2,419 25,213 241

Rivers 16,254 509 15,591 154

Kaduna 11,100 59 10,955 86

Plateau 10,223 73 10,076 74

Oyo 10,167 636 9,335 196

Edo 7,617 65 7,238 314

Ogun 5,780 63 5,635 82

Delta 5,258 343 4,805 110

Ondo 5,108 380 4,628 100

Kano 4,894 175 4,592 127

Akwa Ibom 4,625 87 4,494 44


States No. of Cases (Lab No. of Cases (on No. No. of

Affected Confirmed) admission) Discharged Deaths

Kwara 4,518 541 3,913 64

Osun 3,192 91 3,009 92

Gombe 3,063 175 2,825 63

Enugu 2,952 13 2,910 29

Anambra 2,743 46 2,678 19

Nasarawa 2,691 307 2,345 39

Katsina 2,399 23 2,339 37

Imo 2,362 75 2,230 57

Abia 2,146 15 2,097 34

Benue 2,129 340 1,764 25

Ebonyi 2,064 28 2,004 32

Ekiti 1,972 62 1,882 28

Bauchi 1,922 22 1,876 24

Borno 1,606 22 1,540 44


States No. of Cases (Lab No. of Cases (on No. No. of

Affected Confirmed) admission) Discharged Deaths

Taraba 1,350 83 1,235 32

Bayelsa 1,305 30 1,247 28

Adamawa 1,157 27 1,098 32

Niger 1,137 119 998 20

Sokoto 811 1 782 28

Cross River 770 16 729 25

Jigawa 660 32 610 18

Yobe 502 3 490 9

Kebbi 478 8 454 16

Zamfara 375 0 366 9

Kogi 5 0 3 2

Source: Nigeria center for disease control (NCDC) January 17th, 2022.


An isolation center is a separate facility from other hospital resources were people with an

infectious disease are kept and are treated separately from other patients. In the isolation center,

suspected and laboratory confirm cases of COVID 19 are kept separately. The lab confirm patients

will be giving treatment while the suspected persons will be kept for a time being to monitor their

conditions by the healthcare personals.

2.5.1 Functional Flow Diagram of a Covid-19 Isolation Center.

Figure 4; Functional Flow Diagram of a Covid-19 Isolation Center.

(source: IAB, 2020).


2.5.2 Historical Development of Isolation Center.

As early as 1877, the first published recommendations on hospital isolation precautions surfaced.

They were in the form of a hospital handbook for nurses that recommended placing patients with

infectious diseases in separate facilities. These became known as infectious disease hospitals. Not

a plague hospital, meningitis hospital, and a tuberculosis hospital, rather a hospital where all

infectious patients would be housed together. This is an original picture of one of several cottages

built at a hospital to serve as infectious disease wards. This concept didn’t work, because there

was no physical separation between the types of diseases. For example, a tuberculosis patient

would be placed in a ward with other types of infected patients. This resulted in nosocomial

transmission of infectious diseases. A nosocomial infection is contracted because of an infection

or toxin that exists in a certain location, such as a hospital. (Graham Rodgers 2017).

Personnel in infectious disease hospitals began to focus efforts towards reducing nosocomial

transmission. One way to do this was to set aside a floor or award for patients with similar diseases.

In other words, patients with like infectious conditions were placed together; not just patients with

any infectious disease.

In 1910, a cubicle system of isolation started. Here they placed a patient in multi-bed wards and

hospital personnel used separate gowns, washed their hands and disinfected patient objects after

use. This was known as “barrier nursing” and provided, for general hospitals, an alternative to

placing patients in infectious disease hospitals. Reports will mention that when barrier nursing was

used, cases of Ebola transmission between HCW’s and patients remarkably decreased. Then we

come to the 1950s and we have hospitals for infectious disease beginning to close and instead

patients were seen in outpatient and general hospitals, with the exception of TB hospitals. TB

hospitals stayed around a little longer until the mid-60s. By the late 60s, patients with infectious

diseases were housed in wards in the general hospital, either in a specifically designed single

patient isolation room or in regular single or multiple patient rooms.

Then the CDC came along and in 1970, published their Isolation Techniques for Use in Hospitals.

These guidelines were designed to apply from the smallest community hospital to the largest

teaching hospital and to assist hospitals with general isolation precautions. CDC first started out

with 7 categories: Strict, (which required all types of personal protective equipment whenever you

go in the room); Respiratory (which required wearing a mask); Protective Isolation (designed to

protect people with an immune suppressed status and you would have sterile gowns, sterile gloves,

sterile sheets, etc.); enteric precautions (for those diseases transmitted by the fecal-oral route);

Wound and Skin Precautions (for large draining wounds that couldn’t be contained with a

dressing); Discharge Precautions (not precautions against going home, but precautions for a

smaller wound that could be contained using a dressing); and Blood Precautions (designed for

Hepatitis B infection because at that time HIV was not in the picture). The precautions

recommended for each category were determined almost entirely by the epidemiologic features of

the diseases grouped in each category, primarily their routes of transmission.

The advantages of this first series of isolation precaution categories from the CDC were several.

They were considered a small number of categories. It was considered a simple system and they

had a different color-coded sign with printed instructions for each of these categories. So, you

would know, based on the color of the sign, which isolation precaution the patient was in. You

could put smaller stickers on the chart when you were going to another department for a procedure.

There were disadvantages of this system of isolation. It was not possible for every single disease

in the category to be transmitted exactly the same way. Some required fewer/more precautions

than in the designated category. As a result, some diseases were over isolated. So, this system

wasn’t as efficient as it could be. By the mid-70s, 93% of hospitals in the U.S. had adopted this

system. However, no studies were done to demonstrate their efficacy to prevent the spread of

infection or the costs, and as you know, this is a big determinant. These categories were going

along until the 80s when hospitals then started to have endemic and epidemic nosocomial infection

problems. They had the emergence of multi-resistant pathogens and these multi-resistant

pathogens really required a different type of isolation precaution than any other existing category.

So, it made it hard to fit them in the previously developed categories. So, the needs at that time

were to have an isolation precaution that specifically targeted special units, like neonatal intensive

care (where the patients did not have mature immune systems), burn units (where patients had

compromised immune systems), and intensive care units (where nosocomial ventilator associated

pneumonia is one of the highest risks of infection). They also needed categories to avoid over

isolation and they were learning new things about epidemiology and transmission, because

infection control was a relatively new field. This led to the 2nd wave, the 1983 CDC “Guideline

for Isolation Precautions in Hospitals”. This set of precautions put an emphasis on decision making

of the “users”, such as healthcare workers (HCWs). These new proposed isolation/precautions

systems required several decisions on the part of HCWs. The people who had to place the patients

in precautions had to decide, based on their age and mental status, whether they needed a private

room or not. Personnel had to decide whether they had to wear a mask, a gown, or gloves based

on exposure likelihood from a particular type of infectious material, whether it be sputum, wound

drainage, etc. Then, you had a choice. You could use “category-specific isolation” or “disease-

specific isolation” system. The first of the two types of isolation systems that were given as a

choice was the category-specific system.

Since 1970, when CDC first introduced the disease-specific category system of isolation

precautions, many different policies and practices to prevent the spread of infections in hospitals

have been recommended (Linda T. and Debora B. 2003). Traditionally, barrier precautions (e.g.,

hand hygiene and gloves) have been used to reduce the risk of transmission of nosocomial

infections to and from hospitalized patients. The emergence of bloodborne diseases such as AIDS

and hepatitis C (HCV) in the 1980s, coupled with the resurgence of tuberculosis, first led to the

introduction of Universal Precautions (UP) in 1985 and subsequently the Body Substance

Isolation, and the OSHA Blood borne Pathogens Standard. In the disease-specific system, the

epidemiology of each infectious disease was considered individually by practicing only those

precautions (e.g., private room, mask, gown and gloves) needed to interrupt transmission of the


2.5.3 Types of Isolation Rooms

➢ Single rooms

Patients Suspected of infectious diseases must not be in the same ward as those confirmed of the

cases. Suspected cases should preferably be admitted in well-ventilated single rooms. Where this

is not possible, they may be admitted in wards with a separating barrier between each bed or a

space of at least 1 m (3 ft) from the edge of one bed to the other (Africa CDC, 2020). Rooms

should have en-suite bathroom and toilet. Natural ventilation is recommended, however, where air

conditioners are used for patient comfort, the exhaust should be towards spaces away from human

flow. Where negative pressure systems are not available, natural ventilation is acceptable or an

air-conditioned single room with an exhaust to the outside away from areas of human traffic. Avoid

air recirculation. Air conditioner filters must be changed regularly according to manufacturer’s

recommendation. There should be a well-ventilated room close to the ward with adequate space

for staff to don and doff without overcrowding. (Africa CDC, 2020).

➢ Open wards

Patients that are confirmed positive for infectious diseases can be admitted into the same ward if

single rooms are not available. Wards may be the long dormitory type ward but should be divided

into bays. They may be in tents or community buildings, e.g. hotels, town halls or schools. The

requirements for mild, moderate, severe and critical cases are similar except in the area of

ventilation and distance between patients (Africa CDC, 2020). For all wards, there should be/have

adequate provision for uninterrupted safe water, sanitation and hygiene facilities, as well as

electricity and communication, at least one toilet for every 20 patients, an adequate waste disposal

system which is color-coded, in wards for mild/moderate cases, 60 l/s per patient airflow for

natural ventilation, beds at least 1 m apart edge-to-edge between patients, severe/critical wards

with beds separated by at least 2 m edge-to edge (Africa CDC, 2020).

➢ Sampling room

This is where infectious disease laboratory samples are taken, sampling may be carried out in the

triage area if there is adequate space. Well ventilated individual cubicles with natural ventilation

or hybrid ventilation with a HEPA filter for the exhaust air is recommended. Each cubicle should

be clearly labelled and must be cleaned and disinfected after each patient to avoid disease

transmission (Africa CDC, 2020).

2.5.4 Design Considerations in An Isolation/ Quarantine Facility.

According to Zulfiqar AR (2018) There is no architecture design specially in the field of healthcare

architecture which is 100% error free but we can achieve a healing environment in hospital project

by minimizing these design errors if due care can be provided. That is possible with fundaments

of hospital design which include the following:

1. Circulation and Infection Control

An isolation center is a complex system of interrelated functions requiring constant movement of

people and goods. Much of this circulation should be controlled following the steps below to

control nosocomial infection within the facility.

• Outflow of trash, recyclables and soiled materials should be separated form movement of

food and clean supplies and both should be separated from routes of patients

• Out patients visiting diagnostic and vaccination areas should not travel through inpatient

functional areas nor encounter severely ill inpatients

• Typical outpatient routes should be simple and clearly defined.

• Visitors should have a simple and direct route to each patient nursing unit without

penetrating other functional areas.

• Transfer of cadavers to and from the morgue should be out of the sight of patients and


Transmission of infectious agents within a healthcare setting requires three elements; a source (or

reservoir) of infectious agents, a susceptible host; with a portal of entry receptive to the agent, and

a mode of transmission for the agent (J.D. Siegel and Emily Rhinehart et al. 2007). As such, the

design of am isolation center must take measures that curtail the spread of the disease to other

people in and around the facility.

Sources of infectious agents. Infectious agents transmitted during healthcare derive primarily from

human sources but inanimate environmental sources also are implicated in transmission. Human

reservoirs include patients, healthcare personnel, and household members and other visitors. Such

source individuals may have active infections, may be in the asymptomatic and/or incubation

period of an infectious disease, or may be transiently or chronically colonized with pathogenic

microorganisms, particularly in the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts. The endogenous flora

of patients (e.g., bacteria residing in the respiratory or gastrointestinal tract) also are the source of


Susceptible hosts. Infection is the result of a complex interrelationship between a potential host

and an infectious agent. Most of the factors that influence infection and the occurrence and severity

of disease are related to the host. However, characteristics of the host-agent interaction as it relates

to pathogenicity, virulence and antigenicity are also important, as are the infectious dose,

mechanisms of disease production and route of exposure. There is a spectrum of possible outcomes

following exposure to an infectious agent.


2. Sustainability and Comfort.

Isolation centers are large public buildings that have a significant impact on the community. They

are heavy users of energy and water and produce large amounts of waste. Because isolation centers

place such demands on community resources, they are natural candidates for sustainable design so

as to achieve the user comfort.

Comfort involves more than relief from pain, it comes from pleasant memories, hours spent in the

garden, the sound of a crackling fire, soothing music, appealing fragrance, and a loving touch.

Hospice provides these final pleasures; the design of an isolation center strives to evoke pleasant

emotional responses.

These spaces should also accommodate the well-being of the users. Isolating the individual should

not make them feel like prisoners but you cannot send them to the community. Therefore, the space

designed for this function should be well thought through to achieve the two contradictory

statements. IC should be adequately located with adequate internal / room micro climate and

building/ space layout. When they are poorly designed they may cause more harm than good

because they may lead to infection of even the medical workers (G. Nakibaala 2016).

Nature is comforting to many, and access to the outdoors is important. A garden provides a

comfortable place to visit and produces flowers to adorn the patients’ rooms. Even short exposures

to nature, as short as three to five minutes, evoke psychological/emotional changes, reducing

stress. Bring the natural elements of light, water, and fire indoors through the use of skylights,

fireplaces, and fountains (Cynthia Leibrock, Debra D. Harris, 2011).


It should preferably be placed in the outskirt of the urban/ city area away from the people’s reach

(crowded and populated area)

It should be well protected and secured (preferably by security personnel) and should have a

hospital facility attached to it or have a better approachability to a tertiary hospital facility in case

of patients having other medical complications. The facility should have sufficient Parking space

including ambulances and easy access for delivery of food/medical/other supplies (NCDC Delhi


In addition, they should be designed so as to be easy to use by any patients with temporary or

permanent handicaps by ensuring grades are flat enough to allow easy movement and sidewalls

and corridors are wide enough for two wheelchairs to pass easily. the entrance areas are designed

to accommodate patients with slower adaptation rates to dark and light, marking glass walls and

doors to make their presence obvious.

3. Basic infrastructure/functional requirements:

• Rooms/Dormitory separated from one another may be preferable with in-house capacity of 5-10


• Each bed to be separated 1-2 meters (minimum 1 meter) apart from all sides.

• Lighting, well-ventilation, heating, electricity, ceiling fan

• Potable water to be available

• Functional telephone system for providing communications.

• Support services- food, snacks, recreation areas including television


• Laundry services

• Sanitation services/Cleaning and House keeping

• Properly covered bins as per BMW may be placed

4. Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness:

An efficient isolation center should:

• Promote staff efficiency by minimizing distance of necessary travel between frequently

used spaces.

• Include all needed spaces, but no redundant ones. This requires careful pre-design


• Make efficient use of space by locating support spaces so that they may be shared by

adjacent functional areas, and by making prudent use of multi-purpose spaces.

• Group or combine functional areas with similar system requirements

5. Flexibility and Expandability

Since medical needs and modes of treatment will continue to change, isolation centers should:

• Use genetic room sizes and plans as much possible, rather than highly specific ones.

• Be served by modular, easily accessed, and easily modified mechanical and electrical


• Be open-ended, with well-planned directions for future expansion; for instances

positioning “soft spaces” such as administrative departments, adjacent to “hard spaces”

such as clinical laboratories.


6. Aesthetics

Aesthetics is closely related to creating a therapeutic environment (homelike, attractive). It is

important in enhancing the facility’s public. A better environment also contributes to better staff

morale and patient care. Aesthetics considerations include:

• Increased use of natural light, natural materials, and textures.

• Attention to proportions, color, scale and detail

• Bright, open, generously scaled public spaces

• Homelike and intimate scale in patient rooms, day consultation rooms, and offices

7. Securing Entry and Exit points

In order to prevent and control infection in the facility, strategic points in the facility needs to be

identified including:

• The Control room where a person entering inside quarantined building to get proper

awareness and training on infection control measures,

• A well informed and trained security to check (main entrance gate of the area) and a guard

(24*7) with registers for ins and outs and a designated nursing officer for checking proper

PPE wear (main entrance gate in the building)

• The international biohazard warning symbol and sign to be displayed on the doors of the

rooms where suspects are kept, biomedical waste (BMW) management areas, samples of

higher risk groups are handled

• Only authorized & trained persons or those designated in work areas to permitted to enter

the isolation/ quarantine areas;

• Doors to keep closed at all times preferably under observation of a guard.


There should be double door entry was managed with only one door to be open at a single time.

(NCDC Delhi 2020).


Regardless of whether an existing healthcare facility is being adapted for use in caring for severely

affected COVID-19 patients, or a temporary facility is being established externally, certain

designated areas should be included in the facility design. These designated areas do not have to

be co-located with the isolation center but should be close enough to ensure efficient and secure

workflow (Africa CDC July, 2020).

For a basic and effective running of an isolation center, the following designated spaces must be

in a good working condition:

1. Triaging area should be/have:

● The first point of patient contacts before entry into the facility;

● In a well-ventilated room, designated space or can be outside of the building;

● A staff area and patient area;

● At least 1 m between healthcare worker and patient. A plexiglass barrier can be placed between

the patient and HCW;

● A thermometer or “no-touch” electronic temperature measuring device;

● PPE (e.g. medical masks);


● Hand hygiene facilities such as alcohol-based hand rub (ABHR) or/and handwashing station

with running water and soap;

● Equipment for disinfection of surfaces

● Clear and readable signage to direct patients to triage area and to holding bay.

2. Patient waiting area should be a well-ventilated room or can be a designated area in an open

space. Patients may also be given individual cubicles. If patients are together in one area there

must be at least 1 m between each person. Facilities can consider marking the areas using colored

tapes, chalk or paint. The place should be disinfected after each patient.

3. Isolation/holding bay is a temporary area that must be close to the screening area for a person

suspected of having COVID-19 to wait if they require transfer to another facility.

4. Reception should be close to the entrance. The receptionist must have clear view of the entrance

and will assist to direct patients to the holding bay. The receptionist works closely with the triage

staff to ensure proper patient flow.

5. Staff entrance is the first IPC administrative control because that is where temperature screening

and hand hygiene of staff occurs.

● It also prevents unauthorized entry ensuring the separation of staff from patients.

● It should be spacious and well ventilated.


6. Changing rooms should be/have:

● Separated into male and female areas;

● Large enough to avoid overcrowding and should be well ventilated;

● Separated by a door;

● Preferably have a higher pressure than the corridor or be separated by an anteroom that is at

higher pressure or have good natural ventilation;

● Adjacent to the isolation ward;

● Adequate shelving for clean PPE;

● Facilities for hand hygiene and waste disposal.

7. Isolation wards for confirmed and suspected cases should be in a segregated area not frequented

by outsiders/visitors. If possible, access to isolation ward should be through dedicated lift/guarded

stairs. It should not be co-located with post-surgical wards, labour wards, neonatal units and wards

with vulnerable patients. Entry and exit doors should be separate and clearly marked. There should

be clear signages on the door indicating that the space is an isolation area (Africa CDC. 2020).

8. Cleaning services in clean and dirty zones is a designated and dedicated space in each ward

(isolation zone) and in the staff (clean zone) area. This area is used for dilution of disinfectants,

storage and reprocessing of reusable cleaning equipment and supplies. It should have good lighting

and be well-ventilated with adequate water supply, energy and waste management system. It must

have hand hygiene facilities


9. Discharge area is for patients who are preparing to be discharged home. There should be a wide

window on both sides to ensure adequate natural ventilation. Handwashing points must be

available at the entrance and exit (Africa CDC. 2020).

for the discharge of quarantine and isolated patients from the facility at the end of 14 days of

incubation period provided samples are negative on resampling. Instructions should be provided

to self-monitor their health at their home (home quarantine) for next 14 days and immediately

report to their District Surveillance officer (DSO), in case of development of symptoms suggestive

of COVID-19 (NCDC, Delhi 2020).

2.5.6 Risk Assessment of An Isolation/ Quarantine Facility

The risk level refers to how likely it is that someone in the isolation center/ quarantine camp will

become infected with corona virus as a result of movements and activities performed in the facility

(NCDC, Delhi 2020). Risk assessment includes identification of the biohazard risk precaution

levels, along with its associated activities. The risk level refers to how likely it is that someone in

the isolation center will become infected with corona virus as a result of procedures performed in

the isolation center. The risk areas are segregated and labeled as:

➢ Low risk areas: Areas having less direct contact with evacuee suspects such as control

room in the isolation center, nursing station and of kitchen areas where food is prepared.

➢ Moderate risk areas: Moderate risk areas are where infectious aerosols are generated

from. Areas where the suspects were inhabiting in their bed linen, pillows and nearby

clothes; low concentration of infectious particles. Contaminated surface near the isolation/

quarantine zones.

➢ High risk areas: Areas where direct dealing with the suspects are as under Medical

examination room, sample collection areas (high concentration of infectious particles while

coughing, sneezing, gag reflex during nasopharyngeal & oropharyngeal sample collection).

Toilet and bathroom areas, dining areas, areas of bio-waste collections, segregation and

disposal (NCDC, Delhi 2020).



SARS-COV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, is primarily transmitted through droplets and

contact routes. However, certain procedures performed in health care settings produce aerosols

that may render the virus airborne and capable of spreading over much longer distances. These

include nebulizer treatments, suctioning of respiratory secretions, and endotracheal intubation.

In addition to providing the needed advanced patient care services, healthcare facilities and

treatment centers supporting critically ill patients must:

• have floor space that is adequate to separate patient beds;

• adequately separate COVID-19 patients from other non-infected patients;

• manage the flow of personnel and other patients to avoid unnecessary contact with

COVID-19 patients;

• provide adequate space for healthcare staff to don and doff protective equipment;

• provide for appropriate handling of respiratory air from the treatment area;

• properly handle and dispose of potentially infected medical waste;


• have appropriate plumbing with sufficient clean water for handwashing and

wastewater disposal; and

• provide adequate pest and rodent control.

The ideal treatment center, as recommended by the WHO, incorporates all these requirements in

a single purpose-built complex (Africa CDC July, 2020).


Bio-medical waste" means any waste, which is generated during the surveillance, monitoring,

diagnosis, treatment or immunization of quarantined personnel in health Quarantine facility. The

Bio-medical Waste Management rules are applicable to all persons who generate, collect, receive,

store, transport, treat, dispose, or handle bio medical waste in any form at the quarantine facility.

Management of Hospital/Healthcare/Biomedical waste at the quarantine facility is of utmost

concern having global implications and immediate attention. It is documented that even the general

waste generated from Quarantine facility is a potential health hazard to the health care workers,

public, flora and fauna of the area.

To ensure that biomedical waste management in the facility takes place as per standard guidelines,

separate yellow, red /black bags, foot operating dustbins needs to be kept at each floor and outside

the facility. It is to strictly ensured that Doffing takes place in the designated area with all the PPE

kit including mask, gloves is properly placed in yellow bags. All the health care workers collecting

the possible infectious material such as food items, PPE kits from yellow bags should also wear

PPE and following the infection protection control (IPC) measures. Designated place to be

earmarked outside the building for collection of yellow and black bags. It should be collected at

least twice daily by biomedical waste management vehicle/any other local established practice.

Site of collection of biomedical waste should be regularly disinfected with freshly prepared 1%

hypochlorite solution. All officials concerned with the administration and all other health care

workers including medical, paramedical, nursing officers, other paramedical staff and waste

handlers, attendants & Sanitation attendants need to be well oriented to the requirements of

handling and management of general and BMW generated at the facility. Steps in the management

of BMW include generation, accumulation, handling, storage, treatment, transport and disposal as

mentioned in the Standard Operative Procedures (SOP) needs to be followed. Continuous training,

monitoring & supervision to monitor the implementation to be done on daily basis to manage

compliance related issues. All the generated waste from Isolation facility to be treated as isolation

waste and its disinfection /treatment was strictly monitored by specialists in the health authorities

(NCDC, Delhi 2020).

2.6.1 Organogram for Biomedical waste management

Figure 5; Organogram for Biomedical waste management

(NCDC, Delhi 2020).


2.6.2 Catteories of biomedical waste

Bio-medical waste has been classified in to 4 major categories to improve the segregation of waste

at the source itself:

Table 4; Catteories of biomedical waste

Categories Type of Bags Type of Waste Treatment/Disposal

Non-chlorinated Donned off PPE, PPE with spill, Incineration or Plasma pyrolysis

plastic, Gloves, Shoe covers, Head, or deep burial*

autoclavable Covers, Disposable bed sheets.


Non-chlorinated 1. Eye protection goggles Autoclaving/microwaving

plastic, 2. recyclable materials like pens /hydroclaving and then sent for

autoclavable 3. plastic water bottles used by recycling not be sent to landfill

bags quarantine people 4. Bed sheets


Puncture, leak, 1. sharp waste including metals Auto or Dry Heat Sterilization

tamper proof followed by shredding or

containers mutilation or encapsulation


Cardboard Glassware/tube light/CFL Disinfection or autoclaving,

boxes with blue bulbs/LED used in quarantine microwaving, hydroclaving and

coloured facility then sent for recycling


(NCDC, Delhi 2020).


2.6.3 Treatment and Disposal of BMW

1. Quarantine facility does not have an onsite setup for BMW treatment facilities there it should

be taken to their designated BMW facility and treatment/disposal must be done as per BMW

regulations approved in their contract.

2. No untreated bio-medical waste shall be kept stored beyond a period of 48 hours.

3. All the waste (even the general waste) generated from the quarantine facility must be treated as

Biomedical waste.

2.5.4 Cleanliness and Sanitation

isolation centers must be easy to clean and maintain. This is facilitated by appropriate, durable

finishes for each functional space and careful detailing of such features as doorframes, casework,

and finish transitions to avoid dirt-catching and hard-to-clean crevices and joints. Cleanliness in

an isolation center make a good indoor environmental quality.

2.6. Conceptual framework

The introduction of adequate and sufficient ventilation through the use of wide and opposite

openings in the building dilute the concentration of contaminated indoor air by replacing it with

fresh and clean outdoor air. Top openings will be introduced to serve as air vents where warm

indoor air rises and escape into the atmosphere (Tom Lipinski, et al. 2020) as the fresh air enters

the building through the provided building fenestrations.

The building orientation will bring in sunlight by making the longer and openable axis face the

eastern and western solar path. Research has shown that a little exposure to the sun’s UVA and

UVB kills viruses and germs (C.S. Heilingloh et al. 2020). The introduction of sunlight into the

building will help eliminate virus droplets on surfaces as well as reduce the chances of viral spread

through contact transmission.

The choice of materials will also play a significant role in reducing infection within the facility.

As research suggested, materials made of steel, cardboard, and plastic serves as a good surviving

ground for viruses and germs (Onaizi, S.A.; Leong, S.S.J. 2011) but materials or items made or

coated with copper serves as inhibiting rounds for viruses and germs (Chen, C. et al. 2020).

Therefore, copper made or coated materials and finishes will be prioritized in the materials

specifications. Regular contacted surfaces like bedrails, bedtables, handrails, doorknobs, elevator

buttons, floor and wall finish etc. will be made or coated with copper or any of its alloys since

viruses only survive for a little time on them.

Social distancing is a proven way of curbing the spread of viruses among people (CDC 2021). The

CDC guidelines requires that a social distance of 1-2m be maintain from person to person in any

gathering since virus release from an infected person either through coughing, sneezing, or talking

travel not farter tan 1m under normal condition before it is pull down by gravitational force

(Udomiaye E. et al. 2020). The design of the facility will make provision for wide spaces that will

ensure sufficient social distancing.





A case study is a process of researching into a project and documenting it through writings,

sketches, diagrams, and photos. To understand the various aspects of designing and constructing

a building one must consider learning from other people’s mistakes and successes (Modam Shahid


A case study gives an understanding of a detail analysis of the design philosophy of an architect

in order to understand the pros and cons of the design that may affect the proposed design as well.

It is not automatic that we will like everything in the design but the whole design cannot go

unnoticed. The good aspects of the design can be adopted into the proposed design and the bad

aspect of the design can be an area that need improvement in the proposed design (Sai Kumar


The main purpose of a case study is to research and understand the design philosophy employed

by an architect wile designing a building. It can be the starting point of any project or serve as a

link or reference that will be use to explain the project with ease. The building chosen for a case

study must not be a true representation of the intended design but the aim should be to learn from

its perfections as well as from its mistakes too while adding our creativity (Modam Shahid 2015).

Case study in the context of this research is a comparative study of the passive design approach to

the design of an isolation center. Emphasis will be made on general design of the center and some

specific passive design strategies improvised in the centers. Five case studies were chosen for the

assessment i.e. three international and two local Case studies will be discussed. The following

center will be discussed;

a. 1 Bataan Mega Q.

b. ITBP Quarantine Center.

c. Plateau Hospital Isolation Ward


Name: 1 Bataan Mega Q, Bataan, Philippines.

Location: Municipal of Oroni, Bataan, Philippines.

Architect: Henry Mayuga

Category: Quarantine and Isolation Center

Year of Construction: 2021

Services: Treatment of infected patients, quarantine of suspected patients, sample collection and

screening, and vaccination of laboratory confirm negative patients.

units: reception area, triage area, kitchen, parking lot, waste disposal system, 300 isolation rooms.

planning area: 4-storey building on 3-hectares of land.

Plate 2; Showing the perspective of 1 Bataan Mega Q.


Source; Ernie Esconde 2020

3.2.1 Background

The facility is a four-story central processing and quarantine facility for Covid-19. it was

inaugurated in simple ceremonies at the sprawling 1Bataan Command Center compound adjacent

to the Roman Highway in Balanga City, Bataan on Friday (Dec. 18, 2020). To be known as

1Bataan Mega Q. The facility is a 300-bed processing and quarantine facility with an Isolation

Center where those tested positive of the virus with mild and asymptomatic cases can stay for 10–

14 days. The Governor of Bataan state, Albert Garcia said the building will be known as 1Bataan

Mega Q. that will process our province mates, overseas Filipino workers, and locally stranded

individuals who returned home in Mega Q to make sure they are not positive for Covid-19 before

they are endorse to their mayors and municipal health officers and before finally returning home

(Ernie Esconde 2020).

Plate 3; Showing patients testing units.


Source; Ernie Esconde 2020

Plate 4; Showing waiting area.


Source; Ernie Esconde 2020

Plate 5; Showing sample collection unit.


Source; Ernie Esconde 2020

Plate 6; Showing vaccination room.

Source; Ernie Esconde 2020


Plate 7; Showing design idea to construction.

Source; Ernie Esconde 2020

Plate 8; Showing landscape of the facility.

Source; Ernie Esconde 2020



Name: ITBP Quarantine Center.

Location: Chhawla, New Delhi, India.

Category: Quarantine and Isolation Center

Services: treatment of infected patients, quarantine of suspected cases, sample collection /

screening, and vaccination

units: reception area, triage area, canteen, indoor recreational area, waste disposal system, 500

beds isolation wards.

Figure 6; Showing typical floor layout of the facility.

Source; AIB, 2020.


Plate 9; Showing a three-dimensional view of the facility.

Plate 10; Showing an isolation ward in the facility.



Name: Plateau Hospital Isolation Ward

Location: Plateau specialist hospital Jos, plateau state, Nigeria.

Category: Isolation Center

Services: Treatment of infected patients (critical cases only)

units: isolation wards (male and female), patients relatives’ room, nurse station.

Client: UBA foundation.

Year of construction: 2020.

Figure 7; Showing floor plan of the facility.

Source; researcher’s field survey, 2021.


3.4.1 Background

The facility is a two wards isolation center each having ten bed spaces for male and female patients.

It was established in the year 2020 by the United Bank for Africa (UBA foundation) during the

global outbreak of corona virus disease (Covid-19). The facility was provided only for isolation of

critical covid-19 cases with and attached space for patients’ relatives.

Plate 11; Showing the entrance to the facility.

Source; researcher’s field survey, 2021.


Plate 12; Showing the interior space of the isolation ward.

Source; researcher’s field survey, 2021.

Plate 13; Showing the external landscape of the facility

Source; researcher’s field survey, 2021.





Plateau State was created out of the then Benue-Plateau State on February 3, 1976 by the Murtala

Mohammed Regime. Its capital is Jos. Jos the original name of ‘Gwosh’ was wrongly pronounced

as ‘Jos’ by the Hausa who settled on the site and turned it into a trading centre. Plateau State gets

its name from the Jos Plateau, a mountainous area in the north of the state with captivating rock

formations. Bare rocks are scattered across the grasslands, which cover the plateau. The altitude

ranges from around 1,200 meters (about 4000 feet) to a peak of 1,829 metres above sea level in

the Shere Hills range near Jos. Plateau State has led to a reduced incidence of some tropical

diseases such as malaria. The Jos Plateau, makes it the source of many rivers in northern Nigeria

including the Kaduna, Gongola, Hadejia and Yobe rivers.

Figure 8; Showing Map of Nigeria highlighting plateau state

Source; (Wikipedia 2019)



It is located in North Central Nigeria, Plateau State occupies 30,913 square kilometers. Plateau

State shares borders with Bauchi State to the North, Kaduna state to west, Nassarawa and Benue

state to the South and Taraba State to the East. Plateau State is located between latitude 80°24’N

and longitude 80°32′ and 100°38′ east


Plateau State is also divided into chiefdoms and emirates, each encompassing ethnic groups who

share common affinities. Leaders of the chiefdoms are elected by the people from amongst several

contestants who may not be related to any past chiefdom leaders, while succession to the position

of an emir is hereditary.

Plateau State has over forty ethno-linguistic groups but no single group large enough to claim

majority position. Some of the indigenous tribes in the State include: Afizere, Amo, Anaguta,

Angas, Aten, Berom, Bogghom, Buji, Challa, Chip, Fier, Gashish, Goemai, Irigwe, Jarawa, Jukun,

Kwagalak, Kwalla, Meryang, Miango, Miship, Montol, Mushere, Mupum, Mwaghavul, Ngas,

Piapung, Pyem, Ron-Kulere, Rukuba, Taletc, Taroh, Youm. Each ethnic group has its own distinct

language, but as with the rest of the country, English is the official language in Plateau State

although Hausa has gained acceptability as a medium of communication.



These people groups are predominantly farmers and have similar cultural and traditional ways of

life. People from other parts of country have come to settle in Plateau State and generally coexist

peacefully with the indigenes. These include the Hausa, Fulani, Igbo, Yoruba, Ijaw, and Bini.


Though situated in the tropical zone, a higher altitude means that Plateau State has a near temperate

climate with an average temperature of between 13 and 22 °C. Harmattan winds cause the coldest

weather between December and February. The warmest temperatures usually occur in the dry

season months of March and April. The mean annual rainfall varies between 131.75 cm (52 in) in

the southern part to 146 cm (57 in) on the Plateau. The highest rainfall is recorded during the wet

season months of July and August. The Jos Plateau, makes it the source of many rivers in northern

Nigeria including the Kaduna, Gongola, Hadejia and Yobe rivers


The Jos Plateau is thought to be an area of younger granite which was intruded through an area of

older granite rock, making up the surrounding states. These "younger" granites are thought to be

about 160 million years old. This creates the unusual scenery of the Jos Plateau. There are

numerous hillocks with gentle slopes emerging from the ground like mushrooms scattered with

huge boulders. Also, volcanic activity 50 million years ago created numerous volcanoes and vast

basaltic plateaus formed from lava flows. This also produces regions of mainly narrow and deep

valleys and pediments (surfaces made smooth by erosion) from the middle of rounded hills with

sheer rock faces (Encyclopedia Britannica 2020). The phases of volcanic activities involved in the

formation of Plateau State have made it one of the mineral rich states in the country.

4.7 Tourism

4.7.1 Wildlife Safari Park

Sits in the middle of 8 km2 (3.09 sq. miles) of unspoiled savanna bush, about 4 km (2 mi) from

Jos. It offers a wide variety of wild animals within easy viewing. These include Buffalos, Lions,

baboons, derby elands, Rock pythons, crocodiles, chimpanzees, and Marabou storks. It was once

home to the rare pygmy hippopotamus, which had been successfully bred in the 'hippo pool’. The

park also boasts great, panoramic views of Jos city.

4.7.2 The National Museum

The national museum In Jos was founded in 1952, and is recognized as one of the best in the

country. It is renowned for its archeology and The Pottery Hall has an exceptional collection of

finely crafted pottery from all over Nigeria. The museum boasts some fine specimens of Nok

terracotta heads and artifacts dating from between 500 BC to 200 AD.

4.7.3 The Museum of Traditional Nigerian Architecture

The museum is adjacent, with life-size replicas of a variety of buildings, from the walls of Kano

and to a Tiv village. In addition, articles of interest from colonial times relating to the railway and

tin mining can be found on display.


4.7.4 Assop Falls

Assop Falls Is perhaps, the most notable of Nigeria's many waterfalls. Located at the edge of the

Jos Plateau, about 40 miles (64 km) from Jos city, on the road to Abuja, this is a tourist stop for

picnicking, swimming and enjoying the scenery. Assop Falls is also used as a filming location for

local soap operas and advertisements.

4.7.5 Kurra Falls

is an area some 77 kilometers southeast of Jos. It is the location of the state's first hydroelectric

power station. It is a beautiful area of rocks hills, and lakes, ideal for boating, camping, and rock

climbing. There is tourist accommodation available.

4.7.6 Wase Rock

The wase rock is a striking dome-shaped inselberg which juts out of the ground to a height of 450

meters. It is located about 216 kilometers southeast of Jos near Wase town. It is one of the only

five breeding places for the white pelican in Africa. Because of this, the government now protects

about 321 acres (1.30 km2) of land around the rock as a bird sanctuary and for wildlife


4.7.7 Kerang Highlands

The Kerang highlands are located about 88 kilometres from Jos. These volcanic hills are the source

of natural mountain springs, which supply the spring water company (SWAN).

4.7.8 Pandam Game Reserve

is a wildlife sanctuary. It is a protected region of natural habitat and is home to hippopotami,

crocodiles, and snakes of all types. Local park rangers track local game on foot and guide people

to the best viewing areas. This area is still virtually unspoiled by human contact. It offers sports

fishing facilities and tourist accommodation is available.

4.7.9 Kahwang Rock Formation

is a set of basalt rocks, located in Bangai village of Bachi District in Riyom Local Government of

the state, the Kahwang rocks have received tourists from different parts of the state, the country at

large and on occasions, from outside Nigeria, who visit the site to see for themselves the wonders

of nature. This site is however, still awaiting the attention of the Plateau State Tourism Corporation

to meet modern standards and to serve as another source of revenue generation to the state.


Jos South is a Local Government Area in Plateau State, Nigeria. It houses the Governor’s office

in Rayfield and can thus be described as the de facto capital of plateau state. Its headquarters is

located in Bukuru town on 9°48′00″N 8°52′00″E. It has an area of 510 km² and a population of

306,716 at the 2006 census. It is the second most populated Local Government Area in the state

after Jos-North.


The site investigation is one of the most important tasks which must be carried out in other to

choose the most suitable site for the design of the isolation centre. The investigation is preceded

by the initial site selection process which took into consideration the criteria that the most suitable

site most satisfy. Three sites where selected and analyst based on the site selection criteria listed


• Topography: it helps to understand the detailed map of the surface features of land. It

includes the mountains, hills, creeks, and other bumps and lumps on a particular hunk of

earth. A favorable site for the proposed project should be relatively flat to encourage

visibility and ease of movement.

• Accessibility: this is an access road which enables traffic to reach to the site. It’s either a

high way or a minor road.

• Proximity to service: the site must be in close proximity to a tertiary hospital with an ICU

for the treatment of complicated issues.

• Infrastructure: the availability of social services like electricity, water, and social

amenities are advantage to the proposed project.

• Location: proximity of the site to city centre is an advantage.

• Views: interesting view of nature like trees rocks and water body are good for therapeutic

purposes hence, site with such attribute will be good for siting the proposed project.

• Security: the site should be in a secured environment where safety is ensured.

4.9.1 Site A:

The site is located at Lamingo adjacent the Jos University Teaching Hospital JUTH. There are

zero residential settlements around the site which made suitable for siting the project.

Plate 14; Showing a google map of the site.

source: googgle earth 2022.

4.9.2 Site B:

The site is located at maraban jama’a, the major roundout that connect the city centre to the other

part of the state. There are settlement around the site.


Plate 15; Showing a google map of the site.

source: google earth.

4.9.3 Site C:

the site is located along lamingo road. It is about 4km away from the city centre.

Plate 16; Showing a google map of the site.

source: google earth.


4.9.4 Result

Table 5; Result


1 Accessibility

2 Topography

3 Proximity to service

4 Infrastructure

5 Zoning

6 Location (city outskirt)


8 Security

4.9.5 Ranking

Table 6; Ranking




From the ranking on the table above, site A appears to be the most suitable hence, it will be used

for the proposed design.



A site analysis is a study of the site, it takes into consideration natural and man-made components

present above and beneath the site, as well as climatic conditions present in and around the site. For

a comprehensive site study of macro and micro site analysis is carried out. The macro site analysis

takes into consideration environmental factors effecting a larger area than the site, such as a region,

state or zone. For this study, the entire Jos Capital city is considered. A micro site analysis takes into

consideration environmental factors affecting a specific site or data.

Figure 9; site analysis

Source: (Authors work, 2023)


4.10.1 Geographical

Jos is situated almost at the geographical center of Nigeria and about 179 kilometers (111 miles)

from Abuja, the nation's capital, Jos is linked by road, rail and air to the rest of the country. at an

altitude of 1,217 m (3,993 ft) above sea level.

4.10.2 Climate

Though situated in the tropical zone, a higher altitude means that Plateau State has a near temperate

climate with an average temperature of between 18 and 22°C. Harmattan winds cause the coldest

weather between December and February. The warmest temperatures usually occur in the dry

season months of March and April. The mean annual rainfall varies from 131.75 cm (52 in) in the

southern part to 146 cm (57 in) on the Plateau. The highest rainfall is recorded during the wet

season months of July and August. The average lower temperatures Plateau State has led to a

reduced incidence of some tropical diseases such as malaria. The Jos Plateau, makes it the source

of many rivers in northern Nigeria including the Kaduna, Gongola, Hadejia and Yobe rivers. Jos

receives about 1,400 millimetres (55 inches) of rainfall annually, the precipitation arising from

both convectional and orographic sources, owing to the location of the city on the Jos Plateau.

According to the Köppen Climate Classification system, Jos has a Tropical savanna climate,

Figure 10; climatic data.

Source: (Authors work, 2023)

4.10.3 Geology

The Jos Plateau is thought to be an area of younger granite which was intruded through an area of

older granite rock, making up the surrounding states. These "younger" granites are thought to be

about 160 million years old. This creates the unusual scenery of the Jos Plateau. There are

numerous hillocks with gentle slopes emerging from the ground like mushrooms scattered with

huge boulders. Also, volcanic activity 50 million years ago created numerous volcanoes and vast

basaltic plateaus created from lava flows. This also produces regions of mainly narrow and deep

valleys and pediments (surfaces made smooth by erosion) from the middle of rounded hills with

sheer rock faces. The phases of volcanic activities involved in the formation of Plateau State have

made it one of the mineral rich states in the country. Tin is still mined and processed on the plateau.

4.10.4 Vegetation

The area now designated the Jos Capital falls within the Savannah zone vegetation of the West

Africa Sub-region. Patches of rain forest, however, occur in the Gwash plains, especially in the

gullied terrain to the South and the rugged South-Eastern Parts of the city. These areas of the Jos

form one of the surviving northern most occurrences of the mature forest vegetation in Nigeria.

However, the rain forest patches constituted only 7.4 percent (592km) of the vegetation

cover. Riparian vegetation includes both wood lands and rain forest of varying structure and floristic


4.10.5 Sun Light

The impact of the solar radiation is less due to the presence of trees and shrubs on the site. The trees

and shrubs absorb the heat, cast shadows and consequently provide shades for human comfort.

Reflection of sun rays as a result of smooth surfaces is absent, heat absorption and radiation by large

paving such as roads and car parks are absent on site.

4.10.6 Dust

The virgin nature of the site, with trees and shrubs tend to reduce the effect of the dust over the site.

However, during the dry season, dust is raised from the predominant sandy soil over the site. It is

intended that adequate landscape is carried out with an intention to reduce the effect of dust.

4.10.7 Topography

The site tends to slope gently toward the east. There are rocks showing on the surface of the site,

trees and shrubs constitute majority of the over site components.


4.10.8 Hydrology

The depth of the water table underneath the site is within reasonable reachable limits to provide

water, which shall be tapped through boreholes to service the facility.


The site potential reveals various features in and around the site, which can be used or incorporated

into the design.

• Vehicular access into the site is directly from the university of Jos teaching hospital

• The top soil present on the soil supports plan life while the migmatite, granite, gneiss and

biotite, which underline the site is suitable for construction.

• The site consists of gentle gradients upwards; this factor is advantageous as it will help in

projecting the monumentality of the edifice.

• The topography of the site allows for good drainage. This is due to the fact that the site slopes

gradually into a depression located on the tapering end of the site.




Two particular space planning and functional issues require special mention: the flexibility of

functional spaces, and accessibility for those people requiring isolation. These issues apply to

isolation services provided within community settings and acute general hospitals. As well as

accessibility into and around any healthcare premises, consideration should be given to a lot of

varying factors which will be discussed in this chapter


5.1.1 Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness

An efficient layout of an isolation center should:

• Promote staff efficiency by minimizing distance of necessary travel between frequently

used spaces.

• Allow easy visual supervision of patients by limited staff

• Include all needed spaces, but no redundant ones. This requires careful pre-design


• Provide an efficient logistics system, which might include elevators, pneumatic tubes, box

conveyors, manual or automated carts, and gravity or pneumatic chutes, for the efficient

handling of food and clean supplies and the removal of waste, recyclables, and soiled


• Make efficient use of space by locating support spaces so that they may be shared by

adjacent functional areas, and by making prudent use of multi-purpose spaces.


• Consolidate outpatient functions for more efficient operation- on first floor, if possible –

for direct access by outpatients.

• Group or combine functional areas with similar system requirements

5.1.2 Flexibility and Expandability

Since medical needs and modes of treatment will continue to change, isolation centers should:

• Follow modular concepts of space planning and layout

• Use genertric room sizes and plans as much possible, rather than highly specific ones.

• Be served by modular, easily accessed, and easily modified mechanical and electrical


• Be open-ended, with well-planned directions for future expansion; for instances

positioning “soft spaces” such as administrative departments, adjacent to “hard spaces”

such as clinical laboratories.

5.1.3 Therapeutic Environment

Patients in isolation center are often fearful and confused and these feelings may impede recovery.

Every effort should be made to make the facility stay as unthreatening, comfortable, and stress-

free as possible. The interior designer plays a major role in this effort to create a therapeutic

environment. nd abusiveness some important aspects of creating a therapeutic interior are:

• Using familiar and culturally relevant materials wherever consistent with sanitation and

other function needs.

• Using cheerful and varied colours and textures, keeping in mind that some colours are in

appropriate and can interfere with recovery.

• Admitting ample natural light wherever feasible and using colour-corrected lighting in

interior spaces which closely approximates natural daylight.


• Providing views of the outdoors from every patient bed and elsewhere wherever possible;

photo murals of nature sense are helpful where outdoor views are not available.

5.1.4 Cleanliness and Sanitation

Isolation centers must be easy to clean and maintain. This is facilitated by:

• Appropriate, durable finishes for each functional space

• Careful detailing of such features as doorframes, casework, and finish transitions to avoid

dirt-catching and hard-to-clean crevices and joints.

• Adequate and appropriately located housekeeping spaces.

• Special materials, finishes, and details for spaces which are to be kept sterile, such as

integral cove base.

• Indoor environmental quality.

5.1.5 Accessibility

All areas, both inside and out should

• Comply with the minimum requirements for the disabled

• Ensuring grades are flat enough to allow easy movement and sidewalls and corridors are

wide enough for two wheelchairs to pass easily.

• Ensuring entrance areas are designed to accommodate patients with slower adaptation rates

to dark and light, marking glass walls and doors to make their presence obvious.

5.1.6 Controlled Circulation

An isolation is a complex system of interrelated functions requiring constant movement of

people and goods. Much of this circulation should be controlled.

• Out patients visiting diagnostic and treatment areas should not travel through inpatient

functional areas nor encounter severely ill inpatients


• Typical outpatient routes should be simple and clearly defined.

• Outflow of trash, recyclables and soiled materials should be separated form movement of

food and clean supplies and both should be separated from routes of patients and visitors

• Transfer of cadavers to and from the morgue should be out of the sight of patients and


5.1.7 Aesthetics

Aesthetics is closely related to creating a therapeutic environment (homelike, attractive). It

is important in enhancing the facilities’ image and is thus an important marketing tool. A better

environment also contributes to better staff morale and patient care. Aesthetics considerations


• Increased use of natural light, natural materials, and textures.

• Attention to proportions, color, scale and detail

• Bright, open, generously scaled public spaces

• Homelike and intimate scale in patient rooms, day consultation rooms, and offices

• Compatibility of exterior design with its physical surroundings

5.1.8 Building Materials

The materials to be employed in the construction of the proposed Isolation Center should be

adequately suited to the optimal control of infection within the building itself. Deliberate

consideration will be given to the choice of materials for the walls, floors, and ceiling finish. This

is in a bid to control the spread of infection within the facility during every activity that is to take

place. Very stable structural forms will also be employed as well as technological principles to

enhance environmental aesthetics.


5.1.9 Space Organization

Space allocation broadly covers the themes of Circulation and Zoning. There is a great need for

the functional flow between spaces as determined by the strength of their relationship to effectively

blend into each other or intertwine as the case may be and the zoning of functions both on the site

and in the context of the spaces in the Architectural design is very important in the design of an

Isolation center. And a health care design in the larger picture.


According to Zulfiqar AR (2018) There is no architecture design specially in the field of healthcare

architecture which is 100% error free but we can achieve a healing environment in healthcare

facilities by minimizing these design errors if due care can be provided. That is possible with

fundaments of healthcare design.


5.3.1 Flooring

Flooring also plays a very important role to control nosocomial infection and helps in finding

routes. Architects and engineers should make an appropriate choice for floor materials, texture,

color and setting pattern that helps to create a healing environment for the users. Flooring should

be assumed a crucial platform creating a quality of care.

5.3.2 Walls and Ceilings

Wall areas should be joint less and cleaned, corner of wall should be protected from any physical

damage by trolleys and stretchers. Acoustical treatment must be provided in ceiling and walls for

peaceful indoor environment and the wall surfaces should be coated with antiviral substances such

as copper.

5.3.3 Ramps, Stairs and Lifts

Ramps - The gradient of ramp must be between 1:12 to 1:20 with minimum width 1.6metres.

Stairs - Standard size of riser and tread should be 150 mm and 300 mm respectively with fair

material treatment.

5.3.4 Indoor Air Quality.

An isolation center is deemed to be a place where air quality plays a vital role in recovering of the

patients and also have a direct relationship to the occupant's health and productivity as well as to

energy conservation, building material and specification and HVAC system design, therefore

better and suitable Indoor Air Quality (AIQ) monitoring methods and mitigation measures should

be applied for a safe and contamination free environment.

5.3.5 Natural and Artificial Lighting

Sunlight enhances colour and shape, and helps to make a room bright and cheerful. Wherever

possible, spaces to be occupied by patients, visitors or staff should have natural daylight with an

outside view. Bay windows that allow seating in comfort may be suitable. Consideration should

be given, however, to the need for privacy. The harmful effects of solar glare and heat gain can be

dealt with by architectural detailing of window shape and depth of reveals, as well as by installing

external and internal blinds and curtains. Treatment to the glass such as coatings may also reduce

the effects of overheating and glare. Artificial lighting, as well as providing levels of illumination

to suit particular activities, can make an important contribution to interior design.


5.3.6 Ventilation

Natural ventilation is preferred unless there are internal spaces or clinical reasons that call for

mechanical ventilation or comfort-cooling systems. Refurbishment for natural ventilation.

Mechanical ventilation and comfort-cooling systems are expensive in terms of capital and running

costs; planning solutions should be sought which take maximum advantage of natural ventilation.

Mechanical ventilation costs can be minimized by ensuring that, wherever practical, core areas are

reserved for rooms whose function requires mechanical ventilation irrespective of whether their

location is internal or peripheral, for example sanitary facilities.

5.3.7 Flexibility

The design of the building must allow for maximum flexibility of use, which has to be considered

both in the short term to cater for current requirements, and in the long term, as needs will change

with time. For short-term change, moveable walls or partitions to divide spaces may have some

applications. Design solutions that give flexibility through planning and space organization as well

as the provision of a range of different sized spaces are to be preferred. For longer term change,

designs that can easily accommodate internal reorganization through appropriate, initial structural

design and by allowing space for future extension are desirable. Flexible Spaces that can serve

different functions are required because of the nature of wide range of activities that takes place in

the facility. For example, the cafeteria can also be used as a group discussion room with different

sitting arrangements.




This chapter comprises of the report of the architectural design process of the proposed Isolation



Nigeria and other nations at large was hit with the outbreak of covid-19 in the year 2020

with the number of reported cases of the virus outnumbering the available medical facilities to

manage the infected persons even in developed nations. Therefore, bringing about the pertinent need

for the government to provide such facilities where cases of this nature can be managed effectively.

The National Isolation Center is to be located within the capital city of Jos, Plateau State. The

primary objective towards the development of the Isolation Center is focused on creating a

comfortable environment for the treatment, management and research of infectious diseases and also

on enhancing the recovery of patients through passive design approach. This will in turn change the

pattern and prevalence of infectious diseases in Nigeria positively. It will be regarded as a

government parasternal for it will be owned by the Federal Government of Nigeria.


The feasibility and viability study on the establishment of an Isolation center seeks to

understand if the project can be realized. This project can be realized with the fact that the Federal

Government of Nigeria, who is the possible client of this project, has committed itself by stating

that an Isolation Center has been proposed to be established in each state of the fedration to provide

necessary support and treatment for patients with infectious diseases. With the backing of the federal

government of Nigeria, who is the possible client, the project is bound to be realized, having all

information and resources needed made available.


Labour requirements will be divided into specialized and non-specialized labour both during

construction stages and the maintenance and running of the facility. Some of the labour will be

imported from advanced countries because of high standard of technology to be implemented in the

course of development and installations which are not available in the country. This will however

generate opportunities such as;

• Employment benefits for the residents of both direct employment and/or indirect employment

by ancillary services such as catering services, accommodation and transportation.

• Implementation of high standard of technology, to show advancement in the country with the

growth computer era

• Generates revenue for the country with the influx of foreigners and citizens into the region.

• Global recognition of the country in terms of health.


Functional analysis explores various functions of the design and seeks to emerge them

together in a harmonious workable whole.

• Establishes a sound functional basis for the design solution.

• Guides the designer from getting too detailed about the appearance of the design.

• Encourages the designer to go beyond preconceived ideas.

• Allows the designer to explore alternatives design ideas.


A definite and harmonious design of the various functions of an Isolation center based on their use

and users is pertinent to a good design development. A typical health care facility premises includes

the following zones;

• Public zone

• Staff zone

• Clinical zone

Figure 11; Functional Zoning

Clear routes for users should be outlined district from staff use having circulation for the movement

users interested in the support facilities.


Another factor influencing the design of functional spaces is noise transfer. As a measure to

combat this, noise tolerant spaces are used to buffer quite spaces from noisy spaces. Security and

supervision in the premises will be necessary, therefore restrictions towards staff protection and the

safeguard of equipment against theft and vandalism has to put in place.

6.5.1 Site Zoning

The site is zoned according to noise producing, noise tolerant and quite functional spaces.

• Noise producing functional space: parking, support facilities

• Noise tolerant functional space: reception, general circulation

• Quite functional space: administration, diagnostic and treatment areas and the wards.

Figure 12; site zoning.

Source: (Authors work, 2023)



Early sketching processes lead to an initiating idea of the symbolism in architectural expression.

The isolation center is to provide a safe, leading environment protecting the disease diagnosed

people from outside world, giving them an oasis, where they can meet and relax and get a break

from tough reality they live in.

This should be expressed in the architecture of the building and the initiating idea revolves around a

concept of embracement, where a building embraces or wraps itself around its users.

The initial sketching of an architecture with the embracing expression, develops further into idea of

wrapping facade structure embracing and protecting an initial building core.

The concept of passive design can be achieved by providing various elements in the building like;

• Good day lighting

• Efficient airflow

• Wide working spaces

• open floor plan and flowing spaces

• Personal and social spaces for interaction.

6.6.1 Design Concept

The design of an isolation center is the most complex of building types. The design is

tailored aggregate of geometrical regular shapes that evolves spaces. A large core central courtyard

system will help in optimum ventilation and promote social interactive spaces within the building.

This concept depicts the dynamism by the forms employed on plan and on elevation. The

design concept takes into consideration from the basic functional units which the design comprises

of and tries to enhance their efficiency by the use of the forms employed

6.6.2 Aesthetic Concept

This is based on the balance achieved in the overall conceptualization process, the massing and

arrangement of forms. The idea portrayed can then be interpreted as combination of pure geometric

form structure and materials in a beautiful composition.

6.6.3 Sustainable Concept

The use of large central courtyard within the facility facilitate free and natural movement of air

around reducing dependence on renewable energy. This is supported by adjourning courtyards

between different units which also facilitate natural lighting. These are aimed at minimizing the

dependence on electrical and mechanical energy.

6.6.4 Functional Concept

The main entrance allows visitors/patients to access on arrival to the isolation center. The

emergency entrance gives total clearance for easy access.


The summary of the goals of this project is to design a facility that meets the needs of patients and

their care giver and the same time provide a conducive environment to aid in infection control and

healing process where various unit of specialization work in harmony to provide quality health

care. The goals where set forth to;

1. To create a humane environment for patients and staff as well as visitors.

2. Harmonize technical and functional requirements into a design that brings delight and

ventilation to those who use the building and those who pass by it.

3. Provide a functional design that ensures efficiency and safety



Figure 13; conceptual bubble


The basic spaces provided in the health care facility to be analyzed are;

• Administrative Offices

• Wards

• Pharmacy

• Laboratory

• Radiology Department

• Radiotherapy Department

• Board room.

Table 7; Schedule of Accommodation

Department Area (m2) Total Area/ Dept.


- waiting Area 146

- Entrance Lobby 180

- Consultation room 120

-Pharmacy 74

- Registry 70 940

-laboratory 89

- Store 35

- Nursing station 36

-vaccination room 85

- Seminar room 40

- Recovery rooms 105

- x- ray room 90

- Toilet 12

- Record station. 40 1182


- Consultation 48


- Resuscitation 105
- waiting 60
- waiting 60

- toilets 15
- Pathology 105

CT-scan 89

Radiology 74
- Change room 24





- toilets 75

Doctors Stations 100

- Toilets 15 3210

- waiting 100

- admin 90

Source; Researcher’s work, 2023




This concluding chapter shows how the cumulative effort of the studies and deductions from the

beginning of this research has led to the proffering of an Architectural solution to the problem of

infection control through passive design approaches in the provision of a facility that will cater for

the rising needs of an Isolation center in Plateau State. It will also express the contribution this has

made to knowledge as well as recommendations that will aid further research in this area.


Figure 14; Site Plan

Source: (Author’s work, 2023)


Figure 15; Ground floor Plan

Source: (Author’s work, 2023)


Figure 16; First floor Plan

Source: (Author’s work, 2023)


Figure 17; Second floor Plan

Source: (Author’s work, 2023)


Figure 18; Third floor Plan

Source: (Author’s work, 2023)


Figure 19; Roof Plan

Source: (Author’s work, 2023)


Figure 20; Section ZZ

Source: (Author’s work, 2023)


Figure 21; Section XX

Source: (Author’s work, 2023)


Figure 22; Section YY

Source: (Author’s work, 2023)


Plate 17; Front elevation

Source: (Author’s work, 2023)


Plate 18; Rear elevation

Source: (Author’s work, 2023)


Plate 19; Right Elevation

Source: (Author’s work, 2023)


Plate 20; Left Elevation

Source: (Author’s work, 2023)


Plate 21; Perspective

Source: (Author’s work, 2023)


Plate 22; Perspective

Source: (Author’s work, 2023)


Plate 23; Perspective

Source: (Author’s work, 2023)


Plate 24; Perspective

Source: (Author’s work, 2023)



The design of medical facilities is the most complex of building types. This design

comprises of a wide range of services and functional units. These include diagnostic and treatment

functions, such as clinical laboratories, imaging services, emergency rooms, and pharmacy. It

includes the fundamental inpatient care or bed-related function and outpatient related functions.

The concept of this design is an expression of passive design approach through the

provision of sufficient ventilation, admission of natural daylighting, provision of wide spaces to

maintain social distancing and the choice of finishing materials the aid in infection control in the



The layout of the site was done considering the environmental impact of the project on the

surrounding built environment. The effect of increased traffic and noise were major criteria

considered in the planning of the site, with provisions made to counteract them, car parking is

located near the acess road to counteract the traffic noise from passing vehicles. Also, dense

landscaping along the road side is done and large lawns provided to buffer noise. The car park is

located near the entrance to the building on the south area of the site. The clinical areas and

supportive facilities are located on the north area of the site. The administrative area is located on

the south – eastern area of the site.

7.1.2 THE PLAN

The plan of the design is divided into five distinct sections:

• The Entrance and nurse station

• The Administrative and Research Functions

• The Bed-Related and Supportive Functions


• Diagnostics

• Emergency

The main entrance into the building is on the ground floor with a ramp and steps. A warm

welcoming water body at drop off is to give the patients a sense of relieve. An ample space at the

entrance foyer that house nurse station, wheelchair store, record room and general waiting.

However, functions that require quick and easy access are placed on the ground floor while others

are place on the other floors.

The large courtyard is while landscaped with seating to allow circulation, air flow and as well

allow patients meditate and as well meet with loved the windows of the building are made large to

give a clear view of the of the outside natural environment.


The structural system employed in this project is the frame structure comprise of network

of load bearing columns and beams serving as the structural frame work of the building. The

beams resist both compressive and tensile forces and transmit loads from floors, roof and walls

to the columns. The columns are required to resist mainly compressive forces and transfer the

beam loads and self-weight of beams and columns to the foundation and finally to the supporting


The main roof construction employed in this project is the structural steel lattice beam roof

construction. The uniform depth lattice beam is cranked to from a symmetrical heap roof with

slopes from 50 to 100 to horizontal. The beams are generally fabricated hollow rectangular section

steel sections that are cut and welded together with bolted site connections at the mid span and

can span with the range of 12m to 15m without support.



The walls ceiling and floors must be shielded with lead sheeting in the radiology and

radiotherapy departments. The thickness of which depends on the type of equipment to be used.

This is to achieve structural shielding from radiation in the building.

Floors and walls of the surgical department and laboratories should be smooth throughout

and easily washed hence the use of tiles.


The entire scheme embodies the extensive use natural day light as the major means of

illumination. These include the use of wide span of glazed walls, court yards, and atriums. Wide

opening are also provided to allow for maximum day lighting. The need for artificial light was also


7.1.6 Aesthetical Concept

Shading on the façade was considered to reduce solar heat and glare, and to enhance the

user’s comfort, in the view of providing efficient day-lighting in the building shading devices were

employed around the building to prevent direct sunlight from entering the build especially at noon.

Fins, which are vertical shading devices, were erected around the perimeter of the building, having

blinds as horizontal shading devices fixed between fins to reduce sunlight penetration. This gives

the building a rich and appealing view.


• Both rationalism and empiricism was successfully incorporated and reflected in plan and

elevation, through massiveness and hierarchy of spaces. This has helped in representing

the function of the school.


• Properly defined routes for both pedestrian and vehicular movements was achieved to day

lighting in this design, hence free and provide clear visibility was also attained to minimize

energy consumption and enhance security.

• Hierarchy of circulation spaces (the use of well-defined circulation paths) was used in

defining movement patterns within the building so as to eliminate chaotic scenes and

confusion midst the users through a well-defined flow in and out of the building.

• Zoning and planning of activities, considering noise within and around the building.

• The use of vertical shading devices to sunlight penetration and glare but also allows

efficient daylight into the building.


Having studied the problems associated with design with of health care facilities by the

analysis of the existing ones through case studies, it is the recommendation of this thesis report

that for a scheme like this to be feasible, there has to be enhanced government and private sector

participation and commitment. This is to ensure improved utilization and maintenance of the

building in the long run.

It is also recommended that codes and regulations towards the design of health care

facilities should be reviewed. The present designs of health care facilities are of fallen standards

and design considerations toward s the wellbeing of users was over-looked. There is a need to

establish health care facilities of impeccable standards that will elevate the health sector of the

country and curb any growing, threatening health issues.

Daylighting is definitely beneficial in health care facilities for access to daylight and

outside views has been shown to improve resistance to infections, timely complete recovery of

patients and the efficiency of staff. Therefore, it is recommended that, in every design of a health

care facility, it is imperative to consider having efficient daylight in the building.


In conclusion, due to constraints towards tackling ‘Infectious diseases’, for instance,

inadequate medical services pertaining the treatment of this diseases, substantial funding towards

health initiatives, amongst others is imperative to establish a National Isolation Center towards the

enlightenment, treatment and research pertaining the cure for various types of cancer. This will

change the pattern and prevalence of Infectious diseases in Nigeria positively.

Furthermore, the need for proper and efficient daylighting in health care facilities is very

important and, in every design, it should be deeply considered. This will be beneficial, for patient

have timely complete recovery and staff are efficient at their duties in a healing environment where

efficient daylight is provided.

The design encourages the use of simple primary forms in architecture to define circulation flow

within the building and employs various techniques to enhance daylight in creating environment a

major role in giving a building its desired identity while still attaining enhanced natural daylight

functionality and other standard requirement in this project.



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