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Long-sought gravitational
wave hum finally detected
Subtle shifts in stellar signals reveal pervasive
waves from mergers of giant black holes

By Adam Mann the work. “This is really epic,” agrees Like buoys in an ocean, pulsars bob on undulating
Jason Hessels of the University of Amster- gravitational waves from supermassive black holes.

y turning networks of dead stars into dam, who formerly worked with one of the
galaxy-size gravitational wave detec- teams announcing the findings. pulsar’s radio beams by intervening clouds
tors, radio astronomers have tuned The new results rely on millisecond pul- of gas, and tiny random variations in the
into the slowly undulating swells sars, highly magnetized stellar remnants spins of the pulsars themselves. “You have
in spacetime thought to arise from that emit beams of radiation as they spin to beat down all these confusing signals,”
pairs of supermassive black holes as fast as 1000 times per second. Their Hessels says.
(SMBHs) that are about to collide. lighthouse-like radio signals sweep past But NANOGrav investigators now feel
In a simultaneous announcement on our planet with a regularity that rivals an they have strong evidence for the waves, in
28 June, five separate international teams atomic clock. Should a passing gravitational a 15-year data set of 67 pulsars located up
said that after nearly 20 years of effort they wave intrude anywhere along the path be- to 20,000 light-years away. They identified
had found evidence for these gravitational tween Earth and the pulsar, it will stretch anomalies of one part in a quadrillion—
waves. They are far longer than the waves and squash the fabric of space—and cause comparable to measuring the distance
first captured by ground-based detectors small variations in the timing of the flashes. between Earth and the Moon to within ILLUSTRATION: AURORE SIMONNET/NANOGRAV COLLABORATION
in 2015, which emanate from collisions “Those ultraprecise signals will arrive a 1/1000th of 1 millimeter. The team is report-
of star-size objects. The findings not only little bit early, and then a little bit late,” ing the detection at a 3.5- to 4-sigma level,
open up a new window in gravitational says Chiara Mingarelli, an astrophysicist at indicating more than 99% confidence that
wave astronomy, but will also help re- Yale University and a member of the North the signal is real. However, this falls short
searchers answer questions about the ori- American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravi- of the 5-sigma threshold that physicists of-
gin and evolution of SMBHs, objects that tational Waves. NANOGrav is one of the five ten want before claiming a discovery. “As a
sit at the center of galaxies and weigh as international pulsar timing arrays (PTAs), group we’ve agreed to avoid the D-word,”
much as billions of Suns. The results could which draw on data from a dozen radio tele- says team member Scott Ransom of the
even uncover hints of new physics. scopes around the world to monitor dozens National Radio Astronomy Observatory.
“I’m so thrilled to live through the era of the beacons for evidence of the waves. NANOGrav’s results were published in
of not only one [gravitational wave] detec- The challenge is immense because of five papers in The Astrophysical Journal
tion, but multiple detections,” says Vicky the many potential corrupting sources of Letters, while simultaneous papers ap-
Kalogera, an astrophysicist at Northwest- noise: radio interference from terrestrial peared in other journals from the European
ern University who wasn’t involved with technology and satellites, scattering of the PTA, the Australian PTA, the Indian PTA,

1306 30 JUNE 2023 • VOL 380 ISSUE 6652 SCIENCE


and the Chinese PTA. The data sets are really going into new territory and set- from NASA’s JWST space telescope hinting
different: NANOGrav monitored the most ting bounds and constraints in ways which that galaxies grew larger and faster in the
pulsars, the European PTA had the longest have never been done before.” early universe than once thought.
running data set, and the Australian PTA If galaxy mergers really are the source of Each PTA has its own quirks and sources
was the only effort watching pulsars in the the background, the finding would settle a of noise, says Priyamvada Natarajan, a theo-
southern skies. But, “We’re confident about lingering question. Theoretical work in the retical astrophysicist at Yale. But because
the result because we’re all seeing the 1980s suggested pairs of orbiting SMBHs the five collaborations together monitor
same thing,” says Michael Kramer, a leader would slowly get closer as they lost energy more than 100 pulsars, “a combined analy-
of the European PTA at the Max Planck In- to gravitational waves. But they would even- sis would likely help us cross the [5-sigma]
stitute for Radio Astronomy. tually stall out just a few light-years apart, threshold to an actual detection.” That could
The signal is very different from what where they would hang on in their dance happen in the next year or two, she thinks.
ground-based detectors such as the Laser for longer than the age of the universe be- By mapping how the overall background
Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observa- fore approaching close enough to generate varies on the sky, the PTAs might eventu-
tory (LIGO) pick up. Those are sensitive to strong gravitational waves at frequencies ally get good enough to detect individual
the milliseconds-long blasts of waves pro- most detectable by the PTAs. The fact that SMBH pairs in the nearby universe, en-
duced by individual mergers of black holes the PTAs detected a signal at all suggests abling other telescopes to zoom in to study
and neutron stars with masses tens of times that friction from gas and dust—or other what happens in galaxies after they merge.
that of the Sun. The pulsar timing results in- stars and black holes—must be helping More pulsars would help. The Canadian
stead represent many waves, each years to the SMBHs shed energy and pass the stall- Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment,
decades long, overlapping in a cumulative out threshold. a radio survey telescope, is on the hunt,
background hum. Each wave is generated The background signal is stronger than and China’s Five-hundred-meter Aperture
by a pair of SMBHs somewhere in the uni- expected, implying that this population of Spherical radio Telescope, the world’s big-

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verse whose host galaxies have collided and imminently merging SMBHs numbers in gest, is finding pulsars too faint for other
merged. The black holes orbit one another the hundreds of thousands, perhaps even facilities. The Deep Synoptic Array, a pro-
for tens of millions of years, emitting gravi- millions. It could also mean the SMBHs posed collection of 2000 radio dishes in the
tational waves in the lead-up to an eventual are either bigger or merging more quickly Nevada desert, could add to the harvest.
merger. (Unlike LIGO, the PTAs are not sen- than astronomers previously predicted— The European Space Agency’s Laser
sitive to the mergers themselves—just the a possibility consistent with observations Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA), a
death spirals.) space-based detector, might
The background signal help fill out the spectrum of
could include other, more ex- gravitational waves. LISA,
otic sources. Primordial gravi- A gravitational wave spectrum which is scheduled to launch
The 100-meter-wide Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia was a critical tool
tational waves might have in 2037, would be able to see
in the pulsar timing arrays that have now detected long-period gravitational
been generated shortly after gravitational waves in a wave-
waves, likely from gargantuan black holes. Detectors on the ground and in
the big bang if the universe space are sensitive to shorter period waves from other sources.
length range between those
experienced convulsions from observed by LIGO and the
a still-hypothetical breakneck PTAs. These would come from
expansion in size known as mergers of intermediate-size
inflation. Some theorists also Pulsar timing Years to Merging supermassive black holes, those between
posit that the violent emer- arrays decades black holes (SMBHs), big bang 100,000 and 10,000,000 times
gence of one of the funda- ripples, exotic new physics our Sun’s mass, such as the
mental forces at the dawn of one that lives in the center of
Space-based Hours to Midsize SMBHs, stellar-size black
time left defects in spacetime interferometers seconds hole mergers, white dwarf mergers the Milky Way. “The hope is
called cosmic strings, which that we can paint a picture of
would now stretch across the Ground-based Milliseconds Stellar black hole mergers, merging the entire gravitational wave
universe, vibrating like piano interferometers neutron stars, supernovae landscape, reaching from very
wires and emitting gravita- low frequencies all the way up
tional waves in the range that to very high frequencies,” says
PTAs are sensitive to. Kai Schmitz, a NANOGrav
Certain kinds of dark team member at the Univer-
matter—the mysterious sub- sity of Münster.
stance that makes up 80% of Having heard the cosmic
the matter in the universe— hum, the teams now want to
might also produce the long- listen more closely, digging
period oscillations. The PTA deeper into their data sets to
results already help rule out find out what else they might
some lightweight dark mat- learn. “We’re not even close to
ter particles, which would the end of the story,” Hessels
have produced a bigger says. “It’s a game of dedica-

anomaly than was observed, tion and patience.” j

says Andrea Mitridate, a
NANOGrav team member With reporting by Daniel Clery.
at DESY, Germany’s particle Adam Mann is a journalist in
physics laboratory. “This is Oakland, California.

SCIENCE 30 JUNE 2023 • VOL 380 ISSUE 6652 1307

Long-sought gravitational wave hum finally detected
Adam Mann

Science, 380 (6652), .

DOI: 10.1126/science.adj4496

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