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Republic of Yemen ‫الجمهورية اليمنية‬

Ministry of Education ‫وزارة التربية والتعليم‬

‫مكتب التربية والتعليم باألمانة‬
Yemen Excellence Schools
Quiz 1 ‫مدارس اإلمتياز اليمنية‬
Q1: Read these affirmative sentences and change them into negative.
1. We live in France. _______________________________________________________
2. Sally studies Chinese.____________________________________________________
3. I speak Spanish. ______________________________________________________
4. The students play computer games. ________________________________________
5. Mark goes to school by train. _______________________________________________
Q2: Complete the sentences with an expression using the word in brackets.
1. Peter never ________ a ________ at lunchtime. (break)
2. My mother ________ the ________ on Mondays. (washing)
3. I ________ my sister. (look)
4. I usually ________ my ________ before dinner. (homework)
5. Our nieces and nephews ________ a lot of . (noise)
6. David often ________ with his friends after football practice. (hang)
7. Do you always ________ a ________ with your family on your birthday? (celebration)
8. ________ ! We’re going to crash! (look)
9. If we get lost, we can ________ a (phone call) ________ to our friends.
10. she________ a shower before she goes to bed . ( ) Marks: __ /10

Republic of Yemen ‫الجمهورية اليمنية‬

Ministry of Education ‫وزارة التربية والتعليم‬
Yemen Excellence Schools ‫مكتب التربية والتعليم باألمانة‬
Quiz 1 ‫مدارس اإلمتياز اليمنية‬
Q1: Read these affirmative sentences and write the negative.
1. We live in France. _______________________________________________________
2. Sally studies Chinese. ____________________________________________________
3. I speak Spanish. ______________________________________________________
4. The students play computer games. ________________________________________
5. Mark goes to school by train. _______________________________________________
Q2: Complete the sentences with an expression using the word in brackets.
1. Peter never ________ a ________ at lunchtime. (break)
2. My mother ________ the ________ on Mondays. (washing)
3. I ________ my sister. (look)
4. I usually ________ my ________ before dinner. (homework)
5. Our nieces and nephews ________ a lot of . (noise)
6. David often ________ with his friends after football practice. (hang)
7. Do you always ________ a ________ with your family on your birthday? (celebration)
8. ________ ! We’re going to crash! (look)
9. If we get lost, we can ________ a ________ to our friends. (phone call)
10. she________ a shower before she goes to bed . ( have ) Marks: __ /10

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