Sync Tool For App-Tronics SmartNav5

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Sync Tool for App-Tronics SmartNav 5

User Guide

How to start SyncTool

1. You need an empty SD card.

2. Download the exe file which is a self-unzipping executable file. Start it by a double-click and
select the SD Card as target to extract the SyncTool to it.
3. Connect the SD card to the turned off navigation device.
4. Turn on the device.
5. Change the Navigation path to SDMMC/Synctool/Synctool.exe
6. Press NAVI button.
7. Once SyncTool started press the yes button when the “Are you ready to start collecting device
information?” is displayed. Then the tool will collect some information from the device
automatically. When it is completed, turn off the device,remove the SD card from the
navigation device and connect it to the computer. Start Naviextras Toolbox and log in. Now,
you are able to purchase new contents, and install software updates.

How to update contents to navigation device

Please note that the update process can take more than one hour depends on the size of the updated

After you finished your purchases and installations with Naviextras Toolbox:

1. Disconnect the SD card from the computer, and reconnect it to the turned off navigation
2. Turn on the device.
3. Press NAVI button.
4. After synctool starts the update process will start automatically.
5. After it is finished turn off the device and remove the SD card.
6. Turn on the device and change back the navi path to the original one.

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