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Phy t Gevatal gi dogy. > GUL wambrone Companion ° Q Pwleius ss/ ® biyida 451 ® Cott olaydaay gs ~ Proletub + GQ Ingnl frlan (Hyougrod’ cit munbvoe) © Jurigetal quoleivd —- oks'de ithe call much | in tide the al sun rove, Oe [+ IM RBC | Bicomcow, Shaye of cee | QO Spernn G@) dpbrpbin > 4 in skeltol wugates Boleyn H+ —> Roo 8 lot cob — Heeb Splatecnfata + Sqekmn Ho fe ui pfog ro Aaces of Osptrophin —> Bucchane up cube Spiny (omo) v Weak Skelabal wruteled 2 Grover, sip! shigidd .- 487 idl © heat Hin ® [eotphalipids —§ ——————> @) Sq uingormedlin “4 © candid 0. Ct in mnilvehandes) © Glycchigida ® gap laabidy| Emon hal, © qboaphahdf Sedu, ® Chaderledal Ly” Mratleen, Rob Afoprou ¢ * Taiglyete dod ode abit in GUL murbrene + Rul cobdioljin ob —> APLA Crokpbplabyd obited spdem) Lg Reeutrat abortion : Taaghah de Siu epretad on sulfate, of dyosthe colt Oetker Ghived Shage [Strudute fo als ab, @ Micwhuouly - ade made up of Tubulin Ly a trotins “= @ Dyenin > Retoograde, trons pot ey ° ® kiuain fulton le ‘teensy oh (rage ® MicroFilamats - Non 8 myauin (coe ¢ ony au.) ® Imbdmediale Filaments - G Keoki —> Sturmoun epiteebal ais @ Vewmy — skddal wmuneled ® wrneakin —> Gwnethive Fetus att Cf brebbah) @® arae — Attrecytea Glial Be dy Aadic prban + Trousyad > © Adive Tanne bh (ave Regine) Yaasive (nro +) pee ee paste No ont 1 Adive - @Na- = Attoas | funy Difeuapionn Traunty eh a © Com ATtans,| pum oN © AtPoas, | pump Simple Foci ti balad “V Adive 9. © SGLT 4 ( + in inkadives) Gabo 86s,) aus Trrounty oh fe a © s4ur 2 C+ in Kidnog Per) cre) ® Na Glucoww v © Cmeubin —> Gluk 4 jo QO -trandy wher ® Sympurter, ® Fruekoro —> @lub -5 Cautro ler) © Exthayer Glut = 11 ® Aubqoriee, ® 4locuko 5 Glut 4 2 Sabu ® Newton't —> Glut 3 % Bade. Fluids —> Toleb ca woolen, - Gory @® TOW — dakeivin oride ® ef —+ mula monmibdl — sucvode ® Plavma — Radivodive Mbumion Evan's Blu dye ® Blood aluma —> — Chyomiwn sayy Rec's. + TBld mood wlan eal dou 4 Slaoadh - Hamilton m dHaod Thit muthod works on indicabos, diluh on qrincig % Blaod odalon Qocada - ln clabiny Pacbats Gin tlaod RY — 2 > 1K — or all ® ® ® O ® Smboin sie Pattavo Luangic Patino Ly Cott) L Cpr) Gmmon a Saluble Pibmmoyen, Tmpeluble, & bar For et © fochn & hoo — OTT hue ® © eae PF how ® sat i ocala clang Room, 9,9 9 40 oir Bae uly of Y- cara * Endoemw. Mlodelege. . * Skeid Hymmomeh —> dabived from choleakeal , Cros he CLL ® Tethuktoww, © Ettre4en ® Yr genketo ws, © oot Ttra, Crhorlas ® pldowketoue ~ mic Beeayha, mam bros - Skgoid hormone Nave ‘ntracablolar, Retaphor, TS § 14 hve imbrocattulon, Rees let ~ Sea hormourr 0 tana Tay Regt © Hormoud Leen Sacendan unten cAte ® cau PD lay otrallanus ® GHRH *t ® fou Ter uy , Rem ® om luca AW, | Hhekemiue Hy Weg » MoH ane [ANE 8 Nitnc onde ® Came > ful fier ~ Horn awa Greate Ty ( tneti bl Tm baop lat) - ® Gwe, TRH (Hyper rodouws ) ® Otytotin AO My 193 ® Histomivw - 4 © Pugiotenain a © Satan « Tneulin Tymodive Kinane Recapher, + TLQF-A = 4 a Cimtubin bikes Ganvottr Foche He pinay led ~ Ayn i6 gmduad 4 Supra oghe wade 8 shored in gaat pike ° oy ban \6 qrol vad i Foro vuknculel vuclens 4 hed in goat ae So fA? NA Nui Stall domoge > frolodiin dovda © ~ Gabachorlraa + Neewoous of Tih rone od qoak- path — sheshan syndrome, Cy dus te exemive. doth of Hood Jb AW hormone (@)) even trolochn u . rolack-n — Breoat derdogmaeat a fed stint GQ << FSH Kg (aan m "9 N. ony yy Laon + imbulatl Sqeametoqeouts # GnRH — Gomodet- yep Cant gika ») a V uv Csi Spam acquire mahi un v in Evid dymie v Sahobi olla heydig ca _—————— | i v ¥ ¥ © Malitin & Oaw Sprain coat Teghotbetowe, ® Pry. nuldubioun | Sa Redwhone, Hormowe N # Gyrewotty Hommone “= OP Gilueode, © Prteosenssis @ ® diplpe ~ GHRH Shemulale 4 “eum imbibit G44 Somalaghuln) * Tuyreid Hormone, ® PG lucor, © trholgn © hil “Tapurtat for brain § Skea dinelaymedt —? Crehwiiws MNNa-Kt Aton —> SBMR ve § dwoa dus Lo Yapottomi di eo oe ; rare de Glen. Medulla Cebwmoffin alla) © Za Glenetulot, —> Bidaetove © Bfingbts ® Zena Parcilaka —? Grkool ® Nowe -epimerbnue ® Tova Redvatare —> Brdraneas Aidadkedous .- © Na neobtonshon 8 CT Crerch on Cow ooh PRE Pelacote LWBC, TNedwoglild g Money a ; Civeabre gli tia) DRAG Q 7 Plchelebs + PT born one Dolatiayresd thant + Poko fb cular, its °- Cale’ hain - Catt § Vo. Pepe ~ Car" ules satD > ACot 4 Poy” Eowulin | v v © © Gigeogenania ® © Qlytoquol ya ®O higeqenstis QGlucore, ®o Glucomengenatia O6iacate, ©® Glycol ©o8 bipalaa ® © Kéryeveoin + Dotulin moved kt ions info GL Se Can be Uae dbo treal Hyyyelcolam a Ingulin ® —> OKH —> — §]€ Gddbmab edema Re Imtubin iv Coe) &R GIT t- + Melteur's flecua (in Cubs utota) — GIT Semh od fluatbah flew (+ in museulatis) —? Gmbrochonm of QIT Caka myeulaic pleeus) oh) “Won bots jleuuy ade claro i babi eg —? Hirsch sprung Di reaae, + Bot, lend Che, detived Pron usutal Cast ould CMa phaed co agalo m - Falun, ean rm ) yetoni we Chal in tual Creah GUL tg igarade ory (at © ‘st distol clon) © Satie “- — Submmandi tule jin (majet) May San in babien ‘eve Ww! Down Sipdoone.’, “Saliva Coda '- @ Sak Bane (Hyabin,) — digah cotbod ml © binguak dian (diya bends) = No enequen fo decal Pratel wt in ubiva : 14h aud) Crenlag nb) id © im OU grew ong in dhe mi * Stomach @ Foreolag Gla ——> mucus ® fatisel ain ——> Reid, tmbintie: fades Cabdontion af vl 812) © We wy —> Tepsizajene Qaabne Ligade @ Enierechromaflin cite (tet) —> Histamine —> Hel © Gon —> Gabon — He} © 0 aw —> Somebostbin —> 4 Hel + Gadknig thom me Aa Ghdine shan ulole Qotidal. Gl ts mrodree fad : Yagswoyan tio Jews n Cqrokin dyad chen | tig) * Gatknc Coat ‘S Copbolydrohs > Prolinn > Fats (9-4 mu) (6-4 hows) (9-1. ua) 0 © 8 wy — Indue demin - & HCo, in 9 ancresh 6 jue - © Gata ort Cvautrabice aud ) ® 't' ab — halen Hokinin Co isa choles PS) — © Bile rebeowe L Coma Conbrodlton af Goth bled die, © brunnwe flow = yoducs Why Weohius seenh'on im GIT pH= 8-9 CAlkabim muena) Siubtleuncer @ fet > ® wi 83 > ® tyo > ® Mt Bq (Cobabasni we) ———> rr © Bie sob Aetorptiom Shed Ouoduynn cee Tejuswory Comore diyahien) Terminal ‘eum Teamimal \\ewn ° Panera j v v v Cobswdentin rota wo Fol #H te + ~ Daneneah c flee : Tepe aogen G ~Gpane . Chan obtt6 seen . et ee Try 9g) oqo, _Lnkeseinate 5 Trypan ent ARR Enbtopephidass. tf * @IT moh Ul — Inltakhal ats of Cajal. ~ Bodal chackn cal slam 18 max of dusd enumy (cubeah al: city Pes) (BER) Ly sno nr * No Gmtrochom is Ach Caused Gubrodions in In BER QT mok lb, dubiug Fathng — Mign Motod Come! _ maby - S ani yoy | mw Tr \¢ Broom ohck of Gti (vows ~ Tr ie due bo Mokiin To Cleam Qi HH — Cotd'o vade ula Sylora 2s $1 — 7 Top Wlumdric Coubrodion $1 > Pmbvdioabete | tre 53 Raid vonbricaloe Kut t eno fila head Oud S84 7 Alma Gubrach on © WMubawts *— ® Hologic | Partyhabic mupaus = GQ) itera | trcunpid Reg uly hahion t p ® v0 “net ® Credtardo -Qetnetndo mubaul - Oubwonic | Cub ache steundis Cdicunsmd hoy e) ( thom’) Continuous Codi ua ube) %- POA ° Gn Spi § dtl) “A 2 Atma Coubnahon HK l= Alma Rela rabion ee Bulg of trcunpid vebve imbo RA With pentrood Corl rockon XK 1~ Downwvald movemest of Tm auayid “Mi 1- Gattive abn all Bling “Amal ry with fo of ret + Ahgwuk A! Wares ——> Amal Che Wak on * Domine “A wave —> Trreudpid Skemotin (rotye) i “Cannan ‘A wave —> SHE AW Distocichon C Gorm lu. 18) » Yeomrinst os deacant —> Conttrichive Jeticatdine Cthabp) “Grmimat %- degen —>» CP Q Tom avode Ly Fudan patodonns ~ Triaupid fauaptahon ~ @® Bude x detent ® Jom iment” 4, dene ® Tol v- wave feéssomal _EIGN. |- 1. What Is the differential for kussmau!’s sign? © Typically the JVP J with mspiration as the negative intrathorasic pressure * sucks in blood from the vena cava, When there is a lack of 4 oF an tin JVP with inspiration this finding Is called kussmaul’s sign. Kussmaul’s sign reflects conditions where there is RV dysfunction, impaired RV filing and 7 RA pressure ‘© Kussmaut’s sign is classically associated with + Constrictive pericarditis + Restrictive cardiomyopathy + Wassive pulmonary ewicl'sm + Right ventricular infarction ee * Gude wae, Dicwohe watch ——5 ctewls volon clognee of foche Valve + Prous | haw) Lov K Ste volume K contwedi * Coldioe, ef ens. - @® Cui Rll —> Dice — LHR (dun tog over) Cor ectlia) ® bain tide mflew —> * Blood volume ( tobive) re v Cragg) @ vwoud velo, v Fimo Strtd, —> THR ® Bezdd - Taaitch Ree - Sudorbe Seolomin 4K veeobridive 48P Apusa Coptoicin rene voaodil ah on @ Gotoretapior Ref = 2 6 atorecay Foes - © cook d sinus ® pre Ard + Frefetads 9° 8 Ao Cranial were, Cinformah on to medulla \ 4 Nuclena of Oa ) " oyone Sah bab ua Hadiaf ware Vobvre, * Hogi apie 2s : bet tmgirah em —> — Intraalrealae frettute (Pai) znd a EnbraPlentel Qmahwde = -6 “nl Dutt Erp 'rah on — > Imtraalwedsd, Dread ube Cone) = 1A mai Tnbropleutel qrayut, = - 2-5 vay * Sulfecku) .- Pret ‘vy allwealoud T ig a bipe fulein Sor dol heeitaim —> Majat, hind s 8jKypmydin mind byid Lis Boho 72 — Pedal lags ots walt “Tt is fred ved 4 pfs 2 fmmmegf ~ Sufochunt © Subhacs, feoti on ( furclion) Begindoeduch om bp too 24 uke Ammiohe Sud 25-392 wks ( Curtecdaul opfecld in omniohe Hud) : Deke en of Cuhackwt —> ua Cablopte aay Hyaln. muwbrave di tay ( Nennabad fea ehpy ditt reas sypdrome kos) * Gwyliown § floss (tod-duabily) (Reco) Compliance, XL Wy + Elastane Ditrak act trained mi " “ 1 ospud. | Cerng omc, A A _ Shope on teuai on on) ) Condihowd ~ a 1") © Lnprakion —> — compione, © © Enpireal om ee Cor |i annea.@ ® Solin & ud to — Comlianen @ ® Emnphygena — Com lames. CH) Cots) © Julmonary “bros —> Gmnylionce © (evs) + Both QesP ut on 4 veblahon i¢ max in Bom of a a] Vf (veshlabivn) - 4 tiles 038 Mog @ (Pabuai wn) 5 Likes e Vv in agen —?7 52 @ Min bare ——> 0-6 @ + troho im (amen embabitry, —> mtn Cbecouae, 4) Q . Foi ty abirubion 8s zero [s 2 rao] sn Goren rob i om * Oaugen = Hib = Ateodiahom - Biewoaabion cove °- @ Rigat Slit ove - © Emecee Cio aftinib = Eeypsre atbia Phy posi Stabs) — Aadodis low yp Pit ~ Temp dobure 7 - 2.8 Bt @® VM shit aoe *- Reaking Kw Crip af ni hy © remp © ® sO, stele) ® Aliceloas —§ @ Pera rb @ vet + Trodgort of Ghats @ Het o, — Q2t of o, ne Cin qlaamo) © G, — Hey in glare (eye transpertel ‘in de i it el Hao in fatme Typed of Mteaa - ® Haforic Hyjewa —> %,O Criga adds dss) ® Auwmic Mytoaia — Ht® iG Pincay) ® Slosea Hnposia ® Hithoborie Hyteda — Oyoui de feo | ‘whilst Gmgleu OF Tc = Gating enc stock & Clumorersp ads oe y y Aexigstel, Chsmorecp es Coubeal chomnorete hes HY darned 0, lavelA Co, , . High athtude - — veuklekon 9 pefuion ® ® %,@Q — > Trt 2 2 Grabidion (4 parsslaliom) v ® fafuuon —— 7 © EPO —> Colowy Srming wut Ewtroid —> REC (cru-€) ® Hypoxia inducad Fodue Cure &) ® —— tve@e ® Reaves Alkcabou + In morse —~ Bict's wragicabiorn = ” Vetiedic breabiiyy -- Pyeag nen — ay an pee * unsinaul brea Ha WMebababic Geidous (yo’) r MYperay now (Kgs “oe 3 k oat (oka) apirahon) U Unemia, v 5 Susie 44 pabvende| ah on S Gabigylalaa M Mehanol Bidalyden ecko acid | hackic, oxi degin ce + Clhyver Gian Reryicabion - atiadic beating — Gradual Wupedapuoe | Wpoapiae —> Op wae v - Sleep | \4ypounnia | Oru Wypeapuee | ~ Brain tunes fytatese te ek Sylon » Renal blood Uno —> 4-42 litre | min "Renal Jama Has —* 625 mb| min - Glomeruter Filjrahon rile —> |25 oo h-[min GPR eak-mabed 4 — Oersknive ® Tnolin * Reval flarma Yond edhiag ded be — 99H = Glornedulad Gltrah on etia —> 8 thruchubed ® Endotwabial Love, © Glomeautst betwen) meabrane (Cantsivs © chalye) © _fodoosle “Por — Max H,° Reabsorphon 7 For Nawl & Myo, 4007 Glace § too) Amino aud ne metabolic adel Deatacing hoo cath ermuahle fo H,0 ~ 1S. wake ge teabtos aed : eaudins Ro only jermeskly to solules (NakF act Syporle) v Na kK acl ani tiled 4 fay Oct '- Not al S ymmported Cinuiuited by hse) creas ® Barto Syndowrna ——? Nah kt 2017 defeek (Aton) (m@ by bist) ® GitkeLman Syndovme —? Na" cl” dekel ( der) © hiddle Sumdrome —> onbachiviitn of ENac om a . Medal Hyfeeaomelaitg Created 4 Counbere ubeest oulhglie Splem 4 mambai ned 4 Grunbedcwhub Exchanseo, Tq apyrabub a GER TG opprabus Gulaias —2 @ TQ cua ® hacie GU ® Moca dena fern * Tularle - Glometuler, eedbacke fea Mowlo deal Ger \ v Vreauk on thick Poh of srendins dimb of Loti | Setihve do No ci”

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