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-- Hello dear your like and comments was noticed on my page, thanks for supporting

me once again. How long have you been my Fan?

-- Thanks for the great love and support. I’m on the page to reach my true fans to
know how they feel about me, I am I’m just doing this to get in touch with
all my fans make them happy
-- Before any further conversations, I hope you won't take this Opportunity talking
to me as a Joke
because Not all celebrity will come online and talk to everybody you know that
-- Well you got lucky cos I just came on the Page to just reach out to my Fans
again and bring some smile on thier faces
-- Myself and my management have decided to create a code to help my fans avoid
falling into the hands of those catfish out there who are using my profile to fool
people, with this code you can identify me. If someone writes you with my profile,
ask that person to provide the code. If he or she cannot provide the code, block
and report the profile This is the code (Reevesmngmt410101)

-- I am currently in Asia for a movie shoot but i will always take out time to text
and connect with you if you take me seriously, i would love to speak with you soon
on a live video call via WhatsApp to see your beautiful face but before then i want
to know a few things about you
-- Dear what country are you from?
-- What do you do for living there?
-- Are you married with kids?
-- How Long have you been single?
-- How long have you been listen to my music and why do you support my dream?
-- Do you live alone or with Family?
-- Do you own a car or house?
-- Tell me about yourself and Family?
-- Tell me about your Job?
-- Tell me about your parent and past relationship?
-- How long have you been waiting to meet me?
-- Do you have any feelings for me? and how much do you love me?

-- I must say that I have enormous respect for you considering the manner in which
have made contact with you. I am very glad you are a fan of mine. May GOD bless you
some more. I would love to give you a free ticket whenever am in your home zone and
if am much free we can hang out for dinner
-- Tell me What has always been your greatest desire? What have you always hoped
prayed for?
-- Always keep smiling sweetie I have learnt so much about how Merciful God is and
have always wanted to make sure all my fans are happy Yes you also know we Rise by
Living others You would never get any Favours from God if you cant at least make
someone Happy

Thanks for the love and support you showered on me, it's
been a wonderful year having fans like you solidly behind me, this is my way of
thank you to the people who brought me this far.
Thank for your love and support God bless you...You are very beautiful and you seem
to be a nice person... you have a big heart and i love you

-- Here's my private email address ( please don't share it

out or give your family or friends cause you know my
personality And fame. Also send me your contact email address and phone number so i
can always reach you just incase we loose connection here on Facebook
-- Thanks for sending your contact details sweetie i will like us to talk on
WhatsApp video call later on when am free, if you haven't signed up for WhatsApp
with your mobile number please do that now cos i might call you on WhatsApp at any
given time

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