Handbook For Functional Administrator (V105)

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RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA)


RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

RFMSS 2002 Handbook..................................................................................................................1 for Functional Administrator (FA)...................................................................................................1 General Description of the FA Responsibilities:.....................................................................4 System Requirements:.............................................................................................................4 Scope:.......................................................................................................................................4 Help:.........................................................................................................................................4 1. Establishing and maintaining the system reference tables (system administration).......6 1.1 Airspace Setup (Appendix A)..................................................................................10 1.2 Ammunition Setup (Appendix B)............................................................................11 RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05 April 2005.....................2 1.3 Conflict Setup (Appendix C)...................................................................................11 1.4 Equipment Setup (Appendix D)...............................................................................12 1.5 Event Setup (Appendix E).......................................................................................12 1.6 Facility Setup (Appendix F).....................................................................................12 1.7 Installation Setup (Appendix G)..............................................................................13 1.8 People Setup (Appendix H).....................................................................................13 1.9 SDZ Library Setup (Appendix I).............................................................................13 1.10 Unit Setup (Appendix J)........................................................................................14 2. Granting Access and Assigning Roles in the RFMSS Application..............................15 2.1 Granting Access to RFMSS ....................................................................................15 2.1.1 Individual Access..................................................................................................15 2.1.2 Unit Access...........................................................................................................16 2.2 Assigning Roles in the RFMSS Application...........................................................16 2.2.1 Roles by Definition...............................................................................................16 3. Establishing System Defaults........................................................................................17 APPENDICES...........................................................................................................................30 Appendix A - Airspace..........................................................................................................31 Tab 1. Airspace Sector......................................................................................................31 Tab 2. Layer......................................................................................................................32 Tab 3. Boundary................................................................................................................34 Tab 4. Operational Time...................................................................................................35 Tab 5. Airspace Sector Facility......................................................................................36 Appendix B - Ammunition Setup..........................................................................................37 Tab 1. Ammunition...........................................................................................................37 Tab 2. Weapon - Ammunition..........................................................................................39 Tab 3. Facility Ammunition...........................................................................................41 Tab 4. Facility Weapon..................................................................................................43 Appendix C - Conflict Setup..................................................................................................45 Tab 1. Facility Facility Conflict.....................................................................................45 Tab 2. Facility Event Conflict........................................................................................47 Tab 3. Facility Ammunition Conflict.............................................................................49 Tab 4. Facility Environmental Conflict.........................................................................51 Tab 5. Facility Environmental Conflict Classification..................................................53 Appendix D - Equipment Setup.............................................................................................54 Tab 1. Vehicle...................................................................................................................54 Tab 2. Weapon..................................................................................................................55

RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

Tab 3. Target.....................................................................................................................56 Appendix E - Event Setup......................................................................................................57 Tab 1. Event......................................................................................................................57 Tab 2 Standard Event........................................................................................................58 Appendix F - Facility Setup...................................................................................................60 Tab 1. Facility...................................................................................................................60 Tab 2. Support Facility.....................................................................................................62 Tab 3. Facility - Support Facility......................................................................................63 Tab 4. Facility Range Control........................................................................................65 Tab 4. Restriction..............................................................................................................67 Tab 6. Group Code............................................................................................................69 Tab 7. Group Facility........................................................................................................71 Tab 8. Facility Category Code..........................................................................................73 Tab 9. Facility Inventory...................................................................................................74 Tab 10. Impact Area.........................................................................................................75 Tab 11. Facility Impact Area............................................................................................76 Appendix G - Installation Setup............................................................................................78 Tab 1. Installation.............................................................................................................78 Tab 2. Range Control........................................................................................................79 Tab 3. Training Status.......................................................................................................81 Tab 4. Training Status Change Comment.........................................................................82 Tab 5. Incident..................................................................................................................84 Tab 6. Request Message Template...................................................................................86 Appendix H - People Setup....................................................................................................88 Tab 1. Personnel Information...........................................................................................88 Tab 2. Access....................................................................................................................89 Tab 3. Role........................................................................................................................90 Tab 4. Certification...........................................................................................................91 Tab 5. Person Range Control.........................................................................................92 Appendix I - SDZ Library......................................................................................................94 Appendix J - Unit Setup.........................................................................................................95 Tab 1. Unit........................................................................................................................95 Tab 2. Unit Contact............................................................................................................97 Tab 3. Unit Authentication................................................................................................98 Tab 4. Unit Priority............................................................................................................99 Tab 5. Chain of Command...............................................................................................100 Tab 6. Unit Type..............................................................................................................101 Tab 7. Unit Service Branch..............................................................................................102 Tab 8. Local Type............................................................................................................103

RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

General Description of the FA Responsibilities:

The FA is responsible for the set up and maintenance of the system Reference Tables, assignment of RFMSS 2002 Users ID and Password for those personnel (and unit representatives) being granted access to the RFMSS application, granting access to specific portions of the application by assigning Roles within the application, and general maintenance and update of application data conducted on a local level.

System Requirements:
RFMSS is a client-server system with requirements differing for the client and the server. It is assumed that the server will be a Microsoft Windows 2000 Server and the clients machine will be loaded with Windows 95 or newer. The RFMSS system assumes the following items are available to enable the user to log on: 1. Citrix Client is loaded on the user PC. 2. User system is configured to access servers on your Local Area Network (LAN).

User has a RFMSS User ID and password. These allow access to the RFMSS system. User RFMSS Functional Administrator (FA) will assign these to the user.

This handout will guide the user in the following tasks: 1. 2. system 3. system Assigning Role(s) to those individual(s) and unit(s) being given access to the Establishing and maintaining the system reference tables (system administration) Assignment of user ID and Password for both individual and unit access to the

For PC, LAN, and other networking questions, call the local DOIM office or follow the local policy. For Scheduling and site-specific questions, call site Operations or Range Control. Support is available to the RFMSS Functional Administrator by contacting the NGB RFMSS Helpdesk at (320) 616-3093, DSN: 871-3093. Web: https://rfmss.ngb.army.mil. To discuss potential changes to the RFMSS application, contact your system area functional administrator.

RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

1. Establishing and maintaining the system reference tables (system administration)

Establishing the RFMSS reference tables is paramount to the effective and efficient utilization of the RFMSS application. When the tables are properly set up the system will automatically populate many of the data fields required during daily operation. Reference Tables are accessed from the main menu, click Administration, click Reference Tables. The reference tables in RFMSS are grouped into ten major categories: Airspace, Ammunition, Conflict, Equipment, Event, Facility, Installation, People, SDZ Library and Unit.

Each category is further described in the following paragraphs and Appendixs as indicated below. Table Airspace Ammunition Conflict Equipment Event Para 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Appendix Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Table Facility Installation People SDZ Library Unit Para 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 Appendix Appendix F Appendix G Appendix H Appendix I Appendix J

Each category is represented in a single window that is further divided into different tab pages. Each tab page in turn represents a reference table. Only the System Administrator is allowed to modify the reference tables in RFMSS. By selecting one of the categories under Reference Tables, the System Administrator can open a setup window for that table.

RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

Each table setup window has three specific areas in the display window. The top portion of the setup window is the category header that will allow the user to quickly identify which table they are looking at. The following illustrations show the Airspace Setup table.


The center portion of the setup window is the Data Display portion of the setup window. This is where the user sees the Tab title and the data that is presently in the data base. Note that the Tab is highlighted.

The data in the specific table may be too large to view in the data window. To look at additional data use either the arrows on each end of the scroll bar or click and drag the scroll bar to move the viewing window up/down or left/right The bottom portion of the setup window is the Data input/update area. This is where the FA inputs new data or inputs changes/additions to the existing data tables as required.

For all of the windows under Reference Tables, the following actions apply:

RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

Single Click on any row in the Master Display to display the detail information of that row in the Detail Display. Single Click on a Column Heading in the Master Display to sort the column in ascending alphanumerical order. Double Click on a Column Heading in the Master Display to allow the user to search for a specific record matching the search criteria in that column. Drag and Move a Column Heading in the Master Display to move the column to a different position. Stretch or Shrink a Column Heading in the Master Display to size the column.

Note: Users who are not System Administrators can only view and print the data on these windows. All data fields with an * and in RED are mandatory fields. Therefore, they must be filled before a record can be saved.

To add a new record to the Master Display table. Clears the data fields for new inputs. To delete a record, highlight the record to be deleted and select the Delete button, then press the Update button to remove the record from the database. To update a record, highlight the record to be changed in the upper table of the window. Make the desired modifications in the lower portion of the window. Enter the changes or use the down arrow to select from the drop down list. Click Update to save updated data. Use the Refresh button to refresh the Master Display portion of the Reference Table windows in order to see the new inputs. Only the Data Display portion will be printed when the Print button is pressed. Users can alter the view of the RFMSS Reference Tables to fit their needs. The table can be tailored to the users needs by filtering out unnecessary data. Users can tailor columns to show values in a range they specify. See below for further assistance with the filter window. To save the records to a file, click the Save As button to display a save window. Record lists should be customized to fit users needs before saving as a file. Use the Filter button to filter the records. NOTES:

RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

The filter window:

Reference Table Filter Window The tables (tabs) appear in the middle portion of the Reference Table windows. To filter a table:
A. B.

Click the Filter button. A filter window is displayed. To hide/unhide a column, click the check box in the Show column to the left of the Column Name of the column you wish to hide or unhide. The check mark indicates that column will be viewed. Use the Expression column to define new parameters for a column. The parameters will be based on the value entered in the Filter Value column. You can choose to make the displayed values in the table < less than the Filter Value, <= less than or equal to the Filter Value, Between the stated values, <> not equal to the Filter Values, or = equal to the Filter Value, etc. Use the down arrow buttons in the Expression column to select from the available options. To set a range of values, choose between. The Filter Value column will display two data field for the low end and high end values respectively. Enter the desired range. Choose Empty to display a column cleared of values. Click the OK button. The Reference Table will be displayed with the new filter criteria.




RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

To aid the System Administrator in setting up cross references and to speed up the process, several of the set up tables have a multiple selection capability. This feature is available for tables in the Airspace Setup, Ammunition Setup, Conflict Setup, Event Setup, and Facility Setup windows.

Multiple Selection Feature

The above illustration is the bottom half of the Ammunition Setup Table window that has the multiple cross referencing feature. To use the feature:

Select the New button.

B. The data fields are displayed on the left side and the table and elements which may be selected are displayed on the right side as shown. Click the down arrow button and select the desired elements. C. Select elements from the right hand side to be associated with the item; in the case shown in the above illistration, ammunition is selected that can be fired on the selected facility. Each selection will create a new record. The list will not show elements for which a record already exists. D. De-select a highlighted element by clicking on it.

Click Update to save your new records. To cancel your choices, click the Delete button.

1.1 Airspace Setup (Appendix A)

Airspace Setup is accessed from the main menu, click Administration, click Reference Tables, click Airspace. The Airspace Setup table allows the System Administrator to input and modify the airspace information in the database. There are five different tabs on this table Airspace Sector, Layer, Boundary, Operational Time, and Airspace Sector-Facility.


RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

1.2 Ammunition Setup (Appendix B)

Ammunition Setup is accessed from the main menu, click Administration, click Reference Tables, click Ammunition. The Ammunition Setup allows the System Administrator to input and modify the weapon and ammunition information in the database. Any ammunition can be set up to be cross-referenced with a weapon. In addition, any weapon can be set up to cross-reference with a facility. If a Facility/Weapon cross-reference is set up for a facility, then only those weapons will be displayed in the standard Request Form for that facility. Also, if a Weapon/Ammunition cross-reference is set up for a weapon, then only the ammunition entered in the setup for that weapon will be displayed in the standard Request Form. If a Facility/Ammunition cross-reference is set up, then ammunition choices for a requested facility in the standard Request Form will be limited to the ammunition authorized/set up. If these cross-references are not set up, or if the System Default is set for users to be allowed to submit Non Standard Requests for a facility or weapon, then the entire list of weapons and ammunition will be displayed in the Request Form. There are four different tabs in this table: Ammunition, Weapon-Ammunition, FacilityAmmunition, and Facility-Weapon.

1.3 Conflict Setup (Appendix C)

Conflict Setup is accessed from the main menu, click Administration, click Reference Tables, click Conflict. The Conflict Setup allows the System Administrator to input and modify the conflict information in the database. There are different types of conflicts. Each type of conflict is listed on a separate tab page. Facility-Facility Conflict: when training on Facility A causes an unsafe condition on Facility B. Facility-Event Conflict: when a certain event being conducted on Facility A will interfere or prohibit training on Facility B. Facility-Ammo Conflict: when a specific ammunition in use at Facility A will interfere or prohibit training on Facility B. Facility-Environmental Conflict: when the conduct of training for Event A on Facility A is in conflict with the environment. Conflicts, such as wetlands or mating season for endangered species, are defined for a specific period of time. Whenever training at Facility A impacts on the use of Facility B, the conflict will appear on Facility B on the Two Week View window and the Request Form (on the Conflict tab).


RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

1.4 Equipment Setup (Appendix D)

Equipment Setup is accessed from the main menu, click Administration, click Reference Tables, and click Equipment. The Equipment Setup allows the System Administrator to input and modify the equipment information in the database. The System Administrator builds all equipment in the correct category, Vehicle, Weapon, and Target. Vehicles and weapons can be associated with a specific training event. There are three different tab Tabs in this window Vehicle, Weapon, and Target.

1.5 Event Setup (Appendix E)

Event Setup is accessed from the main menu, click Administration, click Reference Tables, click Event. The Event Setup allows the System Administrator to input and modify the event information in the database. After an event has been entered in the Event tab, the System Administrator may designate that event as a Standard Event by crossreferencing it to one or more Facilities. Each Standard Event may also be assigned a Facility Usage Category: Primary, Secondary or Supplemental. There are two different tabs in this window Event and Standard Event.

1.6 Facility Setup (Appendix F)

Facility Setup is accessed from the main menu, click Administration, click Reference Tables, click Facility. The Facility Setup allows the System Administrator to input and modify the facility information in the database. The System Administrator needs to enter a facility into the database before trying to cross-reference it with other data. Each facility may be associated with Support Facilities or Range Control(s). The Restriction tab is used to set up waivers, limitations, and prerequisites associated with a facility/event. Facilities may also be associated with a facility group in the Group Facility tab. There are eleven different tabs in this window: Facility, Support Facility, Facility-Support Facility, Facility - Range Control, Restriction, Group Code, Group Facility, Facility Category Code, Facility Inventory, Impact Area, and Facility Impact Area.


RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

1.7 Installation Setup (Appendix G) Installation Setup is accessed from the main menu, click Administration, click Reference Tables, click Installation. The Installation Setup allows the System Administrator to input and modify the installation information in the database. There are six different tabs in this table: Installation, Range Control, Training Status, Training Status Change Comment, Incident, and Request Message Template.

1.8 People Setup (Appendix H)

People Setup is accessed from the main menu, click Administration, click Reference Tables, click People. The People Setup allows the System Administrator to input and modify the personnel information in the database. In addition to general personnel information, the System Administrator can set up login id, password, role, and certification information from this window. There are four different tabs in this table, Personnel Information, Access, Role, and Certification. Note: System Administrators must assign passwords to new users before roles may be assigned.

1.9 SDZ Library Setup (Appendix I)

To be completed in a future release.


RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

1.10 Unit Setup (Appendix J)

Unit Setup is accessed from the main menu, click Administration, click Reference Tables, click Unit. The Unit Setup window allows the System Administrator to input and modify the unit information in the database. There are six different tabs in this table: Unit, Unit Contact, Unit Authentication, Unit Priority, Chain-of-command, and Unit Type.



RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

2. Granting Access and Assigning Roles in the RFMSS Application.

It is the FAs responsibility to grant access to the RFMSS 2002 application and assign Roles to those personnel as needs are established by Range management. Granting access to the application is accomplished by adding the personnel to the People reference table (Appendix H).

2.1 Granting Access to RFMSS 2.1.1 Individual Access

Individual access is granted for those personnel directly supporting the Range Facility mission. These personnel are typically SYS-ADMIN (the system FA), RC-ADMIN (Range Schedulers), RC-OPS (Range Fire Desk Operations), RC-SFTY (Range Safety staff), RC-ENV (Range Environmental Staff), RC-LOGI and RC-INV (Range Control Logistical Support Staff), and others that have an interest but no real function in the RFMSS 2002 application (READ ONLY). These are the roles in the RFMSS 2002 application and will be addressed later in this document. For an individual to be granted access to the RFMSS 2002 application they must first be added to the RFMSS 2002 application database by the FA. To grant an individual access the following steps must be accomplished IN ORDER: (See Appendix H)

From the main menu click Administration, click Reference Tables, click People. This will open the People Setup reference table to Tab 1, Personnel Information. Select New, this will clear the data input windows. Input the *Person Id:, this is the User ID that the individual will have to enter into the system along with their Password before they will gain entry into the system. Care should be taken by the FA to make sure there are no exact duplicate entries in the Person Id field. This is a mandatory field and the system will not allow the data to be input until this window has data input. (While the other fields are not mandatory, it is strongly recommended that the additional data on each individual be input to the database.) Then input the rest of that individuals information (Last four, Rank, Last Name, Middle Name, First Name, Phone, and any additional Description desired such as where the person works or who they work for) into the system. Once all the data fields are complete click on the Update button. Next, select Tab 2, Access. Select the Person Id by clicking on the desired record displayed in the Person Id column. This will highlight the record field and show any data input for that record in the data fields. Change or enter the data as required. Note that the *Person Id: data field is a required field and must have data input. The system will auto populate the Last Name and First Name data fields with whatever data has been populated in tab 1. Input the *Password, this is the Password that the individual will need to enter into the system along with their User Id before they will gain entry into the system. All passwords are CASE SENSITIVE. Once all the data fields are complete click on the Update button.


NOTE - When these steps are complete the individual will have access to the system. However, besides having access to the system the individual must have roles assigned to them. See para 2.2, Assigning Roles in the RFMSS Application.


RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

2.1.2 Unit Access

Granting units access to the RFMSS 2002 application is part of the application set up tables and must be established by the FA. From the Main Menu select Administration, Reference Tables, and Unit. This will open the Unit Setup window. The unit must be established in tab 1 (Unit) before a Unit Authentication can be assigned. The unit authentication established in tab 3 (Unit Authentication) will allow the unit to gain access via the LAN and via the web. Unit access will grant LAN users the ability to submit requests for facilities, view most set up table data, take action on subordinate unit requests (provided the Chain Of Command has been established),and view the fire desk map. Unit access will grant WEB users the ability to submit requests for facilities and take action on subordinate unit requests (provided the Chain Of Command has been established).

2.2 Assigning Roles in the RFMSS Application

Once an individual has been assigned a User Id and Password, they must be assigned at least one role or access into the application will be READ ONLY. In RFMSS 2002 a user can be assigned multiple roles using the same User Id and Password. RFMSS has a variety of Roles that may be associated with a User ID. These Roles have different privileges associated with them. The FA will assign these privileges within the application on an as needed basis. Each of these roles and their privileges are described below in paragraphs 2.2.1 through 2.2. To assign Roles to a User Id: - From the main menu, click Administration, click Reference Tables, click People. This will open the People Setup reference table to Tab 1, Personnel Information. Click on Tab 3. Role. Select New, this will clear the data input windows. Select the record being input or updated by clicking on the desired record displayed in the Person Id column, the User Id will auto populate into the Person Id: data window. This will highlight the record field and display any data for that record in the data fields. Change or enter the data as required by clicking in the data box(s) next to the role(s) desired. Once all the data fields are complete click on the Update button.

2.2.1 Roles by Definition

There are eight (8) user roles that may be assigned to a User Id. Below is a brief explanation of what they are:

System Administrator. The person responsible for the technical support and setup of the automated system. Technical support in this case is more a function of knowing the application and knowing who to contact should there be problems with the system or the database. The setup of the system is critical and initial setup is time intensive. However, once the data base and the tables are all input and updated, maintenance becomes a simple task of keeping the system up to date with any facility changes. The only other function that will be time critical is the maintaining of the access and roles tables and the units Id and Password table. Range Control-Scheduler. The person who submits requests at Range Control level and is responsible for approving customers requests. Range Control Schedulers must be assigned to a fire desk and may be assigned to multiple fire desks. 16


RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

These Range Schedulers will only be able to input requests and take action on requests for the facilities that are assigned to that specific fire desk(s).

Range Control Operations (Fire Desk Operators, FDO). The person(s) who is/are responsible for controlling the status and monitoring activity on all ranges, training areas, or other facilities at an installation during day of scheduled training and/or exercises. The system can be set up to accommodate more than one Fire Desk operation. FDOs must be assigned to a fire desk or fire desks as required by their mission. Range Control-Safety. The person who is responsible for approving safety aspects of a request. Range Control-Environment. The person responsible for approving environmental aspects of a request. RC-ENV responsibilities will be further defined when the ITAM module is incorporated into RFMSS 2002. Range Control-Logistics. The person who is responsible for approving logistics aspects of a request. RC-LOGI responsibilities will be further defined when the Logistics module is incorporated into RFMSS 2002. Control-Inventory. The person responsible for maintaining RC inventory and hand receipts. RC-INV responsibilities will be further defined when the Logistics module is incorporated into RFMSS 2002. This role is specifically set up to allow persons with an interest in RFMSS 2002 to be able to access the application and view maps, two week calendar, tables, and library. As the title implies, the persons assigned READ ONLY with be able to view data but will not be able to input or change ANY data in the application.



G. RC-INV: Range


3. Establishing System Defaults

The FA is responsible for setting the system defaults. To establish the defaults, from the Main Menu select Administration, Default and the below screen will display. From here the system defaults are set using the tabs. Once the entries have been input to each tab click on the Apply button and the settings will be applied to the system.


RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

3.1 Installation Preferences Tab 3.1.1 Radio Check Time Interval - As seen above, this data field allows the FA to establish
the system Radio Check Time Interval in hours. The system will track the status of radio checks two ways. When the unit is checked in (or occupies when unit check in is not mandatory) this starts the system clock for Radio Checks. The first way the system tracks the Radio Check is from the time of unit check in until the time duration as set in this table. As reflected here, the unit will be required to check in every four hours. The second way the system tracks the Radio Check is from the time the FDO changes the status of a facility. It is assumed that there is contact between the facility and the training unit and therefore upon status change the system resets the Radio Check clock back to zero. The system will alert the FDO, when the FDO selects the Radio Check button on the Fire Desk Text Mode, after the established time has passed that the facility is overdue a Radio Check. Each time the FDO does a manual Radio Check by selecting the facility and then clicking the Radio Check button, the system automatically resets the clock for the Radio Check for that facility.

3.1.2 MIMs Activation This feature is not active at the time of this publication. 3.1.2 Automatic Scheduler Approval When this block is checked the system will automatically approve all requests submitted by the RC-Admin, range scheduler. Additionally, if a request is opened by the range scheduler and the OK button is clicked, the application will look at this action as an approval action on this request. If this block is not checked the system will look at any request submitted by the RC-Admin as being submitted for approval. Once the

RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

request has been submitted the RC-Admin will have to open the Request Processing window to take an action (i.e. approve) on the request.

3.1.3 Units Submit Non Standard Request The RFMSS 2002 system set up tables are
designed to allow specific relationships between specific facilities and the events to be conducted, specific weapons, and specific ammunitions to be used on that facility. This relational database is the basis for a Standard Request. When the block is NOT CHECKED units may submit only requests that are standardized. The block on the request form (see below) Std. Event may not be unchecked and therefore the requestor is limited to what has been established in the set up tables as a Standard Event. Request for events using only the weapons and ammo that have been specifically associated to a specific facility may be submitted. When the unit selects a Facility from the drop down list they will have a limited number of Events available to select from in the Event drop down list. Selecting the Event first will limit the number of facilities on the Facility drop down list. Additionally, when the unit clicks on the Weapon/Ammo tab they will be limited to the weapons and ammunition set up for the selected facility. Should the unit desire something other than a standardized request, they must contact the Range Scheduler and make the request directly. It will be up to the scheduler to submit the request for the unit.

When the block is CHECKED units have the ability to submit requests that are nonstandard. When the Request Form is opened the Std. Event block will be checked and the user will be limited to those standard events as associated in the set up tables. However, should the unit desire to submit a request that is non-standardized they simply click the block, which will remove the check mark, and the unit can select ANY entry in the set up tables regardless if an association has been established or not. NOTES:


RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

3.2 User Text Tab

The User Text tab establishes the data field labels displayed on the Request Form. Note the entries made in the data fields above and how they are displayed on the Request Form below. These fields are user defined for the purpose of allowing each installation to collect specific data as desired.

It is important to note that should the data entered in the User Text 1, 2, and 3 data fields consist of too many characters the display will be cut off. User Text 1 should be restricted to approximately 7 characters, User Text 2 should be restricted to approximately 12 characters, and User Text 3 should be restricted to approximately 20 characters. Notes:


RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

3.3 User Field Tab

The System Default, User Field tab establishes the data field labels displayed in the Request Form, User Fields tab as seen below. Note the entries made in the data fields above and how they are displayed on the Request Form below. These fields are user defined for the purpose of allowing each installation to collect specific data as desired.


RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

3.4 Fire Desk Tab -

RFMSS 2002 allows for multiple fire desks to be established within the system. These fire desks are established in the set up tables. In the above sample there have been three Fire Desks established. They are Cantonment Area Scheduler, Fire Desk 1, and Drop Zone Control. Each Fire Desk operates independent of the other and can only be opened by those personnel which have been granted access by the FA. Each Fire desk has the same set up and options available. Setting the defaults requires typing in the date, placing the check marks in the appropriate blocks, and clicking the Apply button. 3.4.1 RFMSS DATE The Fire desk date must be established when the Fire desk is first installed. Should a server failure cause the system to require a reset of the date, this is where the Fire Desk date is adjusted. The Fire Desk date will only advance when the FDO executes the End Of Day (EOD). Each Fire Desk must have the EOD run to advance that Fire Desk date. 3.4.2 Unit Check In Some installations require a unit to Check In with the FDO prior to occupying a training facility and some installations do not. The application was built to accommodate either way of doing business. When the Unit Check In block is checked, like in the above example, the system will require the FDO to check in each unit prior to changing the status of the facility from Reservation (RES) to Occupy (OCC). When the block is not checked the FDO can take change the status of a facility from RES to OCC without being required to go through the Unit Check in procedure. This function will have no effect on the requirement for facilities going to a HOT status (live fire or training with pyrotechnics) to have both a RSO and OIC. 3.4.3 Fire Desk Display - The RFMSS 2002 application is designed so the Fire Desk Text Mode will display the Facility, Unit, and Status of the facility as a minimum as shown below.


RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

The FA may add a field that would allow for the display of a significant code, a radio call sign, or other information as desired by the FDO to be displayed on the Fire Desk by checking the Using Display Name block. When this block is checked the Fire Desk Text Mode will display Facility, Unit, Status of the facility, and a fourth column titled Display as shown below.

Notice the first facility listed on the Fire Desk above, DZBOBCAT, has an entry in the Display column showing Test One. The entry is limited to approximately 10 characters and can be input to the system in two ways. When a request is submitted the User Fields tab has a data field titled Display Code. This is where the unit can input the Display code to be seen on the Fire Desk. The range scheduler can also assign a Display Code. For the range scheduler to assign this code from the Main Menu select Schedule, Request Schedule, and then Display Code Assignment. A data screen will display as seen below.

Enter the Start Date and End Date and click on the Preview button. This will pull from the database all scheduled training events and list then as seen above. The scheduler then inputs the Display Code by highlighting the data line of interest, entering the code to be displayed on the Fire Desk, and clicking the Update button. On the day the event is scheduled the display code will be seen by the FDO on the Fire Desk (Text Mode).


RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

3.5 Certification Type Tab RFMSS 2002 requires that any time a facility is going Hot
(training with live fire and/or pyrotechnics) an OIC and RSO be assigned to the facility. Certification Type 1 and 2 and grayed out and are a preset field in the application as seen below.

The other two Certification types are available for assignment as required by the facility. If no other Certifications are required they may be left blank. Notes:


RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

3.6 Journal Log (DA 1594) Tab

All actions taken on the fire desk are recorded somewhere in the RFMSS 2002 application. Most are recorded to the Journal (1594) Log. On the Journal (DA 1594) Log tab the far left-hand column is a checkbox labeled 1594. Placing an X in the box will determine if the entry will be displayed on the log when viewed from the fire desk and printed out when the DA 1594 is printed. When the user creates a Daily Log from the Journal (1594) screen, only the checked items will be viewed on the Daily Log Report.


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3.7 Department Phone List Tab The emergency notification phone list is established
in this system defaults tab. Each fire desk has a separate department phone list. To select the phone list for the specific fire desk click on the drop down arrow to the right of the Range ID label. Then select the appropriate fire desk. The Fire desk(s) listed here is established by selecting Administration on the main menu, then Reference Tables, then Installation Setup, then Tab 2 Range Control. The system will limit the number of entries to 25 lines of data for each fire desk. To input new simply click Add and enter data desired in the data field. To change data, highlight the data line desired by clicking on the data field, type in the desired data and click on the Apply button. To delete data Highlight the data line to be deleted by clicking on the data field and then click the Delete button. To post any changes to the database the Apply button must be clicked.

The locally built listing for that fire desk appears in the application when an Incident is input into the system and the Emergency Notification radio button is selected. Notes:


RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

3.8 Bit Map Tab The opening screen of the RFMSS 2002 application has the capability of
displaying additional graphics to the left and right of the standard RFMSS 2002 screen, see below.

In the above example the System Default, Bit map tab is displayed. To insert additional graphics into the opening screen the FA clicks on the Browse button, selects the graphic desired (in the above example the Arrow on the left and the Trashcan on the right were selected), then click the Apply button (not shown here but on the bottom left of the System Default set up table). Additional graphics may be sent to the TNOSC in bitmap format and the TNOSC can place them in the data base so they will be available for selection. Should it be desired to remove a bitmap, highlight the data in the bitmap data field and delete, leaving the field blank. Then click the Apply button.


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4. Training Holiday Setup The Holiday setup tab allows the installation to establish
the days when training will not be conducted. Days set as none training days are not counted as available for training in the system and therefore are not counted against the installation when usage figures are calculated. This allows the system to accurately calculate the percentage of usage over a specified period of time. The Training Holiday Setup table is accessed from the Main Menu by selecting Administration, Holiday Setup. The below will appear on the screen.

To establish the Holiday Schedule click one of the Radio button as desired. The Radio buttons will allow the user to view the holidays that are in the system, or to add/change/or delete holidays into the system, for selected time periods. The user may select the Calendar year and holidays will be shown from Jan 01 through Dec 31 of that year. The Fiscal Year will display holidays from Oct 01 through Sep 30. From/To allows the user to select the time frame that holidays will be shown by placing the From and To dates in the data fields that appear when that Radio button is activated. The All radio button will show all holidays that have been established in the system. Once the holidays have been established in the system the user may print out a copy by viewing the holiday schedule of interest and then clicking on the Print button. Clicking the Close button will close this data window.

5. Officer Certification Upload Utility- This utility was specifically designed to assist
in setup and establishment of new sites. If this utility is required please contact the APM for assistance.

6. Archive - This function is not available at the time of this release. 7. File Manager- File Manager enables the system administrator to place documents in the
library folders of the server. The File Manager window is accessed from the main menu, Administration >> File Manager. The left hand side of the screen is the users local system or 28

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client workstation, the right hand side is the server of the RFMSS 2002 application. On the client side the user is limited to the clients C:\ drive and on the server side the system administrator is limited to the r:\rfmss40\library and sub folders.

To place files on the server: 1. Highlight a document(s) on the client side. 2. On the upper part of the server side select the directory in the library where you would like to place documents. 3. Press the Copy button. 4. To delete a file from the server, highlight a document(s) on the server side. 5. Press the Delete button. 6. To exit the window press the Close Button.


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RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

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Appendix A - Airspace
Tab 1. Airspace Sector

*Airspace: *Airspace Sector Id: Upper altitude: Lower Altitude: Sector Hrs Opt: Sector Remarks: Airspace Sector Name: *Sector Level: Call Sign: Common Frequency:


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Appendix A Airspace Tab 2. Layer

*Airspace Layer Name: Upper Altitude: Lower Altitude: ICAO Code: International Civil Aviation Organization Code Type: Max Aircraft Allowed: Description: *Airspace Sector Id: Category: ODSS Status: Briefing Requirement: Super-requester Allowed: Requester Can Unschedule Missions: Supersonic Capability:


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Default to Utilized: Primary Schedule: Creation Date: Effective Date: Termination Date: Time Conflict: Altitude Conflict: Max Aircraft Conflict: MTM Activity Conflict: MTM Exclusive Use Conflict:


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Appendix A Airspace Tab 3. Boundary

*Airspace Layer Name/Sector Id: *Airspace Segment Number: Airspace Segment Type: Point Lat Cn: Point Long Cn:


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Appendix A Airspace Tab 4. Operational Time

*Airspace Layer Name/Sector Id: *Use Day: *Open Time: Close Time:


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Appendix A Airspace Tab 5. Airspace Sector Facility

*Airspace Sector: *Facility:


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Appendix B - Ammunition Setup Tab 1. Ammunition

The Ammunition Tab is a standardized listing of all ammunition in the Army inventory that is placed into the application during the initial system load. Should there ever be a requirement for this tab to be reloaded that task would be accomplished by the supporting agency, normally the TNOSC. This tab also allows the addition of non-standard ammunitions to be added. The purpose of allowing these additions to be added to the table is to accommodate those facilities that may utilize other than Army standard ammunitions. These may be ammunitions used by local law enforcement agencies, research and development groups, and/or local civic organizations. These ammunitions may range from BB/pellet and or paint gun ammunition to developmental and/or testing ammunition. This table allows the local range management to identify, track, and report on these non-standardized ammunitions as they are utilized on their range facilities. *DODIC: Department of Defense Identification Code THIS IS A MANDATORY FIELD! This will be already assigned to the ammunition for standardized ammunitions. Ammunition Nomenclature: THIS IS A MANDATORY FIELD! This field will be prepopulated for Army standardized ammunition.


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NOTE: For those ammunitions that are not standard Army ammunition that the local range management desires to add to this listing, both fields MUST be completed. Assignment of a local DODIC and ammunition description may be added to the tab. Vertical Hazard The vertical hazards shown in this block (this is the ricochet hazard when an ordinance strikes Steel, Concrete, Earth, and Water) are auto populated from a data table loaded from the server manager (TNOSC or local server administrator). The local user has no options to input this data or update data.


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April 2005

Appendix B Ammunition Setup

Tab 2. Weapon - Ammunition

The Weapon Ammunition tab is where the association between the weapon and ammo is built into the system. In the illustration below note that in the data window the Weapon (EIC) of Paint Ball Pistol (PBP) has been selected. The middle portion of the window shows that the weapon PBP already has the ammo DODICs A001 (Paint Ball Ammo, Black), A002 (Paint Ball Ammo, Red), and A003 (Paint Ball Ammo, Blue) associated to it. To add the last Paint Ball Ammo, Yellow to the association list the FA must select New, select PBP from the Weapon (EIC) pull down list, highlight the A004 Paint Ball Ammo, Yellow in the listing located on the bottom right area of the window, and click on the Update button. Then the Refresh button will activate. Select the Refresh button and the association will be seen in the top portion of the window. Also note that the ammo DODICs that are already associated with a Weapon EIC will not show in the DODIC/Ammunition Nomenclature list for selection.


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Weapon (EIC): THIS IS A MANDATORY FIELD! Select from the pull down screen. Ammunition (DODIC): THIS IS A MANDATORY FIELD! Highlight all DODICs that are to be associated with the Weapon (EIC) and click Update. Clicking on the Refresh button will update the associated listing on the top of the window.


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Appendix B Ammunition Setup Tab 3. Facility Ammunition

The Facility Ammunition tab is where the association between the facility and ammo is built into the system. See below. Note that in the data window below the Facility of DZBURG has been selected. DZBURG is a Drop Zone, as found in the training data base. The middle portion of the window shows that the facility DZBURG already has the ammo DODICs A001 (Paint Ball Ammo, Black), A002 (Paint Ball Ammo, Red), A003 (Paint Ball Ammo, Blue), and NONE (NOT APPLICABLE) associated to it. To add the last Paint Ball Ammo, Yellow to the association list the FA must select New, DZBERG from the Facility pull down list, highlight the A004 Paint Ball Ammo, Yellow in the listing located on the bottom right area of the window, and click on the Update button. Then the Refresh button will activate. Select the Refresh button and the association will be seen in the top portion of the window. Also note that the ammo DODICs that are already associated with a Weapon EIC will not show in the DODIC/Ammunition Nomenclature list for selection.


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Facility: THIS IS A MANDATORY FIELD! Select from the pull down screen. Ammunition (DODIC): THIS IS A MANDATORY FIELD! Highlight all DODICs that are to be associated with the Facility and click Update. Clicking on the Refresh button will update the associated listing on the top of the window.


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April 2005

Appendix B Ammunition Setup Tab 4. Facility Weapon

The Facility Weapon tab is where the association between the facility and weapon is built into the system. See below. Note that in the data window below the Facility of DZBURG has been selected. DZBURG is a Drop Zone, as found in the training data base. The middle portion of the window shows that the facility DZBURG already has the Weapon (EIC) of NONE (no weapon), PBMG (Paint Ball Mini Gun), and PBR (Paint Ball Rifle) associated to it. To add the last Weapon, PBP (Paint Ball Pistol) to the association list the FA must select New, DZBERG from the Facility pull down list, highlight the PBP, Paint Ball Pistol in the listing located on the bottom right area of the window, and click on the Update button. Then the Refresh button will activate. Select the Refresh button and the association will be seen in the top portion of the window. Also note that the weapon EICs that are already associated with a Facility will not show in the EIC, Model Name, Weapon Nomenclature list for selection.


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Facility: THIS IS A MANDATORY FIELD! Select from the pull down screen. Weapon (EIC): THIS IS A MANDATORY FIELD! Highlight all EICs that are to be associated with the Facility and click Update. Clicking on the Refresh button will update the associated listing on the top of the window.


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Appendix C - Conflict Setup

Tab 1. Facility Facility Conflict

The Facility to xxx conflict tab cannot be established until all Facilities involved in the conflicts have been established in the Facilities setup table. The Facility to Facility tab is where the conflict association between facilities is built into the system. See below. To establish a conflict association in the system click on the New button, select the Facility that is affected from the drop down menu, then highlight any/all facilities that will cause a conflict. Next click the Update button. The Refresh button will activate. Notice that any facilities that are already associated with the facility selected in the drop down window will not be available for selection. When a specific Facility is selected on the Request form the conflict will be reflected on the Request form and there will be an indicator on the two week calendar. When the curser is placed over the indicator in the two week calendar the conflict will be displayed in the conflict window.


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Facility: THIS IS A MANDATORY FIELD! Select from the pull down screen. Conflict Facility: THIS IS A MANDATORY FIELD! Highlight all Conflict Facility(s) that are to be associated with the Facility and click Update. Conflict Description: A script, like the following Use of DZBERG closes CA07 will automatically populate the Conflict Description window but the FA has the ability to change or edit the script as required. Simply select the entry in the middle section of the data window by placing the curser over the desired facility and clicking once. This will highlight that data entry. Next click in the Conflict Description window as seen below and enter the desired information.


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Appendix C Conflict Setup Tab 2. Facility Event Conflict

The Facility to Event Conflict tab is where the conflict association between facilities and specific events are built into the system. See below. To establish a conflict association between a facility and an event in the system click on the New button, select the Facility from the drop down menu, select the Event from the drop down menu, then highlight any/all Conflict facilities. Next click the Update button. The Refresh button will activate. When the specific Facility and Event are selected on the Request form the conflict will be reflected on the Request form and there will be an indicator on the two week calendar. When the curser is placed over the indicator in the two week calendar the conflict will be displayed in the conflict window.


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Facility:/Event: THESE ARE MANDATORY FIELDS! Select from the pull down screen. Conflict Facility: THIS IS A MANDATORY FIELD! Highlight all Conflict Facility(s) that are to be associated with the Conflict Facility and click Update. Conflict Description: A script, like the following Scheduling DZBOBCAT for Aerial Gunnery closes FP09 will automatically populate the Conflict Description window but the FA has the ability to change or edit the script as required. Simply select the entry in the middle section of the data window by placing the curser over the desired facility and clicking once. This will highlight that data entry. Next click in the Conflict Description window as seen below and enter the desired information.


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April 2005

Appendix C Conflict Setup Tab 3. Facility Ammunition Conflict

The Facility to Ammunition Conflict tab is where the conflict association between Facilities using specific Ammunitions and other Facilities are built into the system. See below. To establish a conflict association between a specific ammunition and facility in the system click on the New button, select the Facility from the drop down menu, select the Ammunition from the drop down menu, then highlight any/all Conflict Facilities. Next click the Update button. The Refresh button will activate. When a facility is selected on the request form and an associated ammunition is selected the conflict will be reflected on the Request form and there will be an indicator on the two week calendar. When the curser is placed over the indicator in the two week calendar the conflict will be displayed in the conflict window.


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April 2005

Facility:/Ammunition: THESE ARE MANDATORY FIELDS! Select from the pull down screen. Conflict Facility: THIS IS A MANDATORY FIELD! Highlight all Conflict Facility(s) that are to be associated with the Conflict Facility and click Update. Conflict Description: A script, like the following Scheduling DZBERG for A186 closes FP09 will automatically populate the Conflict Description window but the FA has the ability to change or edit the script as required. Simply select the entry in the middle section of the data window by placing the curser over the desired facility and clicking once. This will highlight that data entry. Next click in the Conflict Description window as seen below and enter the desired information.


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April 2005

Appendix C Conflict Setup Tab 4. Facility Environmental Conflict

The Facility to Environmental Conflict tab is where the conflict association between training Events on specific Facilities and an existing Environmental situation is built into the system. See below. To establish a conflict association in the system click on the New button, select the Event from the drop down menu, select the Facility that is effected from the drop down menu, then highlight any/all facilities that will cause a conflict. Next click the Update button. The Refresh button will activate. Notice that any facilities that are already associated with the facility selected in the drop down window will not be available for selection.


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Event:/Facility: THESE ARE MANDATORY FIELDS! Select from the pull down screen. Classification: The Classification drop down is established in Tab 5, Environmental Conflict Classification. This is not a mandatory field but it is suggested that the table be established IAW local environmental policy. If Tab 5 has been established, select from the pull down screen. Start Date:/End Date: These are the dates that the environmental conflict begins and ends. The system will require an entry for both these dates. Start Time:/End Time: These times are optional. Conflict Description: This is where the conflict is described IAW local policy.


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April 2005

Appendix C Conflict Setup Tab 5. Facility Environmental Conflict Classification

This is where the Environmental Conflict Classification table is established in the system. When this table is populated with data IAW local policy, the entries will be reflected in the Classification: drop down used in the Facility Environmental tab. Classification Code:/Classification Description: THESE ARE MANDATORY FIELDS These codes are established IAW environmental regulation and local policy.


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April 2005

Appendix D - Equipment Setup Tab 1. Vehicle

This tab is populated upon install with a list of Vehicles that appear in the Army inventory. It is established in the set up tables so that the drop down lists on the request forms will allow selection of vehicles that will be used during training. The FA can add non-standard, or specialized vehicles to the listing by selecting New, filling out the required data fields, and selecting Update. These added vehicles will then appear on the drop down list and be selectable from the Request form. Non-standard or specialized vehicle data is to be input into the system IAW local policy.


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April 2005

Appendix D Equipment Setup Tab 2. Weapon

This tab is populated upon install with a list of Weapons that appear in the Army inventory. It is established in the set up tables so that the drop down lists on the request forms will allow selection of weapons that will be used during training. The FA can add non-standard, or specialized weapons to the listing by selecting New, filling out the required data fields, and selecting Update. These added weapons will then appear on the drop down list and be selectable from the Request form. Non-standard or specialized weapon data is to be input into the system IAW local policy.


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April 2005

Appendix D Equipment Setup Tab 3. Target

This tab data is built by each installation FA to reflect targets that the installation has available for training. Target ID and Model will be established IAW local policy. This table will populate a drop down menu on the Request form allowing the requestor to select targets desired for training. Target ID: and Model: THESE ARE MANDATORY FIELDS


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April 2005

Appendix E - Event Setup Tab 1. Event

This tab is populated, upon install, with a list of all training Events that are recognized throughout the Army. It is established in the set up tables so that the drop down lists on the Request Forms will allow selection of training events. The FA can add non-standard, or specialized training events to the listing by selecting New, filling out the required data fields, and selecting Update. These added events will then appear on the drop down list and be selectable from the Request form. Non-standard or specialized event data is to be input into the system IAW local policy. Event Code: & Event Name: THESE ARE MANDATORY FIELDS Event Type: Events are to be designated as Firing, Non-Firing, or Maintenance events. The Maintenance event is normally utilized by the Range cadre. ATTACC Event: Select from the drop down listing. Event Description: A description of the event as required IAW local policy.


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Appendix E Event Setup Tab 2 Standard Event

This tab is where the Events listed in Tab 1 are associated to a specific facility as a Standard Event. This is also where the notation is built into the database if the event is the Primary, Secondary, or a Supplementary on the specified facility. The FA associates training events to facilities (see below) by selecting New, selecting the Event from the drop down list, highlighting the facility or facilities from the listing on the lower right of the window, and selecting Update. The application allows the FA to set the RFMSS 2002 system defaults so that the user can schedule only those events, weapons, and ammunition on facilities that are established in the set up table as standard events. If this is done the Range Scheduler would have to be contacted to schedule any/all non-standard training events.


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Appendix F - Facility Setup Tab 1. Facility

This tab is where all Facilities associated with the range complex are to be listed. The data built into this tab is reflected as a quick reference for users in displays within the application. The tab should be filled out as completely as possible because the data supplied here may be viewed by customers attempting to verify that a facility of interest has the desired amenities to support the specific training to be conducted (i.e. land mass to conduct land navigation training or foxholes to conduct marksman ship training). Samples 1 and 2 on next page shows how the data pulled from this tab will be displayed for the user. To establish a new Facility in the set up table the FA selects New, populates the data fields, and selects Update. This will establish the facility in the set up tables. If this new Facility is to be reflected on the Map Display the additional steps of having a map layer built and the map to database association established must be completed. The map layer build must be accomplished through the local GIS or ITAM operator. Facility Id: & Facility Name: THESE ARE MANDATORY FIELDS The Facility Id will be displayed, as entered, on the Two Week Calendar, Request Forms, Fire Desk, facility drop downs where available, and reports. This field is limited to 20 Characters


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SAMPLE 1 The Fire Desk Operations graphic display reflects the data input into this table in two different formats depending on how it is requested by the user. Displays below reflect a Unit logged into the training database with a Unit ID and Password. When the user clicks on the Facility button and activates the appropriate layer on the map the Facility Report window displays.

SAMPLE 2 When the user clicks on the Information button and activates the appropriate layer on the map the Facility Information window Displays. Notice the facility in question also highlights on the map.

Additionally the TNOSC must be contacted and a Trouble Ticket generated to have the data bases associated in the application.


RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

Appendix F Facility Setup Tab 2. Support Facility

This tab lists ALL Support Facilities available at the entire range complex. Support Facilities in this case means all amenities available on any/all facilities. Things like fox holes, latrines, fire hydrants, bleachers, ammo points, target holding sheds, etc. are to be listed here. To establish a new Support Facility in the set up table the FA selects New, populates the data fields, and selects Update. Support Facility Name: THIS IS A MANDATORY FIELD


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Appendix F Facility Setup Tab 3. Facility - Support Facility

This Tab is where the Facility (Tab 1) Support Facility (Tab 2) association is built into the database. This association may be seen when the user is looking at the Two Week calendar and right clicks on a facility listed in the left hand column. This opens a window (see below) that displays all equipment, events, and weapons that are associated with this facility along with additional information.


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The FA associates Support Facilities to Facilities (see above) by selecting New, selecting the Facility from the drop down list, highlighting the Support Facility(s) from the listing on the lower right of the window, and selecting Update. The associated Facilities and Support Facilities will show in the listing in the mid section of the window. Those Support Facilities that are already associated with the Facility will not show in the lower listing. Facility:/ Support Facility Name: THESE ARE MANDATORY FIELDS


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Appendix F Facility Setup Tab 4. Facility Range Control

This tab is where the association between the Facilities and the Range Control is set up. In RFMSS 2002 the application may be set up with multiple Fire Desks to meet the needs of the installation. This tab is where the specific facilities are associated to specific Fire Desk operations. When the facility is associated with a Fire Desk, only that Fire Desk will be able to see that facility and affect the status of that facility. Additionally, in the Text Mode of Fire Desk operations, the Fire Desk Operator (associated to that Fire Desk) will only be able to schedule the facilities that are associated to that Fire Desk for that day. Facilities may NOT be assigned to more than one Fire Desk. Establishing the Facilities association to a Fire Desk (see below) is accomplished by selecting New, selecting the Range Control Name from the drop down list, highlighting the Facilities from the listing on the lower right of the window, and selecting Update. (Establishing the Range Control Name of the Fire Desks is done from the Installation Setup, Tab 2, Range Control.) Once a facility has been assigned to a fire desk it will no longer appear in the Facilities list.


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Range Control Name:/Facility: THESE ARE MANDATORY FIELDS Should it become necessary to change a facility assignment to another fire desk the FA must: Highlight the facility to be changed in the Facility Range Control list Click on the Delete button Click on the Update button. This will remove the facility assignment to that specific fire desk from the database. Click on the New button Select the Range Control Name (from the drop down list) that the facility is to be assigned to Click on the Update button. This will add the new facility to fire desk assignment to the database.


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April 2005

Appendix F Facility Setup Tab 4. Restriction

This tab is where the Limitations, Prerequisites, and Waivers are established for specific facilities. A Limitation would be any restriction that could keep the facility from being operated at full capacity (i.e. limited hours of operation due to noise abatement). A Prerequisite would be a requirement for the user to take some action prior to facility usage (i.e. attend special briefing or specialized training courses). A Waiver would be the requirement to obtain special permission to conduct specific types of training (i.e. fire fighting training during a dry season). These restrictions on the facilities can be established for specific time frames or be established long term from this tab. The data established here will be reflected on the Request Form when a reservation is being prepared by a customer (see below). Establishing the Restriction association to a Facility is accomplished by selecting New, selecting the Facility from the drop down list, enter the Restriction Id, select the Restriction type, select the Event from the drop down list that the restriction applies to, enter Start/End dates of the restriction, enter Regulation information if available, enter the Restriction Descriptions and Remarks, and selecting Update. Facility:/Restriction Id: THESE ARE MANDATORY FIELDS


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Note that on the Request Form above the facility selected is DZBERG and the dates are within the Restriction timeframe established in the set up table. The Request Form below is for the same facility and event but the time frame for the request is outside the Restriction as established in the set up table.


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April 2005

Appendix F Facility Setup Tab 6. Group Code

This tab is where the Group Codes are established by the FA for their specific installation. Facilities within the installation may be divided out by their function, geographic location, or any other criteria established by local policy. Once the Group Code, the title of that group, has been entered the specific facilities associated with that group is established in tab 7, Group Facility. Establishing the Group Code is accomplished by selecting New, entering the desired Facility Group Name, enter Facility Group Description, and selecting Update. Facility Group Name:/Facility Group Description: THESE ARE MANDATORY FIELDS The Group name will be seen in the Two Week Calendar when the Sort By function is used (see below), and in the Reports module (also below).


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RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

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Appendix F Facility Setup Tab 7. Group Facility

This tab is where the Facilities are associated with the Facility Group Name. Then the option is available in the application to sort by Facility Group only those facilities that are associated with the group name (group code) will be displayed. Establishing the Facility associated to the Facility Group Name (see below) is accomplished by selecting New, selecting the desired Facility Group Name from the drop down list, highlighting the facilities to be associated with the Facility Group Name, and selecting Update.


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Facility Group Name:/Facility: THESE ARE MANDATORY FIELDS


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Appendix F Facility Setup Tab 8. Facility Category Code

The Facility Category Code (FCC) is a preloaded table that cannot be modified by the user. Note the New, Delete, and Update buttons are grayed out. This tab populates the Category Code drop down found in tab 1, Facility.


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April 2005

Appendix F Facility Setup Tab 9. Facility Inventory

This tab is the facility inventory tab that allows all facilities to have additional information about the stated facility input to the system as reference data. Establishing the Facility is accomplished by selecting New, selecting the desired Facility from the drop down list, filling out the additional information as available and selecting Update. Facility: THIS IS A MANDATORY FIELD


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April 2005

Appendix F Facility Setup Tab 10. Impact Area

This tab is where the FA inputs any/all Impact Areas. Should an installation have multiple impact areas, this tab is where they are built into the system so that in tab 11 the facilities can be associated with the appropriate impact area. Impact Area Id:/Impact Area Description: THESE ARE MANDATORY FIELDS


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April 2005

Appendix F Facility Setup Tab 11. Facility Impact Area

This tab is where the association between the Facilities and the Impact Areas is built into the system. Establishing the Facility associated to the Impact Area is accomplished by selecting New, selecting the desired Facility from the drop down list, highlighting the facilities to be associated with the Impact Area, and selecting Update (see below).


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RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

Appendix G - Installation Setup Tab 1. Installation

This tab is where the Installation information is built into the system by the FA. Installation Name: THIS IS A MANDATORY FIELD


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April 2005

Appendix G Installation Setup Tab 2. Range Control

This tab is where the FA builds the Fire Desk(s) into the system. Each Fire Desk will have an established Range Control Number and a Range Control Name. This is also where the Request Cancellation Days and CO-USE Idle Time is established for each facility. In the training database there are three Fire Desks established. They are, as seen above, 1 Fire Desk 1, 2 Drop Zone Control, and 3 Cantonment Area Scheduler. Each Fire Desk has specific Facilities associated to it and a specific user authorized to access that Fire Desk. As many Fire Desks may be established as required at each installation. Request Cancellation Days The RFMSS system collects data for many different reports and generates those reports as required by the user. The Request Cancellation Days entry is the number of days prior to a scheduled training event that a unit can cancel a request before it will be counted as a No Show in one of those reports. If a facility is scheduled a year out for training by Unit Alpha and they decide to cancel that request prior to the number of days set here in the set up table then the range becomes available for use and the request is just cancelled. Should that unit wait to cancel the request until after the number of days established in this set up table it may have impact on the scheduling for that facility. Therefore the unit that waited to release the facility for other scheduling will be considered a No Show on the facility for those days scheduled. This data is used to construct the facility utilization reports which in turn may have impact on funding.


RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

CO-USE Idle Time This field specifies the number of days that a co-use request that has not been acted upon (approved or disapproved) by the approving unit or the range control scheduler will remain in the system. Establishing Range Control (or Fire Desk names) is accomplished by selecting New, entering the Range Control Id number, Range Control Name, Request Cancellation Days, and CO-USE Idle Time then selecting Update. Range Control Id:/Range Control Name:/Request Cancellation Days: THESE ARE MANDATORY FIELDS


RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

Appendix G Installation Setup Tab 3. Training Status

The Training Status entries are standardized within the RFMSS system and are not alterable by the user. Note the New and Delete buttons are grayed out. The Sort Order field may be established in this set up table to better assist the Fire Desk operators in their daily operation. To establish a specific Sort Order, highlight the Condition Code line desired and input the Sort Order Number in the data block, click on the Update button. The number will appear on the selected line.


RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

Appendix G Installation Setup Tab 4. Training Status Change Comment

This tab is where pre set comments, for FDO use when changing status on the Fire Desk, are built into the system. These comments are input by the FA and are usually the most common entries found on the daily log 1594. Compare the above and below screen captures and note the comments are the same. The #2 comment below was clicked upon moving it to the Comment box and therefore when the status is changed posting this comment to the 1594. These entries will save the FDO key strokes during daily operation.


RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

To establish Training Status Change Comment(s) select New, select Facility Condition Code from the drop down menu, enter the Facility Condition Comment Number, enter the Range Control Id Number, enter the Facility Condition Comment to be used by the FDO, and select Update. The FA may add as many comments as needed but it is best to keep the list short and concise.

Facility Condition Code:/Facility Condition Comment Number: THESE ARE MANDATORY FIELDS


RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

Appendix G Installation Setup Tab 5. Incident

This is where the FA builds the Incident Type into the system set up table. This tab populates the Incident Type drop down list (see below) in the Emergency Procedure window. This is designed to save time when an Incident is to be logged on the Fire Desk.


RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

To establish an Incident Type the FA will select New, enter an Incident Type, enter the Incident Type Description, and select Update. Incident Type:/Incident Type Description: THESE ARE MANDATORY FIELDS


RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

Appendix G Installation Setup Tab 6. Request Message Template

This tab is where the standard comments used on the Request form are established in the system. These standard comments are normally constructed for use by the Range Scheduler when taking action on a request but can also be established for user comments. Above is the Set up table data window and below is the New Request window.


RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

To establish a Request Message Template the FA will select New, enter Request Message Template Code, enter the Request Message Template Text, and select Update. Request Message Template Code:/Request Message Template Text: THESE ARE MANDATORY FIELDS


RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

Appendix H - People Setup

Tab 1. Personnel Information

NOTE: THE PEOPLE SET UP TABLE MUST INITIALLY BE INPUT SEQUENTIALLY STARTING WITH TAB 1. ONCE A RECORD IS ESTABLISHED IN THE SET UP TABLE UPDATES CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED WITHOUT REGUARD TO SEQUENCE. This tab is where the FA establishes user accounts in the system. Establishing the Personnel Information is the first step in giving a new user access to the application and the tab should be filled out completely. The Person Id established in this tab is in fact the User Id that is given to the user and is required to gain access to the application. To establish the Personnel Information the FA will select New, enter Person Id, enter last four of SSN, enter rank, enter full name, enter phone number, enter any other information desired in the Description area, and select Update. *Person Id: THIS IS A MANDATORY FIELD


RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

Appendix H People Setup Tab 2. Access

This is the tab where the Password is assigned to the user. Note the New and Delete buttons are grayed out. This tab keys off of the input from tab 1. The establishment of the user password is required for the user to gain access to the application. The FA must highlight the user line, enter the Password, and select Update. The user may now gain access to the application, Read Only. For the user to be able to do anything in the application the FA must now assign the Role(s) IAW the requirements of that users function. *Person Id: THIS IS A MANDATORY FIELD


RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

Appendix H People Setup Tab 3. Role

This is the tab where the FA assigns Range Control personnel Role(s). Multiple role assignment is possible but should be kept to a minimum. To establish the Role(s) to the user the FA selects the user, selects the Role(s) by clicking in the box in front of the role, then selects Update. Note that the New and Delete buttons are grayed out. Roles can only be assigned to those who are established in tab 1. This table should be populated ONLY with Range Control personnel or individuals who need access to RFMSS. *Person Id: THIS IS A MANDATORY FIELD Select Role(s): SYS-ADMIN Functional Administrator RC-ADMIN Range Scheduler (Must be assigned to a Fire Desk) RC-OPS Fire Desk Operator (Must be assigned to a Fire Desk) RC-SFTY Range Safety RC-ENV Range Environmental RC-LOGI Range Logistics RC-INV Range Inventory READ ONLY General access READ ONLY


RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

Appendix H People Setup Tab 4. Certification

This is the tab in the set up tables where all certifications can be added, viewed, and/or updated by the FA. This same tab appears for the Fire Desk Operators (FDO) from the main menu by selecting Operations, then Officer Certification. While the data window displays the same data in both locations, the role will dictate where and by whom the data may be altered. The only roles that can add, delete, or alter the Certification data are the FA and the FDO. Only the FA can add, delete, or alter data from the set up tables. The FDO has access to the Officer Certification (same table, different title) via the Operations drop down list and from that list only can make additions, deletions, and update records. The FA and FDO can add records by selecting New, entering data in the data fields as required, select Update. Note, the Cert Person Id is the data field used in the application to identify individuals being placed on a facility. It is advisable to make the data entry different for each person entered. The Certification box has the OIC and RSO blocks are preset. The other two blocks are set up in the System Default Table. From the main menu select Administration, System Default, and Certification Type. Data block 1 and 2 are preset and grayed out. Data blocks 3 and 4 are active and the FA can establish other certifications as required by the installation. The entries in that System default table will be reflected in the Certification box in the set up table. Cert Person Id:/Cert Date:/Unit:/Exp Date:/Last Four SSN:/Certification: THESE ARE MANDATORY FIELDS


RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

Appendix H People Setup Tab 5. Person Range Control

This tab is where Users with the role of RC-OPS and RC ADMIN and their User Id and Password are associated to a specific Fire Desk (or multiple Fire Desks). Without this association the FDO will be able to log into the system but they will not be given access to a Fire Desk Text mode or the full compliment of capabilities in the Fire Desk Operations Graphic mode. The Schedulers will be able to log into the application but will not be able to take any actions upon requests that have been input for their area of responsibility, i.e. the fire desk or facilities they are assigned to for scheduling. To establish the association the FA selects New, selects the Range control desk from the drop down listing, highlights the user(s) from the list, selects Update.


RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

Range Control Name:/Person Id:: THESE ARE MANDATORY FIELDS


RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

Appendix I - SDZ Library

The SDZ Library table is grayed out in the selection screen. This Table is not yet available.


RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

Appendix J - Unit Setup

Tab 1. Unit

This tab is a listing of all units, both military and non-military, that will be using the facilities on the installation. The FA will build this table if the data has not been imported during installation and setup of the system. All additions, updates, and/or deletions to the unit listing will be done from this table. To establish a new unit in the system the FA selects New, inputs the required data, selects Update. Unit Id:/Unit Name:/UIC: THESE ARE MANDATORY FIELDS The Unit Id will be displayed, as entered, on the Request Forms, Fire Desk, Unit Id drop downs where available, and reports. This field is limited to 20 Characters Unit Type: is built into the application. Select from the drop down list. Unit Service Branch: Drop down is populated with the data from tab 7. Assigning a Unit Service Branch will allow further categorization when running reports. Address: Mailing address of the unit. Unit Level: Select the unit level from the preloaded drop down list. Approval Level: This drop down listing is exactly like the Unit Level drop down list. IF a Chain of Command (COC) of approval for this unit is required prior to the Range Scheduler taking action on a request, the highest level in the COC is input to the system here. In the above, the 1 BN 1 BDE requires approval from the BDE prior to any request submitted going to the Range Scheduler for approval. The actual COC is established in tab 5 of this table. 95

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April 2005



RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

Appendix J Unit Setup Tab 2. Unit Contact

This is where the Unit Contact information is built into the system as a quick reference. The FA can update the data by highlighting the unit (the Unit Id and Unit Name will auto populate), input the contact information as desired, click on Update. Note the New button is grayed out. That is because the tabs on this table all key off of the first tab, Unit. This data will be seen when the unit opens a Request Form.


RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

Appendix J Unit Setup Tab 3. Unit Authentication

This is where the Unit Authentication information is built into the system. The FA assigns the Unit Login Id and Unit Password on this tab. Once the data has been input into the data fields the FA clicks Update. Note the New button is grayed out. That is because the tabs on this table all key off of the first tab, Unit. This data will be seen when the unit opens a Request Form. The Unit Login Id and Unit Password associated on this tab will also allow the unit access to the web page for scheduling.


RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

Appendix J Unit Setup Tab 4. Unit Priority

This tab allows the FA to assign priority placement to a specific unit for specific period(s) of time to comply with mission requirements. Priority assignment is accomplished by the FA selecting a unit from the list, enter the Training Priority Start Date and End Date, input the Training Priority, then the Update button. This will allow the Range Scheduler to see that the unit has priority for scheduling facilities for training.


RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

Appendix J Unit Setup Tab 5. Chain of Command

This tab is where the Chain Of Command (COC) is established in the system for units requiring COC approval process. COC is established in this tab one level at a time. That is to say that if a platoon requires BDE level approval there will be an entry for PLT to Co approval, Co level to BN level, and BN to BDE level. Additionally the PLT will be listed as a using unit In tab 1 and will have BDE in the Approval Level data block. When this is established the system will automatically take a submitted request and forward it to the next level in the COC. Additionally, the system will automatically senD a system generated email to the next level and inform them they have a request awaiting their approval. These requests can only be viewed by the originating unit, the COC units, and the Range Schedulers.


RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

Appendix J Unit Setup Tab 6. Unit Type

Unit Type is a pre-loaded table when the system is set up. The FA may add Unit Types to meet the mission requirements and local policy by clicking on the New button, entering a numeric value for the new unit type, inputting the additional data, and selecting Update.


RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

Appendix J Unit Setup Tab 7. Unit Service Branch

Unit Service Branch is a standardized table when the system is set up. The FA may add Unit Service Branchs to meet the mission requirements and local policy by clicking on the New button, entering a numeric value for the Unit Service Branch Code, inputting Unit Service Branch name, and selecting Update. This tab however is for military associations. Tab 8 is for Local Types.


RFMSS 2002 Handbook for Functional Administrator (FA) V1.05

April 2005

Appendix J Unit Setup Tab 8. Local Type

The FA may add Local Types to meet the mission requirements and local policy by clicking on the New button, entering a numeric value for the Local Type, inputting Local; Type Name, and selecting Update. This tab however is for non military associations. Tab 7 is specifically for Unit Service Branches.


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