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Forensic Science International 306 (2020) 110033

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Effect of arson fires on survivability of entomological evidence on

carcasses inside vehicle trunks
Stacey L. Malainey, Gail S. Anderson*
School of Criminology, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada


Article history: Three vehicles with trunks containing pig (Sus scrofa domesticus Erxleben) carcasses which had been
Received 6 July 2019 allowed to decompose for 30 days, were set alight in controlled burns to determine whether forensically
Received in revised form 27 October 2019 valuable insect evidence could still be recovered. Each car trunk contained the remains of a carcass,
Accepted 29 October 2019
together with its associated carrion insect fauna. An insect collection was performed prior to the fires.
Available online 4 November 2019
Each car was then set alight using a small amount of gasoline as an accelerant, poured onto the driver’s
seat, lit by a burning stick. The fire was allowed to reach its peak before being extinguished. In all cases,
the fires completely destroyed the vehicles. The vehicles were examined the following day and insect
Forensic entomology
Car trunks
evidence was collected. In all cases, large amounts of burned, charred and undamaged insect evidence
Arson remained, including identifiable prepuparial 3rd instar larvae, live pupae inside intact puparia and empty
Southwestern British Columbia puparial cases. As well bones and unburned clothing were also intact. One car did not burn as well as the
others with the fire not involving the trunk area as much as in the other cars. Once the fire was
extinguished, it was clear that the reason for this was the presence of a steel fire wall, between the
passenger compartment and the trunk. This reduced the spread of the fire to the trunk and increased
evidence survival. However, in all vehicles, insect evidence survived, which could still be used to estimate
the period of insect colonization and thereby infer the minimum elapsed time since death. The evidence
was also a clear indicator that the decedent had not died in the fire. After the fire, the carcass remains
were still attractive to blow fly adults (Diptera: Calliphoridae). In car fire cases it is important to consider
that entomological evidence may still be just as useful in the investigation as in non-burned cases.
© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the homicide, destroy evidence and the identity of the victim and
in 16 % of cases, the fires were suicide-related [6]. In some cases,
Killers since time immemorial have used a variety of methods to fire may be a back-up suicide plan, in case the first does not succeed
dispose of the bodies of their victims. Bodies are frequently thrown [7]. Although numbers of homicides are generally on the decline,
into water, buried or set on fire in order to get rid of them [1]. Fire is numbers of arson-related deaths are on the increase, with 29 % of
a particularly attractive proposition as it is believed to not only such fire-related cases in Australia resulting from attempts to
destroy evidence but also prevent the identification of the victim destroy the evidence [8].
which, if known, may tie them to their killer. Arson is a crime that Human cadavers are frequently located in vehicles and
requires no complicated equipment, knowledge or skill, so is consequently colonized by carrion insects. Carrion insects are
frequently used to cover up a homicide [1–4]. This is referred to as a extremely adept at locating carrion even when it is confined,
‘crime concealment’ arson in which the fire was a result of a wrapped or concealed, for example, in a car trunk. An analysis of
secondary motive; to destroy evidence, in comparison with the the insects on the cadaver can be instrumental in estimating the
primary motive, which was the homicide [5, p2]. In a retrospective elapsed time since death or minimum post-mortem interval
study in France, 31 % of fires involving human bodies were as a (minPMI). Suicidal deaths are often committed in vehicles due, in
result of a criminal act in which the body was set on fire to cover up the past, to the ease of use of carbon monoxide [9–11], however
since the advent of the catalytic converter to reduce emissions,
such deaths have become less common [12]. Despite this, suicidal
* Corresponding author.
self-immolation still occurs in cars [13,14]. Natural and accidental
E-mail addresses: (S.L. Malainey), deaths may also occur inside vehicles [15,16] but the focus of this
(G.S. Anderson). study is on homicidal deaths, which may occur in the vehicle [17]
0379-0738/© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 S.L. Malainey, G.S. Anderson / Forensic Science International 306 (2020) 110033

or more probably, the vehicle may be used as a dumping site in carefully examined for any insect evidence including the trunk
which the body is transported, usually in the trunk, to a remote as well as the rest of the vehicle. Burned debris was carefully sifted
location and then abandoned in the vehicle [1]. throughout each vehicle and insects collected.
In many cases, the car and its contents may simply be
abandoned [18]. The car may also be immediately set on fire, 3. Results
with the intention of destroying the body to avoid possible
identification [1,19]. Alternatively, the car and contents may be 3.1. Carcasses and vehicles before fires
abandoned then later ignited.
The objectives of this study were to determine whether insects The carcasses had been allowed to decompose inside the
which have already colonized carrion placed inside vehicle trunks vehicle trunks for 30 days prior to the start of the present
would survive the full immolation of the vehicle and could still be experiment and, during this time, insect samples had been
recovered and analyzed to provide a minPMI. [20]. collected twice a week, published elsewhere [22].
Pig 1, inside the 1993 Mercury Topaz, was entirely skeletonized
2. Materials and methods (Fig. 1). Thousands of dead and live adult Phormia regina (Meigen)
and Protophormia terraenovae (R.-D.) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) were
Three older model cars were obtained from the Justice Institute present inside the passenger and trunk areas of the car, having
of British Columbia (JIBC) Fire and Safety Division, in Maple Ridge, developed on the carcass in very large numbers. Many live pupae
B.C. Car #1 was a dark blue 1993 Mercury Topaz; Car #2 was a inside intact puparia and empty puparia were found throughout
maroon 1991 Pontiac Bonneville and Car #3 was a grey 1992 the vehicle, but primarily in the front of the passenger area,
Pontiac Sunbird. Inside the trunk of each vehicle, a freshly killed embedded in carpet and sometimes several specimens deep. Some
25–32 kg pig (Sus scrofa domesticus Erxleben) was placed. The pigs prepuparial 3rd instar larvae were also found in the vehicle.
were killed with a single pin-gunshot to the head (SFU Animal Care Pig 2, inside the Pontiac Bonneville, was still in active decay
Protocol Number 8051-06). Each carcass was dressed in similar with much of the soft tissue still remaining (Fig. 1). Some live
clothing consisting of plaid boxer shorts, red t-shirts and cargo calliphorid pupae inside intact puparia were collected but many
shorts, as clothing or cloth material is frequently associated with feeding 3rd instar larvae were still present in a maggot mass on the
homicide victims and can impact insect colonization patterns [18]. carcass. Much fewer individual insects were present on this carcass
Each vehicle was originally situated in a nearby forest in the than either Pig 1 or Pig 3. Live Piophilidae (Diptera) pupae inside
Coastal Western Hemlock Biogeoclimatic Zone, Dry Maritime intact puparia were also found along the rim of the trunk. No
Subzone [21] in Maple Ridge, B.C. Canada (approximately 45 km insects were found inside the passenger compartment of the
east of Vancouver, BC) to compare decomposition and insect vehicle. Throughout the earlier experiment, it was noted that Pig 2
colonization between these carcasses and three control carcasses decomposed at a slower rate and attracted fewer insects than
which were exposed in the forest, published elsewhere [22]. either Pigs 1 or 3 [22].
The carcasses were allowed to decompose for 30 days, then the Pig 3, inside the Pontiac Sunbird, was entirely skeletonized
vehicles were moved by tow truck to the safe burning site at the (Fig. 1). As with Pig 1, thousands of dead and live adult P. regina and
JIBC Fire and Safety Division on 22 August 2007. Pr. terraenovae were present in the vehicle, with large numbers of
On the day of the fires, each carcass was carefully assessed and live calliphorid pupae inside intact puparia and empty puparia
photographed. Prior to the fires, small samples of insects were present throughout the vehicle. The largest number of insects were
collected from the carcasses, the trunks and the passenger areas of present in this vehicle.
the cars. Adults were preserved immediately in ETOH and the
immature insects were raised to adulthood. Adult blow flies were 3.2. Fires
identified using dichotomous keys [23]. The remains and the vast
majority of insects were then left inside each car trunk and the Car #1, the Topaz, was ignited first using a burning stick to ignite
trunk closed. the gasoline on the driver’s seat. The door was left slightly open to
JIBC Fire and Safety staff set all fires. Each car was set alight allow oxygen to fuel the fire. Black smoke quickly filled the
separately by placing 500 mL of gasoline as an accelerant onto the windows but five minutes after the fire was set, smoke was still the
front driver’s seat of each vehicle. The front windows were rolled only overt sign visible, with wisps creeping out of the driver’s side
down slightly to allow oxygen flow. Once started, the fires were window. Fifteen minutes after the fire was lit, the fire was classified
allowed to build themselves naturally. Once the fire reached a as smoldering, and the smoke coming out of the slightly open
peak size and heat, as judged by the JIBC Fire and Safety staff, the windows was white (Video 1). After a further five minutes,
car fires were each extinguished. Fire and Safety personnel the glass in the front windshield began to distort, giving the
informed us that, once this peak was reached, allowing impression of ‘bubbles’. Smoke was present in the trunk and the
continuation of burning until they self-extinguished would not exterior of the trunk was warm to the touch. Smoke also started
do substantially more damage compared with dousing the flames appearing underneath the vehicle. After 25 min of burning it
with water [24]. The cars fires were all doused with plain water, appeared that the fire was running out of oxygen and was starting
using a firefighter 2.5 in. (6.35 cm) diameter hose and a task force to extinguish itself. At this time, a trained JIBC Fire Academy
nozzle. The trunk itself was not opened during fire extinguish- professional opened the driver’s side door to provide more oxygen.
ment, so the carcasses and insects in the trunks were not directly As soon as the door was opened, the fire began roaring to life and
exposed to the spray. The cars were sprayed mostly with a wide progressed quickly (Video 2). The horn began blaring as wires were
spray, that was similar to that used in a real car fire and was not shorted (Video 3), the windshield cracked, and the four side
directed into the vehicle so did not directly impact the car’s windows exploded. By 30 min after ignition, the car was fully
interior. No thermocouples were placed in the vehicles, but JIBC involved, and the paint started to strip from the exterior of the
Fire and Safety Staff estimated temperatures throughout the vehicle. Within minutes of opening the door and increasing the
burns, based on experience. interior oxygen levels, the trunk and the top of the car was on fire.
After the fires were extinguished, the cars were left secured for Temperature estimates made 38 min after ignition placed the
24 h to allow them to cool and for noxious fumes to be naturally core of the vehicle at 815  C (1500  F) and the trunk at 485  C
vented. Following this, each vehicle was photographed and (900  F). By this time the fire had melted through the passenger
S.L. Malainey, G.S. Anderson / Forensic Science International 306 (2020) 110033 3

Fig. 1. Comparison of pig carcasses in car trunks before and after the fires.

and rear door, and the fire was burning the underneath of the localized to the body of the car, with the trunk not burning as much
vehicle (Video 4). The rear tires blew at 39 min. as the compressed (Video 6). The left corner of Car #2 displayed noticeably less charring
strut gave way (Video 5). At 41 min the temperature of the fire had than the same spot on the other two vehicles. The body of the car
receded a little and was estimated at 650–700  C (1200–1300  F). displayed consistent burning for all three vehicles, though the
The ground underneath the vehicle was on fire. The gas tank burning of the trunk in Car #2 showed a pronounced difference.
exploded after 48 min followed by the front tires blowing out. Upon extinguishing this fire, it was discovered that Car #2 had a steel
JIBC Fire Academy Professional Fire Trainers informed us that fire wall behind the rear seat. In contrast, Cars #1 and #3 had only
once the tires had exploded, the fire was essentially complete. Of wire meshing separating the trunk and rear seat. This steel backing
the 47 min that this car was on fire, only 15 min or so were on Car #2 served as a fire wall to the rear compartment, preventing
considered a ‘quality’ burn by the JIBC Fire Academy Professional fire access, and was a feature of this type of car, designed specifically
Fire Trainers. The smoldering witnessed before the door was to prevent fire spread.
completely opened was not considered ‘good’ burning, and this
would have extinguished itself had the door not been opened. As 3.3. Carcasses and insects after fires
such, with the following fires it was decided to open the door fully
upon igniting the fire. This served to rapidly increase the fire In all cases, the vehicles were essentially destroyed by the fire.
progression, with the remaining two cars completing the burn All paint was burned off, tires had blown, and every vehicle was
cycle in 15 min for Car #3 and just over 30 min for Car #2. blackened by the fires. The interior of each vehicle became a
Differences in burn pattern were noticed between the progres- collection of debris as remnants of melted glass and other items
sion of Cars #1 and #3 compared with Car #2. The fire in Car #2 was were found throughout the passenger area of the vehicles.
4 S.L. Malainey, G.S. Anderson / Forensic Science International 306 (2020) 110033

The trunk of Car #1 showed large amounts of destruction post- fire and provides an estimate of the length of time which had
burn (Fig. 1). Pig 1 had burnt intact pupae inside intact puparia elapsed from death to the start of the fire. These house fires were
along the top of the clothes. The remaining clothing was very part of an experimental study, but they closely mirror a case from
fragile and fractured when touched. Under the first layer of the UK [26].
clothing, dead but un-charred, heat-killed pupae inside intact As we extinguished the fires in the present study rather than
puparia and 3rd instar larvae were recovered (Fig. 1). Bones allowing them to burn out, it could be suggested that the
remained, with pupae inside intact puparia and larvae stuck to entomological evidence might have been entirely destroyed if
them. Burnt adult flies were found under the clothing, sandwiched the fires had been allowed to burn themselves out naturally. This
between the skin and clothing. The shorts still retained the smell of was not tested in the present study but was tested in the earlier
decomposition, with new adult blow flies attracted to the odors. In house fire experiments, in which the fire was left to burn itself out
the passenger area of the car amongst the debris, prepuparial 3rd naturally. Despite this, substantial entomological evidence was
instar calliphorid larvae, pupae inside intact puparia and empty recovered from all pig carcasses including those that had been
puparia were still present in the driver’s side floor area. None of the incinerated twice in earlier parts of the experiment. All stages of
insects were living. insects that were known to be present before the fires were still
The trunk of Car 3 was damaged during the fire and was evident and identifiable [25]. Therefore, the fact that insects could
propped open during collection. All insects were dead. Pig 3 in Car still be recovered from the car trunks and passenger areas indicates
#3 still had a substantial number of pupae inside intact puparia that insects and their remains are likely to be recoverable from a
throughout the clothing. A small maggot mass was present in the car fire.
shorts of this pig, with only the top layer completely blackened
(Fig. 1). The bones were covered in a greenish wet material and 4.2. Impact of fire wall
retained a pungent smell of decomposition. Along the left side of
the trunk, pupae inside intact puparia and pupal casings were still Pigs 1 and 3 were very similar, with both carcasses skeletonized
present. On the floor of the front drivers’ side of Car #3, pupae prior to the burn, but Pig 2 was very different throughout the pre-
inside intact puparia and empty puparia were collected. While the burn study. All three cars, together with their carcasses were
charred pupal casings were very fragile to the touch, they were still placed in the forest and allowed to decompose for the same length
identifiable as puparia and indicative of a complete blow fly life of time, 30 days. In fact, Car #3 was the least shaded during this
cycle. Additional empty puparia and pupae inside intact puparia earlier experiment so internal car temperatures, although higher
were found in the back seat behind the drivers’ side. More insects than ambient during the day in all cars, was 5 to 10  C higher in Car
were found in Car #3 than in the other cars, hence more insects #3 than in Cars #1 or #2. Yet carcasses decomposed and were
remained after the fire. colonized by insects in an almost identical manner in Cars #1 and
Pig 2 in Car #2 was quite different as it was still in active #3 [22]. Pig 2 in Car #2 was colonized by much fewer insects and
decomposition when it was burned, in comparison with both Pigs 1 consequently decomposed much more slowly than the other
and 3 which were skeletonized. Burnt larvae were abundant on carcasses, and appeared instead, to almost mummify in places.
the clothing, and unburned dead larvae were discovered under the Interestingly, Car #2 also burned quite differently with less fire
shirt on the bones (Fig. 1). During the insect collection from seen at the trunk region, less charring of the outside of the back of
the vehicle post-burn, an adult blow fly was observed landing on the car and more time required to reach a peak. At the time of the
the exposed bone. Pupae inside intact puparia were found earlier experiments and before the fire, the reasons for this were
underneath the spare tire covering, as well as a burnt beetle from unknown. However, once the burns were complete, a probable
the family Histeridae. During collection approximately ten adult cause was clear: Car #2 alone had a solid metal fire wall behind
blow flies were attracted to the remains, some landing on the the rear passenger seat, designed to prevent the spread of fire from
cracked skin of the charred pig. the trunk to the passenger area. It is highly probable that it was this
The pupae inside intact puparia and empty puparia that were wall that first reduced the numbers of carrion insects that were
recovered after the fires were extremely fragile. Such evidence is, initially able to access the carcass, and so slowed down
by its very nature, normally very fragile but charring greatly decomposition, as the presence of carrion insects has been shown
increased this. to speed up decomposition in comparison with carcasses that are
not colonized [27–29]. Secondly, the fire wall appeared to do ‘its’
4. Discussion job’ in that it did reduce the impacts of the fire. Nevertheless,
identifiable insect evidence was recoverable from Car #2 just as in
4.1. Survivability of insect remains after fire Cars #1 and #3.
The fire wall also resulted in less decomposition in Pig 2 than
Despite extensive burning of the cars, a remarkable amount of the other carcasses, so a lot of soft tissue remained. The impact of
material, including unburned clothing, bones, as well as identifi- fire on bone has been shown to be different in carcasses in different
able insects, were recovered from all three carcasses. This is similar stages of decomposition [30] so an examination of the skeletal
to that seen on carrion in a burned house in Alberta in which three elements can be used to indicate the level of decomposition prior
freshly killed pig carcasses were allowed to decompose to the to immolation [30].
advanced decay stage, then the house was set on fire and allowed
to extinguish naturally [25]. Thermocouples indicated that the fire 4.3. Effect of blow fly dispersal patterns
reached between 900–1000  C (1652–2012  F) [25]. Despite this,
not only were undamaged calliphorid larvae, pupae inside intact In previous research inside a house, full and empty puparia
puparia and empty puparia on and close to the carcass recovered from larvae that had traveled away from the carcass were usually
intact and identifiable, but a few live Pr. terraenovae were recovered destroyed and only those that pupariated close to the remains were
between the carcass’s legs and were raised to adulthood in the lab protected by the remains and survived [25]. Blow fly prepuparial
to prove viability [25]. Therefore, it is not uncommon to be able to 3rd instar larvae leave the carrion substrate in order to locate a
recover undamaged entomological evidence after a fire, as was also suitable pupariation site so are frequently found a distance away
found in the present study, although no live insects were recovered from the remains. The distance prepuparial 3rd instar larvae
here. Such insect evidence proves that the victim did not die in the dipserse depends on many abiotic and biotic factors such as species
S.L. Malainey, G.S. Anderson / Forensic Science International 306 (2020) 110033 5

and the substrate on which they are moving [31–33]. Protophormia Meek, blow fly colonization of pig carcasses in car trunks was
terraenovae, for example, has been noted to pupariate close to the delayed for three days after death, but the delay was increased
carrion [19,34–36] whereas Lucilia sericata (Meigen) often to seven days when pig carcasses were placed in car trunks and
disperses much further [37,38]. This could mean that species that then the cars burned [46].
travel the least distance from the remains might preferentially If a body is allowed to decompose for a period of time before a
survive a fire and therefore, potentially skew a minPMI analysis. In fire is set, as was seen in this study as well as others [25], then the
the present studies it might also be expected that insects in the surviving insect remains can be used to show that the victim did
trunk would be better protected from the fire by the enclosure of not succumb to the fire and can indicate an estimated minPMI,
the trunk than those in the passenger area, however, in this study, based on the species and stage of development of the insects on the
pupae inside intact puparia and empty puparia were collected remains, as in a more usual forensic entomology case. If the fire
from both the trunk and the passenger area of the cars. As well, due itself does not alert authorities and the remains and burned vehicle
to the confinement of the carcass in the trunk, prepuparial 3rd remain undiscovered for a period of time, it is probable that what is
instar larvae had been unable to exit the vehicle and had been left of the body will be secondarily colonized by carrion insects. In
forced to pupariate and emerge within the vehicle. Thus, an such cases, it should be possible to not only indicate the minimum
extremely large number of immature insects and empty puparia length of time that the remains were present in the vehicle before
were present in the vehicles pre-burn which probably increased the fire, but to also use the secondarily colonizing insects to
the chances of recovery. One of the carcasses in the earlier house indicate the minimum time since the fire was set. In a case in the
fire experiments had decomposed in a metal bathtub so, prior to US, the minPMI of a body found in a burned out car was estimated
the fire, the carcass was surrounded by full and empty puparia using the cooked blow fly larvae found inside the brains of the
from insects which had been unable to escape the smooth sides of victim, but live larvae found on the burned remains, the result of a
the bathtub so had pupated in situ. Therefore, the insects were secondary colonization after the fire, were also used to establish
about 10 cm deep in the bathtub before the fire was set. After the when the fire was lit [47].
complete immolation of the house, much of the insect remains
from inside the bathtub were still present and identifiable, despite 4.5. Impact on forensic entomological collection and analyses
the fire having burned the bathroom floor, the tub and contents
falling into the basement and the fire burning the longest under the Entomological evidence clearly can persist through a fire, as
tub [39]. Therefore, the abundance of insect remains in the bathtub was seen in these car fires and has been seen after other fires
in that study and the vehicles in this study may have increased the [25,26]. However, the surviving insect remains are much more
propensity for insect evidence survival. However, it is clear that fragile than live insects, or fresh puparia, which themselves are
insect evidence is likely to survive a fire even in low numbers as far already delicate. If a fire is deliberately extinguished, then the
fewer insect specimens were present on Car #2, yet abundant insects will be very wet, and if not collected immediately, will
insect remains were collected post-burn. rapidly degrade. Therefore, it is more than usually important that
In the house fires discussed earlier, the carcasses themselves a forensic entomologist is asked to attend the scene to collect the
were all in active decay so a certain amount of biomass was still evidence. However, if the collection is performed very shortly
present. As entomological remains were only recovered near the after the fire is extinguished, the water together with the heat of
carcasses, it was assumed that the carcasses provided some the fire actually hot-water kills larvae as is recommended prior to
protection. Indeed, in one case, live insect larvae were recovered preservation in ETOH [48], so is less damaging than might be
[25]. However, in the present study, Pigs 1 and 3 were completely expected. Pupae inside intact puparia and empty puparia
skeletonized, with only bones and clothing left and Pig 2 was in however, become even more brittle than normal so must be
active decay. However, insects were collected from all three handled by an experienced collector, preferably a forensic
carcasses and their vehicles so insect remains can clearly survive entomologist.
even when the pig remains were skeletonized.
5. Conclusions
4.4. Potential for secondary colonization
Arson intended as a crime concealment, although destructive,
During the post-burn collection, the charred remains of Pig 2 may not destroy forensically valuable entomological evidence, as
were still attractive to blow flies, particularly at areas of cracked this study has shown. Properly collected, entomological evidence
skin, and would probably have been colonized had the remains not can be important to, first, potentially indicate that the victim did
been disposed of at the end of the experiment. Other studies have not die in the fire, second, provide an estimate of the minPMI and, if
shown that burned remains will still be colonized by blow flies a secondary colonization occurs then, third provide an estimate of
[40–42] and if burning causes skin cracking (Crow-Glassman Scale the time of the fire. Caution must be exercised when considering
(CGS) Level #2 [43]), may be more attractive than unburned later successionally colonizing species as the fire may disrupt their
carrion as the cracking in the skin increases oviposition sites normal patterns of colonization. Entomological remains survived
[40,44]. In the house fires in Alberta, blow flies were attracted to equally on remains in car trunks which were completely
bodies while parts of the house still remained on fire [25]. skeletonized as on remains in active decay. Even entomological
Similarly, in Hawai’i, blow flies landed on unburned portions of remains which had dispersed throughout the passenger compart-
remains while other parts remained on fire [40]. In Italy, in ment of the vehicles survived. The fire wall in one vehicle not only
homicide cases in which bodies were placed in cars then set alight reduced access for insects to the carcass in the trunk originally, it
to destroy evidence, adult blow flies were found to be attracted in also limited the fire damage and the fire took longer to reach full
large numbers to the viscera exposed by the burning of the thorax burn.
and abdominal walls [45].
Fire may also impact the physical characteristics of the CRediT authorship contribution statement
body, potentially destroying the usual oviposition sites yet
opening up new and less usual areas for oviposition [26,45]. Stacey L. Malainey: Methodology, Formal analysis, Investiga-
The first could delay insect colonization and the second could tion, Data curation, Writing - original draft, Writing - review &
speed it up. In Louisiana, in unpublished experiments by Lamar editing, Visualization, Funding acquisition. Gail S. Anderson:
6 S.L. Malainey, G.S. Anderson / Forensic Science International 306 (2020) 110033

Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing - original draft, Writing - [18] G.S. Anderson, Factors that influence insect succession on carrion, in: J. Byrd, E.
review & editing, Visualization, Supervision, Project administra- Castner (Eds.), Forensic Entomology: The Utility Of Arthropods In Legal
Investigations, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fl, 2019 in press.
tion, Funding acquisition. [19] F. Introna Jr, C.P. Campobasso, A. Di Fazio, Three case studies in forensic
entomology from southern Italy, J. Forensic Sci. 43 (1) (1998) 210–214.
Acknowledgements [20] K.G. Schoenly, N.H. Haskell, R.D. Hall, J.R. Gbur, Comparative performance and
complementarity of four sampling methods and arthropod preference tests
from human and porcine remains at the Forensic Anthropology Center in
We would like to thank the B.C. Provincial Government, Office of Knoxville, Tennessee, J. Med. Entomol. 44 (5) (2007) 881–894.
the Fire Commission for partially funding this project and Dr. Dean [21] BCIT Forest Society,, 2018. (Accessed 23 May
Hildebrand from the British Columbia Institute of Technology [22] S.L. Miller, Effects of Confinement in a Vehicle Trunk and Arson on the
(BCIT) for providing access to the BCIT Woodlot, as well as the Progression and Survivability of Forensic Entomological Evidence. School of
Woodlot staff for their help. We would also like to thank the staff of Criminology, MA, Simon Fraser Univ., Burnaby, BC, 2009 110 pp.
[23] T. Whitworth, Keys to the genera and species of blow flies (Diptera:
the Justice Institute of British Columbia (JIBC) Fire and Safety
Calliphoridae) of America north of Mexico, Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 108 (3)
Division for donating the cars and allowing us access to the Fire and (2006) 689–725.
Safety Division facilities, specifically Timothy Lee for his aid in the [24] L. Watkinson, Personal Communication, Justice Institute of British Columbia,
planning stages, Barb Kidd for allowing access to the Fire and Fire and Safety Division, Maple Ridge, BC, 2007.
[25] G.S. Anderson, Effects of arson on forensic entomologyevidence, Can. Soc. Forensic Sci.
Safety Division facilities to conduct the burns, Larry Watkinson and J. 38 (2) (2005) 49–67, doi:
Tom Jones for their assistance during the burns and Shawn Crump [26] A.P. Whitaker, Effect of burning on minimum post-mortem interval (minPMI)
with assistance in moving the vehicles. We also would like to thank estimation from an entomological perspective, Arch. Environ. Forensic Sci. 1
(1) (2017) 17–31, doi:
Alyssa Von Wittgenstein, Stephanie Dawson and Christina [27] J.A. Payne, A summer carrion study of the baby pig Sus scrofa Linnaeus, Ecology
McAuley for their assistance as volunteer field assistants during 46 (5) (1965) 592–602, doi:
the collections. [28] J.L. Pechal, M.E. Benbow, T.L. Crippen, A.M. Tarone, J.K. Tomberlin, Delayed
insect access alters carrion decomposition and necrophagous insect commu-
nity assembly, Ecosphere 5 (4) (2014) 1–21, doi:
Appendix A. Supplementary data
[29] K. Scholl, C. Moffatt, Plastic waste sacks alter the rate of decomposition of
dismembered bodies within, Int. J. Legal Med. 131 (4) (2017) 1141–1147, doi:
Supplementary material related to this article can be found, in the
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