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Ericha Richards
8esponslble and people orlenLed lndlvldual wlLh hlgh energy level. Lmbraces wlLh passlon
her responslblllLles and dellvers on her promlses. CompleLely blllngual ln Lngllsh (Pome
counLry) and Spanlsh (Seven years llvlng ln venezuela). Can operaLe ln elLher culLure wlLh
ease. lollows pop culLure and sLays on Lop of Lhe new Lrends. Pandles soclal medla ouLleLs
wlLh ease.
Currlculum vlLae

M o b l l e h o n e : + 1 4 0 4 8 9 3 3 3 1 2
e m a l l a d d r e s s : 1 e r l c h a 3 [ g m a l l . c o m

American University, School of Communication
Class of 2012
Washington D.C.
Mobile: 404 895 3512

8esponslble and people orlenLed lndlvldual wlLh hlgh energy level. Lmbraces wlLh passlon her responslblllLles and
dellvers on her promlses. CompleLely blllngual ln Lngllsh (Pome counLry) and Spanlsh (Seven years llvlng ln venezuela).
Can operaLe ln elLher culLure wlLh ease. lollows pop culLure and sLays on Lop of Lhe new Lrends. Pandles soclal medla
ouLleLs wlLh ease.

!"#$%&'()*(%+#$,%-., WashlngLon, u.C. - School of CommunlcaLlons. ubllc CommunlcaLlons
Mlnor ln MarkeLlng - CraduaLlon uaLe: May 2012
!-/'(-')0(-#$('-%1('/)2&311/ (AlS), ALlanLa CA - lnLernaLlonal 8accalaureaLe CraduaLe - 2007- 2008,
4,&5#/')6'"71)!/#8$# (LCA) Caracas, venezuela - 2000-2007
naLlonal Ponor SocleLy - 2006-2008
lnLernaLlonal 1hesplan SocleLy - 2003-2008

- AsslsL Senlor 8ecrulLmenL chalr wlLh runnlng Lhe seml annual recrulLmenL evenLs ln order Lo fuLure Lhe sororlLy
- Crganlze and lnlLlaLe Campus Awareness Lhrough ubllc 8elaLlons and MarkeLlng efforLs around campus
- ueslgn markeLlng maLerlals for dlsLrlbuLlon on campus !
- ConducLed compuLer research on locaLlons Lo lncrease promoLlon,
- Worked and CoordlnaLed promoLlonal evenLs wlLh ma[or movle sLudlos ln Lhe clLy, lncludlng aramounL, Screen
Cems, unlversal, ulsney, and lCx,
- CbLalned and dlsLrlbuLed all movle cllps ln Lhe local medla Lo Lhelr prospecLlve coordlnaLors ln Lhe offlce !
-AsslsLed CommunlLy 8elaLlons Leam Lo manage WashlngLon 8edsklns Annual 1ralnlng Camp.
-lnLeracLed wlLh guesLs and sLaff Lo ensure all vl guesLs were Laken care of and comforLable.
-AsslsLed ln glvlng Lours of Lhe 8edsklns ark faclllLles and asslsLed wlLh feaLured ?ouLh Croup organlzaLlons.
-urafLed ress 8eleases regardlng news updaLes abouL Lhe soclally responslble [ewelry llne.
-SeL up phoLo shooL opporLunlLles wlLh Local Magazlnes and prlnL medla.
-lLched sLorles Lo local news medla.
-ConLrlbuLed aL promoLlonal evenLs and communlcaLed dlrecLly wlLh medla aL such evenLs.
- SupporLed cllenL 8ryanL !ordan (former ML8 player), and asslsLed ln organlzlng a baseball camp ln hls name for players
age 8-14.
- ldenLlfled venue, arranged hosplLallLy and ensured success Lhrough lnLeracLlng wlLh Lhe parLlclpanLs.
American University, School of Communication
Class of 2012
Washington D.C.
Mobile: 404 895 3512
-Member of Lhe WashlngLon, u.C. Leam LhaL organlzed Lhe naLlonal Conference lor SSu.
-CreaLed evenL brochure, managed Lhe welcome desk, and was llalson Lo guesL speakers and celebrlLles.
-ConLacLed and booked local arLlsLs and muslc groups.
-Lmceed Lhe evenL and was ln charge of all promoLlonal sLraLegles.
-Crganlzed all fundralslng evenLs, fleld days, and fleld Lrlps for one of Lhe largesL orphanages ln Caracas,
-Caln organlzaLlonal and people managemenL skllls.

-Crganlzed local and lnLernaLlonal sporLs LournamenLs.
-Crganlzed ClLy Lours and pep rallles for aLhleLes.

lluenL ln Lngllsh and Spanlsh
roflclenL wlLh appllcaLlons ln C and Mac operaLlng sysLems

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