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Title: My MOM the world’s best TEAcher


Throughout my life I have heard my friends talk about a teacher who MARKED their
CHILDhood by doing FUN activities to alleviate BAD times such as DIvorce, bad
GRADES, or DEATH of loved ones, in my case always my favorite teacher has been my
mother. My mother's BIG dream when she was LIttle was to be the best teacher
PAssionate, reSPECTful, and empaTHEtic to her students; however, financial resources
were limited to pay for exPENsive semester at a PRIvate university. RESting was never an
option and FIGHting for her DREAMS always MOtivated her to Study and WORK around
the clock. My grandmother's support was always like a great ARmor that did not allow any
aTTACK on my mother, but this did not prevent the accusations of a SEXist and
UNEQUAL society in her university and work. Nothing was going to STOP my mother
from FOllowing her dreams and FIGHT to Study at the pedagogical university for a degree
in PRImary school and graduate with honors with the best pedaGOgical thesis in her
department; additionally, she also helped her 4 SIblings to study a proFEssion degree. She
is the definition of HOPE, LOVE, and DIscipline; however, the situation was not easier
because her panorama for six years as a teacher was VIOlence, MARGINALITY, and
DRUGS in a small school in the rural area of CIUDAD BOLIVAR and a Valentina on
board did not prevent the best teacher to CEASE and Sandra my mother NEver stopped.
She was a teacher for 6 years until a classmate was MURdered in the NEIGHborhood and
my mother was MOVED to another loCAtion. She continued as a teacher and inHERIted
for the FIRST time a beautiful profession with BLOOD, SWEAT and TEAR, which
inSPIred me to become a chemistry TEAcher. Finally, in honor of my MOther and my
GRANDmother, I will continue the legacy of teaching.

Additive/List focus pairs: Contrast focus pairs:

1-MOM, TEAcher 1- FUN, BAD
2-MARKED, CHILDhood 2-BIG, LIttle
3- DIvorce, GRADES, DEATH 3-RESting, FIGHting
4- Passionate, respectful, empaTHEtic 4-Study, WORK
5- exPENsive, PRIvate 5-ARmor, aTTACK
6- DREAMS, MOtivated 6-STOP, FOllowing
8- FIGHT, Study 8- CEASE, NEver
9- PRImary, pedaGOgical 9- inherited, FIRST
10-Siblings, proFEssion 10- Mother, GRANDmother

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