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Karim Mahmoud CIVE 430

Lab 8

1. Objective:
During this lab you will learn about how to determine strength parameters of a soil
▪ Angle of internal friction: Φ
▪ Cohesion intercept: c
Reference: ASTM D3080- “Standard Test Method for Direct Shear Test of Soils under
Consolidated Drained Conditions.

2. General Overview:
Direct shear test is used to predict the value of the angle of internal friction and cohesion of the
soil quickly. Direct shear test is a laboratory test used to measure the shear strength properties of
soil or rock material or of discontinuities in soil or rock masses for laboratory samples and samples
obtained from the field.
▪ The test is performed on three or four specimens from a relatively undisturbed soil sample.
Every specimen will undergo a specific normal stress and failing will occur when the
sample cannot bare to hold more force.
CIVE 430
Lab 8

1. In the shear box test, the specimen is not failing along its weakest plane but along a
predetermined or induced failure plane i.e. horizontal plane separating the two halves
of the shear box. This is the main drawback of this test.

2. The volume change in sandy soil is a complex phenomenon depending on gradation,

particle shape, state and type of packing, orientation of principal planes, etc. In general
loose sands expand and dense sands contract in volume on shearing. There is a void
ratio at which either expansion contraction in volume takes place. This void ratio is
called critical void ratio. Expansion or contraction can be inferred from the movement
of vertical dial gauge during shearing.
3. As a vertical normal load is applied to the sample, shear stress is gradually applied
horizontally, by causing the two halves of the box to move relative to each other. The
shear load is measured together with the corresponding shear displacement.
4. If the soil sample is fully or partially
saturated, perforated metal plates and
porous stones are placed below and above
the sample to allow free drainage. If the
sample is dry, solid metal plates are used.
A load normal to the plane of shearing can
be applied to the soil sample through the
lid of the box.
5. Tests on sands and gravels can be
performed quickly, and are usually
performed dry as it is found that water
does not significantly affect the drained
strength. For clays, the rate of shearing
must be chosen to prevent excess pore
pressures building up.
CIVE 430
Lab 8

3. Procedure:
▪ Prepare the sample to be tested.
▪ Set the direct shear box and lock the two parts by tightening the two screws.
▪ Record the weight to be used for the sample being tested
▪ Place the bottom block and the porous stone at the bottom of shear box and measure the
total depth and the sides of the shear box (6*6 cm)
▪ Carefully place the sample to be tested. Level the sample using a leveling plate and a
mallet and measure the top distance to be able to obtain the sample thickness.
▪ Place the top block and the loading block on top of the sample and mount the box in the
direct shear apparatus.
▪ Input the data of the sample into the software and apply the normal stress given to you by
the lab instructor.
▪ The LVDT will be attached ahead of time for you to measure the shear displacement
▪ Start the loading, when done remove the soil from the shear box and place in the oven to
determine the dry weight

4. Calculations:
For each of the Normal Loads applied:

▪ Calculate the shear stress

Ph = Horizontal Shear load (N)
A = area of the soil specimen (mm2)

Note that: The area (A) is not constant along the test. As the shearing is occurring the shearing
length of soil is decreasing. Therefore for each increment of time A = (60mm) * (60mm – Δh)

▪ Plot shear stress vs. shear displacement and obtain the maximum value of 𝝉
▪ Three values are to be determined for each of the applied normal load
▪ Plot the obtained maximum shearing stress (𝝉) vs. normal stress for each of the
three calculated values
▪ Determine c (intersection of the plotted line with the y-axis) and ϕ (angle between
the plotted line and the horizontal)
▪ Report the moisture content, the initial bulk density and the dry density
filline :
Y= 0.4303x + 22.5426

Angle of internal friction 0 = 0 4303


Cohesion 22 5426
Intercept (c) = .
For normalstress = 35 kPa :

Wet soil =
W(antwet soil) - Wan
275 9 .
146 3 .


Wory Wscan- Wan

dry soil)

= 240 . 8 -
146 3 .

= .

Wwater =
129 6 94 5 35
= . -
. .

Volume = Axd = 6x 6 x 3 . 6 =
129 .

Initial bulk Wwetsoil-146 1glems


V 129 6 .

Moisture content Wwater 33

= x 100 =
37 142 %

x 100 =


94 S .

Dry density

= 0 .


For normal stress FORPa =


Wast soil 198

: .

Wary soil = 94 .

Wwater 34
= .

V = 129 6 c .

Initial bulk
density = 0 993

Moisture content = 36 875 %


Dry density =
0 .

For Normal shess = 14 OkPa

W wat soil 126 4 .


Wooy soil: 92 .

Water = 34 3

v =
129 6 cm]

Initial bulk density = 0 .

Moisture contente 37 242 %

Drydensity = 0 .


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