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Jupyter: Thinking and Storytelling With

Code and Data
Brian E. Granger , Amazon Web Services and California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA,
93401, USA
rez, UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, 94720, USA
Fernando Pe

Project Jupyter is an open-source project for interactive computing widely used

in data science, machine learning, and scientific computing. We argue that even
though Jupyter helps users perform complex, technical work, Jupyter itself
solves problems that are fundamentally human in nature. Namely, Jupyter
helps humans to think and tell stories with code and data. We illustrate
this by describing three dimensions of Jupyter: 1) interactive computing;
2) computational narratives; and 3) the idea that Jupyter is more than software.
We illustrate the impact of these dimensions on a community of practice in earth
and climate science.

roject Jupytera is an open-source software 1) JupyterLab:c the project’s next-generation,
project and community that builds software, extensible notebook user interface.
services, and open standards for interactive 2) nbconvert:d for converting notebooks to other
computing across dozens of programming languages. formats.
The core of Jupyter is the Jupyter Notebook,1 an open 3) Jupyter Widgets:e for building interactive graphi-
document format and web application that enables cal interfaces in notebooks
users to compose and share interactive programs that 4) Voila:f for turning notebooks into dashboards
combine live code with narrative text, equations, inter- and web applications.
active visualizations, images, and more. Jupyter was 5) JupyterHub:g for multiuser deployments of
spawned from its parent project, IPython, in 2014 as Jupyter.
usage of the Notebook grew outward from its origins 6) Binder:h a service for turning Git repositories into
in scientific computing and the Python programming live Jupyter servers for ad-hoc exploration of
language to the emerging worlds of data science and notebook-based content.
machine learning, and a host of other programming 7) nbviewer:i a service for previewing notebooks
languages, such as Julia and R. Organizationally, hosted online, etc.
Jupyter is community governed and fiscally sponsored
by the nonprofit NumFOCUS foundation.b Today, Jupyter Notebooks have become ubiquitous
Since the release of the Notebook in 2011, Jupyter across computational education and research, sci-
has created a number of other open-source subpro- ence, data science, and machine learning. Many mil-
jects that address other aspects of this space, which lions of users and tens of thousands of organizations
are as follows. use Jupyter on a daily basis. As of early 2021, there
are more than 10 million public Jupyter Notebooks
on GitHub alone.j Major research collaborations

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution
4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecom-
g h
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCSE.2021.3059263 i
Date of current version 25 March 2021.

March/April 2021 Published by the IEEE Computer Society Computing in Science & Engineering 7

and communities across physics, chemistry, biology, 1) Interactive computing.

economics, earth science, etc., leverage Jupyter as a 2) Computational narratives.
foundational tool for their computational work, collab- 3) The idea that Jupyter is more than software.
oration, education, and knowledge dissemination.
Entire curricula at universities and massive open online We conclude by describing how these ideas have
courses are based on Jupyter. All major cloud providers enabled communities of practice to be created across
and multiple startups offer products and services a broad range of computational domains.
based on Jupyter notebooks.
Given the scope of Jupyter’s usage and the con-
straints of this article, it is impossible to do justice to INTERACTIVE COMPUTING
all of the remarkable things that users are doing with At the most basic level, Jupyter provides an architec-
Jupyter. Instead, we refer the reader to the talks from ture and applications for interactive computing. We
JupyterCon 2020,k along with the papers in this issue claim that interactive computing solves a human
of CISE for further exploration. problem: It enables humans to leverage computers
Similarly, this article cannot do justice to every- and data to perform a broad spectrum of human
thing that the large, diverse, and widespread commu- tasks: decide, analyze, understand, accept, reject, dis-
nity of Jupyter contributors has built, both on the cover, question, predict, create, hypothesize, test,
software and community sides. Everything we evaluate, and play. Or more simply, Jupyter helps
describe here rests on a 20-year open collaboration humans to think. This is seen in a human-centered
where stakeholders from academia, industry, govern- definition of interactive computing.
ment, and more have participated as peers. More For our purposes, an interactive computation is a
information about the Jupyter Distinguished Contribu- persistent computer program that runs with a “human
tors and Steering Council can be found in the project’s in the loop,” where the primary mode of interaction is
website.l through the same human iteratively writing/running
As cofounders and codirectors of Jupyter, the two blocks of code and looking at the results.
of us have been asked to introduce Jupyter to readers First, these programs are persistent and stateful:
of this CISE issue, which represent a small fraction of The program has working memory, which records the
the content from JupyterCon 2020. At the same time, results of previous computations, and which are avail-
2021 marks the 10th anniversary of the Jupyter Note- able in subsequent computations. Second, the user
book and the 20th anniversary of IPython. As such, we provides input to the program by writing code instead
believe that it is worth pausing and asking two ques- of using graphical, touch, or other interfaces. Third, in
tions: What are the main ideas of Jupyter and why contrast to graphical user interfaces or most of soft-
have Jupyter Notebooks turned out to be so useful to ware engineering, in this flavor of interactive comput-
such a wide range of users and domains? ing, a single human is both the user and author of the
The overarching idea of Jupyter is that humans program. Fourth, in contrast to software engineering,
matter. The context of this statement is that in data there is no externally specified goal or design target.
science and computationally intensive research and Instead, the user explores and discovers their goal as
development, the weight of technical concerns often they gain understanding from iteratively executing the
dominates: algorithms, programming languages, sys- code and thinking about the results and their data.
tems and software architecture, etc. In this context, This definition of interactive computing is rooted in
human concerns and problems are often secondary at the modern scientific computing community. Tools
best. Jupyter lives in this universe: Its software and such as IDL (1977), Maple (1982), MATLAB (1984), and
users are technically sophisticated and its primary Mathematica (1988) offer this mode of interaction. It
usage case is solving complex problems with code should not be surprising that the two of us grew up as
and data. In spite of this, we claim that the primary physicists using these interactive computing tools as a
problems that Jupyter solves are uniquely human. foundational part of our computational work flows.
What are these human problems that Jupyter solves? Indeed, we created IPython and Jupyter initially because
To answer this, we briefly discuss following three we wanted the same type of interactive computing
dimensions of Jupyter. experience in the Python programming language.
We acknowledge that our definition of interactive
computing here is somewhat narrow. The entire field
k of human–computer interaction (HCI) is concerned
l with how humans interact with computers across all

8 Computing in Science & Engineering March/April 2021


modes of interaction. Of the many ways to interact done to prepare the way for insights and
with computers, writing code is perhaps the most decisions in technical and scientific
inhumane (imagine if we had to write code to post to thinking.3
Twitter or send emails...). Why is writing code so effec-
Ultimately, understanding, and the responsibility
tive for some tasks and activities?
of making decisions based on this understanding, are
From a computer-centered perspective, interactive
fundamentally human activities. As a tool for interac-
computing has been formalized by modeling these
tive computing, Jupyter enables users to apply com-
systems as persistent Turing machines coupled to an
putation and data to challenging questions in
environment (the human user).2 More colloquially, the
contexts as diverse as climate change, policy, public
simplest expression of an interactive computation is
health, research, business operations, justice, legisla-
the REPL, or read–eval–print loop. In a REPL, the pro-
tion, and more.
gram repeatedly reads lines of code, evaluates that
code, and then prints the result. Simple terminal-
based interactive shells such as IPython, as well as COMPUTATIONAL NARRATIVES
the Jupyter Notebook, follow this pattern with minor While IPython and other REPLs/WETLs offer an inter-
variations. But the computer-centered perspective active computing experience that enables users to
does not answer the question posed earlier: What is think with code and data, they lack permanence. More
the value of an REPL from the human perspective? specifically, these tools help a user to think in the
To answer this, let us flip the REPL around and cast moment, but when a session is closed there are no
it from the perspective of the human user. The user persistent artifacts that can be used to share, dissemi-
has a counterpart to the computer’s read–eval–print nate, or reproduce the work. This is the second human
loop: a “write–eval–think loop” (WETL). The user problem that Jupyter solves and brings us to the idea
first writes a block of code to import data, train a of a computational narrative.
model, create a visualization, implement an algorithm, Narrative is universal. Humans are evolved to cre-
etc. (which the computer then reads). The user, then, ate, share, and consume narratives or stories.4; 5 All
asks the computer to evaluate that block of code known cultures practice storytelling and regardless of
(which the computer does). And then, after the com- culture or education, humans acquire the ability and
puter displays the result, the user looks at that result inclination to create and process stories at a young
and thinks about what to do next. Is this what I age.4 Much of our waking hours are spent producing
expected to see? How is X related to Y? Why was an and consuming narratives. Indeed, it is difficult to
exception raised? What might I predict using this data- have a conversation without telling a story:
set and what features would be useful? In short, the
Storytelling and understanding are function-
user is thinking with code and data.
ally the same thing...intelligence is bound up
As this iteration proceeds, the human user and
with our ability to tell the right story at the
computer work together and converse through code
right time.6
and its output. Because the language of this conver-
sation is a programming language such as Python, the This narrative-centered aspect of human under-
user is able to think about complex technical prob- standing stands in contrast to computers, which are
lems, algorithms, and data. This idea of a computer optimized to consume, produce, and process data. In
being used as a thinking companion is not new: order for data and the computations that process and
visualize those data to be useful to humans, they
[Human]-computer symbiosis is an expected must be embedded into a narrative—a computational
development in cooperative interaction narrative—that tells a story for a particular audience
between [humans] and electronic com- and context.m enable [humans] and computers Computational notebooks were introduced by
to cooperate in making decisions and con- Mathematica in 1988; the Jupyter Notebook is our
trolling complex situations without inflexible concrete realization of the computational narrative,
dependence on predetermined programs. with a web-based architecture designed for
In the anticipated symbiotic partnership,
[humans] will set the goals, formulate the
hypotheses, determine the criteria, and per- See H. Porter Abbott’s Cambridge Introduction to Narrative
(2008) for an excellent overview of narrative that covers the
form the evaluations. Computing machines topic in a manner that applies naturally to computational
will do the routinizable work that must be narratives.

March/April 2021 Computing in Science & Engineering 9


FIGURE 1. Example Jupyter notebook that solves the Lorenz differential equations,7 open in JupyterLab. This notebook has live
interactive code, headings, narrative text, equations, visualizations, and interactive controls that are organized into a human-
centered computational narrative.

extensibility, programming language independence, group of users. While Knuth’s literate programming par-
and an open document format. The raw events of this adigm8 weaves human-oriented documentation into
narrative are the input (code) and output of the itera- the software engineering process, a computational
tions of the REPL/WETL of the underlying interactive narrative is distinct in its incorporation of interactive
computation. Around that, the user can add narrative computing as the central element. The outcome here
text including equations, multimedia content, etc. is not a software product but ideas and understanding
Computational narratives built on the Jupyter that are “deployed” to other humans.
Notebook solve a number of human problems. First,
they make interactive computations reproducible as a
natural byproduct of work. Second, they provide an MORE THAN SOFTWARE
artifact that can be shared with others, version-con- While Jupyter’s open-source software is obviously
trolled, used for communicating results, etc. Third, central to the project, over the years, we have devel-
because Jupyter notebooks use an open format, they oped a broader perspective that guides the project
can be converted into other forms, including websites, and has been a primary factor in its growth and adop-
books, online documentation, and dashboards. tion: Jupyter is more than merely software. More spe-
These human uses of computational narratives cifically, Jupyter also builds and consists of services,
illustrate how and why the ways that Jupyter note- open standards and protocols, and community.
books are used are so dramatically different from tradi- For many users, content in their domain is the first
tional software engineering tools where the goal is for reason to learn about Jupyter: services such as nbviewer
one group of people to write software that is subse- and Binder allow them to read, share, and execute
quently deployed to and used by an entirely different computational narratives about topics of relevance to

10 Computing in Science & Engineering March/April 2021


them, from blog posts to research papers and interactive set of extensions that are standalone JavaScript pack-
textbooks. The Jupyter software and services directly ages. These can be composed into new tools that
support these learning and knowledge sharing goals. meet the needs of the users, without the project hav-
Next, in addition to building software, Project ing to implement every conceivable feature.
Jupyter has developed open standards and protocols This brings us to community. In addition to being
for interactive computing that our software imple- software, Jupyter is a community of users, developers,
ments. This has allowed third parties to build an eco- and stakeholders from all walks of life. While IPython
system of interoperable software without explicitly and Jupyter were initially built by a small team of
sharing code. The JSON-based Jupyter Notebook doc- developers, today more than 1500 people have con-
ument formatn enables first- and third-party tools to tributed to our codebase and many more build con-
use and combine Jupyter Notebooks for a wide range tent anchored in our ecosystem. Furthermore,
of purposes such as: i) third-party user interfaces for hundreds of third-party developers participate in this
working with Jupyter Notebooks (Colab,o nteract,p community and build extensions, applications, and
CoCalc,q VSCoder), and ii) tools for converting note- content that leverage Jupyter. The pinnacle of the
books and displaying them online as standalone web- community is Jupyter users, who number in the mil-
sites, books, etc., or within other applications lions. This community is not accidental: The core
(nbviewer, Jupyter Book,s GitHub,t Authoreau). Jupyter Jupyter team has invested significant effort into wel-
has also developed a network protocol to communi- coming new contributors, helping users, planning and
cate between interactive computing user interfaces running community events (Jupyter Community Work-
(the Jupyter Notebook, JupyterLab, terminal-based shops,x JupyterDays and JupyterCony), and training
REPLs, etc.) and the server-side computational pro- and mentoring junior developers and designers. Criti-
cesses that run users’ code (called kernels in Jupyter’s cally, we have developed, and continue to refine, an
architecture). This kernel message protocolv has open governance model that seeks to meet the needs
enabled third parties to perform the following. of such diverse stakeholders, whose combined effort
has enabled the impact of Jupyter to grow in an
1) To adapt Jupyter’s runtime architecture to novel organic manner that far exceeded the resources of
deployment scenarios. the core contributors.
2) To build more than 100 different kernels support- These additional dimensions of Jupyter beyond
ing most programming languages in use today.w software are visualized in Figure 2.
3) To build alternate interactive computing applica-
tions that reuse Jupyter’s runtime architecture.
Furthermore, Jupyter’s software offers multiple CoP are groups of people motivated by a common set
programmatic APIs, which facilitate customization of problems or topics, who collectively develop
and extension without forking or copying the entire accepted practices, often aimed at the advancement
code base. For example, the Jupyter server usually of knowledge in a specific professional domain.9 A cen-
stores users’ files on a local filesystem. However, the tral element of CoP is, therefore, the ability to fluidly
server offers an API that third parties have leveraged share knowledge, and in particular, to share it in ways
to store notebooks on Amazon S3, relational data- that enable others to reuse the shared work and build
bases, and Google Drive. Users can install and use any upon it. Jupyter has become an enabling technology
combination of these extensions. The architecture of for CoP that operate in technical spaces where com-
Jupyter’s next-generation user interface, JupyterLab, puting, data analysis, and programming are central.
also illustrates this pattern: the entire application is a Several elements in the Jupyter ecosystem play
complementary roles in support of CoP. Most promi-
nently, the computational narratives of Jupyter note-
books support both individual exploration of ideas and
n sharing of the resulting knowledge in a reusable, repro-
p ducible manner that encourages feedback and collabo-
q ration. In turn, a body of knowledge encoded in such
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March/April 2021 Computing in Science & Engineering 11


possible for groups to work on shared infrastructure.

University courses were an obvious and early use
case: we both teach courses in data science at our
respective universities, hosted entirely on cloud-based
JupyterHubs. This pattern has been adopted by many
colleges and universities and has even reached K-12
education with efforts like the Callysto project in Can-
ada.z Research groups and industry teams similarly
FIGURE 2. Jupyter has a layered ecosystem that 1) is founded
adopted JupyterHub as a tool to build shared compu-
on a diverse community of users and contributors who tational infrastructure. Today, scientific HPC facilities
2) establish open standards and protocols, by 3) building including NERSC, NCAR, and Compute Canadaaa offer
extensible software, which is 4) deployed in services and ena- national-level infrastructure accessible to scientists
bles the authoring and sharing of content. These layers build through the web browser thanks to HPC-hosted
on each other, are each irreplaceable, and drive innovation. JupyterHubs.
Reproducible sharing: While nbviewer allows the
sharing of static narratives, with the release of Binder,
narratives fuels the cycle of collaboration originally prototyped by Jeremy Freeman and Andrew
that builds the CoP. These narratives are particularly Osheroff in late 2015, it became possible to share a live,
valuable in research and education, fields where explo- executable version of one or more notebooks with simi-
ration, discovery, reproducibility, and shared under- lar ease. Binder turns a repository of notebooks with
standing of complex problems are key objectives. explicitly declared dependencies into a live, ephemeral
Furthermore, other aspects of Jupyter beyond container in the cloud that can be accessed with a web
Notebooks support the growth of CoP, as we illustrate browser and where the user can immediately execute
now. all the code for free without having to download or
Notebook sharing: When the IPython Notebook install any of the underlying software.
was released in 2011, sharing work in notebooks These examples from the Jupyter architecture and
would require the recipient to also have the software ecosystem illustrate how open, modular tools amplify
installed to view it, or to ask the author to convert the the value of individual notebooks and support the
notebook to a widely used format such as HTML or sharing of knowledge in ways that facilitate CoP. We
PDF. The nbviewer service made this conversion a have seen CoP that use Jupyter heavily in fields as
one-click action. Originally prototyped by M. Busson- diverse as bioinformatics, high-energy physics, data
nier in 2012, it enabled anyone to easily share the ren- science, machine learning, music, economics, etc. A
dered HTML version of any publicly available compelling example is the geoscience and climate
notebook as a link that readers could access with a CoP built around the Pangeo project,bb “A community
web browser. We observed a rapid rise of notebook platform for Big Data geoscience,” which we discuss
sharing via blogs and social media, as people would in more detail now.
publish their work in this format. This pattern of shar- Pangeo, an NSF-funded project from the Earth-
ing has continued and expanded as other platforms, Cube program, defines itself as “first and foremost a
such as GitHub, have added built-in notebook render- community of people working collaboratively to
ing. Today, Jupyter Book facilitates sharing entire col- develop software and infrastructure to enable Big
lections of notebooks that form complete interactive Data geoscience research.” The Pangeo team identi-
“textbooks.” These can be hosted online as static fied the following problems limiting progress in mod-
HTML websites at no cost via tools such as GitHub ern geoscience and climate research: fluid access to
Pages, and as live, executable notebooks via Binder. large-scale datasets, lack of technological sophistica-
Group usage: While the Notebook was designed as tion in the tools available to scientists, and reproduc-
a single-user application running on a personal com- ibility. Originally led by Ryan Abernathey and Joe
puter, basing it on web technologies made it possible Hamman, the Pangeo team identified that open-
to host it on a remote or cloud-based server while pro- source tools already met these challenges fairly well,
viding an identical user experience. JupyterHub, first
released in 2015 by Min Ragan-Kelley and other mem-
bers of the team, offered this capability: It could host z
Notebooks on a remote server for multiple concurrent aa and
users, with authenticated access. This made it

12 Computing in Science & Engineering March/April 2021


through with a “last-mile problem” of configuration, projects are co-led by members of Pangeo and
deployment, and documentation for the specific funded under the same NSF EarthCube umbrella.
needs of the earth and climate science community.
Pangeo adopted JupyterHub, configured with Xar- The Pangeo community has built successful dem-
ray for access to numerical datasets, and Dask for dis- onstrations of how to conduct large-scale science in
tributed computing, as the backbone of their platform. the cloud, and this need exists in areas beyond geosci-
The open, vendor-agnostic nature of the Jupyter tools ence. Other domain communities are leveraging this
made it possible for Pangeo to be deployed in the cloud approach for their own needs, such as the PanNeuro
or on HPC hardware, thus bridging the traditional prac- effort led by Ariel Rokem and others at the University
tices of scientific computing with today’s cloud-hosted of Washington, and we see this as a positive sign that
tools and datasets. They have deployed custom tools Jupyter’s infrastructure has broad reach for different
such as a Dask plugin that provides real-time feedback communities.
of distributed processing in JupyterLab, and specialized The Jupyter team has always sought to create
Binders with Dask support that help this CoP meet the tools that are not open, but vendor-agnostic, modular,
challenge of reproducibility in large-scale workflows. and extensible. While the Pangeo CoP has their own
Pangeo’s adoption of Jupyter has enabled it to specific needs and requirements, the same building
grow and develop in a number of directions where blocks can be customized, extended, and deployed by
Jupyter plays a key role, which are as follows. other CoP and service providers to other usage cases.
The key point here is how the open-source building
› HackWeeks10 are events that combine educa- blocks of Jupyter for interactive computing and
tion in computational methods with community computational narratives unlock new practices and
building and research prototyping around collaboration patterns in these communities.
domain-specific topics. A number of HackWeeks
have been hosted on Pangeo Hubs, including IN CLOSING
satellite data analysis for cryosphere science This takes us back to the main idea of this article,
using NASAs ICESat-2, oceanography, broad- which we believe summarizes the past, present, and
spectrum geosciences, and large-scale climate future direction of Project Jupyter. Jupyter helps indi-
modeling with the CMIP6 data. viduals and groups to leverage computation and data
› The Pangeo Gallerycc offers live collections of to solve complex, technical, but human-centered
notebooks hosted on Dask-enabled Binder problems of understanding, decision making, collabo-
deployments. Topics covered range from techni- ration, and community practice. Furthermore, we
cal infrastructure (e.g., using Dask for scalable believe that open-source, community governed, mod-
computing, illustrations of the Pangeo software ular and extensible software that is built using the
stack, or performance benchmarks for cloud- principles and practices of human-centered design
based data analysis) to domain science (e.g., anal- are particularly effective in tackling these challenges.
ysis of Landsat8 imagery, processing of remote
sensing and simulation-based ocean data, study
of the National Weather Model, modeling of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
water levels under hurricanes, reproducing key The authors would like to thank Lorena Barba and
papers in global climate modeling, etc.). Hans Fangohr for their editorial work on this special
› The Jupyter meets the Earthdd project connects issue and for helpful comments on this article. The
developments in Jupyter with research use authors also would like to thank Lindsey Heagy for
cases in the geosciences, including some from helpful feedback and work on Figure 2. Most impor-
the Pangeo-supported HackWeeks on ICESat-2 tantly, the authors thank all IPython/Jupyter contribu-
and CMIP6. tors, whose work over two decades has made this
› Project Pythiaee develops new learning materials project possible, as well as the broader Scientific
for the analysis of geoscience data using the Sci- Python community that Jupyter relies on. The work of
entific Python ecosystem. These last two Brian Granger and Fernando Pe rez on Project Jupyter
was supported in part by the Alfred P. Sloan Founda-
tion, in part by the Gordon and Betty Moore Founda-
tion, in part by the Helmsley Charitable Trust, and in
dd part by Schmidt Futures. The work of Fernando Pe rez
ee was supported by the NSF EarthCube Program under

March/April 2021 Computing in Science & Engineering 13


Award 1928406 and Award 1928374. The work of Brian Professor of Physics and Data Science with Cal Poly State
Granger was also supported by Amazon Web Services University, San Luis Obispo, CA, USA. His research interests
with time to contribute to Jupyter and this article.
include building open-source tools for interactive computing,
data science, and data visualization. He received the Ph.D.
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doi: 10.1073/pnas.1717196115.
of the Python Software Foundation. He was a recipient of

BRIAN E. GRANGER is currently a Principal Technical Pro- the 2017 ACM Software System Award and the 2012 FSF
gram Manager with Amazon Web Services, Seattle, WA, USA, Award for the Advancement of Free Software. Contact him
in the AI Platform team and has spent the last decade as a at

14 Computing in Science & Engineering March/April 2021

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