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NAME: ___________________________________ TOTAL: ____ /1

A Tick (✓) the following statements true (T) or false (F). Explain your answers.
1. The scar on Lady Rossiter’s face was probably from one of her husband’s
attacks. ...... ......
2. Sir Thomas tried to kill Lord Linchmere because he didn’t like the way
Lord Linchmere behaved towards his wife. ...... ......
3. McCoy shot Edward accidentally. ...... ......
4. Mrs King couldn’t tell Marshall the reason why she wanted him to leave
because she was afraid he would call the police. ...... ......
5. Everard waited until Lord Southerton’s death to try to kill Marshall. ...... ......
10 points (2 points each)

B Complete the following sentences about the stories.

1. Lord Linchmere wanted a guard because ............................................................................................. .
2. Lord Linchmere knew Sir Thomas was going to have an attack because .............................................. .
3. James waited until his mother died to .................................................................................................. .
4. Everard invited Marshall to visit him so that ........................................................................................ .
5. Marshall didn’t listen to Mrs King’s hints to leave because .................................................................. .
10 points (2 points each)

C Complete the chart according to the stories.

Quote Who said it? Why did he / she say it?
1. “I think it would be much better, sir, if you
trusted me completely with your plans, and told
me what’s going on.”
2. “Please, talk about beetles as much as you can”.
3. “He’s my brother, and you will not ruin him!”
4. “Get away, you devil! Help! Oh, my God!”
5. “I’ve got many debts to pay, many cheques to
write, and fortunately, a large estate that will
cover it all!”
15 points (3 points each)

D Choose one topic and write a paragraph. Your paragraph should be at least 80 words.
1. Do you think it would have been better for Lord Linchmere to tell Dr Hamilton the whole truth from
the start? Why / Why not?
2. James was a good brother to Edward. Do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer.
3. Marshall ignored the signs that something was wrong with Everard because he was so desperate
for money. Do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer.
15 points

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