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Legal Analysis, Research, & Communication

O’Malley – Sections I & J – Fall 2022

This syllabus sets out the topics and readings we will be covering in our classes for the first five
weeks of the semester. You should read the material identified for each class BEFORE
coming to class. Please note that this syllabus is subject to change depending on our progress. I
will supplement many of the text readings listed here with exercises and activities that are curated
to advance your learning; these I will hand out during class or post on our Canvas site in the
respective week number folder. I’ll keep you apprised of updates during class and/or through
email. You should check your email and our Canvas site frequently; you are responsible
for staying current.

First Class (Friday, August 19)

Topics: Introductions & course overview

** Complete “Getting to Know You” survey here: **

 Before class, please –

o Read A Lawyer Writes (ALW) Introduction (pp. xix-xx) & Chapter 1 (pp. 3-14)
o Watch TedTalk from Eduardo Briceno:

First full week (Week of Aug. 22)

Topics: Reading the law in context; intro to the American legal system; finding your argument

** This week: Sign up to meet with a TA during week of 8/22 or 8/29 **

Tuesday, Aug. 23

 Please read ALW Ch. 3, 3.1, & Sec. 3.2; and materials posted on Canvas
 Complete Getting to Know You survey by class time today (if you have not already)

Thursday, Aug. 25

 Please read ALW Ch. 2; Ch. 4; The Bluebook introduction (pp. 1-2) & skim Table T1 (pp.
Friday, Aug. 26

 Please read ALW Ch. 6

Week 2 (Week of Aug. 29)

Topics: Approaching a legal writing assignment; the analysis paradigm; finding rules;
drafting rules & rule illustrations

**Monday, August 29: Assignment #1 Materials Posted on Canvas**

** Meet with a TA if you did not meet with a TA last week **

Tuesday, Aug. 30

 Please read ALW Ch. 7 & Sec. 7.1 I & II (A only) (pp. 99-103) & III (109-112); Assignment 1

Thursday, Sept. 1

 Please read ALW Ch. 7.2 I – III (113-122) & VIII (130-132)

Friday, Sept. 2

 Please read ALW Ch. 8, 8.1, & 8.2 (pp. 141-161) (focus on Sec. 8.2)

Week 3 (Week of Sept. 5)

Topics: Rule illustrations; rule application

Tuesday, Sept. 7

 Please read ALW Ch. 8.3 & 8.4

Thursday, Sept. 9

 Please read ALW Ch. 12 Sec. I (pp. 213-22); Ch. 9

Legal Analysis, Research, & Communication Sections I & J – Reading Syllabus Pt.1 – Page 2
Friday, Sept. 10

 No new text reading; we will continue to discuss the analysis paradigm

Week 4 (Week of Sept. 12)

Topics: The Bluebook & legal citation; editing & polishing your work; feedback

Tuesday, Sept. 13

 For background, please read the Bluebook Rule B1.1 (pp. 3-4) & Rule B10 (pp. 11-18); & skim
Rule 10 (95-118) & Tables T1 (227-298), T6 (304-307), T7 (307-310), & T10.1 (312-313)

Thursday, Sept. 15

 Please review the editing materials posted on Canvas

Friday, Sept. 16

 No new text reading; please see Canvas for today’s materials

**Sunday, September 18 @ 10:00 p.m.: First Writing Assignment Due**

Legal Analysis, Research, & Communication Sections I & J – Reading Syllabus Pt.1 – Page 3

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