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The Impact of Brand Value on Firm Valuation: The Moderating Influence of

Firm Type

Article in Journal of Brand Management · June 2013

DOI: 10.1057/bm.2012.55


72 14,461

3 authors:

Colleen P. Kirk Ipshita Ray

New York Institute of Technology, New York, NY Pace University


Berry Wilson
Pace University


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Original Article

The impact of brand value on firm

valuation: The moderating influence
of firm type
Received (in revised form): 5th October 2012

Colleen P. Kirk
is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at Mount Saint Mary College in Newburgh, NY, recently earning her doctorate
from Pace University. Her research interests focus on interactivity and consumer value co-creation, and her work has
appeared in journals such as Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Journal of the Academy of Behavioral Finance and
Economics, International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society, and Business Case Journal. She spent thirteen years
in product management and sales in the computer industry and as an adjunct professor at Mercy College.

Ipshita Ray

is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the Lubin School of Business, Pace University, New York. Her research
interests include customer decision-making processes, customer relationship management, shopping behaviors and
marketing communication effectiveness. She has published in journals such as the Journal of Business Research, Journal of
Marketing Communications, Journal of Strategic Marketing, International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research
and Journal of Academic and Business Ethics.

Berry Wilson
is an Associate Professor of Finance at the Lubin School of Business, Pace University, New York. His research interests
include financial market stability, crises and performance. Publishing in such journals as Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, The
Economic Journal, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Journal of Financial Intermediation and Review of Financial Economics, he

has also served as a World Bank Consultant in the areas of emerging-market economies and bank regulatory policies.

ABSTRACT The efficient markets hypothesis suggests that the stock price of a firm
reflects investor perceptions of the current and future earnings potential of all of its

assets, both tangible and intangible. Brand value can be viewed as an intangible firm
asset and research suggests brand value impacts stock prices. However, the effect
of branding on consumers differs from its effect on organizational buyers. In this

study, brand valuation estimates are found to be significantly associated with share
prices above and beyond book value and earnings information. However, this

relationship is moderated by firm type, and, although the association of brand value
and stock prices is significant for consumer firms, it is not significant for industrial
firms. Brand valuation associations with stock prices are found to be significant both
on a contemporaneous basis and on a 1-year time-lagged basis, suggesting brand
value changes have a durable effect on firm valuation. The implications for industrial
and consumer branding strategies and research are discussed.
Journal of Brand Management (2013) 20, 488–500. doi:10.1057/bm.2012.55;
published online 30 November 2012
Colleen P. Kirk
Mount Saint Mary College,
330 Powell Ave, Newburgh, NY Keywords: brand equity; brand value; brand strategy; industrial brand; industrial
12550, USA
E-mail: marketing; stock price

© 2013 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1350-23IX Journal of Brand Management Vol. 20, 6, 488–500
The impact of brand value on firm valuation

OVERVIEW and Sethuraman, 1998; Hupp and Powaga,

A major challenge facing marketers is the 2004; Sjodin, 2007; Mizik and Jacobson,
question of how to measure the impact of 2008; Shankar et al, 2008) supports the view
their efforts on the success of a firm. On that brand valuation is a firm asset that has
the one hand, many marketing expendi- value to investors that is not accounted for
tures, which can include diverse activities on the balance sheet, it is possible that this
such as advertising, sales support, customer effect may be stronger for consumer firms
service, product-quality efforts, promo- than for industrial firms. Industrial brands
tions, distribution channel development, are often synonymous with corporate brands
market research and even new product (Webster and Keller, 2004), and thus brand
development, may be viewed by marketing elements may play a different role in the
managers as long-term investments in a mind of the customer. Further, drivers of
brand, and therefore in the firm’s future. business-to-business (B2B) purchasing are
On the other hand, US GAAP for brands significantly different than motivators of
generally do not permit capitalizing firm consumer purchasing.
expenditures in marketing (Barth et al, The current study is the first to examine
1998). Thus, although the benefits of brand the possibility that the type of firm, whether
investment may not be realized for several consumer or industrial, moderates the

years or even longer, the accounting impact effect of brand value on stock price. This
of the expenditures is, by convention or study is significant both because it confirms
regulation, felt immediately. the justification for a consumer firm’s
It is possible that if a more clear link marketing investments in its brand, and it
between brand investments and financial has implications for possible differences in
return were in evidence, marketing man- approach between consumer and industrial
agers would have an easier time trying to firms.
justify their marketing programs, as well as
differentiating between those programs that BRAND EQUITY

might be viewed as longer-term brand Most marketing managers view the suc-
equity investments and those that more cessful development of a brand as vital to

clearly need to be justified on a short-term the success of their firm. Brand equity is
basis. Indeed, some finance researchers pro- the term used by marketers to describe the

vide evidence that, over the long run, the value of a brand to its firm, with an under-
stocks of firms with stronger brands have standing that different marketing actions
performed better than those with weaker can result in different outcomes or ‘added

brands (Siegel, 2005). Increasingly, tradi- value’ for the brand (Keller, 2003).
tional assumptions of marketing are making According to David Aaker (1992), brand

way for a new financial evaluation of mar- equity is linked to the brand’s name and
keting assets and more concrete assessment symbol and provides value to both the cus-
of the ability of marketing efforts to enhance tomers and to the firm. It can both enhance
shareholder returns (Srivastava et al, 1998). and detract from the value of a product or
The purpose of this article is to examine service, and thus consists of both brand
whether the strength of brand valuation on assets and liabilities. As evidenced by the
stock prices holds equally for both consumer balance sheet valuation of a brand when
and industrial firms. Although empirical and a firm is acquired, a brand has a value
theoretical research in accounting (Barth et that can be measured (Bahadir et al, 2008).
al, 1998; Fehle et al, 2008), finance (Treynor, Further evidence of this value is supplied
1999; Siegel, 2005) and marketing (Kerin by recent examples of the substantive sale

© 2013 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1350-23IX Journal of Brand Management Vol. 20, 6, 488–500 489
Kirk et al

price of a brand even after bankruptcy and Kapareliotis and Panopoulos, 2010). Of
liquidation of a firm’s remaining assets these, a financial-market outcome is argu-
(Zipkin, 2009). ably the most concrete indicator of the
Aaker originally maintained that five key success of brand equity investments, and
brand equity assets provide the source of certainly one that is most likely to be
value for a firm: brand loyalty, brand-name understood by a firm’s financial personnel.
awareness, brand quality, brand associations If a research contribution can be made
and other proprietary brand assets, such as toward accurate valuation of brand equity
specialized distribution channels, trade- as an off-balance sheet asset, and an under-
marks or copyrights (Aaker, 1992). Aaker’s standing of the types of firms for which
brand equity definition has been expanded this valuation might have the greatest
and extended in many ways to include con- impact, the management will be able to
siderations such as behavioral loyalty (for make better decisions regarding brand
example, purchasing more) and attitudinal equity-enhancing marketing programs as
loyalty (for example, attitudes toward the a longer-term investment rather than as
values a brand represents; Arjun and Morris, a current period expense, regardless of the
2001), the difference between brand accounting treatment required.
awareness (simply recognizing a brand) and

brand salience (a knowledge that a con-
sumer perceives as personally relevant; ON FIRM VALUATION
Mizik and Jacobson, 2008), the significance The efficient markets hypothesis (Fama,
of brand relevance (Aker, 2004) and a 1970, 1991) forms a fundamental theoret-
newer concept of brand energy, defined by ical underpinning for understanding firm
its perception of being innovative and valuations in financial markets, and is a cor-
dynamic (Mizik and Jacobson, 2008). Given nerstone of finance theory. Simply stated,
the potential importance of being able to it means that a firm’s stock price, or firm
measure the impact of brand equity, valuation, always reflects all information

both from the standpoint of marketers currently available to investors and poten-
and managers, as well as from an accurate tial investors (Fama, 1991). In other words,

firm accounting and financial valuation the stock price of a firm reflects investor
standpoint, many researchers have attempted perceptions of the current and future

to identify vehicles to measure brand earnings potential of all its assets, both tan-
equity. In general, these attempts seem to gible and intangible. Tangible assets include
fall into three broad categories (Ailawadi property, plant and equipment, current

et al, 2003): Customer Mindset, or attempts assets such as inventories, and investments,
to measure brand equity from the consum- and are typically measured by the replace-

er’s point of view, including measures ment cost of the asset (Simon and Sullivan,
such as awareness, attitudes, associations 1993). On the other hand, intangible assets
and so on (for example, Hupp and Powaga, include any other assets that might enable
2004); Product-Market Outcomes, such a firm to earn excess returns beyond that
as a measure of price premium, or the dif- earned from its tangible assets. Intangible assets
ference in price commanded by a brand- can include factors such as patents and trade-
name product versus a generic product marks, investments in research and develop-
(Ailawadi et al, 2003); and Financial-Market ment, goodwill and, as presented here, brand
Outcomes, such as an association bet- equity (Simon and Sullivan, 1993).
ween brand equity changes and stock According to Simon and Sullivan (1993,
returns (Barth et al, 1998; Wang et al, 2009; p. 31), the financial markets view brand

490 © 2013 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1350-23IX Journal of Brand Management Vol. 20, 6, 488–500
The impact of brand value on firm valuation

equity as ‘the capitalized value of the profits demonstrate a measurable impact of changes
that result from associating that brand’s in perceived brand relevance and energy,
name with particular products or services.’ as well as a time-lagged impact of brand
Thus, anything that might change investor differentiation on stock returns.
perceptions of brand equity, for positive or It should be noted that while marketers
for negative, should affect the firm’s stock have generally tended to use the terms
price due to perceptions of impact on ‘brand equity’ and ‘brand value’ inter-
future earnings. For example, if a firm changeably (cf., Simon and Sullivan, 1993;
undertakes a significant new promotional Keller, 2003), Raggio and Leone (2007,
campaign, and investors perceive the cam- 2008) propose that the two terms actually
paign will be effective, they will likely bid represent distinct constructs. They suggest
up the price of the stock, commensurate that brand equity be defined as an intrap-
with the difference between the cost ersonal perceptual construct referring
of the campaign and potential increases in to the ability of a brand to meet its promise
earnings. of benefits, sometimes termed brand
It should be noted that the accounting strength (Raggio and Leone, 2007), while
effect of such a promotional campaign will their conceptualization of brand value as
be felt during the year in which the cam- the ‘sale or replacement price of a brand’

paign is run. However, the impact on the (Raggio and Leone, 2008, p. 249) is more
brand could be felt for many years after, consistent with a financial market view of
thus potentially affecting the earnings for brand equity as the net present value of
multiple years to come. In the same way, future earnings of a brand (Simon and Sul-
an adverse event, such as, the issues of brake livan, 1993). Interbrand’s measure of brand
failure experienced by Toyota in 2010 and value, used extensively by researchers
sudden acceleration by Audi in the 1980s, (Barth et al, 1998; Kerin and Sethuraman,
can have a substantial negative impact on 1998; Madden et al, 2006; Fehle et al,
a firm’s stock price due to perceptions of 2008), forecasts the net present value of

a long-term negative impact on a brand, brand earnings based in part on estimates

above and beyond the immediate impact of a brand strength multiplier (Interbrand

on sales. Corporation, 2011), which is also consistent

A number of researchers have tried to with the more refined definitions of Raggio

pinpoint the specific elements of brand and Leone (2007, 2008).

equity most likely to impact a firm’s stock Most of the research to date regarding
performance. Brand equity constructs the financial impact of brand equity metrics

measured to date whose changes appear to has been limited to large multinational
impact firm valuations include customer consumer firms where a single brand or a

satisfaction (Fornell et al, 2006), perceived limited number of brands make up the
quality (Aaker and Jacobson, 1994), new majority of the firm’s sales. An additional
product introductions (Pauwels et al, 2004) area that should be further explored is
and brand attitude (Aaker and Jacobson, whether similar results are found with
2001). Brand orientation has also been industrial firms. Some studies suggest that
shown to be associated with firm profita- even in industrial firms, strong brand equity
bility (Gromark and Melina, 2011) and can result in the ability to charge a price
advertising expenditures positively impact premium (Hutton, 1997; Bendixen et al,
the intangible value of a firm (Sahay 2004). However, in their examination of
and Pillai, 2009). Perhaps most compre- branding in industrial markets, Webster
hensively, Mizik and Jacobson (2008) and Keller (2004) explain that, although

© 2013 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1350-23IX Journal of Brand Management Vol. 20, 6, 488–500 491
Kirk et al

effective brand management in industrial DATA AND TESTS

firms is vital, a brand plays a different role Following scholars in this area (Barth et al,
among organizational buyers than among 1998; Kerin and Sethuraman, 1998; Madden
consumers. Profit-motivated and budget- et al, 2006; Fehle et al, 2008), brand value
constrained, industrial buyers are generally was measured using brand valuation esti-
focused on economically-based decision mates provided by InterBrand (Interbrand
factors such as pricing, product suitability, Corporation, 2011), commonly viewed as
service and support (Bendixen et al, 2004; the provider of the most well-known and
Webster and Keller, 2004) rather than widely used brand valuation method
the more emotion-laden considerations (Madden et al, 2006). InterBrand is a
associated with a consumer brand (Webster London-based consulting firm, whose
and Keller, 2004). Indeed, Kuhn et al’s brand valuations have been used heavily by
(2008) qualitative study of branding in FinancialWorld (Barth et al, 1998; Madden
industrial contexts suggests that organiza- et al, 2006). InterBrand’s valuation meth-
tional buyers tend to focus more on the odology involves estimating earnings for a
credibility of the selling organization than non-branded version of a firm’s product in
on individual brand associations. This dif- order to estimate a brand’s profit premium.
ference between the effect of consumer These profit-related earnings are then aug-

brands and industrial brands on customer mented by a brand strength multiplier
decision making suggests that the effect of including seven components: Leadership,
brand value on stock price should be Stability, Market, Internationality, Trend,
stronger for consumer firms than for Support and Protection.
industrial firms. Therefore, we propose the Following Barth et al (1998), stock price
following: data was obtained from the CRSP database,
and book value per share, earnings per share
Hypothesis 1: The type of firm (i.e. indus- and number of shares outstanding from
trial or consumer) will moderate the COMPUSTAT, with years 2001–2008

association between brand value and chosen for analysis. Brand value per share
stock price, with the association being was calculated by dividing the brand value

stronger for consumer firms than for by the number of shares outstanding.
industrial firms. Of the 100 Interbrand firms, following

Mizik and Jacobson (2008), companies

Some aspects of brand equity, such as were chosen that were based in the United
brand differentiation, are shown to have a States and whose revenue was derived

lagged effect on stock prices (Mizik and primarily from a single brand (‘monobrand’
Jacobson, 2008). That is, consumers may firms). The resulting list was further divided

perceive a change in brand differentiation, into consumer companies and industrial

but the marketplace does not incorporate companies based on a majority of their
the change into firm valuations immedi- business ( > 75 per cent). Firms that did not
ately, possibly because brand differentiation meet the criteria for being either primarily
is not always necessarily positive and market consumer or primarily industrial were
participants wait to assess results before excluded, resulting in a sample of 11 con-
making stock purchase decisions. There- sumer and 8 industrial firms, listed in
fore, we propose: Table 1. A dummy variable was added for
firm type: industrial or consumer. In an
Hypothesis 2: Brand value is associated effort to create temporal consistency,
with time-lagged stock prices. accounting data for firms whose fiscal year

492 © 2013 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1350-23IX Journal of Brand Management Vol. 20, 6, 488–500
The impact of brand value on firm valuation

Table 1: Companies in sample association between brand values and stock

Consumer companies Industrial companies prices (Hypothesis 1), we use the following
cross-sectional regression:
Annheuser-Busch Accenture
Coca-Cola Co. Caterpillar

Colgate-Palmolive Cisco Systems
Disney General Electric MVit = a 0YRYit + a 1BVit + a 2NI it
GAP Goldman Sachs Y = 2001

Heinz IBM +a 3BRANDit + a 4TYPEit

McDonalds Oracle
Nike Xerox +a 5 (TYPE * BRAND )it + e it ,
where MV is the share price at fiscal year
end; BV is the book value of equity per
ended in January–May was matched with share; NI is the earnings per share from
brand valuation figures for the prior year. continuing operations; BRAND is the
The data was pooled, resulting in a total of firm’s InterBrand value estimate, deflated
131 observations across 19 companies and by the number of shares outstanding; TYPE
7 years. is a dummy variable for firm type (con-
Following Barth et al (1998), a regression sumer or industrial); and YR is an indicator

model is established to examine the asso- variable that equals 1 if the observation is
ciation between the market value of firms from fiscal year Y and 0 otherwise. We test
and brand value estimates in order to vali- for fixed period and company effects, per-
date previous research (for example, Barth mitting the regression intercept to vary
et al, 1998; Fehle et al, 2008). The following across years and firms to control for cal-
cross-sectional regression is used: endar time-specific and company effects.
We also test for random effects.
MVit = ∑ a 0YRYit + a 1BVit Finally, we test the potential lagged

Y = 2001 impact of brand valuation changes on stock

+a 2NI it + a 3BRANDit + e it , prices (Hypothesis 2) by using the following

(1) cross-sectional regression models:


where MV is the share price at fiscal
yearend; BV is the book value of equity MVit = ∑
Y = 2001
a 0YRYit + a1BVit + a 2NI it
per share; NI is the earnings per share from
+a 3BRAND( −1)it + e it

continuing operations; BRAND is the (3)

firm’s InterBrand value estimate, deflated

by the number of shares outstanding; and 2008

YR is an indicator variable that equals 1 if MVit = ∑ a 0YRYit + a 1NI it
the observation is from fiscal year Y and 0 Y = 2001

otherwise. We test for fixed period and +a 2BRAND( −1)it + a 3TYPEit

fixed company effects, permitting the +a 4 (TYPE * BRAND( −1))it + e it ,
regression intercept to vary across years and
firms to control for calendar time-specific (4)
effects and company-specific effects, as well where BRAND( − 1) represents the brand
as for random effects. value in the year Yt − 1.
To test the moderating effect of firm All equations were tested for fixed effects,
type (consumer versus industrial) on the permitting the intercept value to vary to

© 2013 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1350-23IX Journal of Brand Management Vol. 20, 6, 488–500 493
Kirk et al

accommodate temporal and firm-specific is not significant. Of note is that in both

effects, as well as for random effects. Results equations (1) and (2), the brand valuation
were tested for heteroskedasticity using coefficient is more significant than that of
White’s test. the book value per share.
As anticipated, no company fixed or
RESULTS random effects were found. No period
Summary statistics for the variables price fixed or random effects of significance were
per share, book value per share, earnings found, although this might be expected to
per share and brand value per share are change if measurements were taken during
presented in Table 2. Table 3 presents the a more tumultuous economic period.
results of estimating equation (1) and pro- Finally, results for estimations of equations
vides evidence that brand value estimates (3) and (4) are shown in Tables 5 and 6.
are relevant to the valuation of a firm. The Consistent with expectations, brand valua-
coefficient for BRAND is positive at a 5 tion estimations from the previous year
per cent level of significance and is incre- are positively associated with stock prices
mental to the book value of equity and net at a 99 per cent level of significance. The
income. As expected, the coefficient for cross-product impact of 1-year lagged
earnings per share is also positive at a 5 per brand valuations and company type is signi-

cent level of significance. The coefficient ficant at an 8 per cent level of significance,
for book value per share is insignificant. likely reflecting weakening correlation over
Table 4 presents the results of estimating time.
equation (2) (Hypothesis 1) and indicates
that whether a firm’s business is primarily DISCUSSION
consumer or industrial plays a role in the This study makes a significant contribution
impact of brand valuation on stock prices. to branding research by demonstrating that
The coefficient for the cross product of whether a firm’s primary business is indus-
TYPE and BRAND is positive at a 5 per trial or consumer plays a role in determining

cent level of significance. As would be the level of importance brand equity plays
expected, the coefficient for TYPE alone in investors’ valuation of a firm. Applying

Table 2: Summary statistics

$ Price $ Book value $ Earnings $ Brand value

per share per share per share per share

Mean 40.87344 10.85154 2.51 14.67633

Median 37.77000 6.752700 1.89 12.24323

Maximum 120.9600 101.6172 26.34 41.21325

Minimum 4.820000 0.685400 − 0.17 2.080849
Standard deviation 23.96938 13.67198 3.20 9.949913
Skewness 0.890784 4.018524 4.92 0.630284
Kurtosis 3.349927 22.52763 33.00 2.358580

Jarque-Bera 17.99304 2433.994 5443.1 10.91914

Probability 0.000124 0.000000 0.000000 0.004255

Sum 5354.420 1421.552 329.22 1922.599

Sum square standard 74 689.08 24 300.01 1334.51 12 870.10

# Observations 131 131 131 131

494 © 2013 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1350-23IX Journal of Brand Management Vol. 20, 6, 488–500
The impact of brand value on firm valuation

Table 3: Estimation results of equation (1): Share price regressed on book value per share, earnings per share and
brand value per share

Independent variable OLS P-value Year fixed P-value Year P-value Company P-value Company P-value
effects random fixed random
effects effects effects

Book Value Per 0.5569 0.0869 0.5895 0.0823 − 0.5569 0.0930 0.4075 0.6346 0.0061 0.9859
Earnings Per Share 4.0403 0.0041 4.2181 0.0049 4.0403 0.0049 − 1.9134 0.3973 0.5671 0.6589
Brand Value Per 0.9012 0.0000 0.8969 0.0000 0.9012 0.0000 0.2143 0.7809 0.8866 0.0003
Adjusted R2 0.2651 — 0.2366 — 0.2650 — 0.6042 — 0.0918 —
Fixed effects No — No — No — No — No —
– Companies
Random effects No — No — No — No — No —
– Companies
Fixed effects – Year No — No — No — No — No —
Random effects No — No — No — No — No —
– Year

Table 4: Estimation results of equation (2): Price regressed on book value per share, earnings per share, brand value
per share, company type, and the cross product of company type and brand value per share

Independent variable OLS P-value Year fixed P-value Year random P-value
effects effects
Book Value Per Share − 0.4914 0.1351 − 0.5030 0.1434 − 0.4914 0.1430
Earnings Per Share 3.1830 0.0280 3.2555 0.0366 3.1831 0.0313
Brand Value Per Share 0.6083 0.0265 0.6040 0.0319 0.6082 0.0296
Type − 8.4836 0.2059 − 8.4746 0.2178 − 8.4836 0.2151

Type*Brand Value 0.8202 0.0452 0.8111 0.0560 0.8202 0.0497

Adjusted R2 0.2786 — 0.2487 — 0.2786 —

Fixed effects – Companies No — No — No —

Random effects – Companies No — No — No —
Fixed effects – Year No — No — No —

Random effects – Year No — No — No —


Table 5: Estimation results for equation (3): Stock price regressed on book value per share, earnings per share and
1-year lagged brand value per share

Independent variable OLS P-value Year fixed P-value Year random P-value
effects effects

Book Value Per Share − 0.7063 0.0457 − 0.7220 0.0513 − 0.7063 0.0507
Earnings per Share 4.4546 0.0031 4.5469 0.0046 4.4546 0.0038
Lagged Brand Value Per Share 0.8844 0.0000 0.8918 0.0001 0.8844 0.0001
Adjusted R2 0.2513 — 0.2163 — 0.2513 —
Fixed effects – Companies No — No — No —
Random effects – Companies No — No — No —
Fixed effects – Year No — No — No —
Random effects – Year No — No — No —

© 2013 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1350-23IX Journal of Brand Management Vol. 20, 6, 488–500 495
Kirk et al

Table 6: Estimation results for equation (4): Stock price regressed on earnings per share, 1-year lagged brand value
per share, company type, and the cross product of company type and lagged brand value

Independent variable OLS P-value Year fixed P-value Year random P-value
effects effects

Book Value Per Share − 0.6171 0.0846 − 0.6117 0.1041 − 0.6171 0.0921
Earnings Per Share 3.7363 0.0157 3.7185 0.0255 3.7363 0.0183
Lagged Brand Value Per Share 0.5719 0.0500 0.5780 0.0542 0.5719 0.0555
Type − 9.8333 0.1699 − 9.8726 0.1804 − 9.8334 0.1800
Type*Lagged Brand Value 0.7698 0.0840 0.7771 0.0960 0.7698 0.0914
Adjusted R2 0.2585 — 0.2226 — 0.2585 —
Fixed effects – Companies No — No — No —
Random effects – Companies No — No — No —
Fixed effects – Year No — No — No —
Random effects – Year No — No — No —

the efficient markets hypothesis (Fama, firm and its sales organizations may be
1970, 1991) helps to understand this result. paramount to industrial buyers (Kuhn et al,
Brand equity is ‘rooted in the hearts and 2008). Investors recognize this, and thus
minds of consumers’ and attitudes and feel- react differently to changes in perceptions

ings toward brands formed by marketers’ of industrial firms’ brand equity. Rather
branding efforts are key drivers of con- than responding to perceived changes in
sumers’ responses (Stahl et al, 2012, p. 44). a brand’s perceptual attributes, such as those
The stock price of a firm reflects both the affecting consumers’ ‘thoughts, feelings, per-
tangible and intangible assets of a company. ceptions, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviours’
Although brand equity is not accounted for (Webster and Keller, 2004, p. 389), they
on firms’ balance sheets as an asset, investors understand that industrial buyers are more
recognize the critical role that brand equity likely to be economically driven. Investors

plays in consumer firms’ ability to attract are thus more likely to be driven by per-
and retain customers. As a result, as inves- ceived changes in an industrial firm’s ability

tors’ perceptions of a firm’s brand strength to service customers, price aggressively, or

increase or decrease, the market reacts provide suitable products than the less tan-

accordingly, adjusting the financial valua- gible perceptual aspects of a brand’s ability
tion of the firm by adjusting the stock to connect with consumers.
price. This study supports research suggesting

However, industrial buyers are generally that brand values as a measure of brand
less influenced by some of the perceptual equity provide relevant information about

aspects of brand equity (Aaker, 1992) firm valuation beyond the book value of
important to consumers, focusing instead equity per share and earnings per share
on more economically based factors such (Barth et al, 1998; Madden et al, 2006;
as pricing, product suitability, service and Mizik and Jacobson, 2008). This is impor-
support (Bendixen et al, 2004; Webster and tant not only because a more complete
Keller, 2004). Research suggests that in view of brand equity can contribute to a
industrial markets, the corporate brand image better understanding of the proper valua-
is more important to organizational buyers tion of a firm, but, more importantly from
than an individual product brand (van Riel a marketing manager’s viewpoint, this
et al, 2005; Kuhn et al, 2008) and qualitative finding suggests that investments in creating
research suggests that the credibility of a brand equity, especially for consumer firms,

496 © 2013 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1350-23IX Journal of Brand Management Vol. 20, 6, 488–500
The impact of brand value on firm valuation

have a concrete and measurable impact on as industrial or consumer. First of all, the
return to investors. study’s findings yield further confirmation
Finally, lending support for previous that marketing strategies focusing on brand
findings that some brand equity compo- valuation have significant tangible impact
nents may take longer than others to impact on a firm’s worth as indicated by its stock
the market (Mizik and Jacobson, 2008), prices. As brand equity elements can be
changes in brand equity were also found to influenced by controllable factors such as
have a 1-year lagged association with stock advertising, sales management, customer
prices. Marketers’ investments in branding service, product innovations, promotions
efforts are typically taken as accounting and distribution management, to name a
expenses in the year they are incurred. few, this finding has tremendous practical
However, although some advertising cam- implications for managers.
paigns or sales promotions, for example, Much of a brand’s value offering is
may induce an immediate bump in a firm’s controllable by the marketer. For instance,
revenues, other brand investments such as in order to fulfill consumers’ desires for
changes in packaging or positioning adver- meaningful, positive, superior experiences
tising may require months or years to bear with brands, marketers must invest resources
fruit or even to determine whether they in creating and delivering high-quality

will be effective at all. Nonetheless, once brands that induce strong attitudinal com-
they do bear fruit, the effects may last long mitment in addition to behavioral loyalty
after the marketing expenses have been (Chaudhuri and Holbrook, 2001). It has
accounted away. Investors recognize this, been well established in literature that loy-
explaining why changes in investor percep- alty is an essential component of customer
tions about the equity in a brand enhance retention because existing customers are
or detract from a firm’s stock price well known to purchase more than new cus-
after such changes may first be noticed. tomers (Rose, 1990) and their maintenance
At the same time, the differential effects costs are approximately 80 per cent less than

of brand equity changes between consumer the costs of acquiring new customers
and industrial firms also appear to have a (Peters, 1988). In order to achieve strong

lagged association with stock prices, brand loyalty, a brand manager has to create
although at a marginal level of significance perceptions of value in the minds of con-

because the correlation likely decreases sumers through programs supporting brand
over time. Once again, this finding pro- image and reputation (advertising, promo-
vides evidence that investors expect changes tions, public relations and so on), pricing

in brand equity in consumer firms to have strategies, improvements and innovations,

a long-run impact on firms’ financial out- and merchandise-quality perceptions.

comes, but that industrial firms will be However, the finding that the relation-
more impacted by other, less perceptual ship between brand value and stock prices
factors. is moderated by firm type – industrial or
consumer – also has important managerial
MANAGERIAL IMPLICATIONS implications. Our results suggest that
The purpose of this study was to examine whereas brand value can be a principal
the relationship between brand value and component in firm valuation for consumer
stock prices at the aggregate level of anal- firms, its impact on stock prices for indus-
ysis, and more specifically to examine trial firms is not significant. The literature
whether this relationship differs depending regarding a growing view of marketing
on the primary nature of the firm’s business as customer relationship management,

© 2013 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1350-23IX Journal of Brand Management Vol. 20, 6, 488–500 497
Kirk et al

especially among industrial firms, is signifi- sufficient statistical power for the tests
cant (Webster, 1992; Webster and Keller, required.
2004), possibly helping to explain the find- It would be also preferable to conduct
ings of this study. Whereas brand equity this study with brands that are both strong
measures such as brand loyalty, brand and weak, not simply the 100 ‘best’ brands
awareness and brand quality are relevant that make up the Interbrand list. Inter-
and effective metrics for consumer firms, it brand’s data also specifically does not
is possible that customer relationship met- include firms whose brands are purely
rics such as customer lifetime value (Gupta industrial; one of their criteria for selection
and Zeithaml, 2006; Stahl et al, 2012) are is that the brand must be ‘market-facing’
more suited as measures of financial value (Interbrand Corporation, 2011). This may
for industrial firms. It is also possible that have contributed to the fact that a dispro-
the financial value of a corporate brand portionate number of industrial firms in this
versus a house of brands differs between study’s sample are technology firms, pos-
consumer and industrial firms (Webster and sibly impacting the validity of the results.
Keller, 2004; van Riel et al, 2005; Kuhn et It would be valuable to repeat the study
al, 2008). The results of this study suggest with a broader selection of brands, specifi-
that industrial marketing managers should cally including those who are purely B2B

examine their branding strategy carefully to in a broad range of industries. Further, a
ensure it meets the needs of organizational larger data set would offer the opportunity
buyers, which are significantly different to further refine the analysis, possibly
from those of consumers (Webster and breaking down the data by sector or
Keller, 2004). industry, such as luxury goods or durable
The impact of brand value on lagged goods for consumer companies or industry
stock prices also provides marketers with type for industrial firms.
both an opportunity and a challenge. On Mizik and Jacobson (2008) identify the
the one hand, investments in brand equity effects of brand assets on market valuation

can in many cases take time to impact both of small firms as a potential area for future
customers and financial markets, making it study. Success in branding is vital to smaller

difficult to make a financial assessment of and more entrepreneurial enterprises, where

the result. On the other hand, this study brand management research is in its infancy

provides concrete evidence for marketers (Krake, 2005). Further, proper valuation of
to present to financial managers that the entrepreneurial brand equity could impact
outcome may be worth the wait. Both an entrepreneur’s firm valuation, and thus

short-term as well as long-term investments be important to assist in obtaining equity

in brand equity are imperative for a firm’s or lender funding for a small firm. As dis-

longevity and success. cussed earlier, given that brand equity met-
rics are not reflected in accounting data
LIMITATIONS AND IMPLICATIONS published by large firms, changes in brand
FOR FUTURE RESEARCH equity metrics are likely not reflected in
This article is limited in scope and the stock prices for small firms either.
sample size is small, representing a limited In addition, as the global marketplace
subsample of Interbrand’s 100 selected becomes more integrated and as the Internet
firms. As such, it should be considered plays a larger role, it is possible that brand
exploratory. Nonetheless, a total of 131 equity will play an increasing role in indus-
observations across 19 companies and 7 years trial firms. Research suggests that with the
were included in the analysis, providing advent of purchasing on the Internet and

498 © 2013 Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 1350-23IX Journal of Brand Management Vol. 20, 6, 488–500
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