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Interdisciplinary Journal of Virtual Learning in Medical Sciences


Using TikTok in Education: A Form of Micro-learning or

Zuheir N Khlaif1*, PhD; Soheil Salha1, PhD
An Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine

Social media platforms have influenced pedagogical practices, and *Corresponding author:
given rise to new theoretical approaches that prioritize connected Zuheir N Khlaif,
An Najah National University,
learning with the aim of improving the learning outcomes. Social Nablus, Palestine
media applications have raised the popularity of short videos Tel: +97 05 92754908
which were originally created in accordance with micro-learning Email:
principles. The proliferation of social media and e-learning has led
Please cite this paper as:
to the emergence of two overarching concepts: micro-learning and Khlaif ZN, Salha S. Using
nano-learning. Nano-learning refers to the condensing of micro- TikTok in Education: A
content into small units that are controlled and delivered by learners Form of Micro-learning or
Nano-learning? Interdiscip
to achieve a single learning objective. In this respect, the social media J Virtual Learn Med Sci.
application TikTok can be a potential educational tool in future since 2021;12(3):213-218.doi:10.30476/
it enables the delivery of small learning units in a short timespan ijvlms.2021.90211.1087.
(less than 60 seconds). Designing and delivering creative learning Received: 18-02-2021
Revised: 04-04-2021
content using TikTok can benefit pedagogical methodologies based Accepted: 25-04-2021
on nano-learning principles, thereby facilitating the creation of
high-quality e-learning content.
Keywords: Micro-learning, Nano-learning, TikTok, Social media

Introduction two distinct approaches have evolved out of

The convenience and popularity of the existing e-learning methods. They can
social media applications have transformed be regarded as two branches of educational
public services in many countries across the strategies that center on small chunks of
globe. Governmental and non-governmental learning and are related to connected learning.
agencies use social media to enhance These two branches are nano-learning and
citizens’ engagement with their services and micro-learning (1). Nano-learning, is based
strengthen the relationship between citizens on the principles of nanotechnology, featuring
and government institutions. In this context, self-contained, small, and unified pieces (2).
the birth of social media websites and their Accordingly, nano-learning is applied to
considerable influence on new pedagogical enable the growth of micro-learning, which
methodologies have spurred the formation is based on dividing micro-content into small
of new theoretical approaches that prioritize chunks that can be packaged and delivered
connected learning to improve learning in extremely short increments. For example,
outcomes. In this context, e-learning in nano-learning includes short pieces of audio,
normal and crisis environments entails the video, and graphical content. On the other
integration of social media into the learning hand, micro-learning consists of short-term
process. Following the rise of social media, learning activities chunked into small units

Interdisciplinary Journal of Virtual Learning in Medical Sciences (IJVLMS) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-
NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Using TikTok in Education: ... Khlaif ZN et al.

to achieve a learning objective (3). Yin et al. micro-learning and nano-learning is that
(4) have defined micro-learning as a teaching micro-learning can be used in both formal
pedagogy whereby the learner requests and and informal learning environments (5, 6),
controls short units of information. However, whereas nano-learning can only be used in
both micro-learning and nano-learning are informal learning environments (7).
focused on introducing a single objective with Following the emergence of new
scored and unscored assessments (5, 6). social media applications such as TikTok,
Consequently, researchers attempting researchers have further noted the differences
to integrate advanced technologies in between the concepts of nano-learning and
instructional design have engaged in micro-learning. The current debates on this
impassioned discussions with the experts in topic inspired us to study the similarities and
educational technologies and instructional differences between these two concepts as well
design. In our recent conversation with as the conceptual boundaries separating them
Badrul Huda Khan (February 2021), he in the era of social networking. Therefore,
confirmed that micro-learning is defined the main contribution of this work is to
as a single interactive learning unit that encourage further debate among researchers
is objective-centered and focused on the and practitioners in the field of instructional
outcome of the unit. That unit is itself design concerning the boundaries between
delivered in very short units using different micro-learning and nano-learning and to
media technologies, including wearable, introduce new social media platforms that are
mobile, and tablet technologies. These media influenced by nano-learning principles and
can also be a form of analog media, such as can enrich this approach in learning. For the
flashcards or booklets. Khan also elaborated purpose of this commentary paper, we define
on the process of designing, developing, and nano-learning as a smaller component of
delivering micro-learning, which requires micro-learning that involves dividing micro-
analyzing how and when to integrate media content into small chunks to address a single
learning with instructional design principles objective. Different nano-learning chunks can
and a specific learning environment. In form micro-learning content. Therefore, this
another conversation we had with Professor article seeks to address the following question
Mishra (February 2021), he highlighted the regarding the short videos created in social
importance of the length of videos designed media applications, specifically TikTok: Can
for micro-learning. Moreover, Prof Idrus these videos be incorporated into the learning
(February 2021) emphasized the importance environments as a nano-learning rather than
of the instructional design process when micro-learning approach?
creating short videos.
Nano-learning and micro-learning share Social Media Applications and the
many similarities; for instance, they both Short Video Industry
seek to present ways to design, distribute, Social media applications are defined as
and utilize small elements of learning. internet-based technologies used to create
Compared to micro-learning, nano-learning and exchange content (8). These applications
involves further miniaturization of learning. provide an environment for creation,
When comparing nano-learning to micro- openness, conversation, and socialization
learning, we divide micro-learning units among users in an online community.
into sub-units, with a continuous focus on Social media enhance the generation and
longer units in order to achieve sustained dissemination of knowledge and skills among
attention and comprehensive understanding users with similar ambitions and traits (9).
through discovery. Such an approach can The collaboration atmosphere in social media
solve problems and demonstrate creativity in inspires positive learning attitudes among
learning objects. Another difference between users. This positive effect is derived from the

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interactive experiences of the users engaged feature that allows users to upload videos of
in knowledge and content-related activities up to three minutes in length. This change
(10). The demographic characteristics of could have a huge impact on how people use
users vary by the social media applications the application (16, 17).
they use. For example, Facebook and Twitter TikTok attracts young users born after
attract a variety of users who use them for 1996, referred to as Generation Z. The
social interaction (11, 12); other social application allows youth to produce creative
media applications receive less traffic, such educational videos that deal with complex
as Instagram and LinkedIn (13). Some of topics in maths, physics, and chemistry—
these applications may have higher rates of topics that may otherwise be boring for
acceptance among university students and students (14-17).
faculty. TikTok videos are short, easy to create,
Social media applications are critical to the and convenient to share (18). Short videos on
popularity of short videos since they allow TikTok are increasingly used to share creative
people to capture memorable moments that skills and teach others about different topics,
range from a few seconds to several minutes; including crafting, cooking, sports, drawing,
users can also publish their videos online or and vocational and technical training. There
store them on their devices (14). Different are hundreds of examples from around the
social media applications use short videos to world demonstrating how the short videos
capture users’ attention in various contexts, on TikTok have been used by teachers in
including marketing and education. Indeed, primary and secondary schools as well as
the objective of these applications is to utilize higher education institutions to teach a
short videos as a means of presenting new variety of complex topics (12-15). In addition,
ideas and attracting audiences’ attention for recent studies have recognized the potentials
a short period of time; this is congruent with of TikTok in teaching different topics and
the principles of micro-learning. sharing values, principles, and skills (17-19).
Launched in 2017, TikTok is the fastest Short TikTok videos are changing the way
growing social media application and has skills are taught and learned among people
found users in over 150 countries. According with similar attributes by enabling new forms
to statistics provided by the TikTok team, the of communication through visually engaging
platform has more than 800 million users. materials. Given the current popularity and
It was the most downloaded application future potential of TikTok, decision makers
in 2020, and users spend an average of 41 in primary and secondary schools as well as
minutes using the application per day. The higher education institutions should consider
majority of users are between the ages of 14 methods for integrating TikTok videos into
and 30, making the application a potential pedagogical approaches. Most importantly,
educational tool (15). There are three incorporating TikTok into teaching and
categories of TikTok users, namely content learning practices encourages the production
creators, content browsers, and learner- of creative content according to the principles
creators (16). TikTok features a user-friendly of instructional design. Therefore, short
interface for creating, editing, and sharing educational videos designed for teaching can
short videos; users can also comment on be adapted to fulfil learning objectives and
and share content with the wider TikTok facilitate student learning; this approach could
community (14). TikTok videos last from a help learners understand complex concepts
few seconds up to 60 seconds. Originally, and acquire new creative skills and knowledge.
the videos had a 15-second limit, but TikTok
now allows people to repeat a 15-second Designing Nano-learning Content
loop four times, creating a 60-second video. Using TikTok
Currently, the application is testing a new TikTok can be used to design and support

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nano-learning strategies, such as community- micro-learning. For example, a learning

based learning where users learn from each object introduced in a micro-learning setting
other through co-designing and knowledge can be further segmented into small chunks
sharing. Enhancing collaborative learning and presented as short video content, such as
among users can benefit nano-content the 15-second videos on TikTok. Therefore,
design by using the design principles and design and delivery of nano-learning videos
the “learning by design” approach. Moreover, can be achieved through the implementation
nano-learning activities can be packaged of instructional design principles. Future
into 15- to 60-second videos derived from efforts should be invested in creating nano-
user-generated activities on TikTok. This learning videos for teaching and sharing
environment allows nano-learning activities creative skills and knowledge in a variety of
to foster learner engagement. Advanced disciplines. TikTok can be easily incorporated
TikTok features like facial filters, text overlay into the learning process, as most teachers and
and voice syncing, set the stage for nano- students do already have TikTok accounts.
activities in various forms, including short There are positive and negative
videos, unscored quizzes, and flash cards. implications to the use of TikTok in
This allows for creation of more engaging educational environments. It is crucial to
content to attract learners of different ages. harness the positive aspects and adapt them
Nano-activities on TikTok can be distributed to the modern approaches in teaching; this
within user-created learning communities can be achieved by establishing TikTok clubs
(users being learners and educators) and on local and national levels at schools and
promote learning among different users. With other institutions. Applying the principles
their tight schedules and limited time, learners of instructional design and nano-learning to
and educators must multitask when reading the use of TikTok in educational settings will
and writing emails, scoring assignments, allow for the dissemination of new knowledge
and learning. There are several areas of and skills based on creativity and innovation.
knowledge and skills that are shared by users
on TikTok, ranging from personal experiences Conflict of Interest
and creative skills to more specific subjects, The authors declare that they have no
covering culture, sports, cooking, science, and conflict of interest.
drawing (16). Studies on the use of TikTok
in learning environments have revealed that Funding/Support
students display positive attitudes towards this The researchers did not receive any outside
application, as they have previous experience funding for this study.
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