(Frank Modern Certificate) Chapter 2 MCQs History

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History – Frank Modern Certificate

Chapter - 2
Rise and Spread of Islam

Name the following

a. The Sacred book of Islam
Ans- The Quran
b. Name the five pillars of Islam
Ans - Faith, prayer, zakat, fasting and Hajj
c. It is a centre of religious and community life for the Muslims.
Ans- A Mosque
d. It is an important festive day for the Muslims.
Ans- Eid
e. Name the first four khalifas who succeeded Muhammad
Ans- Abu Bakar, Umar I, Uthman and Ali
f. He was a famous ruler of Abbasid dynasty
Ans - Harun Al-Rashid
g. A tall tower, traditionally part of a Mosque.
Ans - Minaret
h. The Migration of prophet Muhammed from Mecca to Madina is known as -
Ans - Hijrah

State True or False

a. Prophet Muhammed was born in 570 CE in Medina. False
Correction - Prophet Muhammed was born in 570 CE in Mecca.
b. The 5th pillar of Islam requires Muslims to fast during the holy month of
Ramadan. False
Correction - The fourth pillars of Islam requires Muslims to fast during the holy
month of Ramadan.
c. The Eid is celebrated at the end of the Holy month of Ramadan. True
d. Islam means submission to Allah. True
e. The Arabian Nights has been translated into numerous languages. True
f. Abu Bakr was the last Caliph. False
Correction - Ali was the last Caliph.

Fill in the blanks

a. The Arabs were mainly Shepherds, craftspeople and traders.
b. The Koran reveals the will of Allah to which people must submit.
c. At an early age, Muhammad spent his time in prayer and meditation.
d. Mecca and Madina became the two holy places of the Muslims.
e. One of the most sacred places for the Muslims is the Kaaba at Mecca.
f. The Umayyads were succeeded by the Abbasids.
g. Ibn Sina and AI-Razi were two great Arab scholars.
h. Muhammad preached against idol worship.

Define the following

a. Caliphate - The rule of a Muslim leader known as the caliph.
b. calligraphy - Beautiful writing done using special pens and brushes.
c. Dome - a roof-shaped like the top half of a ball.
d. Monotheistic - related to the belief that there is only one God.
e. Mosaic - a pattern made by putting together little pieces of stones and tiles.

Match the following

a. Allah. i. Omar Khayyam
b. Abu Bakr ii. The Arabic word for God
c. Harun Al-Rashid iii. A member of the Quraysh tribe
d. Rubaiyat iv. The 5th Caliph of the Abbasid dynasty
e. Jerusalem v. Holy city
a. ii
b. iii
c. iv
d. i
e. v

Choose the correct answer

a. Which Islamic empire is renowned for its advancements in mathematics, particularly
the development of algebra and algorithms?
i. Umayyad Caliphate
ii. Abbasid Caliphate
iii. Fatimid Caliphate
iv. Ottoman Empire
Answer: ii

b. Which event marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar?

i. The birth of Muhammad
ii. The Battle of Badr
iii. The revelation of the Quran
iv. The Hijrah
Answer: iv

c. Who is considered the founder of Islam?

i. Abu Bakr
ii. Ali ibn Abi Talib
iii. Muhammad
iv. Umar ibn al-Khattab
Answer: iii

d. Which pillar of Islam involves the giving of alms to the poor and needy?
i. Hajj
ii. Zakat
iii. Faith
iv. Prayer
Answer: ii

Answer the following questions.

a. Discuss the spread of islamic civilization after the passing away of Muhammad.
Ans - Muhammad successors were known as Khalifas or Caliphs. They were both
religious and political leaders of Muslims. The Caliphs who succeeded Muhammad
were Abu Bakr, Umar, Usman and Ali. Within a short period of one century, the
Khalifas and their generals conquered Iran, Syria, Egypt, Central Asia, North Africa and

b. Why did Muhammad shift from Mecca to Madina? Discuss the events that followed
this move.
Ans - Muhammad forbade idol worship and stressed the importance of good and kind
behaviour. His teachings angered the rich Arabs and, Muhammad and his followers
were forced to shift to Medina in 622 CE. Muhammad's move from Mecca to Madina
is known as Hijrat.

c. Explain the achievements of the islamic empire.

Ans - The Islamic Empire is well known for its contribution to various fields such as
sciences, literature, art and architecture. They universely recognised for its
contribution to geometry as well. Great advances were also main the field of
astronomy. The Arabs learnt the art of making papers, glass making. They used variants
of mariner's compass for navigation. Famous literary works like Rubaiya and the
Arabian Night were also written during this period. Several places like Mosques, tombs
and learning centres were built. The Empire reached great heights of excellence in the
field of art, architecture and calligraphy.

d. State the main principles of Islam.

Ans- The main principles of Islam were -
i. There is only one God and Muhammed is his prophet, Muslims say their prayers five
times a day.
ii. They must fast from dawn to Sunset during the holy month of Ramadan.
iii. They must help the poor and needy.
iv. They must make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lifetime.

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