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Traders Reality Indicator

Settings Guide
The Traders Reality Indicator was developed keeping simplicity in mind. The default
con guration is designed to mirror MT4 as close as possible. In general you do not need to
adjust any settings when you rst load it on a chart. With that said, the indicator has a range of
options that can be changed based on user preference. It also allows a degree of exibility for
the user if they wish to experiment with di erent settings other than the defaults.

This guide is put together to help clarify any questions on what the settings do. For
understanding how to use the indicator please refer to

Once you load the indicator on the chart hover over the indicator name to nd the little gear
icon - that gets you into the settings menu.

Clicking the gear icon

brings you to this view
Label O sets

These allow you to adjust where certain labels appear in the chart. We should note that these
values are not absolute values in pixels - rather they are a function of the value combined with
the timeframe you are on.

General controls the horizontal positioning following labels (if those labels are turned on where
most labels can but toggled on or o in latter sections of settings):
• “Daily Open” - Daily Open
• “YDay Hi” - Yesterday’s High
• “Yday Lo” - Yesterday’s Low
• “LWeek Hi” - Last Week’s High
• “LWeek Lo” - Last Weeks Low
• “5 Ema”, “13 Ema”, “50 Ema”, “200 Ema”, “800 Ema” - Ema Labels
• “PVSRA Override Active!” - A label noti cation that you have turned on PVSRA Override
• “Psy-Hi”, “Psy-Hi calculating…” , “Psy-Lo”, “Psy-Lo calculating…” - Psy Level Labels

Pivots controls the horizontal positioning following labels (if those labels are turned on where
most labels can but toggled on or o in latter sections of settings):
• “M0”, “M1”, “M2”, “M3”, “M4”, “M5” - M Levels
• “R1”, “S1”, “R2”, “S2”, “R3”, “S3” - regular Resistance and Support Levels
• “PP” - Pivot Point

ADR controls the horizontal positioning following labels (if those labels are turned on where
most labels can but toggled on or o in latter sections of settings):
• “Hi-ADR”, “Lo-ADR” - Average Daily Range High/low
• “Hi-ADR(DO)”, “Lo-ADR(DO)” - for when the “Use Daily Open (DO) calc” is turned on
• “ADR <PIPS> | <Currency>” - for when ADR “Range Label” is turned on.
• “Hi-AWR”, “Lo-AWR” - Average Weekly Range
• “Hi-AWR(WO)”, “Lo-AWR(WO)” - for when the “Use Weekly Open (WO) calc” is turned on
• “AWR <PIPS> | <Currency>” - for when AWR “Range Label” is turned on.
• “Hi-AMR”, “Lo-AMR” - Average Monthly Range
• “Hi-AMR(MO)”, “Lo-AMR(MO)” - for when the “Use Monthly Open (MO) calc” is turned on
• “AMR <PIPS> | <Currency>” - for when AMR “Range Label” is turned on.
50% ADR controls the horizontal positioning following labels (if those labels are turned on
where most labels can but toggled on or o in latter sections of settings):
• “50% Hi-ADR”, “50% Lo-ADR” - 50% Average Daily Range High/low
• “50% Hi-ADR(DO)”, “Lo-ADR(DO)” - for when the “Use Daily Open (DO) calc” is turned on
• “50% ADR <PIPS> | <Currency>” - for when ADR “Range Label” is turned on.
• “50% Hi-AWR”, “50% Lo-AWR” - Average Weekly Range
• “50% Hi-AWR(WO)”, “50% Lo-AWR(WO)” - for when the “Use Weekly Open (WO) calc” is
turned on
• “50% AWR <PIPS> | <Currency>” - for when AWR “Range Label” is turned on.
• “50% Hi-AMR”, “50% Lo-AMR” - Average Monthly Range
• “50% Hi-AMR(MO)”, “50% Lo-AMR(MO)” - for when the “Use Monthly Open (MO) calc” is
turned on
• “50% AMR <PIPS> | <Currency>” - for when AMR “Range Label” is turned on.

RD/W controls the horizontal positioning following labels (if those labels are turned on where
most labels can but toggled on or o in latter sections of settings):
• “RD-Hi”, “RD-Lo” - Range Daily High/low
• “RD-Hi(DO)”, “RD-Lo(DO)” - for when the “Use Daily Open (DO) calc” is turned on
• “RD <PIPS> | <Currency>” - for when DR “Range Label” is turned on.
• “RW-Hi”, “RW-Lo” - Range Weekly High/Low
• “RW-Hi-(WO)”, “RW-Lo(WO)” - for when the “Use Weekly Open (WO) calc” is turned on
• “RW <PIPS> | <Currency>” - for when AWR “Range Label” is turned on.

EMAS (Exponential Moving Averages)

• “Show EMAs?” checkbox toggles ALL Ema lines on or o including the 50 Ema cloud. On
by default
• “EMA Labels” checkbox turns on the Ema labels. O by default.
• “EMA Color” adjustable for each Ema by clicking on the colored box.

EMA formula is to take the exponential moving average of the last N number of bars on the
timeframe you are on in the chart.
For example: if you are the on the 15min timeframe the 5 Ema is an exponential moving
average of the last 5 bars on the 15min chart.
If you change the timeframe to the 1Hour timeframe then the 5 Ema is now the exponential
moving average of the last 5 bars on the 1 hour timeframe.
In other words the EMAs are always based on the timeframe the chart is on and the Ema
number (5, 13, 50, 200, 800) simply means - how many bars back on the timeframe you are on
to take in the Ema calculation.

50 EMA Cloud
The 50 EMA cloud is e ectively a Bollinger Band based on the 50 EMA on the timeframe you
are on. Why on the 50EMA and not the others? Well based on the Hybrid System some of the
con uences we look for are centered around the 50 EMA - for example to base cycles on the 1
hour timeframe - you generally look for price to come back to the 50 Ema. If we talk about
mean reversion - price always goes back to the 50 Ema - then again its the 50 Ema involved in
the consideration. Hence the EMA cloud also acts as a “highlight” of the 50 Ema as it is the
basis of some of the basic con uences the Hybrid talks about.

EMA Conversions Between Timeframes

If you have heard discussions in streams or discord like - the 200 Ema on the 15 min is the 50
Ema on the 1 hour. That is just a mathematical conversion based on the number of bars used
on each timeframe. The reason why we talk about such conversions is generally this:
Lets suppose you are on the 15 min timeframe and we are looking at the 200 EMA on the 15
min timeframe and you do not want to switch to the 1 hour timeframe at this time. We know
200 bars were used on the 15min timeframe to calculate the value of the 200 EMA. Well if you
do not wish to change to the 1 hour timeframe but you want to know where the 50 Ema is on
the 1 hour timeframe - We know that four 15 minutes make 1 Hour or in other words four 15min
timeframe bars are equal to one 1 hour bar. So to do the math in our heads 200/4=50. Because
we know that on the 1 hour timeframe the 50 Ema is calculated by taking 50 1 hour bars - the
200 Ema on the 15 minute timeframe is the 50 Ema on the 1 hour timeframe.

Pivot Points
Calculations for the Pivot points are based on these mathematical formulas
dayHigh = Yesterday’s High
dayLow = Yesterdays’s Low
dayOpen =Yesterday’s Open
dayClose = Yesterday’s Close

Compute Values
pivotPoint (PP) = (dayHigh + dayLow + dayClose) / 3

R1 = 2 * pivotPoint - dayLow
S1 = 2 * pivotPoint - dayHigh
R2 = pivotPoint - S1 + R1
S2 = pivotPoint - R1 + S1
R3 = 2 * pivotPoint + dayHigh - 2 * dayLow
S3 = 2 * pivotPoint - (2 * dayHigh - dayLow)

M0 = (S2 + S3) / 2
M1 = (S1 + S2) / 2
M2 = (pivotPoint + S1) / 2
M3 = (pivotPoint + R1) / 2
M4 = (R1 + R2) / 2
M5 = (R2 + R3) / 2

As we can see the M Levels are really based on the Regular Resistance and Support Levels
and they in genera; the midpoints between regular support and resistance.

• “Show Level 1 R/S” checkbox - toggle on/o R1 (Resistance 1) and S1 (Support 1)

• “2 R/S” checkbox - toggle on/o R2 (Resistance 2) and S2 (Support 2)
• “3 R/S” checkbox - toggle on/o R3 (Resistance 3) and S3 (Support 3)
• “R/S Level Line Style” dropdown lets you change what type of line is used to display ALL
R/S Levels on the chart

The Hybrid normally looks at the M Levels instead of the regular support and resistance levels -
this is why these checkboxes are o by default.

• “Show M Levels?” checkbox - toggle on/o M Level lines

• “Labels” checkbox - toggle on/o the M levels Labels.
• “Extend lines in both directions” checkbox lets you set the M Level lines to span your entire
screen as opposed to starting from just yesterday’s open. This is simply a for personal
preference on how you want those lines to be displayed.
• “Colors: Pivot Point” - colored box lets you change the color or the PP line
• “M Levels” - colored box lets you change the color or the ALL the M Levels lines
• “Line Style” dropdown lets you change what type of line is used to display ALL M Levels on
the chart

The pivot lines change each day at the exchanges daily session break. This does not always
need to be at midnight as we see on some exchanges like OANDA. You can turn on the Trading
view option “Show Session breaks” in the general Trading View settings to nd out when the
exchange daily session changes.
Yesterday’s And Last Week’s High/Low

“Show Hi/Low Daily?” checkbox - toggle on/of YDAY-Hi and YDay-Lo lines
“Weekly?” checkbox - toggle on/of LWeek-Hi and LWeek-Lo lines
“Show labels?” checkbox - toggle on/of labels for YDAY-Hi, YDay-Lo, LWeek-Hi and LWeek-Lo
These lines are updated based on the exchanges daily/Weekly session breaks. This does not
always need to be at midnight as we see on some exchanges like OANDA. You can turn on the
Trading view option “Show Session breaks” in the general Trading View settings to nd out
when the exchange daily session changes.

Average Daily Range - ADR

• “Show ADR?” checkbox - toggles on/o showing the ADR lines on the chart
• “Use Daily Open (DO) calc? checkbox - toggles on/o calculating the ADR-Hi and ADR-Lo
from todays high/low when check box is o or calculating the ADR-Hi and ADR-Lo from
todays Daily open. In addition this will change the ADR-Hi and ADR-Lo label to ADR-Hi(DO)
and ADR-Lo(DO) to notify the user that the calculation has changed to using daily open as
the starting point.
• “Labels” checkbox - toggle on/o displaying the ADR labels on the lines.
• “Range label?” - toggle on/o displaying the ADR range on the chart - this is simply the
value of the calculated ADR that is then used to calculate the ADR-Hi and ADR-Lo lines.
• “Show 50% ADR?” - checkbox - toggle on and o displaying a line representing the 50%
ADR-Hi and the 50% ADR-Lo. Note if you have selected the daily open calc option then the
50% ADR-Hi(DO) and 50% ADR-Lo(DO) are displayed based on the daily open.
• “ADR Length (days)? - number input range 1-31, default 14. Allow you to change how many
days back the ADR calculation takes into account. (in MT4 indicators this is noted as the
ATR Period for the ADR settings)
• “ADR Color” - color box - change the color of the ADR lines.
• “ADR Line Style” dropdown lets you change what type of line is used to display the ADR

These lines are updated based on the exchanges daily session breaks. This does not always
need to be at midnight as we see on some exchanges like OANDA. You can turn on the Trading
view option “Show Session breaks” in the general Trading View settings to nd out when the
exchange daily session changes.

What is an ADR?
Here is a fairly good explanation.
range- nd-short-term-trading-opportunities/

The key take away is

• We measure the high and low di erence over some amount of days back and we apply that
to todays PA.
• The High ADR is generally measured by taking todays low and adding the ARD value to it.
• The Low ADR is measured taking todays high and subtracting the ADR value from it

Why is there a calculate the ADR-Hi and ADR-Lo from daily open option?
Even though it does not t the classical de nition of ADR, the Hybrid system is nding that this
can be yet another con uence to be aware of. An added bonus is its way easier to measure the
ADR-Hi and ADR-Lo from the daily open with the ruler tool in Trading View.

Why is the ADR Length default set to 14 Days?

That is what the MT4 version of the indicator uses.
Average Weekly Range - AWR

• “Show AWR?” checkbox - toggles on/o showing the AWR lines on the chart
• “Use Weekly Open calc? checkbox - toggles on/o calculating the AWR-Hi and AWR-Lo
from this week’s high/low when check box is o or calculating the AWR-Hi and AWR-Lo
from this week’s open. In addition this will change the AWR-Hi and AWR-Lo label to AWR-
Hi(WO) and AWR-Lo(WO) to notify the user that the calculation has changed to using
weekly open as the starting point.
• “Labels” checkbox - toggle on/o displaying the AWR labels on the lines.
• “Range label?” - toggle on/o displaying the AWR range on the chart - this is simply the
value of the calculated AWR that is then used to calculate the AWR-Hi and AWR-Lo lines.
• “Show 50% AWR?” - checkbox - toggle on and o displaying a line representing the 50%
AWR-Hi and the 50% AWR-Lo. Note if you have selected the weekly open calc option then
the 50% AWR-Hi(WO) and 50% AWR-Lo(WO) are displayed based on the weekly open.
• “AWR Length (weeks)? - number input range 1-52, default 4. Allow you to change how
many weeks back the AWR calculation takes into account.
• “AWR Color” - color box - change the color of the AWR lines.
• “AWR Line Style” dropdown lets you change what type of line is used to display the AWR

These lines are updated based on the exchanges daily session breaks. This does not always
need to be at midnight as we see on some exchanges like OANDA. You can turn on the Trading
view option “Show Session breaks” in the general Trading View settings to nd out when the
exchange daily session changes.

What is an AWR?
Very similar as the ADR except you take weeks instead of days into consideration.

Why is there a calculate the AWR-Hi and AWR-Lo from weekly open option?
Even though it does not t the classical de nition of AWR, the Hybrid system is nding that this
can be yet another con uence to be aware of. An added bonus is its way easier to measure the
AWR-Hi and AWR-Lo from the weekly open with the ruler tool in Trading View.
Why is the AWR Length default set to 4 Weeks?
We derived settings from the code in the ADR.mql code.

Average Monthly Range - AMR

• “Show AMR?” checkbox - toggles on/o showing the AMR lines on the chart
• “Use Monthly Open calc? checkbox - toggles on/o calculating the AMR-Hi and AMR-Lo
from this month’s high/low when check box is o or calculating the AMR-Hi and AMR-Lo
from this month’s open. In addition this will change the AMR-Hi and AMR-Lo label to AMR-
Hi(MO) and AMR-Lo(MO) to notify the user that the calculation has changed to using
monthly open as the starting point.
• “Labels” checkbox - toggle on/o displaying the AMR labels on the lines.
• “Range label?” - toggle on/o displaying the AMR range on the chart - this is simply the
value of the calculated AMR that is then used to calculate the AMR-Hi and AMR-Lo lines.
• “Show 50% AMR?” - checkbox - toggle on and o displaying a line representing the 50%
AMR-Hi and the 50% AMR-Lo. Note if you have selected the monthly open calc option
then the 50% AMR-Hi(MO) and 50% AMR-Lo(MO) are displayed based on the weekly
• “AMR Length (months)? - number input range 1-12, default 6. Allow you to change how
many months back the AMR calculation takes into account.
• “AMR Color” - color box - change the color of the AMR lines.
• “AMR Line Style” dropdown lets you change what type of line is used to display the AMR
Note - the monthly AMR lines are not displayed on the 1 minute timeframe due to technical
These lines are updated based on the exchanges daily session breaks. This does not always
need to be at midnight as we see on some exchanges like OANDA. You can turn on the Trading
view option “Show Session breaks” in the general Trading View settings to nd out when the
exchange daily session changes.

What is an AMR?
Very similar as the ADR except you take months instead of days into consideration.
Why is there a calculate the AMR-Hi and AMR-Lo from monthly open option?
Even though it does not t the classical de nition of AMR, the Hybrid system is nding that this
can be yet another con uence to be aware of. An added bonus is its way easier to measure the
AMR-Hi and AMR-Lo from the monthly open with the ruler tool in Trading View.

Why is the AWR Length default set to 4 Weeks?

We derived settings from the code in the ADR.mql code.

Range Daily High/Low - RD-Hi/Rd-Lo

• “Show RD?” checkbox - toggles on/o showing the RD-Hi and RD-Lo lines on the chart
• “Use Daily Open calc? checkbox - toggles on/o calculating the RD-Hi and RD-Lo from
today’s high/low when check box is o or calculating the RD-Hi and RD-Lo from today’s
daily open. In addition this will change the RD-Hi and RD-Lo label to RD-Hi(DO) and RD-
Lo(DO) to notify the user that the calculation has changed to using daily open as the
starting point.
• “Labels” checkbox - toggle on/o displaying the RD labels on the lines.
• “Range label?” - toggle on/o displaying the RD range on the chart - this is simply the
value of the calculated RD that is then used to calculate the RD-Hi and RD-Lo lines.
• “RD Length (days)? - number input range 1-31, default 15. Allow you to change how many
days back the RD calculation takes into account.
• “RD Color” - color box - change the color of the RD lines.
• “RD Line Style” dropdown lets you change what type of line is used to display the RD lines.

These lines are updated based on the exchanges daily session breaks. This does not always
need to be at midnight as we see on some exchanges like OANDA. You can turn on the Trading
view option “Show Session breaks” in the general Trading View settings to nd out when the
exchange daily session changes.

What is an RD?
Very similar as the ADR except for the number of days taken to calculate it - 15 (vs 14 for the

Why even provide this option if the di erence is 1 day as compared to the ADR?
In general, this one day di erence will not show much di erence in the ADR vs RD however on
volatile assets such as crypto that 1 day can make a bigger di erence.

Why is there a calculate the RD-Hi and RD-Lo from daily open option?
Even though it does not t the classical de nition of RD, the Hybrid system is nding that this
can be yet another con uence to be aware of. An added bonus is its way easier to measure the
RD-Hi and RD-Lo from the daily open with the ruler tool in Trading View.

Why is the RD Length default set to 15 days?

This value came from Traders At Home documentation on range daily hi/lo for the mt4 PVSRA
indicator suite.

Why is there no 50% option for RD?

Technical limitation of Trading View

Range Weekly High/Low - RW-Hi/Rd-Lo

• “Show RW?” checkbox - toggles on/o showing the RW-Hi and RW-Lo lines on the chart
• “Use Weekly Open calc? checkbox - toggles on/o calculating the RW-Hi and RW-Lo from
this week’s high/low when check box is o or calculating the RW-Hi and RW-Lo from this
week’s open. In addition this will change the RW-Hi and RW-Lo label to RW-Hi(WO) and
RW-Lo(WO) to notify the user that the calculation has changed to using the weekly open as
the starting point.
• “Labels” checkbox - toggle on/o displaying the RW labels on the lines.
• “Range label?” - toggle on/o displaying the RW range on the chart - this is simply the
value of the calculated RW that is then used to calculate the RW-Hi and RW-Lo lines.
• “RW Length (weeks)? - number input range 1-52, default 13. Allow you to change how
many weeks back the RW calculation takes into account.
• “RW Color” - color box - change the color of the RW lines.
• “RW Line Style” dropdown lets you change what type of line is used to display the RW
These lines are updated based on the exchanges daily session breaks. This does not always
need to be at midnight as we see on some exchanges like OANDA. You can turn on the Trading
view option “Show Session breaks” in the general Trading View settings to nd out when the
exchange daily session changes.

What is an RW?
Very similar as the AWR except for the number of weeks taken to calculate it - 13 (vs 4 for the

Why even provide this option if the AWR range can be adjusted to the same value?
Keeping true to what MT4 is o ering.

Why is there a calculate the RW-Hi and RW-Lo from weekly open option?
Even though it does not t the classical de nition of RW, the Hybrid system is nding that this
can be yet another con uence to be aware of. An added bonus is its way easier to measure the
RW-Hi and RW-Lo from the weekly open with the ruler tool in Trading View.

Why is the RW Length default set to 13 weeks?

This value came from Traders At Home documentation on range weekly hi/lo for the mt4
PVSRA indicator suite.

Why is there no 50% option for RW?

Technical limitation of Trading View


• “Show ADR Table” - toggles on/o the table displayed on the chart.
• “Show ADR PIPS” - display the ADR/AWR/AMR related values as pips.
• “Show ADR Currency” - display the ADR/AWR/AMR related values in the currency symbol
the chat is in. Eg. if you are looking at a BTCUSDT chart - USDT is the currency the chart is
• “Show RD PIPS” - display the RD/RW related values as pips.
• “Show RD Currency” - display the RD/RW related values in the currency symbol the chat is
in. Eg. if you are looking at a BTCUSDT chart - USDT is the currency the chart is in.
• “ADR Table Position” dropdown - change the location of the ADR Table on the chart
• “ADR Table: Background Color” color box - change the background color of the table.
• “Text Color” color box - change the text color of the values displayed in the table.

Di erent settings are provided as user screen size limitation may exist - eg phone vs desktop

What is a PIP
The size of a pip is based on what was historically the smallest possible price change for a
currency pair (for an exchange)

This has a good explanation

Why do the PIPS in di erent Exchanges not match?

PIPS in trading view are determined a function of what is called as the system min tick value
which represents the smallest price change a currency pair might make. Since di erent
exchanges have di erent min ticks - the PIP value would thus be di erent. With that said - the
Trading view ruler tool also displays both currency and PIPs and if you use the ruler tool you
will see that the values match no matter what exchange you are measuring on.
To further complicate this the conversion ratio of PIPS varies by forex pairs and also varies in
crypto. Good news is that indicator code gures all that out for you and displays it in the ADR

What are ADRx3 RDx3?

• ADRx3 - Calculated ADR value multiplied by 3
• RDx3 - Calculated RD value multiplied by 3

Daily Open

“Show: line?” checkbox - toggle on/o is the daily open line should be displayed.
“Label?” checkbox - toggle on/o is the daily open label should be displayed.
“Show Historical daily opens” checkbox - toggle on/o is the daily open historical lines for
days in the past.

This line is updated based on the exchanges daily session breaks. This does not always need
to be at midnight as we see on some exchanges like OANDA. You can turn on the Trading view
option “Show Session breaks” in the general Trading View settings to nd out when the
exchange daily session changes.

“Override chart symbol?” checkbox - toggle on/of the PVSRA override.

PVSRA simply refers to the vector candle colors.

We should note - a label ““PVSRA Override Active!”” will appear on your chart letting you know
this has been turned on.

Once you turn it on you must make sure the symbol(s) selected are for the correct pair you
want to look at. This is done by choosing the little pencil next to INDEX:BTCUSD where you
can then change which pairs you want. Be very careful - For example it does not make sense
to add two completely di erent symbols when the option is turned on.

You can use INDEX:BTCUSD or you can combine multiple feeds, for example
\'(BINANCE:BTCUSDT+COINBASE:BTCUSD)\'. Note that adding too many will slow things

Do I need to use this option?

For the most part NO. If you are following a symbol available in Trading View - for example the
exchange you are on and the coin you are trading then likelihood is that you do not need to use
this option. It was provided primarily for folks that trade on exchanges not listed on Trading
View but wanted to make projections in Trading View. Similar to how the bookmap multi
exchange option works by combining multiple feeds - this is the indicator equivalent.

But will it not be more accurate if I turn it on and collect data from multiple exchanges?
Yes and no - it depends. Our recommendation remains - if you are trading on an exchange that
is on Trading View leave this option turned o and simply look t that exchange on your chart.
Market Sessions

“Line style of Market Session hi/lo line” dropdown - select the way the session high low lines
will be displayed.
“Show Market Session?” checkbox - toggle on/o if market session will be displayed on the
“Show Market Session on Weekends?” checkbox - toggle if the market sessions should be
displayed on the weekend. Note some exchanges line OANDA are closed on the weekend -
turning this on on OANDA might cause the indicator to malfunction.

This is your general market session control section.

Market Sessions Details and Daylight Saving Time

(DST/Summer Time)
Current version of the Traders reality indicator will adjust these times for you

Market session are based on the physical location of that market. For example NY market
session is in New York, London market is in London. These cities are in countries that change
their clocks at di erent times in the year - generally within a 2-3 week period in spring and a
2-3 week period in the fall.

The market sessions that the indicator displays are based on MT4 sessions. In addition several
additional session breakdowns were added based on popular demand.

The times picked for these sessions are based on this:

All times are in the UTC/GMT timezone - this enabled the indicator to display them at the
correct times no mater what exchange you are on.
Session Local Time DST OFF DST ON

London 8am-430pm 0800-1630 0700-1530

NewYork 930am-4pm 1430-2100 1330-2000

Tokyo 9am-3pm 0000-0600 0000-0600

HongKong 930am-4pm 0130-0800 0130-0800

Sydney (NZX+ASX) NZX start 10am, 2200-0600 2100-0500

ASX end 4pm

EU Brinks 800am-900am 0800-0900 0700-0800

US Brinks 900am-10am 1400-1500 1300-1400

Frankfurt 800am-530pm 0700-1630 0600-1530

Daylight savings time changes usually occur as follows:

• London DST Starts Last Sunday of March DST Ends Last Sunday of October
• New York DST Starts 2nd Sunday of March DST Ends 1st Sunday of November
• Tokyo dies not observe DST
• Hong Kong does not observe DST
• Sydney DST Start on 1st Sunday of October DST ends 1st Sunday of April
• EU Brinks DST Starts Last Sunday of March DST ends Last Sunday of October
• US Brinks DST Starts 2nd Sunday of March DST ends 1st Sunday of November
• Frankfurt DST Starts Last Sunday of March DST ends Last Sunday of October
We should add - Sydney is in the southern hemisphere which is why DST changes are opposite
to the other countries that are in the northern hemisphere.

Do I need to make any Adjustments for DST?

No - the indicator will auto adjust as needed when the time comes for each market session.

Why is the option to change the start and end times removed?
Among some other technical limitations - in order to make auto DST adjustment to work, the
ability for adjusting the start and end times of sessions needed to be removed. The good news
is this simpli ed the market session settings.
London (0800-1630 UTC/GMT DST OFF)

• “Show: session?” checkbox - toggle on/o showing the session.

• “Label” checkbox checkbox - toggle on/o showing the session label located at the
session high line.
• “Opening Range” checkbox - toggle showing the session opening range which is simply
the range of the rst candle at the session start on the timeframe you are on. This is
visualized as a colored rectangle that starts at the session beginning and ends at the
session end.
• “Name” textbox - change the name of the session. Note changing the name of the session
does not change the session times. This is more of an option if you wanted to say shorten
the session name or use a nickname for the session
• “Color: Box” color box - change the color of the opening range
• “Label” color box - change the session label and high/low lines color.

Note depending on the timeframe you are on, there might no be a candle division for the
session start or end - the indicator simply chooses the next nearest candle to mark of the start
or end of the session.

New York (1430-2100 UTC/GMT DST OFF)

• “Show: session?” checkbox - toggle on/o showing the session.

• “Label” checkbox checkbox - toggle on/o showing the session label located at the
session high line.
• “Opening Range” checkbox - toggle showing the session opening range which is simply
the range of the rst candle at the session start on the timeframe you are on. This is
visualized as a colored rectangle that starts at the session beginning and ends at the
session end.
• “Name” textbox - change the name of the session. Note changing the name of the session
does not change the session times. This is more of an option if you wanted to say shorten
the session name or use a nickname for the session
• “Color: Box” color box - change the color of the opening range
• “Label” color box - change the session label and high/low lines color.

Note depending on the timeframe you are on, there might no be a candle division for the
session start or end - the indicator simply chooses the next nearest candle to mark of the start
or end of the session.

Tokio (0000-0600 UTC/GMT DST OFF)

• “Show: session?” checkbox - toggle on/o showing the session.

• “Label” checkbox checkbox - toggle on/o showing the session label located at the
session high line.
• “Opening Range” checkbox - toggle showing the session opening range which is simply
the range of the rst candle at the session start on the timeframe you are on. This is
visualized as a colored rectangle that starts at the session beginning and ends at the
session end.
• “Name” textbox - change the name of the session. Note changing the name of the session
does not change the session times. This is more of an option if you wanted to say shorten
the session name or use a nickname for the session
• “Color: Box” color box - change the color of the opening range
• “Label” color box - change the session label and high/low lines color.

Note depending on the timeframe you are on, there might no be a candle division for the
session start or end - the indicator simply chooses the next nearest candle to mark of the start
or end of the session.
Hong Kong (0130-0800 UTC/GMT DST OFF)

• “Show: session?” checkbox - toggle on/o showing the session.

• “Label” checkbox checkbox - toggle on/o showing the session label located at the
session high line.
• “Opening Range” checkbox - toggle showing the session opening range which is simply
the range of the rst candle at the session start on the timeframe you are on. This is
visualized as a colored rectangle that starts at the session beginning and ends at the
session end.
• “Name” textbox - change the name of the session. Note changing the name of the session
does not change the session times. This is more of an option if you wanted to say shorten
the session name or use a nickname for the session
• “Color: Box” color box - change the color of the opening range
• “Label” color box - change the session label and high/low lines color.

Note depending on the timeframe you are on, there might no be a candle division for the
session start or end - the indicator simply chooses the next nearest candle to mark of the start
or end of the session.
Sydney (NZX+ASX 2200-0600 UTC/GMT DST OFF)

• “Show: session?” checkbox - toggle on/o showing the session.

• “Label” checkbox checkbox - toggle on/o showing the session label located at the
session high line.
• “Opening Range” checkbox - toggle showing the session opening range which is simply
the range of the rst candle at the session start on the timeframe you are on. This is
visualized as a colored rectangle that starts at the session beginning and ends at the
session end.
• “Name” textbox - change the name of the session. Note changing the name of the session
does not change the session times. This is more of an option if you wanted to say shorten
the session name or use a nickname for the session
• “Color: Box” color box - change the color of the opening range
• “Label” color box - change the session label and high/low lines color.

Note depending on the timeframe you are on, there might no be a candle division for the
session start or end - the indicator simply chooses the next nearest candle to mark of the start
or end of the session.

Sydney is a bit of a “special” session - it is actually the combination of NZX and ASX session.
This is also what MT4 does. DST changes for Sydney assume ASX session DST change time.
EU Brinks (0800-0900 UTC/GMT DST OFF)

• “Show: session?” checkbox - toggle on/o showing the session.

• “Label” checkbox checkbox - toggle on/o showing the session label located at the
session high line.
• “Opening Range” checkbox - toggle showing the session opening range which is simply
the range of the rst candle at the session start on the timeframe you are on. This is
visualized as a colored rectangle that starts at the session beginning and ends at the
session end.
• “Name” textbox - change the name of the session. Note changing the name of the session
does not change the session times. This is more of an option if you wanted to say shorten
the session name or use a nickname for the session
• “Color: Box” color box - change the color of the opening range
• “Label” color box - change the session label and high/low lines color.

US Brinks (1400-1500 UTC/GMT DST OFF)

• “Show: session?” checkbox - toggle on/o showing the session.

• “Label” checkbox checkbox - toggle on/o showing the session label located at the
session high line.
• “Opening Range” checkbox - toggle showing the session opening range which is simply
the range of the rst candle at the session start on the timeframe you are on. This is
visualized as a colored rectangle that starts at the session beginning and ends at the
session end.
• “Name” textbox - change the name of the session. Note changing the name of the session
does not change the session times. This is more of an option if you wanted to say shorten
the session name or use a nickname for the session
• “Color: Box” color box - change the color of the opening range
• “Label” color box - change the session label and high/low lines color.

Frankfurt (0700-1630 UTC/GMT DST OFF)

• “Show: session?” checkbox - toggle on/o showing the session.

• “Label” checkbox checkbox - toggle on/o showing the session label located at the
session high line.
• “Opening Range” checkbox - toggle showing the session opening range which is simply
the range of the rst candle at the session start on the timeframe you are on. This is
visualized as a colored rectangle that starts at the session beginning and ends at the
session end.
• “Name” textbox - change the name of the session. Note changing the name of the session
does not change the session times. This is more of an option if you wanted to say shorten
the session name or use a nickname for the session
• “Color: Box” color box - change the color of the opening range
• “Label” color box - change the session label and high/low lines color.
PSY Levels

• “Show: Level?” checkbox - toggle on/o showing the psychological high and low levels
• “Labels” checkbox - toggle on/o psy level labels
• “Show Historical psy levels?” checkbox - toggle on/o showing the psy levels for past
• “Psy Hi Color” color box - select the color of the psy high line and label.
• “Psy Lo Color” color box - select the color of the psy line line and label.
• “Psy calc type” dropdown - select the psy calculation type crypto or forex.

We should note - the psy cal type di erences between crypto or forex is simply when to strt
calculating the psy levels.

• Crypto: in essence use the Sydney session de nition and starting on Saturday night w.r.t
• Forex: In essence use the Tokyo session de nition and startin at Monday early morning w.r.t
Since these calculations are based on market session hours - as the market sessions go in and
out of DST the indicator will auto adjust the start and end of the psy calculation based on that
market session.

The psy calculation runs for 8 hours regardless of settings chosen.

Daylight Savings Time Info Table

• “Show DST Table” checkbox - toggle on/o DST info table display.
• “DST Table Position” dropdown select where on the chart the table is displayed.
• “DST Table: Background Color” color box - change the background color of the table.
• “Text Color” color box - change the text color of the values displayed in the table.
This is really just an informational display if you wanted to check when di erent market
sessions go in and out of DST. As stated above the indicator will auto adjust the market
session start and end times.

How to check if you have the latest version of the

We generally announce when there is an indicator update.
Trading View will not update the indicator version for you when a new version is published.

To check which version you have hover over the indicator name and nd the {} and click them.
This will open the script editor at the bottom of Trading View

Find the version dropdown - usually on the left side of the script editor
Before clicking on the dropdown - note what version it is displaying. In this example it shows

Click the drop down and if you see a bigger version in the values - then you are not using the
latest version of the indicator.

If this is the case follow the instructions below.

How to update the version of the indicator when a

new version is published?
• Follow these steps exactly:
• Remove the indicator you have on your chart
• Remove it from favorites
• Go to the indicator link provided in discord or the website
• Find and click the add to favorites button
• You might need to restart trading view at this point
• Add the indicator back to your chart from favorites
To verify if the steps worked use the process described in the “How to check if you have the
latest version of the indicator?”

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