Soal Lus Bing 2024 50

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Naskah Soal Latihan Ujian Sekolah (LUS) SMP Islam Darul Hidayah

Tahun Pelajaran 2023/2024

Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

Direction: Choose the correct option A, B, C, or D which best responds the question.

Nadia : “Hi, Naila. Hi, Arya.”
Naila : “Hi, Nadia. How are you doing?”
Nadia : “I’m doing fine, thanks.”

What is the dialog about?

A. Greeting
B. Leave-taking
C. Introduction
D. Thanking

Brenda : “I bought a box of snack for you. Here you are.”
Edward : “That’s very kind of you. Thanks a million.”
Brenda : “….”

Which expression completes the dialog best?

A. Come to the canteen

B. You’re very welcome.
C. Don’t mention the price.
D. Eating snack is a pleasure.

Bintang : “I think this is your pencil case. What about that book?”
Reva Sanhu : “No. That is Aira’s pencil case but that book belongs to me.”
Bintang : “So this pencil case really doesn’t belong to you?”
Reva Sahnu : “I told you it is not ….”

The correct word to complete the last sentence is ….

A. his
B. hers
C. ours
D. mine


This animal is an omnivore. It is not wild. It is tame.

People take the benefit of its meat. Although it has wings but it usually doesn’t
fly. The color of feather might be different from one to another. It can be black,
white, brown, reddish or yellowish.
It usually feeds on grains or insects but today its food is mostly made by human.
It breeds by laying eggs. It doesn’t go out at night.

Aldio : “Which of the four animals is described by the text?”

Genta : “ It is the ….”
A. hen B. owl C. ox D. cat

This is a domestic animal. It is not wild. It is tame.
People take the benefit of its meat. Although it has wings but it usually doesn’t fly. The color of feather might be
different from one to another. It can be black, white, brown, reddish or yellowish.
It usually feeds on grains or insects but today its food is mostly made by human. It breeds by laying eggs. It doesn’t
go out at night.

Vanko : “It usually feeds on grains or insects. What does it mean?”

Najwa : “ It means ….”

The expression which is correct to complete the dialog is ….

A. it likes to hunt and kill other bigger animals for its food
B. it often goes to a farmland to steal rice and goes to a forest to hunt
C. it is an omnivore, animal that eat plant or animal material
D. it was previously wild but at present it had been domesticated.


Observe the picture. Which description is correct to describe the person?

A. He is an elderly with gray hair, round face and wrinkled skin.

B. He is a teenaged driver whose body is short and stocky.
C. He has a flat nose, thin body and is a lazy-bone.
D. He wears a cap, has a strong body with short beards.

Maleek : “Why do you recommend me to buy this pair of shoes?”
Ms. Faika : “These shoes are made of genuine leather and the model is up to date.”
“You may try them. Do you get it?
Maleek : “Oh, I see. Okay, I’d like to buy them.”

Who are the two speakers?

A. A buyer and a sales promotion girl.

B. A shop visitor and a shop manager.
C. A shoe-maker and a University student.
D. A shop assistant and a shop supervisor.

Mr Putra : “Why do you want to join our basketball team? What’s your qualification?”
Kayla Ghofir : “I’m good at dribbling and shooting the ball. I can work in a team, too.”
Mr. Putra : “What about doing a slam-dung? Can you do it?”
Kayla Ghofir : “….”
Mr. Putra : “That’s good!”

Which expression of ability can complete the dialog well?

A. “Sorry, I can’t but I will practice hard from now.”

B. “Believe me, I’ll learn as hard as I can to do it.”
C. “Yes, I can do it too and next time I’ll be able to do it better.”
D. “Yes, I’ll be able to do it later if you give me time to practice.”

Dinda : “What will you do to become the next best graduate of the school?”
Ariq : “....”
Dinda : “I hope your dream will come true.

Which expression can complete the dialog best?

A. If I become the best graduate, I will treat you all a bowl of bakso
B. I am going to study very hard for facing the school examination.
C. I don’t need to do anything because definitely will be the best one.
D. I don’t have any plans yet and I want you to give me suggestion.

Feysa : “You got a bad mark in the last Math exam.”
“Why don’t you meet the teacher, Mr. Destaka?”
Salwa : “I did meet him this morning. He said I … do extra Math exercises this afternoon.”

Which of the followings can complete the sentence best?

A. has to B. should C. could D. had to

Taxi drivers are professional drivers who transport passengers between locations in a safe and efficient manner.
There are some skills that taxi drivers must possess in order to be successful in their role. These skills include
customer service, navigation, time management, defensive driving, and more.
The ability to manage time effectively is an important skill for taxi drivers. They need to be able to plan and execute
their routes in a timely manner. Customer service is another skill for taxi drivers. They must have the ability to provide
excellent service which means being able to deal with customer inquiries and complaints. Next, taxi drivers need to
be able to get their passengers reach their destination in the most efficient way. They must know how to read maps
and use GPS navigation systems.

A taxi driver must have the navigation skill. Which of the following is an example of navigation skill?

A. Guarantee that passengers reach their destination in the shortest time possible.
B. He cares about and is willing to go extra mile to ensure customer’s satisfaction.
C. He is able to drive through the right routes based on the given map.
D. A taxi driver possess the techniques to drive safely in heavy traffic and bad weather.


Desri : “Who usually washes the clothes in your family?

Ratu :”Aunt Mayza does. Not only washes the clothes, she also … and mops the floor.”

Which word can fill the blank correctly?

A. sweeping B. swept C. sweep D. sweeps

Look at the picture.
Kirana : “What is the vet doing in the room?”
Cahaya : “….”

Which expression best completes the dialog?

A. She examine my pet cat B. She examines my pet cat

C. She examined my pet cat D. She is examining my pet cat

Text 1
Last month our school got some guests from SMPN 1 Pulau Panggung. I and some friends from the Student’s
Union were responsible to escort them having a school tour. I happily guided a group of guest to see some rooms
in our school. I was quite unlucky. When we walk in front of building C, I slipped because of the slippery floor. I fell
down in front of the guests.
Can you imagine how I felt by then? (Masya El.)
Text 2
Last week I asked my best friend, Najwa, to company me eating siomay at the school canteen.
I bought 1 portion of siomay for myself and another portion for Najwa, too. When it was time to pay, I handed a Rp.
10, 000 bill and I waited for the change. A few moments later, the seller looked at me and said, “What are you
waiting for? There is no change.”
“The price of siomay is Rp. 5, 000 and my money is a ten thousand bill.” I replied.
“Didn’t you bought two portions?”
OMG…! I forgot that I had to pay for another portion eaten by friend. (Fakhira Alief)

Which statement is right about the two texts?

A. The story happened at SMPN 1 Pulau Panggung and at the 2 nd writer’s school.
B. Masya El fell down when she was walking to the school canteen.
C. Both stories tell about writer’s embarrassing experience.
D. Fakhira’s friend didn’t have enough money to pay the food.

Hanifa : “How was your Karate competition yesterday?”
Genta : “I got the highest point for the Kata category. So I got the gold medal.”
Hanifa : “You made it! Congratulations!”
Genta : “Thank you.”

“What are the two speakers talking about?

A. How to do Kata in Karate-do. B. The result of a Karate competition.

C. Ways to be a Karate champion. D. Gold medals in Karate categories.

Nayaka : “I think Ms. Juanita Buana is smart. She’s the most interesting teacher.”
Muthia : “Do you think so? I like Mr. Rayhan Swaradani better.”
Nayaka : “Why? Is it because he is friendly and humorous?”
Muthia : “You got it.”

What does Muthia mean?

A. She agrees that the teachers are smart, friendly and humorous.
B. She thinks that Ms. J. Buana is interesting because she is smart.
C. She likes Ms. J. Buana better than Mr. Rayhan Swaradani.
D. She disagrees to Nayaka’s opinion about the most interesting teacher.


How to Make a Glass of Chocolate Milk

1. Gather the ingredients:
- 2 teaspoons of milk powder
- 2 teaspoons of unsweetened chocolate powder
- 1 teaspoon of fine sugar
- a glass of boiling water
2. Put the sugar, milk, and chocolate sugar into a glass.
3. Mix the three ingredients to avoid clumping.
4. Pour the boiling water into a glass little by little while stirring with a teaspoon.
5. Continue stirring the drink until well blended.
6. Serve immediately if you like hot drink.
7. If you prefer refrigerate it, make sure to give the drink a good stir before drinking.

Why should you stir the drink when it gets cold?

A. The cocoa powder may gravitate at the bottom, creating a sludge.

B. The chocolate powder will get harden at the surface of the drink.
C. Stirring well will make the drink not get too cold to drink.
D. In order to make the drink easy to serve.
How to Polish Leather Shoes
Ingredients to prepare:
- Polish cream
- A piece of soft rag clothes
- A shoe brush
1. Clean the shoes to (a.)________ any dirt or dust.
2. (b.)______ a little polish cream on the rag and start rubbing it on the surface of shoes in circular motion.
3. Allow the polish to dry and (c.)_______ the second layer if necessary.
4. Buff the shoe with a shoe brush. (d.)______ it a really good brush to make the shine appear.
5. Your shoes now should have looked bright and shiny.

Which group of words can complete the text well?

A. clean; Apply; give; Reduce B. erase; Put; take; Avoid

C. wash; Pour; make; Do D. remove; Take; add; Give

Joko reported Ayu to the police for stealing a laptop.

Change the sentence into a passive sentence.

A. Ayu was reported Joko to the police because a laptop was stolen by him.
B. Ayu was reported to the police by Joko for stealing a laptop.
C. A laptop was stolen so Joko was reported to the police by Ayu.
D. Joko was reported by Ayu to the police for stealing a laptop.

Jasmine Bakery
Jl. Arek Kinkania No. 78
February Special Birthday Cake
Bring a special birthday cake for your family and friend.
Choose the theme and design of your own.
Discount 20% during February 2024
Contact: Neysha Ojan: WA 081278444898

Who will likely take the benefit of this advertisement?

A. Teenagers who is going to celebrate his/her 17th birthday.
B. Housewives who are enthusiastic in making cakes.
C. Someone who will celebrate a family member’s birthday.
D. Tourists who want to buy souvenirs for family and friends.
Read the following text to answer questions number 1-3!
Arief : Who won the Dermayon sing competition yesterday?
Dewi : I did. I won the first prize.
Arief : Well done. (1). . . .
Dewi : Thank you. What about your bike race?
Arief : Wish me luck,
Dewi. I will take part in a bike race tomorrow.
Dewi : Sure, good luck. (2) . . . .
Arief : (3). . . .
1. Choose the right sentence!
A. I’m glad to hear that B. You’re welcome
C. That’s too bad D I’m sorry

2. Choose the right sentence!

A. I hope you will win the race B. I hope you will be happy
C. I hope you are alright D. I hope so, too

3. Choose the right sentence!

A. I’m sorry B. Sure, good luck
C. You’re welcome D. Thank you so much

Read this following text to answer questions number 4-6!

Rendy : “I don’t feel well. I’m cathing a cold.”
Rose : “You should go to the doctor.
Rima : “ (4) . . . . Just take a good rest and drink a lot of water,
Rendy.” Ranty : “(5) . . . . You should go to the doctor. I think you need to take medicine.”
Ririn : “(6) . . . , Ranty. Too much medicine is not good.
Rahma : “I think the best to do is go home. Your mom and dad know better what should you do.”
4. Choose the right sentence!
A. I couldn’t agree with you more B. I disagree with you
C. I agree with you D. That’s right

5. Choose the right sentence!

A. I agree with Rose B. I don’t agree with Rose
C. I don’t think Rose is right D.. I’m not sure about Rose’s opinion

6. Choose the right sentence!

A. I don’t think so B. you are right
C. That’s true D. I guess so

Read this following text to answer questions number 7-9!

Edo : Happy birthday.
Lia Lia : Thank you
Edo. You are the first person who congratulate me.
Edo : Oh really? Here is a little present for you. I hope you like it.
Lia : Thank you very much. You are really my best friend

7. Edo gives Lia a present because . . . .

A. she likes a present B. she asks Edo to give it
C. she wins a competition D. she is celebrating her birthday

8. “Thank you Edo” that Lia said for...

A. thank you for Edo's words B. thank you for the presents
C. thank you for the answer D. thank you for gift

9. “Thank you very much” ” that Lia said for...

A. thank you for Edo's words B. thank you for the presents
C. thank you for the answer D. thank you for questions

Read this following text to answer number 10-11!

Fira : You know, we will have an English test tomorrow.
What if we study it now?
Roy : Sure, that’s a good idea! Let’s go to my house now.
10. To show his agreement, Roy also may say . . . .
A. That’s wrong B. That’s not true
C. I’m disagree with you D. I couldn’t agree with you more

11. From dialogue, we may assume that . . . .

A. Roy agrees with Fira B. Roy has different idea
C. Roy disagrees with Fira D. Roy is not sure about the idea

Read this following text to answer number 12-13!

Hana: I’ll give you my number.(12) . . you can call me whenever you want.
Putri :Ok. I promise I will study hard(13) . . . graduate soon.
12. Choose the right words to fill the blank!
A. in order to B. so that C. but D. and
13. Choose the right words to fill the blank!
A. so B. so that C. in order to D. in spite of

Read this text to answer questions number 14-17!

KRATON TEA (For the perfect cup of tea) Use I bag per cup Pour fresh bubbling water over tea bag step 3 for 5
minutes and remove tea bag NET weight 60 ml Best before : 6 august 2018

14. To make a perfect cup of tea we should use . . . .

A. one bag per cup B. two bags per cup
C. three bags per cup D. four bags per cup

15. According to the label, the product should be used . . . .

A. after six august two thousand and eighteen B. after six august two thousand and nineteen
C. before six august two thousand and eighteen D. before six august two thousand and nineteen

16. The name of the product is . . . .

A. Over tea B. Cup tea C. Kraton tea D. Remove tea

17. The purpose of the text is . . . .

A. to advertise the product B. to tell the value of the drink
C. to describe the drink product D. to give a detailed information about the product

Read this following text to answer questions number 18-21!

Each chewable tablet contains: Rifampicin 75 mg, isoniazid 50 mg, and pyrazinamide 150 gr.

18. How many isoniazid contained on each tablet?

A. 50 g B. 45 g C. 50 mg D. 45 mg

19. “contains”. The underlined world is closest meaning to . . . .

A. consist of B. described C. obtain D. offers

20. How many rifampicin contained on each tablet?

A. 50 g B. 45 g C. 75 mg D. 45 mg

21. How many pyrazinamid contained on each tablet?

A. 50 gr B. 45 gr C. 150 gr D. 45 mg

Read this procedure text to answer questions number 22-27!

HOW TO MAKE MANGO JUICE Ingredients 1) a piece of mango 2) a half glass of water 3) a glass of ice cubes 4) a
spoon of sugar Methods 1) Peel the mango and clean it 2) Cut the mango into pieces and out them into a juicer. 3)
Add water, ice cubes and sugar 4) Turn on the juicer and wait for about 3 minutes 5) Pour the juice into a glass, and
it’s ready to drink
22. Text above tell us about?
A. how to write a procedure text B. how to make mango juice
C. how to cook a nice dish D. how to blend mango

23. The . . . is the equipment used to make the juice.

A. refrigerator B. juicer C. stove D. iron
24. Based on the instructions, pouring the juice into a glass is the last . . . .
A. steps B. utensils C. equipment D. ingredients

25. What is the third step?

A. Cut the mango into pieces and out them into a juicer. B. Add water, ice cubes and sugar
C. Turn on the juicer and wait for about 3 minutes D. Pour the juice into a glass, and it’s ready to drink

26. What is the final step?

A. Cut the mango into pieces and out them into a juicer. B. Add water, ice cubes and sugar
C. Turn on the juicer and wait for about 3 minutes D. Pour the juice into a glass, and it’s ready to drink

27. What is the first step?

A. Peel the mango and clean it B. Cut the mango into pieces and out them into a juicer.
C. Add water, ice cubes and sugar D. Turn on the juicer and wait for about 3 minutes

Read this following text to answer questions number 28-30!

My uncle is a very good badminton player. Now he is practicing hard for the Mayor’s Cup next week. Two day ago
when I went to his house to ask him to cut my hair, he was not at home. My aunt said he (28). . . badminton in the
sport hall. I understand I should not disturb him now because he (29). . . for the match. Next week I will have no time
to play around because I (30) . . . all his matches.

28. Choose the correct words!

A. practices B. Practiced C. is practicing D. was practicing

29. Choose the correct words!

A. prepares B. prepared C. is preparing D. was preparing

30. Choose the correct words!

A. is watching B. was watching C. will be watching D. has been watching

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