Biography Text Ibnu Sina

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He 4 ms ibn sina reading lesson

 1. Biography.
 2. Lesson : Read Objectives : SWBAT: Can read and comprehend a biography about
Arab scientists life and achievements. Can draw a timeline and do a portrait.
 4. Task 1: A) : Look at these Muslim scientists
 5. Ibn el baytarEl battani Abbas ibn Firnas Al Khawarizmi Al Zahrani Jabir Ibn
 6. Task 1: B)Find which subjects these Muslim scientists were famous in :
 7. …………………….Father of chemistry …………………………. The father of
Algorithm and Algebra …………………………Astronomy and Mathematics
………………………………. pharmacist, botanist, Physician and scientist
………………….. Surgery instruments …………………Flying machine
 8. Jabir ibn Hayyan Father of chemistry El khawarizmi The father of Algorithm and
Algebra Al Battani Astronomy and Mathematics Ibn el Baytar pharmacist, botanist,
Physician and scientist Al Zahrani Surgery instruments Ibn Firnas Flying machine
 10. Persian polymath and physician, Ibn-Sīnā also known by his Latin name
Avicenna , is the father of the Evidence Based Medicine. He was the most significant
thinkers, philosopher scientist and writers of the Islamic Golden Age. Ibn Sina was
born in 980 C.E. in Afsana, a village near Bukhara to Setareh and Abdullah who was
from Afghanistan . He was a child prodigy, who by the age of ten had memorized the
complete Quran . surpassed his teacher in elementary logic. He learned Indian
arithmetic from an Indian grocer. He started studying philosophy by reading various

Greek , Muslim and other books on this subject . By the age of 14, he started studying
Medicine and by 16, he discovered new methods of treatments. He was lucky in
curing the Sultan of Bukhara of an illness in which all the well-known doctors gave
up hope. On his recovery, the king wished to reward him, but the young practitioner
didn’t accept. All he wanted from the king was to use his library. The word
“MEDECINE” comes from his name “medi cinna”. He suggested treatments , curing
instruments and contributions to gyneacology , anatomy and children health. By the
age of 18 , he became not only an expert of Medicine , but also Arabic , Mathematics
and Philosophy . He turned to writing at the age of 21. In his early days, he wrote
extensively on subjects like logic, ethics, and metaphysics and so on. Most of his
works were either written in Arabic or Persian language. On his father’s death, Ibn
Sina left Bukhara and travelled to Jurjan where he met his famous contemporary Al
Biruni. Later, he moved to “Ray” and then to “Hamadan” where he wrote his famous
and major contribution to medical science book “Al Kanun Fi Tib” in addition to
“Kittab A Shifa “. Ibn Sina’s texts were the primary standards of Medicine in Europe
until the 17 th century. From Hamadan he moved to Ispahan, he didn’ t stop
travelling. Finally, he returned to Hamadan where he died in 1037.
 11. Activity two : Read the text and complete the fact file about Ibn Sina : Name :
…………………………………………………………… Date of birth :.
……………………………………………………… father: Mother:
…………………………………………………………….. Place of birth :
……………………………………………………………. Education: At the age of
10: ………………………………………………………….. At the age of 16:
…………………………………………………………... Famous book:
……………………………………………………………… Date of death:
…………………………………………………………….. Place of death:
…………………………………………………………….. Died at the age of :
 12. Activity one : Read the text and complete the fact file ( portrait ) about Ibn Sina :
Name : Ibn Sina, Sharaf al-Mulk, Hujjat al-Haq, Sheikh al-Rayees Date of birth : 980
C.E Place of birth : Afsana , Bukhara Father: Abdullah Mother: Setareh Education: At
the age of 10: memorized the quora At the age of 16: focused on medicine Famous
book: “Qanun Fi al Tib” Date of death: June 1037 C.E Place of death: Hamadan Died
at the age of: 57
 13.  Task 03: Read the text again then say true , false or not mentioned . * Ibn Sina
was the father of astronomy. * He memorized the complete “Quran” by the age of ten.
* He met “Ibn El Haithem “ in Jurjan . * He was married. * He didn ‘t write any
book .
 14. ……………………: is a person with extraordinarily with multi /comprehensive
knowledge. Its opposite is monomath ……………….. : is practitioner , specialist in
internal medicine, who treats with medication rather than with surgery.
…………………. : use of complex numebers , mathematics and calculation Task
4 :Fill in the gaps with the following words : prodigy , arithmetics , polymath,
physician ………………………: is an extremenly talented and wonderful person .
 15. Task4: Read the text again , then answer the questions When and where was he
born? When did Ibn Sina strat curing people ?  Were his writings adopted in
 16. Post - reading
 17. Task4: Read the text again , fill in the gaps with the suitable relative pronoun .
Ibn Sina is Persian men …………… was famous in the study of various sciences . He

was mainly influenced by el Biruni ………….. he met in during his travel to Jurjan.
He used to read reading books ………….written by the Greeck, the Chinese, the Arab
doctors and philosophers a thing ………….. helped him to improve his knowledge of
medicine . He wrote many books …………… were used in medicine studies in
Europe. He visited many cities but finally he returned to Hamdana ………….. he died
 18. Ms.R. Henine Thank you for your attention

 . . Persian polymath and physician, Ibn-Sīnā also known by his Latin name
Avicenna , is the father of the Evidence Based Medicine. He was the most significant
thinkers, philosopher scientist and writers of the Islamic Golden Age. Ibn Sina was
born in 980 C.E. in Afsana, a village near Bukhara to Setareh and Abdullah who was
from Afghanistan . He was a child prodigy, who by the age of ten had memorized the
complete Quran . surpassed his teacher in elementary logic. He learned Indian

arithmetic from an Indian grocer. He started studying philosophy by reading various

Greek , Muslim and other books on this subject . By the age of 14, he started studying
Medicine and by 16, he discovered new methods of treatments. He was lucky in
curing the Sultan of Bukhara of an illness in which all the well-known doctors gave
up hope. On his recovery, the king wished to reward him, but the young practitioner
didn’t accept. All he wanted from the king was to use his library. The word
“MEDECINE” comes from his name “medi cinna”. He suggested treatments , curing
instruments and contributions to gyneacology , anatomy and children health. By the
age of 18 , he became not only an expert of Medicine , but also Arabic , Mathematics
and Philosophy . He turned to writing at the age of 21. In his early days, he wrote
extensively on subjects like logic, ethics, and metaphysics and so on. Most of his
works were either written in Arabic or Persian language. On his father’s death, Ibn
Sina left Bukhara and travelled to Jurjan where he met his famous contemporary Al
Biruni. Later, he moved to “Ray” and then to “Hamadan” where he wrote his famous
and major contribution to medical science book “Al Kanun Fi Tib” in addition to
“Kittab A Shifa “. Ibn Sina’s texts were the primary standards of Medicine in Europe
until the 17 th century. From Hamadan he moved to Ispahan, he didn’ t stop
travelling. Finally, he returned to Hamadan where he died in 1037.

 11. Activity two :

 Read the text and complete the fact file about Ibn Sina :
 Name :……………………………………………………………
 Date of birth :.………………………………………………………
 father: Mother: ……………………………………………………………..
 Place of birth : …………………………………………………………….
 Education: At the age of 10: …………………………………………………………..
 At the age of 16: …………………………………………………………...
 Famous book: ………………………………………………………………
 Date of death: ……………………………………………………………..
 Place of death: ……………………………………………………………..
 Died at the age of : ………………………………………………………

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