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Course & Year: BTVTED
Title: Technology
Subject: ICT
Grade level: senior high school
Duration: 50mins
A. To enhance students in technology
B. To explore and to learn the modern technology

 This lesson will focus on technology and how it can benefit students in and out of
the classroom. Looking at the type of games there are and how they are
supposed to help students learn.
Essential Questions
 What is technology? How does it help students? Where can you find these
topics? What is king of games are there.
 Student will create a webquest of internet links/resources (minimum 8-10) about
what is technology all about?
 Students will type a short paragraph explaining what is technology.
 Then they will send a link of any game they liked or find interesting to a
classmate via their email.
 Students will utilize the internet via chrome or browser and google search.

Engine Cooling System


1. Identify and discuss the purpose and operation of cooling system.

2. Appreciate the significance of engine cooling system.
3. Apply the basic parts of cooling system learned in engine.

Picture of engine

A engine cooling system keeps the engine running at the ideal temperature without any
instances of overheating. Cooling the engine is a gigantic task, especially when you
realize how much heat it produces. To give you an example, a small car travelling at
50mph creates around 4000 explosions/minute. Along with the explosions, the friction of
the moving parts also produces heat. All of this heat can severely damage the engine, if
not entirely failing it

the cooling system send a liquid coolant through a passages of engine Blocks and
heads. As the coolant flows through this Passages it picks up heat from the engine. This
heated Liquid coolant through the passages of the engine Fluid makes its way through
the radiator, as it flows Through the thin tubes in the radiator this hot liquid Is cooled by
the air stream. Once this fluid is cooled It retums to the engine to absorb more heat.

The main function of a cooling system is to ensure that the engine runs at its optimum
operating temperature. If the cooling system or any part of it fails, it will overheat the
engine, which can lead to many serious issues.

Five basic parts of Cooling System

When the coolant circulates through the hot engine, it heats up. The radiator helps to
cool down the coolant before it starts with the process all over again. The anti-freeze
moves through metal fins for heat dissipation. Most radiators have two tanks that hold a
coolant – one on the top and bottom or one on both sides.

Cooling Fan
The radiator contains cooling fans that drive fresh air over the radiator, allowing the
engine to be cooled down further. However, the fan is functional only when the engine
gets to 230°F or more. The additional airflow helps to provide more intense cooling. The
fan is located at the front of the vehicle. It automatically turns on when the coolant gets
too hot and switches off when the coolant reaches adequate temperature.

Water Jacket
A water jacket is a water-filled casing surrounding a device, typically a metal sheath
having intake and outlet vents to allow water to be pumped through and circulated. The
flow of water to an external heating or cooling device allows precise temperature control
of the device.

Water Pump
The water pump is what carried the coolant through the engine. As the burning fuel
produces around 4,500 degrees of heat, it is essential to draw off the heat from the
engine to avoid damage and failure. The water pump propels the coolant through the
engine block, heater core, and cylinder head to absorb heat. The coolant enters the
radiator, where it cools down.

A broken water pump will hamper the entire cooling system process, leading to an
overheated engine and sometimes a complete failure. The pump is driven by a belt that
needs replacement from time to time.

The engine has to go through all kinds of temperatures, ranging from extremely hot to
extremely cold. The thermostat is what regulates the coolant entry through the system.

When you start the engine, the temperature inside the system is cold, and therefore, the
thermostat uses a valve to restrict the coolant flow. As the engine warms up, the valve
opens up, allowing the coolant to move through the entire car cooling system.
1. What is cooling system?
2. What are the five basic parts of cooling system And explain each part?

For your assignment have a research more about engine cooling System. Use any
automotive bools or modules for your references.

The Computer File System!

A.Explains the concept of computer file system.
B. Identify the components of a computer file system.
C. Able to use a computer file system to organize and save files.

Guess the picture!

The Computer File System is the arrangement of files and data on the computer in a
way that it is easy to find or access.

The following are the things that can be stored in computer files so that it can be stored
and organized.

1. CD-ROM/DVD-ROM This can be used to run programs, play media files, or save
data information on a CD.
2. 2. MEMORY CARD A device that can be used to save information on a small
memory chip.
3. 3. HARD DISK This is where various data such as program files files are found in
your computer system.
4. 4. FLASH DRIVE This is a storage device designed to be smaller than a typical
storage or disk. Do you understand children?

Two types of files

1. Soft Copy- the computer files that can be stored on the hard disk. These are
electronic files that can be opened using computer and application software. Some of its
examples are as follows: Word documents, Spreadsheets, Presentations, photos, Audio
files, and Video files.

2. Hard Copy-Document or image written or printed on paper.

Take your notebook and answer the questions. Write TRUE if what the sentence states
is correct and FALSE if it is not.

_______1. A soft copy is a document that cannot be handled.

________2.In the folder you can put and see important files or documents.
________3. There are three types of files in the computer file system
________4. There is no folder found on our computers to store files or documents.
________5. It is important that we know the types of computer file systems in order to
protect our documents.

V. ASSIGNMENT Make a Flow chart about the two types of files we discussed.
Solar system

1. Identify the Planets in the Solar System. 2. Enumerate the planets according to their
3.Show care of our planet earth.

Solar System
Our solar system consists of our star, the Sun, and everything bound to it by gravity –
the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune; dwarf
planets such as Pluto; dozens of moons; and millions of asteroids, comets, and

The collection of eight planets and their moons in orbit around the sun, together with
smaller bodies in the form of asteroids, meteoroids, and comets. The planets of the
solar system are (in order of distance from the sun) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

Mercury is named after the messenger for their gods. The Roman Mercury had wings
on his helmet and shoes. He could travel very quickly from place to place. The planet
Mercury moves quickly around the sun. That is how it got its name.

Venus is the second planet from the Sun and is Earth's closest planetary neighbor. It's
one of the four inner, terrestrial (or rocky) planets, and it's often called Earth's twin
because it's similar in size and density. These are not identical twins, however – there
are radical differences between the two worlds.

Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the fifth largest planet in the solar system in
terms of size and mass. Its near-surface environments are the only places in the
universe known to harbour life.
Jupiter is the fifth planet from our Sun and is, by far, the largest planet in the solar
system – more than twice as massive as all the other planets combined. Jupiter's
stripes and swirls are actually cold, windy clouds of ammonia and water, floating in an
atmosphere of hydrogen and helium.

Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second-largest planet in our solar
system. Like fellow gas giant Jupiter, Saturn is a massive ball made mostly of hydrogen
and helium. Saturn is not the only planet to have rings, but none are as spectacular or
as complex as Saturn's. Saturn also has dozens of moons.

Uranus is so cold is only partly to do with its distance from the Sun. Billions of years
ago, something big crashed into Uranus with so much force that it tipped the planet over
onto its side. The impact of the crash caused a large amount of energy and heat to
escape from the core of Uranus.

Neptune is one of two ice giants in the outer solar system.

Pluto is a dwarf planet in the Kuiper Belt, a donut-shaped region of icy bodies beyond
the orbit of Neptune.

a. Enumerate the planets in the solar system
b. Which is the biggest planet in the solar system

1. What can you say about the planets in the solar system?
2. Ehich planet in the solar system support life and how?
3. What is the purpose of other planets?

For your assignment have a research.
a. Why is solar system important?
b. What is our universe called?

Common Kitchen Tools

at the end of the lesson, the students CAN:
a. Recognize the common kitchen tools.
b. Identify the name of the tools use at home.
c. Appreciate on how to use some kitchen tools.

Show a picture of kitchen tools

What are some common kitchen tools?

ladle is a large spoon with a deep bowl for scooping and serving soup and other liquids.

Scrapers in the culinary world are exactly that: tools that were made to scrape pastes,
batters, and other ingredients from bowls, plates, and other surfaces. A rubber scraper
is handy in the kitchen since it can mold to the shape of the bowl or whatever container
you are using to get every last bit out.

Sifter kitchen utensil with a mesh bottom used to sift dry ingredients, such as flour or
powdered sugar.

Grater - is a tool that has a rough metal surfaces with small holes and is used to cut
food into small pieces.
Peeler is protected blade, for removing the peel or outer skin of a vegetable or fruit.

measuring spoon is a spoon used to measure an amount of an ingredient, either liquid

or dry, when cooking. Measuring spoons may be made of plastic, metal, and other
materials. They are available in many sizes, including the teaspoon and tablespoon.

Funnel kitchen utensil that is used to pour liquids and small-grained ingredients from
one source into another. Funnels have large open tops that slope down and decrease in
size forming a small diameter outlet allowing placement into smaller areas.

a. What is the important of knowing kitchen tools and equipment?
b. Why is it important to use correct tools and equipment?

1. It is used to grate food such as cheese. 2.It is used for dripping up and conveying
3. It is used to channel liquid or five grained substances into container with a small
4. It is used to measure an amount of an ingre- dient either liquid or dry when Cooking
5. It is a device used for removing the skin from and Vegetables.

b. Give at least five (5) kitchen utensis you use at home.

List down at least ten (10) baking tools and explain its uses.
Common masonry tools list: different types & their uses.

At the end of the lesson, the students CAN:
A. Know the fundamental masonry tools
B. Identify the name of the tools use in Masonry
C. Be able to utilize some masonry tools

Show picture of masonry tools

What standard masonry tools are there?

masonry hammer is shaped like a claw hammer with a longer handle and a head, but
that is where the similarity stops. The masonry hammer’s head is also two-sided, like
the claw hammer, but one side has a square face on it, made for pounding in nails. The
other side of the head has a long chisel-like tip that is very sharp. This side is used to
split bricks or break small pieces of rocks.

Tape measures are used to measure where your walls begin and end or how large an
opening is meant to be.

Saw - is similar in principle and overall appearance to tile saw but for cutting
construction blocks, partition blocks or paves

chisel is made from heavy-duty steel and can be as large as 8 inches long. It is made
specifically to split large numbers of blocks. Using a mashing hammer and blocking
chisel is more efficient than a masonry hammer because you place the chisel exactly
where you want to make your split.
trowel is a small pie-shaped tool attached to a small handle. It is used to pick up mortar
and spread it onto the bricks. Sometimes the brick may get set down a little out of

There are several different tools that can be used to mix mortar. You can get an electric
mixer, or you can use a standard shovel and hoe. Just add water, mix well, and you are
ready to go.

A. How important is masonry in our lives?
B. Why is it important to know the use of tools and equipment?

a. Identification
1. This is have two - sided, ñile the claw hammer
2. This is used to measure where you walls Begin
3. This is used in brickwork or stonework for levelling
4. This is used cut through bricks, cinder block and cement blocks
5. This is similar in principle and overall appearance to tile saw

B. Give at least five (5) masonry tools you know.

Direction: answer the following question
Research, list at leat five (5) tools when making a chair.

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