7th GR Worksheet 15 - S2

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1/ LANGUAGE ( 14 marks)

1/ Put the bracketed words in the right tense or form (4.5pts)

Dear Anne,

Yesterday was an unforgettable day! When I woke up I immediately looked out of the window,
the weather was fantastic !
No (cloudy) …………………………..in the sky, a bright sunshine, a gentle breeze! What a better
place to spend such a perfect day than on the beach? We (leave)………………………… after breakfast.
Mum and my sister Claire came with me, my brother Sean, instead, couldn’t come, as he had
(study)…………………….. for his final exam and (feel) ………………………………. rather angry at the idea
of staying at home. We (not drive)…………………………….. to the beach, we took the 8.45 bus and 30
minutes later we were already there. There (not be) ……………………………many people, so we could
(easy)……………………………….. find a place near the shore.

At 5 pm we packed our bags and went back home but on the way we saw an accident , a car
(drive) …………………………….hit an old lady. Luckily, she was not badly (injury) ………………………… .

2/ Fill in the gaps with words from the list below (4 pts)

ought to ; instead ; skip ; have ; avoid ; exercise ; diet ; so ; much; food

I try to eat a lot of steamed vegetables and cereals. I try to ……………………….. fast food
restaurants. They usually serve junk food which is not healthy at all. I think that a healthy
…………………………….. must contain a lot of vegetables and fruit.

It is also advisable to eat 3 times a day. A lot of people  ………………………….their morning meal
because they are in a hurry or don’t feel like eating but you should have breakfast. It is good to start
the day with something in your belly.

Hungarians eat …………………………….. bread, sugar and many cakes which are very fattening.
They eat in fast food restaurants, spend a lot of time in one place in front of the TV set. They
………………………… change their lifestyle and eating habits. I try to keep fit and do a lot of
………………………….. I go jogging with my friend for half an hour every day. Sometimes I ride my bike
and on Saturdays I go to the pool and swim for about two hours. When I am in a big shopping center
I don’t take the elevator I walk up the stairs ………………………….. It’s also important to sleep well at
night ……………………………………. I try to sleep at least eight hours. I never stay awake late!

3/ Circle the right alternative (3 pts)

A: It's been raining cats and dogs for three days. I just hate the (rain ; raining ;rainy) season.
B: Well, at least it's not too hot. What I hate the most is the (heat ; hot ; wind ) and humid
A: I know what you mean. I hate it too when it's humid . Also, the (thunder; fog ; snow) and
lightning scare me. I always feel like it's going to hit me!
B: Nonsense! Anyhow, I'm looking forward to the (Summer ; Fall ; Winter). The air is clean, fresh
and cool. It's my favorite time of the year.
A: That's true. It is nice then. But I prefer the spring. I like to see the flowers blooming and the trees
coming back to life again. Everything smells so nice in the spring. Also we can (to see ; seeing ; see)
the cherry blossoms.
B: Spring is nice, but I like winter, too.

A: What do you like about winter? It's (terrible ; freezing ; stormy) cold and dark all the time!
B: I don't know. I guess I like cold weather. I also like to go skiing and skating.

4/ Complete the dialogue with the missing parts (2.5 pts)

Betty: Oh Kevin, I'm so bored! What can we do? You usually have some good a/ What about a game of cards then?

Kevin: ………………………….?
b/ that sounds like a good idea.
Betty: I’d rather not. I’d like something more exciting.

Kevin: Hmm...well, let's play Scrabble or Monopoly. What do you think? c/ How about watching this new
reality program on the TV tonight
Betty: I always lose! I can't keep my concentration on those games..

. Kevin: Yeah, that's true…………………. You liked it the last time we played poker,
didn't you? d/ Do you have any cheaper
Betty: No, I want to go out. It's not too late. …………….- what do you say?

Kevin: I’d love to, but I don’t have enough money. …………………
e/ Let’s stay at home and watch a
Betty: Shall we play tennis? horror film.

Kevin: Hey, ………………………Do you have another racket I could borrow? I lent
mine to Carl a month ago. f/ Why don’t we go to the movies?
Betty: OK, I have a spare racket you could borrow. Let's go!

II/ Listening Comprehension (6 pts)
1/ Tick the appropriate answer (4 pts)

1. What's the matter with Steve?

A. He has a cold.
B. He has the flu.
C. He has a stomachache.

2. How often should Steve take the medicine the doctor prescribes?
A. three times a day with meals
B. four times a day before meals
C. three times a day after meals

3. What does Carla suggest he do?

A. take herbal medicine
B. see another doctor
C. eat chicken soup

4. What does Steve decide to do?

A. talk to another friend
B. listen to Carla's suggestion
C. see the same doctor again

2/ Listen to complete the gaps with words from the passage (1 pt)

The doctor gave some cold medicine to take care of my stuffy nose and …………………………. he also
advised me to have some rest but I’m so ………………………….. these days.

3/ Say Similar or Different (1 pt)

Honest - Herbal (………………….) thought - worried (……………..)

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