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4125124, 6:29 AM Properties of Matter - Physical and Chemical Properies with Videos & Images tery lero)» stata chars seouestatel) + mepote chet terarypepmterstmate) Properties of Matter What is Matter? ‘Matter is any substanes that has mass and takes up space by having volume. Motor is éoscrived as something that has mass and occupies space. Al physical structures ere mado up of matter, and the state or process of matter tsa easly observed property of matter. Strong, Bquid, and gas are the three basi stctes of matter. mews eee Chemical _— i properties aT How does the K Intensive Exensive ‘substancereaction to physical physical the presence of property roperty nie Color elas eAcid ‘eMelting point eVolume ‘Base ‘Boiling point eLength ‘eWater Density eShape ‘20ther chemicals Everything thot ests is made up of matter Atoms and substances ore made up of minuscule pisces of matter. rhe atoms thot make up te cbjacts we 00 and touch every day are made up of matter. Allthat has mass ond occupies space hes volume is known as matter. he amount af matrin on object ie measured by ite mass Table of Contents > mca ot (pee (8° RSRARBHEneme/ UP wanaba) 1 vie en Euoave Popetsesel ager + chemi Moperienof Mater hs: conicenisyrapets-f maternal ropertestnater in 4125124, 6:29AM Properties of Matter - Physical and Chemical Properties with Videos & Images. + Frequently Asked Questions ~ FA Recommended Videos Whatis Matter? BYJU'S The Learning App WHAT IS MATTER? 10380 states of Matter (p05: /btla-androiakt2.onelinkme/BUMP/uandbI63) ntps:oyjus.comichemistryiproperties-of-matterphysical-propertes-of- matter ana 4125124, 6:29AM Properties of Matter - Physical and Chemical Properties with Videos & Images. SUGAR/ SALT . ens Physical Properties of Matter + Mater is made up of ny particles cae atoms ond can be represented or explained as something that tokes Up space. I mu splay both the mass and volume properties + Properties are the characteristics that enable ust diferentiate one material rom anether.& physical property is an atbute of ‘otter that is independent of ts chemical compostion. + Density, colour hardness, melting ond beling points, anc electrical conductivity ar all examples of physical propertios, + Any choractristic that can be measured, such as an objects dans, colour mass, volume, length, mateabity, matting pont, hardness, edour. temperature, and more are considered properties ot matter. Intensive and Extensive Properties of Matter Both the physical and chemical properties of matter are either extensive or intensive. Exlonsive propels incising mase and volume are proportional tothe amount of matter being weighed, Density and colour, fer exemple, are not affected by the amount of matter present, ~ An intensive property i 8 buk property, which means itis a system's local physical property 1 intensive propertios of mat thats independont ofthe system's ze oF volume of material Intensive propertios aro ‘of matter present Pressure and temperate, for example areintensive propio, 2. Extensive property of mater - A property thats dependent onthe ammount of matter in @ sample's knowin as ah extensive property. tensive propetisinclide moss and volume. The sco o the system ofthe volume of matter ini determines the ‘extensive property of the systern. Exensive properties ae those in which the value of system's property is equalto the sum of the values forthe parts ofthe systom You have visited us 45 times. i Claim your FREE account now! ‘om/learn/account/ogin?redirectrt=httpe¥.3A%2F%2Fbyjus.comk2F chemistry 42Fpropertis-of-matterk2F23physical-properties-of- ‘=rnx_Campaign Type%3Dcontent-blocker426SourceMedium'x3Dwebsitex26Websitex https 4259A262"%252"’2S2Fchemistry252Fpropert ‘co SACRE SURE AGEN seer rt ncereacones sour stomnaon ee ntps:oyjus.comichemistryiproperties-of-matterphysical-propertes-of- matter ana 4125124, 6:29 AM Properties of Matter - Physical and Chemical Properies with Videos & Images mews Intensive gad Extansivaqpreperties 54+ boning vor Intensive properties dor ine Exonsive propertes depend on how much i wo Oe ? Temperature Bolling point Concentration! Weight Length Volume. Chemical Properties of Matter Chemical properties are characteristic tat can only be measuted ar observed as matter wansforms inte paticular typeof matter Reactivity, ‘larmatity, anc the abilty to rust are ameng ther. The tendency of martero react chemically with other substances is known as reacevty Flammasity toxcty actly, he reactivity of various types, ana heat af combustion are examples ef cnemical properties. + Reactivity = The tendency of matter o combine chemical wth ane substances ie known a reactivity. Certain materials are hight reactive, whereas others ae extremely inactive. Potassium, for example i extremely reactive, even inthe presence at water. & pea-sized place of potassium reacts explosively when comained with a small volume of water + Flammabilty ~The tendency of matter to bun I reerredto as Hlammabity. As motter urns, reacts with oxygen and transtors into various substances. flammable matters anything tke wood, + Toxicity - Tost rotors tothe extont to which a ehemicel element or @ combination of chemicals may harm an organism, + city ~@substonce’s abilty to react with an acids a chemical property, Some metals form compounds when they react with front acids Acids react with bases to create water, which neutralizes the acid. Chemical properties ore extremely helptul wnen it comes to dstinguishing compounds. Chemicel properties, on the other hans, can only be detected ‘when a material iin the process of bsing changed into anether substance. Related Topics + stores of Matter (ntpsoyjurcomchemisy/mster-slid-bguld-gas/) + thee states ot Mater (tps ,byuscomfenemiseytvee-stater-oF mater) + Mtorin Ou suroundings (rtp: Joys com cheristy/mottrin-our-surouning!) + Choracteristics of Matter (https: oyjuscom/chemistry/nature-of-matler-and-ts-classfication|) Frequently Asked Questions ~ FAQs why ore propertios of ma important? Scientists need to understand the properties of mater becouse tis made up of Sl iui. and ges ar the three primary phases of mater Depending an their physical features, mast matter will exit in any of these states. More specifically, scientists deal wth a wide range of materials 2 What ar the four propertios of mattor? ‘Moss, weight,and volume are exomples of extensive properties thot lifer rom the sum ofthe material Colour, melting point boing point lectical eonductvly and physical condition ate given temperature ar exompes of intensive properties that are independent ofthe volume of ‘he material 8. Whats txturein the propertos of mattor? ‘Volume is @ physical property of matter thet con be measured quantitatively. Texture raters to how something feels to you when youtauch it Sof, smooth rough. bumpy, sky sticky, ond chalky re some of the textuas that objects can have. The texture of an objects determined by our sense oftauch 4. son deaty naa prop nate bore pss{(otia-androickl?-onetinkme|BUMP/udedPI63) sionsin. he mremas on objet sina gen amount sacs, Ine erer it Oenetymeos.rrens re utlliordtngushngwbwoncs sce fren suaancec hove een conte, /ntps:fyjus.comychemistrypropertios-of matter ’physicalproperies-of mater ana 4125124, 6:29 AM Properties of Matter - Physical and Chemical Properies with Videos & Images 5 What are the observable properties of matter? Cbserseble properties ate features or expects of materials a atfacts that we eah deseribe using Ur fe senses, We ea use our senses to assoss colour texture, harness, ond lexi, @ Test your knowledge on Propertis of Matter! Put your understanding of this concept to test by answering a few MCQs. Click Start Quiz to begin! Select the correct answer and click onthe nish’ button (Chect your seore and answers at the end ofthe quiz ( start Quiz HEMISTRY Related inks Red Phosphorus {(hutps:// Lattice Enthalpy (nts Calcium carbonate (ht=psi[byjuscom/chemistry/calcium-carbonate/) Redox Titration Saponification Reaction (https//byjuscomfenemisty/sopenitication/) _Confermational isomers oxalic Acid (https: [ What Is Distiation Potassium Dichromate Formula (htos:/ Methanol Formula Comments Leave a comment ‘Your Wobile number and mall id wll not be published Requlod elds are marked * Notile Number send oP (tps: /[btla-androicki2.onetinkme/8UMP/u4ndbI63) is /ntps:fyjus.comychemistrypropertios-of matter ’physicalproperies-of mater sna 4125/24, 8:29AM Properties of Matter - Physical and Chemical Properties with Videos & Images. Type your message or doubt here. Posty Comment Join BYJU'S Learning Program Mobile Number send ore rail Address (p05: /btla-androiakt2.onetinkme/BUMP/uéndbi63) ntpsafoyus.comichemistryiproperties-of-matterpysical-propertes-o-matter ena 4125/24, 8:29AM Properties of Matter - Physical and Chemical Properties with Videos & Images. (p05: /btla-androiakt2.onetinkme/BUMP/uéndbI63) ntpsafoyus.comichemistryiproperties-of-matterpysical-propertes-o-matter 74 4125/24, 8:29AM Properties of Matter - Physical and Chemical Properties with Videos & Images. Important Chemistry Topics (ps1 6td26RaFoidK12 onelink me/BUMP/uAndbI63) ntpsafoyus.comichemistryiproperties-of-matterpysical-propertes-o-matter ana 4125124, 6:29 AM Properties of Matter - Physical and Chemical Properies with Videos & Images Panes Quanturn Theory Valence fond Taory Reactivity Soros Nomed Reaetions Dipole Moment Thermal Conductivity Mole concept Tyndol etfoct Balancing Chemical Equations Boyle's tow CBSE Sample Papers CCBGE Sample Papers Class B Science Cast Sample Popers Clase 9 Selence ‘cast sarnple Papers Class 10 Sclence ‘C89 Sample Pepers Clas I Physics (C38 Sample Papers Class I! chemvstry CBSE Sarnple Papers Class Biology (tps: btla-~androicki2.onetinkme/8UMP/u4ndbI63) ‘Wecase sample Papers Class 12 Physics /ntps:fyjus.comychemistrypropertios-of matter ’physicalproperies-of mater ona 4125124, 6:29 AM Properties of Matter - Physical and Chemical Properies with Videos & Images (CaSE Sample Papers lass 2.Chemistry CBSE Sample Papers Class 2 Biology CBSE Previous Year Question Papers (C88 Previous Year Quostion Papers Class 0 Science CAGE Previous Year Question Papers Class 12 Physics ‘CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Clas 72 Chemistry CcaSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 28k ICSE Sample Papers ICSE Somplo Papers Class SPrysics ICSE Somple Popers Class & Chemisty ICSE Somple Popers Class 8 Biology ICSE Semple Papers Class SPnysics ICSE Semple Papers Class 9 chemistry ICSE Somple Papers Class 8 Biology ICSE Somplo Popers Class 10 Physics ICSE Semple Papers Clas 10 Chemistry ICSE Semple Papers Clas 10 Biology I5C sample Papers Clase Physics Isc sample Papers classi Chemistry (tps: [btla-androicki2.onetinkme/8UMP/u4ndbI63) VErse sample Popes los Bota /ntps:fyjus.comychemistrypropertios-of matter ’physicalproperies-of mater ron 4125124, 6:29 AM Properties of Matter - Physical and Chemical Properies with Videos & Images Isc Sample Papers Clas 2 Physics I5c Semple Papers Class 2 Chemisty Isc Sample Papers Css 2 Blolsgy ICSE Previous Year Question Papers ICSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 0 Physics ICSE Previous Yar Question Papers Class 10 Chemistry ICSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10 Maths ISc Previous Year Question Papers class 12 ISC Previous ear Question Papers Class 12 Physics ISC Provious Year Question Popers Class 12 Chemisty ISC Previous Yor Question Popers Class 12 Biology BYJU'S Tuition Centre for Class 4 to 10 Coss 0 Tution Contre Coss 6 Tuition Cont Clase 5 Tuition ce (8 (te ist oick12.onetinkme/BUMP/u4ndbI63) ee /ntps:fyjus.comychemistrypropertios-of matter ’physicalproperies-of mater 4 4125124, 6:29 AM Properties of Matter - Physical and Chemical Properies with Videos & Images courses cose (eos) rose (lee) cr (lan) 4s (los) #8 (po) es (oe) Commerce Jearmercel) -#¢ 4c (Helee-main) Ne (nee) LE paarces(e-aavances)) LPsc froma 2022 Question Paper (a6 replaae-prelme-2022-queson-poper bal) LPs rots 2072 anener ky Jeri erepluone= rola onewortoy 022) tas coaching (fes-conesina) cs Sample par (ete ampe-poper) osc avetion oper (ebse-suey-menericoee Proviosryeorquesionpape!) 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