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CJE ToT – Session Plan

PNG Centre of Judicial Excellence

Remote Training of Trainers Workshop
17-21 August 2020

Session (Micro) Planning Template

Activity: PNG Centre for Judicial Excellent
‘Design and Delivery’ Remote ToT
Topic: Curricula Development: Attitudes “A”
Objectives: The purpose of this session is to:
 Define values and attitudes
 Identify different teaching methods to teach judicial attitudes
 Explain the importance of underpinning knowledge when teaching
 Demonstrate a teaching method for training on judicial ethics
 Explain how a case study can be used as a teaching method and steps
required to create & how to debrief
 Describe the importance of session planning
“K.S.A” Knowledge 40%
Skills 40%
Attitudes 20%
Outcomes: At the end of this session participants will be able to confidently:
 Explain different methods for teaching judicial attitudes
 Describe the benefits of using a case study as a method of teaching
judicial attitudes
 List the steps in creating a case study and explain how to debrief a case
120 Mins

10 Mins  Hardest topic
 Learning objectives – what participants will be able to do at end
session (on slides)
 Link to previous sessions
 Structure of session

Values and Brainstorming PowerPoint Questions

Attitudes Group Discussion
20 Mins

Sub- Topic Methodology Resources Assessment

PJSI is funded by the New Zealand Government and implemented by the Federal Court of Australia
PJSI: PNG.CJE ToT – Session Plan

Importance Brainstorming PowerPoint Participant

underpinning Discussion in responses
10 Mins knowledge pairs

Sub- Topic Methodology Resources Assessment

Demonstration Video Video recording Questions

teaching judicial Learning Activity PowerPoint
60 Mins ethics Group Discussion Learning Activity

Sub- Topic Methodology Resources Assessment

Writing a Case Lecture PowerPoint Questions

10 Mins Study

Sub- Topic Methodology Resources Assessment

Importance of Lecture PowerPoint Questions

5 Mins Planning My Session Plan

Sub- Topic Methodology Resources Assessment

Conclusion: (5 Mins)
 Summarise Content
 Check participants grasp by asking them to summarise
 Review Learning Outcomes
 Feedback

PJSI is funded by the New Zealand Government and implemented by the Federal Court of Australia

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