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Filologiya fakulteti ingliz tili va adabiyoti yo’nalishi 4-kurs talabalariga 8-semestr uchun

«Tillarni o’qitish metodikasi» fanidan yakuniy nazorat savollari

Savoln Savoln Savoln Mavzu Savol matni

ing ing ing nomeri
tartib qiyinlik qanda
raqami daraja y
(1- si mashg’
160) ulotga
1 2 2 1 What are the tasks of Teaching English
Methodology at school?
2 2 2 1 What is methodological basis of TEM?
3 2 2 1 What do you think about the fact that
Methodology started its development in
19th century? Remember history.
4 2 2 1 What structure can we use in teaching grammar to
5 2 2 1 What research methods are there in methodology?
6 2 2 1 Why questionnaire is called
supplementary methods of investigation?
7 2 2 2 What is the difference between teaching method
and research method?
8 2 2 2 What is the importance of language in
conversational skills?
9 2 2 2 How are you dealing with students’ correction of
10 2 2 2 What is the use of preparing pupils for listening
11 2 2 2 What can you do for the development of writing
12 2 2 2 What kind of teaching activities and textbooks do
you think are useful for developing speaking skill?
13 2 2 3 What do you think TEM is general, private or
special? And why?
14 2 2 3 What sciences are closely connected with TFLM?
15 2 2 3 How to explain best text-related tasks to pupils?
16 2 2 3 How does TFLM link with Psychology?
17 2 2 3 What are the most important steps in the learning
English as a foreign language?
18 3 2 3 What other sciences are connected with TFLM and
19 2 2 3 What are the components of FLT?
20 2 2 4 What are the principles of FLT?
21 2 2 4 What is the difference between technical/non
technical teaching means?
22 2 2 4 What differences can be pointed out between
approach and method?
23 2 2 4 Does technology have the same sense as
method or not?
24 2 2 4 What are basic approaches to FLT nowadays?
25 2 2 4 What criteria are used for distinguishing methods?
26 2 2 4 What is the importance of using games in
language learning?
27 2 2 5 Some people learn a language through songs, is
there a positive side to this?
28 2 2 5 What are the advantages of increasing vocabulary
through games?
29 2 2 5 What kind of methods are used for presenting new
30 2 2 5 What kind of methods do you know to improve the
quality of language education?
31 2 2 5 Which scientists created new methods of language
32 2 2 5 Are the same methods used in all stages of
33 2 2 5 What is pedagogical technology?
34 2 2 6 What pedagogical technologies are used in FLT?
35 2 2 6 What is most important to equip learners with a
certain English proficiency level for a situation
where the language is going to be used?
36 2 2 6 What kind of writing activities do you know?
37 2 2 6 What ICT are helpful for FL acquisition?
38 2 2 6 What is interactive method?
39 2 2 6 What is the procedure of brainstorming?
40 2 2 7 What other interactive methods are useful
for developing communicative
41 2 2 7 What is the Methodic preparation of new
42 2 2 7 What are the sub-skills involved in conversational
43 2 2 7 How can we teach conversational skills?
44 2 2 7 Describe development of writing strategies in high
45 2 2 7 Compare and write about main four language
46 2 2 8 What grammar tasks and exercises are
the most effective for teaching grammar?
47 2 2 8 Describe an overview of language teaching.
48 2 2 8 What is teaching grammar in context?
49 2 2 8 What are the stages of forming and developing
grammar skills?
50 2 2 8 What elements does the content of teaching
pronunciation include?
51 2 2 8 What kind of reading activities do you know?
52 2 2 9 What is the difference between dialogue and
53 2 2 9 What would pupils need to feel confident in each
54 2 2 9 What are the main characteristics of dialogue
55 2 2 9 What is the content of the speech on the
development of students in the classroom
56 2 2 9 What approaches to learning and teaching
speaking can you tell?
57 2 2 9 What is the role of teaching dialogue and
monologue in speaking?
58 2 2 10 What is the role of teachers on teaching
vocabulary to pupils?
59 2 2 10 What strategies of teaching speaking do you
60 2 2 10 What are the Authentic source materials in
teaching foreign language?
61 2 2 10 Why is it important to use authentic material for
62 2 2 10 Write about the help of digital tools in writing.
63 2 2 10 Does technology help in developing children's
writing skills? Give your opinion.
64 2 2 11 What techniques are used for forming writing sub-
65 2 2 11 What are main factors for developing materials?
66 2 2 11 What do we mean by assessment?
67 2 2 11 What is feedback as a part of assessment?
68 2 2 11 How important is planning in education?
69 2 2 11 What competencies should have the
students to participate in the dialogue of
70 2 2 11 What is Presidential Decree №1875 about?
71 2 2 12 How many levels are there in reading skill, which is
the second receptive language skill?
72 2 2 12 How can you organize collaborative work at
73 2 2 12 What methodical principles are used in FLTM?
74 2 2 12 What is the difference between language and
speech exercises?
75 2 2 12 What is the aim of the learning foreign languages?
76 1 2 12 How many activities a teacher should use in
77 1 2 13 Why are listening and reading skills called
receptive skills?
78 1 2 13 Why are writing and speaking skills called
productive skills?
79 1 2 13 What do you do with third graders that they
become better and independent readers?
80 3 2 13 What exercises are the most important for
developing communicative competence?
81 3 2 13 How are approach and method connected?
82 1 2 13 What is the connection between method and
83 2 2 13 What techniques are useful for developing
communicative competence?
84 2 2 14 How to build writing skills for your third graders?
85 1 2 14 What is educational/pedagogical technology?
86 1 2 14 What kind of texts do students have as a reading
activity at secondary school?
87 1 2 14 What are the advantages of learning in
88 1 2 14 What ICT technologies are used at all stages of
89 3 2 14 What technologies are used for developing
90 3 2 15 What problem solving technologies are used in
91 3 2 15 What is an interactive method?
92 3 2 15 What is the main principles of teaching the
English pronunciation?
93 3 2 15 What should students pay attention on during
94 3 2 15 What should students pay attention on during
95 3 2 16 What should students pay attention on during
96 3 2 16 What should students pay attention on during
97 3 2 16 What kind of problems and solutions are in
speaking skills?
98 3 2 16 What kind of problems and solutions are in reading
99 3 2 16 What kind of problems and solutions are in writing
100 3 2 16 What kind of problems and solutions are in
listening skills?
101 2 2 17 What is the aim of the present learning English at
secondary school?
102 2 2 17 What kind of techniques for increasing speaking
103 2 2 17 What kind of techniques for increasing reading
104 2 2 17 What kind of techniques for increasing writing
105 2 2 17 What kind of techniques for increasing listening
106 3 2 17 How much is it important to teach pupils through
music games in the classroom?
107 3 2 17 What is practical goal of English language teaching
108 1 2 18 How much is it important to teach pupils through
films in the classroom?
109 3 2 18 What are three-fold in English language teaching
( ELT)?
110 1 2 18 What is a feed-back?
111 1 2 18 How does teaching EFL at secondary school differ
from teaching at universities?
112 1 2 18 How is the language connected with culture?
113 2 2 18 Does culture affect to pupil 's thinking? Why?
114 2 2 18 Describe the methods and ways of teaching

115 2 2 19 What stages are most important in language

116 1 2 19 What is your main reason in studying English at
117 2 2 19 What are advantages of content-based instruction?
118 3 2 19 What are the potential problems during learning
English as a foreign language at school?
119 2 2 19 What do you think what is the aim of teaching at
120 1 2 19 What kind of warming up activities can you use at
121 1 2 20 How does listening activities promote your
122 1 2 20 What is the importance of role playing in language
teaching at school?
123 1 2 20 How does communication help learners to develop
pupil’s English language skills?
124 1 2 20 What is the difference between language and
speech exercises?
125 1 2 20 Write about some ways of improving vocabulary
basis at school?
126 1 2 20 Write about teaching reading relating to the
127 1 2 20 Write about teaching vocabulary relating to the
128 1 2 21 Write about teaching grammar relating to the
129 1 2 21 Write about teaching reading, vocabulary, and
grammar relating to the interview.
130 1 2 21 What techniques are useful for developing
communicative skills?
131 3 2 21 What are the advantages of learning in
132 3 2 21 What technologies are used for developing
teaching writing?
133 3 2 21 What technologies are used for developing critical
134 3 2 22 What technologies are used for developing
teaching reading?
135 3 2 22 What technologies are used for developing
teaching listening?
136 3 2 22 What technologies are used for developing
teaching listening?
137 3 2 22 Why we need to create word associations?
138 3 2 22 Why is it essential to learn the roots of words?
139 2 2 22 How to focus on practical terms and words?
140 2 2 22 Write about an effect of completing regular
vocabulary tests.
141 2 2 23 Write about the role of teaching a writing class to
improve your vocabulary and writing skills.
142 2 2 23 Write about the role of creating groups of words to
improve your vocabulary and writing skills.
143 3 2 23 Write about the role of clarifying word nuances to
improve your vocabulary and writing skills.
144 3 2 23 Write about the role of identifying words that share
meanings to improve your vocabulary and writing
145 3 2 23 Write about the role of diversifying what you read
to improve your vocabulary and writing skills.
146 3 2 23 Write about the role of editing what you write to
improve your vocabulary and writing skills.
147 3 2 24 Write about the role of collocations to improve your
vocabulary and writing skills
148 3 2 24 Write about the teaching materials as an important
part of the implementation of education.
149 3 2 24 How to create teaching materials as interesting as
150 2 2 24 How to organize group work activities in order to
develop speaking skills?
151 2 2 24 What kinds of oral and written texts would give
students rich and meaningful experience during
learning the target language?
152 2 2 24 How does interactions with students and
teacher help you to improve listening

153 2 2 25 Write about benefits of coloured pictures in TEFL

at schools.
154 2 2 25 Should teachers use a deductive or inductive
approach? Why?
155 2 2 25 Which language learning theories should teachers
use to engage pupils in focused noticing of the
language features?
156 2 2 25 How to organize the lesson about food at 4th
157 2 2 25 What language learning theory should teachers
make use of to help students become more
reflective language learners?
158 2 2 25 Games are a great way to encourage play for
students. What do you think about this statement?
159 2 2 25 Write about importance of creativity of teachers.
160 2 2 25 Write about the ways of improving communicative
170 3 2 26 What methods of teaching speaking you may
171 3 2 26 What approaches to learning and teaching
speaking can you tell?
172 3 2 26 What are the advantages of using
scanning in the teaching of reading in
English ?
173 3 2 26 What are the advantages of skimming in
the teaching of reading in English ?
174 3 2 27 How to organize the lesson about :” Holiday” at B1
175 3 2 27 How to organize the lesson about :”Music” A2
176 2 2 27 How to use deductive and inductive approaches
during teaching English as a foreign language?
177 2 2 27 How to use deductive and inductive approaches
during teaching English as a foreign language??
178 2 2 27 How to use deductive and inductive approaches
during teaching English as a foreign language?
179 2 2 28 How to use deductive and inductive approaches
during teaching English as a foreign language??
180 3 2 28 Write about the role of games are a great way to
encourage play for students?
181 3 2 28 What kind of group-work activities do you organize
in order to develop speaking skills?
182 3 2 24 What kind of group-work activities do you organize
in order to develop writing skills?
183 3 2 25 What kind of group-work activities do you organize
in order to develop reading skills?
184 3 2 29 What kind of group-work activities do you organize
in order to develop listening skills?
185 2 2 29 Are there any difficulties in reading tasks at
school? If yes, what are they?
186 2 2 28 Are there any difficulties in writing tasks at school?
If yes, what are they?
187 2 2 29 Are there any difficulties in speaking tasks at
school? If yes, what are they?
188 3 2 17 How do you develop the table book for 4th graders
as a future teachers?
189 3 2 17 How do you develop the table book for 5th graders
as a future teachers?
190 3 2 16 How do you develop the table book for 6th graders
as a future teachers?
191 3 2 16 How do you develop the table book for 7th graders
as a future teachers?
192 3 2 23 How do you develop the table book for 8th graders
as a future teachers?
193 3 2 23 How do you develop the table book for 9th graders
as a future teachers?
194 3 2 23 How many activities a teacher should use in
195 3 2 23 How many activities a teacher should use in
196 3 2 23 How many activities a teacher should use in
197 3 2 16 Write about the help of digital tools in reading?
198 3 2 16 Write about the help of digital tools in listening?
199 3 2 16 Why individualize the classroom?
200 3 2 24 Why is it important to develop autonomy in
201 2 2 25 Write about the tasks of Teaching English
Methodology at school.
202 3 2 26 Write about the significance of methodology in
teaching English as a foreign language.
203 3 2 26 Write about research methods are there in
204 3 2 25 Why is testing called supplementary methods of
205 3 2 26 Why is talking called supplementary methods of
206 3 2 26 Why is interview called supplementary methods of
207 2 2 26 Write about the differences between approach and
208 2 2 27 Write about a positive side of learning a language
through songs.
209 2 2 27 Write about a positive side of learning a language
through films.
210 2 2 29 Write about a positive side of learning a language
through pen friend.
211 3 2 29 Write about a positive side of learning a language
through internet programs.
212 3 2 29 Write about the importance of role playing in
language teaching.
213 3 2 30 Write about the advantages of increasing
vocabulary through games.
214 3 2 30 Write about the effectiveness of ICT in teaching
foreign languages.
215 2 2 30 Write about the effectiveness of ICT in learning
foreign languages.
216 2 2 30 What other interactive methods are useful for
developing communicative competence.
217 2 2 31 Write about an effective methods to improve the
quality of language teaching.
218 2 2 31 Write about the problems in reading activities
219 2 2 31 Write about the problems in writing activities
220 2 2 Write about the problems in listening activities
221 2 2 32 Write about the problems in speaking activities
222 3 2 32 Write about effectiveness of group work activities
in order to develop speaking skills.
223 3 2 32 Write about effectiveness of individual work
activities in order to develop speaking skills.
224 3 2 32 Write about effectiveness of pair work activities in
order to develop speaking skills.
225 3 2 32 Write about the teaching materials as an important
part of teaching English as a foreign language.
226 3 2 32 What kinds of oral texts would give students rich
and meaningful experience during learning the
target language?
227 3 2 15 What sciences are closely connected with
228 3 2 15 How does TFLM link with linguistic sciences?
229 3 2 15 How does TFLM link with Psychology?
230 3 2 15 How does TFLM link with Pedagogy?
231 2 2 14 What other sciences are connected with TFLM
and why?
234 2 2 14 «Snow ball» This method is useful for any topic

235 2 2 14 Write about Comminicative Language

236 2 2 33 What kind of methods are used for presenting
new material?
237 2 2 33 Write about Audio-Lingual Method.
238 2 2 33 What is Learner-centered learning?
239 3 2 33 What is collaborative learning?
240 3 2 33 What is content-based learning?
241 3 2 33 What is innovative teaching methods?
242 3 2 33 What is task-based learning
243 3 2 33 Why do you need problem Solving Technology?
244 3 2 33 Why is critical thinking important in learning
English as a foreign language?
245 2 2 33 Why is critical thinking important in teaching
English as a foreign language?
246 2 2 25 Why is developing critical thinking important in
learning foreign language?
247 2 2 25 Why is developing critical thinking important in
teaching foreign language?
248 2 2 25 What is blended learning?
249 2 2 25 What is drill lesson?
250 2 2 25 What are teaching skills?
251 2 2 25 What ICT tools for teachers do you know and
what are their role for teachers?
252 2 2 22 What ICT tools are important during teaching
English as a foreign language?
253 2 2 22 What ICT tools are important during learning
English as a foreign language?
254 3 2 22 What is E-communication tools?
255 3 2 22 Write about virtual learning
256 3 2 22 Why are Games Technologies popular in FLT?
257 3 2 26 What is active learning?
258 3 2 26 What is passive learning?
259 3 2 26 Write about cluster?
260 3 2 26 Write about jigsaw?
261 3 2 29 What effective ways of brainstorming can you
use during teaching?
262 3 2 29 Write about venn diagrams.
263 2 2 29 What other interactive methods are
useful for developing communicative
264 2 2 29 Write about communicative games.
265 2 2 29 Write about effectiveness of using mind map
during learning foreign languages.
266 2 2 29 Write about effectiveness of using mind map
during learning foreign languages.
267 2 2 33 What kind of Pre-activities can be used in order
to teach English as a foreign language?
268 2 2 33 What kind of While-activities can be used in
order to teach English as a foreign language?
269 2 2 33 What kind of Post-activities can be used in
order to teach English as a foreign language?
270 2 2 33 What is grammar role in teaching foreign
271 2 2 33 What kind of difficulties can you mention in
teaching listening?
272 3 2 33 What methods of training speech you can
273 3 2 33 Write about teaching speaking within a
communicative competence
274 3 2 30 Write about discourse competence.
275 3 2 30 What is the advantages of using skimming in
the teaching of reading in English?
276 3 2 30 What is the advantages of using scanning in
the teaching of reading in English?
277 3 2 30 Write about significance to use authentic
material for reading?
278 3 2 30 Write about significance to use authentic
material for listening?
279 3 2 30 Write about significance to use authentic
material for writing?
280 2 2 30 Write about the necessity of materials for
developing reading skills of the students
281 2 2 30 Write about the necessity of materials for
developing writing skills of the students
282 2 2 30 Write about the necessity of materials for
developing speaking skills of the students
283 2 2 28 Write about the necessity of materials for
developing listening skills of the students
284 3 2 28 Write about forming/developing writing
competence at school.
285 3 2 28 Write about forming/developing writing
competence at college.
286 3 2 28 Write about forming /developing writing
competence at lyceum.
287 3 2 26 Write about forming/developing reading
competence at school.
288 3 2 26 Write about forming/developing reading
competence at college.
289 3 2 26 Write about forming/developing reading
competence at college.
290 3 2 26 Write about forming/developing
listening competence at college.
291 3 2 26 Write about forming/developing
listening competence at school.
292 2 2 26 Write about forming/developing
listening competence at lyceum.
293 2 2 30 Write about forming/developing
speaking competence at school.
294 2 2 30 Write about forming/developing
speaking competence at college.
295 2 2 30 Write about forming/developing
speaking competence at lyceum.
296 2 2 30 Write about development of students'
abilities to express their thoughts in
297 3 2 30 Write about development of students'
abilities to express their thoughts in
298 3 2 31 What forms of testing do you know?
299 3 2 31 Write about the advantages and drawbacks of
Multiple-choice testing
300 3 2 31 Write about the advantages and drawbacks of
gap-filling tasks.

Kafedra mudiri: prof. R. Gargesh

Fakultet dekani prof. E.D.Eltazarov


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