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Who Can Question the State...

Author(s): Arun Chowdhury

Source: Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 10, No. 11 (Mar. 15, 1975), pp. 465-466
Published by: Economic and Political Weekly
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Accessed: 08-06-2016 09:28 UTC

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because of financial troubles. Shibu are reclaiming lands owned by Maha- is reportedly taking an 'indulgent
called him 'Master Saheb'. jans, whether or not the transfers had view' of the activities of the Santhals.
been legal, and they are not going to It is not yet clear when the more
I also attended the camp court or the law courts either. fundamental ideas unleashed or planted
'baishi'. It is really an assembly of For the moment, at any rate, the by the Santhal movement of today will
about 20 villagers. Among other things, Bihar government is keeping quiet. It spark repression by the ruling classes.
the assembly hears quarrels and dis-
putes. The Majhis, I was given to
understand, do not go to regular courts BENGAL
any longer, preferring the cheaper and
speedier justice meted out by the
'baishi'. From independent sources, I Who Can Question the State...
heard that the courts in Giridih were
practically deserted. The 'baishi' I at-
Arun Chowdhury
tended was devoted to explaining tne
necessity for grain golas, and in telling
IF one travels on any of the local he is stupid enough to squander his
the villagers to come to a meeting the
trains between the suburbs and vil- money in this fashion." Thus philoso-
next day.
lages around Calcutta and the metro- phically swallowing his bitterness, the
When I went to see Shibu he was polis itself, one in struck by the TC moved on to the next passenger.
preparing to set off the next day for numbers of middle-aged women, main- The yojung boy sat in timid silence,
a public meeting; his companions were ly widows, who regularly travel on looking slightly confulsed. A young
just as busy, organising things for a this route, accompanied by 10-15 'smuggler' sitting beside him 'explain-
mammoth meeting expecting a year-old children. All of them are ed that the TC was really quite a
crowd of 10 lakhs. emaciated and ragged. Their faces good-natured fellow and on such
are tense and anxious, as they clutch familiar terms with the regular pas-
Where does violence fit into tbeir
the small 2-3 kg bundles of rice sengers that he would occasionally ex-
scheme, I persevered. Shibu and olhers
which they carry to sell in the mar- tend them credit if they could not
tell you that they do not like violence,
kets of Calcutta. Their pre-occupa- produce the 25 paise.
but if it is used against them, they will
tion is with safeguarding these bund- Presently the train rumbled to a
and do retaliate. Bows, and arrows, and
les: each kilo represents a net gain halt at a small station. The hubbub
axes, are their traditional weapons,
of 50 paise or even one rupee. They inside ceased gradually until there
carried quite matter-of-factly. Recently,
hide the rice not very saccessfully in was almost pin-drop silence. On the
two Santhals were attacked by the
the folds of their clolthing, or they platform stood a cluster of '0 to 35
Mahajans (moneylenders), their nmotor-
entreat the more well-to-do passeng- youths clad in white and carrying
cycle was burnt and the men were left
ers to put the bundles inside their flags. In the curiousi hush, their
for dead. They were alive. The Santhal
suitcases so as to conceal them from voices could be heard clearly, shout-
drums began to beat, a huge crowd
the home guards and the police who ing. "Garibi hat raha hai, hate-ga",
gathered on the spot and the Santhals
inevitably swoop down on them. "Socialism aa raha hai, aaye-ga", "Burn
retaliated with fury.
the black hands of hoarders, black-
Shibu stresses that Santhals have I was travelling on one of these marketeers, and landlords", "WNe will
confiscated the land, animals and grain over-crowded trains. The Police and
end smuggling and black-marketing".
beloqging to the Mahajans, and the home guards were on the train, push- The procession moved tip to the
Mahajans driven out. But it was not ing and beating their wav through the
train, and the chanting ceased. The
because they were 'outsiders' or non- conmpartments and raising a chorus of white-clad yoiuths began clambering
tribals. There are the rare Marwaris anguished cries as they snatched the into the train and snatching whatever
among the Majhis: I found several rice from the desperate grasp of the
remaining bundles of rice they could
non-Majhis including a Bhumihar. 'smugglers'. Even old women and see.
There was one Marwari who, the young girls were not spared rough and
Right before my compartment
Majhis had complained, had Majhi land rude search of their clothing.
window was a widow, middle-aged,
in his possession. On investigation, the In the midst of the general noise and accompanied by two small boys - one
leadership had found this to be true agitation, a ticket collector was calmly about five Years old and the other
but had also found that the Marwari moving through the compartment, col- a little younger. The children were
tilled the land himself. Said Shibu lecting-right under the noses of the watching their mother uncomprehend-
Soren: "This business of taking land guardians of the law-not tickets but ingly as she wept aloud and implored
from one man and giving it to another a 25 paise coin each from the passeng- the youths to spare her. "Baba, I am
because of their caste differences is ers. When one young lad produced a not a black-marketeer. This is food
sheer folly. What is the other man to ticket, the TC roundly abused him, for my children. Baba, give me back
do? I told the Majhis that no one was expostulating: "Have yoiu not got my rice. I am a widc)w, and the rice
to touch the Marwari's land. What a more urgent things to spend your has been given to me by relatives to
man tills himself, he has a right to money on? Sincie when have you keep us all for two or three days.
keep. It is the Mahajans (moneylenders) wretched people become rich enough Baba, give me back my rice." Nobody
we will not tolerate." to start buying tickets?". Then he wras paying any attention to, iher. One
Under a recent legislation, Adivasi turned to the others and appealed: youth shoved her aside, and she stood
lands bought by non-Adivasis, without "Look at this ungrateful lout. I try my bowed and weeping helplessly. All at
the Collector's consent, are being res- best to help these people, out do you onice she straightened up, and with
tored! to Adivasis. The Santhals have think they have sense enough to ap- some! bitterness demanded: "Baba
taken the law one step further. They preciate it? Anmyway, let him die if do you not have mothers and sisteys


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at home? Do you not know what re-group to prepare itself for that the train swept into the station.
hunger is? Do you have no human train. Suddenly a scram arrested There was a sudden paralysed hush.
feelings? How can you snatch food them. The widow stood like a fury, It was broken by the older child
out of the mouths of young children? eyes burning tearlessly with lhatred beginning to wail. Next moment the
One of the youths sneered and said: and desperation. "You snatch the food station was full of the busy noise and
"Cut out this tamasha and get out of out of our mouths", she shrieked, commotion of people resuming to do
here." He turned away. "you snatch the rice from the whatever they were doing before the
In the distance another local train mouths of children under the eyes of interruption. So another suicide was
was aipproaching the platform on the their mother . . . here, then..." and entered in the register, and one more
other side. The youth squad began to she suddenly leapt onto the track as 'garib' was hatoed'.

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