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Material Base of Santhal Movement

Source: Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 10, No. 11 (Mar. 15, 1975), pp. 464-465
Published by: Economic and Political Weekly
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BIHAR following year borrow seed fromn the

moneylenders at usurious rates.

Material Base of Santhal Movement So the organisation had started what

he calls a grain 'gola'. The grain gola
comprises contributions on five ac-
REPORTS of a Santhal separatist This must change." Thus the movement
counts. As soon as the harvest is in,
movement in Bihar appear now and is by no means postponing its econo-
every farmer is required to deposit in
then and it is said that while the de- mic,programme till its political demand
this store-house twice the quantity of
mand for a separate jharkhand of the for Jharkhand might be granted. Thus
seed he uses. Part of this is to pay for
Santhals is an old one, what distingui- the political education of the Santhals
the labour he has taken from his
shes the present movement is the vio- is actually being sought also through
neighbours, just as they must pay for
lence that underpins it. The violence a production programme. "Our people
his. The leadership is confident that
is said to have been brought into the are illiterate and ignorant.. They cannot
this will enable the Santhal to escape
movement by the new leadership, pro- see beyond their noses. All these leaders
from the clutches of moneylenders.
minent among whom is Shibu Soren. from the cities talk to them about 'eco-
Moreover, in the areas controlled by
nomic progress', when they do not
Against the background of the seve- the Jharkhand separatists - certainly
know the concept through their own
ral small, isolated groups of activists in in Tundi - the farmers are strictly
experience. They have never learnt to
the countryside, who are trying to forbidden to sell their grain to the city
plan, not even the next crop. All this
move populations in rural pockets into merchants. This helps to ensure that
has to be changed, and we are doing
action against the established inequitous there is food in every house. The seed
it right now by undertaking several
order of things, the Santhal movement deposit is one of the five 'accounts'
stands out for two reasons. Unlike the which every household (i e, every uinit
Thus, in Tundi Tehsil, in the tribal
other groups which are led by young which cooks for itself) must maintain
belts of Giridih-Hazaribagh, the Santhal
rniddle-class men who have entered the in the grain house. Another account is
Parganas, the tribesmen have taken
fray out of certain convictions, the the contribution to the night schools.
over land which. was in the possession
Santhal movement is a movement of Every parent with children between
of moneylenders. The moneylenders
the Santhals under Santhal leadership. the ages of 4 and 15 years must contri-
(called Mahajans) may keep their land
Secondly, apart from its various politi- bute 10 kgs of paddy per year per
if they cultivate it themselves (I saw
cal and educational activities, it has child to the grain gola. Every village
one graduate ex-moneylender ploughing
something of a programme for agri- will have its teacher who is to be paid
cultural improvement. his field) and put their own hand to
the plough. The land reclaimed from
in paddy. A teacher can be a boy with
How does the movement function? moneylenders has been distributed
high school education. He need teach
What are its. aims- and what do its among the landless Santhals. I was told
the children the three R's. These are
leaders do to achieve them? Shibu that in Tundi, at least, no one is a
night schools and are called 'akil akha-
Soren is one of the leaders of the Jhar- landless labourer. This land is cultivat-
da'. ('Akil' is brain and 'Akhada' is
khand Mukti Andolan which, together ed by what Shibu calls samuhikheti.
the wrestler's ring where the trainee
with the Jharkhand Party, wants a What does this mean in practice? All wrestles.) During the day, the master
tribal state separate from Bihar, within the implements, bullocks and manpower may go about his own business. The
India. Another 'colleague of Soren, in the village is deployed' en masse, leadership is emphatic about the im-
Vinod Bihari Mahato, himself not a when the agricultural season sets in. portance of education: witlhout it
Santhal but a Mahato (a farmer corn- If a particular field needs three oxen
nothing is possible; even prohibition,
munity in south Bihar), is in jail under teams, and the owner has only one,
imposed and enforced by the leadership
MISA. Shibu himself is 32 years old. his neighbours lend a hand and when in these villages today, will have a
Hle is energetic, but scornful of theo- his field is ploughed, he takes his team lasting effect only if people are educat-
rists who he thinks rarely relate to local to help out the others, and the work ed and understand the need for it. The
conditions and problems. Shibu is not of preparing the land which mnay other- other two accounts are: political acti-
even a matriculate. He had to give up wise take a month, is completed in a vities and visitors. To support the
school because, according to him, the week. All agricultural operations are
Jharkhand Mukti Andolan each house-
Mahajans murdered his father, so that done by this method. While the owner- hold must contribute 10 kg of paddy
he then had to i work and look after ship is still individual, labour is being and Rs 3 per year. As for visitors, an
his younger brothers. He got married, pooled into a team. Last year, for the annual contribution of one rupee and
and managed to get a contract for fell- first time; paddy was grown co-opera- 1 kg of paddy per year per household
ing trees. Some five years ago, he join- tively. Paddy used to be the sole crop.
is envisaged.
ed the movement. Shibu has no regard This winter, I saw wheat in several
for political 'parties: "I - don't want to I was taken to see one grain gola,
fields, forming a long belt; in fact, where rice was stored in containers
have anything to do with politics", was wherever water was available for irri-
a repeated remark by him in the made of twisted ropes fronm paddy
gation the Santhals have planted wheat, stems. The accounts were Kept in
course of our conversation. "All we a crop which has never been grown .n
want is to live like human beings". ledgers. In another village the wan in
this area before. Indeed, a wintet crop charge of the storehouse had gone to
However, the key aspect of the pro- itself was unheard of. For the first time a meeting, and at a third Shibu had
gramme espoused by this Utopian ap- people thus had grain in their houses to remonstrate with the local workers
proach is still food. "We must eat all long after the harvest had been gather- because they had failed tc) establisb
the year round. So far, the Santhal (or ed in. Soren said that the Santhal w,as the grain gola. I also saw an Akil
Majhi) has worked for twelve months, just learning in some areas to put by Akhada. The schoolmaster was a young
andi&strvwd for twelve months, and the seed for the next season. They would boy, who had studied upto the pre-
moneylender has reaped tbe harvest, eat up their meagre crop and the matrillhation class anud then given up


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because of financial troubles. Shibu are reclaiming lands owned by Maha- is reportedly taking an 'indulgent
called him 'Master Saheb'. jans, whether or not the transfers had view' of the activities of the Santhals.
been legal, and they are not going to It is not yet clear when the more
I also attended the camp court or the law courts either. fundamental ideas unleashed or planted
'baishi'. It is really an assembly of For the moment, at any rate, the by the Santhal movement of today will
about 20 villagers. Among other things, Bihar government is keeping quiet. It spark repression by the ruling classes.
the assembly hears quarrels and dis-
putes. The Majhis, I was given to
understand, do not go to regular courts BENGAL
any longer, preferring the cheaper and
speedier justice meted out by the
'baishi'. From independent sources, I Who Can Question the State...
heard that the courts in Giridih were
practically deserted. The 'baishi' I at-
Arun Chowdhury
tended was devoted to explaining tne
necessity for grain golas, and in telling
IF one travels on any of the local he is stupid enough to squander his
the villagers to come to a meeting the
trains between the suburbs and vil- money in this fashion." Thus philoso-
next day.
lages around Calcutta and the metro- phically swallowing his bitterness, the
When I went to see Shibu he was polis itself, one in struck by the TC moved on to the next passenger.
preparing to set off the next day for numbers of middle-aged women, main- The yojung boy sat in timid silence,
a public meeting; his companions were ly widows, who regularly travel on looking slightly confulsed. A young
just as busy, organising things for a this route, accompanied by 10-15 'smuggler' sitting beside him 'explain-
mammoth meeting expecting a year-old children. All of them are ed that the TC was really quite a
crowd of 10 lakhs. emaciated and ragged. Their faces good-natured fellow and on such
are tense and anxious, as they clutch familiar terms with the regular pas-
Where does violence fit into tbeir
the small 2-3 kg bundles of rice sengers that he would occasionally ex-
scheme, I persevered. Shibu and olhers
which they carry to sell in the mar- tend them credit if they could not
tell you that they do not like violence,
kets of Calcutta. Their pre-occupa- produce the 25 paise.
but if it is used against them, they will
tion is with safeguarding these bund- Presently the train rumbled to a
and do retaliate. Bows, and arrows, and
les: each kilo represents a net gain halt at a small station. The hubbub
axes, are their traditional weapons,
of 50 paise or even one rupee. They inside ceased gradually until there
carried quite matter-of-factly. Recently,
hide the rice not very saccessfully in was almost pin-drop silence. On the
two Santhals were attacked by the
the folds of their clolthing, or they platform stood a cluster of '0 to 35
Mahajans (moneylenders), their nmotor-
entreat the more well-to-do passeng- youths clad in white and carrying
cycle was burnt and the men were left
ers to put the bundles inside their flags. In the curiousi hush, their
for dead. They were alive. The Santhal
suitcases so as to conceal them from voices could be heard clearly, shout-
drums began to beat, a huge crowd
the home guards and the police who ing. "Garibi hat raha hai, hate-ga",
gathered on the spot and the Santhals
inevitably swoop down on them. "Socialism aa raha hai, aaye-ga", "Burn
retaliated with fury.
the black hands of hoarders, black-
Shibu stresses that Santhals have I was travelling on one of these marketeers, and landlords", "WNe will
confiscated the land, animals and grain over-crowded trains. The Police and
end smuggling and black-marketing".
beloqging to the Mahajans, and the home guards were on the train, push- The procession moved tip to the
Mahajans driven out. But it was not ing and beating their wav through the
train, and the chanting ceased. The
because they were 'outsiders' or non- conmpartments and raising a chorus of white-clad yoiuths began clambering
tribals. There are the rare Marwaris anguished cries as they snatched the into the train and snatching whatever
among the Majhis: I found several rice from the desperate grasp of the
remaining bundles of rice they could
non-Majhis including a Bhumihar. 'smugglers'. Even old women and see.
There was one Marwari who, the young girls were not spared rough and
Right before my compartment
Majhis had complained, had Majhi land rude search of their clothing.
window was a widow, middle-aged,
in his possession. On investigation, the In the midst of the general noise and accompanied by two small boys - one
leadership had found this to be true agitation, a ticket collector was calmly about five Years old and the other
but had also found that the Marwari moving through the compartment, col- a little younger. The children were
tilled the land himself. Said Shibu lecting-right under the noses of the watching their mother uncomprehend-
Soren: "This business of taking land guardians of the law-not tickets but ingly as she wept aloud and implored
from one man and giving it to another a 25 paise coin each from the passeng- the youths to spare her. "Baba, I am
because of their caste differences is ers. When one young lad produced a not a black-marketeer. This is food
sheer folly. What is the other man to ticket, the TC roundly abused him, for my children. Baba, give me back
do? I told the Majhis that no one was expostulating: "Have yoiu not got my rice. I am a widc)w, and the rice
to touch the Marwari's land. What a more urgent things to spend your has been given to me by relatives to
man tills himself, he has a right to money on? Sincie when have you keep us all for two or three days.
keep. It is the Mahajans (moneylenders) wretched people become rich enough Baba, give me back my rice." Nobody
we will not tolerate." to start buying tickets?". Then he wras paying any attention to, iher. One
Under a recent legislation, Adivasi turned to the others and appealed: youth shoved her aside, and she stood
lands bought by non-Adivasis, without "Look at this ungrateful lout. I try my bowed and weeping helplessly. All at
the Collector's consent, are being res- best to help these people, out do you onice she straightened up, and with
tored! to Adivasis. The Santhals have think they have sense enough to ap- some! bitterness demanded: "Baba
taken the law one step further. They preciate it? Anmyway, let him die if do you not have mothers and sisteys


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