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Carolin Castro


English VII
FIND OUT ABOUT: Inbound tourism, outbound tourism, domestic tourism and write 3
examples of every one of them.
Inbound tourism: Is the act of someone travelling to a country other than that of where
they live for the purpose of tourism.
Inbound tourism is often seasonal, meaning that many destinations will have evident
peak, shoulder and low seasons. This is often dependent on weather conditions (for
example sun or snow) and school and public holiday.
1. For example: If someone come here for vacations.
2. If Marcos travel from UK To RD for work.
3. If Paola goes to Australia in a trip with friends that will be inbound tourism
for Australia.

Outbound tourism: When someone travels to a country, other than their own country,
for tourism, this is called outbound tourism.
When a tourist travels or visits outside his or her country for the sake of tourism, but not
for more than a year. This type of tourism is called outbound tourism.
1. My sister when to Alaska and she was there for 3 months.
2. My father travelled to China for work he was there for 10 months.
3. Sofia was on vacation in Taiwan for 3 weeks travelling around the country.

Domestic tourism: domestic tourism is the act of travelling for business or leisure
within one’s home country. According to the UNWTO, a person must be away from
their usual place of residence (but still in their home country) for at least one night to
qualify as a domestic tourist.
1. When you live in Villa Duarte, and you go to the Boca Chica a for visit one place.
2. If you go to San Cristobal to a river but you live in San Pedro and you come back
home the same day.
3. Maria went to work to the distrito nacional and she came back home at 07:00 pm.

find out about: adventure tourism, cultural tourism, ecotourism, health tourism,
heritage tourism, language tourism, rural tourism, sport tourism and write 2
examples of every one of them.
Carolin Castro

Adventure tourism: Adventure Travel Trade Association (ATTA) defines adventure

tourism “As a trip that includes at least two of the following three elements: physical
activity, natural environment, and cultural immersion.”
1. When someone go to remote areas to explore it.
2. People going to climbing or rafting.
Cultural tourism: Cultural tourism is the act of travelers visiting destinations in order to
experience and learn about a particular culture.
Cultural tourism can also be an unintentional part of the tourism experience, whereby
cultural immersion (with the local people, their language, customs, cuisine etc.) is an
inevitable part of a person’s holiday.
1. Maria was Attending events or festivals.
2. I was tasting local foods in Turkey.
Ecotourism: According to the International Ecotourism Society (TIES), ecotourism
can be defined as “responsible travel to natural areas that conserve the environment,
sustains the well-being of the local people, and involves interpretation and education”.
Such traveling can be created thanks to an international network of individuals,
institutions, and the tourism industry where tourists and tourism professionals are
educated on ecological issues.
1. When people like to observe ecosystems.
2. If I like to Be Diving, this is part of ecotourism.
Health tourism: Traveling of people from the countries where they reside to different
countries, where they can receive qualified and more economic services, in order to be
treated is called Health Tourism. The individual who travels for treatment purposes may
also be called a health tourist in this trip. Millions of people from all over the world travel
to other countries every year, in order to recover their health, and this trend forms the
health tourism sector.
1. My if a friend travel to another country for to get one operation.
2. If someone travel to get a new dentist process.

Heritage tourism: Heritage tourism is traveling to understand the cultures and places
of the past—including those of your ancestors.

Heritage tourism is more than exploring a place—it's exploring the culture! And what
better way to do that than to trying the cuisine? Research what food was available to
your ancestors at the time they lived there.

1. If I go to Cappadocia, it is an ancient city of turkey.

2. When someone want to learn about ancient things and travel out of their country.
Carolin Castro

Language tourism: Language tourism, or language travel is one branch of cultural

tourism. As opposed to trips focused on visiting monuments, museums and other places
of general tourist interest, language trips have as their main motivation to learn or
perfect a different language, and at the same time experience local culture first hand.
1. Mauricio went to Italy; he was exploring and was studying the language.
2. My friends are in USA learning English and travelling around the country.

Rural tourism: Rural tourism may be defined as the movement of people from their
normal place of residence to rural areas for a minimum period of twenty-four hours to
the maximum of six months for the sole purpose of leisure and pleasure. Rural tourism
refers to all tourism activities in a rural area.
1. Last week I went to Charco Bonito in Bonao, I was there for 15 hours.
2. Tourists from Colombia are visiting Las cuevas de los tres ojos.

Sport tourism: sports tourism is traveling in order to observe or participate in a

sporting event. Generally, the sporting event has to be the primary reason for travel in
order to be considered sports tourism.
1. My brother travelled to Brazil for watch football.
2. When one team travel for play in other country.
Carolin Castro
Carolin Castro

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