Tugas 3 English

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Mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris

Nama : Sulistiawati
Kelas :

1 Isilah dengan kata-kata yang tepat.

Contoh: :These shoes are (too big). I need smaller ones.
These shoes are too small. I need (bigger ones).
a. This belt is too short. I need a __________________________.
b. This jacket is ____________________________. I need a cheaper one.
c. The socks are too tight. I need ___________________________.
d. The color is _______________________. I need a darker one.
e. The bag is too bad. I need a ___________________________.

2 Buatlah kalimat dalam Continuous dan Present tenses.

Contoh: Ani – blue shirt – Mondays.
She is Ani. She is wearing a blue shirt. She wears a blue shirt on Mondays.
a. Ahmad – a sarong – go to the mosque.
b. Ahmad and Rudi – T-shirts – at home.
c. Mitro – black shoes – Fridays.
d. My sister and I – glasses – at school.
e. Rini – a motor-cycle – alrmost every day.

3 Buat karangan tentang idooamu seperti contoh berikut.

Hi, I am Mike Tyson.
I love boxing.
Boxing is not only my hobby, it is also my living.
I earn my living from boxing.
I am a professional boxer.
I practice every day to become a good boxer.

a. Pilih idola kalian masing-masing, bebas!


Jawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut berikut ini.
a. How many types of transportation do you know?
b. What local transportations do you like?
c. What transportation can we go with if we leave from Jakarta to Surabaya?
5 Write a story in three (3) sentences each about your…
a. Past activity
b. present activity
c. future activity

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