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Unit 13– Communication

1. Overview of U13?
Unit 13 is about communication, in this unit we have learned about many effective way
of communication for companies to guarantee that essesntial information reaches all
employees. Thank for development in technology and communication allow people
access through email, voicemail and mobile phone for 24/7, this average of massages
and information can sometime overwhel people and cause many problems.
Part 2
2. Do you think form of communication such as email has any disadvantages or not?
I think email has some disadvantages like:
information overload: inboxs can get flooded with emails, making its difficult to process
all messages.
security risks: Emails are not always the most secure form of communication because it
can be possibly hacked.
Lack of urgency: for urgent matter, email might not be the best choice when inboxs get
flooded with a lots of messages. It takes time to process the information.
Part 3
• What is INFOGLUT?
The average of informations overwhelm people, making its difficult to process.
• Why is INFOGLUT a problem?
In the age of digital and technology, people can revice and send messages 24/7, it
can sometime overwhelm people and cause many problems for mental health.
• What are the main causes of Infoglut?
Emails are the primar culprit of infoglut, in the digital age, information is
constantly being created and shared. Inbox can be flooded with a lots of
informations and making its hard to act.
• Can you suggest some solutions to the problem of INFOGLUT?
Be picky with sources of information: Not all informations are safety, access to
trusted sources is necessary.
Focus on urgency information
take a break when have to process lots of information
• How have developments in IT changed the way people communicate?
The developments in IT allow people access information all the time through
emails, voicemails and mobile phone.
• What tips on writing effective emails do you know?
There are many effective way of writing emais:
Know the audience: tailor the language and the content to the people you are
writing for
Make the emails be clear and concise
• What are the advantages and disadvantages of text messaging as a form of
fast and convenience: texts are easy to send and receive.
Misunderstanding: texts lack tone of voice and expression, it can sometime lead to
missunderstanding the message.

• What are the advantages and disadvantages of telephone as a form of

• What are the advantages and disadvantages of text messaging as a form of
• What are the advantages and disadvantages of post as a form of communication?

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