Questionnaire 3

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Introduction to Linguistics

1. The aspect of communicative b. Language is creative

competence that deals with the c. Language emphasizes the
appropriate use of communication meaning and functions rather that
and coping strategies is known as the structures
____________ competence. d. Language is a vehicle for
a. Discourse establishing interpersonal
b. Sociolinguistic relationship
c. Grammatical 7. Which theory on language
d. Strategic teaching has given birth to the
2. The teacher considers feelings of methods that are learner-
anxiety, fear, and shame that may centered, allowing learners to
hinder second language work in pairs or groups in
acquisition. Which method can information gap tasks and
help the teacher address the problem- solving activities where
concern? such communication strategies
a. CL/CLL as information sharing,
b. Task-based language teaching negotiation of meaning, and
c. Communicative language interaction are used.
teaching a. Structuralism
d. CBI b. Behaviorism
3. Teacher Ana Rose believes that if c. Cognitivism
the students in school would d. Functionalism
force their habit of speaking in 8. It is a branch of linguistics that
English in the manner they speak deals with how words combine to
Kapampangan, including accent form phrases, phrases combine to
and vocabulary, it might lead to form clauses, and clauses conjoin
fossilization of errors and to make sentences.
eventually lead to linguistic a. Morphology
phenomenon known as ______. b. Syntax
a. Codemixing c. Semantics
b. Codeswitching d. Pragmatics
c. Depidginization 9. What is illustrated in following
d. Pidginization example? In English, the
4. In which class is codeswitching statement “Jericho is a linguist”
allowed? ends with a fall in pitch, while as a
a. Audio-lingual class question, “Jericho is a linguist?”
b. Communicative classroom the pitch goes up.
c. Grammar-translation class a. Stress
d. TBLT b. Juncture
5. They view the language as a c. Intonation
system of related elements or d. Suprasegmentals
“building blocks” for the 10. What is shown in the systematic
encoding of meaning, the variation of /t/ such as /t/ in top is
elements being phonemes aspirated, /t/ is stop is released,
(sounds), morphemes (words), tag and /t/t in pot is unreleased?
memes (phrases/ sentences/ a. Phoneme
clauses). b. Consonant
a. Transformationalists c. Variation
b. Structuralists d. Allophone
c. Interactionalists 11. Which of the following is an
d. Functionalists example derivational morpheme?
6. Which of the following of a view of a. Helpful
a. Language is primary vocal c. Eaten
d. Longest is, his version of a given
12. What morphophonemic process is language, which deviates in
involved in which units that occur certain ways from the language of
in some contexts are “lost” in a mature speaker.
others such as “l i b r a r y” a. Dialect
instead of “l i b r a r y”? b. Native language
a. Assimilation c. Holophrastic speech
b. Dissimilation d. Interlanguage
c. Epenthesis 19. Overgeneralization errors such as
d. Metathesis “goed” and “keeped” are common
13. The words “gym, mike, and TV” in children’s speech. Such errors
are formed through _______. suggest that children ______.
a. Clipping a. Are repeating what was said to
b. Back formation them, and should take note of
c. Root creation them.
d. Compounding b. Do not know the past tense forms
14. Which syntactic structure is of those verbs, and experience
shown in the following examples? difficulty.
Responsible officers, trusted c. Induce the rules for the past tense
friend. from the language to which they
a. Prediction are exposed.
b. Complementation d. Repeat the teacher’s mistakes,
c. Modification and those errors are very hard to
d. Coordination undo.
15. What is made use in this example 20. This type of language is used to
“I told Paul to close the door and describe the kind of language a
he did so”? learner uses at a given time, that
a. Homonymy is, his version of a given
b. Anaphora language, which deviates in
c. Deixis certain ways from the language of
d. Hyponymy a mature speaker.
16. What conversation maxim seems a. Dialect
to have been violated in the b. Native language
following example? c. Holophrastic speech
d. Interlanguage
Person 1: How was the LET?
21. According to cognitivist, errors in
Person 2: Well, the proctor is my second language learning is
former college professor. considered ____.
a. Basis for testing
a. Maxim of quantity b. Part of learning process
b. Maxim of quality c. As prods of unsystematic way of
c. Maxim of relation learning
d. Maxim of manner d. Not part of natural progression in
17. This view emphasizes that native acquisition of English
language comprises habits that a 22. What aptly describes “universal
second language learner must grammar”?
overcome. This is accomplished a. Language used for
by forging new habits through communication by people who
repetition of pattern drills with speak different first languages
accompanying positive b. Rules applicable to all human
reinforcement. languages
a. Behaviorist learning theory c. Language with the same
b. Cognitive learning theory vocabulary, grammar, and
c. Functional learning theory pronunciation
d. Holistic learning theory d. Rules of grammar the distinguish
18. This type of language is used to one language from the others
describe the kind of language a 23. If the second language learner
learner uses at a given time, that “assimilates”, then he ____.
a. Maintains its own life style and “Recession will worsen in Europe in the
values and rejects those of the next five years.”
target language group.
a. Representative
b. Adapts to the life style and values
b. Commissive
of the target language group but
c. Directive
maintains its own life style and
d. Expressive
values for the intragroup use.
29. What do you call the place of
c. Gives up his own life style and
articulation if there is contact
values and adopts those of the
between the tongue and the hard
target language group.
palate or Alveolar ridge?
d. Maximizes the use of his first
a. Palatal
language and the target language.
b. Alveolar
24. At the border of two countries
c. Labio-dental
there is a port where fishermen
d. Glottal
work. The fishermen do not speak
30. It refers to a characteristic in
the same language, so they
which a sentence or phrase has
communicate using one that has
more than one possible
been invented but only for the
interpretation due to its
purpose of trade. This scenario
grammatical structure.
most accurately describes which
a. Hyponymy
of the following types of
b. Syntactic ambiguity
c. Lexical ambiguity
a. A dialect
d. Synonymy
b. A creole
31. It refers to a characteristic of an
c. A pidgin
expression that has one meaning
d. A regionalism
but can fere to different entities
25. The following are the areas of
within the same context of
knowledge and skills of
communicative competence
a. Entailment
EXCEPT _______.
b. Coreference
a. Grammatical competence
c. Presupposition
b. Sociolinguistic competence
d. Deixis
c. Discourse competence
32. Which subfield of linguistics is
d. Structural competence
concerned with the abstract,
26. What strategy is used by the
mental representation of sounds
second language learner in the
in a language and the ways in
following situation. “The student
which they are organized into
forgot the English term “train
meaningful units?
station”. He used the phrase “the
a. Phonetics
place for trains” instead.
b. Phonology
a. Inference
c. Semantics
b. Paraphrase
d. Speech
c. Generalization
33. Which phonetics requires the
d. Adaptation
tools of physics to study the
27. This type of speech act focuses
nature of sound waves produced
on the literal meaning of an
in human language?
utterance, which includes its
a. Auditory
grammatical structure,
b. Articulatory
vocabulary, and propositional
c. Acoustics
d. Aesthetics
a. Deixis
34. What is the smallest unit of sound
b. Perlocutionary
of any language that causes a
c. Locutionary
difference in meaning called?
d. Illocutionary
a. Morpheme
28. What category of illocutionary act
b. Phoneme
is demonstrated in the following
c. Allomorph
d. Allophone
35. What is the place of articulation 43. Which of the following is a
for the first sound of the following fragment?
words: kaleidoscope, keepsake, a. Her favorite delicacy is ricecakes
and kernel? b. On the way to the shore
a. Velar c. She was a tall woman and she
b. Glottal carried a purse
c. Alveolar d. I ate dinner
d. Flap 44. How many morphemes does the
36. Which of the following words word “apocalypse” have?
demonstrate an initial voiceless a. 1
stop? b. 2
a. Thud c. 3
b. Peck d. 4
c. Talk 45. Which branch of linguistics is
d. Game focused on vocabulary?
37. What kind of morpheme involved a. Semantics
in the affixation process is b. Syntax
common in the words unhappy, c. Morphology
slowly, and writer? d. Pragmatics
a. Derivational 46. Choose the synonym of the word
b. Inflectional ‘anachronistic’.
c. Null a. Current
d. Zero b. Contemporary
38. Which set of words exemplify c. Archaic
inflectional morpheme? d. Futuristic
a. Quickly, readable, writer 47. In which sentence is the word
b. Precaution, bountiful, WELL used correctly?
professional a. The flight was not well.
c. Debunked, driver, flammable b. The boys are a well team.
d. Faster, books, jumping c. Julie and Ellen work well together.
39. How many morphemes does the d. The time they had in Palawan was
word ‘apocalypse’ have? well.
a. 1 48. The first person asks “Hi! How are
b. 2 you?” The second person
c. 3 answers “Ah! Lovely weather
d. 4 today!” Which conversational
40. Which branch of linguistics is maxim is violated in the given
concerned with the ways words example?
go together to form sentences a. Maxim of manner
and how the words are related to b. Maxim of quality
one another? c. Maxim of quantity
a. Semantics d. Maxim of relevance
b. Syntax 49. Implicatures is to utterances as
c. Pragmatics semiotics is to…
d. Stylistics a. Speech
41. This seatwork is difficult for Paul b. Signs
and _____. c. Icons
a. Himself d. Sounds
b. Myself 50. “I believe that it will rain
c. I tomorrow.” The statement is a/ an
d. Me ______.
42. If you forgot ______textbook, you a. Assertive illocutionary
can use _____. b. Direct illocutionary
a. Mine, yours c. Explicit locutionary
b. My, his d. Implied locutionary
c. Hers, mine
d. Your, mine

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