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-Increased costs and management time

-Capital required

-Inability to significantly increase sales, ie. Because of location, accessibility

-Opportunity costs

- Are you dealing with the right market?

-Seasonality issues

-Biosecurity risks

-Increased costs and management time of the host community and restaurants

-language barrier if traveling to foreign country

- tourists may be dissatisfied with food

- people would rather be doing and spending money on other things than just food while a particular

1. Increased cost and management time

- When you go culinary tourism, you acually don’t know
how much the food cost, is it cheap or expensive? So
you have to spend more money on it just in case and
have more time for it than visiting places
2. language barrier if traveling to foreign country
3. Dissatisfied with food
- When you are very excited to go on this trip but the food
you enjoy is not as expected, this will make you feel
disappointed, depressed and dissatisfied.
4. Tourists are prone to food illnesses because of foods
they are not used to
For example, if you are a person who likes to eat light
foods but the food you are traveling to is salty and not
suitable for you, it will make you feel uncomfortable.
especially your stomach

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