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Unit 1 Test B
Name ............................................ Class ...............................................

2 Put the words given in the correct places in the

Grammar sentences.
1 Complete the dialogues with the correct present 1 Kate is phoning me when I’m trying to work.
form of these verbs. (always)

have study get go stay prefer

2 I spend a couple of hours online in the
evenings. (usually)
1 A: Why __________ my marks __________
B: Because you spend too much time on the 3 I change my avatar’s appearance. (once a
computer! You’re not a serious student! month)
2 A: What time __________ you __________ to
football practice on Thursdays?
4 My mum is on the computer when I get home
B: It’s usually about 4.30. from school. (often)
3 A: Where __________ your brother
__________ at the moment?
B: At Cardiff University. 5 We don’t email each other during the week.
4 A: Martin __________ a shower, so he can’t (usually)
come to the phone.
B: Well, please tell him I called. 6 My sister is nervous before exams. (never)
5 A: __________ you __________ Chinese or
Indian food?
B: I like them both!
6 A: Where __________ you __________ for
your holiday this year?
3 Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences.
B: Spain. We want some sunshine.
One sentence does not have a mistake.
/6 1 It rains, so we shouldn’t go for a walk just now.

2 Are you agreeing that we should wait for him?

3 Trisha doesn’t go to her class this evening.

4 Do you like learning languages online?

5 I’m always haveing problems with my phone.

6 Jules never is at home when I call round!

7 She always doesn’t wait for me after school.


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Name ............................................ Class ...............................................

6 Choose the correct alternative to complete the

Vocabulary sentences.
4 Complete the sentences with these words. 1 You’ll have to work very ___ to pass the next
bossy patient unfriendly reliable A serious
cheerful serious
B hard
1 It’s difficult to be __________ when everything C well
is going wrong! 2 Michael is always ___, even when it’s raining
2 If you’re __________ about going to and he’s got too much work to do!
university, you should work harder. A glad
3 Lucia isn’t very __________. She never does B cheerful
everything you ask her to do.
C handsome
4 Why is Gerard so __________? He never
3 We live next door to two ___ ladies who used
smiles or talks to me.
to be teachers.
5 I’m afraid you’ll have to be __________ and
A elderly
wait a little longer for our decision.
B difficult
6 Don’t be so __________! If I want to go
snowboarding, I will. C curly
4 I’ll soon be ___ if I keep eating pizzas and
/6 chocolate!
A slim
5 Find and correct the mistakes with the words in B outgoing
italics in the sentences. C overweight
1 When Kate was younger, she was really short, 5 It’s important to be ___ when you work with
but now she’s quite thin. members of the public.
A bossy
2 My dad’s short. He has no hair at all! B friendly
C clever
6 My cousin’s husband is ___ and very clever.
3 You shouldn’t be on a diet. You’re much too A handsome
B pretty
C beautiful
4 Fran used to have tall, fair hair.
5 I don’t think I’m very attractive, but I’m not
ugly, either. I’m quite medium.

6 Carina’s going out with a very well-looking

boy from the next class.


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Name ............................................ Class ...............................................

Reading Actors have a difficult job and I admire them a

lot. Personally, I think it’s quite enough to have
just one identity!
7 Read the article about identity. Decide if the
statements are true (T), false (F) or not
mentioned (NM).
1 Actors usually play the same type of T/F/NM
A New Identity Every Week!
Imagine having a job where you have to take
on a new identity every week or month! That’s 2 Actors change into their new T/F/NM
what actors do. For every play or film, they have identities just before starting to act.
to become a different person, often with a different
personality and different appearance. One week 3 Some characters are more difficult to T/F/NM
they’re kind, generous and blonde, and the next play than others.
week, they’re tall, thin and arrogant! So, how do 4 Some actors are not really as strong as T/F/NM
they do it? And do it so well? they look on film.
Actors think about acting their new characters
in different ways. Some, like the famous Robert 5 We recognise the best actors as soon T/F/NM
De Niro, want to ‘live’ the role. They learn as we see them on film.
everything they can about the new person they are
6 Some actors have emotional problems T/F/NM
going to become. Then they do everything their
because their work is so difficult.
character would do. They dress the same, they eat
the same things, they talk in the same way and
even try to walk like them. The idea is to start /6
‘thinking’ like the new character. And they don’t
behave like this only in the studio or on stage, but
they take the character home as well! That must be
Listening (Tests CD, Track 1)
difficult for the rest of the family! Who’s going to
be at breakfast with us today – Al Capone, the 8 You are going to hear five people talking about
President of the USA, Jack the Ripper?? their friends. Listen and match the speakers A–
Other actors create their characters in different E with what they say in 1–5.
ways. Some say that changing their appearance 1 My best friend and I go out together at least
helps them to become the new person. Costume once a week.
and make-up are very important, but some actors
Speaker ___
do even more to change their appearance. Some
actors eat a lot to become fatter for some parts – 2 My friends and I have similar interests.
like Renee Zellweger in the Bridget Jones films Speaker ___
and then diet to get thin again for the next film! 3 I got to know my best friend because of a
Some grow their hair long or even go bald! Some relative.
really good actors can make us believe that they’re Speaker ___
taller or stronger than they really are just by the
way they act. Others need a bit of help – like Tom 4 My best friend is very attractive.
Cruise in his high shoes, or Robert Redford, who Speaker ___
sometimes had to stand on a box because he’s 5 My best friend is a lot older than I am.
quite short! Speaker ___
The best actors are the ones who don’t take
their own personality with them into the role. They /5
take on the new identity completely and we don’t
think of the actor, but of the character. Heath
Ledger, who died in 2008, was like this. He could
change so completely that we don’t immediately
think ‘oh that’s Heath Ledger’! He could be
handsome, ugly, blonde or dark. He could be
clever, stupid, funny or serious. He was a master at
changing identity.

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Name ............................................ Class ...............................................

Use of English Writing

9 Read the email from Tina about people she met 10 Imagine you are on a language course in
on holiday. Choose the correct alternative to England. Write an email to a friend and tell him
complete each gap. or her about some of the people you have met.

Write 100–120 words.

Hi Jim,
I’m on holiday in Spain with Mum and Dad (and
my laptop!) and I’m having an amazing time!
There are some really nice people here, and I’m
(1) ___ you a photo I took yesterday. That’s me in
the middle (of course!). My hair’s quite blonde,
isn’t it? That’s the sun. The tall boy with the beach
ball is Brandon. He’s really crazy about beach
volleyball, and we play it all the time! Next to him
is Mia. She’s rather shy and serious, but she’s very
(2) ___. The young girl in front of me is Mia’s
sister, Kerry. She (3) ___ a bit shy too in the
picture, but she isn’t really. She’s very talkative,
not like her sister! I think she looks a lot like Mia,
doesn’t she? Then on my other side, the short boy
with curly, dark hair is Frank. He lives here. Lucky
thing! His dad (4) ___ the hotel. He’s very funny
and tells lots of jokes. He’s also got a sister called
Emily, who’s the manager of the hotel. She
(5) ___ very attractive and also very intelligent.
She isn’t in this picture, but she often (6) ___ out
with us.
So, these are my lovely holiday friends! Write
soon and tell me what you’re doing. I’ll see you
when I get back next week!
All the (7) ___,
Tina x

1 A send B sending C sends

2 A arrogant B plain C kind
3 A looks B is looking C does look
4 A owning B owner C owns
5 A isn’t B is C is being /60
6 A come B is coming C comes
7 A good B wishes C best


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