C-COJ001 - COM12 - EA Print Industry - Morales

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MORALES, Jann Brent A.

C-COJ001 – COM12

MODULE 3 EA: Print Industry

The evident liberal and ever-progressing societies indeed provide an imperative context for
understanding the paramount of print media in the aspect of our primitive years: the recording of our
history that supplemented the status of modern civilization. Which, the print media serves as an
enduring witness of our history and the inception of various communication means across people. The
powerful outlet yielded adequate contributions not only to nation-building but also mapping out the
individual identity of commune people and how it proves that we, in fact, are relational beings that feed
on any information that is presented, especially in the form of printed or written materials. This is
evident in the first human civilization wherein ancient people would write data on a clay tablet (called
cuneiform writing) and on papyrus to record their happenings. Moreover, this ancient writing and
consumption of information nurture the idea of history and how people progress from writing in
claystone to printing information on thousands of sheets of paper to be distributed among people. The
evolution of print media definitely ignited not just the consumption and preservation of everyday
information but also the nationalistic fervor of the citizens—in the sense that they get to have the
opportunity to indulge various professions and disciplines (through written materials) and make their
community consist of competent and information-driven citizens.

Print media does not only end as the soul of our history but moreover is extensive towards how
people correlate themselves with their fellow through the published texts pertaining to various interests
and disciplines that can cater to the mass’ demand and curiosity. In a way, this greatly exemplifies the
transition and the exchange of data. Everything is shared and preserved through print media because
people get to have a tangible copy of what is there to know and the acquisition of the testaments of
the past–which are deemed essential in building an even more progressive society. More than that, it
ignites social reformation and revolution in a way that people get to be informed about the anomalies
and illnesses of past and current societies. Therefore, this medium has always been utilized in
proliferating not just simple pieces of information but moreover a message that can provoke people to
take action and demonstrate their freedom in extinguishing injustice and various kinds of repressions.
Evidently, it already became an institution that will always be in service to cater to anyone from
different upbringings and social classes. Though it may not be the most prominent form of media in the
current age, one cannot deny its imperative contributions to the development of communication within
a society and how it paved the way for the innovation of various forms of media.

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