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MORALES, Jann Brent A.

C-COJO001 – COM12

Importance of Communication

Traversing in our life journey comes with the intrigue of unveiling all the wonders
of our environment. By relinquishing our curiosity in every lived experience, we
gradually comprehend how surreal yet fulfilling this lifetime is – yet the most common
experience to exist in everyone is understanding one’s puzzling life and purpose.
Communication is, in fact, the bridge between us and the wonders around us; moreover,
it is safe to say that communication is central and intertwined with all human life. It is the
most common human activity because we communicate ourselves in every possible
second of our lives, whether through non-verbal or verbal communication. Most
straightforwardly, communication is best exemplified through the following: (1) when
people exchange personal knowledge regarding what they are talking about and how
they perceive what each said, (2) a college professor continuously lectures his students
regardless if the student understands or do not understand the lessons, (3) simple
gossiping among friends regarding the exciting events that happened to them. These
are simple examples of how communication is central to human beings and proof that it
is a normal part of everyday living. Hence, communication is endemic to human nature
because it is a natural process that simultaneously constructs both individual and
collective affairs among people. In a more profound sense, for an individual to know
how to live life, to shape further the social institutions that he is parking with, cultivate
norms and cultural traditions, and perform social actions that will lead his community
toward social transformation – he must start communicating himself with the people
around him. All these are why communication is mesmerizing, and it all boils down to
the fact that it can bring out wonders in anything and anyone.

Moreover, we can conclude that we are relational beings through communication.

By being able to transmit information with intent, it is inevitable for an individual to build
a rapport with another – because the process of communicating is interactive and
relational. Likewise, communication is our language of connectedness – being
conjugated, interrelated, and influenced by each other's ideas. Metaphorically speaking,
communication is the common thread that strengthens the intimacy between a group of
people and oneself. Furthermore, that intimacy will lead to transmitting values and
principles, which is undoubtedly the essence of communication. Again, communication
openly allows the inclination to be fascinated with other beings that primarily provide us
the opportunity to act upon the presented information and subsequently apply it to our
personal lives.

On that note, communication is pivotal and a sensitive process imperative for us

to study in-depth. It is not always guaranteed that simply because a person can
communicate himself thoroughly, the receiver of the information will have the same
understanding as the sender. One can deem that communication may be a
double-edged sword because it can either make or break a connection between people.
Indeed, no one wants the latter part to occur; therefore, understanding the premise of
communication is as essential as expressing oneself. We communicate to understand
and not to raise further conflict and frustrations; moreover, interlocutors must be
effective communicators to relay information efficiently and precisely to avoid
misunderstandings. Hence, studying communication is a prerequisite for an individual to
effectively communicate, even if there are communication barriers in a conversation and
under macro and microlenses. It has to be cultivated in every individual to aid the fluid
flow of information in our society, as it subsequently can help the current civilization
towards improvement and progression. Suppose everyone is not only information-driven
but also an effective communicator; in that case, it will be easier for us to address
societal issues and empathize with each other’s dispositions and welfare. With that, it
opens boundless opportunities, but before anything else, we have to acknowledge that
communication initially starts within oneself as it develops self-concept and
consciousness, which is imperative to confidently and precisely communicate with
others. Moreover, it initially raises self-awareness in various ways, and all the
succeeding effects will follow through.
Communication is a reflection of how you learn. If a person is essentially
self-aware, it is easier to communicate with people at any given time because he is
assertive with what he wants to implore. Hence, in personal relationships, suppose a
person takes the time to understand his individual needs or plan; he can precisely
address them to their partners to avoid conflicts. It is understanding a matter beyond the
surface level and seeking a resolution most efficiently and effectively. It all starts with
how one perceives (or communicates) himself – the learning that can aid any
relationship he has with others.

Communication represents development – Development that is not only limited to

one’s self-growth but moreover caters to the collective growth of commune people. It is
imperative to build the foundation of today’s advancements and immersive way of living
that would fit their societal ideals, culture, and traditions–hence, the cultivation of our
identity. With communication, we can represent and verbalize not just ideas but
moreover the rights of our fellow people. It concretizes and allows us to freely
distinguish what we deserve to experience and condemn unfair treatment and
suppositions. Therefore, it provides development in a much more prominent aspect, in
this sense, within a nation.

Evidently, there is so much to learn about the nature of human beings and how
we connect. At hand, the only particular aspect we can divulge is that communication is
one of the concrete ways for us to understand ourselves and make it a reason for us to
empathize and correlate with other people. It uncovers all the wonders within and
around us, just the fascinating thing in life. Through the macro lens of communication,
we can grasp the world around us; from the ranging societal issues to fulfilling
flourishment, communication is the one that traverses through it all. Through the
microlens of communication, all the personal distress can be released once
communication is done with either oneself or other people. Indeed, there are so many
aspects to discuss. Still, the aforementioned is deemed the primary factor that adheres
to how constant and inevitable communication is in our lives.
In this essay, I resonated with the quote with great power comes a great
responsibility. The hypothesis is true enough, but behind the acquisition of great
strength is the capability to communicate and practice empathetic conversation among
people effectively. Furthermore, this reason justifies and fulfills how excellent
responsibility communication is – and in a nutshell, a person can bring significant
progress toward his surroundings by simply communicating.

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