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Requirements Gathering Tem

1 Project Prepared By
2 Date Approved By



Template for the below feature is Includeed

Entity Master As Business Entity
Service Provider
ing Template


1 Project Prepared By
2 Date Approved By

Other UI
Present UI Mandatory Editable Default
S.No Feature Block Field Label Control
Control Yes/ No Yes/No Value
Required ?

Organization - Dropdown
1 as
Business Master
Search Buttons

Agent ID Text field

Type Dropdown
Category Dropdown
Organization - Company
2 Text field
Details Name
Active Dropdown
VAT Dropdown
Commission Buttons

Title Dropdown
intial Text field
Name Text field
Contact Person Surname Text field
Details Gender Dropdown
Text field
Email Text field

ID Type Dropdown
ID Number Text field
Issued Date Date picker
4 Identity Details Expiry Date picker
Delete Buttons
4 Identity Details


Identity Type
Text field

Identity Name Text field

Identity Details- Type Dropdown
Mandatory Dropdown
Save Buttons
Edit Buttons
Delete Buttons

Postal Address Text field

Text field
Country Text field
City Dropdown
5 Contact Info Province Dropdown
Postal Text field
Mobile 1 Text field
Mobile2 Text field
LandLine Text field
Email 1 Text field
Email 2 Text field

Text field
Partner No
Issue Date Date picker
Expiry Date Date picker

Received Date Date picker

Business Partner Created Date Date picker

withoutHoldin Checkboxes
g Tax
Text field
History Buttons
Delete Buttons
A7 Subscription Exclude Checkboxes
Check No of Days Text field

Currency Dropdown
Bank Name Text field
Branch Code Text field
Branch Dropdown

Account Name Text field

8 Bank Details
Account No Text field
Active Dropdown
Swift Code Text field
Text field
Swift Code

Bank Address Text field

Delete Buttons
Prepared By
Approved By

Document Preview of the Document Dynamic

Name Of the
Upload option Document Download Option Addition Comments
Yes/No Required? Yes/No Yes/No Required?
1 Project
2 Date

Present UI Other UI Control

S.No Feature Block Field Label
Control Required ?

1 organization as Dropdown
organization -Business Master
Search Button

2 Organization ID Text field

Type Dropdown
Category Dropdown
Company Name Text field
organization -Details
Customer Type Dropdown
Active Dropdown
DOJ Date picker
DOR Date picker

3 Title Dropdown
intial Text field
Name Text field
Contact Person Details Surname Text field
Gender Dropdown
Contact Number Text field
Email Text field

4 ID Type Dropdown
ID Number Text field
Issued Date Date picker
Identity Details
Expiry Date picker
Delete Button
Comments Comment box
4.1 Identity Type ID Text field
Identity Name Text field
Type Dropdown
Identity Details-Create Mandatory Dropdown
Save Button
Edit Button
Delete Button

5 Postal Address Text field

Physical Address Text field
Country Text field
City Dropdown
Province Dropdown
Contact Info Postal Text field
Mobile 1 Text field
Mobile2 Text field
LandLine Text field
Email 1 Text field
Email 2 Text field

6 Business Partner No Text field

Issue Date Date picker
Expiry Date Date picker
Received Date Date picker
Created Date Date picker
Business Partner Details
withoutHolding Tax
withholding Tax Text field
History Button
Delete Button

7 Exclude Checkboxes
A7 Subscription Check
No of Days Text field

8 Currency Dropdown
Payment method Dropdown
Bank Name Text field
Branch Code Text field
Branch Dropdown
Account Name Text field
Bank Details Account No Text field
Bank Details
Active Dropdown
Swift Code Text field
Intermediary Swift
Text field
Bank Address Text field
Delete Button
Prepared By
Approved By

Document Preview of the

Mandatory Editable Name Of the
Default Value Upload option Document Required?
Yes/ No Yes/No Document
Yes/No Yes/No
Document Download Dynamic Addition
Option Yes/No Required?
1 Project
2 Date

Present UI Other UI Control Mandatory

S.No Feature Block Field Label
Control Required ? Yes/ No

organization as Dropdown
1 organization -Business Master
Search Button

Provider ID Text field

Type Dropdown
Category Dropdown
2 organization -Details
Reqd.Ref.Dr Dropdown
Company Name Text field
Active Dropdown

Title Dropdown
intial Text field
Name Text field
3 Contact Person Details Surname Text field
Gender Dropdown
Contact Number Text field
Email Text field

ID Type Dropdown
ID Number Text field
Issued Date Date picker
4 Identity Details Expiry Date Date picker
Delete Button

Identity Type ID Text field

Identity Name Text field

4.1 Identity Details-Create

Type Dropdown
4.1 Identity Details-Create Mandatory Dropdown
Save Button
Edit Button
Delete Button

Postal Address Text field

Physical Address Text field
Country Text field
City Dropdown
Province Dropdown
5 Contact Info Postal Text field
Mobile 1 Text field
Mobile2 Text field
LandLine Text field
Email 1 Text field
Email 2 Text field

Business Partner
Text field
Issue Date Date picker
Expiry Date Date picker
6 Business Partner Details
Received Date Date picker
Created Date Date picker
History Button
Delete Button

Currency Dropdown

Payment method Dropdown

Bank Name Text field

Branch Code Text field
Branch Dropdown
Account Name Text field
7 Bank Details
Account No Text field
Active Dropdown
Swift Code Text field
Intermediary Swift
Text field
Bank Address Text field
Delete Button
Prepared By
Approved By

Document Preview of the

Editable Name Of the Document Download
Default Value Upload option Document Required?
Yes/No Document Option Yes/No
Yes/No Yes/No
Dynamic Addition
1 Project
2 Date

Present UI Other UI Control

S.No Feature Block Field Label
Control Required ?

Organization As Dropdown
1 Organisation-Business Master Search Button
Upload an Image Other

Agent ID Text field

Type Dropdown
Category Dropdown
2 Organization Details
Active Dropdown
VAT Dropdown
Commission Button

Title Dropdown
Initial Text field
Name Text field
3 Personal Details
Surname Text field
Gender Dropdown
Occupation Text field

ID Type Dropdown
ID Number Text field
Issued Date Date picker
4 Identity Details
Expiry Date Date picker
Comments Comment box
Delete Button

Identity Type ID Text field

Identity Name Text field
Type Dropdown
4.1 Identity Details-Create
4.1 Identity Details-Create Mandatory Dropdown
Save Button
Edit Button
Delete Button

Postal Address Text field

Physical Address Text field
Country Dropdown
City Dropdown
Province Dropdown
5 Contact Info Postal Text field
Mobile 1 Text field
Mobile 2 Text field
LandLine Text field
Email 1 Text field
Email 2 Text field

Business Partner No Text field

Issued Date Date picker
Expiry Date Date picker
Recived Date Date picker
6 Business Partner Details Created Date Text field
Display WithHolding Tax Checkbox
Withholding Tax Text field
History Button
Delete Button

Exclude Checkbox
7 A7 Subscription Check
No. of Days Text field

Currency Dropdown
Payment Method Dropdown
Bank Name Dropdown
Branch Code Dropdown
Branch Dropdown
Account Name Text field
8 Bank Details
Account No Text field
Active Dropdown
Swift Code Text field
Intermediary Swift Code Text field
Bank Address Text field
Delete Button
Prepared By
Approved By

Preview of the Document

Mandatory Editable Default Document Upload Name Of the
Document Required? Download Option
Yes/ No Yes/No Value option Yes/No Document
Yes/No Yes/No
Addition Comments
1 Project
2 Date

Present UI Other UI Control

S.No Feature Block Field Label
Control Required ?

Organization As Dropdown
1 Organisation-Business Master Search Button
Upload an Image Other

Agent ID Text field

Type Dropdown
Category Dropdown
2 Organization Details
Active Dropdown
VAT Dropdown
Commission Button

Title Dropdown
Initial Text field
Name Text field
3 Personal Details
Surname Text field
Gender Dropdown
Occupation Text field

ID Type Dropdown
ID Number Text field
Issued Date Date picker
4 Identity Details
Expiry Date Date picker
Comments Comment box
Delete Button

Identity Type ID Text field

Identity Name Text field
Type Dropdown
4.1 Identity Details-Create Mandatory Dropdown
4.1 Identity Details-Create
Save Button
Edit Button
Delete Button

Postal Address Text field

Physical Address Text field
Country Dropdown
City Dropdown
Province Dropdown
5 Contact Info Postal Text field
Mobile 1 Text field
Mobile 2 Text field
LandLine Text field
Email 1 Text field
Email 2 Text field

Business Partner No Text field

Issued Date Date picker
Expiry Date Date picker
6 Business Partner Details Recived Date Date picker
Created Date Text field
History Button
Delete Button

Exclude Checkbox
7 A7 Subscription Check
No. of Days Text field

Currency Dropdown
Payment Method Dropdown
Bank Name Dropdown
Branch Code Dropdown
Branch Dropdown
Account Name Text field
8 Bank Details Account No Text field
Active Dropdown
Swift Code Text field
Intermediary Swift
Text field
Bank Address Text field
Delete Button
Prepared By
Approved By

Preview of the
Mandatory Editable Default Document Upload Name Of the
Data Type Document Required?
Yes/ No Yes/No Value option Yes/No Document
Document Dynamic
Download Option Addition Comments
Yes/No Required?
1 Project
2 Date

Present UI Other UI Control Mandatory

S.No Feature Block Field Label
Control Required ? Yes/ No

Organization As Dropdown
1 Organisation-Business Master Search Button
Upload an Image Other

Organisation ID Text field

Type Dropdown
2 Organization Details
Category Dropdown
Active Dropdown

Title Dropdown
Initial Text field
Name Text field
3 Personal Details Surname Text field
Gender Dropdown
Occupation Text field
Add info Button

Date of Birth Date picker

Department Dropdown
Occupation Dropdown
3.1 Additional Info
Date of Joining Date picker
Date of
Date picker

Report To Text field

3.2 hierarchy Details From Date Date picker
To Date Date picker
ID Type Dropdown
ID Number Text field
Issued Date Date picker
4 Identity Details
Expiry Date Date picker
Comments Comment box
Delete Button

Identity Type ID Text field

Identity Name Text field
Type Dropdown
4.1 Identity Details-Create Mandatory Dropdown
Save Button
Edit Button
Delete Button

Postal Address Text field

Physical Address Text field
Country Dropdown
City Dropdown
Province Dropdown
5 Contact Info Postal Text field
Mobile 1 Text field
Mobile 2 Text field
LandLine Text field
Email 1 Text field
Email 2 Text field

Business Partner
Text field
Issued Date Date picker
Expiry Date Date picker
6 Business Partner Details
Recived Date Date picker
Created Date Text field
History Button
Delete Button

Currency Dropdown

Payment Method Dropdown

Bank Name Dropdown

Branch Code Dropdown
Branch Dropdown
Account Name Text field
7 Bank Details
7 Bank Details
Account No Text field
Active Dropdown
Swift Code Text field
Intermediary Swift
Text field
Bank Address Text field
Delete Button
Prepared By
Approved By

Preview of the
Editable Data Default Document Upload Name Of the Document Download
Yes/No Type Value option Yes/No Document Option Yes/No
Required? Yes/No
Dynamic Addition
Option Field
Yes Text field
No Checkbox
Radio button
Date picker
Search bar
Comment boxe
Data Type

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