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Lesson 8.

4 Curriculum Response of Higher Education for Teacher

Education Amid the Pandemic and Beyond
Desired Learning Outcomes

I. Identify the implications of the occurrence of COVID 19 pandemic to teacher

education curriculum
II. Propose adjustments to the curriculum during a pandemic.
III. Identify ways and means to address the curriculum vis - a - vis the situation that
prevails during the pandemic


The post COVID scenario will never be the same as long as the vaccine is not available .
Social distancing will still have to be observed even when quarantines are lifted . Gathering of
large crowds would still be discouraged . Traditional cla room face - to - face delivery will
pose a risk for contamination . In other words , the new normal will soon pervade in the areas
of business , commerce , industry and education . Thus , universities and educational
institutions have to prepare for the new normal in teaching delivery and ensure academic
continuity amid and beyond the pandemic .

One emerging concern during the pandemic is the provision for flexible learning modality to
mitigate the risk of face - to - face interaction . With the shift to flexible teaching and learning
modality is the provision for flexible curriculum . Do curricular programs need to be changed
to support the trajectory towards flexible teaching and learning ? In the Philippines , the
standard written curricula are anchored on the programs , standards and guidelines ( PSGs ) of
the different disciplines as recommended by the Commission on Higher Education ( CHED ) .
Do we need to modify the current curricula to make them flexible and resilient ?

Teacher Education Curriculum Response to the COVID 19

Pandemic and Beyond

Curriculum modification is the process of making adjustments to existing programs in higher
education , specifically teacher education in order to respond to the needs of the learners amid
and post pandemic .

1. Focusing on the Essentials : Mapping the Needed and Enduring Outcomes in

the Recommended and Written curriculum

The challenge during the pandemic is how to create a the balance between relevant basic
competencies for the students to acquire and the teachers ' desire to achieve the entire

of the curriculum . To solve this challenge , the teacher needs to revisit the existing
curriculum and analyze the outcomes of the program or course . The mapping of the course
outcomes should be done to determine the needed and the enduring outcomes and which
outcomes should be emphasized . Needed outcomes are the desired knowledge , skills and
values that are required to learn . higher concepts . They are defined as competencies that
learners need for continuation to subsequent level of concept . They are considered as
prerequisite competencies . On the other hand , enduring outcomes are competencies that are
necessary not just for succeeding in a certain topic but are useful beyond a single unit or study
. They are knowledge , skills and values that have averarching applicability in real - life
situations . In curriculum modification , enduring outcomes can be given emphasis .
Identifying and mapping the needed and enduring outcomes can also shed light on
overlapping so the teacher can decide which competency would be retained or merged .

Here are two examples of outcomes taken from the sample syllabus in Art
Appreciation , a course in the general education curriculum in higher education .

Box A. Existing Statement of Outcomes in a Box B. Modified Statement of Outcome to Cover

Syllabus the Essential

At the end of the 3 - unit course , the students At the end of the 3 - unit course , the
should be able to : students should be able to : 1. Create their
own work of art through virtual production or
1. Mount an art exhibit ( concept development ,
post production , marketing , documentation ,
exhibit .
critiquing ) 2. Create their own works of art and
curate their own production of exhibit .

The outcomes in Box A and Box B are all essential However in Box A , there are two
statements and in Box B , the two are merged into one essential and enduring outcome.

Here is another example of unit outcomes for the course Purposive Communication , in the
general education curriculum . The two current outcomes will be merged only into one
outcome to address the essentials

Box A : Current Unit Outcome for Purposive Box B : Modified Statement of Outcome as
Education Essential

1 Determine culturally appropriate terms , 1. Use culturally and interculturally appropriate

expressions , and images ( sensitivity to gender , terms , expressions and images in communication
race , class , etc ) ( needed outcome ) of ideas .

2. Determine cultural and intercultural

awareness and sensitivity in communication of

ideas . ( needed outcome )

( In this way there is only one outcome instead of

two )
The two examples show how learning outcomes can be reduced during the times of pandemic
by putting two together into one as an essential . These examples can also be applied to
learning outcomes in teacher education .

2. Rearranging of the College Course Offerings

Another way of modifying the curriculum during the pandemic is to rearrange the course
offerings . For example , the theories and concepts courses that can be delivered online may
be offered in the first two years while face - to - face delivery is not yet possible due to risk of
infection . The laboratory - based , field study and practicum courses can be offered later
when face - to face modality is already feasible .

3. Offering of Elective or Cognate Courses That Relate to the


In the global health crisis , it is imperative that the curriculum be adjusted by offering courses
that are needed to survive and thrive amidst the challenges of the pandemic . Some of the
proposed elective courses that are deemed essential especially in the teacher education
programs are the following :

Change Management Health and Mental Wellness

Disaster Risk Management Flexible Instructional Materials Development for

Learning and Teaching Strategies Blended
Resilient Education
Alternative Assessment
Active Learning Principles and Practices
Remote Teaching Psycho - Social Support during Crisis

4. Modifying the taught curriculum

Another way of modifying the curriculum and ensuring learning continuity during the
pandemic is the implementation of multiple learning delivery modalities . Considering that
face to - face modality is not feasible , teachers may consider flexible . distant learning
options like correspondence teaching , module based learning , project - based , and television
broadcast . For learners with internet connectivity , computer - assisted instruction , Exting
synchronous online learning , asynchronous online learning , collaborative e - learning maybe
considered . Details of the delivery modification will be given emphasis later .

5. Modifying the assessed curriculum

Adjustments on the assessment measures can also be considered amid the pandemic . There is
a need to limit 33 requirements and focus on the major essential projects that measure the
enduring learning outcomes like case scenarios . problem - based activities and capstone
projects . Authentic assessments have to be intensified to ensure that competencies are
acquired by the learners . In the process of modifying the curriculum amid the pandemic , it
must be remembered that initiatives and evaluation tasks must be anchored on what the
learners need including their safety and well - being .

1. The Context of Teaching and Learning

Since the World Health Organization ( WHO ) has declared a pandemic time in March , 2020
everything has changed , including people's way of life . The havoc that Covid 19 has brought
in reclaiming more than 10 million lives ( and still counting ) is unprecedented in human
history . Education as a human right has to continue despite this pandemic , thus curriculum
delivery appropriate to context should be given a more serious thought by educators and
teachers .

The Context

Based on the initial scientific studies , COVID 19 is a rare disease which is caused by a new
virus . By the nature of the virus , the WHO issued fundamental guidelines for everybody to
follow to avoid its contamination and transmission . These are :

1. Wash hands frequently with soap and water . Avoid touching the eyes , nose and mouth
with unwashed hands .

2. Wear face mask . This will provide a personal protection that no droplets due to coughing
or talking of a transmitter will be passed on to another person . ano yun

3. Keep distance . Social distancing or keeping away from another person at least one meter
away will break the circuit of

transmission .

4. Practice health etiquette . When coughing , cover mouth or cough on your sleeves , not on
the person in front of you .

5. Do exercise . Physical exercise whether indoor or outdoor when allowed is recommended .

6. Eat healthy food that will build the immune system .

In short , the general health protocols to be followed include the following :


With the fundamental rules given above , face - to - face classes are almost impossible . Thus
the usual classroom scenario can never be the same during this time . Schools are open , but
faculty and students are not allowed to report physically to work at the height of pandemic ,
although the protocols are calibrated as the days go on . The current education and perhaps ,
the future new normal shall happen anytime , any place and anywhere as in Education 4.0 .
Hence , in this situation everything is
Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA). For teacher education to continue,
these contexts should be given great consideration.

2. The Learners and the Teachers

Like all learners, college students are diverse in reference to their readiness to learn under the
pandemic. Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs) are spread all over the country and there are
more that 1200 of these institutions.

Before the pandemic, students come from diverse backgrounds based on geographical
location (rural or urban); economic status (Rich or poor) schools in attendance (big
universities or small local) and many more. Likewise. the teachers are also comning from
similar contexts. Because of this diversity, it can be said that to shift from face-to-face to
online or flexible learning maybe difficult for both the learners and teachers. Thus the choice
of delivery must be appropriate to the condition.

3. Appropriate Teaching Delivery During the Time of

Pandemic and Beyond

So what kind of teaching delivery, may be appropriate for the learners' and teachers context?
This is a difficult question to answer because there are several factors to consider aside from
the learners and teachers.

Below are examples of delivery modes which maybe utilized for flexible learning relative to
students and teachers with the availability of internet connectivity as a major factor to
implement flexible teaching and learning. What kind of teaching delivery can be used if the
students and teachers have:

No internet Connectivity? Limited Internet Excellent Internet

Here are some ways: Connectivity? Connectivity?

Here are some ways: Here are some ways: Here ares some ways:
1. Use of printed self- 1. Asynchronous 1. Synchronous Learning-

learning modules Learning- a ol real time teaching and

or learning packets teaching delivery learning using on line

which are distributed where students are platforms like Zoom,

through means that doing their work Facebook, Messenger,

will follow social independently based Google Meet, or Google

distancing. Can on what has been Classroom. This is also

be picked up from instructed on line by called remote learning

strategic distribution the teacher. Or they a. Teacher prepares an

centers. can aCcess on-line instructional guide

2. In places with no risk learning at different (IG) like a lesson plan

of Covid 19, a group times. This will allow where most of the

of not more than flexibility in the delivery will be lecture

ten students may learner's schedule. or demonstration. It is

meet face to face They can learn on similar to whole class

but health protocols their own pace. instruction. There is a

should be followed. a. Students are provided very little interaction at

(Social Distancing, with learning materials the end of the session

Use of Mask, Wash or packets which may through a Question

Hands Often, and either be printed, and Answer (Q & A)

others) recorded tutorials. b. Synchronous learning

b. Open Educational can also be followed

Resources or OERS by an asynchronous

will be provided. learning.

In summary, teacher education curriculum responds to the pandemic in many ways. Some
strategies used to modify curriculum to address the crisis for education of pre-service teachers
to continue its implementation are (1) focusing on the essentials, (2) rearranging of the
College Course Offerings, (3) offering of elective or cognate courses. (4) modifying the
taught curriculum and (5) modifying the assessed curriculum. Further, in the process of
modification, curriculum considerations should include (1) context of teaching and learning,
(2) the learners and the teachers and(3) appropriate teaching delivery.
Submitted by: JOYLYN B. ARELLANO- BSEd-3

Submitted to: MR. RANNIE JATAP

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