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Press release

Ceva boosts its hatchery vaccination services with powerful new C.H.I.C.K.
Program app.

Libourne, June 27

Since 2009 , the C.H.I.C.K. Program (Ceva Hatchery Immunisation

Control Keys) has been implemented in thousands of hatcheries
around the world by our dedicated teams of technicians.

Today, the C.H.I.C.K. Program will allow more precise decision

making where it’s needed - in the hatchery, with the introduction
of a new app. All of Ceva’s 60+ hatchery technicians are now
equipped with tablets that use powerful new technology to
record and measure all critical data from the vaccination process.
The easy to read results, including data on individual operators,
equipment with analysis and photographs are immediately
available to the hatchery manager allowing him/her to make
better informed decisions. This information can then be shared
to all the stakeholders.

In one click, we display the performance of the vaccination team over the past 6 visits!

Since the app. was deployed in the field in late 2014 we have conducted over 1500 hatchery surveys
worldwide focusing on :
● Vaccine preparation
● Vaccination techniques
● Dosing accuracy
● Equipment Care
● Chick and Embryo quality

Commenting on the introduction of the new service, Ceva’s Services Director, Dr. Pascal Anjot said:

“Beyond innovative vaccines, Ceva brings customers new decision making tools for improving the vaccination
quality and producing better quality chicks. Thanks to the C.H.I.C.K program app. our teams can work together with
hatchery managers to really add value to our partners businesses. The indicators can be translated into
improvement plans for Day Old Chicks and the in Ovo process and work on the areas that need attention to
maintain the highest levels of performance. This is what Ceva means by the Science of Vaccinology: the ability to
use the power of new technology vaccines, with the latest equipment through high quality management decisions
at the source of production.”

About Ceva Santé Animale:

Press release

Ceva Santé Animale was founded in 1999 and is a global veterinary health company, focused on research, development, production and
marketing of pharmaceutical products and vaccines for companion animals, livestock, swine and poultry. Its headquarters are in Libourne
Ceva Chairman and CEO is Marc Prikazsky.

Contacts Presse
Agence Passerelles Ceva Santé Animale
Anne Laure Guillaume & Isabelle Latour-Gervais Martin Mitchell
Tél. +33 (0)5 56 20 66 77 Group Communications Director
E-mail : Tél. +33 (0)5 57 55 40 80

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