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I. Essay:
1. Define Disaster. Mention the types of Disasters with two examples.
Write in details about Manmade Disasters.

Definition-2 marks
Definition by united nation office for disaster risk
reduction(2009) – “A serious disruption of functioning of the
community or a society involving widespread human, material or
environmental losses and impacts, which exceed the ability of the
affected community or society to core using its own resources”
Disaster management act 2005 of India – Disaster means “A
catastrophe, mishap, calamity or grave occurrence in any area,
arising from natural or manual causes, or by accident or
negligence which results in substantial loss of life or human
suffering or damage to and destruction of property, or damage to,
or degradation of environment, and is of such a nature or
magnitude as to be beyond the coping capacity of the community
of the affected area”

Types of Disasters with two examples (Type with any 2 examples-3

A. Natural Hazards
1. Geophysical :
(a) Earthquake/Mass movement of earth material
(b) volcano
(c) Tsunami
2. Hydrological :
(a) flood-flash flood
(b) Landslides- Avalanche, debri flow, mud flow, rockfall
(c) Wave action- Wind generated surface waves of water over
oceans, rivers or lakes.
3. Meteorological :
(a) Cyclone, storm surge, tornado, convective, storm,
extratropical storm, high wind
(b) Cold wave, derecho
(c) Extreme temperature, fog, frost, freeze, hail, heat wave
(d) Lightning, heavy rain
(e) Sand-storm, dust-storm
(f) Snow, ice, winter storm, blizzard
4. Climatological :
(a) Drought
(b) Extreme hot/cold conditions
(C) Forest wildfire
(d) Glacial lake outburst
(e) Subsidence
5. Biological :
(a) Epidemics: viral, bacterial, parasitic, fungal or prion
(b) Insect infestation

B. Human-induced disasters
a. Accidents (industrial, road, air, rail, on river or sea, building
collapse, fires, mine flooding, oilspills,etc.)
b. Chemical
c. Biological
d. Radiological
e. nuclear (CBRN) hazards
f. Terrorist activities
Manmade Disasters:
1. Human-caused disasters can be accidental or intentional.
2. Examples include the Bhopal Gas Tragedy and the Chernobyl
nuclear accident.
3. Disasters can be sudden (like chemical leaks) or insidious (such as
long-term pollution).
4. Other forms of human-made disasters include global warming and
5. Wars, especially civil conflicts, have increased in the 20th century.
6. Primary prevention is crucial in responding to man-made
7. Prevention measures include tighter regulations and better
8. Civil defence programs have evolved over time, especially after
the introduction of nuclear weapons.
9. Efforts to stop the arms race and prevent nuclear war are ongoing

II. Short Answer Questions:

1. What is ‘Triage’ in disaster management?

a. Triage consists of rapidly classifying the injured on the basis of the
severity of their, injuries and the likelihood of their survival with
prompt medical intervention.
b. The principle of “first come, first treated ”, is not followed in mass
c. Highest priority - victims whose immediate or long-term prognosis
can be dramatically affected by simple intensive care
d. Moribund patients - lowest priority.
e. Internationally accepted - Four colour code system
f. Red - high priority treatment or transfer
g. yellow - medium priority
h. green - ambulatory patients
i. black - dead or moribund patients
2. Disaster preparedness
1. Definition of Emergency Preparedness: It refers to a program
aimed at long-term development activities.
2. Program Goals: The primary objectives are to enhance a country's
overall capacity and capability to efficiently manage all types of
3. Transition Objective: It aims for an orderly transition from relief
through recovery, back to sustained development.
4. Purpose of Disaster Preparedness: Ensuring prompt and effective
assistance to disaster victims, facilitating relief measures and
service rehabilitation.
5. Community Involvement: Emphasizes the responsibility of
individuals, communities, resources, organizations, and
administration in emergency preparedness.
6. Rationale for Community Preparedness:
a. Members have the most to lose from disasters and most to
gain from effective preparedness.
b. First responders often come within the community due to
disrupted transport and communications.
c. Community-level resources are easily pooled and should
be leveraged for effective resource management.
d. Sustained development is best achieved by allowing
affected communities to design, manage, and implement
assistance programs.
7. Multisectoral Activity: Disaster preparedness is an ongoing effort
that involves multiple sectors.
8. Integral Part of National Systems: It's an essential component of
the national system responsible for disaster management.
9. Tasks and Responsibilities:
a. Risk evaluation
b. Adoption of standards and regulations
c. Organization of communication, information, and warning
d. Coordination of response mechanisms
e. Ensuring availability and mobilization of financial and other
f. Development of public education programs
g. Coordination with news media
h. Organization of disaster simulation exercises to test
response mechanisms.
10.Contextual Relevance: Emergency programs must be appropriate
to their context, which varies from country to country and
community to community.

3. Enumerate the Public Health aspects of disaster management?

A. Pre disaster phase:
i. Preparedness
a. Risk analysis of the geographic region to different types of
b. Institutionalization of proper health policy or plan and
legislation on disaster
c. Proper coordination with internal or external agency
d. Relation with media is crucial to convey messages
e. Strengthening the health programmes and services to
respond quick and appropriate
f. Ensure adequate man power and logistic supply
g. Mock drill should be undertaken
ii. Mitigation and prevention
a. Identification of risk and determinants
b. Develop proper design and duilding code to protect water
supply, sewage system and health infrastructure
c. Identification of priority or critical health facilities and make
them fit for situation
d. Dissemination of information, sensitization and training of
e. Provision of early warning system in high risk areas
B. Disaster phase
Here actions to be taken during and immediately after a disaster
a. Set up control room
b. Putting contingency plan in to action
c. Issuing warning
d. Action for evacuation
e. Taking people to safer area
f. Rendering medical aids, food, drinking water and cloths to
C. Post disaster phase
i. Search, rescue and first aid
ii. Care at disaster site
iii. Triage
iv. Tagging
v. Hospital reception and treatment
vi. Standard and simple therapeutic measures
vii. Epidemiological surveillance and control of epidemics
viii. Vaccine and vaccination
ix. Water supply
x. Mass distribution of disinfectants
xi. Food safety
xii. Basic sanitation and personal hygiene
xiii. Vector control
xiv. Burial of death
xv. Temporary settlement and camps

III. Multiple Choice Questions:

1. c)Blow-out
2. a)Local administration
3. a)Fire
4. c) 2016
5. a)Resource
6. c)Measles
7. b) Vitamin A
8. a)Hydrological
9. a)Search and rescue,first aid
10. d) 5

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