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Genetic Engineering Recombinant DNA Technology

General Biology II involves using enzymes and various

laboratory techniques to manipulate and
isolate DNA segments of interest.
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) Modification may involve the
carried the genetic information in all following:
living organisms. 1. Introduction of new traits into an
Genetic Engineering organism.
The artificial manipulation, 2. Enhancement of present trait by
modification, and recombination of DNA in increasing the expression of the
order to modify an organism. desired gene, or
3. Enhancement of a present trait by
Two Types of Genetic Engineering:
disrupting the inhibition of the
1. Classical breeding
desired gene’s expression.
2. Recombinant DNA Technology
Steps in Making Recombinant DNA
Classical Breeding
The practice of mating or breeding Technology:
selected organisms with desirable traits. 1. Isolation of plasmid DNA and DNA
containing gene of interest.
● Plasmid acts as a vector and
gene of interest would act as
a passenger.
2. Cutting of cleaving of DNA and
plasmid by “restriction enzyme.”
3. Inserting of “gene of interest” into
the open plasmid by DNA ligase.
● DNA ligases finalize the
DNA repair, replication, and
recombination and play
critical role for maintaining
genome stability.
Steps in Classical Breeding 4. Insert the recombinant plasmid back
1. Determine which trait is significant to the bacterial cell.
enough to be chosen. ● Production of multiple
2. Select parents that exemplify these copies.
traits. 5. Isolation of gene copies and insertion
3. Choose the best offspring from to other organisms to confer the
parents to produce the next desired trait.
generation. ● Example:Plant
4. Repeat the process.
Two Things Necessary for Making
Recombinant DNA Technology:
1. DNA containing the “gene of
2. Bacterial plasmid

Examples of Genetically Modified

1. Bacillus Thuringiensis (BT
CORN)- Resistant to corn-borer
2. Bacillus thuringiensis (BT
Eggplant)- Resistant to eggplant
fruit and shoot borer.
3. (Golden Rice) B – carotene (Pre-
cursor of vitamin A)

Other Application of Engineering

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